Mining Optimisation Centre - NCRA

Napoli Concritech Resources
Australia (NCRA)
Mining Optimisation Centre
Integration Model
Training Centre And Program Design Philosophies
Developing Learning Frameworks
Mining Optimisation Centre Overview
Mission Statement
Technology Components to Deliver Productivity Management Services
Scope of Mining Optimisation Centre
Physical Nature of the MOC
Mining Practices overseen by the MOC using InMotion technologies
Mining Optimisation Centre Services
Productivity Analysis Systems and Tools
Productivity Monitoring Tools
Heavy Equipment Operator Training Curriculum
Access to Mining Professionals
Managing Proficient Instructors
Process for Delivering Services
Phased Approach and Proposed Scope of Curriculum
Phase 1 – Mobile/Virtual Training Centre
Phase 2 – Physical Training and Optimisation Centre
Physical Training Centre Services
Accredited and Non-Accredited program Delivery
Incorporating the InMotion Technologies
About Napoli Group
About CAE Mining
Appendix: InMotion productivity Tools
InMotion and Loss Calculator (Simulator installation)
Appendix: CAE Terra Simulators
NCRA Mining’s philosophy is that training centres (virtual or physical) and programs should be
designed to generate an environment that is conducive to life-long learning and represents the
learning journey as a component of an employee’s role in the mining industry that is as comparably
important as their on-going operational performance.
Training frameworks that represent and demonstrate world’s best practice in contemporary learning
through excellent facilities and curriculum, professional facilitation and teaching talent and the application
of leading technologies will allow individual businesses and industries to demonstrate to employees that
they are valued and are inherently important to the success of the business.
Training and personal development should be positioned as devices that encourage the pursuit of
excellence through learning. While physical training centres should be equipped with leading edge
technologies that foster individual learning outcomes, the physical environment of training centres
should also encourage the sharing of ideas at a person to person and group (human) level.
Students should understand that as their careers and roles change and progress in the mining
industry, “training” will be the entity that provides them with:
“The Student Experience”
opportunities for career advancement, 
opportunities to gain skills that allow them to do their jobs better 
opportunities to network and engage with their fellow employees in an environment that
encourages mutual respect for each other and a commitment to the advancement of the
professionalism of their industry 
Ultimately students should view the training centre as a place that affords them opportunities to excel and
perform, rather than as a place they must attend for mandatory and compliance driven outcomes.
To achieve the goals of the Student experience above, training centres and programs must reflect a
modern and contemporary approach to learning design. Physical training centres should have
comfortable and well-appointed training rooms, laboratories, workshops and break-out areas, there
should be an emphasis on shared space (both indoor and outdoor) that allows extra-curricular
learning and the sharing of ideas.
Training centres should emulate the real world of mining activities in an environment that allows the
safe and supportive testing of new and innovative ideas and practices.
NCRA Mining uses the following criteria to develop data for student throughput tables (volume) and
identified industry and business requirements (the curricula):
The proposed solutions must support the achievement of project and organisational
objectives 
Industry best practice must be applied. 
Experience in the planning and delivery of comparable training solutions has been considered
and applied 
A common example is the requirement to equip greenfield mining operations with a skilled workforce
of mobile equipment operators from a population local to resource a new mining project.
NCRA deploys multi-layered blended learning solutions for clients that may be implemented in full or
in part depending on the needs and training outcomes of the specific learning and development
Deploying Learning Solutions
NCRA recognises the following strategic outcomes as imperative in the implementation, planning
and commissioning of learning systems:
To meet the requirement for workforces skilled in mining activities it is imperative that
dedicated training and learning programs with physical infrastructure (simulation devices) are
incorporated and integrated alongside workforce development and performance management
frameworks 
The learning architecture must contain the following functional and structural elements: 
Ability to rapidly train and develop new industry workers
Ability to rapidly train and improve existing industry workers
Ability to provide accurate simulation and emulation of existing and unique mining
conditions and environments
The learning solution should be designed to use the latest in high fidelity simulated learning
techniques and methodologies in order to develop “mine-ready” competence in as short a
learning timeframe as possible without compromising the rigour of the learning approach,
individual student training regimes and relevant local Mining Safety Standards 
Learning Pathways
The NCRA Mining learning solutions are based around a model of blended learning: a mix of
classroom, computer based training (CBT), Technical Laboratories, Workshops and on-the-job (OTJ)
training, all conducted by accredited master instructors. This model has been applied as a result of
global research and recognised best practice in the delivery of adult learning and industry standards
in mining.
