OUTLINE OF THE REGIONAL GEOLOGY OF THE STUDY AREA CHAPTER I OUTLINE OF THE REGIONAL GEOLOGY OF THE STUDY AREA 1.1 Introduction The reasons for uncommon and unabated interest in the potassium-rich and associated rocks at Salem, despite their small aerial significance are: (i) their exciting and extremely variable mineralogy, (ii) variety of chemical types, (iii) unusual REE patterns, (iv) association of mantle derived rocks and minerals and (v) their usefulness in providing clues in understanding the petrogenesis of the rocks of their region. An unusual occurrence of potassic rocks in association with dunite and at. $4EM peridotite was first reported by Ramanathan in the year 1954. Based mainly on the chemical analysis, this rock type was compared with the shonkinite occurring in Shonkin Sag Laccolith of Montana, U.S.A. described by Weed and Pirsson (1901). The mineralogy of the shonkinite reported by Weed and Pirsson (a.cit.) shows the presence of augite, olivine, biotite, apatite and magnetite in a matrix of potash feldspar, zeolites and carbonates with pseudo-leucite appearing conspicuously in a chilled marginal phase. Ramanathan (1954) observed a somewhat similar series of rocks and reported that the zeolites and carbonates are absent. Leucite and sporadic pseudoleucite occur in the dyke phases. However, Ramanathan (1954) and Naidu (1963) retained the term shonkinite on account of their close resemblance, both mineralogically and chemically to the shonkinite of the type area. -: 2 : Nearly ten years later, P.R.J.Naidu (1963) presented a special paper on the potassic rocks of Salem occurring as dykes and sheets within or marginal to a dunite-periodthite body. According to him, the potassic rocks are black to dark grey in colour and the texture resembles that of lamprophyres. His mineralogical investigations showed that the rocks exhibit a panidiomorphic texture with euhedral to subhedral crystals of olivine and augite set in a groundmass consisting of felsic constituents. Apart from understanding the nature of the mantle, the study of potassic rocks provide us the tectonic setting, as major, trace element and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic signatures are associated with different magma generation environments (Wilson, 1989). The alkaline rocks occur in all tectonic environments with the exception of mid-oceanic ridges; their occurrence may be grouped into three distinct categories in relation to present day tectonism (Fitton and Upton, 1987). (1) Continental rift related magmatism: Example-East African rift system, a classical region for the study of a complete spectrum of unusual alkaline rocks of Mid-Tertiary to Recent age. (2) Oceanic and continental intraplate magmatism (i) Oceanic: Tristan da cunha (ii) Continental: (a) Kola Peninsula (Kagarko, 1987) (b) Cameroon line in West Africa. -: 3 : (3) Subduction related alkaline magmatism: These are of calc-alkaline affinity and tend to become more potassic with time and may give rise to shoshonitic association (Morrison, 1980). 1.2 Geology of South India and Tamil Nadu The South Indian shield is composed of Archaean and Proterozoic rocks of Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka and parts of Andhra Pradesh. It is a classical region for the study of different stages of crustal evolution and is also one of the extensively studied Precambrian terrains in the world. The South Indian shield is flanked by the Mesozoic, Tertiary and Quaternary sediments to the east and west. It is truncated by the Godavari graben towards north and partially masked by the late Proterozoic basins (Cuddapah, Kaladgi, Badami and Bhima) towards northeast and Cretaceous to Tertiary flood basalts (Deccan Traps) towards north-west (Fig.!.!). The terms like non-charnockitic and charnockitic provinces were in vogue as early as 1936 (Fermor, 1936) corresponding to the present day terms 'GraniteGre,enstone belt' and 'high-grade terrain' respectively. Layered complexes of Archaean age occur in Sittampundi, Tamil Nadu (Subramaniani, 1956) and Karnataka (Janardhan et a/,1978). Innumerable ultramafic and potassic rocks of the South Indian Shield have attracted the attention of many geologists in recent years. A review of the Precambrian alkaline magmatism in eastern and southern peninsular India is available in Memoir No.15 published by the Geological Society of India and edited by Leelanandam (1989). Very recently, Lithos, an International Journal of -: 4 : - 1-i 17 4 ° 172°E 17 1 800 22° 22° . 