Telephone No. : (017212638061 Fax No. : (017212638135 \fW~~ ~-;jo 24-25, ~~ ~-31~, ~ 160030 qllTcHUI ~ q;:r ~ GOVERNMENT OF INDIA vll:T J i:RlJlrn MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS'll:i (! O;\ll(.",n F. No. 5-127/2008-RO (NZ)! Northern Regional Office, Bays No. 24 & 25, Sector 31·A, I Dakshin Marg, Chandigarh·160 030 II Slf S3 Dated: 16.06.2014 m-r1{ , The Director(Business Development & Projects) Mis Omaxe Ltd. 7, Local Shopping Center Kalkaii, New Delhi-11 0019 Sub: Construction of Residential Group Housing Project named as "Om axe Greens" at village-Jharmari, Dera Bassi, Punjab by MIs Omaxe Ltd~.-site inspection regarding. Ref. MoEF, New Delhi's letter No.21-408/2007-IA.11I dt. 08.05.2008. \3q':!ffi ~ 1{ \3c>clllCld qR'41\J1<f1 CI>I 'frritmur fu;:ricp 14th June, 2014 CB! fcl:>m 4fflT I ~ f.tfrmur cI> ~ CPft -Q-m-uIT am qR'41\J1<f1 3IfuCflIR'41 -a- q:qf cI> mG 3ialElMI~ &ill"([Cl1 ;f!;r-CflActI4d 't:Gf ~ 'fcIRrr 1FII ~ f3R:pI 3INCI>I ~ Ft~3iT 1R CflI~cn~ cI> ~ Cf®" 1FII ~ I 3IJlRt ~ ~ 1m ~ 't:Gf cI>.~ CPft =Cbln.",~q...d-I~ fWt 3Ifa- ~ ~ "CflB qft cpu ~ I ~3iT 1R CbF2cn~ ~ " .-/ (~epIR) A~~ICfl("(!R) Tel. No. (0172)-2638994 EMail:[email protected] Copy to : The Director(S), Monitoring Cell, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110 003 for information and necessary action please. ' ~: Telephone No. : (0172) 2638061 Fax No. : (0172) 2638135 ~Q~ ~ -;10 24 - 25 1 ~-31"Q1 ~ 160030 ~mcnR qmcHUI~CR~ GOVERNMENT OF INDIA , ~ MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS F. No. 5-127/2008-RO (NZ) iJlt:; ~ r,RlII'i4l 'w; e, i!!~I[.ri4l I II Northern Regional Office, Bays No. 24 &25, Sector 31-A, Dakshin Marg, Chandigarh·160 030 Dated: 16.06.2014 To The Director(Business Development & Projects) MIs Omaxe Ltd. 7, Local Shopping Center Kalkaji, New Delhi-110019 Sub: Construction of Residential Group Housing Project named as "Omaxe Greens" at village-.Jharmari, Dera Bassi, Punjab by MIs Omaxe Ltd.-site inspection regarding. Ref. MoEF, New Delhi's letter No.21-408/2007-IA.l1I dt. 08.05.2008. Sir, On the basis of site inspection of above cited project on 14th June, 2014, point wise discussion with project executing authorities and subsequent information submitted so far, a comprehensive monitoring report is being submitted to Ministry for further necessary action and following comments and observations are forwarded to you for necessary action at your end. Accordingly, information and 'action taken report' on the following points may be submitted to this office urgently: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Inform the completion schedule of remaining towers. Inform the number of families occupied the flats. Submit the information about the funds spent on medicines and medical help to the workers during construction phase till date. '" Inform tentative schedule of installing the Solar system for common lighting. Inform the schedule for cleaning the Rainwater harvesting measures. It is noticed that the rainwater harvesting pits are not being cleaned regularly. You have committed to provide dual plumbing line in remaining 4 Towers to use treated water from STP for toilet flushing. It may be complied sincerely and the compliance report should be submitted to this office immediately. Adequacy report of STP through an authorized agency immediately. Latest physical and financial progress about CSR activities may be informed. Uploading of six monthly progress report and monitoring reports on the'web site of the Company may be ensured. Ambient Air Quality, Soil quality, ground water quality and Noise levels near DG sets should be monitored by some approved lab and the results should be submitted to this office from time to time. Submit information about green belt development in the following proforma with six monthly proqress report: S.No Year Area Exp. No. of Species of covered plants incurred plants planted (in Rs.) planted Submit action taken report in respect of Energy Conservation Measures actually being adopted in the residential colony. Inform the strategy to be adopted about the collection and disposal of solid waste from the residential colony during operation of the buildinq. --2 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. The Energy audit report in respect of Housing Complex through an authorized a enc . You have to adopt in vessel bio-composting for the garbage and kitchen waste to be