The approach is designed to maximise student interest, experiences and outcomes while providing a
strong mix of learning modes to ensure that learning outcomes are consistently achieved throughout
any project term and scope.
The training facilities, programs and related learning structures (curriculum and training programs)
that are developed over the life-cycle of the training operations will be designed to provide business
and industry with:
A highly trained and skilled workforce to meet the strategic growth demands of business and
industry 
A highly trained and skilled workforce able to conduct mining operations that exceed world’s
best practice 
An indication to the global mining industry that the stakeholders of the training program value their
workforce and are prepared to invest significantly in their development and wellbeing 
An indication that the stakeholder businesses are an employer of choice in the global mining
industry 
Mechanisms to develop a sense of pride, inclusivity and engagement from the mining
workforce to attract, retain and develop the best talent for sustainable continuity of the mining
industry 
NCRA Training Curriculums
NCRA Mining develops and deploys high end training solutions for mining equipment operators as a
core business function. NCRA Mining also recognises that for full workforce development projects a
wide variety of learning programs are necessary and applicable.
NCRA Mining maintains content and instructional designers with expertise in all of the following
curriculum domains:
Language, Literacy and Numeracy
New Worker engagement programs
Heavy mobile mining equipment operator and maintainers
Fixed plant operators and maintainers
Recruitment and Screening
Supervision, Management and Leadership
Mining Professional and Technical Services (Mining Engineering, Mining Geological
Mining “Senior Site Executive” and Competent Person Development
Mission Statement
The Mining Optimisation Centre (MOC) is a physical and virtual operational control and training centre
designed to monitor, manage and continuously improve mining productivity at managed sites.
The MOC is built upon and combines the proven operational management methodologies utilised in:
Remote Operating Centres (ROCs) increasingly utilised in mining businesses
Mission Command and Control Centre’s deployed by military and aviation operating models
The MOC utilises the joint capability and capacity of the Napoli Group (NG) and CAE Mining (CAE) to
closely monitor the controllable elements (costs) of production and convert gathered data into
improvement plans, training regimes and mining operations improvement plans.
The MOC is designed to provide real-time mining production data not previously available to
operational stakeholders allowing them to immediately identify the root cause of a productivity issue,
and act upon a solution using precise information, for continuous improvements to mining operations.
It should be known that this combination of software, hardware and technologies, operational and
operator standards and capabilities has not been seen before (in industries outside of aviation and
defence). The alibility to integrate these tested methods and technologies alongside a wealth of
mining expertise and knowledge has been a vision for Napoli Group for many years,
In the current climate of volatile resource prices, the ability to closely (in real time) monitor the costs of
production will enable mining businesses to set and adhere to specific cost of production targets by
having total oversight of:
Optimisation of mine plan/schedules to include:
Mining practices: Optimise haul balance strategies
Mobile /virtual training: Operator, supervisor and superintendents
Workforce adherence to operational and safety standards.
Accurate data measuring current production performance against set operational KPIs
Accurate data that highlights and measures inefficiencies and provides route cause analysis
Machine/equipment/operator optimisation
(lower the risk of accidents) Keeping people safe
Agreed/planned mining methods being adhered to
Increased availability
Reduced maintenance costs
Reduced consumables
Improved fuel consumption
Better managed cost of labour (all site production roles)
Equipment telemetry records (allowing “Playback” of point in time operational conditions)
Managing and reducing accident and incidents
Reviewing operational performance (measured against KPIs)
Identification of variables and inefficiencies and analysing list of root causes
Briefing tools for highly targeted training and development regimes
The MOC will operate on behalf of subscriber clients and will offer total production management and
control services.