50,107000t% 0 ti 0KW° VV V V•V V V VV 0 VV V v V v V V V V V V(4 VV V v V V v V V v v VV V V VCV V V V VV V Vq4I'V V V. V V V V c V V V V V V V • V V V V' VV V cYV V V.,..f'V V VV 1 4) V V V V VV V V V V VV V(4. VVVVVV VC)V V V Hyderabad V VV V V V V V V V V .VV V V V V V V V V BHIMA BASIN V .:.' V V V V ...... V V ......... V 20° 1• 1• * INDEX • ••. •••.b • CLOSEPET z...; ..;..c... GRANITE „a. z :1/° 4 I\ KALADGI BASIN 174° FIG. 1.1 km ''' 200 20° 18° 16° ..6 .A.4 . .. • WESTERN Archaean Thrusts DHARWAR — Geologic/Tectonic CRATON Bosodaries ST %Ahern Granulite Terrain Northern limit ot SGT — \ P -Ca Palgtat- ;weary NGB Northern GravAite Nock SGS Southern Granutitt Block KKB Kerala Ktionealitt Nock EGGT EasteenOsat Granulite Nock Reejonat Movement late Proterozoic kemdaries of thp1 Late Prtiterozok Strain j72° 50 100 ‘/N EASTERN DHARWAR RATON A •4 • •'• Si' ..1J Bangalo 14° 12° 031) ••••••• 1760 SALEM 0 t— ZONE E A.Co 10° 0 ACHANKOVIL SHEAR (Ac-Sh) 800 178 0 GEOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK OF SOUTH INDIA (modified from Drury et al, 1984) 8• -: 5 : Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry has published a special issue of Potassic and ultrapotassic magmas and their orgin' edited by Peccerillo and Foley (1992). 1.2.1 Geology of Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu is situated in the southern part of Indian shield and contains a major part of the high grade mobile belt terrain. It comprises a variety of lithological units ranging from the oldest known Sathyamangalam supracrustals to the younger sediments. Following is the broad geological succession in Tamil Nadu: Younger sediments Younger granites (440 - 390 Ma) a Ultramfic and alkaline complexes (1200 - 800 Ma) 4 Basic dykes - Dolerites Proterozoic anorthosites Kadavur and Oddanchattram Migmatitic gneisses Arcot granite Granulite facies rocks Charnockites and Khondalites Peninsular gneisses Layered complex Sittampundi and Gobichettipalayam anorthosite - gabbros Sathyamangalam Amphibolites-BIF-sillimanite bearing supracrustals pates and quartzites. Gnessic Basement ? The high grade terrain of Tamil Nadu is broadly divisible Along the Bhavani - Cauvery valley into two distinct physiographic provinces, i.e., a hilly -: 6 :- northern region and a hater southern region. Most of the high rising hill ranges like Nilgiris, Athani-Andhiyur Hills, Shevaroy - Chitteri - Kalrayan Hills, Javadi Hills, Kollaimalai - Pachaimali Hills are all located in the northern region, whereas the region south of Cauvery is mostly a plain country with the exception of KodaiPalani Hills. The major rivers draining the fault-controlled valleys of Tamil Nadu are Bhavani, Cauvery, Ponnaiyar, Vaigai and Tambraparni, all _flowing in the easterly direction. The geology of Tamil Nadu comprises a wide spectrum of lithologies ranging from the oldest supracrustals to the youngest Cenozoic sediments (Fig.1.2). The oldest supracrustals are represented by deformed enclaves of sillimanite / fuchsite quartzites, amphibolites, banded iron formations and ultramafic-mafic assemblages found in charnockites and gneisses. These are termed as Sathyamangalam supracrustals by Gopala Krishnan et a/.(1975). Selvan (1981) has compared these supracrustals with the oldest Sargur supracrustals in Karnataka ( > 3000 Ma ). The well known chromite bearing anorthosite complex of Sittampundi (Aiyangar, 1946; Subramaniarn,1956) has been compared with the Messina (South Africa) and Fiskaenesset (Greenland) anorthositic complex by Windley (1973). The most ubiquitous rock types in Tamil Nadu are granulites (twopyroxene granulites and charnockites). Holland (1900) was the first to describe charnockitic rocks from hills around Pallavaram, Madras city. He proposed the term `charnockite series' for the hypersthene bearing rocks of acid, intermediate, basic and ultrabasic compositions. Significant contributions were made by many -: 7 :- 160 GEOLOGICAL MAP Ls.,#) OF . pAsk TAM II. NADU .0.....ok.... p.. . —.1. . r-- . 4 . . 4'...'.... 4. .„.:4,. ./: SO it 6s $ ,, 4. 4. • • ' •• • / ••••••• “."... • • 9. 4 • • •1 • ;* • 4.. • • • 0.• 03 • " • . k • - • • . . • • 0 • . . , . tr":" • • • (,) . . ••• CO rn , • • : • • • • , YouNGER COVER 1-= GRANITE • ii GNEISS =1 CNA RN0GIOTE. INDIAN OCEAN FIG.1.2 GEOLOGICAL MAP OF TAMIL NADU (Source: Geological Survey of India) -: 8 : investigators (Pichamuthu, 1961, 1967; Subramaniam, 1959; Naidu, 1963; Narayanaswamy, 1971, 1975) towards the understanding of the charnockite problem. For a long time, based on Narayanaswami's (1975) work, chamockitekhondalite system of rocks were considered to be the oldest in Tamil Nadu geology. But recent works, including mapping of G.S.I. workers in 1980's and geochronological data have brought out the fact that the charnockite-khondalite group of rocks ( 2600 Ma) are not the oldest rocks; and that they are not new additons to the crust, but the reflection of high metamorphism superimposed