A Web Service Quality of Protection using AHP Method V.Prasath Assistant Professor, PKIET, Karaikal, U.T.Puducherry ABSTRACT As the number of Web services on the internet increase, the need for finding the exact web service that matches the user’s request also increases. So ranking of web services is required in order to find the right web service. The main goal of this research paper is to achieve security of the web service can be summarized to this single value. In this paper we propose analytical hierarchy process (AHP) to evaluate the weights of criteria instead of collect the weights directly from service consumer. Next to reduce the complexity of involving all the security parameters we follow the greedy approach to evaluate and estimate each and every parameter of web service security. General Terms Web Service Security Keywords Ws-Security, AHP, Greedy, Service Discovery 1. INTRODUCTION Web services are one of the most promising technologies for building distributed systems that has the potential of becoming the core of a new webbased middleware platform, providing interoperability between computational services. In this specific context security is very important feature. Nowadays, many companies and organizations implement their core business and application services over Internet. Thus, the ability to efficiently and effectively select and integrate interorganizational and heterogeneous services on the Web at runtime is an important step towards the development of the web service applications [1]. If multiple Web services provide the same functionality, then a Quality of service requirement can be used as a secondary criterion for service selection. Next high importance of Web services is security. To ensuring the web service to some level of security to real systems has been evident since it has been discovered that most attacks may exploit vulnerabilities [2, 3, 4]. These vulnerabilities stem from web service are poorly designed and developed. Security is a set of non-functional attributes like confidentiality, integrity, availability. The current Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) registries only support Web services discovery based on the functional aspects of services. To practically examine the resistance of attacks of a small subset of security patterns that are commonly used in web © 2014, IJOURNALS All Rights Reserved service applications. To perform this evaluation, it has to built a system with web services security testing patterns and using them to study systems under known categories of attacks to web service applications [5] and determine which aspects of security are enhanced through the use of each security pattern for web service system. This paper will describe a testing methodology for web services security and outline a process that can be adopted to evaluate web services security can be summarized to single value. To define security as a measure of vulnerabilities in the accuracy of a risk or security measurement, analytical hierarchy process is used. In order to render the definition useable, it is necessary to associate the terms in the definition with a measurement scale that represents the security of a system as a value between 1 (secure) and 9 (insecure). 2. RELATED WORK Several authors conducted performance evaluation studies of WS-Security. Security for web services means providing authentication, authorization, confidentiality, and non-repudiation as basic representative [6]. Each of these aspects is described below Li Jiang, Hao Chen, Fei Deng, Qiusheng Zhong [7] proposed Web service security evaluation method based on threat classification is proposed, which can process security evaluation to Web service from different angles of view, such as spoofing, tampering, repudiation, message disclosure, denial of service and elevation of privilege, and can provide a referential evaluation index of Web service security for the users through the threat modeling and evaluating the degree of security. Bachar Alrouh and Gheorghita Ghinea [8] consider and compare the performance of various security mechanisms applied on a simple web service tested with different initial message sizes. The test results show that transport layer security mechanisms are considerably faster than message level security mechanisms. Artsiom Yautsiukhin. [9] argue that security must be guaranteed for data processing and requirements must be negotiated with a client and inserted into the agreement between a client and a contractor. The problem is that a client and a contractor have different views on how these requirements should look like. We propose a methodology which binds Page 93 these views and describes a process for selection the security configuration that helps to achieve negotiated level of protection. GannaFrankova and ArtsiomYautsiukhinork [10] propose a methodology that identifies the concrete business process providing the highest quality of service and protection among all possible design alternatives. the orchestrator should design its business process aggregating web services in such a way as to make it more efficient from the quality of service and protection point of view. González, Ricardo Mendoza [11] propose in a theoretical manner including the knowledge offered by the proposed specification based on patterns in a new level for the architectural structure of WSSecurity specification, which is currently one of the most popular specifications to establish secure web services. Duan Youxiang , Gao Yang. [12] says vulnerabilities have been threatening Web Services confidentiality, so it is meaningful to quantitatively evaluate them, which can reflects web services security reasonably and directly, and it will be convenient for user to choose service and deploy security measures. AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) algorithm is been involved in this paper to dissect indicator. Operations research and fuzzy mathematical theory are also used to qualitatively and quantitatively evaluate vulnerabilities based on the rank of web services confidentiality. 