Numerical and Analytical Methods for Strongly Correlated Systems Benasque, Spain, August 24 - September 13, 2014 Anders W Sandvik, Boston University Quantum Monte Carlo Techniques (with a focus on quantum spins) Lecture 1 Stochastic series expansion and ground state projection Lecture 2 Non-magnetic and critical states in 2D spin systems Review article on quantum spin systems and numerical methods: ArXiv:1101.3281 1 Role of numerics/simulations in studies of many-body ground states and criticality Obtain definite results for “prototypical” model hamiltonians (“Ising models of quantum many-body physics”) - some realized in solid-state materials - some realizable in cold atoms - some corresponding to key quantum field theories - unbiased tests of various analytical calculations - tools for exploration/discoveries “Unbiased” methods (no approximations except finite size) - exact diagonalization (small systems - be careful!) - DMRG, 1D systems, recent progress in 2D - tensor networks, progress in 2D, 3D may be possible (still convergence issues, can become unbiased in principle) - QMC, for sign-problem free models, any D, large systems 2 Numerical and Analytical Methods for Strongly Correlated Systems Benasque, Spain, August 24 - September 13, 2014 Stochastic Series Expansion and Ground State Projection Outline • Path integrals in quantum statistical mechanics • The series-expansion representation • Stochastic Series Expansion (SSE) algorithm for the Heisenberg model • The valence-bond basis for S=1/2 systems • Ground-state projector algorithm with valence bonds Reference: AIP Conf. Proc. 1297, 135 (2010); arXiv:1101.3281 Detailed lecture notes on quantum spin models and methods 3 Path integrals in quantum statistical mechanics We want to compute a thermal expectation value 1 ⇤A⌅ = Tr{Ae Z H } where β=1/T (and possibly T→0). How to deal with the exponential operator? “Time slicing” of the partition function Z = Tr{e H L ⇤ } = Tr e H l=1 ⇥ = /L Choose a basis and insert complete sets of states; Z= 0 1 ··· L 1 ⇥ 0 |e H | L 1⇤ · · · ⇥ 2 |e H | 1 ⇤⇥ 1 |e H | 0⇤ Use approximation for imaginary time evolution operator. Simplest way Z⇤ { } ⌅ Leads to error 0 |1 ⇥ H| L 1 ⇧ · · · ⌅ 2 |1 . Limit ⇥ H| 1 ⇧⌅ 1 |1 ⇥ H| 0 ⇧ 0 can be taken 4 Example: hard-core bosons H=K= (a†j ai Kij = i,j⇥ + a†i aj ) ni = † ai ai i,j⇥ Equivalent to S=1/2 XY model H= (Six Sjx 2 + y y Si Sj ) = ⇥i,j⇤ “World line” representation of Z⇤ { } ⌅ 0 |1 (Si+ Sj + Si Sj+ ), ⇥i,j⇤ ⇥ H| L 1 ⇧ · · · ⌅ 2 |1 ⇥ H| 1 ⇧⌅ 1 |1 {0, 1} 1 S = ± ⇤ ni = 0, 1 2 z ⇥ H| 0 ⇧ world line moves for Monte Carlo sampling Z= { } W ({ }), W ({ }) = nK ⇥ nK = number of “jumps” 5 Expectation values 1 ⇥A⇤ = Z { } ⇥ 0 |e | L 1⇤ · · · ⇥ H 2 |e | 1 ⇤⇥ H 1 |e A| 0⇤ We want to write this in a form suitable for MC importance sampling { } ⇧A⌃ = A({ })W ({ }) { } ⇥ ⇧A⌃ = ⇧A({ })⌃W W ({ }) W ({ }) A({ }) For any quantity diagonal in the occupation numbers (spin z): 1 A({ }) = A( n ) or A({ }) = L = = weight estimator L 1 A( l ) l=0 Kinetic energy (here full energy). Use Ke K ⇧ 1 |Kij | 0 ⌃ 1 Kij ({ }) = ⇥ {0, } ⇧ 1 |1 K| 0 ⌃ K 1 0 1 Average over all slices → count number of kinetic jumps ⇥Kij ⇤ = ⇥nij ⇤ , ⇥K⇤ = ⇥nK ⇤ ⇤K⌅ ⇥ N ⇤nK ⌅ ⇥ N There should be of the order βN “jumps” (regardless of approximation used) 6 Including interactions For any diagonal interaction V (Trotter, or split-operator, approximation) e H =e K e V + O( Product over all times slices → W ({ }) = nK exp L ⇤1 l=0 Vl 2 ⇥ )⇥⌅ l+1 |e H | l⇧ e Pacc = min Vl ⇤ ⌅ 2 l+1 |e exp K Vnew Vold | l⇧ ⇥ ,1 ⌅ The continuous time limit Limit Δτ→0: number of kinetic jumps remains finite, store events only Special methods (loop local updates (problem when Δτ→0?) and worm updates) •consider probability of inserting/removing developed for efficient events within a time window sampling of the paths ⇐ Evertz, Lana, Marcu (1993), Prokofev et al (1996) Beard & Wiese (1996) in the continuum 7 Series expansion representation Start from the Taylor expansion e ⇥ ( ⇥) Z= n! n=0 H = ⇥ ( n=0 n { }n ⇤ )n n H n! (approximation-free method from the outset) 0 |H| n 1 ⌅ · · · ⇤ 2 |H| 1 ⌅⇤ 1 |H| 0 ⌅ Similar to the path integral; 1 H ⇥ H and weight factor outside For hard-core bosons the (allowed) path weight is W ({ }n ) = ⇥ n /n! For any model, the energy is E = = C = ⇥n2 ⇤ 1 Z this is the