~ THE 39th BIENNIAL WORLD CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS In Conjunctions With 20th ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING OF INDONESIA SURGEONS ASSOCIATION PIT IKABI - PEKAN ILMIAH TAHUNAN IKATAN DOKTER BEDAH INDONESIA KE 20 AND THE 1st INTERNATIONAL MEETING OF INDONESIAN SCRUB NlVRSE ASSOCIATION BALI INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION CENTER THE WESTIN HOTEL, NUSA DUA, BALI - INDONES 20-25 October 2014 President of ICS elcome to Bali the marvelous fascinating honeymoon resort in Indonesia as venue for the biennial congress of 2014. e expect a rich scientific program, conrses. A stress on the innovation very appealing. The social pro Each one of us will care to deliver scope of specialties and sub-special elite lectnrers, state of art lectures as well as teaching and refreshment and high-tech snrgical aids will be is unexpectedly luxurious and suitable to different tastes. entation dealing with different topics of the varied extending . This meeting will also witness ~I!ml!l~ We look forward to memorable Yonrs truly Prof. Adel Fouad Ramzy, MD Dear Friend and Colleague, Chairman of Congress It is my great honor to invite you personally to this grand academic event - the 39th Biennial World Congress offhe International College of Snrgeons (ICS-2014) in conjunction with 20th Annual Scientific Meeting of Indonesia Snrgeons Association which will take place in October 21-26 2014 in Bali, Indonesia and which I am snre will leave a lasting impression on us all. ORGANIZING COMMITIEE dvisory Committee - Rudi Yuwana, MD,PhD - Prof. Sjamsuhidajat, MD - Prof.Arjono D P, MD,PhD - Prof. Tjakra W. Manuaba, MD, PhD Cllainnan Of Congress f. Paul Tahalele, MD, PhD Chairman Sri Maliawan, MD, PhD Murtedjo, MD INTERNATIONAL FACULTY MEMBERS Yik Hong-Ho (Australia) Hanno Millesi (Austria) Heng Chin Chiarn (Australia) Hanno Millesi (Austria) Angel Vanelli (Argentina) Yue-Ming Sun (China) Adel F. Rarnzy (Egypt) George Tsoulfas (Greece) Siu Yeung Chun (Hongkong) Paul Ying (Hongkong) Siu Yeung Chun (Hongkong) Biago Ravo (Italy) N. Dorairajan (India) Koichi Hirata MD,PhD (Japan) Hiroshi Tokimura (Japan) Eisuke Fukurna (Japan) George Sekine (Japan) KazunoriArita (Japan) Hoyong Parke Korea) Yip Cheng Har (Malaysia) Hanafiah (Malaysia) Abel Jalife (Mexico) Fidel Ruiz Healy (Mexico) Juan Baron (Mexico) L. Starn (Nederland) Hja Mensink (Nederland) Ndbuisi Eke (Nigeria) Ernesto Acosta (philipine) Felipe de la Cruz Figo (Spanyol) Michael Hartman (Singapura) Hoi Chin Hii (Singapura) Christopher Cheng ( Singapura) Eddie Chang (Singapura) Elias Tam (Singapura) Peter Lim (Singapura) Philip Iau (Singapura) Aij-Lie Kwan (Tiwan) Prinyak Sakilayak (Thailand) Sopakorn Rojananin (Thailand) Permyos Ruengsalkurach (Thailand) Vitoon Chinswangwatanakul (Thailand) Suebwong Chuthapisith (Thailand) Rattaple Pak-Art (Thailand) Visnu Lohsirawat (Thailand) Stan Rog~s (liJSA) 20 - 25 October 2014 The Westin Hotel, Nusa Dua, Bali - Indonesia THEME Heading To Good Surgery TIme: 06.00 -17.00, 22 October 201411 Venu,."':New Kuta Golf International USD 170, Domestic Rp 1.200.000 