on the pre-existing low grade gneisses (Peninsular gneisses). The orgin of chamockite has been one of the most debated problems in South Indian geology. Much work has been done on the retrogression of chamockites into hornblende-biotite gneisses along major lineaments in Tamil Nadu (Moyar and Bhavani lineaments - Srikantappa et ca,1988) and along Attur lineament, retrogression and carbonatisation has been reported by Saleem Ahmed Khan and Janardhan (1989). Proterozoic massive anorthosites occur at Kadavur, Oddanchattram and at other places. The basic intrusives are represented by swarms of dolerite dykes. The conspicuous feature of these dolerite dyke swarms is that they occur abundantly in northern Tamil Nadu and are scanty or absent in southern Tamil Nadu. The most important (both academic and economic view points) are the ultramafic and alkaline occurrences confined to the late Proterozoic deep seated lineaments (Fig.1.3). Grady (1971) and Ahmed et al. (1986) conclude that there -: 9 : - --- LINEAMENT 45 INTRUSIVE COMPLEX 7(d 79.10. BOlot Fig. 1.3 MAJOR LI NEAMENTS AND THE INTRUSIVE COMPLEXES I AFTER SRINIVASAN I$77) 1 EL AGIR1 SYENITE 2 ToRAPADI ULTRA BASIC COMPLEX 3 KAN)ANUR ULTRABAS1C CARBONATITE COMPLEX I. TENMuDIYANUR ULTRABASIC $ HOGENAKAL CARBONATITE 6 PAR KANADu CAR BONATITE AND KUNDAMALAI ULTRA BASICS CHALK HILLS u LT ILABASIC I KANJAmAL Al ULTRABASICS TAmmAmPATTY ULTRA BASICS ID THEYUR ULTRABAS ICS II SANKAITI GRANITE DOME 17 SIRAPALLI ULTRABASICS 13 TOLUR K AR ADu JAKKAHANAICKANPATTI AND NADANDAI ULTRA BASICS 14 VIMANAYAKKANUR ULTRABASICS 1$ VALASIRAMANI ULTRABASICS II BNAYAN I ULTRABASICS 17 MOYAR ULTRA BASICS KuNDA ULTRA BASICS CHINNA 0 HAM AP URAM ULTRA BASIC S 20 KA OA v UR ANOP THO SITE 21 SIYASAILAM ULTRA BASICS 22 PuNALUR ULTRABASICS -: 10 : - is a close relation between deep seated lineaments and magmatic bodies. Deans and Powell (1968) recognised carbonatites at Koratti and subsequently several other occurrences were discovered around Tiruppattur and now it is popularly known as `Koratti carbonatite complex'. It is confined to NNE-SSW lineament. Ramaswamy (1984) reported vogesties from Tiruppattur. Borodin et al. (1971) described carbonatite - syenite complex near Paldcanadu, Salem District. Srinivasan (1977) recognised carbonatites near Hogenalckal. All these occurrences are confined to the NNE-SSW lineaments. According to Murthy (1979), the ultramafic and potassic association which is known as 'Chalk Hills ultramafic complex' occurs at the intersection of NW-SE and NE-SW trending deep seated fault system. Grady (1971) contended that this complex is situated at the intersection of NNE-SSW and E-W trending Godumalai shear zone (the Attur lineament). The ultramafic - syenite association has been described by Saleem Ahmed Khan (1989). It is clear from the ultramafic and alkaline rock occurrences throughout Tamil Nadu and similar occurrences reported elsewhere in the world (Sorensen, 1974; Ulbrich and Games, 1980; Black et a/„1985) that there is a close relation between deep seated lineaments and alkaline magmatism. 1.3 Location and Regional Geology of the Study Area The potassium-rich and associated ultrwnafic complex of Nagaramalai is - 11 : - located about 7 km .north-west of Salem town covering an area of about 30 Sq,km and contains one of the world's largest magnesite deposits. The area under study is bounded by north latitudes 11 0 40 and 110 46' and east longitudes 78° 05 • and 78° 11' (Fig. 1.4). The oval shaped ultramafic complex is aligned along ENEWSW trend with maximum length of 20 km.between Nerinjipatti in the north-east and Kamanayakanpatti in the south-west and the foot hills of Shevaroys on the north-east. The ultramafic complex has a maximum width of 3 km. between Sanikavundanur on the north-west and Kusamalai (4545) on the south-east. The entire ultramafic complex is bounded on all sides by well foliated and intensely folded high grade granulites and gneisses. High grade granulites are represented by Charnockite and pyroxene granulite together with concordant mafic bands and lenses comprising gabbro, pyroxenite and norite. The associated gneisses are represented by distinctly banded hornblende-biotite rich quartzofeldspathic rocks. It is also very significant to note that the ultramafic bodies of Chalk Hills are located at the intersection of the prominent deep seated faults (Fig 1.5) trending in NW-SE and NE-SW directions (Murthy,1979). The regional tectonics of Peninsular India has been dealt with at length by Narayanaswami (1964, 1975); Grady, (1971); Katz (1978); Drury and Holt (1980) and Drury et a/.(1984). Their works have brought out the fact that the Precambrian shield of South India is dissected by a number of deep seated mega lineaments. Drury et al.