3. PROPOSED WORK In this proposed approach as shown in Figure 1, first use of greedy approach to select desired security parameter and the weighting of each criteria will be evaluated by using AHP and then ranking the web services based on this evaluated value. The steps of our approach are shown in below Recognize Relation of Criteria criteria and the options provided by the user. In addition, the AHP is simple because there is no need of building a complex expert system with the decision maker’s knowledge embedded in it. AHP is a pair wise comparison method that each criterion is comparing to each other and gets the score with respect to Table 1.The AHP can be implemented in three simple consecutive steps: 1) Computing the vector of criteria weights 2) Computing the matrix of option scores 3) Ranking the options Table 1. Preference Level Descriptor Value Exceptional Outstanding Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Fair Marginal Poor 3.2 Computing criteria weights and Pair Wise matrix In the following the steps of AHP pair wise evaluation are described: Step1: Sum all the values in each column. Step2: The values in each column are divided by the corresponding column sums. Step3: Convert fractions to decimals and find the average of each row. This sum is corresponding to weight of the criterion of the row. A B C A 1 x 1/y B 1/x 1 1/z C y z 1 Greedy AHP Weights of Criteria Numerical Score 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Fig 2. Evaluation Weight Matrix Ranking of Web Services Fig 1: Quality of Protection using AHP 3.1 AHP The AHP is a very flexible and powerful tool because the scores, and the final ranking, are obtained on the basis of the pair wise relative evaluations of both the © 2014, IJOURNALS All Rights Reserved In order to compute the weights for different criteria, the AHP starts creating a pair wise comparison matrix A. The matrix A is a m*m real matrix, where m is the number of evaluation criteria considered each entry ajk of the matrix A represents 1the importance of the jth criterion relative to the kth criterion. if ajk >1 ,then the jth criterion is more important than the kth criterion, while if ajk<1,then the jth criterion is less important than the kth criterion, if two criteria have the same importance, then the entry ajk is 1.The Page 94 mess age Infor matio n Leaka ge ation gatheri ng tion Disclosu re messages within SOAP faults can contain detailed platform informatio n and implement ation details such as code fragments or stack traces. g 4 Nume rical Value s Fuzzin g Informa tion Disclosu re Any value that is only as a numerical value or is expected to be a numerical value. Ratin g 5 Base6 4 Enco ded Value s Fuzzin g Tamperi ng Base64 is used to encode binary data in order to conform to XML specificati ons. Ratin g 6 Chara cter String s Fuzzin g Tamperi ng This verybroad category general guidelines for any data that is not of any particularl y classifiable form. Ratin g 7 Gener al value s Fuzzin g Tamperi ng If it is not possible to indentify the nature of the values beings supplied this category provides a general Ratin g entries ajk and akj satisfy the following constraint [13] Once the matrix A is built, it is possible to derive from A the normalized pairwise comparison matrix A norm by making equal to 1 the sum of the entries on each column, i.e. each entry jka of the matrix A norm is computed as Finally, the criteria weight vector w (that is an mdimensional column vector) is built by averaging the entries on each row of A norm, i.e. 4. RISK EVALUATION There are many different approaches to risk analysis. Our approach presented here is based on these standard methodologies and is customized for web services security testing methodology based on STRIDE attacks. The STRIDE (Spoofing, Tampering, Repudiation, Information disclosure, Denial of Service, and Elevation of privilege) model was used by Microsoft for categorizing threats (Casteele, 2005). This means that the STRIDE model is used to categorize the threats by taking into account their effects on the security of the application (Casteele,2005)[14]. Table 2. Threat Mappings Sl .N o Para mete r Asset 1 Wsdl Scann ing Inform ation gatheri ng Informa tion Disclosu re It describing the functionali ty offered by the web service and the parameter s required to use it. Ratin g 2 Web Meth od Enum eratio n Inform ation gatheri ng Informa tion Disclosu re Not all implement ed methods may be published in the WSDL document Ratin g 3 Error Inform Informa Error Ratin Threat © 2014, IJOURNALS All Rights Reserved Descriptio n Meas urem ent Page 95 overview of the types of inputs that should be tested. 