generated from the residential colony. For this purpose the installation of Organic Waste Converter may be harnessed. Action proposed . to be taken in this re ard ma be informed. Submit details about the funds kept in the budget for implementation of Environment Management Plans and uptodate expenditure on different items of EMP. Submit the copies of following NOC's/approvals: • Valid 'Consent to Operate' under Air & Water Acts. •. NOC from NHAI for access from National Highway to your project. Submission of six monthly progress report in hard and soft copies may be ensured as the same will be displayed on MoEF's Web site. Next six monthly pro ress re ort is due in 1st week of December, 2014. An 'Action Taken"Report' and clarifications, if any, may be sUbmitted. Yours faithfully, (Surendra Kumar) Director(S) Tel. No. (0172)-2638994 E: Mall:sk5~1( Enc!. as above: Copy to : The Director(S), Monitoring Cell, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Paryavaran Shawan, . CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi--110003 for information and necessary action please. " ~\~~~~ (Surendra Kumar) Director(S) . ~: Telephone No. : (0172) 2638061 Fax No. : (0172) 2638135 ~~~ ~<io 24-25, 'm"{Cl "ffiCl)R' QllTCl{OI ~ CFf ~ GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS vlGl J Grl~lrll I 'll:1 l! WII:Ti.fl II F. No. 5-127/2008-RO (NZ) ~-31 ~, ~ 160030 Northern Regional Office, Bays No. 24 &25, Sector 31·A, Dakshin Marg, Chandigarh·160 030 Dated: 16.06.2014 -wrr1I The Director(S), Monitoring Cell q4iq~oI '(!Ci q;:r 4:;:rlcl4 q4iq~oI ~, c>ffift m:, -at."3ft.m. CflIAI~CR"l ~ ~ I Sub: Construction of Residential Group Housing Project named as "Omaxe Greens" at village-Jharmari, Dera Bassi, Punjab by MIs Omaxe Ltd.-site inspection regarding. Ref. MoEF, New Delhi's letter No.21-408/2007-IA.11I dt. 08.05.2008. ~ ~ 1I \3WlRoCld qR4131O"fI '<t>I ~lffUI ~ 14th June, 2014 eN ~ 1FIT I ~ ~lffUI $ ~ ~ !T1ffUl! am qR4131O"fI 3IfuCflIR41 'R ~ $ qJG 3lal('1'81Il$fr &RT furR 1J{ 3fRim mrr ~ tBr ~ ~ ~ f,1 3IIlffi f4:> 3lIq{?4ClJ CflI~('n~ CIRCb ~ CbI4icl4 eN ~. '4~ &RI 1J{ CflI~qI~ 'R 3lCPIff qm;f eprr CD? I 3FJWr t mt FRw'r mt mt ~'o\~\\1\ (~epIR) Ae{?ICfl(m) Tel. No. (0172)-2638994 EMail:[email protected] ~: Telephone No. : (0172) 2638061 Fax No. : (0172) 2638135 ~ahfm~ ~-;io 24-25, emm tRCf)R ~-311?, ~ 160030 qlllq{OI ~ CR ~ GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS ijll:i ~ q(,T d"ll/ll'!1 I ? l~11(,1J) II Northern Regional Office, Bays No. 24 & 25, Sector 31-A, Dakshin Marg, Chandlgarh-160 030 F. No. 5-127/2008-RO (NZ) Dated: 16.06.2014 To The Director(S), Monitoring Cell Ministry of Environment and Forests Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex Lodhi Road, New Delhi--110 003 Sub: Construction of Residential Group Housing Project named as "Omaxe Greens" at village-Jharmari, Dera Bassi, Punjab by MIs Omaxe Ltd.-site inspection regarding. Ref. MoEF, New Delhi's letter No.21-408/2007-IA.1II dt. 08.05.2008. Sir, Please find enclosed herewith site inspection report of above cited project which was inspected by the undersigned on 14th June, 2014. The salient features of the non-compliance status of the environmental conditions is given below: The cleaning schedule of rainwater harvesting pits is yet to be submitted. Energy Audit is yet to be carried out. Latest physical and financial progress about CSR activities is yet to be informed. Uploading of six monthly progress report and monitoring reports on the web 4. site of the Company is yet to be ensured. . . Recommendations for action keeping In view the nature and extent of violation In reference to Ministry's D.O. letter No.J-11014/267/2007-IA.II dated 25.06.2007. 1. 2. 3. S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Nature and extent of violation No violation detected Minor violations (not serious in nature) detected. Further course of action recommended --- implementation As regards of environmental safeguards laid down in EC letter, only minor violations which are not serious in nature have been detected. Hence, a non-compliance letter/suggestive letter is being written to rectifylimprove them and submit 'An action taken report' Si!=)nificant violations detected. NA NA Serious violations detected. This is for your Information and necessary action please. Yours faithfully, ~ (Surendra Kumar) Director(S) Tel. No. (0172)-2638994 EMail:[email protected] Encls. : As above Ministry of Environment & Forests Northern Regional Office Chandigarh DATA SHEET 1. Project Type: 2. Name of the Project: 3. 