GURU GHASIDAS VISHWAVIDYATAYA BITASPUR (C.G.) DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION PROVISIONAL LIST OF CANDIDATES FOR ADMISSION IN B.ED, SPECIAT(HEARING IMPAIRMENT)-2014 List of students provisionally selected for attending the admission process in B.Ed. Special [Hearing ImpairmentJ, Seision2At4-15, as per result of VET-201,4 of Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya. PLEASE NOTE: . Where VET score of the students are same, the final merit list will be prepared on the higher percentage of aggregate marks obtained in graduation after verifying original mark sheets. . The candidates will get a chance for admission if seats are available in their respective categories and on the basis of higher percentage of marks in graduation. . You are further requested to (epoit on 08/07/2014 for admission strictly as per the given schedule, failing which your chance will be given to the next candidate in the merit: Provisionally selected candidates - Reporting 8.00 AM to 11.00 AM Time: Strictly between Waiting List candidates - Reporting Time Strictly between 1.00 PM to 2.00 PM No Second Admission Process . Mere appearing o The will take place qt qny condition. in admission process does not make you entitle for admission in the course. following list is not in order of merit. The number of vacant seats in the Unreserved, OBC, SC & ST category, given in the following lists, may vary as per the admission in the PH category. trffi#H$SS#jH*f.d. UNRESERVED CATEGORY (SEAT VACANT DATE OF COUNSELLINGT 0B/07 TIME OF REPORTING:43,${} &]W Yffi 1":$."&fi &&'{ /2014 CAT /ET SCORT 1 77720610026 NAME GUNJA MISHRA 2 777206L0056 SATYANAND YADAV oBc 74 3 77720610040 PRAMOD KUMAR MISHRA General 66 4 777206L0061- UTKARSH TIWARI General 66 SEAT NO. ROLL NO. _L2) General 97 REMARKS Page 2 .,.Contd. from Page 1 EAT NO. ROLL NO. NAME CAT VET SCORE 5 7772061.0031 MADAN KUMAR SINGH General 64 6 77720610033 MANISH KUMAR MAURYA oBc 63 7 77720610044 RAM MILAN YADAV OBC 63 B 10020610090 VIVEK SINGH General 61 9 77720610006 AMARJESH RAM SC 61 10 77720610038 PRADEEP KUMAR oBc 61 Lt/t2 10020610067 RAJENDRA KUMAR sc 60 t7/12 7772061,0049 REEMA YADAV oBc 60 11/12 7772061,0064 VIPIN KUMAR RAWAT oBc 60 tL/L2 77720610007 AMITESH oBc 60 t1/12 777206\001.4 ASHISH SINGH General 60 REMARKS W&{?Tzuffi $"8$Y * UNRESERVED CATEGORY DATE OF COUNSELLING: 0B/07 SEAT NO. ROLL NO. w-T/2/3 /20L4 TIME OF REPORTING: 1.00 PM TO 2.00 PM VET SCORE NAME CAT 10020610067 RAJENDRA KUMAR SC 60 wl/2/3 7772061.0049 REEMA YADAV OBC 60 wt/2/3 7712061.0064 VIPIN KUMAR RAWAT OBC 60 wL/213 77720610007 AMITESH OBC 60 wT/213 77720610014 ASHISH SINGH General 60 w4 77720610042 RAJAN PATEL OBC 59 w-s/6/7 /B 10020610046 MANISH KUMAR SC 58 w-s/6/7 /B 10020510048 MANISHA SHRIVASTAVA General 58 w-s/6/7 /8 777206L0018 BAJARANG YADAV oBc 58 REMARKS of 6 Page.3 of 6 iru frp w-s/6/7 /B 77720610046 BAM PRATAP PRAJAPATI oBc 58 w-e/L0/rL/12/L3 10020610053 MUKESH KUMAR SC 57 w-e/t0/Lt/12/13 10020610069 RAJESH KUMAR GUPTA General 57 w-e/L0ltt/t2/L3 77720610025 DILEEP KUMAR oBc 57 w-e/1o/Lt/L2/t3 77720610051 ROHIT KUMAR General 57 w-e/10/LL/12/13 