Newsletter ENGINEERING SUSTAINABLE STRUCTURES CSIR - SERC Chennai Vol.29, No.2 NATIONAL TECHNOLOGY DAY In this issue National Technology Day CSIR-SERC Foundation day General Events Special Lectures Deputation In House Lecture Invited Lectures Honours & Awards New Facilities Extension of Service Retirements on Superannuation April - June 2014 CSIR - SERC Newsletter National Technology Day was celebrated on 12th May 2014. Prof. Nagesh R. Iyer, Director, CSIR-SERC and Coordinating Director, CMC, presided over this function and in his presidential address emphasized that challenge before science today is to make significant improvement in the technological design & development with sound and strategic techniques so as to enable us to compete globally. He said that the real focus will have to be on the need to convert our Research and Development units into innovation creating institutions. Two lectures were delivered on “Current Challenges of Futuristic Trends in Earthquake Simulation in the Laboratory” and “Technologies for Faster and Affordable Housing using Cold Formed Steel” by Dr. N. Gopalakrishnan, Chief Scientist and Dr. G.S. Palani, Senior Principal Scientist, CSIR-SERC respectively. Jorhat, CSIR – IICT Hyderabad, CSIR – CLRI Chennai, Former Commonwealth Science Diplomat, London was the Chief Guest and delivered the Prof. G.S. Ramaswamy Memorial Lecture on "Science Diplomacy: A Rich option for India's International Relations”. Director gave away Certificates of Appreciation and cash awards to different categories of employees of CSIR – SERC & CMC for achieving Excellence in Director felicitating the Chief Guest of the CSIR-SERC Foundation Day Editorial Board C. Jeyabal, Chief Scientist & Head, Knowledge Management Division K. Gunasekaran, Principal Scientist, Research Planning & Business Development S. Vijayalakshmi, Nodal Officer, Knowledge Network Unit M. Sangeetha, Special Assistant Dignitaries on the dais of the National Technology Day Chief Guest Prof. Surendra P. Shah, Professor Emeritus, Northwestern University delivering the Prof. G.S. Ramaswamy Memorial Lecture CSIR-SERC FOUNDATION DAY Business Development. He also felicitated the octogenarian members of the CSIR family with Citation and silver plaque. The Director mentioned that CSIR-SERC had entered into its Golden Jubilee year and the lecture by Dr. G. Thyagarajan has set the ball rolling for the The CSIR-SERC Foundation Day was celebrated on 10th June 2014. The function was presided over by Dr. Nagesh R. Iyer, Director, CSIR-SERC and Coordinating Director, CMC, Chennai. Dr. G. Thyagarajan, Former Director, CSIR – NEIST CSIR - SERC Newsletter April - June 2014 Newsletter CSIR - SERC Chennai Golden Jubilee year celebrations. Shri C. Jeyabal, Chief Scientist & Head, KMD delivered the Vote of Thanks. 3. Prof. G.S. Ramaswamy Memorial Lecture was delivered by Prof. Surendra P. Shah, Professor Emeritus, Northwestern University, Illinois, USA on “Advancements Made during the Past Decades in Concrete Technology” on 16.6.2014. Ms. Prameetthaa, QHS Trainee attended the International Conference on Advances in Sustainability of Materials and Environment held at St Xavier's Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil during 10-11 April, 2014. 4. MoU was signed between CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre, Chennai and Vignan's Foundation for Science Technology and Research, Vadlamudi on April 23, 2014. Shri G V Ananthakrishnan, Technical Assistant attended the IPv6 workshop organized by ERNET India held at Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai on 2nd May, 2014. 5. Dr. K Muthumani, Dr. G Raghava & Dr. J. Rajasankar, Chief Scientists attended the Theme Meeting on Shielding and Criticality Aspects in Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities Challenges and Future directions held at IGCAR, Kalpakkam during 5-6 May, 2014. 6. Mrs. P. Prabha, Scientist and Mrs B. Bhuvaneshwari, Senior Project Fellow attended the Second International Conference on Innovations in Civil Engineering held at SCMS School of Engineering and Technology during 8-9 May, 2014. 7. Dr S Vishnuvardhan, Scientist attended the 1st Annual conference on Innovations and Developments in Civil Engineering held at National Institute of Technology, Surathkal, Karnataka during 19-20 May, 2014. 