FIRST AID POLICY - Hornsey School for Girls

Author | Ms. B Donoghue
The first aid policy and procedures at Hornsey School for Girls are in operation to ensure
that every pupil, staff and visitor will be looked after in the event of an accident or illness.
It is emphasised that the team consists of Qualified First Aiders and not trained doctors or
nurses. The term “Qualified First Aider” refers to those members of staff who are in
possession of a valid First Aid at Work (HSE Approved) certificate.
It is recognised that there may be other staff with 1-Day Emergency First Aid at Work
Certificate who may act in an emergency in the absence of a Qualified First Aider. These
staff, for the purposes of this document, are referred to as First Aiders. Where reference in
this document refers to both they will be referred to as first aiders.
The purpose of the policy is to:
Provide effective, safe first aid cover for pupils, staff and visitors
Ensure that all pupils and staff are aware of the system in place
Qualified First Aiders will:
Ensure that their qualification remains up to date.
Always attend a casualty when requested to do so and treat the casualty to the best of
their ability and in the safest possible way. This includes wearing gloves where any loss
of blood or body fluid is evident and calling for help from other first aiders or the
emergency services.
Help fellow first aiders at an incident if required and provide support during the
Insist that any casualty who has sustained a significant head injury is seen by
professionals at a hospital – either by sending them directly there or by asking parents
to collect a child and take them there; ensure that parents are aware of all head injuries
Ensure that a pupil who is sent to hospital by ambulance is:
o Accompanied in the ambulance by a member of staff to act in loco parentis if a
relative cannot be contacted
o Met at the hospital by a relative
A first aider need not be the member of staff to accompany the casualty to hospital in an
ambulance, however, an appropriate adult must be sent.
Liaison must occur with the Senior Leader who has responsibility for cover to ensure
that lessons are covered in the event that the accompanying adult is a teacher
Keep a record of each pupil attended to, the nature of the injury and any treatment
given and, in the case of an accident, complete the accident book and ensure its
circulation to appropriate bodies.
Ensure that everything is cleared away following treatment and that soiled articles are
disposed of appropriately in yellow bags, bins or sharps boxes and spillages cleaned
thoroughly using appropriate products.
The Student Services Team will:
Ensure that all pupils and staff are aware of the procedures in place and the Qualified
First Aider rota in operation.
Ensure that first aid is available throughout the working school week.
Ensure that first aid kits are located in all practical subject areas, first aid room, staff
room and are adequately stocked at all times.
Ensure that additional first aid kits are stocked and provided for use on school trips.
Ensure that medical information for pupils is received on admission, circulated to staff as
appropriate and kept updated, with appropriate care plans where required, throughout
the school life of the pupil.
Ensure that all Qualified First Aiders are aware of any specific medical conditions of
pupils and staff in the event they are called to administer first aid.
Ensure that First Aiders, accompanying school trips, are made aware of any medical
conditions of pupils and/or staff.
Provide statistical information as required to the Health & Safety Committee on a
regular basis.
Have a representative on the Health & Safety Committee – this person usually to be the
Student Services Team Leader.
All staff will:
Familiarise themselves with the first aid procedures in operation and ensure that they
know who Qualified First Aiders are and how to summon the QFA on duty in an
Be aware of the specific medical details of individual students circulated to them by
Student Services Team.
Send pupils with minor injuries or who feel unwell, accompanied by another student, to
Reception for treatment.
In case of accidents, radio or send a pupil or staff member to Reception for help
ensuring that the messenger can relay the precise location of the casualty.
Reassure, but never treat a casualty unless they are in possession of valid first aid
certification and know the correct procedures. Staff in possession of valid first aid
certification can begin first aid if necessary until a Qualified First Aider arrives.
Ensure that they have a current medical consent form for every pupil that they take out
on a school trip which indicates any specific conditions or medications of which staff
should be aware.
Trip Organisers will ensure a risk assessment is carried out for all school trips to inform
whether or not a First Aider is required to accompany the group.
Have regard to their own personal safety in cases of accidents or illness.
Reception and Office Staff will:
Call for a qualified First Aider to treat any casualties.
Support first aiders in calling for an ambulance or contacting relatives in an emergency.
Staff must not:
Summon an ambulance before a casualty has been assessed by a Qualified First Aider or,
where there is no Qualified First Aider on duty, by a First Aider.
Administer paracetamol or other medication.
Administer emergency medication such as epi pens if not trained – unless directed by a
member of the emergency services.
The Senior Leadership Team and Governing Body will:
Ensure adequate first aid cover is in place as outlined in the Health & Safety (First Aid)
Regulations 1981
Monitor and respond to all matters relating to the health and safety of all pupils, staff
and visitors on the school premises
Ensure all new staff are made aware of first aid procedures in school.
Attached at Appendix 1
This policy will be reviewed on a bi-annual basis or sooner if required.
(Chair of Governors/Chair of Site Committee)
Date: .....................................................................................
Gail Beswick
Lynn Stevens
Catherine Greene
Charlotte McBride
Sharon Stock
Elaine Galea
Mark Stillwell
Glanville Neale
Brida Donoghue
William Fosuhene
Funda Izzet
FIRST AIDERS: Expiry 25th October 2016
Tessa Barber
Victoria Barulis
Barry Brown
Adriane Campbell
Miheala Chowdhury
Sandra Christie
Maria De La Antigua Tyrell
Simon Denney
Charlotte Dennis
Maite Diez del Corral
David Duncan
Patrick Fenton
Alaena Fleck
Cetisha Forbes
Elvis Francis
Davinia George
Ingrid Ophelia
Clara Waygood
Meral Gulderan
Amy Hague
Marie Keaney
Judith Lear
Michelle McKoy
Penny Radford
Marie Rockett (expiry Feb 2016)
Huyette Shillingford
Patricia Singh
Lyn Slater
Olgun Sofuoglu
Beverley Steele
Carmen Szpytko
Jennifer Timog-Santiago
Garbrielle Zaerin-Holubovsky
Teaching Assistant
Assistant Head teacher
Site Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Data /Exams Administrator
Teaching Assistant
Systems Administrator
Art Technician
D&T Technician
Home School Support Worker
Exclusion Room Supervisor
Site Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Data/Exams Administrator
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Food Technician
Teaching Assistant
Finance Assistant
Science Technician
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Library Assistant
Home School Support Worker