April 2014 Ladera Times Ladera Rancho Times & News Monthly www.LaderaTimes.com Page 1 April 2014 Frank Ury Seeting Votes in Ladera page 6 Katy Carlson, 10, Is Our Heroine page 20 Community & Business Expo May 10 page 20 Ladera Times Page 2 April 2014 April 2014 Ladera Times A MESSAGE FROM THE PUBLISHER Fellow Laderians, Before we moved to SoCal 10 years ago, I ran for the Democrat Party nomination for U.S. Congress seat in the Fourth Congressional District in Pennsylvania. I ran in a field of eight for this open seat over a five-county district. I crushed my opponents in my own county, but was defeated in the overall count by a candidate who I had helped win my father's seat in the State Legislature. He turned out to be a do-nothing bum who sponsored one piece of legislation in 20 year, He also defaulted on government loans. As a result, I supported the Republican nominee, then-State Senator Melissa Hart. I had helped her win her State Senate seat a few years earlier. Melissa and I didn't agree on some hot-button issues, but she represented our heavily Democrat district well as our State Senator and she was the best candidate for the job. She won! I point this out because over the past 20 years we have slowly but steadily morphed into a society of people who literally hate those who disagree with them on politics and other hot button issues. Whatever happened to supporting candidates on the merits of their message and performance, rather than their party affiliation. Note that the largest block of voters in California are not Democrats or Republicans but "Decline to State." We have the right to demand that our "do-nothing" Congress quit playing politics with our lives and start working on behalf of their constituents. Maybe we need a national referendum to change some of the cushy privileges and gerrymandering that has made all but a few congressional districts safe for one party or another. As for me, I believe in: l Affordable universal health care for all Americans. This shouldn't be a privilege but a right. l Extended unemployment benefits for workers who lost their jobs during the near-depression. l Welfare benefits for the truly poor. I'm not so much worried about the small percentage of people who game the system as I am about the big corporations in the military-industrial-complex who game us for billions upon billions each year. l A woman's right to decide for herself what to do with her own body. l Honoring our Social Security and Medicare commitments by extending Social Security and Medicare taxes to a person's full income, and slightly raising the age full benefits kick in as Americans are living longer and healthier. l Requiring Congress to live under the same laws and regulations it requires the rest of us to obey. l Rewriting to federal tax laws to make then fair to all Americans, not just the privileged few who enjoy special taxavoidance schemes, such as dumping your taxable income in the Cayman Islands and moving American jobs overseas. l Raising the minimum wage so people don't have to rely on federal benefits to live. People say these are liberal ideas. Really? They seem more like humane ideas to me. Those of us who are capable of doing more should not be hating each other because of political affiliation but should, instead, be working together to ensure all Americans can enjoy a piece of the American Dream. Don't you agree? On the Cover Wishing everyone Happy Easter is Adaeze Handy,6,two-time Ladera Times cover girl and granddaughter of KC Mitchell, Ladera Times Ad Manager. Jim Schmitt, Editor and Publisher 27660 Marguerite Pkwy #G Mission Viejo, CA 92692 949-364-9611 [email protected] KingdomHomeDesign.com In House Financing Call the Store for Details OAC Page 3 Page 4 Ladera Times April 2014 Ladera Times April 2014 Page 5 '/).'!"/6%"%9/.$ up!!nblf!!ljet!!efoubm!!wjtjut!!nfnpsbcmf!jo!b!!HSFBUxbz" gvo!wjtjut gjmmfe!xjui!hppejft 3 0 %#) &/2 + ! ,3 )$ EFUBJ MT! CF 3 MPX boe!dppm!qsj{ft" !&5.0,!#% 4/"%!+)$ Letters to the Editor Dear Editor, I live in Ladera but have to be temporsrily away on business. During this time, would you please send me the Ladera Times via mail? I would be happy to reimburse you for any shipping costs. I have children in Oso and Teserro who are very active in the community and I would really appeciate it. Name & Address Withheld for Privacy Dear Jim, Thanks for being an independent voice and thinker in our city. I always enjoy your commentaries. Sonya Wong Ladera Ranch Dear Editor Spreading the word. It didn't take much for me (to) convince one advertiser to cancel a weekly full-page ad. A couple half-pages will be canceling shortly. Nobody seems to appreci- ate the liberal, one-sided rant your paper presents! One advertiser at a time.... This is fun! Take your Obama-loving socialist views to the East Coast where you belong. David Frazer Ladera Ranch n Photos should be high quality color photos. If sending a photo by email, please send it as a jpeg, tiff, or gif format. Photos send by email must be a minimum resolution of at least 200 pixels per inch. When sending more than one photo, please send them in separate emails. Be sure to include a deRules for Submissions tailed description of the photo. Signed letters, articles, pho- n Ladera Times reserves tos, and news tips are not only the right to accept, reject, or welcomed but encouraged. edit editorial material, pho n All submissions must tos, letters to the editor, and/ contain the name, address, or advertisements as it deems phone number, signature and appropriate and consistent email of person submitting the with the editorial policy of the material. publication. Our team of friendly, kind, and understanding professionals creates a relaxed se�ing and accommodates to every child’s unique comfort level. Most importantly, kids call our dental appointments “fun”! Kids are excited to be a part of a Op!Dbwjuz!Dmvc, leaving them looking forward to their next visit. %6: Kids receive x-rays, exam, !!FYB N!PG GFS cleaning, & fluoride treatment for only $59! Visit www.laderaranchdentistry.com/kids 1 1 6 % IP U S !!!PGG!P Check this out! Kids can also start off their orthodontic treatment with $500 off! Visit www.laderaranchorthodontics.com/startorthokids LADERA� RANCH LADERA DENTISTRY�& DENTISTRY & ORTHODONTICS c r e a t i n g s m i l e s one family at a time twi �er.com /lrd enti stry 25612 Crown Valley Parkway L-7, Ladera Ranch, CA 92694 Across from Pavillion’s in the Mercantile West Shopping Center facebook .com/lrdentistry youtube.com/lrdentistry Call 949.347.0800 or visit us at www.LaderaRanchDentistry.com today! Page 6 Ladera Times April 2014 Frank Ury Seeking 5th District Supervisor Seat Frank Ury (center), Mission Viejo Councilmember and two-time Mayor, held a gathering in March at Selma's Pizzeria to garner support for his candidacy for Orange County Fifth District Supervisor, an open seat now that Pat Bates is termed out. Enjoying a light moment with Frank are Laderian supporters, l-r, Kathy Scholze, Ram Mukherji, Jim May, and Michelle Patterson. The 5th Supervisor District includes Ladera Ranch and Rancho Mission Viejo, as well as Mission Viejo, Lake Forest, Laguna Hills, Laguna Woods, Laguna Niguel, Aliso Viejo, Laguna Beach, Dana Point, San Juan Capistrano, San Clemente, Coto de Caza, Las Flores. Ladera Times April 2014 up to Page 7 40 off Sale % • Hardwood Flooring • Natural Stone • Laminate Flooring • Carpet • Tile • Countertops • Bathroom Remodeling • Shower Remodeling 25626 Crown Valley Pkwy #B9, Ladera Ranch, CA 92694 Between Pavillion and CVS P: 949.481.6100 • F: 949.481.6668 License # 744261 LOWEST PRICES GUARANTEED We will beat any legitimate estimate by 30% of the difference PROFESSIONAL INSTALLATION 100% GUARANTEE We use our own installers Come In & Visit Our Showroom • Monday-Friday 10 - 6 • Saturday 11-5 • Closed Sunday Page 8 Ladera Times April 2014 2-plus occupancy, would be required to pay a toll. Cities along the length of the corridor opposed the idea of converting the existing carpool lane from 2-plus to 3-plus with a toll which they viewed as a “take away” and the idea of tolling. Additionally, the project’s “corridor cities” supported the alternative that would add to the community, including The project became con- two free lanes in each direcschools, shopping, and parks. troversial when other options tion. However, that would cost an additional $100 mil Throughout my term were put on the table. lion which is not currently in office, this regionally Those options include significant project has been adding a second general-pur- available from M2 revenues. a top