T HE QBA B ULLETIN 4 Published by the Queensland Bridge AssociationOctober-December 2014 Volume 40 No www.qldbridge.com Email: [email protected] From the President Keith McDonald O N behalf of the QBA I wish everyone a very merry Christmas and a happy and successful 2015. In 2014 we have promoted Youth Bridge and Novice Bridge. Paul Brake has been very active in helping organise Youth Fun Days; seven were held in 2014. Youth Bridge Week will be held in Canberra in January 2015. School Bridge is being promoted with promising results. Our Novice Coordinator, Mick Fawcett, never misses a chance to push events for novices. There were 19 events between June 22 and the end of 2014 for either novices exclusively or with a novice grade. Mick has a feedback page on the QBA web site. The QBA is committed to the promotion of bridge in Queensland, and will assist clubs with marketing in their region. This year will see the retirement of two of our longest serving officers. Joan McPheat has done an outstanding job as State Masterpoint Secretary for well over 25 years. Marion Cooke has dealt more bridge boards for the QBA and clubs than I think she would like to see in print. Both women will be difficult to replace and the QBA records the great debt we owe for their services. Queensland has 8,000 players thanks to the hard workers at all clubs. I acknowledge the support of the QBA sponsors, all listed on our web site, and the wonderful support of the Jupiters Community Fund. The fund provides valuable funds for equipment and facilities. I know 2015 will be another great year for the QBA with so many contributing to our success. I hope to see you all at the 2015 Gold Coast Congress. ■ 2015 Gold Coast Congress February 21 - 28 Contents From the President........................................................................................................... 1 QBA Open Pairs by Richard Wallis.............................................................................. 1 So You Think You're a Fast Player? by Matthew McManus.................................... 3 Cuppaidge's Column by George Cuppaidge............................................................... 6 Novices by Mick Fawcett................................................................................................. 7 25 Years Ago by Paul Lavings......................................................................................... 8 Teachers' Corner by Joan Butts...................................................................................10 Directors' Corner by Jan Peach....................................................................................12 The QBA Bulletin QBA Open Pairs Richard Wallis A N encouraging, but still low 49 pairs entered for the Open Pairs this year, which necessitated a 2-session qualifying on the Saturday, followed by a 2-session final on Sunday. All of the fancied pairs made the final, and it was back to square 1 for the 8-tables of the Final, Plate and Consolation on Sunday morning. Therese Tully and I started off very slowly, being in last place after the first 2 matches out of 15. There was a mild recovery up to match 9, before going into free-fall over the afternoon to drop out of the top half. Our troubles started again in match 10 against Neville Francis and Magnus Moren, and continued in the next match against Nathan Van Jole and Andy Hung. Francis/Moren and van Jole/Hung had a close battle all day, clearing out from the field about the halfway mark. Francis/Moren had a modest lead with 1 match to play, but after a below average final match, they thought they had handed the title to Van Jole/Hung. However the final result for Van Jole/Hung was not good enough to overhaul them, so the lead was unchanged, with Tony Hutton and Malcolm Carter in third place. The additional pairs brought down to Brisbane by the QBA via the Zonal subsidies adds another element of interest to this event, and gives the other zones exposure to a higher standard of bridge. October - December 2014 2 M 1 Bd 2 Dlr E Vul NS ♠J1042 ♥K8 ♦Q105 ♣A854 ♠63 ♥A965 ♦7632 ♣J93 ♠A85 N ♥Q3 WE ♦AKJ984 S ♣76 ♠KQ97 ♥J10742 ♦— ♣KQ102 W N E S 1DX 1S2HX 3H All pass On board 2 in the first match we had no place to go for a good score after South made a take-out double based on his good shape. Therese could rebid 3D over North’s free-bid of 2H, but instead chose to show 3 spades with a supportdouble, and with no source of tricks after her double I elected to pass over South’s raise to 3H. Dummy was a disappointment to us when Therese led the DK, and declarer had no trouble coming to 10 tricks for –170. This initially looked like a possible pick-up to us as game had been missed by NS, but in reality, we had missed an easy 3NT, We could not win on the hand, as even if we had got to 3NT, after the heart raise, NS would likely sacrifice in 4H, and that would come home for 10 tricks, possibly even doubled. It is highly unlikely that we would have thought to go to 5D over 4H instead of doubling, and since many EW pairs played the hand in 3NT for +400, we were screwed. M2 ♠K108752 Bd 6 ♥53 Dlr E ♦852 Vul EW ♣Q2 ♠AJ9 ♠4 N ♥K ♥Q42 WE ♦A109 ♦KQ743 S ♣KJ9764 ♣A1085 ♠Q63 ♥AQ109876 ♦J6 ♣3 W N E S 4C P 1D3H 5C All pass The vulnerability was in South’s favour and she took full advantage to cramp our bidding which caused us to miss an easy slam. My first thought was to bid 3NT and hope Therese could help with the heart stop, but that would be silly on many layouts, so I bid what was in front of