f”kokth fo|kihB f”kokth fo

f”kokth fo|kihB]
fo|kihB] dksYgkiwj
nwj f”k{k.k dsna z
ekpZ@,fizy 2014 e/;s gks.kkÚ;k ifj{kslkBh
,e,e-,-Hkkx&1 ¼lkekftd
¼lkekftd “kkL=s½ P;k fo|kF;kZ
fo|kF;kZua k Lok/;k;kckcrph
ekfgrh o lqpuk
bfrgkl] jkT;”
jkT;”kkL=] vFkZ”kkL=] lekt”
lekt”kkL=] rRoKku ;k fo’k;kps l= 2 ps
Lok/;k; iz”u [kkyhizek.ks]
1. ,e-,- Hkkx 1 ¼lkekftd “kkL=s½ P;k l= ijh{kk] izR;sd fo’k;kdfjrk ys[kh ijh{kslkBh 80 xq.k o
Lok/;k;kdfjrk 20 xq.k v”kh ,dw.k 100 xq.kkaph jkghy2. ,e-,- Hkkx 1 lkBh fo|kF;kZus fuoMysY;k izR;sd fo’k;kyk izR;sd l=klkBh ,d vls l= 1 lkBh ,dw.k pkj
o l= 2 lkBh ,dw.k pkj Lok/;k; iw.kZ djko;kps vkgsr- l= 1 ps Lok/;k; iq.kZ dsyYs ;k fo|kF;kZua h l= 2
ps Lok/;k; tek dj.ks o l= 1 ps Lok/;k; tek u dsyYs ;k fo|kF;kZua h l= 1 o 2 ps Lok/;k; iq.kZ d:u
Lora=i.ks tek dj.ks3. Lok/;k; fyfg.;kdfjrk vk[kho rko okijkok (Size A4) Lok/;k; mRrj if=dsoj ¼vk[kho rkokoj½ vki.k
izo”s k ?ksrysY;k vH;kldsna z] vH;kldzekps uko] o’kZ] ijh{kspk cSBd dzekad] laiq.kZ uko ¼uksan.khizek.ks uko½]
iRrk ¼dk;eLo:ih½] fo’k;] PRN No. o eksckbZy uacj ¼dk;eLo:ih½ fyfg.ks vko”;d vkgs- ¼R;klkBh
uequk i`’Biku fo|kihBkP;k osclkbVoj Bsoysyk vkgs-½
4. vki.k r;kj dsysys loZ fo’k;kaps Lok/;k;oj ijh{kk cSBd Øekad (Seat No.) fygwup izo”s kklkBh fuoMysY;k
vH;kl dsna zke/;s Lor% tek djkos fdaok iksLVkOnkjs@dqfjvjOnkjs ikBokosr- ys[kh ijh{ksP;k fdeku 10 fnol
vk/kh vH;kldsna zkdMs Lok/;k; tek dj.ks vko”;d vkgs5. ,dk ijh{kslkBh Lok/;k; ,dnkp tek djrk ;sr-s
6. Lok/;k; ps iqueqZY;kadu o Js.khlq/kkj djrk ;sr ukgh7. fo|kF;kZu
a s tj Lok/;k; tek dsys vlrhy o fo|kFkhZ R;k lac/a khr fo’k;ke/;s vuqRrh.kZ >kyk vlsy] R;kyk
Qz”s k Lok/;k; tek djrk ;s.kkj ukgh- fo|kFkhZ ys[kh ijh{ksyk iqUgk clw “kdrks- Lok/;k;kps iwohZpp
s xq.k
iq<P;k ijh{kklkBh fopkjkr ?ksrys tkrhy8. ,e,e-,- Hkkx&1 ps loZ Lok/;k; mRrj if=dk vki.k fuoMysY;k vH;kl dsna zke/;s tek djko;kps vkgs- nwj
f”k{k.k dsna z eq[;ky;] f”kokth fo|kihB] dksYgkiwj ;sFks tek d: u;s-
9. ijh{kk uacjlkBh fo|kF;kZps vksG[ki= ¼Hall Ticket) [kkyhy ladsrLFkGkoj ifj{ksiwohZ 10 fnol vxksnj
miyC/k gksrhy1½ ch-,- Hkkx 2 o ,e-,- Hkkx 1lkBh suk.digitaluniversity.ac
2½ ch-,- Hkkx 3 lkBh www.unishivaji.ac.in
nwj f”k{k.k foHkkxkP;k fo|kF;kZalkBh egRRokph lqpuk
nwj f”k{k.k dsna zkP;k dkslZps loZ vH;kldze f”kokth
fo|kihBkP;k ladsrLFkGkoj www.unishivaji.ac.in →
Online Syallabi oj miyC/k vkgsr- lac/a khr fo|kF;kZua h
vH;kldzekizek.ks vkiY;k Lo;a v/;;u lkfgR;krhy ?kVdkaps
v/;;u dj.;kph iw.kZ tckcnkjh fo|kF;kZp
a h jkghyvH;kldzekizek.ks v/;;u
ijh{kk fnY;keqGs
fo|kF;kZPa ;k gks.kk&;k uqdlkuhl nwj f”k{k.k dsna z tckcnkj
