V E RE IN FA CHTE G E O LO G ISCH E K A RT E V O N NEUF UNDL AND HUMBER ZONE S t. An th o ny DUNNAGE ZONE GANDER ZONE G and e r C o rn e r Bro o k Gra n d Fa lls AVA L O N ZONE S t. Jo h n‘ s Po rt a u x Ba sq u e s M ar ysto wn 0 100 km LEGENDE AVALONE ZONE PROTEROZOIC TO ORDOVICIAN Subaerial and marine clastic sedimentary rocks, minor limestone PROTEROZOIC marine and deltaic clastic sedimentary rocks PROTEROZOIC Mafic and felsic volcanic and volcanoclastic rocks DU NNAGE ZONE CAMBRIAN TO SILURIAN Marine clastic sedimentary, island-arc volcanic rocks, volcanoclastic rocks GANDER ZONE CAMBRIAN TO ORDOVICIAN Clastic metasedimentary rocks and migmatic equivalents DEVONIAN TO CARBONIFEROUS Subaerial, lacutrine fluvial and deltaic clastic sedimentary rocks, minor limestone HU MBER ZONE PROTEROZOIC TO ORDOVICIAN Authochthonous and parauthochthonous clastic and metasedimentary rocks SILURIAN Shallow marine and subaerial clastic sedimentary rocks, minor limestone volcanic rocks, volcanoclastic rocks PROTEROZOIC TO ORDOVICIAN Platformal limestones and dolostones, includes clastic metasedimentary rocks PROTEROZOIC TO ORDOVICIAN Basal clastic and carbonate sedimentary rocks, includes mafic volcanic rocks PROTEROZOIC TO DEVONIAN Plutonic Rocks Schiefervorkommen (Vergl. auch Graphik im Text) CAMBRIAN TO ORDOVICIAN Ophiolithoc mafic-ultramafic rocks, pillow lava von Dipl.-Geol. Jörn Wichert (2004) Quelle: Geological Survey of Newfoundland
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