me after all. When Therese raised, I gave thought to bidding slam, but wimped out and passed, making an easy 12 tricks for +620, but only 21%. Even 3NT, making 12 tricks would have been a good score, but 6NT would have been too pushy, even though successful. Rather than putting all of my eggs in one basket and keep 3NT in play, what I should have done was make a negative double, intending to pass over 3NT by Therese, or else bid 4C over 3S or 4D, and then we may have got to slam. Brisbane Bridge Centre 104 Frederick St, Annerley. Ph: 3392 7933 [email protected] - www.bbc.bridgeaustralia.org Play Sessions Tuesday 9.30 am Duplicate 7.30 pm Duplicate Wednesday10.00 am Duplicate Saturday 1.00 pm Duplicate Coaching Sessions &Monday 9.30 am Beginners’ Classes Tuesday 7.30 pm Friday 10.00 am Enquiries for coaching & beginners’ classes: 3392 7933 The QBA Bulletin M2 ♠KQ1063 Bd 8 ♥87 Dlr W ♦10842 Vul None ♣Q7 ♠82 ♠AJ975 N ♥Q10632 ♥ — WE ♦73 ♦AJ5 S ♣J864 ♣K10852 ♠4 ♥AKJ954 ♦KQ96 ♣A3 W N E S 1SX P 1NT2C 4H P!P P This board was the last of a bad set that sent us to the bottom of the field. Therese showed both of her suits, but when North show her spade values with a 1NT response to South’s take-out double, South made a bizarre leap to 4H, although it would seem that spade values by North do not help her cause. I was fairly certain that 4H was not going to make, but wrongly thought that it would still be a good score undoubled, especially if I did not give away the heart position with a double. Holding length in hearts, I should have led the ♣4, which would have likely led to a 3-trick defeat, but instead unwisely led the ♠8, which Therese assumed was a singleton, and her spade return allowed South an entry to dummy and a club discard. Declarer did not take advantage of the hearts in dummy and still finished 2 off, for +100, but only 21% to us. QBA Events Individual December 21 - QCBC Senior Teams February 7-8 - Sunshine Coast Mixed Teams March 14-15 - Noosa Selection Trials to be held March/April 2015 Details on the website October - December 2014 3 M5 Bd 18 Dlr E Vul NS ♠K8543 ♥1042 ♦J9 ♣QJ5 ♠AQJ ♥76 ♦A ♣AK107642 ♠102 N ♥AKQ8 WE ♦K8753 S ♣83 ♠876 ♥J953 ♦Q10642 ♣9 M7 ♠J6 Bd 25 ♥A83 Dlr N ♦KJ106 Vul EW ♣J862 ♠AQ93 ♠72 N ♥954 ♥Q1076 WE ♦AQ983 S ♦52 ♣7 ♣K9543 ♠K10854 ♥KJ2 ♦74 ♣AQ10 W N E S W N E S 1DP 1S2C2D P P 3C X All pass P P 1S P 1NT!P P 2D X All pass I had great cause to be worried when Therese rebid her clubs over East’s 2D, a contract that I was fairly confident of defeating. West was even more unhappy with the double of 3C than I was, and gave much thought to bidding 3D instead of passing the double, but eventually passed in hope, and was temporarily relieved when dummy tracked. East led the top 2 hearts and switched to the ♦5, which Therese won in hand to cash out the top trumps, and concede a trump and a spade for 9 tricks and +670. 2D by East was an awful bid, and deserved anything that came its way, but maybe East thought he was jammed into a corner. Having got away with the bad bid when Therese rebid 3C, he dug a big hole for himself by coming again with a double, and West had nowhere to go but down! West made a fatal mistake by balancing back into the auction when we had not found a fit and stopped in 1NT. We only play a 1NT response to a major suit opening bid as almost forcing, and definitely not forcing by a passed hand, so West was putting her neck on the block by balancing with 2D after the 1NT response got passed back to her. West’s spade holding would suggest keeping out of it as by bidding 1NT, Therese would have 2 spades at most, and maybe none. As it turns out, with almost every card right for NS, 3NT is cold, but that is only +400, so to get above average, 2D would have to be only 1 off for +200 for NS. However, the very card positions that made 3NT easy for NS, worked against West in 2DX, and she finished 3 off for +800 to us. This Our Major Sponsor Stores: Australia Fair, Browns Plains, Cairns Central, Caloundra, Capalaba, Carindale, Chermside, Garden City, Helensvale, Hervey Bay, Indooroopilly, Ipswich, Keperra, Logan Hyperdome, Mackay (Canelands), Morayfield, North Lakes, Pacific Fair, Redbank Plaza, Robina, Rockhampton, Springfield, Strathpine, Sunshine Plaza, Toowoomba (Clifford Gardens & Grand Central), Townsville (Stocklands & Willows), Victoria Point, TweedCity & Wynnum Plaza. Now in W.A.: Carousel, Galleria, Innaloo, Midland, Perth City & Whitfords (Gloss Head office: 41 Bulcock St, Caloundra 4551 Ph: 07 5437 0666 Fax: 07 5437 0966 Email: [email protected] The QBA Bulletin was only worth 71% to us, so must have been duplicated a few times at other tables. ■ The full article is on the website So You Think You’re a Fast Player? Try this quick quiz… The major complaint that directors have to deal with is slow play (although air-conditioning does come a close second). Whether it’s because there’s no time to play all the boards, whether it’s players waiting for a table to finish so they can move there or because most of the players are hanging around for tables to finish play so the director can make the draw for the next round, slow play is the main cause of discontent for most players. So, if you are brave enough to take it, here is a quiz to see if you are one of those players who cause dissatisfaction - are you ready to start? Q 1. Are you ready to start? One of the very obvious things that I observe is that players who are notorious for their slow play are also typically those who, when the round or match