IMPORTANT DATE Deadline for hotel reservation: 5 August 2014 e: 06.00 - 08.00, 22 Rp l.oo0.000/team October 201411 Venue: The Westin Hotell] Deadline for abstract submission: I August 2014 Scrub Nurse J'leetul 20 October : 20 October 201 •• (INVITATION ONLY) VENUE: Temple Garden, Westin Hotel GALA DINNER VENUE: 22 October 2014 Mangupura Room BICC, Westin Hotel f 1 PROGRAM IDAY 07.00-13.00 07.00-17.00 08.30-09.30 1 : TUESDAY," 21 OCTOBER 20141 REGISTRATION LADIES PROGRAM TIPS, NUSANTARAA Satellite Symposium NUSANTARA Satellite IN SURGERY C Symposium SESSION res UPDATE J CP: Peter MEDAN Satellite Symposium 4 COMPREHENSIVE URlNARY TRACT STONE 3 J. Manoppo CP : Kiki Lukman J Haryono Paediatric TOpic: TBA Felicia Tan (SIN) Abdominal les In Topic:ffiA Peter Manoppo J. Max Downham JAKARTAB HIBISCUS FREE PAPER PODIUM TBA 5 Lateral Mass Screw Technique For Cervical Spine Trauma lJokorda Gde Mahadewa (INA) (INA) The strategy (USA) for managing Topic: TBA Mizuno (JPN) Juniichi upper urinary tract stone Bannakij Lojarapiwat (THA) res Challenge Yik HongHo (AUS) Topic:TBA Kiki Lukmen (lNA) 6 A Symposium NEURO SURGERY CP; Aodi Asadul RB Sabnis (INO) les Progress Topic: TBA Chong Chee Keong (SIN) The treatment of locally advanced breast cancer: What options are available? Norlia Abdullah (MAS) Symposium Topic: Promoting as The Best Global Place For The Besr Global Surgeons Subsaharan Samuel J Haryono (INA) JAKARTA Satellite MANAGEMENT CP: NurRasyid Trauma Afrika Philemon Okoro (NIG) Satellite AND PITFALL NUSANTARA B Satellite Symposium 2 ABDOMINAL TRAUMA I BREAST CANCER SURGERY CP: Samuel TRICKS Topic :TBA Nur Rasyid (INA) Topic :TBA Andi Asadul (lNA) FRANGlPANI ORCHID PODIUM FREE PAPER BOUGATNVILLE E·PQSTER SESSION FREE PAPER PODIUM THORACIC SURGRY CP: Pitfals Puruhito In Thoracic Surgery Puruhitc (INA) Modern principles of complex chest walJ reconstruction Vladimir Anikin (ENG) .3· 4 09.45·10.45 FFEE BREAK LECTURE 1 CP: Paul Tahalele PLENARV Thorck Memorial I AdeJ Lecture Ramzy (EGV) Heading 1'0 Good Surgery! Vik Hong-He (AUS) The Role Of ICS In Supporting Education And 'Research In Developing Country! 10.45·11.15 OPENING Max Downham (USA) CEREMONY WELCOME SPEECH BY MINISTER OF HEALTH PASSING OF GAVEL ICS WORLD PRESIDENT CEREMONY SYMPOSIUM 1 ! PATIENT SAFETY I CP : Puruhito 11.15-11.30 11.15-12.15 Patient Safety Patient safety Paueut Safety In Trauma I Ojoko Rlyai Surgery Neuro In I Aij-Lie Surgery In Oncologic I Frank Surgery 12.45·13.45 13,45-14.45 21 SYMPOSIUM Surgical Liver Resectjon in Pancreaic in Cojorectal Surgery 14.45-15.30 LUNCH BREAK HEPATCBI.LLER 1CP: Technique SYMPOSIUM orThe 15.30-15.45 Metastasis Pancreas I Koichi Surgery Prostate TBA P. Schulze (GER) Tjakra Airata I CP: SURGERY Manuaba 1 Yi Miao (CHI) I Georgio Tsoultas Surgery Cancer 31 ROBOTIC Robotic Robotic (lNA) (TWN) I LUNCH SYMPOSIUM Topic:TBA Speaker: TBA 12.15·12.45 Kwan (GRe) (JPN) Barlian Sutedja on HPB 1eN Tang (HKG) I Tan YchHong Surgery I Rajesh C Shah (SlN) (IND) COFFEE BREAK SATELIT SYMPOSIUM 15.45-16.45 Satellite Symposium 8 ANORECTAL SURGERY CP : Sobar anigoro CP : Yik Hong Ho Satellite Symposium 7 Radioisotope Occult