(1984), based on geophysical, geochemical, geological and remote sensing data, divided the Precambrians of South Indian shield which occur -: 12 : - Fig .1•4 LOCATION MAP OF THE STUDY AREA 76 76 /• -1 1 1 /--../mADnA BANGALORE Nt 0`"-• MYSORE • • • • SHEVAnoys ••.,MYF yeAcAuD 1410- 6 APp • SALEM PACHAMALAI *.P Y45 1/4) fn TAMIL NADU rI / Ft 100 KM 6 178 INDEX MVF MOYAR VALLEY FAULT AVF ATTU R VALLEY FAULT BHS BHAVANI SHEAR ZONE LOCATION OF THE STUDY AREA 50 -: 13 :- S C 0 AL6 140 moo i 4 144t1 . . . S. S. . • 1 i I / AVUKAS i $ALE N 0, 0.... ... ... ... , S. S. S. deep Jetted foal .---- Pri#Cipdi s V J 1 4......... Me FIG. 1.5 PRINCIPAL DEEP SEATED FAULTS TRENDING IN NW-SE AND NE-5W AND LOCATION OF CHALK HILLS ULTRAMAFIC COMPLEX OF SALEM, TAMIL NADU. (after Murthy, 1979) : 14 : to the west of Eastern Ghats into two blocks viz., northern and southern, the separating zone being the E-W trending Palghat-Cauvery lineament (Fig 1.6). Part of Tamil Nadu which constitutes the southern portion of the northern block is characterised by most of the high rising hill ranges viz., Nilgiris, Athani-Andiyur, Shevaroys, Kalrayan, Kollaimalai and Pachaimalai hills. Based on Landsat Imageries, Ahmed et a1.(1986) have prepared a lineament map of Tamil Nadu and have divided Tamil Nadu area into three tectonic blocks (1) Northern block, north of Moyar and Cauvery lineament,(2) Central Block, between Moyar-Cauvery and Vaigai lineaments and (3) Southern block, west of Vaigai lineament. Individual lineaments in all these blocks have been given local names. The density of lineaments is more in the northern block of Tamil Nadu, in contrast to the other two blocks. These lineaments are important as major ultramafic and alkaline rocks are located close to their proximity. From critical examination of lineament maps of Tamil Nadu, it is seen that there is a close relationship between the lineaments and the ultramafic occurrences. 1.4 Geomorphology The general topography of the study area exhibits a gently raising high ground towards Nagaramalai and Kurumbapatti reserved forest for the greater part. The study area is bounded by a plain country with detached hills raising to 609 mts. from a general ground level of 340 mts. Nagaramalai is the prominent hill of the study area with approximately EW alignment. The maximum elevation of the Nagaramalai is 619 mts. (Plate I, Fig.1). On the North, -eastern side of Phi/101'otCrIC cover ProlerozOiC eupracrustals Migmatites and granitoid plutons Archaean granitoid gneiss** Possible Archaean thrust/ she-ars Boundaries of high Archaean strains In western Karnataka ( LS • Low strain) Northern limits oh granulites. Maio( Proterozoic dykes Boundaries of higk lee Proterozoic a reeds, li•gional movements in late Proterozoic Lat• Proterozoic fabric* FIG.1.6 TECTONIC MAP OF SOUTH INDIA (after Drury et al, 1984) -: 15 :- MADRAS Phanoresec cover Preierecoic auerecruss•I, 040Oineffies PAlit0441 end graniioie Atcsmose eacirscrual are Alciwwba Otani gneiaarie Possible Archaean Moser hounderies of high ArCh41111111 strains in western KI/Aalaill ( LS • Low streig Northers Oahe ol granulites Oda*, Proisanoic *ekes illoundareog reelerromsaiC $ (A lei **yaw moimakonts la TRIVANDAthe hale Porferatoic Late Plefeeet04c terms I. 74 t o 76 FIG.1.6 TECTONIC MAP OF SOUTH INDIA (after Drury et el, 1984) -: 16 : Nagaramalai hill, the Shevaroy hillocks abruptly rises to a maximum height of 1625 mts. The other important hillocks found around Nagaramalai are as follows. (Plate I, Fig.2 and plate II Figs. l and 2) . (a) Kusamalai (A545) (b) Karangankaradu (A435) (c) Ayyankaradu (A445) (d) Ammankaradu (A439) (e) Red Hills (A460) (f) Penimalkaradu (A460) (g) Veerappankaradu (A335) (h) Ammikundukaradu (A460) In addition to the above hillocks, the study area is comprised of a number of small boulders and rock knobs which are marked as outcrops. The important villages located in the study area are:1. Chettichavadi 2. Gorimedu 3. Karuppur 4. Mungilpadi 5. Tekkampatti 6. Vellalappatti 7. Sanikavundanur 8. Tyagampatti 9. Vinayagampatti -: 17 : 10. Pudur 11. Kollappatti 12. Kombalpatti 13. Mettupatti The extreme north of the study area is covered by eucalyptus plantation and fairly dense scrub. 