priority. I would like to pose (free) lane so that there After we, as the OCTA Board, approved the one adthank OC Public Works staff would be two new lanes in for their diligent efforts over each direction or in addition ditional lane in each direction as the Locally Preferred several years to move this to the one general purpose project forward. lane, called for in M2, adding Alternative in December, we were hopeful that construcan express toll lane in each tion would begin in 2015, I-405 Improvement direction. however we are currently still Project This lane would be in the environmental phase. In November of 2012, I combined with the existing The state’s department provided an update for you carpool lane to operate as a of transportation, Caltrans, is on the I-405 Improvement two-lane express facility. Project. While it has been The primary controversy the lead agency and owner/ operator of the 405 and has quite some time since then, it with the toll lane option the ultimate decision on the is likely that you have been is it requires changing the “Preferred Alternative,” in hearing a lot about the projexisting carpool lane from transportation terms. ect and will continue to in the 2-plus to 3-plus occupancy. We are hoping that decicoming weeks. Therefore, only cars with The Orange County three occupants may use the sion comes soon. The Board will receive an update on this Transportation Authority lanes without a charge. All (OCTA) Board of Directors, other cars, single occupant or project in the coming weeks. on which I serve, has recommended that the Interstate 405 be widened by one general-purpose lane in each direction, between the Interstate 605 in the Los Alamitos Individuals or organizations, such as sports area and State Route 55 in leagues, clubs, non-profits, businesses, etc. with a Costa Mesa. news story should email it to [email protected]. This $1.3 billion con The story should answer the questions: "Who, struction project was apWhat, When, Where, Why, and How." Photos should proved by Orange County be 200 pixels- or dots-per-inch or at least 6" wide. voters as part of the Renewed The Ladera Times is published the Thursday on or Measure M (M2), the counabout the first of every month, so stories for that issue ty’s voter-approved half-cent sales tax for transportation should be submitted by the 15th of the prior month.. improvements. April 2014 Ladera Times Page 9 First Quarter Transportation Update As we enter into the second quarter of 2014, I wanted to take the time to update you on the progress of a couple of transportation projects in and around South County. La Pata Avenue Gap Closure Project This month, the County of Orange will break ground on the first phase of the La Pata Avenue Gap Closure Project. The project will be constructed in three distinct phases. The first phase will eliminate an existing gap in the County highway system and establish a connection between Ortega Highway to the north and Calle Saluda in the south with four new travel lanes. The two subsequent phases will be constructed as funding becomes available. The La Pata Project is the most significant County roadway improvement remaining in South Orange County. It will complete a critical Master Plan of Arterial Highways roadway gap and improve overall mobility in South Orange County. Upon completion of the first phase of construction residents and commuters will be able to avoid the Interstate 5 freeway congestion and enjoy improved access Email Your Stories to [email protected] Live NFL Hockey UFC 172 on Big Screen April 26 Jones vs Teixeira join us for march madness finals April 5th and 7th May 9th Live music and dancing with FIVE FOOT RABBIT 8:30pm – Rock Cover Band Page 10 The students, teachers and employees of Capo Unified School District are looking forward to Spring Break, April 7–11. The last day of 2013-14 school year for the students is June 24. All schools are in full swing with tests, year book completion, etc. The San Juan Hills and Tesoro High Schools are preparing for the incoming freshman students. Similarly the Middle school and elementary schools are gearing up for the incoming 6th graders and Kindergartners. All students are reminded that they should create a Student Portal. During April 5th, grade science camp will be held and the fifth graders are eagerly looking forward to their camp. Parents are looking at the camp date with mixed feelings as this will be the first time the child will be without their supervision. Various tests are being administered to determine the student's readiness for various programs. The Early Advanced Placement test to determine whether the student require remedial courses will be held on April 22 and 23. These tests are multiple choice questions which begs another important question: Ladera Times Are these tests proper for 21st century Science, Technology, English and Mathematics (STEM) curriculum? This is a topic by itself and requires educators, school administrators and local and State education department officials to discuss and devise a new testing system. The March 24 issue of Time magazine had an article titled “SAT Is Part Hoax, Part Fraud” that is worth reading (direct link is posted on www.LaderaTimes.com). w w w LCFF Community Forum The 2013-2014 State Budget replaced the traditional K-12 school finance system with Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). On April 3rd the District will host a Community Forum on LCFF at 7:00 pm at the District's Board room. w w w Superintendent Search The search firm of Hazard, Young, Attea and Associates has gathered the desirable attributes of the next Superintendent of the District by conducting targeted focus group, community forums and online surveys of six groups: community leaders, parents, Trustees, teachers, administrators and students. The Leadership Profile was presented on March 12 in a April 2014 States additional revenue and school District's new funding impact, the certification is “Positive,” which means the District based on current projection will meet it's financial obligation of this fiscal year and next two fiscal year. The school year will special Board meeting. return to 180 days. Class The prospective candisizes will be revert back dates will be interviewed, to contract. The employee one candidate will be selected, his/her site will be compensations will be back to contract. With this visited, a contract will be positive report there will no negotiated. It is expected that the successful candidate April report. (Ram Mukherji is a will be announced during former Trustee of Tri-City the May Board meeting. Current Superintendent Dr. L.A. County Unified School Joseph Farley is retiring on District and Past President of Ladera Ranch MainteJune 30. nance Corporation.) w w w Teachers of the Year The District has seSpring Celebration lected three educators as Founders Park, 10-2 the Teachers of the Year, Saturday, April 12 two of which are in Lad Spring Celebration and era schools: Ms. Karen Teen Event is being held by Gauthier of Chapparal and LARCS in Founders Park on Anthony Tubbs of Tesoro. Saturday, April 12. The trio will represent Spring Celebration, from the District at the Orange 11:00 am to 2:00 pm FoundCounty Education Departers Park, Avendale Boulement Teachers of the Year vard, includes photos with program. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rabbit, They will be honored on April 22 at the District's face painters, games, activiteacher of the year celebra- ties, crafts, food, music, and more. tion at the Soka University Teen Survivor Games in Aliso Viejo. Event for 7th through 12th w w w Classified Employees of the graders from 2:00 to 5:30 pm, Founders Park, AvenYear dale Boulevard. Nominations were Like the reality TV sought for the classified employees of the year from show, this event is highenergy just for teens! all 56 school sites. Tribes of four will comw w w pete against each other for CUSD Budget rewards, immunity, and the On March 12th the coveted title of “Ultimate second Interim report was presented to the Board. With Survivor.” . Ladera Times April 2014 Page 11 YOU CAN FEEL THE RANCH IN THE AIR. B IRD -W ATCHING H IKING B OCCE B ALL M OUNTAIN B IKING C ONCERT G OING Y OGA S OCCER P ICNICS S WIMMING T RAIL R UNNING S OFTBALL S TRENGTH T RAINING M ASSAGE S TARGAZING N ATURE W ALKS C OMMUNITY F ARM C ARDIO P UTTING G RILLING C HILLING You can see it in the gentle foothills, and sense it from the Village of Sendero named warmth of your neighbors. Since opening last June, Sendero, our U.S. Community of the Year first village, has blossomed. Parks, paseos, trails, pools, and three by the National Association clubhouses are all welcoming hundreds of new Ranch residents. of Homebuilders Our sports field, Sendero Farm and The Marketplace are on the way. Both family and 55+ neighborhoods are thriving, and folks are enjoying a fun-filled calendar of events courtesy of the nearby nature reserve, plus all the Sendero activities staged by our own RanchLife team. It’s a whole new to-do list, made for good times, vivid memories, and a full life. Visit RanchoMissionViejo.com to see more. S E N D E R O N E I G H B O R H O O D S (from the $30 0s) G A V I L Á N N E I G H B O R H O O D S ( 5 5 +) LYON CABANAS From 1,006 to 1,557 sq. ft. Mid $300s to mid $400s LYON VILLAS From 1,308 to 1,637 sq. ft. Low $400s to low $500s SHEA TOWNHOMES From 1,419 to 1,798 sq. ft. High $400s to mid $500s SEACOUNTRY Single Family Homes From 1,800 to 2,000 sq. ft. High $500s to low $600s RYLAND Single Family Homes From 2,310 to 2,625 sq. ft. Low $700s to low $800s STANDARD PACIFIC Bungalows From 1,276 to 1,860 sq. ft. Low $500s to low $600s SHEA Single Family Homes From 1,770 to 2,041 sq. ft. Mid $700s to low $800s TRI POINTE Single Family Homes From 2,050 to 2,394 sq. ft. High $600s to mid $700s MERITAGE Single Family Homes From 2,678 to 2,996 sq. ft. High $700s to mid $800s STANDARD PACIFIC Casitas From 1,624 to 2,059 sq. ft. High $500s to high $600s DEL WEBB – SOLD OUT Single Family Homes From 2,026 to 2,310 sq. ft. High $700s to high $800s © 2014 RMV Community Development, LLC. All plans are proposed by RMV Community Development, LLC (“RMV”) and are subject to change without notice. RMV offers no assurance that plans will be completed. Illustrations are not to scale. Imagery used does not depict racial preference. Page 12 Ladera Times April 2014 April 2014 Ladera Times Page 13 Ladera Times Page 14 April 2014 raisins and the sugar substitute xylitol, among other common food items. Remember, if you suspect your pet has ingested something poisonous, please contact your veterinarian or the Animal Poison Control Center 24-hour hotline at (888) 426-4435. Last year, the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) in Urbana, Illinois, handled nearly 180,000 cases of pets exposed to toxic substances, many of which are everyday household items. Read on to learn more about common household items that resulted in frequent calls to APCC, and find out why they’re so dangerous to our furry friends. medications, antidepressants, and pain medications. Many instances of exposure occurred when pet owners dropped their medication when preparing to take it, and before they knew it, Fido had gobbled the pill off the floor. OC Joins Crack Down on Texting, Handheld Cell Use While Driving phen, ibuprofen and herbal supplements, accounted for nearly 15% of calls to APCC in 2013. Many of these products are tasty to pets, and some can be life threatening if ingested. As part of April’s Distracted Driving AwareHousehold Products ness Month campaign, the The poison hotline fielded Orange County Sheriff’s Insecticides nearly 17,000 calls about Department will be joining Insecticides are used in the general household products in with over 200 other local yard, home and on our animals, 2013. Household toxins range law enforcement agencies and nearly 16% of all calls to from fire logs to cleaning prod- and the California Highway the poison hotline in 2013 were ucts. Patrol in a month long “zero Prescription Human related to insecticides. Always tolerance” enforcement Medications read the label before using any People Food campaign to curb those tex In 2013, the APCC handled insecticide on your pet, in your Human foods are often ap- ting or operating hand-held 24,673 cases regarding human home, or in your yard. pealing to pets, especially dogs. cell phones while driving. prescription medications – the In 2013, people foods clocked Deputies will be on alert top offender for the sixth year Over-the-Counter Human in as the fifth most common pet throughout the month for in a row. The top three types Medications poison. Pets can get themselves those who break the cell of medications that animals Over-the-counter human into serious trouble by ingestphone laws and place themwere exposed to include: heart products, such as acetaminoing onions, garlic, grapes, selves and others in danger. Special high visibility enforcement operations to cite cell phone violators will take place on April 3, 8, 17, and 22. The increased enforcement aims to persuade April drivers to recognize the dangers of distracted driving and reduce the number of people impacted by this perilous behavior. The “It’s Not Worth It!” theme emphasizes that a phone call or text isn’t worth a hefty fine or a collision. The current minimum ticket is $161, with subsequent tickets costing at least $281. 4-30-14 4-30-14 April 2014 Ladera Times Page 15 Ladera Times Page 16 April 2014 No More Cash & Ladera Traffic Jams 261 Toll Roads will have to use other ways to pay tolls. The Transportation If you already have a tranCorridor sponder, nothing changes for Agencies you. If you do not, the TCA has (TCA) “The introduced three ExpressAcToll Roads” count™ payment options. provided These new options will use an update images of a vehicle's license to the Civic plate linked to an account colCouncil at lecting the appropriate toll. its March 17 The account options are: Jett McCormick meeting. Prepaid, Charge or Invoiced. Two major issues were There is also a “One Time” presented that affect Ladera option for visitors or infrequent Ranch. users. These accounts are de First, in May, all cash toll scribed on the Toll Roads webcollection machines are being site www.thetollroads. removed from the Toll Roads. com. Already, 81 percent of the Be prepared by either getdaily trips on The Toll Roads ting a transponder or set up an are paid electronically with account. If you are expecting FasTrak®, the transpondervisitors this summer, or you based electronic toll collection plan to rent a car, make sure system used by tolling agencies you understand how to use the throughout the state of Califor- Toll Roads without getting a nia. ticket. Only 16 percent are cash A second issue is the transactions. Cash-paying cus- holdup of the Tesoro Extension tomers on the 73, 133, 241 and that will extend the 241 from by Jett McCormick, Chairman Ladera Ranch Civic Council Oso Parkway to Cow Camp Road. While few Ladera Ranch residents may use this section of the 241 Toll Road, this can significantly impact our community. La Pata, which will extend Antonio Parkway to the 5 freeway, will start construction this spring and will open in approximately two years. Once this occurs, Antonio Parkway through Ladera Ranch will become an alternative route to the foothill area and the Inland Empire without the Toll Road extension. Traffic between Ortega Highway and Oso Parkway may increase exponentially if there are problems on the 5 Freeway. The San Diego region water district denied a water quality permit needed for the project on July 19, 2013. Reportedly, groups opposed to the Toll Road argued that the extension is a move to attempt Dedicated to Skin Health and Quality Patient Care Specializing in: Skin, Hair and Nail Diseases Elizabeth V. Lener, M.D. Diplomate, American Board of Dermatology $P\+/LWFKˉHOG0' Diplomate, American Board of Dermatology Stephanie K. Fogelson, M.D. Diplomate, American Board of Dermatology Catherine H. Lee, M.D. Diplomate, American Board of Dermatology Skin Cancer Detection and Treatment 949.364.8411 Advanced Acne Treatments Fillers, Botox®, Dysport®, Lasers, Products and Peels 600 Corporate Drive, Suite 240 Ladera Ranch, CA 92694 (next to 24 Hr. Fitness) Fax: 949.364.8511 Call today to schedule your annual skin exam! www.LaderaDerm.com to try and complete the Toll Road in pieces and the extension is not needed. This denial has been appealed to the State with a decision due in August. Not having the extension will not only add traffic from those cutting through as a bypass to the 5 freeway, residents of Ranch Mission Viejo’s eventually 14,000 homes needing access north will cut through Ladera Ranch. Ranch Mission Viejo also has six millions square feet of commercial properties planned. Lack of access will impact the viability of those properties making them harder to lease and depress there value as well as the residential properties. The Civic Council is in support of the Tesoro Extension and supported the La Pata Extension only if the Toll Road is completed. This is a significant issue for Ladera Ranch which at a minimum we need to fight for the completion of the Tesoro Extension. Next Meeting The LRCC’s next meeting will be at 7:00 pm on Monday, April 21, at the Santa Margarita Water District building. Help your Civic Council help you. The Civic Council has over 1,000 members with a goal of growing by 20% this year. Your membership will ensure you have a voice in your community’s future and are kept informed on community issues. Join today at www. lrciviccouncil.org. It's free! April 2014 Ladera Times Page 17 Ladera Times Page 18 April 2014 April 2014 Ladera Times Page 19 FAMILY PRACTICE & URGENT CARE! FIRST T EAM SELLS ® 209% MORE * HOMES THAN THE COMPETITION IN LADERA RANCH L PEOPLE’S VOTED H UA L PEOPLE’S H C CalBRE# 01449473 Troyce Hargis-Monroe Steve & Krista Widner Ryan Argue CalBRE# 00680027, 01704019 Sommer Myers CalBRE# 01892077 We’re hiring! Make a positive change and join the #1 team. CALL TODAY! 