operator we “measure” ⇥ ( ⇥)n n! n=0 1 Z ⇥ { }n+1 ( ⇥)n n n! ⇥ n=1 ⇥n⇤2 ⇥n⇤ ⇤ { }n 0 |H| n ⌅ · · · ⇤ 2 |H| 1 ⌅⇤ 1 |H| 0 ⌅ one more “slice” to sum over here ⇤ 0 |H| n ⇤n⌅ 1 ⌅ · · · ⇤ 2 |H| 1 ⌅⇤ 1 |H| 0 ⌅ = ⇥ relabel terms to “get rid of” extra slice From this follows: narrow n-distribution with ⇥n⇤ N , ⇥n N 8 Fixed-length scheme • n fluctuating → varying size of the configurations • the expansion can be truncated at some nmax=M (exponentially small error) • cutt-off at n=M, fill in operator string with unit operators H0=I = - conisider all possible locations in the sequence - overcounting of actual (original) strings, correct by combinatorial factor: ✓ M n ◆ 1 n!(M n)! = M! Here n is the number of Hi, i>0 instances in the sequence of M operators Z= X X ( {↵}M {Hi } )n (M M! n)! h↵0 |Hi(M ) |↵M 1 i · · · h↵1 |Hi(1) |↵0 i 9 Stochastic Series expansion (SSE): S=1/2 Heisenberg model Write H as a bond sum for arbitrary lattice 2D square lattice bond and site labels Nb H=J b=1 Si(b) · Sj(b) , Diagonal (1) and off-diagonal (2) bond operators H1,b = H2,b = z z 1 S S i(b) j(b) , 4 + + 1 2 (Si(b) Sj(b) + Si(b) Sj(b) ). Nb H= JNb H2,b ) + 4 (H1,b J b=1 Four non-zero matrix elements ⇤ i(b) ⇥j(b) |H1,b | ⇤⇥i(b) j(b) |H1,b | ⇥i(b) Partition function Z= i(b) ⇥j(b) ⌅ = ⇥ ⌅⌅ j(b) ⌅ = ⌅ ⇥ ( 1)n2 n! n=0 n Sn ⇥ 1 2 1 2 ⇤⇥i(b) ⇤ n ⇧1 p=0 j(b) i(b) ⇥j(b) Ha(p),b(p) |H2,b | i(b) ⇥j(b) ⌅ = |H2,b | ⇥i(b) ⇤ Index sequence: Sn = [a(0), b(0)], [a(1), b(1)], . . . , [a(n j(b) ⌅ = 1 2 1 2 n2 = number of a(i)=2 (off-diagonal operators) in the sequence 1), b(n 1)] 10 For fixed-length scheme (string length = L now) ⇥ L 1 n ⌅⌅ ⇧ ⇥ (L n)! n2 Z= ( 1) Ha(p),b(p) L! p=0 S L p 1 Propagated states: | (p)⇥ i=0 Ha(i),b(i) | ⇥ ⇤ W ( , SL ) = ⇥ 2 ⇥n (L n)! L! W>0 (n2 even) for bipartite lattice Frustration leads to sign problem In a program: s(p) = operator-index string • s(p) = 2*b(p) + a(p)-1 • diagonal; s(p) = even • off-diagonal; s(p) = off σ(i) = spin state, i=1,...,N • only one has to be stored SSE effectively provides a discrete representation of the time continuum • computational advantage; only integer operations in sampling 11 Linked vertex storage The “legs” of a vertex represents the spin states before (below) and after (above) an operator has acted 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 X( ) = vertex list • operator at p→X(v) v=4p+l, l=0,1,2,3 • links to next and previous leg Spin states between operations are redundant; represented by links • network of linked vertices will be used for loop updates of vertices/operators 12 Monte Carlo sampling scheme Change the configuration; ( , SL ) Paccept ( , SL ) W ( , SL ) Pselect ( , SL = min W ( , SL ) Pselect ( , SL Diagonal update: [0, 0]p [1, b]p W ( , SL ) = ⇥ , SL ) ,1 , SL ) ⇥ 2 ⇥n (L n)! L! Attempt at p=0,...,L-1. Need to know |α(p)> • generate by flipping spins when off-diagonal operator Pselect (a = 0 a = 1) = 1/Nb , Pselect (a = 1 a = 0) = 1 W (a = 1) /2 = W (a = 0) L n (b ⇥ {1, . . . , Nb }) W (a = 0) L = W (a = 1) n+1 /2 Acceptance probabilities Paccept ([0, 0] ⇥ [1, b]) = min Paccept ([1, b] ⇥ [0, 0]) = min Nb 2(L 2(L n is the current power • n → n+1 (a=0 → a=1) • n → n-1 (a=1 → a=0) ⇥ ,1 n) ⇥ n + 1) ,1 Nb 13 Off-diagonal updates Local update Change the type of two operators • constraints • inefficient • cannot change winding numbers Operator-loop update • Many spins and operators can be changed simultaneously • can change winding numbers 14 Determination of the cut-off L • adjust during equilibration • start with arbitrary (small) n Keep track of number of operators n • increase L if n is close to current L • e.g., L=n+n/3 Example • 16×16 system, β=16 • evolution of L • n distribution after equilibration • truncation is no approximation 15 Does it work? Compare with exact results • 4×4 exact diagonalization • Bethe Ansatz; long chains Susceptibility of the 4×4 lattice • SSE results from 1010 sweeps • improved estimator gives smaller error bars at high T (where the number of loops is larger) ⇐ Energy for long 1D chains • SSE results for 106 sweeps • Bethe Ansatz ground state E/N • SSE can achieve the ground state limit (T→0) 16 Numerical and Analytical Methods for Strongly Correlated Systems Benasque, Spain, August 24 - September 13, 2014 Valence bonds and Ground State Projection Anders W Sandvik, Boston