is starting, are making a cup of tea, chatting with friends, arguing with their partner or team mates - anything but being ready to commence play. If you do have a reputation as a slow player, how about trying the effect of sitting at the table before the director hands out the boards, all set to start play immediately? Those extra couple of minutes will make a difference. Q 2. Are you carrying too much weight? No, I am not being personal, but like a racehorse which is handicapped to slow it down by having to carry additional weight, a lot of slow players add to the delay by what they have to transport when they get up to move to the next table. A coat or jumper, a bag, a book or magazine, a score book, a pen, a glass of water or cup of tea, and various other paraphernalia. Why not try the effect of travelling light? Put as much as you can away in a corner before the start of the session. October - December 2014 4 Q 3. Are you guilty of 'scoring on the green'? Golfers will know that one of the big no-nos is 'scoring on the green'. That is, filling in your scorecard immediately after putting out, rather than moving off the green so that the group following can hit up. Bridge has its own version of this. It can be the players who are running late filling in personal scorecards before moving on. But there are other instances. Looking at the travelling score sheet to see what others have done, or inspecting the Bridgemate to see your percentage on the board is a privilege, not a right. If you are running late and other players are waiting to come to the table, you have lost that entitlement. The director, if he is on the ball and able to do so, should take responsibility for entering the score on the traveller/Bridgemate, so that EW can move on and NS can start play in the next round. (Of course, playing directors are unlikely to be in a position to do this – one of the reasons why it is even more difficult for playing directors to keep a track on slow play.) Similarly, spending too much time poring over the results at the end of a hand, and engaging in lengthy post mortems with partner, is a significant cause of slow play. Furthermore, there can be similar problems during the play of the hand. Some easy directions: if you are on opening lead, NEVER fill in your personal scoresheet until after you have made the lead. If you are dummy, ALWAYS put your cards down on the table immediately after the opening lead is faced. If play is being delayed by having to enter the data in the Bridgemate, try this procedure: after dummy’s hand goes down, give the Bridgemate to dummy, who can then enter the board number, the contract, the declarer and (if recorded) the opening lead, before handing the unit back to North or South. At the end of the hand, it is then a simple matter of entering the number of tricks and having the score confirmed by the opponents. Finally, at the end of the hand, after the number of tricks is agreed, the very first thing you should do is to put the cards back into the board. The QBA Bulletin If the director does need to move the board on, it will greatly speed things up. Q 4. Do you feel bad/remorseful when the director says “take an average”? If I had a dollar for every time I’ve been told, “It wasn’t our fault”, I wouldn’t be directing, I’d be living in the lap of luxury on the Riviera! There are two possibilities: one - it really wasn’t your fault. In that case, it will be a very rare occurrence for the director to say, “take an average”. As it is so uncommon, it will hardly make a difference to you, and you will understand that what the director is doing is for the benefit of the game, keeping it moving and making things better for everyone. However, if it is happening to you a lot, you need to ask the question, “why?” The standard amount of time allowed per board is about 7 minutes. That means, each player has about 2 minutes per hand to consider their bids and plays. (The reason it doesn’t quite add up is that dummy doesn’t need any thinking time during the play period.) Of course, occasionally there will be particularly difficult problems when you may need to take extra time. That is not an issue. However, if you are consistently taking more than your fair share, that is a big problem. Apart from being discourteous to the opponents - and any one who has to wait for you to finish - it is a significant breach of the proprieties of the game. In tournament chess, a player who exceeds the time limit automatically loses the match. The penalties usually imposed in bridge (on the rare occasions that they are implemented) are usually of far less significance - often just getting average minus on a board. Experienced directors know who the slow players are. Apart from having to consistently hurry them up, directors regularly receive complaints about having to play against “so and so, who is so slow”. When the same names keep coming up, the pattern and the truth is pretty well established. When these players react with comments like “we weren’t slow” or “it wasn’t me”, either they are being disingenuous, or are unacceptably unaware of their behaviour. In either case, clearly something needs to change for the good of the game and the enjoyment of all. Q 5. Are we done yet? The fact that all the boards have been played is not a good indication that play has been timely. The biggest grumbles that the opponents of slow players have involve being pressured to rush through the last couple of boards because of the amount of time