f”kokth fo|kihB] fo|kihB] dksYgkiwj nwj f”k{k.k dsna z ekpZ@,fizy 2014 e/;s gks.kkÚ;k ifj{kslkBh ,e,e-,-Hkkx&1 ¼lkekftd ¼lkekftd “kkL=s½ P;k fo|kF;kZ fo|kF;kZua k Lok/;k;kckcrph ekfgrh o lqpuk bfrgkl] jkT;” jkT;”kkL=] vFkZ”kkL=] lekt” lekt”kkL=] rRoKku ;k fo’k;kps l= 2 ps Lok/;k; iz”u [kkyhizek.ks] 1. ,e-,- Hkkx 1 ¼lkekftd “kkL=s½ P;k l= ijh{kk] izR;sd fo’k;kdfjrk ys[kh ijh{kslkBh 80 xq.k o Lok/;k;kdfjrk 20 xq.k v”kh ,dw.k 100 xq.kkaph jkghy2. ,e-,- Hkkx 1 lkBh fo|kF;kZus fuoMysY;k izR;sd fo’k;kyk izR;sd l=klkBh ,d vls l= 1 lkBh ,dw.k pkj o l= 2 lkBh ,dw.k pkj Lok/;k; iw.kZ djko;kps vkgsr- l= 1 ps Lok/;k; iq.kZ dsyYs ;k fo|kF;kZua h l= 2 ps Lok/;k; tek dj.ks o l= 1 ps Lok/;k; tek u dsyYs ;k fo|kF;kZua h l= 1 o 2 ps Lok/;k; iq.kZ d:u Lora=i.ks tek dj.ks3. Lok/;k; fyfg.;kdfjrk vk[kho rko okijkok (Size A4) Lok/;k; mRrj if=dsoj ¼vk[kho rkokoj½ vki.k izo”s k ?ksrysY;k vH;kldsna z] vH;kldzekps uko] o’kZ] ijh{kspk cSBd dzekad] laiq.kZ uko ¼uksan.khizek.ks uko½] iRrk ¼dk;eLo:ih½] fo’k;] PRN No. o eksckbZy uacj ¼dk;eLo:ih½ fyfg.ks vko”;d vkgs- ¼R;klkBh uequk i`’Biku fo|kihBkP;k osclkbVoj Bsoysyk vkgs-½ 4. vki.k r;kj dsysys loZ fo’k;kaps Lok/;k;oj ijh{kk cSBd Øekad (Seat No.) fygwup izo”s kklkBh fuoMysY;k vH;kl dsna zke/;s Lor% tek djkos fdaok iksLVkOnkjs@dqfjvjOnkjs ikBokosr- ys[kh ijh{ksP;k fdeku 10 fnol vk/kh vH;kldsna zkdMs Lok/;k; tek dj.ks vko”;d vkgs5. ,dk ijh{kslkBh Lok/;k; ,dnkp tek djrk ;sr-s 6. Lok/;k; ps iqueqZY;kadu o Js.khlq/kkj djrk ;sr ukgh7. fo|kF;kZu a s tj Lok/;k; tek dsys vlrhy o fo|kFkhZ R;k lac/a khr fo’k;ke/;s vuqRrh.kZ >kyk vlsy] R;kyk Qz”s k Lok/;k; tek djrk ;s.kkj ukgh- fo|kFkhZ ys[kh ijh{ksyk iqUgk clw “kdrks- Lok/;k;kps iwohZpp s xq.k iq<P;k ijh{kklkBh fopkjkr ?ksrys tkrhy8. ,e,e-,- Hkkx&1 ps loZ Lok/;k; mRrj if=dk vki.k fuoMysY;k vH;kl dsna zke/;s tek djko;kps vkgs- nwj f”k{k.k dsna z eq[;ky;] f”kokth fo|kihB] dksYgkiwj ;sFks tek d: u;s- 9. ijh{kk uacjlkBh fo|kF;kZps vksG[ki= ¼Hall Ticket) [kkyhy ladsrLFkGkoj ifj{ksiwohZ 10 fnol vxksnj miyC/k gksrhy1½ ch-,- Hkkx 2 o ,e-,- Hkkx 1lkBh suk.digitaluniversity.ac 2½ ch-,- Hkkx 3 lkBh www.unishivaji.ac.in nwj f”k{k.k foHkkxkP;k fo|kF;kZalkBh egRRokph lqpuk nwj f”k{k.k dsna zkP;k dkslZps loZ vH;kldze f”kokth fo|kihBkP;k ladsrLFkGkoj www.unishivaji.ac.in → Online Syallabi oj miyC/k vkgsr- lac/a khr fo|kF;kZua h vkiys vH;kldze download d:u ?ks.ks- vH;kldzekizek.ks vkiY;k Lo;a v/;;u lkfgR;krhy ?kVdkaps v/;;u dj.;kph iw.kZ tckcnkjh fo|kF;kZp a h jkghyvH;kldzekizek.ks v/;;u u djrk ijh{kk fnY;keqGs fo|kF;kZPa ;k gks.kk&;k uqdlkuhl nwj f”k{k.k dsna z tckcnkj jgk.kkj ukgh- nwj f”k{k.k dsna zklac/a khph ekfgrh fo|kihBkP;k ladsrLFkGkoj ¼www.unishivaji.ac.in½ → Distance ;k fyadoj osGksoG s h Bso.;kr ;sbZy- M.A. Part I History Sem II Assignment Question ,e,e- ,- Hkkx 1 bfrgkl Lok/;k; iz”u l= 2 ¼izR;sd iz”ukl 20 xq.k ½ HS 201 - Polity and Economy under the Marathas (1600-1818) 1 ejkB;kapk bfrgkl vH;kl.;kl mi;qDr vl.kkÚ;k Hkkjrh; Hkk’kkrhy lk/kukaph ppkZ djk- qH$dm 2 ejkBk dky[kaMkrhy mn;ksx/kan]s O;kikj] okf.kT; ;kaph ekfgrh |k1 Discuss the Sources in Indian languages useful for the study of Maratha History OR 2 Give an account of Industry Trade and Commerce during Maratha Period. HS – 202 India under the British Rule (1857-1947) 1 1919 P;k ekWVXs ;w psElQMZ lq/kkj.kkaP;k oSf”k’V~;kaph ppkZ djkqH$dm 2 1857 rs 1947 ;k dkGkrhy Hkkjrkps vQxkf.kLrku cjkscjps ijjk’Vªh; lac/k Li’V djk1 Discuss the features of the Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms 1919 OR 2 Explain the external relations of India with Afghanistan during 18571947 HS – 203 Governance in Ancient India 1 oSfnd dky[kaMkrhy jktdh; laLFkkP;k fodklkpk vk<kok ?;kqH$dm 2 xqIr iz”kklukP;k BGd oSf”k’V;kaph ppkZ djk1 Review the growth of political institutions in Vedic Period OR 2 Discuss the salient features of Gupta Admistration M.A. Part I History Sem II HS – 204 Historiography of Ancient India 1 izkphu HkkjrkP;k bfrgklkP;k vH;klklkBh lj foY;e tksUl ;kaP;k ;ksxnkukps eqY;ekiu djk- qH$dm 2 Mh- Mh- dkslca h ;kaP;k fo”ks’k lanHkkZr ekDlZoknh bfrgklys[kukP;k BGd oSf”k’V;kps ijh{k.k djk1 Evaluate the contribution of Sir William Jones to the Study of ancient Indian History. OR 2 Examine the Salient Features of Marxist historiography with special reference to D. D. Kosambi. HS-205 Social and Economic History of Medieval India (1000-1707 AD) 1 eqfLye lektkrhy L=hps LFkku Li’V djkqH$dm 2 fganw lektkoj bLyke /kekZus dsyYs ;k ifj.kkekaph ppkZ djk1 Explain the position of women in Muslim Society. OR 2 Discuss the impact of Islam on Hindu society. HS 206 Social and Cultural History of the Marathas (1600-1818) 1 1600 rs 1818 ;k dky[kaMkrhy ejkB;kaP;k lkekftd ifjfLFkrhph ppkZ djkqH$dm 2 lqQh laiznk;kP;k izHkkokps foospu djk1 Discuss the social conditions of the Marathas during the period From 1600 to 1818 OR 2 Discuss the impact of Sufism HS 207 – Modern India ( 1757-1857) 1 e/; 18 O;k “krdkrhy HkkjrkP;k vkfFkZd ifjfLFkrhps ijh{k.k djkqH$dm 2 1757 rs 1857 ;k dkGkr Hkkjrke/;s >kysY;k “kS{kf.kd fodklkps VhdkRed ijh{k.k djk1 Examine the economic condition of India in mid 18th Century OR 2 Critically examine the educational development of India during the 1757-1857 period. M.A. Part I History Sem II HS – 208 India’s Struggle for Independence 1 Hkkjrh; jk’VªoknkP;k mn;kph