University Outline • The valence-bond basis for S=1/2 systems • Ground-state projector algorithm with valence bonds 17 The valence bond basis for S=1/2 spins Valence-bonds between sublattice A, B sites Basis states; singlet products (i, j) = (| ⇥i ⇤j ⌅ ⌃ | ⇤i ⇥j ⌅)/ 2 A N/2 |Vr = (irb , jrb ), B r = 1, . . . (N/2)! b=1 The valence bond basis is overcomplete and non-orthogonal • expansion of arbitrary singlet state is not unique | = fr |Vr (all fr positive for non-frustrated system) r All valence bond states overlap with each other Vl |Vr ⇥ = 2N N/2 N = number of loops in overlap graph Spin correlations from loop structure 3 xi xj +yi yj ⇤i · S ⇤j |Vr ⌅ ⇤Vl |S ( 1) 4 = 0 (i,j in different loops) ⇤Vl |Vr ⌅ (i,j in same loop) More complicated matrix elements (e.g., dimer correlations) are also related to the loop structure K.S.D. Beach and A.W.S., Nucl. Phys. B 750, 142 (2006) |Vl |Vr Vl |Vr ⇥ 18 Projector Monte Carlo in the valence-bond basis Liang, 1991; AWS, Phys. Rev. Lett 95, 207203 (2005) (-H)n projects out the ground state from an arbitrary state ( H)n | ⇤ = ( H)n S=1/2 Heisenberg model H= i,j⇥ ⌅i · S ⌅j = S i ci |i⇤ ⇥ c0 ( E0 )n |0⇤ Hij , Hij = ( 14 i,j⇥ ⌅i · S ⌅j ) S Project with string of bond operators n ⇥ (r = irrelevant) Hi(p)j(p) | ⇥ r|0⇥ (a,d) {Hij } p=1 Action of bond operators Hab |...(a, b)...(c, d)... = |...(a, b)...(c, d)... 1 Hbc |...(a, b)...(c, d)... = |...(c, b)...(a, d)... 2 (a,b) A (c,b) B (i, j) = (| ⇥i ⇤j ⌅ (c,d) A ⌃ B | ⇤i ⇥j ⌅)/ 2 Simple reconfiguration of bonds (or no change; diagonal) • no minus signs for A→B bond ‘direction’ convetion • sign problem does appear for frustrated systems 19 Expectation values: A⇥ = 0|A|0⇥ Strings of singlet projectors n Pk = Hik (p)jk (p) , k = 1, . . . , Nbn (Nb = number of interaction bonds) p=1 We have to project bra and ket states k g Pk |Vr ⇤ = ⇤Vl |Pg = k g Wkr |Vr (k)⇤ ⇥ ( E0 )n c0 |0⇤ ⇤Vl (g)|Wgl ⇥ ⇤0|c0 ( E0 )n 6-spin chain example: A⇥ = Vl |Pg APk |Vr ⇥ g,k g,k = g,k Wgl Wkr Vl (g)|A|Vr (k)⇥ g,k Vl | A |Vr Vl |Pg Pk |Vr ⇥ Wgl Wkr Vl (g)|Vr (k)⇥ - Monte Carlo sampling of operator strings - Estimators based on transition graphs 20 More efficient ground state QMC algorithm → larger lattices Loop updates in the valence-bond basis AWS and H. G. Evertz, PRB 2010 Put the spins back in a way compatible with the valence bonds √ (ai , bi ) = (↑i ↓j − ↓i ↑j )/ 2 and sample in a combined space of spins and bonds A | | Loop updates similar to those in finite-T methods (world-line and stochastic series expansion methods) • good valence-bond trial wave functions can be used • larger systems accessible • sample spins, but measure using the valence bonds 21 i =1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 0 9 13 6 0 0 4 13 0 9 14 s(p) i =1 2 Finite-temperature QMC (world lines, SSE,...) tr{e H }= X n n n! h↵|( H) |↵i boundaries by ANDERS W. open SANDVIK AND HANScapped GERD EVERTZ valence bonds (2-spin singlets) [AWS, HG Evertz, 2010] periodic time boundary conditions • Computer implementations similar FIGURE 61. A linked-vertex SSE configuration with one loop tra “orientations”, along with the corresponding operator-index sequences flipped, and operators are changed, diagonal ↔ off-diagonal, each ti change of an operator visited twice). Every vertex leg (spin) belongs acted upon by any operator (here the one at i = 1) can also be regarde 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 p T>0 and T=0 algorithms of VBs. Expectation values are evaluated at the midpoint indic ces" are also indicated. There are three loops, part of which co side-by-side patible spin states %Zlj&, &Zrj '. The spins at the four operators !v columns of filled and open circles represent ↑ and ↓ spins of c Ground state projection arcs to the left and right indicate VB states %Vl&, &Vr' and the system with m = 2. tributing to %%&!