that has been used up earlier. A far better test of whether you are slow is to monitor where you are midway through the round. When the director says, “we have reached the half way point, you should have finished x boards”, have you completed at least half your boards? If the answer to this is “no” more than 25% of the time, you cannot keep blaming your opponents - you are a slow player. How did you go? I expect you passed. But maybe you may know of someone else for whom this article might be useful? Your partner perhaps? Remember that saying, “It’s not me, it’s my partner”, is not really an excuse. Bridge is a partnership game. If your partner is to blame for making the game less pleasant for others, then at some point you have to take responsibility as well. Matthew McManus Originally published in the NSWBA ebulletin. State News Winners of the Open Pairs Neville Francis and Magnus Moren Winners of the Senior Pairs Richard and Helen McLauchlan GNOT Queensland Representatives are published on the website Congratulations to the following clubs for successful applications for Government Funding Arana, Cairns and Northern Suburbs. October - December 2014 5 Bridge Travel The best hand of my life was a fringe benefit of a visit to Ofuna Bridge Center near Tokyo. Auction N E At favourable vulnerability with IMPs scoring, as dealer how do you bid these gems? P 4♠ P* P* ♠ -, ♥ AKQJT82, ♦ AKQ964, ♣ - Trevor Strickland One of the fringe benefits of being a bridge player is that when you travel the world you can usually find other bridge players. You will be warmly welcomed at bridge clubs at Mudgeeraba, Malanda, Margaret River, Mumbai, Mt Manganui, Marrakesh, Munich, Milan, Maui, Manhattan. When you plan your next travel adventure, why not make Bridge a feature? With a few minutes web surfing it is usually possible to locate local bridge club contact details and session times. For Australia a useful starting point is the webpage of the state bridge association which will guide you to local clubs. (There is a link to other state associations on the QBA webpage.) For overseas clubs start with the World Bridge Federation's Zonal Organisation webpage: The full hand: Dlr: W Vul: N/S ♠AJ76 ♥95 ♦3 ♣AK9832 ♠♥AKQJT82 ♦AKQ964 ♣♠KQT932 ♥♦J 2♠ P P W 2♣ 3♥ 7♦ P * Hesitation. (rough translation) What are these crazy Aussies up to? They bid grandslam and I have two Aces! Do I double? ♠854 ♥7642 ♦T8752 ♣Q ♣JT7654 ** Hesitation. What is my crazy partner up to? Do I accept the invitation to be declarer in 7♦ with my magnificent 2-count or pass the buck to the crazy bidder? opening lead: ♣A (13 tricks claimed) Play Note that even at unfavourable vulnerability, 7♠ is a cheap sacrifice for N/S. 7♣ would have made on a ♥ lead! 2015 Bridge Holidays Web: www.qbatravel.com Email: [email protected] Phone: 0439 743823 Norfolk Island 7 nights 21 – 28 March from $1190* Sydney to Singapore 17 nights 11 - 28 June from $2490* www.worldbridge.org/geographic-zones.aspx Navigate to one of 71 national bridge federations and then to local bridge clubs. Hong Kong to Brisbane 21 nights 17 Nov - 8 Dec from $2490* If you need help locating a bridge session, email me at: [email protected] Cross-fertilisation of ideas is another fringe benefit. Kenmore Bridge Club has copied the design of side tables at a Japanese bridge club. 2♦ P 7♥** S 90th Birthday of Bridge San Francisco & Panama Canal (+ optional Everglades & Florida Keys) 28 September – 23 October 24 nights Norwegian Pearl from $3450* Web: www.joanbuttsbridge.com/holidays Email: [email protected] Phone: 0413 772 650 Melbourne Long Weekend 3 nights 30 April – 3 May from $750* 6 Cuppaidge’s Column ♠QJ7 ♥A964 ♦KQ76 ♣A3 ♠AK82 ♥ — ♦J1043 ♣QJ982 W N E S George Cuppaidge Are You Serious? I F you are serious about bridge, you must be able to incorporate relay into some of your sequences. Garozzo does, why shouldn’t you? Fundamental to most systems is opening 1NT to show a balanced hand in a certain point range. That is a good start, the distribution is limited but there can be a huge difference between one balanced hand and another. Stayman 2C is in fact a relay, but to get full value, you must be able to continue your enquiry. You must be able to do so in the face of opposition bidding as well. To play that the cheapest bid over the Stayman reply is a further shape enquiry usurps a relatively unimportant bid and gives enormous power in terms of finding out all you want to know. This is a simple frame work. Over a 2H reply and a 2S relay, the replies are. • 2NT I have four spades • 3C I have four clubs • 3D I have four diamonds • 3H I have no other suit, so I am 3-4-3-3 shape. (or if you must, some 3-5-3-2) When the initial reply is 2S, denying four hearts, the relay is 2NT and the replies are identical. Over a 2D reply and a 2H relay, these are the responses. • 2S Clubs only, 3-3-3-4 or some 2-3-3-5 • 2NT Diamonds only • 3C 4-4-3-2 • 3D 4-4-2-3 This example hand demonstrates how simply the concept extends to coping with interference. The QBA Bulletin 1NTP 2C 2H X1P 2S2P 3D3 P 5D All pass 1)West’s double of 2H says, “I have four hearts, possibly four spades.” You could keep it very simple and play pass shows no four-card major. Alternatively and recommended, pass shows the suit below, diamonds only, 2NT shows both minors and 3C shows clubs only. 2) To pass may be right, but it is rarely right to defend a two-level partscore when your opponents have a nine-card fit. So East relays. 