Technology Components to Deliver Productivity Management Services
The MOC uses advanced telecommunications, information management and training and
development technologies to achieve and automate and its goals for optimised mining operations:
Napoli Group InMotion Mining Production Loss Calculator and Root Cause Analysis tools,
skills Evaluation
CAE Terra High Fidelity Equipment Simulators and Advanced Operator Development tools
Scope of Mining Optimisation Centre
The MOC will be concerned with the following services and activities from “Day 1” of operations:
Analysis of real time mining production data using InMotion technologies with the view to:
Developing detailed training and productivity development plans for individuals
(operators) and mining sites
Enacting mining process change plans to respond to identified practice improvements
High Fidelity Mining Equipment Simulators to practice and test advanced mining techniques
On the job equipment training conducted by proficient instructors
The MOC will be geared to add the following managed services to its capabilities over time
Remotely operated equipment
Automation of mining extractive processes
Physical Nature of the MOC
The MOC is designed to be implemented in phases that progress from a distributed, mobile and
virtual operational centre phase through to a potential “bricks and mortar” facility located in a region
that allows the MOC to service the operator base of managed sites (operational within 5 months of
In its early phases the MOC exists as a “virtual” training centre that receives equipment and
operational telemetry for simulator training to ensure the work force is proficient and capable.
The phased approach from mobile/virtual to physical facility is to ensure that CAE and NG can
provide high value mining improvement and training services with ease and flexibility, while at the
same time, monitoring the mining configurations of subscribing sites ahead of a strategic selection of
supportive technologies to optimise the management of multiple mining operations with a reduction in
the management and supervision tiers (personnel) required.
The phased approach will also allow better strategic decisions on the scope of the training hardware
and systems to be deployed in the MOC (for example, the MOC supports Above Ground mining
operations initially, with underground hardware and systems capability added over time). The phased
approach also allows the MOC to ramp-up services alongside the expansion of mining operations at
managed sites.
How the MOC provides direct return on investment
The MOC is designed to monitor and manage the costs of mining production and to find
improvements through increased oversight of the human elements of the mining process (Mine
Planning and Operators and their equipment) The MOC is designed to recoup costs and provide
return on investment through:
Total and real time oversight of the cost of mining production leading to real time cost
management and early interventions
Increased safety, performance and output from human operators
ability to develop and support “Proficient Equipment Operators” in 25% of the time
usually taken using traditional experiential and on-the-job training regimes
Decreased costs associated with equipment maintenance and repair
Better management of consumables (tyres, diesel fuel etc)
Ability to provide the most advanced and effective skill and knowledge acquisition (training)
tools available to mining equipment operators
Mining Practices overseen by the MOC using InMotion technologies
There are numerous factors and systems that combine to in the extractive mining processes. Any
and all of these factors and systems can potentially provide economies and production benefits, when
they are closely monitored and tracked against established benchmarks:
Mine Planning
Operate for reliability and adherence to agreed SOP’s
Drill and Blast Fragmentation
Planning for Haul Truck, Excavator or Face Shovels, Front End Loader efficiencies
Equipment configuration
Set up of Excavator/Face Shovels, bench face height, area and machine position
Excavator/Face Shovel operator dig technique
Excavator/Face Shovel operator dig pattern
Excavator/Face Shovel operator bucket angles for penetration
Management of controls and dig methods for maximising hydraulic power
Condition and type of GET
Bucket penetration compared to bucket positioning
Truck queuing position
Truck loading technique
Truck operator approach to the dig face and positioning
Spot times and machine delays
Truck presenting and positioning under the excavator/Face Shovel
Actual machine performance versus best practice or agreed KPIs
Truck cycle times
Load distribution
Load capacity
Planned and unplanned maintenance and machine availability/optimisation
Through the use of the InMotion technologies, the MOC has the ability to provide constant, real time
monitoring of all of these factors and systems and apply corrective or remedial strategies also in real
time. InMotion and the MOC allow mining managers and stakeholders to make and enact decisions
collaboratively, with real data, in real time.
MOC Services Overview:
1. Productivity Analysis and Evaluation Systems and Tools
2. Productivity Monitoring Tools (including machine sympathy methodology)
3. Heavy Equipment Operator Training Curriculums (based around real best practises)
4. Technologies (High Fidelity Simulators and Learning Tools)
5. Systems (Data collection and interpretation tools, learning management and productivity
management tools)
6. Expert Mining Professionals able to contribute at all phases and stages of the mining process
(Geologists, Mining Engineers, Mine Planners and Schedulers)
7. Proficient Master Instructors (Management of a contractor pool)
The MOC will also deliver related pre and post training support services that provides managed sites
with sustainable productivity improvement project solutions built around the development of safe,
capable, skilled and knowledgeable heavy equipment operators.