8. Shri J Prawin and Shri T Jothi Saravanan, AcSIR Students attended the International conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology held at Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee during 24-25 May, 2014. 9. Dr. K Rama Raju, Chief Scientist and Shri G V Rama Rao, Scientist attended the Indo-Norwegian training programme on Seismic design of Multi-storey building: IS 1893 vs Eurocode held at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, during 26-28 May, 2014. GENERAL EVENTS MoU was signed between CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre, Chennai and Mangalayatan university, Beswan (Aligarh) on June 6, 2014. In Plant training was organized for second & third year students of B.E/B.Tech (Civil Engineering) from 02.06.2014 to 20.06.2014. Around 35 students attended this training programme from different universities/colleges/institutions. SPECIAL LECTURES Prof. Ohama Yoshihiko Delivered a Special Lecture Prof. Ohama Yoshihiko delivered a Special Lecture on “Recent Developments in Concrete Polymer Composite in Japan” on th 8 March 2014. 10. Shri C. Jeyabal, Chief Scientist attended the 71st Residential Training Programme on the New Reservation Policy of Govt. of India conducted by Institute of Public Administration at Faridabad, New Delhi during 29-31 May, 2014. Prof. S.P. Shah, Northwestern University, USA delivered a Special Lecture on “Nanotechnology in Civil Engineering th Application” on 15 May 2014. 11. Dr A Hariharan, Principal Technical Officer and Dr M Mymoon, Senior Technical Officer attended Proquest Day Event, Chennai on 11th June, 2014. DEPUTATION India 1. Mrs. K. Sasikala, Senior Technical Officer attended the National Workshop on cloud application testing held at VIT Chennai campus, Chennai on 5th April, 2014. 2. Ms. A Thirumalaiselvi, QHS Trainee attended the Second International Conference on Innovations in Civil Engineering held at SCMS School of Engineering and Technology during 8-9 April, 2014. 12. Shri A Abraham, Senior Scientist attended the International Conference & Expo on Renewable Energy held at Trade Centre, Chennai during 12-14 June, 2014. 13. Shri T M. Muhammed Majaz, Assistant (F&A) Gr. I attended Induction Training Programme for Assistants Grade I recruited under combined Administrative Services Examination-2013 held at HRDC, Ghaziabad during 23 June 2014 to 25 July 2014. (Contd. on page 7) CSIR - SERC Newsletter 2 April - June 2014 Seismic Behaviour of Cold Formed Steel Self-drilling Screw Beam-Column Connections The usage of cold-formed steel (CFS) sections in building construction has picked up momentum, as they result in faster and light weight construction. In view of these, the construction cost is considerably reduced. The buildings made of CFS sections can be used effectively during natural disasters such as cyclone and earthquake, which need buildings and structures for immediate occupancy for victims and other logistical requirements for post-disaster mitigation. In general, it is known that CFS structures exhibit brittle failure and they are classified as slender sections by different codes of practices all over the world. Hence, the applicability of buildings and structures made up of CFS structural members needs to be evaluated. The state-of-the-art reviews on CFS structural components cover mainly on the static behavior and very little studies have been reported at component level behavior, especially for seismic applications. Hence, design guidelines and technology is to be developed, which could be used for design of easily erectable light weight seismic resistant CFS buildings. In the present study, the cyclic behavior of CFS structural sub-assemblage has been highlighted. A new beam-column connection has been developed by using self-drilling screws through gusset plates. The CFS members are thin and the screws are weak against pulling out action. However, the self-drilling screws are efficient in transferring shear forces and hence the beam end forces can be transferred as shear force through gusset plates. The screws are available with different configurations depending upon the usage (Fig.1). These connections are simple to install without skilled supervision; predrilled holes, site welding, etc. A comparative study on the guidelines for evaluation of strength as per the commonly used codes such as AISI, Fig. 1 Self-drilling screws