3)The suits come out, upwards in steps, so 2NT shows four spades, 3C shows four clubs and here 3D shows four diamonds. It is important to appreciate that over further intervention, pass is the first step-spades and double or redouble is the second-clubs. 4)Slam is most unlikely but 5D looks a good shot. And it is. 3NT is hopeless. Could you possibly bid this hand without calling in aid relay? There is another important matter, “Drop Dead Stayman” as it is so delightfully termed in America. There are essentially two variations, one where you pass anything, another where you can escape to a major over 2D. It is a valuable treatment but relay is compatible only with the first variant. The ideal hand for it is 4-4-5-0 but with shapes like 4-3-5-1, or 4-4-4-1 it is the percentage action. You may get too high over interference but at least you will get to your best fit. The reassuring factor is, you know, they don’t. Must you disclose the possibility? Your partner doesn’t so why should your opponents? But it is a “nice question.” How Would You Do It? The best line does not really stand out here. Three possible lines are considered below, I would be delighted to hear if a reader considers one to be demonstrably superior. Dlr S ♠43 ♥A8654 ♦5 ♣AQJ64 ♠K7 ♠1086 N ♥J10 ♥Q97 WE ♦ Q1062 S ♦AK973 ♣K1087 ♣52 ♠AQJ952 ♥K32 ♦J4 ♣93 W N E S 1S P 1NT12D 2S 3D 4S All pass 1)This was my bid. I know many would prefer to start bidding the hand. I belong to the, easier to handle school, two over one creates a game-force. Over suit intervention I pass, being quite certain a negative double (with forcing free-bids) will only cause confusion. Playing non-forcing free-bids, a minimum bid in hearts is easy over suit intervention. Over 1NT, the top-heavy natural non-forcing 2H is preferable to double. It is not hard to construct a hand where you make 4H and they make 1NT. West led a diamond to East’s ♦K and East returned a trump. My partner’s line was successful but I am by no means sure it was the best. Superficially, the spade finesse looks bad value because it costs you a trick if it loses and one comes back, you do not get a diamond ruff. But there are other things to consider, including the trump suit itself, and you will gain a tempo. Declarer won in hand with her ♠A, ruffed her diamond and led a heart to her ♥K. Her ♠J was a good card, but the ♠K was taken on her left. West returned a heart, but almost certainly would have returned a club had he not held the ♣K. Declarer must finesse and will be lucky to survive if it loses. In fact a heart came back. Declarer won it in dummy and played a third heart, luckily for her won on her right. Declarer ruffed October - December 2014 7 the diamond continuation, drew the trump and claimed. What do you think of the line? These are my thoughts. A trump back is almost mandatory wherever the ♠K is. With 18 points missing there is room for either black king to be in either hand. You can play for and make with them both wrong, but you will need either luck or help. Consider your line in that case. (Your line may involve playing the ♣Q off dummy to preserve entries, after you have grabbed your ♠A and ruffed your diamond.) Simplicity appeals to me. Play for one king to be right. When the spade finesse loses and a trump comes back, draw the trump and take the club finesse. Return to a high heart and repeat it, cash the ace and ruff one to establish the thirteener. You can dispose of your heart and diamond losers. I direct readers’ attention to re-edited versions of two items of mine on the QBA Articles page. One is my Jorj Club system which I see as perfection in bidding, the other is an update on the valuable Wolff Sign-off. [email protected] Novices Michael Fawcett A Teams of Three Event on the Horizon C HRISTMAS parties will be in full swing shortly and the party dress-ups should be at the ready. However as we come towards the end of another exciting year of bridge there is just one more very important event to consider. At the time of publication of this edition, there will be only a few more days to enter the QBA Teams of Three, to be held at QCBC on the December 14. This event is for players with up to 250 masterpoints, however even if you’re a player with very few masterpoints, this event is for you. You can enter as a team of three, a pair or individually and you will be allocated a team along with an expert captain who will guide and advise you to play better bridge. Previous teams of three events have had various sections and so there is nothing to fear as you will be playing against others of a similar ranking. This is a very popular event with the novice players indeed. An Eventful Bridge Year This year has been an eventful year of bridge for me. I have entered local congresses and also found myself playing as far North as Hervey Bay, as far South as Sydney. A particular highlight for me was the trip to Hervey Bay where I came across fellow bridge players away from the bridge table while whale-watching Manager's Travels I T'S a quiet time this period because the work for the Gold Coast Congress increases and I need to stay in the office on weekends, and also I went to England for a short period to see family and had a fabulous time. I did manage to play in the Gold Coast Graded Teams with Ray and Hari and Cheryl however not much more than this. At the end of November we assist with the running of the GNOT and this is not a small job; however, it is nice to for me to see all the zones and meet all the players. I would like to take this opportunity in wishing