4. 5. 6. Construction Project (Group Housing project named as "Omaxe Greens") Residential Group Housing Project by Mis Omaxe Ltd. No. 21-408/2007-1A.11I dated 8 1n May, 2008 Clearance letter (s)1 O.M No. & dates: Location: a) District (s) SA S Nagar Punjab b) State (s) c) Latitudes/lonqitudes 75° 58' 76" East / 29° 49' 30" North Address for correspondence: Director(Business Shri Daleep Maudgal, a) Address of Concerned Project Development & Projects) Chief Engineer (with Pin Code/ MIs Omaxe Construction Ltd., Tel No./Telex/Fax No.1 E-Mail 7 Local Shopping Center, New Delhi-11 0019 address) Tel. No. 011-41893100,41896680-85 41896776 FAX: 011-41896653,41896655,41896799 Cell No. 09818099256 Shri A.K.Srivastava, PI-9815503092 Shri Deepak Bhardwaj, Dy. Manager Salient features: The project involves the construction of a a) of the project residential colony on a plot area of 62,120.99 sq. meters. The total built up area proposed is sq. meters(will have 660 97,456.96 units/apartments-3 BR-450, 2 BR-150 and EWS 60). Total water requirement proposed is 526 KLD (Fresh water requirement will be 297 KLD and treated waste water 861 KLD). The capacity of STP proposed is 400 KLD. Treated waste water to be used for flushing of toilets - 148 KLD, horticulture -81 KLD and balance 171 KLD will be used for irrigation of surrounding fields. Total Solid waste generation will be 1320 (biodegradable-660 kg/day, non-biodegradable 396 kg/day and inert waste -264 kg/day).Total power requirement is 4750 'rQN. Total parking spaces proposed are for 1291 (basement-472, covered parking -558 and open-261). Total cost of the project is Rs. 71.165 crores. ~ HorticUlture activities initiated. b) of the environmental ~ Rain water harvesting measures are taken. management plans ~ Fire fighting facilities will be installed as per existing norms. ~ Adequate car parking facilities are incorporated in the project site to take care of traffic problem. ~ STP is installed. --2- 7. Break up of the project area: q Break up of project affected population Financial details: a) Project cost as originally planned and subsequent revised estimates and the year of price reference. b) Allocations made for environmental management plans with item wise and year wise break up. c) Benefit cost ratio/lnternal Rate of Return and the year of assessment. d) Whether (c) includes the cost of environmental management as shown in b) above. e) Actual expenditure incurred on the project so far. t) Actual expenditure incurred on the environmental management plans so far: Plot area Built up area Not applicable. I Not submitted Yet to be submitted Rs. 75.00 crore approx. RS.10.00 lacs 11. The status of clear felling in non-forest areas Status of construction: a) Date of commencement June, 2008 (actual and/or planned) 14. IRs. 71.165 crore Sufficient funds have been provided for the implementation of the Environment Management Plans. Forest land requirement: 13. 62120.99 sq. meters 97,456.96 sq. meters o::=J Original project cost: 10. 12. - Approval from the I\JRO, MoEF,Chd. has been obtained for the approach road to the project. N.A. b) Date of completion (actual 31.01.2013(Tentative). and/or planned) More than 85% of work has been completed Reasons for the delay if the I\J.A. project is yet to start: Dates of site visits a. Date of previous site visit: 21.06.2012 b. Date of present site visit: 14.06.2014 Participants (A) From MIs Omaxe Ltd. 1. Shri Oeepak Bhardwaj, Oy. Manager (8) From NRO,MoEF, Chandigarh 1. Shri Surendra Kumar, Oirector(S) --3 PART-II STATUS OF COMPLIANCE & PART-III DETAILED MONITORING REPORT The project involves the construction of a residential colony on a plot area of 62,120.99 sq. meters. The total built up area proposed is 97,456.96 sq. meters(will have 660 units/apartments-3 BR-450, 2 BR-150 and EWS-60). Total water requirement proposed is 526 KLD (Fresh water requirement will be 297 KLD and treated waste water 861 KLD). The capacity of STP proposed is 400 KLD. Treated waste water to be used for flushing of toilets -148 KLD, horticulture -81 KLD and balance 171 KLD will be used for irrigation of surrounding fields. Total Solid waste generation will be 1320 (biodegradable-660 kg/day, non-biodegradable -396 kg/day and inert waste -264 kg/day).Total power requ(rement