AS/NZS, BS-Eurocode, Canadian code and IS:801-draft has been conducted and results are compared with the respective experimental values available in the literature. In general, the self-drilling screws are used for joining roofing/cladding sheets to the underlying thick members and hence the screw head is always in contact with the thin sheet. Whereas, in the present study, the screw head is in contact with thick gusset plate, for which no guidelines are available. In order to evaluate the codal equations for the present condition, experiments on single screw lap joints have been conducted for three different sheet combinations. In each case, the screw head is in contact with thicker sheet, which represents the gusset plate. Each specimen is instrumented with strain gauges at critical Fig. 2 Failure mode of lap joints locations of bearing and in the expected path of the net section rupture in each sheet. The specimens are tested under 25 Ton UTM. The specimens failed by bearing, bearing-tilting and screw shearing modes as shown in Fig. 2. The estimated ultimate load of all specimens as per IS: 801-draft code closely matches with the corresponding experimental value. From the studies, it is found that the IS:801-draft provisions can be used for evaluating the strength of the self-drilling screw joint, in which the screw head is in contact with thick sheet. The present study has been extended towards understanding the beahviour of CFS beam-column self-drilling screw joints. In order to design the beam, column and connection elements, a two bay single storey residential CSIR - SERC Newsletter 3 April - June 2014 Newsletter CSIR - SERC Chennai frame has been analysed for dead, live, wind, earthquake load and their combinations as per relevant IS codes. Based on the analysis results, lipped channel cross-sections have been designed for beam and column by considering buckling modes such as local, distortional and overall buckling. The larger value of lip depth has been chosen for accommodating the screw with adequate end distances. A double cantilever model of the interior joint has been studied experimentally under monotonic loading. The ends of the beam setup have been supported by roller and hinge assembly and these beams are centrally connected with a stub column. The specimen has been instrumented with strain gauges and LVDTs. The strains and displacements are recorded automatically during the test by using a data logger. The test has been conducted under displacement controlled mode. Fig. 3 shows the experimental set up of the beam-column joint specimen. Fig. 3 View of the experimental set-up Fig. 4 Moment–rotation behaviour The stiffness of the initial linear portion is 1800 kNm/radian. Since, the beam and column are open channel sections with single symmetry and loaded at the center of gravity of the column, the tendency of the specimen is to twist about its shear center leading to stiffness reduction by about 80%. The specimens failed at an ultimate moment of 11.6 kNm with gusset plate buckling and support instability as shown in Fig. 4. From the experiment, it is found that none of the screw has undergone bearing, tilting and their combination modes. The double cantilever connection model is not representing the reversed nature of beam forces and hence the panel zone action is not observed in the moment-rotation behavior. Hence, the studies are performed with full scale sub-assemblage of the beam-column joint. An exterior beam column joint has been designed as per IS: 801-draft code. The height of the Fig. 5 Beam-column joint specimen CSIR - SERC Newsletter 4 April - June 2014 column is taken as 3000 mm. The beam length has been chosen based on the available experimental facility in the laboratory. The beam length is taken as 1700 mm. The view of the specimen and the schematic view of the experimental set up is shown in Fig. 5. The specimen is subjected to point load at free end of the beam. The top and bottom of the column set-up have been supported by hinge support to simulate the point of contra-flexure at the mid-height of the columns above and below the joint and these beams are centrally connected with the column. The experiment has been conducted under displacement control mode. With the above details, FE model has also been developed by employing shell element. Since, no deformation near the screw