−H"2m&%' for a four-site m FIG. 4. !Color online"↵A VB-spin-operator configuration n X ↵ Trial state can conserve relevant ground state quantum numbers (S=0, k=0,...) accomplishes all these things automatically. This class o duced as a generalization of a cluster algorithm for the Isin flipped clusters take the form of loops; the classical six-ve tive world line system for the S = 1/2 Heisenberg model c Suzuki-Trotter decomposition is exactly equivalent to an and the loop update for it was therefore at the same time sical cluster update to a quantum mechanical system. Th applied also to continuous-time world lines [179] as well a in the SSE method [190]. The improvements in performa are enormous (as in the classical case, leading to a much f f h |( H) |↵i 22 Numerical and Analytical Methods for Strongly Correlated Systems Benasque, Spain, August 24 - September 13, 2014 Nonmagnetic and Critical Ground States of 2D Quantum Spin Systems SA SB ective description of the rotationally invariant Néel vector mp s in terms of two large #iThere "j )/ is2an effective antiferrosponding to the sum of the spins sublattices. ~ion the two (" i #j S between these spins, leading to a singlet ground state and a “tower” of quantum rotor spin S = 1, 2, . . . at energies ΔS ∼ S(S + 1)/N above the ground state. 23 Outline Conventional quantum phase transition in 2D antiferromagnets - Néel to non-degenerate quantum paramagnet Unconventional transition (deconfined quantum criticality?) - Néel to valence-bond-solid (4-fold degenerate ground state) - Sign-free QMC realization: “J-Q” models SA SB Effective description of the rotationally invariant Néel vector ms in terms of two large Studies J-Q models rresponding to the of sumcriticality of the spins on in the two sublattices. There is an effective antiferrong between these spins, leading to a singlet ground state and a “tower” of quantum rotor - Finite-size scaling al spin S = 1, 2, . . . at energies ΔS ∼ S(S + 1)/N above the ground state. Universality: Correspondence in frustrated spin models? - comparisons with recent results forspin-wave J1-J2 theory. Heisenberg model for the symmetry breaking that is the starting point for In namic limit, the direction of the ordering vector is fixed (as the time scale th its rotations diverges [169]), and the quantum rotor-states are then in ccessed. They are neglected in standard spin-wave calculations (discussed om the outset because the order is by construction locked to the z direction. 24 Starting point: S=1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model H = J i,j⇥ Si · Sj Sublattice magnetization 1 m ⌃s= N N ⌃ i Si , i = ( 1)xi +yi (2D square lattice) i=1 Long-range order: <ms2> > 0 for N→∞ Quantum Monte Carlo - finite-size calculations - no approximations - extrapolation to infinite size L⨉L lattices up to 256⨉256, T=0 Reger & Young 1988 ms = 0.30(2) 60 % of classical value AWS & HG Evertz 2010 ms = 0.30743(1) 25 T=0 Néel-paramagnetic quantum phase transition Example: Dimerized S=1/2 Heisenberg models • every spin belongs to a dimer (strongly-coupled pair) • many possibilities, e.g., bilayer, dimerized single layer strong interactions weak interactions Singlet formation on strong bonds ➙ Néel - disordered transition Ground state (T=0) phases s = spin gap 3D classical Heisenberg (O3) universality class; QMC confirmed Experimental realization (3D coupled-dimer system): TlCuCl3 26 L=8 L = 16 L = 32 (a) g = 1.0 g = 1.5 g = 1.9 g = 3.0 0.25 (b) (a) L=8 L = 16 L = 32 0.10 0.05 1.5 2.0 g 0.20 g = 1.0 g = 1.5 g = 1.9 0.10g = 3.0 0.15 0.05 0.10 3.0 0.00 0.25 0.05 0.00 1.0 0.20 2.5 <ms2> 0.10 <ms2> <ms2> 0.15 <ms2> 0.15 of finite-size scaling scaling studies; dimerized Heisenberg Example 0.05 0.15 0 (b) 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 1/L ρsL FIGURE 5. QMC results for the squared sublattice magnetization in theto two-dimensional Heisenberg g = J /J According theory, spin stiffness 2 1 0.00 0.00 L = results 8 model1.0 with 1.2 columnar dimerization. g for0.25 different lattice sizes 2.0 3.0 0 versus 0.1 1.5 2.5 (a) shows 0.05the coupling 0.15ratio0.2 g the1/L critical should scale and (b) shows the size dependence for several A quantum phase point transition where the Néel L = 16values of g. at order vanishes occurs at g ≈ 1.9. according to (T=0) L = magnetization 32 GURE 5. QMC1.1 results for the squared sublattice in the two-dimensional Heisenberg L= 64 the coupling ratio g for different lattice sizes del with columnar dimerization. (a) shows results versus 1 According to theory, spin stiffness 128g. A quantum ⇢ (b) shows phase⇠ transition where theconstant Néel 1.2the size dependence for several L =values 8 L = of ! L⇢ s s 1.0 thetheory—the criticalLpoint should scale in er vanishes occurs at g ≈ 1.9. treatments σ -model