8 Sub syste m para meter Fuzzin g Spoofin g This category relates to any values that may used to influence output on the client side of the application . Ratin g 9 Addr essin g para meter s Fuzzin g Tamperi ng System often use addressing informatio n to access informatio n directories . Ratin g Loggi ng value s Fuzzin g Any value that is logged directly to some medium has the potential to somehow corrupt logs or provide an inaccurate view. Ratin g Any value that may be used as part of an SQL query should be tested for the ability to change SQL processing in some way,possib ly causing data disclosure. Ratin g If an Ratin 1 0 1 1 1 Sql Inject ion Com Injecti on Injecti Tamperi ng Spoofin g Tamperi © 2014, IJOURNALS All Rights Reserved 2 mand Inject ion on ng internal system is used to execute existing commands and input to these commands is not properly validated,it may be possible to run commands of the user’s choosing. g 1 3 Lpath Injecti on Spoofin g If LDAP queries are constructe d directly from user input, this may result in significant system compromi se,particul arly in the disclosure of user credentials . Ratin g Inject ion 1 4 Xpath Inject ion Injecti on Informa tion Disclosu re The use of user supplied input in an XPath query may provide an attacker with the ability to modify the query. Ratin g 1 5 Code Injecti on Elevatio n of Privileg es If an validated user supplied input is supplied to calls to eval-type functions, malicious commands may be Ratin g Inject ion Page 96 inadverten tly executed by the web service 1 6 Ciphe r Confid entialit y choic e Informa tion Disclosu re The choice of encryption cipher will influence the strength of the encryption and the ability for an attacker to successfull y crack the encryption and recover plaintext data Ratin g 1 7 Encry ption Cover age Confid entialit y Informa tion Disclosu re Encryption should be applied overall sensitive portions of messages to ensure they are protected against un authorized eaves dropping.. Ratin g 1 8 Repla y Attac ks Integri ty Spoofin g A replay attack involves the malicious use of a valid message or set of messages that has already been accepted by the web service previously. Ratin g Integrity checks should be used to Ratin g 1 9 Integ rity Check Cover Integri ty Tamperi ng © 2014, IJOURNALS All Rights Reserved protect important data against unauthoriz ed modificati on. age 2 0 Invali d Xml Integri ty Denial of service WSSecurity and other web sevice security standards are XMLbased and their implement ations require properly formed XML to function properly. Ratin g 2 1 Unsu pport ed algori thms Integri ty Tamperi ng Verify that if unsupport ed algorithms are requested or the client claims to root support required algorithms, access is denied and processing of the request does not continue. Ratin g 2 2 Separ ator Inject ion Loggin g Repudia tion Log entries are commonly delimitedu sing a particular separator character. Ratin g 2 3 White Space Inject ion Loggin g Repudia tion White space characters can be used to modify the Ratin g Page 97 appearanc e of log entries when they are viewed. 2 4 Brute - Authen ticatio n Force and Dictio nary Attac ks 2 5 2 6 2 7 Forge d Crede ntials Missi ng Crede ntials Toke n Forge ry Authen ticatio n Authen ticatio n Author ization Elevatio n of Privileg es Elevatio n of Privileg es Spoofin g Elevatio n of privileg es © 2014, IJOURNALS All Rights Reserved These types of attacks are typically used against password authentica tion systems and rely on the ability to repeatedly test potential passwords against the authentica tion service. Ratin g Credential s should be issued by an authorized party and verified by the application when presented. Ratin g A user that fails to present credentials should not be allowed access and the application should discard their request. Ratin g As SOAP is a stateless messagebased protocol ,some mechanis m must be implement Ratin g ed to provide authorizati on between SOAP requests or maintain session state. 2 8 Hijac king Attac ks Author ization Tamperi ng As SOAP is a stateless messagebased protocol, some mechanis m must be implement ed to provide authorizati on between SOAP requests or maintain session state. Ratin g 2 9 Para meter Tamp ering Availa bility Denial of service This broad class of attacks refers to the modificati on of SOAP request parameter s in transit between client and server. Ratin g 3 0 Coerc ive Availa bility Denial of service Coercive parsing is the attacks that involve supplying illegal or malformed SOAP requests to the web service in order to cause undesirabl Ratin g Parsi ng Page 98 e behavior. S1=0.22 S2=0.13 S3=0.1 S4=0.25 T1=0.28 T2=0.12 T3=0.22 T4=0.91 T5=0.23 SOAP Sonar web services penetration testing tool used to evaluate web services security under known attacks [15]. Bringing this approach to find attacks that found the major security flaws of the web service meaning the four Spoofing, five Tampering and four Reputation Parameters attacks errors that poses number of threat to web service security. If we involve all the thirty parameters mentioned in table2, complexity for estimating the effectiveness of web service increases. As a solution to this, we follow the mechanism of greedy approach. The core principle of the Greedy approach is to involve minimum number of input to achieve the final optimized result. Spoofing Attacks - Sub-system, SQL Injection, Xpath Injection, Replay Attacks. Tampering Attacks - Code Injection, Invalid XML, Encryption Coverage, Numerical Values, Command Injection. Repudiation Attacks - White space injection, Separator Injection, HTML Injection, Size Overflow. We do pair wise comparing between criteria and the below matrix is the result of the comparison with respect to Table1.We assume that based on above attacks exits in number of times with respect of four QoP criteria is gathered and the matrix is prepared. Table 3. Preference Level for Spoofing R1=0.37 R2=0.15 R3=0.28 R4=0.20 We assume that based on above example the data of six alternatives STRIDE with respect of four QoP criteria is gathered and the overall matrix is prepared with respect to number of attacks existing in each web service using Soap Sonar test tool. 5. CONCLUSIONS In this paper we addressed web service security by involving Greedy approach to select desired security parameter using stride pattern and AHP method for evaluation weighting of criteria for each web service for final ranking. 6. 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