points is observed during the double cantilever model experiment, the screws are simulated by using tie constraints. The moment-rotation behaviour of the specimen is compared with that of the experiment for 10 mm gap as shown in Fig. 6. It is found that finite element analysis (FEA) results and failure modes are closer to those obtained through experiment as shown in Fig. 7. Having validated the FE model, it is further extended for parametric studies. From the experiment and FEA results, it is found that the joint retained about 50% of the ultimate moment capacity after gusset buckling. In order to enhance the moment capacity after ultimate, FEA is further continued by providing lateral restraints in the beam. It is observed that the moment capacity of the joint improved by about 1.45 and 1.7 times to that of the design bending strength of the beam respectively for 3 and 4 mm thick gusset plates. However, after buckling, the FE model with 3 mm gusset plate retains about 80% of design moment capacity at a rotation of about 0.06 radians. From these studies, it is observed that the CFS beam-column joint with gusseted connection exhibits stable behaviour, which is contrary to the results reported in the literature that the CFS components and systems results in brittle mode of behaviour. In addition, it is reported that the response reduction factor for these type of frames is generally taken in the range of 1.5 to 2 for seismic resistance. Hence, the results of FE model needs to be validated through experiments under cyclic loading towards development of necessary guidelines. Fig. 6 Moment rotation behavior of full-scale joint Fig. 7 Comparison of failure modes In continuation with FEA of CFS beam-column self-drilling screw connections under monotonic loading, experimental studies under cyclic loading have been conducted by varying the gusset plate thickness as 3 and 4 mm. The length of the beam and column are 1250 mm and 2500 mm respectively. The gusset plate is joined with beam by using 6 nos. of screws in each lip, totaling 24 nos. The column side has been provided each 7 nos. of screws totaling 28 nos. in a line. The specimen is instrumented with strain gauges at different critical locations like, regions of the beam and column near gusset plates and on the gusset plate. An axial load of 60 kN is applied on the column centroid to simulate the dead and live loads. The alternating load at the beam end is applied as cyclic load as per the provisions of ANSI/AISC 341-10. The restraining effect provided by the secondary beams of the slab and the cladding in the wall panels in the out-of-plane are simulated by providing appropriate restraining channels in the CSIR - SERC Newsletter 5 April - June 2014 Newsletter CSIR - SERC Chennai beam and columns. Both the specimens exhibited pinching effect. The specimen with 4 mm thick gusset plate failed by screw tilting and shearing in the column and the 3 mm gusseted specimen failed by gusset plate buckling as shown in Figs. 9 and 10 respectively. FE models have also been developed for conducting analytical studies. The hysteresis curves and failure modes obtained from FEA have been compared (Fig. 11). The failure mode and hysteresis curve obtained from FEA closely matches with experiment. However, pinching is not observed in FEA. Further, refinement of FE model and parametric studies are in progress. Fig. 8 Experimental set-up Fig. 9 Screw tilting and shearing in 4 mm thick gusset Fig. 10 Buckling of 3 mm thick gusset Fig. 11 Hysteresis curve of 3 mm gusset specimen For more details, please contact : Director CSIR – Structural Engineering Research Centre (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research), CSIR Campus, Taramani, Chennai - 600 113. Phone : +91-44-22549200/22542139/22549151 E-mail : [email protected] Web : CSIR - SERC Newsletter 6 April - June 2014 Engineering and Technology, Chittor, Andhra Pradesh, April 2014. IN HOUSE LECTURE 09.04.2014 : Dr. T. Hemalatha, Scientist - Determination of back boundary effect on self compacting concrete beams – A trilinear and bilinear approach and Ms. K. Sarayu, Q.H.S. Exploration on the bio-technology aspect of the urological bacterial for the production of the cementicious material – A review. 