1.4.1 Drainage pattern The general drainage pattern is radial in the ultramafic complex, while in areas where chronockites and gneissic country rocks occur, the drainage pattern is aligned roughly parallel to the regional foliation forming consequent valley. The latter type of drainage is structurally controlled. A number of seasonal streams are located in the study area. The supply I water during monsoon and dry seasons vary widely. Streams running along the lear planes show almost a straight line course. Along the southern slopes of the hevaroy, dendritic type of drainage is noticed. Generally, the density of drainage high on the Shevaroy Hills and it is sparse around Nagaramalai. The drainage pattern of the study area is given in the figure 1.7. In and around the study area, there a number of magnesite mines. Some of the important working mines are as follows (Plate III, Figs. 1 and 2) 1. Dalmia Magnesite mine 2. Tamil Nadu Magnesite mine 3. Burn Standard and Company -: 18 :- r4 9 3 Kattura Topographic map of Nagaramalai area t•' contours 'PI* Metalled Road Unenstalled Road Telegraph line -.-e- Trolley lint %I Village • Hills a Chimney 7E: ef Streams /Nola IN& Tanks wow.. •■••••■•■•••••••••1 •■•■•••■ I •• Mb SONO* ••=1,IM• . •••••••■ FIG.1.7 TOPOGRAPHIC MAP OF NAGARAMALI AREA SHOWING THE DRAINAGE PATTERN. : 19 : - 4. Ponkumar Magnesite mine 5. Ramakrishna Magnesite mine 6. Universal Mining Corporation 1.4.2 Weathering The ultramafic rocks generally show evidence of greater weathering in comparison to the adjacent gneissic country rocks. The depth of weathering in dunite extends upto 40 mts., while in the gneissic country rocks, it ranges from 5 to 15 mts. The degree of weathering in these rocks are controlled by irregular fracture patterns. The regional ground water table is confined to the sum of weathering. The weathered soils of ultramafic rocks like dunite and peridotite show yellowish red colour. Potassium-rich rocks show mostly spheroidal weathering. Many well sections show spheroidal boulders of shonkinite 1.4.3 Weather and Climate Weather is a condition of the atmosphere in terms of heat, humidity, pressure and wind movement at a given time and place. Climate is much broader than weather. Climate is an expression of the syntheses of day to day changes of meterological elements. Temperature and precipitation form the general backbone of the climate. Hot and dry climate is prevailing around Nagaramalai. The hottest months in the area under investigation are March, April and May. The heat declines to some extent on the outbreak of the south-east monsoon. The southwest monsoon prevails during the months of June to September, whereas the North-east monsoon occurs during the months of October, November and : 20 : December. The average rainfall in the study area during South-west monsoon period is 465mm.and during the North-east monsoon it is 302 mm. The rainfall data of Salem district has been presented in the Table 1.1. The maximum temperature ranges from 25°C to 40°C and the minimum temperature varies from 12°C to 20°C. The relative humidity percentage ranges from 60% to 90%. Highest relative humidity values are during south-west monsoon period. 1.4.4. Vegetation A very large area of Salem district is covered by forest. There are two important reserved forest areas viz., (1) Nagaramalai reserved forest area and (2) Kurumbapatti reserved forest area. In the extreme north of the study area eucalyptus plantation is found. The other important trees found in the forest area are (1) Prosopin (Karunkatau) (2) Acacis tencophoie (Vel-velam). Nagaramalai and Chalk Hills areas are generally devoid of any vegetation. At the foot hills and along the flanks of Shevaroys, thick vegetation in the form of shrubs and thorny bushes are found. Within the ultramafic belt, vegetation is very scanty, whereas the adjoining gneissic and charnockitic country rocks support fairly thick vegetation. The important cultivation found in these areas are sugarcane, paddy and groundnut. 1.4.5 Soil types The soils of Salem District have been classified into five types. They are 1. Red Soil, 2. Black Soil, 3. Brown Soil, 4. Alluvial Soil and 5. Mixed Soil. On the basis of parent material, texture, permeability and alkalinity, the above soil types are further classified into five soil series. (Table 1.2). Figure 1.8 shows the -: 21 : - TABLE 1.1. RAIN FALL DATA OF SALEM DISTRICT, TAMIL NADU SW MONSOON NE MONSOON June 79 mm July 102 mm November 94 mm August 142 mm December 30 mm September 142 mm TOTAL 465 mm October 178 mm 302 mm TABLE 1.2. SOIL SERIES OF SALEM TALUIC, SALEM DISTRICT, TAMIL NADU. S.No Soil Series Area Parent material Characteristic Features 1. Salem Series 45.5 % Weathered gneiss with magnetite quartzite. Colour: Reddish brown to dark brown. Texture: Loamy to sandy clayey loam. Lime status: Non-calcareous. 2. Somayanur Series 89.5 % Transported Soil Colour: Dark reddish brown to dark blown. Texture: Sandy loam to clayey loam. Lime status: Calcareous. 3. Mallur Series 86.89 % Lacustrine Origin Colour: Greyish brown to very dark brown. Texture: Clayey loam to silty clay. Lime status: Calcareous. 