is 4750 KW. Total parking spaces proposed are for 1291 (basement-472, covered parking -558 and open-261). Total cost of the project is RS.71.165 crores. The construction work was started at the project site in June, 2008. There are in total 9 towers out of which the work at 5 towers have been occupied. At other towers, the work is running in different stages. More than 85% of construction work has been completed. The completion schedule is December, 2014. The compliance of different conditions is given below: (A) Specific Conditions: 1. Construction Phase "Consent to Establish" shall be obtained from PSPCB under Air & Water Acts and a copy shall be submitted to the Ministry before start of any construction work at site. (i) Being complied The 'Consent to Establish'/NOC under Air & Water Acts was obtained by the project proponent in time. The Consent to Operate under Air & Water Acts has been obtained for the Towers which have been occupied but a copy of the same is yet to be submitted. (ii) All required sanitary and hygienic measures should be in place before starting construction activities and to be maintained throughout the construction phase. Being complied About 230 number of workers are engaged at work. It is gathered that the contractor has been made responsible to provide all sanitary and hygienic conditions to the workers during construction phase. Following measures have been taken by the contractor for implementation of the condition: ~ To provide adequate number of toilets (at least one for every 50 labourers) with proper septic tank, vent pipe connector and soak pit for the construction labourers separate for male and females. --4 ~ ~ 'y (iii) To ensure proper disposal of sewage so that sanitary conditions are maintained. To ensure regular cleaning of toilet and soak pits. To ensure proper water sprinkler system on the construction sites to suppress dust during handling of excavated soil. A First Aid Room will be provided in the project Being complied both during construction and operation of the proiect. The First Aid facilities have been provided at the construction site during construction phase to take care of minor medical treatments. The PA has been asked to intimate the expenditure done on providing medicines to the workers. (iv) Adequate drinking water and sanitary facilities should be provided for construction workers at the site. The safe disposal of waste water and solid wastes generated during the construction phase should be ensured. Being complied Around 230 workers have been employed by the contractor during construction phase. It is confirmed that the construction site has adequate drinking and sanitary facilities for the workers. Moreover, the contractor has made foolproof arrangement for disposal of waste water and solid waste generated during the construction phase. (v) Provision should be made for the supply of Being complied kerosene or cooking gas I pressure cooker to the laborers durinQ construction phase. It is gathered that only 230 no. of workers are engaged for the project. During active construction phase the kerosene and LPG is being supplied by the contractor to the workers on payment basis. However, the health, safety, sanitation and drinking water facility for the workers is being ensured by the contractor as well as project authorities during construction period. (vi) All the laborers to be engaged for construction work should be screened for health and adequately treated before the issue of work permits. Being complied It is informed that the contractor has provided necessary medical facilities to the workers and First Aid Boxes are provided at the construction sites. For disinfection of waste water, use ultra violet radiation, not chlorination. Being complied One STP of 250 kid is functional. Ultra violet radiation is being used for disinfection of the treated water. However, the compliance of this condition will be monitored by this office from time to time. --5 (viii) All the topsoil excavated during construction activities be stored in should for use horticulturellandscape development within the proiect site. Not applicable No excavation has been started so far as there is stilt in the towers. (ix) Disposal of muck including excavated material during construction phase should not create any adverse effects on the neighboring communities and disposed off taking the necessary precautions for aeneral safetv and health aspects. Being complied It is confirmed that all the practical possible precautions are being followed in the whole construction work to ensure that there is no nuisance to neighboring communities during the disposal of muck including excavation mat!