Lesion] Localization For Impalpaie Breast Abnormalities Felicia Tan (SIN) Topic; Difficult Abel Perianal Fistula Jelife (MEX) (INA) Low Anterior Resection Parish Budiono Topic: Eddy (INA) Sphincter preserving surgery TBA Herman Tanggo ONA) Satellite Symposium 9 MINIMAL IN$ASIVE SURGERY IN COLORECTAL Technique MEDAN I Of oboric Assisted Totally Proctoclorectomy And IlIeal Pouch Anus JAKARTA Satellite Symposium 10 BENIGN PROSTATE HYPERPLASIA CP: Doddy M. Soebadi Topic :TBA RB Sebnis (IN D) Satellite A Symposium in Rectal Cancer Yik Hong Ho (AUS) Standard Procedure IAbdominoperineal Resection For Lower Rectal Cancer Shungo Endo (JPN) Surgery Topic :TBA Or Laparoscoplc Vel)' Low Anterior Resection For Rectal Tumor Shoichi Fuji (JPN) Laparascoptc Assisted Standardization Benign Intracranial Hiroshi Tokimura Tumors (JPN) Daddy M. Soebadi (INA) Male Llj'I'S in Asia Barmakij Lojanapiwat (THA) Topic: TBA Takeshi Kawase (JPN) Personal Experience of Surgical Management of Different Pathologies Skull Base Tumor Nyoman Golden (INA) Of Laparoscopic For Right Colorectal Cancer Koji Marsumori (JPN) HIBISCUS JAKARTAB FREE PAPER Satellite Symposium 12 MANAGEMENT IN THORACIC SURGERY CP : Susan H. Mety Surgery for infectious Lung Diseases in Japan Hiroshi Niwa (JPN) Surgery for Pulmonary Tuberculosis Susan H. Mety (INA) Mediastinitis Suprayitno (lNA) Surgery for Hemoptysis Agung wibawenro (INA) II SKULLBASE TUMOR CP: Nyoman Golden Anastomosis Tsunekazu Hanai (JPN) Leparoscopy TBA Sonar Panlgoro NUSANTARAC NUSANTARAB NUSANTARAA BREAST ONCOPLASTY PODIUM ORCHJD FREE PAPER PODIUM fRANGIPANI PODIUM FREE PAPER BOUGAINVILLE E-POSTER SESSION SYMPOSIUM REGISTRATION FORM I. Identification Title First Name Department Institute Mailing Address City State.......... . TeL.................................................. bile EmaiI . Last N.ame . . . . Country ..............................•. Zip . Fax.....................•.......................... , Accompanying Person Informa .......................... .- li..astName , . II. Registration Fee ( Status (After February 2014) On Site Registration Indonesian Spesialis ORp 4.000.000 ORp 4.500.000 Indonesian Resident/GPlTrainee ORp 3.000.000 ORp 3.500.000 International ResidentlGPlTrainee OUSD500 OUSD700 International-ICS-Member OUSD675 OUSD700 International-Non-ICS-Member OUSD700 OUSD750 Accompanying Person*** OUSD275 Nurse (20 October 2014) **The verification letter from the institute or organization is required. ***Registration as accompanying person will include the invitation Workshop Registration 20 October 2014 o International-Memher IT o WSl : WOUND CARE MANAGE o WS2 : ERCP - ADVANCE o WS3 o : ENDOSCOllY 5 ENID0SCOll' THYR0lffi)~CTOMY WS4: VASCILARACCESS FORHEM0DIAL'<SJS III. Payment o Bank transfer on date into: Account Name : World Congress ICS 2014 Bali Account Number: 0314197230 Name of Bbank PT.Bank Negara Indonesia (persero) Tbk. Bali-Indonesia. Swift Code: Please scan the transfer document of your bank and send together with this application form into [email protected] to notify your registration o If you want to pay by credit card, please make online registration