! PRINCETON NEUROSCIENCE INSTITUTE SUMMER INTERNSHIP PROGRAM ! JUNE 9 – AUGUST 8, 2014 (9 weeks) Program Descrip.on: The Princeton Neuroscience Ins0tute (PNI) at Princeton University is offering a summer internship program for highly mo0vated undergraduates, providing educa0on and hands-‐on research experience in the field of neuroscience. Par0cipants will closely collaborate with students and faculty at the PNI on original research projects, and thereby gain invaluable first-‐hand experience on what it is like to be a neuroscien0st. Summer interns will also par0cipate in group educa0onal ac0vi0es, including weekly founda0onal overview lectures from PNI faculty, lab mee0ngs with the researchers with whom they will work, journal club reading groups, plus special forums on topics such as career advice and graduate school applica0on prepara0on. Eligibility: Applicants must be current undergraduates, US ci0zens, permanent residents, or foreign undergraduates aJending a US educa0onal ins0tu0on. Compensa.on: No s0pend, housing expenses or other compensa0on will be provided to most interns during this summer research program. This opportunity is offered as an educa0onal experience for highly mo0vated students interested in pursuing neuroscience in graduate school and beyond. However, the federal government recognizes that some groups of individuals have been historically underrepresented among researchers in the sciences. (For the official federal designa0ons of these groups, please see: hJp://www.princeton.edu/neuroscience/summer-‐ internship-‐program/defini0ons/). We therefore encourage applica0ons from students who iden0fy themselves as members of these groups. Our program may be able to offer some addi0onal assistance to the most qualified applicants from any of these recognized categories. If you self-‐iden0fy as a member of one of these groups, you may contact Dawn Tindall ([email protected]) for informa0on about possible addi0onal resources available to you. Applica.on Informa.on: Interested students should submit an online applica0on available at hJp://pnisip.princeton.edu by the deadline of March 15, 2014. The applica0on will request a brief personal statement and two leJers of recommenda0on from faculty members. In addi0on, transcripts of all undergraduate courses and grades will need to be submiJed via email. Addi.onal Informa.on: For answers to common ques0ons about the program, please see our FAQ (hJp://www.princeton.edu/neuroscience/summer-‐internship-‐program/faq/). Contact Dawn Tindall ([email protected]) with any further ques0ons about the applica0on or the internship program.
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