=rials. (x) Use of diesel generator sets during construction phase should be enclosed type and should conform to E(P)A Rules prescribed for air and noise emission standards. Being complied It is observed that 2 DG set of 250 kva capacity have been provided with acoustic enclosures at site for power back up. I (xi) I Diesel should be stored in underground tanks: I Not applicable At the moment, the diesel storage is hardly 900- 1000 litre at any moment. Hence, the large storage of diesel are not required. (xii) Vehicles hired for bringing construction material to the site should be in good condition and should conform to applicable air and noise emission standards and should be operated only during non-peak hours. Being complied All the trucks are checked for their 'Pollution under Check' Certificates before entering into project construction area. The PA has submitted the copies of few of the PUC's for our record. Ambient noise levels should conform to residential standards both during day and night. Being complied The contractor has been instructed to keep all the construction activities in controlled manner to keep the ambient noise levels within residential standards during day and night time. It is also confirmed that there is no complaint from any person in surroundings about high noise levels during construction period. --6- (xiv) Fly ash should be used as building material in the construction as per the provisions of Fly Ash Notification of September! 1999 and amended as on August, 2003 (The above condition is applicable only if the project is within 100 km of Thermal Power Station). Being complied As the Ready Mixed Concrete is being used during construction, the fly ash from 22 to 25% is being used in the ready mixed concrete as per design mix. Ready mixed concrete must be used in building construction. Being complied As the Ready Mixed Concrete is being used during construction, the fly ash from 22 to 25% is being used in the ready mixed concrete as per design mix. Storm water control and its re-use as per CGWS and SIS standards for various a lications. Being complied It is assured by the PA that storm water will be stored and then reused as per CGWB and BIS standards. (xvii) Water demand during construction should be reduced by use of pre-mixed concrete, curing a~ents and other best practices referred. Being complied This condition has been duly complied by the project proponent by reducing the demand of the water by using the pre-mixed concrete, curing agents and other best practices. (xviii) Permission to draw ground water shall be obtained to from the competent Authority prior construction/operation of the project. Being complied It is confirmed by PA that there one bore well in the project site. The permission from CGWA has been obtained by the PA for operation of the bore well. (xix) Separation of grey and black water should be done Being complied by the use of dual plumbing line for separation of grey and black water. The project authorities have confirmed that the dual plumbing line is being provided in only 4 towers which are will be completed very soon. (xx) Fixtures for showers! toilet flushing and drinking Being complied should be of low flow either by use of aerators or pressure reducing devices or sensor based control. As this is a Group Housing Project, there is not much scope of complying this condition. --7- (xxi) Use of glass may be reduced by upto 40% to reduce the electricity consumption and load on airconditioning. If necessary, use high quality double glass with special reflective coating in windows. Not applicable As this is a Group Housing Project, there is not much scope of complying this condition. (xxii) Roof should meet prescriptive requirement as per Energy Conservation Building Code by using appropriate thermal insulation material to fulfill requirement. Being complied The roofs meet prescriptive requirement as per Energy Conservation Building Code by using appropriate thermal insulation material to fulfill requirement. (xxiii) Opaque wall should meet prescriptive requirement as per Energy Conservation Building Code which is proposed to be mandatory