949-347-9000 N CalBRE# 01343335, 01407413 Richardson Team CalBRE# 01896924, 01201950 N 2011, 20 2013 A OI H CE 20T C TATE REAL EPSANY COM 12, Blatman Group CalBRE# 01939173 C OI A N N UA H When it comes to making the right choice, there’s only one choice. Choose the team that sells 209% more homes than the competition. Choose First Team. Laura’s House Women’s Guild & LARCS Present 'Chic & Whimsy Tea & Fashion Show' in Ladera The Laura’s House Women’s Guild, in partnership with LARCS, will host the first annual “Chic & Whimsy Tea & Fashion Show” Saturday, May 3, at 1:00 pm at the Covenant Hills Clubhouse in Ladera Ranch. The mother-daughter tea and fashion event will include a beautifully crafted runway fashion show featuring surprises of spring. The fashion show models will be volunteers and friends of Laura’s House. Guests will enjoy tea service catered by Something Special Catering of Dove Canyon, and entertainment by DJ Soni Star. As part of the first annual mother-daughter tea, Laura’s House is pleased to be honoring The Jacqueline Glass Family, a long-time supporter of Laura’s House. "Over the years, Jac- Andrew Klein, MD! OPEN DAILY:! Volunteers – Laura's House Women's Guild members organizing the Tea and Fashion Show are shown above, front row, l-r: Wendy Kies, Yvonne Walberg, and Stacey Burtt. Back row, l-r, are: Kim Covas, Shannon Champion, Joanna James, Jamie Born, Kathy Wood. All women are from Ladera Ranch, except for Jamie Born, who is from Coto de queline and her family have demonstrated a steadfast commitment to the Laura’s House mission to 'end the silence of domestic violence,' attending many of the annual galas and other events, and providing generous financial support to help the individuals and families we serve build lives that are free of violence," said Margaret Bayston, CEO and Executive Director for Laura’s House. Tickets $40 for adults and $20 for children at www. laurashouse.org/ springtea.html or by calling (949) 361-3775. 10 Years in! Ladera Ranch! Monina Geda, DO! 8AM-8PM Mon-Fri ! 9AM-5PM Sat & Sun! 10AM-4PM Holidays! Ladera Ranch! 800 Corporate Ste.100! Karl Gebhard, MD! (949) 364-9112! www.rossmedical.net! Page 20 Ladera Times Community Rallies to Help Family April 2014 April 2014 Ladera Times Page 21 10-Y-O Katy Carlson's Alert 9-1-1 Call Averts Neighborhood Disaster By Amy R. Spurgeon-Hoffman damage – and leaving the Ten-year old Ladera family’s two pet cats still Ranch Elementary 3rd grad- unaccounted for: Lily, a er Katy Carlson’s instinctive longhair brown and orange and instantaneous actions ragdoll cat with yellow eyes to call 9-1-1 shortly after and a bushy “raccoon” tail 2 pm Thursday, March 27, and Sasha, a newly rescued saved her precious life and beautiful Siamese. possibly the lives of others According to Orange as a fire gutted the famCounty Fire Authority ily’s garage on Sklar Street, Captain Steve Concialdi, sending toxic fumes and his brave firefighters who smoke through the home blasted the blaze combed causing over $275,000 in the devastation afterwards and saw no signs of the pets. “They got out and are somewhere in the community,” Capt. Steve confirmed, announcing on April 1st that Katy’s heroic actions to remain calm and dial 9-1-1 earned her a prestigious “9-1-1 Kids Award” nomination – an award recognizing children when they are able to stay calm under adverse conditions and call 9-1-1. Devastation – A house fire on Sklar Street caused over $250,000 in damage but it could have been worse were it not for the alert thinking of 10-y-o Katy Carlson (front in photo above) who called 9-1-1 from her cell phone the minute she discovered the fire. The rest of the Calson family, shown in front of their severly damaged home are, l-r: Cannon, 11; mother Christy; Chloe, 15; and father Kenn. On the right is Kenn's prized 1951 Chevy that he owned since he was a teenager. Just two days before the blaze, Katy’s parents Christy and Kenn talked with her about calling 9-1-1 in case of an emergency. “Katy was extremely calm, articulate, and every parent would be proud if Katy was their daughter,” Capt. Steve said. “She did an outstanding job. She told the dispatcher her address and what was going on.” Fifth District OC Supervisor Pat Bates praised Katy’s bravery and heroism. “If it weren’t for Katy’s quick action, the outcome would have been much worse,” said Supervisor Bates. “I am saddened by the Carlson family’s loss, but am thankful that Katy was able to know how important it was to call 9-1-1.” According to Capt. Steve, the fire started in the garage, causing extensive damage. It lapped upstairs and caused extensive smoke damage because the door from the garage to the home was open. “The lesson is you shut the door and exit the home,” said Capt. Steve. On what was supposed to be a relaxing “early out” day from school on March 27, Katy and her 11-year old brother Cannon dropped their backpacks once they got home – his out front and her rolling monkey backpack left inside her greatgreat grandfathers’ World War II heirloom locker downstairs. Having just eaten lunch at school, the schoolgirl eventually settled down on the couch to play her generations’ favorite video game: Minecraft on Xbox. Suddenly, Katy heard a “boom” and she went to the garage to inquire about the noise and smell. The garage door handle was not hot, so she opened it to find a scene of flames with thick heavy black smoke emanating from the corner of the garage. With her older brother outside, and her father out on a fast errand, Katy turned and grabbed her iPhone to dial 9-1-1. “I told 9-1-1 My house is on fire!” Katy recalled. “I just wanted to get outside.” Meanwhile, neighbor Neetu Sinha had just pulled her green Toyota Camry into the parking lot next to the Carlson’s two-level home. Stepping outside her car, she feared the fire alarm she heard was coming from her home. Realizing it was not her alarm, she put her groceries down in her garage and turned to see a crying Katy jumping over her short patio fence to safety on the grass while still on the phone with the dispatcher. Neetu ran to assist Katy – a good friend of her children. She entered the home and saw dancing flames engulfing the garage. “If you breathed, you started to cough. It was just so hot in there,” Neetu re- called of fire that destroyed everything in less than five minutes. Neetu fled the burning home and returned with a public fire extinguisher she smashed open near her unit. “We were randomly spraying, but we just couldn’t breathe,” Neetu said sadly. The other neighbor ran out coughing. “I just wanted to help Katy.” Though her intentions were good, Capt. Steve said the Fire Department never recommends people go into a home on fire. You call 9-1-1,” he urged. “The neighbors that went in are lucky they weren’t overcome with smoke. “A closed door will confine the fire for a long time,” he continued. “The lesson is you shut the door and exit the home. You never go into a burning building. Either you will become part of the problem or make the situation worse. “People may be trying to do the right thing, but your body cannot physically handle the hot smoke and gases. It only takes a small amount to breathe in to (continued on next page) Page 22 Ladera Times Fast Action by Katy Carlson Saved Her Life and Possibly the Neighborhood April 2014 “But because of my neighbors, friends, the schools, the community – they have just rallied behind us. “At night, I just lay in (continued from previous page) have to have a flash light,” and warning signs not to enter. bed,” she said. “The shock suffer irreversible respiratory Christy said while commutis wearing off and the reality “All we have are the damage or death,” Capt. Steve