1. Productivity Analysis Systems and Tools
The MOC will utilise NG products including InMotion as a key tool and offering. The InMotion toolset
(eg Loss Calculator, Operator Rankings, Best Practice Analysis and Operational Standards) will be
packaged and deployed as a pre-training productivity analysis tool and the resultant data sets will also
be utilised for training needs analysis (TNA) and customised (Individual or Enterprise level) training
plan creation.
The InMotion productivity analysis will therefore become a key informer and reference point to the
expected gains to productivity, the tool to measure improvement changes over time, and as real-time
operational dashboard that provides the MOC and users with a common benchmarking language to
discuss and strategise capability development programs and improvement interventions (for example
corrective training).
2. Productivity Monitoring Tools
The MOC will offer ongoing productivity monitoring services to subscribing clients or sites. The
InMotion toolset will be utilised as a distributed data gathering mechanism to provide equipment
productivity data that can be analysed and interpreted as just-in-time production improvement advice.
The InMotion technology suite will manage this aspect of MOC functionality by providing equipment
usage data and telemetry in live data feeds to server based collection points (on-site) and relayed via
web infrastructure to stakeholders involved in mine planning, scheduling and with responsibilities for
production outputs.
3. Heavy Equipment Operator Training Curriculum
In order to provide improvements based on identified root cause analysis, the MOC will provide
comprehensive training and learning outcomes for persons involved in heavy equipment operation at
subscribing sites. The scope of curriculum and training services will be grown over time and based
on demand from sites. Initially the MOC will support as a minimum:
Content for all levels of above ground mining operations (novice to proficient operator)
Content related to common equipment configurations for above ground operations:
Rope and Electric/Face Shovels
Hydraulic Excavator/Face Shovels
Haul Truck
Front End Loaders
Motor Scrapers
Ancillary equipment (dozer and/or grader, watercarts)
Drilling can be included
General mining industry compliance programs for site safety, safe and effective equipment
operation and general mining skills and awareness programs (Learning outcomes for these
programs will be embedded in the equipment curriculums, rather than as standalone
Pit surface, road, ramp and dump designs (including water management)
OEM pre-delivery training and/or mentoring including supervisor awareness
Best practise training within OEM design parameters
4. Technologies
The MOC will be a technology driven and enabled entity. Initially the MOC will support as a minimum:
InMotion productivity analysis hardware and software
Mobile (ISO Container) Terra Equipment Simulators for above ground mining applications
Full motion cabin for Hydraulic Shovel (High Fidelity)
Docking Station for Haul Truck
Networked capability for team and mission training between the two devices above
Networked capability for access to remote LMS server
Training/Student/Content administration and management technologies (including dedicated
Learning Management Systems)
Data analysis tools to upload and interpret InMotion data as individual learning plans
5. Systems
In its initial form, the MOC will manage productivity monitoring and mobile and distributed learning
services. To support this mode of operation the MOC will be equipped with comprehensive learning
management systems, student management and training administration systems to act upon
productivity improvements determined by the InMotion productivity monitoring tools. To provide ease
of administration, these systems will be integrated with the primary tools and devices of the MOC,
The InMotion productivity tools
Terra Simulator mobile ISO container assets and eLearning content libraries
Instructor experience and talent
6. Access to Mining Professionals
The MOC will utilise the mining experience of NG for operator and equipment and productivity
improvements and the geological, engineering and mine planning and scheduling expertise of CAE
Mining. The combined expertise and experience sets of NG and CAE ensure availability of advice for
best practice mining outcomes in all resource types and mining methods.
7. Managing Proficient Instructors
The MOC will manage a pool of Master Equipment Instructors vetted by NG and CAE. These
instructors will undertake On-the-Job equipment training assignments and contracts. Instructors will
also be schooled in the use of the Terra Simulator training asset and will be adept at interpreting the
InMotion data to provide customised and individualised training for operators.
The InMotion Software Tools
In the initial stages of the phased development approach, the MOC will not exist as a physical entity.
The MOC will provide services built around the InMotion product.
The InMotion tools will provide initial productivity analysis data that will be used to provide a report for
improvements. The training and learning services of the MOC will then be utilised to provide operator
improvement solutions to the client.
