1325 North 108th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74116 918.437.8333 ph. | 918.437.8487 fx. CLIENT: INTERNATIONAL FIREROOFING TECHNOLOGY 17528 Von Karman Ave Irvine, CA 92614 Test Report No: SUBJECT: PRODUCT EVALUATED: TJ1856-R Date: April 15, 2014 Flammability Testing to NFPA 286, Standard Methods of Fire Tests for Evaluating Contribution of Wall and Ceiling Interior Finish to Room Fire Grow th – 2011 Edition. Client refers to samples received as “BASF Enertite® NM open cell polyurethane foam insulation coated with 18 wet film thickness (wft) of DC315”. This project w as entered into our receiving system on 10/14/13 in good condition. TEST REQUESTED: Flammability Testing to NFPA 286, Standard Methods of Fire Tests for Evaluating Contribution of Wall and Ceiling Interior Finish to Room Fire Grow th – 2011 Edition and 2006 IBC Section 803.2.1 / 2009 IBC Section 803.1.2 / NFPA 101, and Life Safety Code, 2009 Edition, Section , and 2009 IRC 316.6. The referenced procedure w as used to generate this report and data obtained from the test. SAMPLING DETAIL: Test samples w ere randomly selected and sealed by QAI Laboratories representative Jeff Judd on October 22, 2013. QAI verified the seals and inspector marks upon receipt. The foam components arrived at QAI Laboratories on October 31, 2013 and w ere verified by QAI Laboratories. Construction of the test room, BASF Enertite®NM open cell polyurethane foam insulation, and subsequent coating of the foam in the test room w as w itnessed by QAI in accordance w ith Section 3.3 of ICC-ES AC85. TEST DATE: December 19, 2013 CONCLUSION: Currently, there are no acceptance criteria listed in NFPA 286. Based on the test results herein, the tested assembly as described in this report COMPLIES w ith NFPA 101; Life Safety Code, 2009 Edition, Section, 2009 IBC Section 803.1.2, and 2009 IRC 316.6. REVISION: Wording in the second paragraph of the second page w as corrected due to a typographical error and to reflect actual test conditions. SIGNED FOR AND ON BEHALF OF QAI LABORATORIES, INC. David Bauchmoyer Test Technician J. Brian McDonald Operations Manager Page 1 of 13 THIS REPORT IS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF THE CLIENT ADDRESSED. THE REPORT MAY ONLY BE REPRODUCED IN FULL. PUBLICATION OF EXTRACTS FROM THIS REPORT IS NOT PERMITTED WITHOUT WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM QAI. ANY LIABILITY ATTACHED THERETO IS LIMITED TO THE FEE CHARGED FOR THE INDIVIDUAL PROJECT FILE REFERENCED. THE RESULTS OF THIS REPORT PERTAIN ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLE(S) EVALUATED. WWW.QAI.ORG [email protected] INTERNATIONAL FIREPROOFING TECHNOLOGY Report No.: TJ1856-R April 15, 2014 Page 2 of 13 Test Sample Description: QAI Laboratories, Inc. conducted testing f or International Fireproofing Technology on “ BASF Enertite® NM open cell spray applied polyurethane foam coated 18 average mil w et film thickness of DC315 (1 2 average mils dry film thickness)” to evaluate heat release and flame spread properties w hen subjected to specific ignition conditions. Testing w as conducted in accordance w ith NFPA 286, 2011 Edition. This testing w as performed on December 19, 2013. The test room w as built on November 11, 2013 by QAI Laboratory personnel prior to the application of t he test sample. The three w alls consisted of 2 x 8 w ood studs, spaced 16 inches on center. The ceiling w as constructed using 2 x 14 w ood joists, spaced 16 inches on center, running perpendicular to the side w alls. The exterior ceiling and w alls w ere covered w ith 5/8” thick, Type X gypsum board. The final interior dimensions w ere 8 feet high, 8 feet w ide and 12 feet deep. On November 13, 2013, representatives from Croft Insulation sprayed the stud cavities w ith approximately 7 ½ inches of BASF Enertite® NM open cell spray applied polyurethane foam. The joist cavities w ere filled w ith approximately 14 ½ inches of BASF Enertite® NM open cell spray applied polyurethane