at www.icsbali20J4.com. (This form is not necessary to submit) BNINIDJARNN I DAY 2: WEDNESDAY, 22 OCTOBER 2014 PROGRAM REGISTRATION TIPS, TRICKS AND PITFALL IN SURGERY 07.00-13.00 08.30·0930 NUSANTARAA Satellite Symposium 13 WFNS NEUROENDOCRINE COURSE (3 hours course) NUSANTARAB Satellite Symposium 14 HERNIA REPAIR Engelbert Knosp (AUT) Kaaunori Arita (JPN) Akim Matsuno (JPN) Horcshi Nishioka (JPN) Shigcynki Tahara (JPN) Mika Habu (JPN) Hernia- Slit vs Non Slit Of Mesh For Lap TEP Repair vishalkumer G. Shelat (fND Mesh Selection in Hernia Repair Andi Maleachi (lNA) JAKARTAB 09.30-09.45 09.45-10.45 MEDAN IN COLORECTAL 2 CP; Errawan wiradisuria CP : Andi Meeacht Dealing with Recurrent Hernia Biago Rave (ITA) Satellite Symposium 18 PLASTIC SURGERY CP: Djohansyah Topic: TBA Juan Baron (MEX) Maxillofacial Surgery Takahiro Kanno (JPN) Topic: TBA Djohansyah Marzuki (lNA) NUSANTARAC Satellite Symposium 15 MINIMAL INVASIVE SURGERY Topic: TBA Errawan Wiradlsuria Laparosccplc Pelvic Lymph Node Dissection For Recta! ancer Following Total MesorectaJ Excision Toshihiko Nisbidate (lPN) Standardization and education of laparoscopic surgery for colorecral cancer Fumio Ishida {JPN} HIBISCUS FREE PAPER PODIUM Standardization of laparoscopic rectal surgery Akioshi Kanazawa (lPN) ORCHID FREE PAPER PODIUM COFFEE CP : Hendro Sudjono Yowono Tip, Trick and Pittfall in Bum Injury Yefta Munadjat (INA) Embolisation Vascular Malformation Azim Idris (MAS) Pelvic Trauma Respati (INA) Complex Injury including Both Chest and Abdomen Moheb Rasyid (SWE) FRANGlPAl'-I'I FREE PAPER PODIUM VASCULAR SURGERY CEA-CAS in Management Carotid Stenosis Rasjid Soeparwata (INA) Modem Management in Chronic Venous Disease Hendro Sudjono 'rowono (lNA) BOUGArNVILLE E--POSTER SESSION BREAK PLENARY LECTURE 21 CP: Sjamsoehidajat Challenges in Surgery 1 Adel Ramzy (EGY) Surge!")' in Developing Countries With Limited Facilities 1 Paul Tahalele (INA) Breast Cancer in Indonesia: Where Are We Now? 1 Tjakra Manuaba (INA) Post Graduate Surgical Training in Nigeria 1 Alexander Nworcr (l\'lG) ICS INDONESIA COMMITTEE CEREMONY SYMPOSIUM 41 NEW OREAKTROUCH IN SURGERY 1 CP: Puruhito (lNA) Hi-Tech In Surgery And Ethical Consideration I Tan Yeh Hong Transplant Surgery: Past, Present and Future I Shuzen Zhcng (CHI) Development of Stem Cell and Tissue Engtnertng for Surgical Treatment - Report rrom Surabaya 1 Puruhito (INA) 10.45-11.00 11.00-11.45 11.45·12.30 SYMPOS1UMSIINOVATION IN SURGERII CP: Andi Asadul Stnrttng And Developing Epilepsy Surgery In Limited Resources I Zainal MUllaqin (fNA) HCC and perlhilar chotangjocarctnoma I Masakazll Yamamoto (JPN) Minimal Invasive in Thyroid Surgery I Trim Ngoc Luong (VIE) Acute Care Surgery 1 Takehito Otsubo (JPN) 13.15·13.45 LUNCH SYMPOSfUM 2 Topic: TBA Speaker: TDA LUNCH SATELIT SYMPOSIUM NUSANTARA C 13.45·14.45 14.45·15.45 NUSANTARA A NUSANTARA B MEDAN JAKARTA A Satellite Symposium 19 INNOVATIVE BARIATRlC SURGERY CP : BarUan Sutedja Satellite Symposium 20 UPPER 0.1. SURGERY CP: Budi lrawan Satellite Symposium 21 SEVERE SEPsrs CAMPAIGN CP: Kiki Lukman Satellite Symposium 22 PEDIATRIC SURGERY CP: Purwadi Satellite