for all airconditioned for non spaces while it is aspirational airconditioned spaces by use of appropriate thermal insulation material to fulfill reauirement. Not applicable As this is a Group Housing Project, there is not much scope of complying this condition. (xxiv) The approval of competent authority shall be obtained for structural safety of the buildings due fire fighting to earthquake, adeguacy of equipments etc. as per National Building Code includina orotection measures from liahtenina etc. Being complied It is informed by PA that this condition has been duly complied. I (xxv) I Regular supervision of the environmental safeguards. I Being complied This condition is being complied by the project authorities. (xxvi) Legal action against the project proponent if the construction work is started without ensuring the environmental clearance. No legal action is required The construction work at the project site was started only after ensuring the environment clearance from the competent authority. (2) Operational Phase· (i) The installation of STP should be certified by an independent expert and a report in this regard should be submitted to the Ministry before the project is commissioned for operation. Being complied --8- The installation of Sewerage Treatment Plant having 250 KLD capacity extendable to 500 KLD has been completed. The PA has provided the UV system also with the STP to disinfect the treated water. (i i) Rain water harvesting for roof run- off and surface run- off, as plan submitted should be implemented. Before recharging the surface run off, pre treatment must be done to remove suspended matter, oil and !:Trease. Being complied Rainwater harvesting measures have been taken as per condition imposed by the MoEF by providing 10 recharge pits with desilting chambers. The PA has been asked to prepare the cleaning schedule for the Rainwater harvesting structures. (iii) The solid waste generated should be properly collected and segregated before disposal to the City Municipal Facility. Being complied It is informed that the practice of segregating bio-degradable and non biodegradable waste is adopted and then the waste is disposed off by the project authorities by giving to Municipal Committee's approved/designated places. However, the PA has been asked to install the Organic Waste Converter for using the biodegradable material into bio-compost. (iv) Any hazardous waste including bio-medical waste should be disposed of as per applicable Rules & norms with necessarv approvals of the PSPCB: Assured to comply As 3 DG sets of 250 kva each will be established for power back up and the waste oilllubricant will be generated during their maintenance, the PA has been asked to comply following measures in respect of disposal of waste oil/used oil which is categorized as hazardous waste: >>>(v) The lubricant/waste oil from DG sets should be collected in separate containers with marking of "Hazardous waste" and the same may be disposed off by selling to registered recyclers only. A register will be maintained by respective companies to keep a record of quantity of lubricant/waste oil generated by DG sets. The project authorities will submit return in Form-4 and Form-13 to the PSPCB every year with the copies to this office. The green belt design along the periphery of the plot shall achieve attenuation factor conforming to the day and night noise standards prescribed for residential land use. The open spaces inside the plot should be suitably landscaped and covered with veaetation of indiaenous variety. Being complied --9 The green belt development has been started. About 2400 trees and 1500 shrubs have been planted so far. About 23.5% of total plot area has been covered under plantation. The PA has been asked to submit the details of plants planted with every six monthly progress report in the following proforma: Year (vi) Area covered No. of plants lanted Incremental pollution loads on the ambient air Being complied quality, noise and water quality should be periodically monitored after commissioning of the proiect. The ambient air quality, ground water quality, stack emission, effluent at inlet and outlet and noise level have been monitored by an approved lab namely Eco Pro Engineers Pvt. Ltd., Ghaziabad in May, 2014 indicating all the results within permissible limits. The project authorities have been asked to get the monitoring done on