23.04.2014 : Ms. C. Bharathi Priya, Scientist - Mass loading, boundary condition and crack closure effects on impedance based damage identification and Ms. Maitri Mapa, Q.H.S. Photo catalyst in cement: A multipurpose application towards sustainability. 07.05.2014 : Shri K. Kesavan, Principal Scientist - Fiber bragg grating sensors for monitoring corrosion of reinforcement in concrete structures and Shri M. Saravanan, Scientist Fracture studies on carbon steel elbows having part-through notch with and without internal pressure. 28.05.2014 : Shri V. Bhashya, Scientist - Long term studies on FRP strengthened concrete specimens. 04.06.2014 : Shri Mohit Verma, Scientist – (i) Numerical Assessment of the time integration methods in the paradigm of real-time hybrid testing and (ii) Support vector regression model for the prediction of cement compressive strength. 11.06.2014 : Dr. R.Manisekar, Senior Scientist - Distressed concrete bridges in India – problems and solutions and Smt. B.S. Sindu, Scientist - Evaluation of mechanical characteristics of nano modified epoxy based polymers using molecular dynamics. 18.06.2014 : Shri Mohit Verma, Scientist - Fuzzy similarity approach for health assessment and ranking of towers based on visual inspection and Ms. K. Balamonica, QHS - Seismic response evaluation under multi support excitation using POD modes. 25.06.2014 : Ms. J. Prameetthaa, QHS - Investigations on micronized biomass silica as sustainable material and Ms. A. Thirumalai Selvi, QHS - Determination of large deformation capacity of laced steel concrete composite (LSCC) beams by finite element analysis. Dr. J. Rajasankar, Chief Scientist delivered a guest lecture on "Basics of finite element analysis of structures" at SA Engineering College, Chennai on April 3, 2014. Dr. K. Muthumani, Chief Scientist has delivered a key note address on “Application of smart materials for seismic response control”, International Conference on Emerging Materials & Applications, held at Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Saharanpur Campus, Saharanpur, UP on April 5, 2014. Shri P. Gandhi, Senior Principal Scientist delivered a keynote address on “Fatigue in offshore structures”, in the National Seminar on Fatigue in Structures held at D.N.R. College of Engineering & Technology, Bhimavaram on April 5, 2014. Dr. P. Sivakumar, Chief Scientist delivered a Keynote address on “Genetic Algorithm for Structural Optimisation (An Engineering Application) in the National conference on Pure and Applied Mathematics 2014 (NCPAM '14) held at VIT University, Chennai Campus, on April 25, 2014. Dr. K. Balaji Rao, Chief Scientist delivered an invited lecture on 'Performance-based design of RC structures for achieving sustainability' at BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore, on May 9, 2014. Dr. K. Balaji Rao, Chief Scientist delivered an invited lectures on 'Distribution of asset prices' and 'Stochastic modelling for financial crashes' at the Game Theory Lab, Department of CSA, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, during May 1011, 2014. Dr. G.S. Palani, Senior Principal Scientist delivered an invited lecture on “Investigations on performance evaluation of parallel flange sections for specified load”, at the workshop organized by M/s Jindal Steel and Power Ltd., on June 18, 2014 held at Taj Surya, Coimbatore. HONOURS & AWARDS Paper on "Meso-scale Approach for modelling Concrete under Compression" authored by Shri K.S. Swaminathan, Dr. N. Anandavalli, Shri S. Surender and Dr. J. Rajasankar has been chosen as "Best Paper" for the stream CIVIL and S&H at the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science, Engineering and Technology (ICETSET-2014) held at Jerusalem College of Engineering, Chennai, April 18-19, 2014. INVITED LECTURES Dr. K. Muthumani, Chief Scientist delivered a key note Lecture on “Seismic response control for framed structures' in the National Conference on Frontier Applications in Civil and Environmental Engineering, held at Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on March 25, 2014. Dr. V. Srinivas, Principal Scientist delivered an invited lecture on “Performance evaluation and Health Monitoring of Structures”, during workshop on Advance Technologies in Civil Engineering, organized by Sri Venkateswara College of CSIR - SERC Newsletter The paper titled "Experimental studies on hybrid beam reinforced with steel and BFRP bar" authored by Shri P. Nachiappan, Smt. Smitha