foam. This spray foam insulation has an advertised density of 0.6 lbs/ft ³. Density measured from the tested room w as 0.65 lbs/ft ³. The back corners of the room are constructed so that they meet the criteria of NFPA 286. On December 5 th – 6th, 2013, representatives from International Fireproof Technology, Inc. coated the test module w ith an application of 18 mils w et film thickness (measured 12 mils dry film thickness using medallion method) coating of DC315. This room w as placed into a conditioning room w ith conditions that meet the requirement of this standard for at least 48 hours prior to testing. The temperature of the test chamber prior to test w as 71° F (22° C) and the relative humidity w as 38% . Ignition Source: The ignition source for the test is a gas burner w ith a nominal 12 by 12 inch orifice, filled w ith a minimum 4 inch layer of Ottaw a sand. The top surface of the burner through w hich the gas is applied is positioned 12 inches above the floor. The burner enclosure w as placed 1 inch aw ay from each w all in the test corner, opposite the door. Burner Gas Flow: CP Grade Propane w as used for burner supply gas. A calibrated mass flow meter (Asset A300110, due for calibration 3/28/14) w as used to meter flow to the burner. The 40 kW 5 minute exposure flow ed 27 l/min Propane and the 160 kW exposure flow ed 108 l/min Propane. These numbers w ere based upon the follow ing constant: 1.485 kW min/l. Page 2 of 13 INTERNATIONAL FIREPROOFING TECHNOLOGY Report No.: TJ1856-R April 15, 2014 Page 3 of 13 Compartment Geometry: The interior dimensions of the floor of the fire test room, w hen the specimens are in place, measures 8 by 12 feet. The finished ceiling is 8 feet + /- 0.5 inches above the floor. The four w alls are right angles defining the compartment. The compartment contains a 30 + / - 0.25 by 80 + /- 0.25 inch doorw ay in the center of one of the 8 by 8 foot w alls. No other openings w ere present to provide ventilation. Heat Release Rate Information: All Heat Release Rate information obtained during this test utilized oxygen consumption calorimetry. The equation used for calculation is as follow s: Thermocouple Placement: Doorw ay Quadrant I Quadrant II Center Quadrant III Quadrant IV FIGURE 1. Thermocouple Locations Page 3 of 13 INTERNATIONAL FIREPROOFING TECHNOLOGY Report No.: TJ1856-R April 15, 2014 Page 4 of 13 VISUAL OBSERVATIONS and DISCUSSIONS OF PEFORMANCE: 0:00:00 0:01:00 0:02:00 0:03:00 0:04:00 0:05:00 0:06:00 0:08:00 0:10:00 0:12:00 0:13:00 0:14:00 0:15:00 – – – – – – – – – – – – – Sand diffusion burner lit to 40 kW flame Light smoke and little contribution from w all Flame height leveling off at around 4 feet from floor Continued light smoke development, very little smoke contribution Little change in conditions above Sand diffusion burner increased to 160 kW flame Significant smoke increase, flames hitting ceiling Minimal contribution of flame from w alls, smoke dark in color Little change in conditions above Flame intensity and smoke development seem to be decreasing somew hat Continued steady performance Fairly steady flame intensity and smoke developed throughout test NFPA 286 test complete, flames immediately self -extinguish after gas shut off Flame Spread and Discussion: (video record on file) Flame spread of the sample w as minimal. Only slight and negligible contribution from the test sample w as not ed around flames from burner for the first 5 minutes of test . From that point forw ard there w as no significant contribution of material to the intensity of flaming. Flames did not reach the extremities of the test module and flashover, as defined in the specified test designation, did not occur. Smoke Density: A peak duct smoke value of 10% (90% obscured) and a Peak Smoke Release Rate w as measured to be 1.32 m²/s 14 minutes and 58 seconds after ignition. The smoke obscuration reading w as taken in t he center of a 16 inch diameter duct. Heat Flux Information: The heat flux gauge registered a peak Heat