Symposium 23 RECENT ADVANCED IN MANAGEMENT OF ORAL CP: YAN WISNU Topic :TBA Shrihari Dhorepatil (IND) Perforated Peptic Ulcer . Scoring Systems vishelkurnar G. Shelat (IND) Overview Severe Sepsis Campaign Kiki Lutman (lNA) Acute Scrotal in Pediatric Patient Bustanul Arifin (INA) Diagnostic and Initial Evaluation in Oral Cancer Van Wisnu (fNA) MODS in Sepsis Ketut Wiargitha (INA) Minimal Invasive in Pediatric Surgery Riana Tamba (INA) Surgery for Oral Cancer Diany Kartini (INA) Francis Decengchon (PHI) Tmnsdlaphragmettc Escphegectcmy For Lower Esophageal Cancer Toshihiro Hirai (JPN) Topic :TBA Barlian Sutedja (lNA) Gastro-esophageal tumor Budi trawan (INA) Liposuction-The Art and Science of Body Countcuring JAKARTAB Satellite Symposium 24 SPIN SURGERY CP: Rizal Pohan HIBISCUS FREE PAPER PODIUM Ethical Consideration in Management of Severe Sepsis Vicky Budi Perrnana (LNA) ORCHID FREE PAPER PODIUM Degenerative Disease of The Lumbal Rizal Pohan ONA) TIle Present Conditions And Problem Of SpinaJ Instrumentation Surgery Por Aging People In Indonesia Bambang Prijambodo (INA) Minimal Invasive in Spine Surgery Luthfi Gatam (lNA) 15.45-16.15 19.00-22.00 JAKARTA A Satellite Symposium 17 Satellite Symposium 16 TRAUMA SURGERY CP : Yetta Munadjat COFFEE BREAK GATHERING DINNER at HOTEL Surgery for the Liver Purwadi (lNA) FRANGIPANI FREE PAPER PODIUM Adjuvant Treatment in Oral Cancer Dwi Hari Susilo (lNA) BOUGAINVlLLE E-POSTER SESSION DAY 3: THURSDAY,23 OCTOBER 2014 REGISTRATION TIPS. NUSANTARAA Satellite Symposium 25 SURGERY IN FERTILITY CP : Christopher Chen Laparoscopic Surgery in Fertility Christopher Chen (SIN) Wants a baby? IVY and NO SURGERY? Clement Leong Chen (SIN) Topic :TBA Suresh Nair (SIN) JAKARTAB Satellii~ Symposium jo· THORACIC SURGERY CP: Antonio Cabigas TRICKS AND PITFALL IN SURGERY NUSANTARA B Satellite Symposium 26 UROLOGY CP: Arry Rodjani NUSANTARAC SateUite Symposium 27 ABDOMINAL SURGERY CP : IGN Riwantc Pediatric Urology Arry Rodjani (lNA) Pitfalls in Liver Surgery Georgious TsouJfas (GRC) UroOncology Sabnin (fND) Pitfalls n Anorectal Surgery Fidel Ruiz Healy (MEX) Topic: TBA Dirnyati Achmad (fNA) Revascularfsarion in Diabetic Foot Suhartonc (INA) Female Urology Ndubuisi Eke (NIG) Pitfalls In Abdominal Infection IGN. Riwanto (INA) Topic: TBA Soo Kee Che (SIN) Advanced Treatment in TEVAR Peter Robless (SIN) HIBISCUS FREE PAPER PODIUM ORCHlD FREE PAPER PODIUM RB MEDAN Satellite Symposium 28 flEAD AND NECK SURGER CP: Sunarto Endocrine Surgery Dorairajan (lND) N. FRANGIPANI FREE PAPER PODIUM JAKARTA A Satellite Symposium 29 VASCULAR SURGERY CP: Suhartono Advanced Treatment in AAA Peter Robless (SIN) BOUGAINVILLE E·POSTER SESSION , Topic: TBA Antonio Cabigas·(PHI) Robotic Thoracic Surgery Wickii Vigneswaran (USA) SATELIT NUSANTARAA Satellite Symposium 31 MINIMALLY INVASIVE CP: Barlian Sutedja Evolution Optical Imaging Diagnosis Of Of Cclonoscopy Yoshihito Saida (JPN) Minimally Invasive Surgery for Obstructive Colon Cancer: Laparascopic Surgery aft., Stent Insertion Takeyoshi Enomoto (JPN) Topic:TBA Barlian Sutedja ONA) SYMPOSIUM) NUSANTARAB Satellite Symposium 32 TRANSPLANT SURGERY