six monthly basis and submit the reports to this office with six monthly progress reports. (vii) Application of solar energy should be incorporated for illumination of common areas, lighting for gardens and street lighting in addition to provision for solar water heatinCl. Not complied It is confirmed that there is no provision of solar lights in the project so far. (viii) Traffic congestion near the entry and exit points from the roads adjoining the proposed project site must be avoided. Parking should be fully internalized and no public space should be utilized. Being complied It is confirmed that separate entry and exit provisions and one way vehicular movement has been made in the Residential colony. Thus the Parking will be fully internalized and no public space will be utilized. (ix) A Report on the energy conservation measures conforming to energy conservation norms finalized by Bureau of Energy Efficiency should be prepared incorporating details about building materials & technology, R & U Factors etc. and submit to the Ministry in 3 months time. Being complied Energy conservation measures conforming to energy conservation norms incorporating details about building materials & technology and R & U factors etc. have been taken in the design of the residential colony. It is informed that CFL lights are being used in toilets and common areas. Detailed Energy Conservation Plan to be adopted by PA in this project is yet to be submitted. The PA has been asked to get the Energy audit done in respect of the energy conservation measures in the building in due course of time. --10- '8) General Conditions: (i) The environmental safeguards contained in the Assured to comply EIA Report should be implemented in letter and soirit. Although separate report has not been submitted by the project authorities about the implementation status of environmental safegLJards contained in the EIA Report, the PA has assured to comply most of the environmental safeguards satisfactorily. submission of six monthly progress Being complied The project has been monitored on 14.06.2014 and regular submission of six monthly progress report is being ensured. The PA has been asked to submit six monthly progress report in 1st week of December and 1st week of June every year in soft and hard copies both as the report will be displayed on Web site of the Ministry of Environment & Forests in pursuance of the provisions of new EIA Notification no. 1533(E) dated 14th September, 2006. (iii) Approvals from Chief Controller of Explosives, Fire Department, Civil Aviation Department, Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 & Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972 etc. should be obtained. Being complied It is informed that the clearances/NOC's from Fire Safety Department and Municipal Council have already been obtained. The approval from Civil Aviation Department is not necessary. The NOC's from Ministry of Environment & Forests under the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 for the passage to the Residential Colony and 'Consent to Operate' from PSPCB under Air & Water Acts have been obtained as more than 75% families have started to reside in the completed 5 towers. Copy of environmental clearance advertised in two local newspapers. should be Being complied The environmental clearance has been advertised, in local news papers. Newspapers cuttings are placed in the file. (10) Under the provisions of EPA, 1986, legal action Complied shall be initiated against the project proponent if it was found that the construction of the project had started without obtaining environmental clearance. The construction of the project has been started only after getting the environmental clearance. Hence, no legal action is to be initiated against the project authorities. (11 ) Environmental clearance is subject to final order of Assured to comply the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India in the matter of Goa Foundation Vs. Union of India in Writ Petition (Civil) No.460 of 2004 as may be applicable to this project. --11- The PA has promised to follow the verdict of Hon'ble Supreme Court of India in the matter of Goa Foundation Vs. Union of India in Writ Petition (Civil) No.460 of 2004 as may be applicable to this project in due course of time. ~ (Surendra Kumar) Direetor(S) Ene!. as above:
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