jgk.kkj ukgh- nwj f”k{k.k dsna zklac/a khph ekfgrh fo|kihBkP;k
ladsrLFkGkoj ¼www.unishivaji.ac.in½ → Distance
;k fyadoj osGksoG
s h Bso.;kr ;sbZy-
M.A. Part I History Sem II Assignment Question
,e,e- ,- Hkkx 1 bfrgkl Lok/;k; iz”u l= 2
¼izR;sd iz”ukl 20 xq.k ½
HS 201 - Polity and Economy under the Marathas (1600-1818)
1 ejkB;kapk bfrgkl vH;kl.;kl mi;qDr vl.kkÚ;k Hkkjrh; Hkk’kkrhy lk/kukaph ppkZ
2 ejkBk dky[kaMkrhy mn;ksx/kan]s O;kikj] okf.kT; ;kaph ekfgrh |k1
Discuss the Sources in Indian languages useful for the study of Maratha
Give an account of Industry Trade and Commerce during Maratha
HS – 202 India under the British Rule (1857-1947)
1 1919 P;k ekWVXs ;w psElQMZ lq/kkj.kkaP;k oSf”k’V~;kaph ppkZ djkqH$dm
2 1857 rs 1947 ;k dkGkrhy Hkkjrkps vQxkf.kLrku cjkscjps ijjk’Vªh; lac/k
Li’V djk1
Discuss the features of the Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms 1919
Explain the external relations of India with Afghanistan during 18571947
HS – 203 Governance in Ancient India
1 oSfnd dky[kaMkrhy jktdh; laLFkkP;k fodklkpk vk<kok ?;kqH$dm
2 xqIr iz”kklukP;k BGd oSf”k’V;kaph ppkZ djk1
Review the growth of political institutions in Vedic Period
Discuss the salient features of Gupta Admistration
M.A. Part I History Sem II
HS – 204 Historiography of Ancient India
1 izkphu HkkjrkP;k bfrgklkP;k vH;klklkBh lj foY;e tksUl ;kaP;k ;ksxnkukps
eqY;ekiu djk-
2 Mh- Mh- dkslca h ;kaP;k fo”ks’k lanHkkZr ekDlZoknh bfrgklys[kukP;k BGd
oSf”k’V;kps ijh{k.k djk1
Evaluate the contribution of Sir William Jones to the Study of ancient
Indian History.
Examine the Salient Features of Marxist historiography with special
reference to D. D. Kosambi.
HS-205 Social and Economic History of Medieval India (1000-1707 AD)
1 eqfLye lektkrhy L=hps LFkku Li’V djkqH$dm
2 fganw lektkoj bLyke /kekZus dsyYs ;k ifj.kkekaph ppkZ djk1
Explain the position of women in Muslim Society.
Discuss the impact of Islam on Hindu society.
HS 206 Social and Cultural History of the Marathas (1600-1818)
1 1600 rs 1818 ;k dky[kaMkrhy ejkB;kaP;k lkekftd ifjfLFkrhph ppkZ djkqH$dm
2 lqQh laiznk;kP;k izHkkokps foospu djk1
Discuss the social conditions of the Marathas during the period From
1600 to 1818
Discuss the impact of Sufism
HS 207 – Modern India ( 1757-1857)
1 e/; 18 O;k “krdkrhy HkkjrkP;k vkfFkZd ifjfLFkrhps ijh{k.k djkqH$dm
2 1757 rs 1857 ;k dkGkr Hkkjrke/;s >kysY;k “kS{kf.kd fodklkps VhdkRed
ijh{k.k djk1
Examine the economic condition of India in mid 18th Century
Critically examine the educational development of India during the
1757-1857 period.