every reader a merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Next year is a big travelling year it's up to Cairns in June, across to Alice Springs in September and then later that month, over to Hamilton for the New Zealand Nationals, so I will have much to whinge about the travelling in later editions. Kim Ellaway The QBA Bulletin 20th Barrier Reef Congress Hilton Hotel, Cairns June 5 – 8, 2015 Chief Director: Sean Mullamphy An ABF Gold Point Event Swiss Teams (Open and Restricted) Butler Swiss Pairs (Open, Restricted and Novice) Tournament Organiser: E-Mail: Web: William van Bakel 0414 430 145 [email protected] www.qldbridge.com/brc October - December 2014 8 and dining in a local restaurant. Recently, I entered the Sunshine Coast Bridge Club Novice Pairs congress and at just over an hour away from Brisbane is an enjoyable Sunday morning drive, which also provided a last minute chance to fine tune some bidding sequences with my partner. Wherever the congress, I have played against players of varying levels of experience and rankings, however I have always enjoyed each event to the full. I have met lots of players who I now see regularly at congresses and I am looking forward to catching up with them next year. I am especially encouraged by the fact that at every congress I have played in this year there has been a number of players who are experiencing their first congress. It is absolutely brilliant to see and I hope they continue to enter many congresses in the future. The QBA Gold Coast Congress The end of February always brings the Gold Coast Congress (GCC) and with it a range of events for novice players, either in pairs or teams. I will be playing in the three day novice pairs event because I always want to experience the biggest pairs event I can, to my ability, at the biggest event on the bridge calendar. There is also a selection of rookie and novice 1-day events through the week where regular or first time congress players can enjoy and take in the awesome atmosphere of playing in a great hall of bridge players. As always, rookies and novices will only be playing against players of similar ranking, but there is the chance you will rub shoulders or bump into some of the world’s top bridge players, and you will always see someone you know from your local bridge club. A full list of coming events for players of all ranks, including novices, can be found on the QBA website at www.qldbridge.com. Questions If any novices have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at novicecoordinator@ qldbridge.com or via the Novice tab on the QBA website. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. ■ The QBA Bulletin 25 Years Ago Qld Open Teams HE magnificent new clubcooms at Toowong hosted their first QBA event over the weekend of 2~3 September. The turnout was poor however, a paltry ten teams which reduced the event to a round-robin. Swiss events are great fun, and you need to take out the key matches to win, and there are always plenty of them. This hand from the first round created problems all round. T Dlr E Vul NS ♠J9 ♥AK7 ♦87543 ♣AKQ ♠86 ♥8542 ♦AKJ109 ♣65 ♠AKQ7 N ♥QJ WE ♦2 S ♣J108742 ♠105432 ♥10963 ♦Q6 ♣93 W N E S 1C P 1D P 1S P 2H1P 3C P ? 1) 4th suit, game forcing What would you bid? Richard Wallis opted for 3NT. AKQ in partner's rebid suit should help to set it up. North led the ♦A, and South did not dump her queen, but worse was to follow. North now led the ♦J, and Wallis's ghastly 3NT made for no swing. Apparently similar things were happening all round the room. In the end the LAVINGS team won ahead of COOKE. The event was well run by the Toowong Club and Reg Busch, our excellent director. And thank you for the hand records. It was a pleasant surprise to play against the LYNN team from Lismore, who very obviously enjoyed the weekend. With NSW clubs like Ballina, Byron Bay, Brunswick, Lismore, Murwillumbah and Tweed only 2½ odd hours from Brisbane, but 10 hours from Sydney, there is no reason we should not see many other such teams in our championships. A special thanks to club tournament director Judy Nothdurft who cleaned up after everyone, and to Peter Schouten who manned the bar the entire weekend. Paul Lavings Sanctuary Cove Our inaugural Congress was a huge success, with a full field contesting the Swiss Pairs event. In fact we had to close entries to the Open divisions over a week early, with many pairs missing out - a good omen for next year. Our Director Chris Snook did a great job overseeing a large field in two rooms and Convenor Sheryl Haslam supervised the Novice Section as well as assisting Chris. Many players were also complimentary about our caddy Jamie Crowe who did a great job considering she had never been in a bridge room before. Many thanks to our major sponsor MGD Wealth and all our prize donors. Also thanks to all the members who participated and particularly those who helped out on the day with setup and lunch service. Joan Butts donated some bridge books which were given to the most improved players in the Novice Section, Stanley Law/Rosemary Rodger and Yuko Nakamura/Nicki Sleeman. Hervey Bay Hervey Bay held a very successful Novice Pairs congress on August 17. Even though there were only 12 tables, every player thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Players came from Toowoomba, Noosa, Gympie, Bundaberg and Brisbane as well as Hervey Bay and Maryborough. As per usual, the event was very well organised and catered for by Hervey Bay. We introduced a theme