In the early phase the MOC will require basic administration roles to coordinate the systems and
provide client services. Training assets such as the mobile simulators will be coordinated and
managed remotely by the MOC Administration. ELearning services will be managed and distributed
as online modules from the MOC LMS servers. On-the-Job training services will also be scheduled
and managed by the MOC Administration.
Illustration of primary products and services managed by the MOC at initiation
Sims and
led Training
Phase 1 – Mobile/Virtual Training Centre
The MOC will be managed virtually from a client office or third-party location and will support IT
architecture to interpret and manage the InMotion data inputs from the integrated program collected
as simulator productivity telemetry. Training and learning delivery as corrective interventions will then
be delivered via the use of the following mechanisms:
Mobile (ISO container) simulators
Onsite operator training with proficient instructors (supplied and vetted by NG)
The MOC will support the following training and productivity regimes in its initial form:
Open pit mining operations
Hydraulic Excavator/Shovels (expected Hitachi, Liebherr, O&K/Cat type)
Haul Truck (expected Caterpillar, Komatsu, Liebherr, Mechanical & Electrical type)
To deliver productivity services for the mining configuration above, the following curriculums (learning
content and outcomes) will be managed and supported by the MOC.
New operator to include supervisors
Existing operator performance programs
Proficient operator productivity programs
Customised and individualised productivity programs based on:
Ongoing monitoring of operations using the InMotion system
Corrective or remedial training based on discovered operational improvements
Phase 2 – Physical Training and Optimisation Centre
A physical facility to house equipment simulators including InMotion Live and potentially support live
(miniature) equipment would be commissioned in a region/area that allowed easy access to mine
operators. The centre would be staffed by a small team of administration, mining optimisation and
learning professionals to support high quality delivery of the services above.
Physical Training Centre Services
Following the transition to a physical centre, services that enable instructors, mobile simulators and
onsite training and consulting/analysis will still be supported. With the creation of a physical training
centre, the following curriculums and services will also become viable offerings to the mining and
resources industry:
Plant and equipment maintenance training programs
Remote operations control room training programs
Autonomous systems management training programs
Curriculum management and training delivery for mining operations technical and
professional training programs, such as:
Mine planning and resource management
Mining engineering
Extractive process management
Soft Skills programs (communication, supervision, management, leadership)
Accredited and Non-Accredited program Delivery
In its early iteration, the MOC will not be concerned with the delivery of accredited training outcomes
in line with (for example) the Australian Quality Training Framework.
The MOC will have the potential to be align/map learning outcomes to relevant AQTF standards and
competencies or other mining compliance frameworks.
Incorporating the InMotion Technologies
The animated play-back facility of InMotion Live will provide a site with continual learning and
development analysis tool, so that they are fully equipped to improve their own site performance as
well as replay incidents and accidents.
Site Performance Increases
Maintaining Safety Standards
Maintain Best Operational Standards
Pin-pointing Exact Efficiency Gaps
Identifying safety hazards in advance
Training and developing Operators, supervisors, engineers, etc.
No ongoing assessors required, as operators are constantly measured against best practices
including management of variables.
Site Cost Reductions
Immediate identification of operational inefficiencies
Reduced accident damage and repeated mistakes
Identify gaps in performance for immediate solutions
Loss Calculator program identifies variables with a root cause analyses.
The Napoli Group has 28 years of heavy earthmoving experience and has become a leading provider
of heavy earthmoving training, excavator and shovel operations improvement including major OEM’s
such as Hitachi and Liebherr.
The primary focus for the Company has always been to train and provide technical advice to
equipment operators, crews, supervisors, engineers, and managers utilising the most productive
methods and practices.
The Napoli Group developed the InMotion toolset as a unique real time technique, practice and
performance analysis software program that determines operational practice to identify specific
shortfalls in standards, performance and productivity. This information is then available in a report
format and can be utilized for ongoing production and operator performance monitoring.
The Napoli Group manages an experienced team of technical advisors and trainers and has
extensive experience in Civil Construction, Coal and Metalliferous industries.
CAE entered the mining sector in 2010 through the acquisition of Datamine and Century Systems,
and with a 65 year heritage in high end simulation and training outcomes leveraged across industries
including civil and military aviation, government and Defense projects and mining and healthcare.