renormalization-group of one suchatfield nonlinear L = 16 to (T=0) 2+1 1.1 dimensions [5, 84]. BasedL =on32symmetry according arguments alone, one would then expect Allows accurate determination 0.9 to be in the universality class of the 3D the transition classical Heisenberg model. Thereof the L = 64 critical point crossings) σ -model in ormalization-group treatments ofthe one such field theory—the nonlinear are, however, subtle issues in mapping, and(curve QMC simulations are L =quantum-classical 128 s s 1.0 1 dimensions [5, 84]. Based on symmetry arguments alone, one would then expect 0.8 ρsL 1 ⇢ ⇠ ! L⇢ constant We will see L examples of such comparisons 1.88 to test 1.90 various 1.92predictions. 1.94 1.95therefore needed transition be in the universality classfield of the 3D classical model. g and betweentoresults of simulations theories in Sec.Heisenberg 5. While results forThere the transition Allows accurate of the , however, subtle issues in the quantum-classical QMC simulations are several 0.9 bilayer in the (a) [85] and columnar dimermapping, (b) [86]and systems indetermination Fig. 4 (and drefore spin stiffness (in the x various direction)predictions. multiplied byWe thewill system needed to test see examples of (curve such comparisons critical point crossings) other cases [87, 88]) are in good agreement with the expectations, recent studies of model. The crossing points of these curves for different L tend ween results simulations field theories indeviations Sec. 5. While for still the transition staggered dimers (c)and show [89]results that are not understood. 0.8barsof io g.the Error are much smaller than theunexpected symbols. 1.88(a) [85] 1.90and columnar 1.92 1.94 (b) [86] systems in Fig. 4 (and several the bilayer dimer g her cases [87, 88]) are in good agreement with the expectations, recent studies of staggered dimers (c) show unexpected deviations tiffness (in the x direction) multiplied by the system [89] that are still not understood. 27 More complex non-magnetic states; systems with 1 spin per unit cell H = J i,j⇥ Si · Sj + g ⇥ · · · • non-trivial non-magnetic ground states are possible, e.g., ➡ resonating valence-bond (RVB) spin liquid ➡ valence-bond solid (VBS) Non-magnetic states often have natural descriptions with valence bonds i j = (⇥i ⇤j ⌅ ⇤i ⇥j )/ 2 The basis including bonds of all lengths is overcomplete in the singlet sector Spontaneous symmetry breaking (different from dimerized Hamiltonian) • non-magnetic states dominated by short bonds 28 Non-magnetic states from frustrated spin interactions Quantum phase transitions as some coupling (ratio) is varied • J1-J2 Heisenberg model is the prototypical example H= i,j⇥ = J1 ⌅i · S ⌅j Jij S = J2 g = J2 /J1 • Ground states for small and large g are well understood ‣ Standard Néel order up to g≈0.45; collinear magnetic order for g>0.6 0 g < 0.45 0.45 g < 0.6 g > 0.6 • A non-magnetic state exists between the magnetic phases ‣ Most likely a VBS (what kind? Columnar or plaquette?) ‣ Some recent calculations suggest spin liquid (but I doubt it...). • 2D frustrated models are challenging: QMC sign problems 29 VBS states from multi-spin interactions (AWS, PRL 2007) The Heisenberg interaction is equivalent to a singlet-projector Cij = Cij | 1 4 s ij ⇥ ⇤i · S ⇤j S =| s ij ⇥, Cij | tm ij ⇥ = 0 (m = 1, 0, 1) • we can construct models with products of singlet projectors • no frustration in the conventional sense (QMC can be used) • correlated singlet projection reduces the antiferromagnetic order + all translations and rotations The “J-Q” model with two projectors is H= J Cij ij⇥ Q Cij Ckl ijkl⇥ • Has Néel-VBS transition, appears to be continuous • Not a realistic microscopic model for materials • Intended to study VBS and Néel-VBS transition (universal physics) 30 fieldindex). that conveniently describes co 6 theglo from these (where µ = x, ⌧ is a three-component space-time The field be expressed universally as functions ofexcitations the such spin systems , and a carrying S = 1 of the antiferromagnet. As w order parameter. This means that the two order-p VBS states and “deconfined” quantum criticality gauge invarianc A is unrelated to the electromagnetic field, but is an internal µ kquite ground state of H B T /⇢ s . 