this year to try and encourage more novice players to attend. “Come up a day early and go whale-watching on the beautiful calm waters of Hervey Bay on Saturday and then enjoy a game of bridge on the Sunday.” Several players did this and had a great time. October - December 2014 9 In the final countdown, QBA Novice Pairs Co-ordinator, Mick Fawcett and Lyn Tracey took out first place. It was hotly contested right up until the last round where a number of pairs could have won. Redlands Les Bonnick Redlands Beenleigh Logan Bridge Club were invited to join Redlands for a Melbourne Cup day with a game of bridge, lunch, sweeps, parades and watching the race on the big TV. Eight of our members attended and had a very enjoyable day thanks to Redlands. Margaret Franklin, Di Arnold, Mary Simon (all from Beenleigh) and Poona Gounder (Redlands) Sunshine Coast NEW YEARS EVE TEAMS Wednesday Dec 31 $60 per team Theme: Hats or Hair QCBC OPEN & NOVICE PAIRS Sunday Jan 11 $30 per player Director: Alan Gibson Novices <100 MPs as at 30/9/2014 SCBC Novice Pairs winners: Bob and Christine Thomas and runners-up Brett Middelberg and Ron Thurairetnam Gold Coast BRISBANE ZONE GNOT TEAMS Friday 7pm, Jan 30, Feb 6 & 13 $120 per team (no table fees) All enquires and entries to QCBC: 3391 3241 - qcbc1@optusnet. com.au Details on the website: www.qcbc.org.au The QBA Bulletin GCBC Graded Teams 'A' Grade winners: Pele Rankin, Fred Whitaker, Paula McLeish and David McLeish October - December 2014 10 Teachers' Corner Joan Butts ABF Continuing Professional Development Day (CPD) T HIRTY teachers, mostly those interested in Accreditation, attended this 6-hour course at Toowong on Nov 23, which covered Modern Bidding Methods, and had as its slogan, “Sometimes we bid a lot with a little, at other times, a little with a lot”. For anyone interested in viewing the content of the day, I have recently added a 45- minute podcast/video to the ABF and my own website. We examined the roles of Opener, Responder, Intervener and Advancer in turn, and played some great deals that matched the topics. The material was given to me and the ABF by The QBA Bulletin Audrey Grant, who likes to think of herself as “an expert in simplicity”. I endorse and have always followed this approach for students, because it’s an educational truism that no one can move to the next step if they do not have the basics well understood. Teachers sometimes “force feed” their students, like the geese that are fattened to become pâté de fois gras(!), and do not spend enough time concentrating on the fundamentals, always trying to add new material that only results in confusion. Teachers came from interstate as well as country and northern Queensland. Congratulations to Sandra Mulcahy on two counts: firstly for becoming Queensland’s first Accredited teacher in the new ABF Scheme, and also for organizing the event. This included a great working lunch, where we all made our own sandwiches, and then got back to the task at hand! Sandra is a new teacher, trying her hand at methods which streamline bridge learning. A great approach is the one that Toowong has decided to take with their students and the education Sandra Mulcahy process in general. 10 Toowong representatives attended the CPD, constituting a team approach (Team Toowong!) whereby people similarly trained will ensure a consistent approach to Help with Play sessions and some lessons at the club. Developing good judgement at the table is the name of the game, and being brave enough to back that October - December 2014 11 judgement when deciding whether to, and what to, open, is winning strategy. Ideas like this have been around forever, but sometimes are not emphasized these days. For example, in third position, when two players have passed, one of whom is your partner, we know it’s OK to open with a point or two less than in first or second position. But… always open a good suit, even if it’s only four cards (in a major). Your side may not win the auction, so your bid is lead-directing. Much better to open 1♠ on this hand than 1♣. ♠ AKQ10 ♥ 62 ♦ 753 ♣ Q642 Bidding goes P P and you open 1♠, the next hand bids 2♥ and the opponents reach 4♥. Your partner is on lead, and here’s the whole hand. Dlr N ♠85 ♥Q4 ♦10984 ♣J10953 ♠J93 ♠7642 ♥AKJ85 N ♥10973 WE ♦AQJ6 S ♦K2 ♣7 ♣AK8 ♠AKQ10 ♥62 ♦753 ♣Q642 In West's 4♥ contract, if North leads the ♠8, South will win the ♠Q, ♠K, and then the ♠A. Best card next is the ♠10, which will allow North to promote the ♥Q, and the contract will be defeated. North is likely to lead a club rather than a spade if South opens 1♣, and now 4♥ will make. ■ Current President, Di Hodges the club now stands. The purchase price was $35,000 and money was raised for the land and building through debentures, guarantors and a $20,000 loan. Some members mortgaged their homes to assist. 