ing the children to school clothes on our back,” Christy is setting in. This is reality. warned. That’s where we are at right from an extended-stay hotel in said. “I have been brought “Smoke is extremely toxic Lake Forest. “You can’t even down to nothing, like I did now. and has been proven to cause breathe in there right now.” “The kids are strong. when I was a child. cancer. They know we will take care Firefighters punched holes “The thing I can’t stress Five days after the fire, of it,” vowed Christy. “They in the walls to prevent the fire enough – it’s the people Christy Carlson is still in will never be in the streets. from completely destroying around me in Ladera that are shock. Christy, Kenn, Chloe They will never not have the home and the unit attached giving me my strength. It’s (15), Cannon and Katy are all to it. unbelievable the outpouring of clothes on their backs.” trying to be strong. The home that was once kindness,” she said with such The couple did not have “It’s horrific. It’s pitch renter’s insurance and estiso welcoming with a humgratitude. black in there. It looks like mate their personal losses at mingbird feeder and furniture “In a normal neighborthe walls are melting. Even patio, now sits charred and hood, I would feel like my life $100,000 – including Kenn’s in the middle of the day, you treasured 1951 Chevy he empty, boarded up with wood is over,” Christy continued. April 2014 bought as a teenager. For now, the family members are focused on finding their pet cats Lily and Sasha and putting their lives back together. “My son is really torn up about Lily. She was his cat,” Christy said. "He told me, ‘Mommy I don’t ever in my life want another pet, because you love them and then they are gone.'" She said her son cries everyday because of Lily. After she pulled into Ladera Elementary to drop her children off at school, Christy cried for Lily. But not before remaining strong and composed for her daughter, Katy, the heroic 10-year old who has taught all of us what to do in an emergency – remain calm and dial 9-1-1. “Katy, you are going to Michelle’s today. I will pick you up later. I love you.” And then she said, “Possessions can be replaced. People and pets can’t. Residents are orgaqnizing to raising money and household items. If you have any questions about donations, contact Theresa Prouty at [email protected]. l Monetary donations: http://tinyurl.com/ ow6z4w8 l Ladera Ranch Strength and Conditioning, at 1901 Corporate Drive, Ladera Ranch, is a drop off site for donations on Monday through Friday: 5:00 to 11:00 am and 3:00 to 7:00 pm; Saturday: 6:30 to 11:00 am l On April 4, items will be collected at the office of Ladera Ranch Elementary School 29551 Sienna Ladera Times Parkway, Mission Viejo, CA 92694 (949) 234-5915. n Teenage girl: Size 1 pants and Small shirts n Younger girl: Size 7 pants, Small shirts, and Size 4 shoes n Tween boy: Size 16 pants, Small Men’s shirts, and Size 7 shoes n Mom: Medium pants, Medium shirts, and Size 7 shoes n Dad: 38x30 length pants, Extra Large shirts, and Size 12 shoes l New hygiene items: toothbrushes, tooth paste, shampoo/conditioner, lotion, etc. l New or slightly used backpacks and school supplies for the kids / Books, games, puzzles, etc. l New Laundry items: basket, detergent, iron, ironing board, spray bottle, hangers, etc. l New Food or slightly AlumiCoreTM frame: The industry's only rustproof aluminum frame extends the life of your car. A Monsoon TopTM with built-in drain spouts channels water away from passengers. Molded-in color won't fade. SportsDrivetm suspension offers an exhilarating automotive driving Experience, Cart Mart - Orange County 24366 Swartz Drive Lake Forest, CA 92630 Open Mon – Fri: 9:00 am–5:00 pm Sat: 9:00 am–2:00 pm Sunday: Closed Cart Mart - San Diego 237 South Bent Avenue San Marcos, CA 92078 Open Mon – Fri: 8:00 am – 4:30 pm Sat: 8:00 am – 12:00 pm Sunday: Closed Page 23 used serving items: dishes, bowls, serving bowls, utensils, glasses, cups, salt and pepper, sugar, place mats, napkins, etc. l House hold items: Toilet paper, paper towels, towels, washcloths, etc. l Snacks: bottled water, granola bars, easy macaroni, goldfish, etc. l Gift cards to grocery stores and for meals at restaurants, gas cards, and the like. Ladera Times Page 24 First-Ever Community & Business Expo May 10 The Ladera Rancho Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a Community and Business Expo at Oso Grande Elementary School from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm on Saturday, May 10, to promote, strengthen and celebrate Ladera’s local businesses. The Ladera Ranch Expo will provide some great fun for the entire family. Discover everything you need to know about the Ladera business community at the various expo booths, enjoy presentations and shows from local businesses, taste some great food from our restaurants, April 2014 city services, helps fund our excellent public schools, and promotes a diverse mix of businesses. Shopping locally reduces the city's carbon footprint, builds a strong community by encouraging people to appreciate their local, neighborhood-serving businesses, and encourages local retailers to carry regionally produced wares, further contributing financial resources to our local economy. The Ladera Expo offers a unique opportunity for local businesses to connect with the community. Considering the advanand have your kids celebrate In addition, there are tages of personal interacthe expo with numerous kid many benefits to people tion, the expo truly offers an friendly activities. shopping closer to home effective marketing invest Get to know your and work. Shopping loment for small businesses. neighbor and his business, cally generates revenue To learn more go to and learn how they can best from local sales tax for our www.LaderaExpo. serve you. community to maintain vital com. Recipe of the Month by Michelle Dieckhoff It's Way Too Hot Chili 5 pound of Ground Pork 10 large chilis 3 Tablespoons of Fresh Garlic 3 Tablespoons of Cumin 3 Tablespoons of Chili pepper 2 Tablespoons of Pepper 2 large can of Stewed Tomatoes First, Grill chilies, let cool and peal, dice into small pieces Then cook all the ground pork up in a large pot, it will produce a LOT of grease that you will need to pour off. When the meat is nearly done, toss in Fresh Garlic, Cumin, Chili Powder and ground pepper. Once all the meat is cooked up put it in a crock pot and turn it on HIGH.. While it's warming up, open a large can of stewed tomatoes, squish them in you hands, put and get the juice all over the meat, toss the remains of the tomatoes into the crock pot and grilled chilis and cook until hot.You are done once all ingredients are hot.. Serve with cheese, onions, sour cream and chips Enjoy!! April 2014 Ladera Times Page 25 Page 26 It’s a painful revelation: “At the current rate of change, it will take until the year 2085 for women to reach parity with men in leadership roles in our country.” This staggering estimate, reported by the Center for American Progress (CAP), persists despite “over the past two decades, a considerable body of research has emerged to lend incontrovertible proof to the idea that when women thrive, organizations thrive – and nations thrive too. From that research, there is now a consensual view that women’s leadership is not just a matter of fairness, but also has the potential to move companies, governments, and societies in new and better directions.” The opportunity loss implications of women who continue to be marginalized in today’s corporate and overarching economic landscape cannot be taken lightly. Especially when one considers these frightening female factoids: n Although women are 50.8 percent of the U.S. population earning almost 60 percent of both undergraduate and Master’s degrees, also holding almost 52 percent of all professional-level jobs, American women lag substantially behind men when it comes to their representation Ladera Times in leadership positions (CAP, Catalyst, Center for Economic Development): l They are only 14.6 percent of executive officers, 8.1 percent of top earners, and 4.6 percent of Fortune 500 CEOs. l Their presence in top management positions today remains below 9 percent. l They hold just 16.9 percent of Fortune 500 board seats, representing “no significant year-over-year uptick for the 8th straight year.” l The percentage of women on all U.S. corporate boards has been stuck in the 12.1 percent to 12.3 percent range over the past decade. n The United States, once a world leader in gender equality, now lags behind other similarly wealthy