0 also ha N´ e el state, expressing the spin-wave fl distinct fields will have long-ranged “statistical” interactio the physical ob field that conveniently describes the couplings between the spin Sachdev Vishwanath, Balents, Sachdev, Fisher (2004) sis, Read, it is useful to(1989),....,Senthil, have an alternative description pattern of spin polarizatio and A is a matter of choice, and the a µ transformation excitations the antiferromagnet. As we have noted there above,will in thebe no connectedof to each other. Consequently local theo field 8 can serve us equally well. The d states above the N´ e el ordered state. For the equation (1) by H = J S · S + g ⇥ · · · i jthe spin-wave fluctuations in terms of z ↵ N´of eel more state, expressing s exincludes only thea two order-parameter (butou approaches appears whenfields we move ernative description is, in a sense, purely i,j⇥ and A µ is a matter of choice, and the above theory for the vector nise: principle: in quantum critical points into other pha fields). It is these difficulties that force the necessit it does not alter any of the low-energy h S N fieldNeel-VBS 8 can serve us equally well. The distinction between the two j!i = 1c ! transition in 2D !Si⌘(r, · Sj " ⌧)A inwhich some ofisthese phases,where the= emergent ons resonate alternate description conveniently provide approaches appears when we move out of theory the N´eel state across and an identical low-temperature •yields generically continuous optional, but an essentialimportant characterizatio role resulting state quantum critical points into other phases (as we will see later): spinon ofkey freedom. hen•expressed in terms of rule” kBdegrees T /⇢s . The step r i isforthe position of violating the “Landau the phase.where As we did S , we can writ 8 theory of the in some of these phases, the emergent A gauge field is no longer µ complex ractional spin ctor field 8 in termstransition of an spinon S = 1/2fields The defined in constraints Eq.equation (1.5) have forzz"↵ and A µ by the symm ordering pattern inofFig. 1b stating 1st-order (6) ca characterization of thewhich ‘quantum order’ of now yields eoptional, ↵ Description ="# but by anofessential most important diVerence “gauge” redundancy. Specifically the local ro or w . We will critical point with spinor field ↵phase the phase. As we did for S8 , we can write the quantum field Ztheory olution ofA µthe two orthogonal vectors Section IID. N2 complex vector) 2 for (2-component z ↵ and by the constraints of symmetry and gauge invariance, i$$r,d%% r d⌧ |(@ µ iA µ )z ↵ | ⇤ S z = gauge redundancy: z of ground states z → e 8 =yields z↵ ↵ z (3) manifold urwhich primary exnow B. COUPLED-DIMER A Z an eVective action for N 1 , nd a valence 1 leaves the Néel invariant and hence is gaug 2a mode 2 2 vector 2 2 2 This spin (✏ @ A ) . + 2ions Paulibetween that this Smatrices. d rNote d⌧ |(@ iA µ )zmapping + u(|z ↵ |the ) hamiltonian. µ⌫l ⌫ l Minimiz z = µ ↵ | + s|z ↵ |from 2 2e0 time % is the imaginary of freedom. Here has coordina N21 = N22 fi .eeWeSec. can VIII). make a space-time-dependent change ordered stateantiferromagne dashed lines to 1 brevity, For we have now used a ‘relativi the spinons are coupled to a U$1% gauge field a 1 • CP action (non-compact) Afield is a U(1) symmetric gauge &$ in the hamiltonian, but the ✓(x, ⌧) 2 field wn to be ob(5)spin-wave + 2 (✏ µ⌫l @ ⌫ Al ) . square-lattice m; and scaled away the velocity v & ,analogue ' , . . . tocan represent t of the spino 2e0 will use the Greek indicesthe be underst - proposed as i✓ critical theory separating Neel and VBS states ). Our central thesis—subs space-time indices xnature ,invariant y(4) , %physics introduce another spinor z↵ ! ehave z ↵ now VOL 4 MARCH 2008 For brevity, we used a ‘relativistically’ notation, exchange intera N-1 ce bond solid • SU(N) generalization: large-N calculations for CP theory by a variety of arguments to follow—is crit and scaled away the spin-wave velocity v ; the values of the couplings ofthat J /g the . A num aks spin rota[can be carried out with similar QMC as SU(2) models] nged. All physical theory properties therefore transition is just theNsim for must the Néel-VBS 1+ attice translaVOL 4 MARCH 2008 nature physics 31 T=0 Néel-VBS transition in the J-Q model Ground-state projector QMC calculations (Sandvik, 2007; Lou, Sandvik, Kawashima, 2009) Néel