CP : Chaidir A Mochtar NUSANTARAC Satellite Symposium 33 SURGICAL NUTRITION CP : Emesto Acosta Laparoscoptc Donor Nephrectomy Chaidir A Mochtar (TNA) Surgical Nutrition in Abdominal Trauma Huang (TWN) Topic: Liver Transplant Shu-scn Zheng (CHI) Surgical Nutrition in Abdominal Malignancy Abel Jalife (MEX) Lung Transplantation Vigneswaran (USA) Surgical MEDAN Satellite Symposium 34 THORACIC SURGERY CP: Agung Pmsmono to Manage Vascular Emergency Agung Prasmono (lNA) How TBA Kay-Hyun Park (KOR) Endovascular Surgery in Indonesia Sahal Fatah ONA) in Abdominal Infection EmestoAcosta (PHI) Weldi Nutrition JAKARTA A Satellite Symposium 35 NEURO SURGERY CP: Sri Maliawan Hydrochepatus Sri Maliawan (fNA) Cervical Disc Herniation Juniichi Mizuno (JPN) Pain Management for Back Pain Alfred Sutrisno (INA) Haemodyalisis Access Ranta Nursjirwan (INA) ROOM 6 FREE PAPER & PODIUM HIBISCUS FREE PAPER PODIUM ORCHID FREE PAPER PODIUM COFFEE FRANGIPANI FREE PAPER PODIUM BREAK Sjamseehidajat (INA) The Important aspect of Relationship between the International College of Surgeon and The World Health Organization Tbe Challenge in Surgical Ethics 1 Sjamscehidajat (lNA) facing With Surgical Malpractice 1 L. Stam (NED) [)LENARY LECTURE 3 1CP: SYMPOSIUM MULTYDISCIPLINARY Is The Omitting CANCER MANAGEMENT or Axilla!")' Lymph Node Dissection In Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy Positive Patient Safe? I Vladimir Cervinca (CZE) The Role Of Radiotherapy in The Management of Breast Cancer I Soeherter! Gondhowiarjo (lNA) The Role OfPllthology In The Managemant of Breast Cancer I Bethy RernQl\'o (INA) The Role Of Chemotherapy In The Management of Breast Cencer ] Ami AsbariBti Suhardiani (INA) Advanced In Vascular Intervenrton Peter Roblrss (SIN) LUNCH 13.30·14.30 14.30·]5.30 SURGERY 1CP: Patrick Chcn (AUS) Hair Transplant I Elias Tam (SIN) Rejovenancn With Autologous Fat Grafting 1Pranchts Decangchon (PHI) Topic: TBA I Patrick Chen (AUS) SYMPOSIUM 71 AESTHETIC Update of Instant Facial J5.30--16.30 SYMPOSIUM 8 RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY CP: Paul Tebalele (lNA) Maxillofacial Reconstruction Surgery George Seklne (JPN) Topic :TBA Juan Baron (MEX) Chest 16.45·17.00 ! Fidel Ruiz Healy (MEX) 7 APPROACH IN BREAST CP! Samuel Barycno VASCULAR SURGERY CP: Oedy Pratame 16.30·16.45 BOUGAfNVILLE E·POSTER SESSION Wall Reconstruction After Chest Tumor Resection Paul Tahalele (LNA) CLOSrNG CEREMONY COFFEE BREAK n ACCOMODATION REGISTRATION FORM I. Identification Title City Tel. First N arne State Last Narne . . __.. .zip Country Mobile Fax Ernail . . o Standard Room Ill.Payment . _ o Bank transfer on date .into: Account Name : World Congress rcs 2014 Bali Account Number: 0314197230 Name of Bbank : PT.Bank Negara Indonesia (persero) Tbk. Bali-Indonesia. Swift Code: Please scan the transfer document of your bank and send together with this application form into [email protected] to notify your registration o Tfyou want to pay by credit card, please make online registration (This form is not necessary to submit) at www.icsbali2014.com. BNINIDJARNN
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