nations in women’s economic participation. In the two decades from 1990 to 2010, our country fell from having the sixth-highest rate of female labor-force participation among 22 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, or OECD, countries to 17th on the list. (CAP) n America ranks number six in women’s economic participation and opportunity on the World Economic Forum’s 2013 Gender Gap Index of 136 countries. (Catalyst) n Stereotypes and skewed perceptions remain powerful and still impede the advancement of women. The dearth of women in leadership roles – and in whole fields – creates the perception that women do not belong in those positions or professions. (CAP) n Structural barriers: A shortage of role models, for example, means that women – and women of color in particular – lack mentors, sponsors, and opportunities in male-heavy organizations to develop the sorts of social relationships out of which mentorship, sponsorship, board appointments, or simply promotions, naturally evolve. (CAP) I applaud the 2012 report, “Fulfilling the Promise: How More Women on Corporate Boards Would Make America and American Companies more Competitive,” from the Center for Economic Development, which condensed all of its findings into “one fundamental recommendation” that wholeheartedly uphold: that “Businesses – business leaders – must make it a priority to develop the talents and advance the careers of female staff who have been identified as potential leaders. This means providing such women with the experiences and backgrounds needed to rise to the top, and April 2014 advocating their promotion to higher levels of responsibility. The development of talent within an organization is critical to long-term competitiveness. Businesses that can provide talented women with developmental opportunities and integrate them into their workforce are much more likely to succeed in competition with those that fail to do so.” The power of unity, connecting and collaborating are key elements in the progression of women. Women and men collaborating with global organizations have abundant opportunity to advance in the future. (Visionary and lauded business accelerator Michelle Patterson is President of the Global Women Foundation and The California Women's Conference (www.californiawomensconference.com) - the largest women's symposium in North America that has featured esteemed First Ladies, A-List Hollywood celebrities, and high caliber business influencers. Michelle is also the CEO of Women Network LLC, an online digital media platform dedicated to giving women a voice and a platform to share their message. Michelle may be reached at WomenNetwork. com.) April 2014 Ladera Times Annual Community Garage Sale, 'Go Green' Collection on April 26 Page 27 (paints, oils, etc) n No large furniture pieces n Remove all batteries from E-Waste n Stop by the Friends of LARCS, in collaboration Collection Services provid- transported by Goodwill to an the Library Book Sale from with local real estate agents, ed by Goodwill include: off-site shredding facility) 10:00 am-2:00 pm will be hosting the 13th An n E-Waste Collection (TV, n Battery collection To learn more about this nual Community Garage Sale computers, cell phones, etc) n CFL (compact florescent Earth Day Celebration Comfrom 7:00 am to 12:00 noon on n Gently used clothing, lights) collection munity Event or for a list of Saturday, shoes, and household items items that can or cannot be April 26. n Locked document Please Note: donated, visit: www.Lader Torey Gilbert, a Realtor© collection bins (Bins will be n No Hazardous Waste aLife.com. with Keller Williams Mission Viejo states, " With over 900 homes, we are expecting the largest number of homeowners to participate. "This is one of the largest community garage sales in the area which attracts people from all over South Orange County. It is helpful for homeowners to make sure their children are not playing in the streets and to keep pets indoors during these hours as there is a lot of traffic." To have your garage sale promoted with signs and listed on the community website, be sure to register your garage sale on www.LaderaLife. com. Later on the same day, LARCS, in partnership with Goodwill of Orange County, Waste Management, and the County of Orange will be hosting the Go Green Ladera Event for Ladera Ranch residents from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm at the Ladera Ranch Elementary School and Middle School Parking Lots. In 2013 the Ladera Ranch Go Green Event collected 145,000 pounds of recycled goods donated to Goodwill of Orange County – the #1 Collection Event for Goodwill in all of Orange County! Ladera Times Page 28 April 2014 Monthly Real Estate Report by Cathie Berlin Ladera Ranch Recent Sales Activty - 30 Days Ending March 29, 2014* Address Beds 5 Quartz 2 9 Vinca 2 42Chadron 2 29Arabis 2 20Palladium 2 35Gazania 2 113 Strawflower 2 14Agave 2 8 Lynde 2 46Glenalmond 2 59Garrison 3 33Walbert 3 73Wildflower 3 20Three Vines 3 36Passaflora 3 91Strawflower 3 3 Honey Tree Farm 3 30Clifford 3 141 Sklar 3 182 Sellas 3 53Sheridan 3 11 Bloomington 4 18Passaflora 3 2 Mill Ridge Farm 3 16Sellas 3 46Amy 3 25Rylstone 3 26Sandy Pond 4 3 Cayton 4 1 Goose Pond 4 15Merriweather 4 4 Algerwood 4 22Salvatore 3 5 Barnstable 3 11 Maybeck 4 8 Chimney 4 83Zinnia 3 10Patina 4 23Mason 4 35Abyssinian 4 11 Ardennes 4 29Abyssinian 4 11 Merrill Hill 5 62Downing 5 9 Tranquility 4 20Adele 4 3 Kathryn 5 25Tranquility 5 6 San Luis Obispo 4 Baths 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 6 5 Sq Ft 1473 1200 1251 1320 1473 1541 1400 1634 1600 1573 1541 1600 1582 1350 1800 1626 1500 1700 1800 1888 1800 1939 2106 1500 1726 1800 1800 2368 2073 2350 2200 2300 2084 2430 2247 2500 3634 3000 3300 3340 3336 3400 4000 3775 3750 3536 4901 4696 5145 Date Closed 3/3/2014 3/28/2014 3/24/2014 3/6/2014 3/5/2014 3/10/2014 3/17/2014 3/19/2014 3/14/2014 2/28/2014 3/27/2014 3/17/2014 3/14/2014 3/24/2014 3/8/2014 2/28/2014 3/3/2014 3/4/2014 2/28/2014 3/3/2014 2/28/2014 3/15/2014 2/28/2014 2/28/2014 2/28/2014 3/21/2014 3/17/2014 3/6/2014 3/28/2014 3/5/2014 3/25/2014 3/4/2014 3/7/2014 3/27/2014 3/21/2014 2/28/2014 3/10/2014 2/28/2014 3/13/2014 3/22/2014 3/17/2014 3/3/2014 3/24/2014 3/11/2014 3/14/2014 3/17/2014 3/7/2014 3/24/2014 3/3/2014 Days On Market 257 25 48 142 137 56 47 225 30 83 56 165 130 74 65 5 224 133 128 241 53 12 74 28 78 47 27 148 23 152 11 110 52 34 32 134 60 36 36 0 18 47 159 129 48 182 84 40 50 List Price $385,000 $384,000 $394,000 $399,900 $409,000 $398,900 $410,000 $425,000 $443,900 $449,900 $459,900 $460,000 $470,000 $465,000 $499,900 $497,000 $509,000 $510,000 $510,000 $509,000 $549,000 $559,000 $570,000 $565,000 $619,000 $599,900 $619,000 $675,000 $649,000 $699,900 $700,000 $715,000 $724,000 $749,500 $748,800 $799,900 $879,000 $915,000 $949,000 $950,000 $1,024,900 $1,035,000 $1,199,900 $1,189,999 $1,220,000 $1,249,000 $1,319,200 $1,349,000 $1,825,000 Sold Price $377,500 $384,000 $394,000 $398,000 $400,000 $405,000 $410,000 $422,000 $435,000 $443,000 $450,000 $453,000 $470,000 $474,800 $495,000 $497,000 $500,000 $505,000 $506,000 $514,000 $515,000 $535,000 $546,000 $565,000 $595,000 $600,000 $620,000 $658,500 $659,000 $660,000 $706,500 $712,000 $719,000 $736,500 $741,000 $792,000 $820,625 $915,000 $950,000 $950,000 $1,005,000 $1,027,000 $1,175,000 $1,180,000 $1,205,000 $1,249,000 $1,319,200 $1,344,900 $1,815,000 Price Per Sq Foot $256 $320 $315 $302 $272 $263 $293 $258 $272 $282 $292 $283 $297 $352 $275 $306 $333 $297 $281 $272 $286 $276 $259 $377 $345 $333 $344 $278 $318 $281 $321 $310 $345 $303 $330 $317 $226 $305 $288 $284 $301 $302 $294 $313 $321 $353 $269 $286 $353 *This sales information is gathered from Socal CRMLS as of 3/29/14. We cannot guarantee that this data is accurateand it may not reflect all sales activity. The accuracy of all information, regardless of source should be personally verified through personal inspection by and/or with the appropriate professionals. Ladera Times April 2014 Page 29 Home Ownership Has Financial Benefits 3. Property tax deduction: Real estate property taxes are It’s usually around tax paid on your primary residence time, when we really realize and are fully tax deductible. some of the financial benefits 4. Home Equity line tax of home ownership. Below is deduction: In addition to writan outline of some of those; ing off your mortgage interest, 1 Mortgage deduction: you can deduct the interest you The tax code allows homeown- pay on a home equity line (or ers to deduct the mortgage line of credit). One benefit to a interest from their tax obligahome equity line, is you could tions. This can be a big deduc- payoff your credit cards for tion, since interest payments example using the home equity can be a large part of your line, pay a lower interest rate mortgage payment in the early and get a deduction as well. stages of owning your home. 5. Capital Gains Exclu 2. Some closing cost sion: If you have lived in deductions: The first year you your home as your primary buy a home, you are able to residence for more than two claim the points (also referred years, when you sell that to as origination fees) on your home, you can keep profits up loan. This can be a considerto $250,000 if you are single able amount of savings. or $500,000 if you are married, by Cathie Berlin, Real Estate Editor and not owe any capital gains taxes. Although, home pricing has seen some drop since the height of the market, if you purchased your home prior to 2003, chances are it has appreciated in value. 