4. Tululdcanur Series 85.63 % Weathered Quartzofeldspathic rocks Colour: Dark brown to dark reddish brown. Texture: Sandy loam to clayey loam. Lime status: Calcareous. 5. Peelamedu Series 81.84 % Granitic gneiss Limestone Colour: Dark grey to very dark brown. Texture: Clayey loam to clay. Lime status: Calcareous. —: 23 :- Fg .1•8 SOIL MAP OF SALEM TALUK SALEM DISTRICT. AM IL NADU C SCALE 1: 250000 REFERENCE ----- DISTRICT BOUNDARY TALUS BOUNDARY RIVER •r STREAM TANK v". ROCK alb SOIL SERIES BOUNDARY OUTCROPS • ALKALINE IIP ,,,.,, .1,1011 i.• ,-,.....,,... ..., \■,N, 11 .1414, ,4. ..441101.1/0A. ../ta amp 41•1611. 4/116 ..,... ,...1..• ION . AAA Ameme,.. • VII IN %GODUINAW 4 011 vii nr Us •••••.,' Imo doiciri, • -,• — . ammemdIN"(11.v. 'IP W. (K. or 0 Jr-op • ••.' % .. ad III , • C —. i'sil .,r ,•■2k .........4=419 ;,:! ■r.71C.:11..... %,..r. `,44.444. • .......-.„.% VeS. N 411=1111.1./111 •:...-ommonm. Num= . 0TO V e r— 1 141,■:47,11 Pdtt 111•11 , ■ t i # .11:it-3 sze: 4.• 4 LEGEND SAL E N Iii TULUKKNUR SONAVANuK EAR PILANEDU NALLUII MAGNESITE QUARRY Tlk ( MISCELLANEOUS LAND TYPE (141.7) RESERVED FOREST F. SALEM TOWN -: 24 : distribution of different types of soil of Salem district. However, the area under investigation mostly contain red and brown soil which have been formed as a result of weathering of ultramafic and gneissic country rocks. 1.4.6.- Communication and Accessibility The study area is well connected by road, rail and air. Salem is 368 km South-west of Madras and 200 km.south of Bangalore. The area can be easily be reached either by Salem - Omalur road or by Salem - Yercaud road. Salem Junction and Karuppur railway station are situated on the Jolarpet - Erode broad gauge section of Southern Railway. The potassium-rich shonkinitic outcrops can be reached by Salem to Danishpet road, Salem to Omalur road and Karuppur to Tekkampatti road. 1.5. A Review of Previous Literature Ramanathan, in the year 1954, collected two samples at Salem which were dark coloured with almost porphyritic texture. According to him, these rocks had phenocrysts of augite and other femic minerals embedded in a felsic matrix of orthoclase and sanidine with occasional microcline grains. It has comparable chemical analyses to that of shonkinites of Shonkin Sag, Montana, U.S.A. Nearly ten years later, P.R.J.Naidu (1963) presented a special paper on the potassic rocks of Salem occurring as dykes and sheets within or marginal to a dunite - peridotite body. According to him, the potassic rocks are black to dark grey in colour and their texture resembles that of lamprophyres. His mineralogical investigations show that the rocks exhibit a panidiomorphic texture with euhedral to subhedral crystals of olivine and augite set in a groundmass which may consist of the following minerals: - 25 : I. Leucite, pseudoleucite and sanidine - nearly 1.3% of groundmass 2. Nepheline, sanidine and intergrowths of nepheline and sanidine - nearly 0.2% of groundmass 3. Sanidine laths or massive sanidine and - nearly 3.0% of groundmass 4. Sanidine or orthoclase cryptoperthites - nearly 95.5% of groundmass Naidu (1963) is of the opinion that the presence of olivine and augite in all the potassic rocks relates them to peridotites and dunites of Chalk Hills and the larger proportion of felsic constituents is parallel with the increase of augite. He quotes Bowen (1956) that the early abundant crystallisation of olivine and later diopside -augite had rendered the residuum siliceous and alkalic. He proposed that the magma with a system (Si02 - NaAl SiO4 - K Al SiO4) crystallised under high water vapour pressure and that the field of leucite was restricted, (Fig. 1.9), Consequently, the pseudoleucite reaction was restricted to a narrow range in time, and the crystallisation of nepheline and sanidine and nepheline - sanidine pobtssi intergrowths was the end product of the differentiation of these pfertssie rocks. Krishnamurthy (1962) indicated that the ultrabasic rocks of the Chalk Hills consist mainly of dunite, peridotite and pyroxenite following an incomplete zonal pattern with pyroxenite in the rim followed by peridotite and dunite towards the core. He also suggested that the zoning may be due to successive intrusion on fractional crystallisation and differentiation of ultrabasic magma. -: 26 : a SiO2 10 90 20 80 30 70 40 60 50 50 NaAl 5i3os O. 2&3KAISIO8 60 30 KAI SI.0 6 20 Ne Kp (Neal Sipis ) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 60 90 ( K At 5W ) 4 01 LEUCITE 02 SANIDINE LATHS 0 3 04 MASSIVE SANIDINE SANIDINE PER THITE (1/2 NEPHELINE AND SANIDINE • PSEUDOLEUCI TE REACT ION • rt INVARIANT POINT • A,B,C,D ANALYSES OF POTASSIC ROCKS Op AVE RAGE OF PERIDOTITE OB AVERAGE OF BASALT Fig. 1.9 PHASE DIAGRAM OF THE SYSTEM Si02 (a) No AI 5;04 C Ne)- K AI SiO 