Flux of 5.1 kW/m ² at 12:45 into test. CHARRING MEASUREMENT: All charring as a result of testing this assembly w as limited to the corner of the burner placement . There w as a “ V” pattern of char in the corner of ignition that w ent all the w ay to the ceiling, starting at the burner and ending up charring a section measuring approximately four feet in both directions to the ceiling. The ceiling itself w as completely black w ith char and soot deposition as w as each of the three w alls measuring approximately 2 feet dow n from the ceiling. Page 4 of 13 INTERNATIONAL FIREPROOFING TECHNOLOGY Report No.: TJ1856-R April 15, 2014 Page 5 of 13 FLASHOVER POTENTIAL: In Section 1.3.1 of NFPA 286, the definition of flashover is an event w here any tw o of the foll ow ing conditions have been attained: Heat Release Rate exceeds 1 MW Heat Flux at the floor exceeds 20 kW/m² Average upper layer temperature exceeds 600 ºC (1112ºF) Flames exit doorw ay Autoignition of a paper target on the floor occurs For purposes these t est results, the follow ing compares the standard’ s definition of flashover w ith actual test results for comparison purposes: Peak Heat Release Rate of 234 kW Heat Flux at floor – Peak of 5.1 kW/m² Average upper average temperature – 756ºF (402ºC) Flames did not exit doorw ay Both paper targets undamaged during test LIFE SAFETY CODE: From NFPA 101, Section, and 2009 IBC 803.1.2.1, t he follow ing conditions shall be met w hen using the test protocol of NFPA 286, Standard Methods of Fire Tests for Evaluating Contribution Wall and Ceiling Interior Finish to Room Fire Grow th: Flames shall not spread to the ceiling during the 40 kW flame exposure. During the 160 kW flame exposure, the follow ing criteria shall be met: o Flames shall not spread to the out er extremities of the sample of the 8 ft x 12 ft w all o Flashover shall not occur The peak heat release rate throughout the test shall not exceed 800 kW. The total smoke released shall not exceed 1000 m² Page 5 of 13 INTERNATIONAL FIREPROOFING TECHNOLOGY Report No.: TJ1856-R April 15, 2014 Page 6 of 13 RESULTS: Temperature vs. Time Chart: FIGURE 2. Temperature vs. Time Maximum Peak Temperatures: Doorw ay Center Quadrant Quadrant Ignition Quadrant Quadrant I II III IV 594° F (312° C) 712° F (378° C) 829° F (443° C) 670° F (354° C) 1211° F (655° C) 649° F (343° C) 625° F (329° C) PEAK AVERAGE UPPER LAYER TEMP – 756ºF (402ºC) Page 6 of 13 INTERNATIONAL FIREPROOFING TECHNOLOGY Report No.: TJ1856-R April 15, 2014 Page 7 of 13 Heat Release Rate vs. Time Chart: FIGURE 3. Heat Release Rate vs. Time Numerical Values: 0-5 min average (kW) 5-15 min average (kW) Peak Heat Release Rate Total Heat Released During 15 min Test Page 7 of 13 46 208 234 kW @ 13:36 138.9 INTERNATIONAL FIREPROOFING TECHNOLOGY Report No.: TJ1856-R April 15, 2014 Page 8 of 13 Smoke Obscuration and Smoke Release Rate: FIGURE 4. Smoke Release Rate vs. Time Numerical Values: 0-5 min average (m²/s) 5-15 min average (m²/s) Peak Smoke Release Rate Total Smoke Released Peak Obscuration Page 8 of 13 0.09 0.84 1.32 m²/s @ 14:58 558.6 80% INTERNATIONAL FIREPROOFING TECHNOLOGY Report No.: TJ1856-R April 15, 2014 Page 9 of 13 PHOTO: BARRELS Barrels of Product used for Testing Page 9 of 13 INTERNATIONAL FIREPROOFING TECHNOLOGY Report No.: TJ1856-R April 15, 2014 Page 10 of 13 PHOTO: BEFORE TEST Overall Ignition Corner Opposite Corner Page 10 of 13 INTERNATIONAL FIREPROOFING TECHNOLOGY Report No.: TJ1856-R April 15, 2014 Page 11 of 13 PHOTOS: DURING TEST Test Start After 2 Minutes After 3 Minutes After 5 minutes Page 11 of 13 INTERNATIONAL FIREPROOFING TECHNOLOGY Report No.: TJ1856-R April 15, 2014 Page 12 of 13 PHOTO: DURING TEST (Cont.) After 6 Minutes After 9 Minutes After 13 Minutes After 15 Minutes Page 12 of 13 INTERNATIONAL FIREPROOFING TECHNOLOGY Report No.: TJ1856-R April 15, 2014 Page 13 of 13 PHOTO: AFTER TEST Photos Immediately After Test ******** END OF REPORT Page 13 of 13
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