order parameter (staggered magnetization) 1 ⌅ M= N ⌅i ( 1)xi +yi S i VBS vector order parameter (Dx,Dy) (x and y lattice orientations) 1 Dx = N N ( 1) Si · Si+ˆx , xi i=1 1 Dy = N N i=1 ( 1)yi Si · Si+ˆy No symmetry-breaking in simulations; study the squares ⌅ ·M ⌅ ⇤, M 2 = ⇥M D2 = ⇥Dx2 + Dy2 ⇤ Finite-size scaling: a critical squared order parameter (A) scales as A(L, q) = L (1+ ) f [(q qc )L1/⇥ ] Data “collapse” for different system sizes L of AL1+η graphed vs (q-qc)L1/ν coupling ratio Q q= J +Q 32 J-Q2 model; qc=0.961(1) s d = 0.35(2) = 0.20(2) J Q2 ⇥ = 0.67(1) J-Q3 model; qc=0.600(3) s d = 0.33(2) = 0.20(2) ⇥ = 0.69(2) Exponents universal (within error bars) Comparable results for honeycomb J-Q model Alet & Damle, PRB 2013 Block, Melko, Kaul, PRL 2013 J Q3 Exponents drift for large L Kawashima et al, PRB 2013 - weak first-order transition? - or large scaling corrections? 33 Universality of J-Q physics: Frustrated spin models H= i,j⇥ = J1 ⌅i · S ⌅j Jij S = J2 g = J2 /J1 Until recently, most calculations indicated VBS around J2/J1=1/2 0 g < 0.45 0.45 g < 0.6 g > 0.6 Recent DMRG calculations claim a spin liquid 1) Jiang, Yao, Balents (PRB 2012) 2) Gong, Zhu, Sheng, Motrunich, Fisher (arXiv 2014) 34 ns and PVB textures whose decay length grows strongly with ge PVB order in the two-dimensional limit. The dimer-dimer B order. For 0.44 <ordered J2 /J1 < 0.5, both spin order, dimer Plaquette phase and quantum s and appear to scale to zero with increasing system width, near-critical behavior. We compare and contrast our results 1 1 1 spin liquid in the spin- 12 J1 -J2 square Heisenberg model Shou-Shu Gong , Wei Zhu , D. N. Sheng1 , Olexei I. Motrunich2 , Matthew P. A. Fisher3 Department of Physics and Astronomy, California State University, Northridge, California 91330, USA 2 Department of Physics, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125, USA arXiv:1311.5962v1 3 Department of Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106-9530, USA 2 ms ms 2 energies. On1the other hand, recent DMRG studies[45–47] of 0.1 te 0.1 We study the spin- 2 Heisenberg model on the square lattice with first- and second-neighbor antiferromagnetic 0.2 (a) another bipartite frustrated system—the J1 -J2 spin-1/2 hon0.08 iJ1 and J and might ms eycomb 2 , which possesses a nonmagnetic region that has been debated for many years 0.4 interactions 0.06 2 lattice Heisenberg model—found a PVB phase in the m s, with ro realize thenonmagnetic interesting region, Z2 spin liquid (SL). We use the density matrix renormalization group approach 0.04 with a possible SL phase between the 0.15 0.075 0.02 cylinders in explicit of SU (2) spinarotation symmetry and study the model accurately on open ⇥ implementation N´eel and PVB phases[47] or with direct N´eel to PVB transi0 0.3 with different rconditions. Withquantum increasing J2point[45– , we find a N´eel phase,0 a 0.1 plaquette (PVB) tion boundary characterized by a deconfined critical 0.2 0.3 valence-bond 0.4 0.5 J These studies[46, also foundspin that liquid in the nonmagnetic 2 phase with49]. a finite gap, and47] a possible in a small region of J0.1 two phases. From the Tc spin 2 between these ⇥ 0.05 region theofconvergence of DMRG in wider systems, which is that the N´eel order vanishes at J2 /J1 ' 0.44. JJ =0.35 finite-size scaling the magnetic order parameter, we estimate x=0.40 0.2 controlled by the number of states kept, is crucial for deterJ =0.44 For 0.5 < J2 /J1 < 0.61, we find dimer correlations and PVB textures whose 0.05 decay length grows strongly with J =0.46 imining the true nature of the ground state. increasing system width,gapless consistent with a long-range PVB order in the two-dimensional limit. The dimer-dimer J =0.50 fiIn this Letter, we reexamine the J0.025 2 square lattice 0.1 correlations reveal the s-wave character of the1 -J PVB order. For 0.44 < J02 /J1 < 0.5, both spin order, dimer J =0.55 region NeelHeisenberg 3– model for J2 < PVB 0.61 using DMRG algorithm 0zero with 0.1 system 0.2 0.05increasing 0.15 width, 0.25 order, and spin gap are small on finite-size systems and appear to scale to iwith explicit implementation of the SU (2) spin rotation 1/L our results which is consistent with a possible gapless SL or a near-critical behavior. We compare and contrast symmetry[50] (we do not study the well known stripe antil0 with earlier numerical studies. 