M.A. Part I History Sem II
HS – 208 India’s Struggle for Independence
1 Hkkjrh; jk’VªoknkP;k mn;kph dkj.ks Li’V djkqH$dm
2 1942 P;k Hkkjr NksMks vkanksyukps Lo#i Li’V djk1
Discuss the causes for the emergence of Indian nationalism
Explain the nature of 1942 Quit India Movement.
HS – 209 Independent India (1947-1972)
1 Hkkjrh; lafo/kkukP;k BGd oSf”k’V~;kaph ppkZ djkqH$dm
2 1947 rs 1972 ;k dkGkr Hkkjrkr >kysY;k tehu lq/kkj.kkaps ijh{k.k djk1
Discuss the chief features of the Indian Constitution
Examine the land reforms in India during the 1947 – 1972 period
HS – 210 Political History of Modern Maharashtra
1 egkjk’Vªkrhy 1857 P;k mBkokps Lo#i Li’V djkqH$dm
2 1920 i;Zr egkjk’Vªkrhy jk’Vª tkf.kosP;k izlkjkph ppkZ djk1
Explain the nature of rebellion of 1857 in Maharashtra
Discuss the growth of national consciousness in Maharashtra upto 1920
M.A. Part I Political Science Sem II Assignment Question
,e,e- ,- Hkkx 1 jkT;”kkL= Lok/;k; iz”u l= 2
¼izR;sd iz”ukl 20 xq.k ½
I. III. Political theory of Development & Change
1 vFkZfodklkpk fl/nkar vkf.k tkxfrd O;oLFkk fl/nkar ;kaps fVdkRed eqY;ekiu djkfdaok
2 fL=oknkP;k fofo/k izokgkaps eqY;ekiu djk1
Critically examine theory of Under development of World System
Make an assessment of different streams of Feminism.
IV. Practice of Public Administration
1 Hkjrhpk vFkZ o HkjrhizfØ;sps xq.k o nks’k ;kaph lfoLrj ppkZ djkfdaok
2 yksdiky o yksdk;qDr inkph vko”;drk o egRo Li’V djk1
Explain the concept of ‘Recruitment’ and discuss the merits and demerits
of recruitment process.
Explain the need and importance of ‘Lokpal and Lokayukta’.
XI. Indian Political Process
1 jktdh; i{k i/nrhps cnyrs Lo#i Li’V djkfdaok
2 Hkkjrh; jktdkj.kkrhy tkr vkf.k /keZ gs iz”u Li’V djk1
Explain the changing Nature of Political Party system.
Explain the Caste and the Religion issues in Indian politics
M.A. Part I Political Science Sem II
XII. Sarvodaya, Democracy & Socialism in Indian Thought
1 xka/kh vkf.k fouksckaP;k fopkjkaP;k lanHkkZr *loksZn;k* P;k ladYiusps fVdkRed fo”ys’k.k
s djkaP;k lkekftd yksd”kkghP;k fl/nkUrkph foLr`r ekaM.kh
2 MkW- ckcklkgsc vkacM
Critically elaborate the concept of Sarvodaya, with special reference to
Gandhi and Vinoba.
Elaborate Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar’s theory of Social Democracy.
XIII. Political Sociology
1 jktdh; lekt”kkL=kpk vFkZ lkaxuw ] Lo:i o O;kIrhph ppkZ djkfdaok
2 ^vkf/klRrk* o ^vkf/kekU;rk* ;k ladYiuk Li’V djk1
Discuss the meaning, nature and scope of study of Political Sociology.
Explain the concept of Authority and Legitimacy.
XIV. Politics of Developing Countries
1 olkgrokn vkf.k olkgrokn fojks/kh vkanksyu ;kfo’k;h fVdkRed eqY;ekiu djkfdaok
2 ^tkxfrd vFkZO;oLFksr fodluf”ky ns”k*] ;koj ,d fVdkRed fuca/k fygk1
Make a critical assessment of Colonialism & anti - colonial struggle.
Write a critical essay on ‘Developing Countries in World Economy’.
XV. Development administration in Urban India
1 “kgjh fodklkP;k egRokP;k /kksj.kaph fVdkRed ppkZ djkfdaok
2 “kgjh fodklke/;s egkuxjikfydk vkf.k uxj ifj’knk ;kaP;k Hkqfedsph ppkZ djk1
Critically discuss major Urban Development Policies.
Discuss the role played by Muncipal Corporations & Muncipal Councils
in urban development.