1973 the new club rooms were officially opened by the President of the Queensland Bridge Association, James O’Sullivan. In 1989, the club's 25th anniversary was celebrated. Over the years, the club has gone from strength to strength. Continuous renovations to club rooms took place including solar panels on the roof, reverse cycle air conditioning, new carpets and furniture. A new entrance ramp with automatic doors provides easy access to people with disabilities. A stunning new foyer displays club memorabilia and framed montages of members’ photos throughout the years. The club celebrated its 50th birthday on 12th October with a gala occasion including invited guests from the community, long-time players and current members. The day started at 9.30 am with bridge play followed at 11.00 am with announcements and introductions to special guests. Flowers were presented to a longtime member of 40 years, Elizabeth Hartnell, who still plays a great game of bridge. A champagne lunch was served, including of course, a big birthday cake. Bridge play commenced again at 1.00pm and continued until 3.30 pm followed by a cocktail party. ■ QBA Mailing List If you wish to be put on the mailing list for news which is sent out about once a month, please email the manager. [email protected] Surfers Paradise Gold Coast Bridge Club Celebrates its 50th Anniversary The first official bridge club in Queensland was established as far back as 1934 and the first ever bridge club on the Gold Coast was founded in October 1964 - The Gold Coast Bridge Club. It was officially opened on 26th November 1964 by the President of the Queensland Bridge Federation, Dr. Don Neill. There were then 70 members. In March 1972 the Board approved the purchase of two blocks of land on the Gold Coast Highway where The QBA Bulletin Surfers Graded Teams winners: Eileen li, Janeen Solomon, Watson Zhou and Charlie Lu October - December 2014 12 Directors' Corner T HE QBA Director Discussion Group is now hosted by Google Groups and not Topica. The easiest way to join is to go to the Director page at qldbridge.com and click the link. Alternatively email me at [email protected] and I will send you an invitation to join. There will be a director get together during the Gold Coast Congress so keep an eye out for the details closer to the time and do come and say, “Hello”. When asked to explain partner’s call, a player provides everything the call means to him, not just its name. In the situation 2C (P) 2D where 2C is strong artificial and 2D is an artificial response, I am hearing 2D described as “waiting” without players apparently realising that “waiting” and “negative” responses are different animals. 2D as a negative response denies some number of high card points, often eight. A 2D negative response might show 0-7 hcp. I’ve turned to Bridge Guys for a definition of 2D as a waiting bid. “This waiting bid does not describe any strength held by the responder, nor does it impart any descriptive information regarding the diamond holding. The automatic two diamonds response, owing to the partnership understanding, does not provide any information to the opener.” I’ve been asked to dispel some myths circulating around supervised play tables. 1. Players may not put a hand (one with fingers) on the table. Not True. Nothing in the laws of bridge stops a player simply resting a hand on the table. What dummy should not do, is deliberately hold a hand on the table to help declarer remember that the lead is from the dummy. Dummy may try to prevent an irregularity by declarer. For example, if declarer looks about to lead from his own hand instead of from the dummy, dummy might say, “From the table,” or even tap the table to get declarer’s attention quickly. The QBA Bulletin 2. Failing to announce is as serious as failing to alert. Not so. While one should follow correct procedure, announcements are made to try to stop opponents creating unauthorised information by asking how many points in a 1NT opening (when they hold some points) or how many clubs for a 1C opening (when they have a club suit). There’s rarely an ongoing problem as players retain their absolute right to ask at their turns. On the other hand, failure to alert may cause problems should opponents be damaged by misinformation. 3. A player may not open 3S with 12 points, overcall with 6 points, open at the one level with 8 points. Yes he may. It is a fallacy to think that the opponents must assess their hands as we would. Providing there are no secret understandings, players may make any manner of overbids, underbids, mistakes and poor choices or simply have agreements that we might consider unbelievable. 4. East-West may not turn over bidding slips or move boards. Not true. North is usually responsible for maintaining correct procedure at the table but there is nothing to say that he must do all the chores himself. Tables usually move more quickly if the chores are shared but faced with a parochial North, it may be more peaceful if EW are less helpful. Jan Peach Director Accreditation. Coming Events Dec 14 Dec 21 Jan 4 Jan 11 Jan 18 Jan 23-26 Jan 25 Jan 26 Feb 1 Feb 7-8 Feb 8 Feb 14-15 Feb 15 Feb 20-28 Mar 7-8 Mar 8 Mar 14-15 Mar 15 Mar 21-22 Mar 21-22 Mar 28 Mar 28-29 Mar 29 QBA Teams of 3 - QCBC QBA Individual Gold Coast Teams with Restricted Section (<300mps) QCBC Imp Pairs (Open and Novice) Northern Suburbs Teams Townsville Australia Day Congress Kenmore Open and Novice Pairs Kenmore Open and Novice Teams Toowong Imp Pairs QBA Senior Teams - Sunshine Coast Warwick Swiss Pairs Bundaberg Swiss Pairs Arana Teams QBA Gold Coast Congress QBA Open Selection Trials Toowong Novice Imp Pairs QBA Mixed Teams - Noosa Dalby Swiss Pairs QBA Open Selection Trials Rockhampton Imp Pairs (21) and Teams (22) Surfers Paradise Novice Pairs QBA Open Selection Trials Toowoomba Imp Pairs QBA Email: manager@ qldbridge.com Phone:07 3351 8602 Mobile: 0412 064 903 Fax: 07 3103 4799 Website: www. qldbridge.com D E A D MARCH 9 (noon) Contributions to: 33 Royal Pde Ashgrove 4060 Ph: 07 3366 1292 Email: psquire@ lindabackceramics.com L I N E October - December 2014
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