6. Having a Mortgage can be like a forced savings plan: Depending on the type of home loan you have, paying your mortgage every month and reducing the amount you owe on your loan is like a forced savings plan. Each month as you pay down your loan, you are building equity in your home. Your equity in your home is the amount of money you can sell it for minus what you still owe on it. 7. Owning a home can build wealth over time: Home ownership can be a smart financial decision, provided people purchase homes they can afford. 8: Contact your tax preparer: To make sure you are taking advantage of all the financial deductions on your home, please consult with your CPA or tax advisor. If you have any questions or would like more info about selling or buying real estate, please feel free to contact me at 949-291-1959, or email me at: cathieberlin@cox. net, or contact any Realtor© of your choosing, including one of the several advertising their services in Ladera Times. You can also find me on Facebook at: Ladera Ranch Homes-Cathie Berlin. E S P L R S Last chance to “Win an iPad Mini” white 16GB wifi from Coast to Canyon Real Estate Enter by liking us on Facebook and filling out the entry form. Gain a second entry by filling out the entry form on our blog at “coasttocanyon.com”. Gain a third entry by emailing me at cathie.berlin.com with: “I want to win the iPad.” Giveaway will end April 20, 2014. Ladera Ranch Resident, Knowledgeable & highly accessible Orange County Magazine 5 Star Award Recipient 2010, 2011, 2012 & 2013. Find out why so many of your neighbors put their trust in Cathie. Find Us On Facebook Ladera Ranch Homes - Cathie Berlin Page 30 Ladera Times April 2014 April 2014 Ladera Times 2nd Bank Robbed In Ladera in March For the second time in two weeks, a bank was robbed in Following are highlights from the Orange County Police Blotter. For more, go to LaderaTimes.com. Ladera Ranch. The Union March 26 Way. female with dark hair, tan Bank in Mercantile West 11:04 pm, suspicious 8:55 am, petty theft shirt, red hood in her mid shopping center was robbed person in vehicle reported reported at Conyers Lane 30’s, caller asked if police at the 6:00 pm closing time at Sellas Road and Tuberose near Natural Court, caller car could park in back to on Tuesday, March 4. Street, three female occustates she left her car in front avoid “spooking” suspect, The U.S. Bank at 111 pants were seen smoking of her house unlocked with Windmill Avenue and Anto- Corporate Drive was robbed marijuana on the street, one passenger window down and nio Parkway. just 14 days earlier but sheroccupant had a prescription; stated her boyfriend’s wallet iffs deputies say they don't the other two were cited and and medications were stolen March 24 believe the two robberies are released. out of vehicle. 4:43 pm, Suspicious related. 6:00 pm, male in his 20’s person reported at Kohl’s In the March 4th robwearing a yellow shirt seen March 25 department store, suspect bery, detectives say a man walking northbound in the 7:30 pm, Kohl’s demale white 5’10” 200 in his early 40s with a dark southbound lanes of Antopartment store reporting a pounds and is observed by complexion and thin build nio Parkway and stepping woman who is believed to be store agents using a knife to (shown above) walked in in front of traffic, welfare stealing by putting clothing cut electronics sensors off of without a weapon and decheck requested, Sendero in her purse, suspect is a thin items, suspect detained by manded cash. Surveillance store security and arrested footage of the robbery show by Sheriff's Department, the suspect wearing a baseWindmill Avenue and Anto- ball cap and a white hoodie. nio Parkway. Investigators say the suspect ran out with an undisclosed March 23 amount of cash towards a 10:30 pm, caller believes residential neighborhood and his 19-y-o daughter to be threw items of clothing on The Ladera Times is published monthly by Scholze having a mental breakdown, the ground. Communications, 29851 Sienna Parkway, Ladera Ranch, CA 92694, and 12,000 copies are delivered to every home, she is running around the The Sheriff's Departbusiness, corporate offices, and apartment complex in Ladera neighborhood barefoot in ment is urging anyone with Ranch the Thursday on or about the first of every month. her pajamas, father is on knowledge of either robber the phone with police while to notify the Orange County Jim Schmitt.............................................. Editor & Publisher chasing her down Sienna Bank Robbery Apprehension Jason Scholze.......................................... Advertising Sales KC Mitchell............................................... Advertising Sales Parkway, he believes she Task Force at 310-477-6565. Ram Mukherji.............................................Education Editor may be suicidal. Cathie Berlin............................................ Real Estate Editor 10:41 am, Realtor© said Chuck Gibson................................................ Feature Editor March 21 she was going to stage an Amy Spurgeon-Hoffman.................................... Feature Writer 8:26 pm, female caller is open house but house apJohn Alvarez................................................... Photographer Michelle Patterson.................................Business Columnist concerned about a man who peared to be broken into, Bo Kelleher, Ladera Portal.............................Media Partner is going door to door asking the lockbox was broken and Phone:..........................................................(949) 481-3593 for money, at time of call she key was removed and used Fax ..............................................................(949) 481-3594 is in an argument with him in lock, the front door was Email: .............................................. [email protected] because her daughter let him open but no one answered in the house and gave him her calls, older white male Editorial & Production Advisors: money, 2700 Block O’Neill arrested by deputies, Ivy June Rodgers, Chairman/CEO, Thelma E. June Rodgers, LLC, Laguna Niiguel Kathy L. Scholze, Chairman/CEO Scholze Communications, Ladera Ranchl Drive. Gate & Oatfield Farm. $BMM5PEBZ "QQPJOUNFOUBSFmMMJOHVQGBŮ 949.542.7200 WWWFACEBOOKCOM*OHN4AYLOR$$3 600 Corporate Drive, Suite 260, Ladera Ranch, (Across from 24Hr Fitness) Page 31 Page 32 Ladera Times April 2014 Calendar of Events Ladera Times April 2014 Page 33 Dates, times, locations, and events are subject to change without notice so double check before setting out to attend an event. Events can be added to the Calendar by emailing details to [email protected]. For a more extensive list of events, go to www.LaderaTimes.com. Spring Celebration from 11:00 am games, activities, crafts, food, mu- Teen Survivor GamesEvent for 7th Saturday, April 12 – Spring to 2:00 pm includes photos with Mr. sic, and more, 11:00 am to 2:00 pm, through 12th graders. See story Celebration and Teen Event in Founders Park, Avendale Boulevard. and Mrs. Peter Rabbit, face painters, Founders Park, Avendale Boulevard. page 10. Wednesday, April 16 – LARMAC Executive and Open Session Board Meeting with the Executive Session at 5:00 pm, followed by the Open Session meeting at 6:00 pm, during which time residents can give their thoughts to the Board. The meeting is at the Avendale Clubhouse, 1 Daisy Street. Friday, April 18 – Good Friday. Sunday, April 20 – Easter. Monday, April 21 – Easter Monday. Tuesday, April 22 – Earth Day. Saturday, April 26 – Annual Community Garage Sale through out Ladera Ranch from 7:00 am to 12:00 noon. – Go Green Ladera: Bring your old computers, electronics, and your prized junk