M.A. Part I Political Science Sem II
XVI. State Politics in India
1 vk?kkM;kP;k jktdkj.kkps cnyrs Lo:i Li’V djkfdaok
2 if”pe caxkyps cnyrs jktdkj.k Li’V djk1
Explain the Changing Nature of Coalition Politics.
Explain the Changing Politics of West Bengal.
XVII. Women & Politics
1 Hkkjrkrhy L=hoknh pGoGhph foLrkjkus ekaM.kh djkfdaok
2 jktdkj.kkrhy fL=;kaps izfrfuf/kRo ;k iz”ukph fVdkRed ppkZ djk1
Elaborate the feminist movement in India.
Critically assess the issue of women’s representation in Politics.
XVIII. Political Economy
1 jktdh; vFkZO;oLFkspk vFkZ lkaxuw ] Lo:i o O;kIrh Li’V djkfdaok
2 Hkkjr vkf.k tkxfrd O;kikj la?kVuk e/khy & jktdh; vFkZdkj.kkP;k
n`’Vhdks.kkrwu lac/a k Li’V djk1
Explain the meaning, nature and scope of Political economy.
Explain the relation between India and W.T.O from the perspective of
Political economy.
XIX. Public Policy ( I D S)
1 lkoZtfud /kksj.kps vFkZ lkaxuw R;kps Lo:i o egRo Li’V djkfdaok
2 lkoZtfud /kksj.kkP;k veayctko.khps ewY;ekiukph ppkZ djk1
Explain what is ‘Public Policy’ its nature and its importance.
Discuss the evaluation of ‘‘Implementation’’ of Public Policy.
M.A. Part I Economics Sem II Assignment Question
,e,e- ,- Hkkx 1 vFkZ”kkL= Lok/;k; iz”u l= 2
¼izR;sd iz”ukl 20 xq.k ½
EC-3 Public Economics
1 feJ vFkZO;oLFksrhy ljdkjP;k Hkwfedsps o.kZu djkqH$dm
2 yksd”kkghP;k vkfFkZd fl/nkarkps o.kZu djk1
Elucidate the role of the government in a mixed economy.
Describe the economic theory of democracy.
EC-4 Ecological and Resource Economics (*)
1 uqruhdj.k{ke uSlfxZd lk/kus Eg.kts dk; rs lkaxuw R;kaps L=ksr lkaxkqH$dm
2 “kk”or fodkl Eg.kts dk; \ R;kP;k fun”kZdkaps o.kZu djk1
Elucidate the meaning of the Renewable natural resources and their
What is sustainable development ? Describe it’s indicators
EO-8 Agricultural Development in India
1 Hkkjrh; vFkZO;oLFksr “ksrh {ks=kph Hkwfedk Li’V djkqH$dm
2 xzkeh.k nkfjnz; Eg.kts dk; \ rs nwj dj.;klkBhP;k fofo/k dk;ZØekaPkk vk<kok
Explain the role of Agriculture in Indian Economy.
What is the meant by Rural Poverty ? Explain its
M.A. Part I Economics Sem II
EO-9 Industrial Economics
1 is<hph mfn’Vs lkaxk
2 oscjpk LFkku fuf”prhpk fl/nkar Li’V djk1
State the objective of the firm.
Explain the Weber’s Theory of Location.
EO-10 Economics and Law
1 jksukYM dkst ;kapk fl/nkar Li’V djkqH$dm
2 vFkZ”kkL= vkf.k dk;nk ¼fo/kh½ lac/k Li’V djk1
Explain Ronald Coase theory
Explain Economics and law are Inter related
EO-11 Human Resource Development
1 ekuoh HkkMoay fufeZrh Eg.kts dk; \ ekuoh HkkaMoy fuferhZps vkfFkZd o jktfd;
fu/kkZjd lkaxk-
2 ekuoh lalk/ku fodkl o ekuoh fodkl ;krhy Qjd Li’V djk1
What do you mean by Human Capital? State the economic and political
determents of Human Capital formation
Distinguish between Human Resource Development and Human
EO-12 Financial Markets and Institutions
1 foRrh; {ks=kph jpuk vkf.k dk;sZ fo”kn djkqH$dm
2 vkfFkZd fodklkrhy foRrh; {ks=kph Hkwfedk Li’V djk1
State the structure and functions of financial sector
Explain the role of financial sector in economic development
M.A. Part I Economics Sem II
EO-13 Regional Economics
1 izknsf”kd vFkZ”kkL=kps Lo#i vkf.k O;kIrh fo”kn djkqH$dm
2 HkkSxksfydn`’V;k Lora= vkf.k vkarj lacf/kr cktkjisBkae/khy fdaer larqyu Li’V
State the nature and scope of Regional Economics
Explain the Price equilibrium in geographically separated and inter
linked markets.