4 ( Kp) ( AFTER P.R.J NAIDU , 19 6 3 ) -: 27 : Kadirvelu (1964) recognised in potassic rocks of Salem six components namely, (1) Missourite, (2) Shonkinite, (3) Shonkinite-dunite, (4) Melasyenodiorite, (5) Yogoite and (6) Olivine-augite syenite and proposed an origin where assimilative reaction of alkaline olivine basalt and granitic rocks of the basement was suggested. Murthy (1972) considered the potassic rocks of Salem as belonging to alkali feldspar syenite in the IUGS classification (Fig. 1.10). Further, he observed that olivine grains in the pyroxene do not show any characteristics of the relict type and hence it is of a second generation. In another paper, Murthy (1979) related the location of the ultrabasic rocks and the cross cutting shonkinites to an intersection of two major fault systems trending NE-SW and NW-SE. He also correlated all the other ultrabasic bodies located along NE-SW trending fault system with Chalk Hills ultramafics. Drury and Holt (1980) considered the intersection of major deep seated structures and were of the view that the NE trending stnictrue is an extension of the Proterozoic Moyar-Bhavani shear (Refer Fig.1.6) • According to Friend and Janardhan (1984), the above shear could be the controlling factor in the location of the ultrabasic rocks of Salem and was probably responsible for allowing the ingress of fluids which gave rise to the formation of magnesite. While Ramanathan and Naidu related the potassic rocks to the ultrabasic rocks in which they are found, Friend and Janardhan (1984) considered that they are not related to each other based on new petrographic and mineralogical data. Some of the evidences given by them are -: 28 :- 53 11N3X O UA 4 S31110 13 1U 34 OLIVINE CPX-- OPX OfITHOPYROXINITE CLINOPYROXENITE Fig . 1 •10 MODAL CLASSIFICATION OF ULTRAMAF1C ROCKS ( AFTER JUGS SYSTEMATICS OF IGNEOUS ROCKS) -: 29 : (i) Deformational textures are seen in ultrabasic rocks, Examples: (a) foliation on an outcrop scale (b) in thin section it shows mortar texture, strain lamellaetetc. and (c) kink bands in dunite. (ii) (iii) Lack of deformational texture in the potassic rocks. The felsic minerals of potassic rocks indicate a range in composition from silica undersaturated feldspathoidal types to oversaturated quartz bearing types. (iv) In the Salem shonkinites, the finger print textures occupy interstitial areas between K-feldspar, clinopyroxene and olivine phases. Therefore, they are late, crystallising after K-feldspar. The intergrowth textures represent two distinct phases, (1) silica rich - potassium rich - sodium poor phase and (2) silica poor - sodium rich phase. Such compositional finger print textures have been reported in other similar alkaline rocks also. Their petrographical and mineralogical data support the progressive crystallisation of a relatively magnesian-alkaline magma to form a variety of ultramafic to gabbroic textured rocks of broadly shonkinitic composition. In 1984, Leelananda Rao and Periakali presented a paper on the -: 30 : petrochemistry and genesis of the ultrabasic suite of rocks of Salem and included potassic rocks along with the zoned plutonic complex with a core of dunite mantled by peridotite and potassic members. They argue that the intimate relation of the ultrabasic suite of rocks to one another prove a common source of origin. According to them, the ultrabasic suite of rocks (including potassic rocks) appear to have resulted due to the diapiric rise of the potash enriched upper mantle material comprised of crystal mush that has consolidated at a depth corresponding to about 1 K-bar where Pip° Total Detailed structural analysis by Srivastava (1990) brought out multiple deformation pattern in charnockite and associated rocks at Kusamalai, south-east of Chalk Hills ultramafics, clearly emphasising the complex structural frame work surrounding the ultramafic complex, while the complex itself is devoid of any structural fabric. Based on detailed geological, petrological and chemical evidences, Murthy (1988) envisaged a continental environment for the generation and emplacement of the ultramafics of the Chalk Hills. He advocated the partial melting of upper mantle below the continental crust generating a magma of picritic composition, more basic than tholeiites and their emplacement through the transcrustal shears at the intersection of Bhavani lineament and Attur fault. Manjunatha Reddy (1991) presented the relation between leucite, potash feldspar and nepheline and the origin of nepheline-K-feldspar intergrowth (Manjunatha Reddy et al..1987). They considered that the intergrowths are not pseudoleucites as non-sodic leucites (Na20 < 6-7%) cannot form pseudoleucites -: 31 : (Bowen et a/,1937) and perhaps formed later than leudite and were then succeeded by discrete nepheline. Later assemblages significantly contain albite and microcline. They suggested that leucite might have formed in dry or CO2-rich condition (Wendlandt and Eggler, 1980) which is more probable as carbonatites and syenites ocotr along the NE-SW lineament cutting across Salem. The age of the carbonatite complex has been estimated to be around 750 900 Ma (Dean and Powell, 1968; Borodin, 1971 and Stibramanian, 1983). The age of potassic rocks of Salem is around 808 ± 18 Ma when plotted in 87Sr/86Sr vs 87Rb/86Sr Isochron diagram (Manjunatha Reddy, 1991) (Fig. 1.11). 