0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 ferromagnetic phase at larger J ). We find accurate results 2 al (b) on cylindersJ with system width up to 12 ⇠ 14 lattice spac2 st PACS numbers: ings 73.43.Nq, by keeping75.10.Jm, as many 75.10.Kt as 36000 optimal U (1)-equivalent 0.1 rstates. We find N´eel phase below J2 ' 0.44 and a nonmag1 FIG. 1: (color online) Phase diagram spinsquare up Order-parameter extrapolations indicate netic region forof0.44 <2 JJ21 -J < 20.61 by Heisenfinite-size scaling of berg model for J < 0.61 obtained by our SU (2) DMRG studies. 2 r- Introduction.—Quantum the magnetic order parameter. In the nonmagnetic spin liquid (SL) is an exotic state region, we 0.1 disordered but extrapolations are With growing J2 , the phase, model has a N´ eorder el phase J < 0.44 and a establish a PVB for Jfor 2 > 20.5—in contrast to the previonof matter where a spin system does not form magneti2 2 2 2 2 ms 2 2 PVB phase for 0.5 < ous J2 proposal < 0.61. [37] Between two observing phases, there 0.4 of a Zthese that the PVB de2 SL—by callyisordered state or break lattice even at system zero width. We a small gapless region exhibits no orderwith in our calculations, cay that length growssymmetries strongly increasing istemperature[1]. consistent with Understanding a gapless SL. The mainorder panel N´eelplaquette[30] order paidentify the PVB as shows theis s-wave spin liquids important in by studyrametermagnetic ms and spin gap in the thermodynamic limit. ing dimer-dimer correlations. For 0.44 < Jinset 0.3 Tand 2 < 0.5, we find frustrated systems may also hold clues toThe underis a sketch for an RC4-6 Jpin shows the modified crystal odd verthatcylinder; the magnetic order, valence-bond (VBC) orders, standtical non-Fermi liquid of doped Mott materials and high-T c as well as spin excitation vanish with increasing sysNN bonds providing the boundary pinninggap for all dimer orders. 1) ms ms no reliable close to a critical point - most likely dqc point as in J-Q 0.075 ⇥ superconductivity of strongly correlated systems[2]. The SL ex-in agreement tem width, which suggests a possible gapless 0.2 the VMC or a near-critical behavior. citing propertiesresults of spinwith liquids suchresults[41] as deconfined quasipartiDMRG should be compared incaldetail We consider both torus and cylinder samples in DMRG have been revealed in many less fractional SL[27, 28, statistics 40, 41]. However, true nature of the artifiquant-cles and culations, but all the the phases are established based on high ac0.1 cially constructed systems such as quantum dimer models[3– tum phase has remained unresolved. curacy results on cylinders[51]. We use two cylinder geomes, modeltries. in the limit[6–10], and Ki- with closed Theeasy first isaxis thethe rectangular cylinder (RC) ng5], Kagome Recentspin large-scale DMRG study of J1 -J2 square lattice boundary inofthefinding y direction open boundaries taev model[11]. The possibility spinandliquids in real- in the x di- L 10 0.05 ⇥ FIG. 2: (color online) (a) m2s plotted vs 1/L for RCL-2L cylinder with L = 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14; lines are polynomial fits up to fourth order. The inset is J2 dependence of the obtained magnetic order 2 in the 2D limit m2s,1 . (b) Same data shown as log-log plot of m0.025 s versus width L. with J-Q QMC gapless region PVB Neel 35 ... New version of the paper [PRL 113, 027201 (2014)] Plaquette ordered phase and quantum phase diagram in the S=1/2 J2-J1 square Heisenberg model “The critical exponents obtained from the finite-size spin and dimer correlations could be compatible with the deconfined criticality” Conclusion from studies of J-Q and frustrated square lattice - the J-Q model can mimic the behavior of (some) frustrated systems! - many more insights into deconfined criticality and VBS states obtained by large-scale QMC studies of J-Q models K. Harada et al, PRB 88, 220408 (2013) M. Block, R. Melko, R. Kaul, PRL 111, 137202 (2013) S. Pujari, K. Damle, F. Alet PRL 111, 087203 (2013) Y. Tang, AWS, PRL 110, 217213 (2013) S. Jin, AWS, PRB 87, 108040 (2013) AWS, PRB 84, 134407 (2012) A. Banerjee, K. Damle, F. Alet, PRB 83, 235111 (2011) ..... 36
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