EO-14 Economics of Social Sector and Environment
1 lkoZtfud oLrw Eg.kts dk; \ fodlsyps lkoZtfud oLrw rjrqnhps izfreku fo”kn
2 i;kZoj.k eqY;kps fofo/k izdkj Li’V djk1
What is the Public goods ? State the Wicksell’s model of provision of
Public good.
Explain the different types of Environment values.
M.A. Part I Sociology Sem II Assignment Question
,e,e- ,- Hkkx 1 letk”kkL= Lok/;k; iz”u l= 2
¼izR;sd iz”ukl 20 xq.k ½
SOC -003 Classical Sociological Traditions: Pareto, Cooley and Mead
1 foYQsMks iWjVs ks ;kapk Js’Btukaps vfHklj.kkpk fl/nkar Li’V djkfdaok
2 lh- ,p- dqys ;kaP;k izkFkfed lewgkP;k ladYiusoj lfoLrji.ks fygk1
Explain Vilfredo Pareto’s theory of Circulation of elites.
Write in detail about Primary Group concept of C. H. Cooley.
SOC – 004 Perspectives on Indian Society
1 Hkkjrkrhy lekt”kkL=kP;k ok<hlac/a kh vl.kkÚ;k voLFkkaps fo”ys’k.k djkfdaok
s dj ;kaP;k ;ksxnkukoj ppkZ
2 Hkkjrh; lektkP;k vH;klklkBhps MkW- ch- vkj- vkacM
Explain the various phases of growth of Sociology in India.
Discuss on the Contribution of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar towards
understanding of Indian Society.
SOE – 011 Sociology of Change and Development
1 ,e- ,u- Jhfuokl ;kauh lkafxrysY;k laLd`rhdj.kkP;k ladYiusoj lfoLrji.ks fygkfdaok
2 lkekftd ifjorZukP;k vkfFkZd ?kVdkaoj ppkZ djk1
Write in detail about Sanskritization concept introduced by M. N.
Discuss on Economic Factors of Social Change.
M.A. Part I Sociology Sem II
SOE – 012 Resources, Development and Environment in India
1 uSlfxZd lalk/kukaph ladYiuk vkf.k izdkj Li’V djkfdaok
2 fodklkP;k HkkaMoy”kkgh ekxkZoj lfoLrji.ks fygk1
Explain concept and types of natural resources.
Write in detail about capitalist path of development.
SOE – 013 Urban Society in India
1 ukxjh fodklkP;k fl/nkarkph ppkZ djkfdaok
2 Hkkjrkrhy “kgjkaP;k oxhZdj.kkps ijh{k.k djk1
Discuss the theories of urban development.
Examine the classification of cities in India.
SOE – 014 Sociology of Tribal Society
1 vkfne lektkph O;k[;k vkf.k oSf”k’V;s Li’V djkfdaok
2 vkfne tekrhe/khy@lektke/khy tfeuhiklwu Qkjdrrk@vyxrk ;k leL;soj
lfoLrji.ks fygk1
Explain definition and characteristics of Tribal Society.
Write in detail about Land alienation problem of Tribal Society.
SOE 015 Sociology of Marginalized Communities
1 tkr O;oLFkk vkf.k vLi`”;rk ;kae/khy lglac/a k Li’V djkfdaok
2 Vhik fygk % 1½ lhekafrd leqgkP;k leL;k 2½ vkj{k.k /kksj.k vkf.k lhekafrd
Explain the Corelation between Caste System and Untouchability .
Write Short Notes : 1) Problems of Marginalized Community.
2) Reservation Policy and Marginalized Community.
M.A. Part I Sociology Sem II
SOE 016 Sociology of Religion
1 laiznk; Eg.kts dk; \ Hkkjrkrhy lkaiznkf;d r.kkokph dkj.ks Li’V djkfdaok
2 ckS/n /kekZpk lkekftd bfrgkl vkf.k lkekftd rRoKku Li’V djk1
What is Communalism? Explain the causes of communal tension in
Explain the social history and social Philosophy of Buddhism.