77720610060 TARUN RANJAN oBc 57 w-t4/Ls/16/17 10020610034 IGMAL KUMAR SAHU oBc 56 w-t4/Ls/76/t7 77720610013 ASHISH KUMAR TIWARI General 56 w-L4/rs/t6/77 .77720610053 SANJEEV KUMAR General 56 w-14/Ls/L6/77 77720670066 VIVEK oBc 56 w-LB/7e/20/2L 1002061003s KAMALKANT PURALE SC 55 w-LB/re/20/2L 10020610064 PREETI SHUKLA General 55 w-18/1.e/20/2L 10020610088 VINOD AHIRWAR SC 55 w-18/1e/20/21 44420610001 ABHAY KUMAR JAGAT ST 55 di h/$ fr I f"}i\t .t r{ v s # t[ #r"1'ffi u] DATE OF COUNSELLING: 0B/o7 f' a l\t md]] & /20L4 "r'Fc rN ffiffiq: CATEGORY (SEAT VACANT- 07) TIME OF REPORTING: $.00 All,I"r* 11.0$ ASII SEAT NO ROLI NO. NAME CAT VET SCOR] L/2/3 7772061,0049 REEMA YADAV oBc 60 1/2/3 17720610007 AMITESH OBC 60 1/2/3 7772061,0064 VIPIN KUMAR RAWAT OBC 60 4 7112061.0042 RAJAN PATEL OBC 59 s/6 7772061-0018 BAJARANG YADAV oBc 58 s/6 717206L0046 RAM PRATAP PRAJAPATI oBc 58 7 t002061-4477 SANJAY KUMAR YADAV OBC (PH) 44 REMARKS Selected in PH Category Page 4 of 6 T&IA$Y'XTSG DATE OF COUNSELLING: OB/07 SEAT NO. ROLL NO. w-t/2 IIST * {}$r:... CATEGORY TIME OF REPORTING: L.{IfiYM T0 2.0S PM /2,014 NAME CAT rET SCORT 7772061.OO2s DILEEP KUMAR OBC 57 w-1/2 7772051.0060 TARUN RANJAN OBC 57 w-3/4 10020610034 KAMAL KUMAR SAHU oBc 56 w-3/4 77720610066 VIVEI( oBc 56 ws/6/7 ws/6/7 ws/6/7 77720610034 MUNIBJEE OBC 54 77720610047 RAMA KANT YADAV oBc 54 77720610059 SONU SINGH OBC 54 tr$4ffi-Hi$$ffiI .qLL. $ . IN DATE OF COUNSELLING: OB/O7 /20t4 SC CATEGORY (SEAT TIME OF REPORTING: ROLL NO. NAME CAT 7 10020610067 RAJENDRA KUMAR SC 60 2 10020610046 MANISH KUMAR SC 5B 3 10020610053 MUKESH KUMAR SC 57 4/4 10020610035 KAMALKANT PURALE SC 55 4/4 10020610088 VINOD AHIRWAR SC 55 SEAT NO W,qHY"Xru& TXST DATE OF COUNSELLING: 08/07 ;EAT NO. ROLL NO. w-l/1 * /20L4 REMARKS ex.{"e# VACANT- 04) eM 'r$ '{ S"ffifi -qM VET SCORI REMARKS $C CATEGORY TIME OF REPORTING: 1.S$ NAME CAT 10020610035 KAMALKANT PURALE SC 55 w-7/7 L0020610088 VINOD AHIRWAR SC 55 w-2 1_002061.0047 MANISH KUMAR KHANDEKAR SC 53 w-3/4 10020610013 ASHOK KUMAR MALHOTRA SC 51 /ET SCORI 13M TO 2.ff0 pM REMARKS Page 5 of 6 w-3/4 10020610045 MANISH BANJARA SC 51 w-5 10020610055 NEELAM SURYAVANSHI SC 49 ffiffiffiY"$"SAffiid$.tutuH sffie&fiY&ffi freruffir rN $T CATEGORY (SEAT VACANT- DATE oF COUNSELLING: 0B/o7 /ZOL4 SEAT NO TIME OF REPORTING: *,## ROLL NO. NAME CAT I 44420610001 ABHAY KUMAR JAGAT ST 55 2 1002061006s PRITISIDAR ST 49 W,&XYXru& $,XST DATE OF COUNSELLTNG: 0B/07 ;EAT NO. ROLL NO. w-t/2 VET SCORI /20L4 1.002061,0024 DEEPAK TIGGA ST 48 w-1/2 10020610061 PRABHA KUJUR ST 48 W3 10020610032 HEMLATA THAKUR ST 46 w4 77720610027 HIRALAL TUDU ST 44 #;*Li,i;;#;{,tutr il?'ffi # il&ffi ffiffi ex&s ;EAT NO /2014 REMARKS eru TETSCOR[ REMARKS PH CATEGORY (SEAT VACANT- Ottrx * As DATE OF COUNSELLING: 0B/07 11,ffi#,qe,$ TIME OF REPORTING: X.00 Pe{ T0 ?.0CI I}M CAT 4 T# - $:Y'CATEGORY NAME ##*lj# A&S 02) per horizontal reservation TIME OF REPORTING: ffi.#S /re{ T# t1.