1.6. Scope and aims of present study The present study aims at the following: (1) A scrutiny of the previous literature clearly shows that a variety of potassic rocks occur and their field relations are very important to understand the distribution of potassic rocks. Therefore, the author undertook an intensive survey with detailed mapping of the study area. He has established the field relations between different rock types and is proposing a chronological succession of geological events in the area. (2) The mineral assemblages and textures in the potassic and associated ultrafamic rocks reveal information on the physical conditions of their formations and mode of emplacement of these rocks. The author attempts a detailed study of the mineral assemblages and textures. -: 32 :- Q.J.P - RENNES.Dec.69) r IONION.■••■•■•111ilimMialr " sr/ "sr 0.740 Shonkinites from 9990 South India 9989 99794 /t• 5185 • 808 18M(2o) 10=0.7051 4_1 (2a) t MSWD 3.9 "Rb/ "Sr 9986 (11.8.) 1 FIG.1.11 ISOCHRON DIAGRAM OF WHOLE ROCK SAMPLES OF SHONKINITE GROUP OF ROCKS (after Manjunatha Reddy, 1991) -: 33 : (3) To establish a petrogenetic model, the complete chemistry of rocks must be known. Therefore, the author has utilised major oxide, trace element and Rare Earth Element (REE) analyses for complete geochemistry of the rock samples. (4) During the course of study, a relationship was noticed between the deep seated major fault running through the study area and covering a distance of nearly 150Icm (including carbonatite and alkali syenite of Sevattur) and the pota.ssic rocks of Salem. This deep seated major fault and structure of this region were studied in detail. (5) Based on the field, petrography, structural, geophysical and geochemical data, the petrogenesis, the possible mode of emplacement and the time of emplacement of potassic and associated ultramafic rocks have been attempted. r Research methodology adopted A detailed geological map on 1:25,000 scale was prepared by the author, ,g. 1.12),An area of about 30 sq.km.in the northwestern part of the Salem town ng between north latitudes 11 040' and 11 046' 1. and east longitudes 78°05' and '11' forming a part of Survey of India toposheet No. 58 1/2 was chosen for Ailed mapping. Since it is an active mining area for magnesite and the rock Dosures are being covered by mine dumps and soils, the author has taken .ulicient care not to miss even a single outcrop. In addition to barren outcrops, A nine cut, mine faces, railway and road cuttings and well cuttings were also -: 34 : carefully studied. Extensive cultivation has been made in the high grade gneissgran ulite terrain. About 500 rock samples were collected considering the textural and mineralogical variations of different rock types for detailed petrographic and geochentical studies, More than 250 thin sections were prepared and examined under the petrological microscope to understand their texture and mineralogy. Samples were crushed upto - 240 mesh size using agate mortar and pestle for the chemical analyses of major, trace and REE. Nearly 10 major oxide analyses and trace element analyses and 10 REE analyses were done at the National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI), Hyderabad and Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Research Station, Yercaud, Salem District. Trace and REE data were obtained for selected potassic and ultramafic rocks with the help of ICP MS/VG plasmaquad from National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad. PLATE - I FIG. 1 A DISTANT VIEW OF THE EASTERN SIDE OF NAGARAMALAI (A 619) FIG.2 A VIEW OF KUSAMALAI (A 545) WHICH FORMS A STRUCTURAL BASIN. PLATE -1 Fig -2 PLATE - II FIG.1 A VIEW OF THE NORTHERN SIDE OF AYYANKARADU (e445). FIG. 2 A PANORAMIC VIEW OF CHALK HILLS WITH MAGNESITE MINES. PLATE - II Fig • 1 Fig - 2 PLATE - III FIG. 1. A VIEW OF RAMAKRISHNA MAGNESITE MINES LOCATED ON SALEM - DANISHPET ROAD. FIG. 2. A VIEW OF TAMIL NADU MAGNESITE MINE (TANMAG) AT KURUMBAPATTI. A PART OF SHEVAROY HILLS IS SEEN IN THE BACKGROUND. • Fig 2
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