that does not sell during the Community Garage Sale to the collections sites at the Ladera Ranch Middle and Elementary Schools parking lot at 29551 Sienna Parkway from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm. In partnership with Goodwill Industries. – Frank Ury, Mission Viejo Council member and two-time Mayor, will walk through Ladera to garner support for his campaign. Hawaiian Style Breakfast (949) 218-4600 Open 6:30am -2pm every day except Thanksgiving & Christmas Day .BSHVFSJUF1LXZ$t.JTTJPO7JFKP$" BEST PRICES IN LADERA RANCH AREA zed uteri t at p m All Co quipmen es! E c Pool lesale Pri S G o Wh AVIN BIG BEST DEAL on Concrete / Masonry Patio Covers • BBQ Islan ds Outdoor Fireplaces S T WO W E E K S n Construction o ll the Pool She FR Custom EE and Es Design timate Local Builder - Licensed • Bonded • Insured Lic # 888285 * 45 Years Experience Pools/Spas & Water Features • Custom Stonework and Masonry Exotic Plantscaping • Artistic Rockscape • Patio Covers Landscaping and Exterior Structures • BBQs & Fireplaces www.ExoticPoolz.com 949-939-4531 Page 34 Ladera Times April 2014 Tspoons Branches into Franchising In April 2008, the Ladera Times ran the first story about a new business in town – Tspoons Cooking School – that had its humble beginnings in a small 400 sq. ft. space in Ladera Ranch’s Front Street. The doors to Tspoons opened in March 2008 during one of the most difficult economic times, making it even more of a challenge for a small business to become a big success. Often with just 2-4 students in a class, Tspoons’ proprietor, Chef Thanitra Pichedvanichok, a Ladera Ranch resident – also known to most as “T” – wondered if she could turn her passion and dream into a reality. Ladera Ranch, being hit hard during the tough economic time with many businesses closing down and leaving Ladera, Tspoons had to overcome a major hurdle. Fortunately, over time, Tspoons quickly built a strong, loyal clientele, growing to 8 students per class, then 12 and now at the current maximum capacity of 16 students per class, mostly through word of mouth. By the end of the 2nd year, the Tspoons dream had become a reality. The number of classes grew as the number of students grew, with classes often at full capacity and long wait lists. Six years later, Tspoons remains stronger than ever, resulting in the expansion to a larger commercial space in bustling downtown San Juan Capistrano in 2012. Tspoons became a place where people would come, not only for cooking classes, but for birthday parties, company events, holiday parties, retirement parties, bridal showers, and so much more. When asked what she loved most about the business, T (shown in center of the photo above) responded, “I have been so honored at the many memorable occasions Tspoons has been a part of in creating friendships, celebrating life’s special moments and even a place where a marriage proposal was planned and took place. "Many times I run into students and am told about the great friendships they made from people they met and cooked with at Tspoons. "All of these special moments and memories revolving around a common love for food and the joy it brings when people come together to make a special meal prepared with love!” Over the years, an even wider interest in additional Tspoons locations started to develop as inquiries began pouring in. Students often drove long distances to attend classes, including from San Diego, LA County, Ventura, and Riverside and T knew it was time to expand into other regions. However, as Tspoons’ proprietor, T’s primary concern was to offer the highest quality educational and most enjoyable experience for her patrons. Expansion would be considered only if these high standards could be met in each location. T began to evaluate the best way to establish additional Tspoons locations that would offer the same experience, classes and quality patrons were accustomed to. From the available alternatives, T decided to make Tspoons available on a franchise basis and began the process with a franchise consulting firm and franchise law firm to professionally develop a unique and comprehensive franchise business model. After much strategic planning and materials development by T and her lawyers, the Ladera Times is excited to be the first to publicly announce that Tspoons is now registered in the State of California to offer and sell franchises. “My dream is to be able to share my passion for this business to those that have the same passion for the culinary field, for food, and for people, one Tspoons at a time” T added. Tspoons celebrates its six year anniversary this month. As friends of Tspoons since its humble beginnings, we wish her continued success. April 2014 Ladera Times Page 35 Page 36 Ladera Times Work here, there, anywhere — Regus workspace solutions Get 2 months free* VUH9LN\Z6MÄJLVY=PY[\HS6MÄJL -YVTM\SS`M\YUPZOLKVMÄJLZ[V professional meeting rooms and more — Regus offers innovative workspace solutions for all your business needs. Visit us at Ladera Corporate Terrace in Ladera Ranch. Call 1- 800- OFFICES or visit regus.com/new *Terms and conditions apply. Visit regus.com/new April 2014 Team Moran Sponsors 2nd Paper Shredding April 19 Shredding documents with your name and personal information attached is an important way to protect yourself in this age of "Identity Theft." As a result, most people have some form of shredder in their homes. The problem is, unless you spend a fortune on a heavy-duty shredder, the cheaper ones are slow, noisy, often overheat and jam up. Ladera Ranch residents and Realtors, Jeff and Julie Moran, of Team Moran, are hosting their second annual free paper shredding marathon from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm on Saturday, April 19, in the front drop off area Chaparral Elementary School. The "Green Monster" shredding truck will be there to shred your paper and will provide you with an official Certificate of Ladera Times April 2014 Dermatology & Skin Care Page 37 Evening and Saturday Appointments Available! Good Health for your Skin s Services Offered: Destruction. “We are happy to sponsor the shredding truck event and help people get rid of some of the clutter in their home. Paper stacks up so quickly!," said Julie Moran. "Last year we collected over 10,000 pounds of paper to be shred. We filled the entire shredding truck; that’s a lot of paper!" Jeff Moran added, "We get questions from our Ladera Ranch neighbors and clients all the time asking when we are going to do the shredding event again. They have a ton of mail and other documents they need to get rid of and I tell them to bring it on over to Chaparral Elementary School 10:00 am to 2:00 pm Saturday April 19. Pull up, drop off your paper, drive off, it’s that easy!” Big Load – Tamera Benson, front, and her sister, Kim Jacobson, drop off boxes of paper to be shredded. Tamera owns MouseWorks Bookkeeping & Executive Services in Ladera Ranch. 'U/XFDV%LQJKDP0' Medical Dermatology: Cosmetic Dermatology: 6NLQ&DQFHU6FUHHQLQJ 7UHDWPHQW 0ROH5HPRYDO 5DVKHV $FQH (F]HPD 'U\6NLQ +DLU/RVV 3VRULDVLV %RWR['HUPDO)LOOHUV 0LFURGHUPDEUDVLRQ Juvederm & Radiesse &KHPLFDO3HHOV /DVHU+DLU5HPRYDO )DFLDOV /HJYHLQWUHDWPHQW )UDFWLRQDO/DVHU (scars, sun damage, wrinkles) ,3/3KRWRIDFLDO Hours Mon-Fri 9am to 5pm Evening and Saturday by appointment only. www.facebook.com/medxLadera /LQGD5DQN3$& Aesthetician Services: scan here ³ 777 Corporate Drive, Suite 150 | Ladera Ranch, CA 92694 949.481.8881 www.MedxLadera.com 35–$65 $ 25–$35 $ 18–$25 $ 15–$20 $ 25–$35 $ 25–$35 $ Page 38 Ladera Times April 2014 MARKETPLACE DIRECTORY Ladera Times April 2014 Page 39 MARKETPLACE DIRECTORY THANK YOU FOR VOTING AMERICA’S TIRE THE BEST IN ORANGE COUNTY! VISA ® PREPAID CARD WHEN YOU BUY ANY SET OF 4 TIRES OR WHEELS INSTALLED! ONLINE OR MAIL-IN REBATE. VALID THROUGH 10/31/13. CANNOT BE COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER OFFERS. PC 87991 GO TO AMERICASTIRE.COM TO FIND A STORE NEAR YOU! Fischer Painting Corp. l Painting & Drywall Tom & Todd Gelatka l Clean, Honest Jobs Done Right A Family-Owned Business Ph: (951) 674-9614 Fax:(951) 674-9618 [email protected] Lic # 911980 $ 5 OFF FIRST SERVICE Pamper Your Pet with Our Ultimate Pet Spa Treatments Ladera Times Page 40 April 2014 “He’s Back…” WORK WITH THE BEST Call Jeff and Julie 949.488.7000 I Jeff Moran 949.289.5170 [email protected] DRE# 01220171 www.OCROOTS.com Ladera Ranch residents since 2004 [email protected] Julie Moran 949.466.4409 [email protected] DRE# 01714858 Team Moran, Realtors Jeff Moran Julie Moran
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