#ffi,&M ROLL NO. NAME CAT L0020610077 SANJAY KUMAR YADAV oBC (PH) t/ET SCOR I REMARKS AIso selected in OBC 44 Category Page 6 of 5 WATTIhIS ITST - PH CATEGORY* As DATE OF COUNSELLTNG: 0S/07 l , i2|t4 :ROLLNOi,:,,.. ::::::: : ) TIME OF REPORTING: 1.00 pM T0 2.00 pM i;iGATrli'''14ir,r ."V-ETii1[ :rlfriirit: : 'i. .::.::..;11:::;t:::'.: : 2 :rrrlin,i;;i. r:r ::i:rl l1r!!::,,,,,,,::,.,",,, lillliri,,::,:,,,,:,:::,., ::a:1.i.t1:":,aa::.::.. I per horizontal reservation d)t|: :,' :':::::!lij ili$.eo[u' 10020610080 SHANI sc (PH) 42 10020610025 DEEPTI PAINKRA sr 47 77720610021. DEEN DAYAL SHARMA oBc (PH) (PH) As certificate not attached, it is subje*u submission of PH certificate 3 40 -vutr+ftrfifrl In-charge Adfirissicin Department of Education . 1-. Dean, Student Welfare, Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya,with request to put the information on notice, 2. Head, CSIT, Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya,with request to put the information on website. GURU GHASIDAS VISHWAVIDYALAYA, BILASPUR (C.G.) Department of Education No. 537/ Edu/B.Ed. (Hl)Admission ffinl /2014-15 Dated 27-06i-2014 To, Subiect: Admission of Provisionally selected and Wait listed candidates for B.Ed. (Hearing Impairment) Prograrnme in the Dept. of Education for the session?OL4-LS Dear student, ffiri' The admission process for the B.Ed. fHearing Impairment) Programme (session: 2014-15) of the provisionally selected and wait listed candidates will be held on 08-07-201,1 (Tuersday) at the Raiatlayanti Sabhagar (Auditorium), G.G.V,, Bilaspur. l You are requested to report strictly as per the schedule given below for attending thle admission process, failing which your chance will be given to the next candidate. Sr. No. CateEory Date 01 Provisionally Selected Candidates [All 0B/07 Catesoriesl Wait List Candidates [All Categories ) 02 Time of Reporti /2014 08/07 /2014 8.00am to 11.00am 1.00pm to 2.00nrn Kindly bring the following documents in a$ginal along with two sets of attested ciry!"t of the fi sr F l same. 1. VET Admit Card 2" Mark- 3. sheet & Certificates of X and XII examination. Mark-sheets and certificates of ail years/ semesters of Graduation & Post Grariuaition 1if anyl degree examination. i 4. Transfer/ College Leaving Certificate. 5. Character Certificate from the institution last attended. 6. Caste certificate (lf under categoryr of SC/ST/OBC) issued by competent authority in original and valid up to the date. 7. Ii ffil tl F' i Migration certificate fif pass out from other university)* B. Gap Certificate, if there is a gap after the qualifying examination. 9. Two recent passport size identical photographs. 10. PH Certificate if the applicant is Physically Handicapped l-1. Prescribed fee {Rs. 2130/- + Rs. 4A0/-(Exam. FeesJ+ Rs. 50/- fEnrolrnent Fees if gRplicable)+ Rs. 60/- fMigration Fee as applicai:le+ 380/-flnsurance)]for First semester paSrzpble through Vishwavidvalava Challan onlv. * If migration certificate is not issued from the University last attended till the time of admission, an undertaking shall be required to be produced at the time of counselling mentioning that lhe migration certificate will be produced v,,,ithin 15 days of provisir;nai admission. Wishing 1ro''i ai} the best, 6/ Dept. ffiili ffWtoalrq qcation
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