With a global network of offices in every major mining region in the world along with an extensive
portfolio of software products, and related or complementary services tailored to the mining industry,
CAE Mining is at the forefront of the industry in developing and providing innovative technology and
services to plan, manage and optimize mining operations.
With a presence in 11 countries, CAE offers enhanced planning and optimization mining tools through
an extensive portfolio that ranges from exploration data management and geological modeling to
mine planning and operations management and improvement. From strategic mine design and
optimization to operator training using the latest simulators, learning systems and proficient
instructors, CAE can deliver the technology and services required to solve the most challenging
problems faced by mine operators.
CAE Mining offers a wide range of training services to suit every need, including standard training in
each of our software products, specialized courses and fully customized training programs specific to
individual business systems and required outcomes.
In mining operations CAE has extensive capability and capacity for on the job operator training and
high fidelity simulation programs. All of our training programs are overseen by mining professionals
and are based on experiential learning methodologies and best practice in vocational and adult
learning principles.
InMotion and Loss Calculator (Simulator installation)
InMotion refers to the methodology that collects data on equipment and operator performance in live
mining operations with the view to analyzing and interpreting that data for performance improvements.
The production “Loss Calculator” is an additional tool/program which works alongside InMotion and
other evaluation tools to identify and measure deficiencies within an operation. It specifically
highlights improvement areas to support the mining organization’s continuous improvement
Loss Calculator has been designed to identify the common causes of production variables, that
impact on safety and productivity while providing an estimated bcm/tonnes amount associated to that
particular variable (thereby providing an ROI figure for the case for improvement as well as a target
KPI for improvement strategies).
This program methodology will then refer to a route cause analyses framework, providing the user
with a list of possible causes for each item selected and highlighting one or more departments or
personnel which are identified. This allows for the implementation of a targeted corrective action plan
with measurable and demonstrable outcomes.
The high level input variables and process for root cause analysis incorporated in InMotion and Loss
Calculator are:
Select machine make/type
Select correct operational hours
Select the appropriate variables
(Detailed list of variables identifying mining configurations and operator tolerances)
Review calculated losses and percentages
Develop findings for analysis
Review findings and locate and isolate the causes via root cause analysis list
Implement improvement strategies
Measure improvement through the program
Review cost/benefit to business
Root Cause Analysis
Root cause analysis is generally examined under the following factors
Operator (Human) contributing factors
Mine Technologies, Standard Operating Procedures, Planning and Design, and Supervision
Competence contributing factors
Mining and equipment configuration contributing factors
Equipment operating parameters (including mechanical performance) contributing factors
Advanced realism
The simulator leverages CAE’s cutting edge technologies and offers high-fidelity simulation and
visuals based on the aviation standard. The simulator is built with high-definition projector screens
and a six degrees-of-motion system for the most realistic training environment. Simulators are
designed to emulate with 1:1 accuracy the realities of operating mining equipment in true to life
simulated environments.
Advanced instructor station and Integrated Brief/De-brief
The simulator is user-friendly and designed with an instructor station that allows effective training
sessions between instructor and operator. The ability of the instructor to dynamically alter the training
scenario leads to improved instructor efficiency. Based on the aviation model, the brief-debrief
system (BDS) can be integrated into the simulator as an invaluable instructor tool.
Collaborative training environment
The simulator can integrate e-learning or mobile-learning training tools which can be linked with a
learning management system (LMS) in order to track the students’ progress.
Fully simulated rock dynamics and climatic conditions
The mining markets most advanced and fully simulated rock dynamics and climatic conditions allow
students to train with the real life feel of the equipment interacting with the rock and to become better
prepared for a range of conditions and unpredictable events.
Evidence-based training
By collating data from the fleet management systems, individual performance can be assessed and
data reused in corrective training in a simulated environment.
Monitoring and performance system
Performance monitoring and competencies assessment tool will be as valuable for experienced
operators as for new hires.
CAE Mining Australia
NCRA Mining Pty Ltd
Level 15, 120 Edward Street
Level 11, 65 York Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Sam Collins
Frank Dinapoli
[email protected]
[email protected]
Mob: +61 7 427 920 049
Mob: +61 0 414 393 135
Tel: +61 7 3248 0023
Tel: +61 2 91 889 636