Gopinath, Dr. A. Ramachandra Murthy, Prof. Nagesh R. Iyer, Ms. T. Manju, won the 7 April - June 2014 Newsletter CSIR - SERC Chennai "Best Paper Award" in the International onference on Emerging Trends Science, Engineering and Technology (ICETSET-2014), April 18-19, 2014, Jerusalem College of Engineering, Chennai, pp. 235-237. Dr. P. Sivakumar, Chief Scientist was the Chief Guest in the National conference on Pure and Applied Mathematics 2014 (NCPAM '14) at VIT University, Chennai Campus, on April 25, 2014. Ms. H. Aysha, Smt. T. Hemalatha, Shri N. Arunachalam, Dr. A. Ramachandra Murthy and Prof. Nagesh R Iyer, authored paper entitled, 'Assessment of Embodied Energy in the Production of Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC)' received the best paper award in the International Conference on Sustainable Technology & Development Conference - 2014 (STDC 2014), Ministry of Manpower Sultanate of Oman, Al Musanna College of Technology, April 2014. View of newly installed hydraulic power packs in FFL Instrumented Impact Test Facility Instrumented Impact test facility is created in the basement of the ASTAR laboratory. Impact testing machine CEAST 9350 is installed. CEAST 9350 is a floor standing impact system designed to deliver 0.59-757 J or up to 1,800 J with optional high energy system. CEAST 9350 works with the impact software and data acquisition system to make analysis simple. This versatile instrument can be used to test anything from composites to finished products, and is suitable for a range of impact applications including tensile impact, puncture, Izod, and Charpy. Ms. G. Jenitha, Shri M. Saravanan, Dr. S. Vishnuvardhan and Prof. V. Naresh Babu authored technical paper titled 'Evaluation of cyclic hardening variables for Type 304LN stainless steel' presented in the National Conference on Futuristic Innovations & Emerging Trends in Civil Engineering held at B.S. Abdur Rahman University, Chennai, during May 56, 2014 has been adjuded as the best paper. Dr. K. Balaji Rao has been invited as a Reviewer for the R&D Review Meeting of the Civil Engineering Department, Vel Tech Dr RR & Dr SR Technical University, Chennai held on May 18, 2014. Impact testing machines are used to characterize the impact performance of various materials and components. Impact tests on structural elements like beams, slabs, made of RCC, steel and composites can be carried out in the instrumented impact test facility. In addition to this, characterization of materials at high strain rate can be performed with the help of the facility. These tests will indicate the energy absorbing capacities of materials and failure pattern under impulsive loads. Shri Mohit Verma was awarded the Fulbright-Nehru Doctoral and Professional Research Fellowship, 2013-2014 from August 18, 2013 to May 17, 2014 at University of Buffalo, The State University of New York, Buffalo, New York. Dr. G. Raghava has been nominated as a Member of the Divisional Scientific Committee of Structural Technologies Division, CSIR - National Aerospace Laboratories, Bengaluru. Hydraulic Power Packs Three numbers of hydraulic power packs of 170 lpm capacity each have been installed and commissioned in the laboratory. The room hosting hydraulic power packs has also been expanded. NEW FACILITIES The hydraulic hard line piping in the Fatigue & Fracture Laboratory has been completely relaid. New hydraulic hard line piping of 210 bar operating pressure and 600 lpm flow with inline hydraulic accumulators has been installed and commissioned. EXTENSION OF SERVICE Dr. K. Ravisankar, Chief Scientist Extension of Service for two years beyond the age of superannuation i.e. on 30.04.2014. Shrinkage test facility for mortar and concrete: Shrinkage moulds for the determination of hydraulic axial shrinkage of concrete specimens and mortar prisms; shrinkage measuring device/length comparator are installed and commissioned for shrinkage studies. RETIREMENTS ON SUPERANNUATION Shri K. Ethirajalu, Senior Technician(3), 30.06.2014 Retirement on superannuation. This quarterly Newsletter is published by CSIR - Structural Engineering Research Centre, CSIR Campus, Taramani, Chennai - 600 113. Ph. : 22549200, Fax : 22541508 and Printed at Hindi Prachar Press, Chennai - 600 017. Ph.: 24341244 CSIR - SERC Newsletter 8 April - June 2014
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