SOE 017 Political Sociology
1 jktdh; lekt”kkL=kps Lo:i o O;kIrh Li’V djkfdaok
2 jktdh; lekt”kkL=krhy fofo/k izdkjps lSn~/kkafrd n`’Vhdksu Li’V djk1
Explain the nature and Scope of Political Sociology.
Explain the different types of theoretical approaches in Political
SOE 018 Sociology of Communication
1 laKkiu o tulaKkiu ;kaP;krhy Qjd] ekfgrh lektkP;k oSf”k’V;kaph ppkZ djkfdaok
2 yksd ek/;e o tulaidZ ek/;es ;kaP;krhy Qjd Li’V djk1
Explain the difference between Communication and Mass
Communication Discuss the Characteristics of Information Society.
Explain the difference between folk media and mass media.
SOE 019 Criminology
1 xqUg;kaP;k dkj.kakps Li’Vhdj.k ns.kkjk lekt”kkL=h; n`’Vhdksu Li’V djkfdaok
2 ika<jis”kh; xqUgsxkjhoj lfoLrji.ks fygk1
Explain sociological perspective on crime causation.
Write in detail about white collar crime.
M.A. Part I Sociology Sem II
SOE 020 Social Marketing
1 Lkekftd foi.ku ladYiuk FkksMD;kr Li’V djk- O;kolkf;d foi.ku vkf.k lkekftd
foi.ku Qjd Li’V djk-
2 vkjksX; dkGth foi.ku lanHkkZr ‘4C’ foi.ku feJ.k FkksMD;kr o.kZu djk1
Explain the concept of Social Marketing. Discuss the difference between
commercial marketing and social marketing.
Describe the marketing mix i. e. 4 Cs in the context of healthcare
M.A. Part I Philosophy Sem II Assignment Question
,e,e- ,- Hkkx 1 rRoKku Lok/;k; iz”u l= 2
¼izR;sd iz”ukl 20 xq.k ½
Paper II Metaphysics ( Indian)
1 oS”ksf’kd erkuqlkj inkFkkZps oxhZdj.k Li’V djkqH$dm
2 izfrR;&leqRikn fl/nkrkaps Li’Vhdj.k djk1
Explain the classification of Padarthas according to Vaisesika.
Explain the Doctrine of Pratitya Samutpada
Paper IV Moral Philosophy Part II
1 LVhOgUlpk Hkkofudrkoknh fl/nkar lkaxuw R;kps ijh{k.k djkqH$dm
2 gsvjP;k vf/kfurh”kkL=h; vkns”koknkps ijh{k.k djk
State and examine Stevenson’s Emotive theory
Explain Hare’s Meta ethical Theory of Prescriptivism
Paper VI Basic Concepts in Political Philosophy Part II
1 yksd”kkghpk vFkZ] Lo#i vkf.k vk/kkjrRos lfoLrj Li’V djkqH$dm
2 gDd vkf.k drZO;s ;kaps vFkZ lkaxk] Hkkjrh; lafo/kkukuwlkj ewyHkwr gDdklac/kh
ppkZ djk1
Explain fully the meaning, nature and foundation of Democracy.
What is the meaning of Rights and Duties ? Discuss the Fundamental
Rights according to the Constitution of India
M.A. Part I Philosophy Sem II
Modern Indian Philosophers Part II
1 jfoanzukFk Vkxksjkpas fulxZ vkf.k dyk fo’k;d fopkj lkaxkqH$dm
a djkaP;k rRoKkukrhy lerk vkf.k ca/kqHkko ;kaps LFkku fo”kn
2 MkW ckcklkgsc vkcsM
Give Ravindranath Tagore’s views on Nature and Art.
Explain the role of Equality and Fraternity in the Philosophy of Dr. B.R.
Paper VIII Yoga Darshan
1 fpRrHkweh Eg.kts dk; \ fpRrHkwehps fofo/k Hkkx Li’V djkqH$dm
2 ;ksx n”kZukrhy bZ”ojkps LFkku Li’V djk1
What is Chittabhumi ? Explain Various Parts of Chittabhumi.
Discuss the role of god in Yoga Philosophy.
Vedant Darshan Part II
1 fuckadkZpk;kZph tho ladYiuk Li’V djkqH$dm
2 jkekuqtkpk;kZph Kku miiRrh Li’V djk1
Explain Nimbarkacharyas concept of Jiva
Explain the Ramanuja’s Theory of Knowledge