dkj.ks Li’V djkqH$dm 2 1942 P;k Hkkjr NksMks vkanksyukps Lo#i Li’V djk1 Discuss the causes for the emergence of Indian nationalism OR 2 Explain the nature of 1942 Quit India Movement. HS – 209 Independent India (1947-1972) 1 Hkkjrh; lafo/kkukP;k BGd oSf”k’V~;kaph ppkZ djkqH$dm 2 1947 rs 1972 ;k dkGkr Hkkjrkr >kysY;k tehu lq/kkj.kkaps ijh{k.k djk1 Discuss the chief features of the Indian Constitution OR 2 Examine the land reforms in India during the 1947 – 1972 period HS – 210 Political History of Modern Maharashtra 1 egkjk’Vªkrhy 1857 P;k mBkokps Lo#i Li’V djkqH$dm 2 1920 i;Zr egkjk’Vªkrhy jk’Vª tkf.kosP;k izlkjkph ppkZ djk1 Explain the nature of rebellion of 1857 in Maharashtra OR 2 Discuss the growth of national consciousness in Maharashtra upto 1920 M.A. Part I Political Science Sem II Assignment Question ,e,e- ,- Hkkx 1 jkT;”kkL= Lok/;k; iz”u l= 2 ¼izR;sd iz”ukl 20 xq.k ½ I. III. Political theory of Development & Change 1 vFkZfodklkpk fl/nkar vkf.k tkxfrd O;oLFkk fl/nkar ;kaps fVdkRed eqY;ekiu djkfdaok 2 fL=oknkP;k fofo/k izokgkaps eqY;ekiu djk1 Critically examine theory of Under development of World System theory. OR 2 Make an assessment of different streams of Feminism. IV. Practice of Public Administration 1 Hkjrhpk vFkZ o HkjrhizfØ;sps xq.k o nks’k ;kaph lfoLrj ppkZ djkfdaok 2 yksdiky o yksdk;qDr inkph vko”;drk o egRo Li’V djk1 Explain the concept of ‘Recruitment’ and discuss the merits and demerits of recruitment process. OR 2 Explain the need and importance of ‘Lokpal and Lokayukta’. XI. Indian Political Process 1 jktdh; i{k i/nrhps cnyrs Lo#i Li’V djkfdaok 2 Hkkjrh; jktdkj.kkrhy tkr vkf.k /keZ gs iz”u Li’V djk1 Explain the changing Nature of Political Party system. OR 2 Explain the Caste and the Religion issues in Indian politics M.A. Part I Political Science Sem II XII. Sarvodaya, Democracy & Socialism in Indian Thought 1 xka/kh vkf.k fouksckaP;k fopkjkaP;k lanHkkZr *loksZn;k* P;k ladYiusps fVdkRed fo”ys’k.k djk- fdaok s djkaP;k lkekftd yksd”kkghP;k fl/nkUrkph foLr`r ekaM.kh 2 MkW- ckcklkgsc vkacM djk1 Critically elaborate the concept of Sarvodaya, with special reference to Gandhi and Vinoba. OR 2 Elaborate Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar’s theory of Social Democracy. XIII. Political Sociology 1 jktdh; lekt”kkL=kpk vFkZ lkaxuw ] Lo:i o O;kIrhph ppkZ djkfdaok 2 ^vkf/klRrk* o ^vkf/kekU;rk* ;k ladYiuk Li’V djk1 Discuss the meaning, nature and scope of study of Political Sociology. OR 2 Explain the concept of Authority and Legitimacy. XIV. Politics of Developing Countries 1 olkgrokn vkf.k olkgrokn fojks/kh vkanksyu ;kfo’k;h fVdkRed eqY;ekiu djkfdaok 2 ^tkxfrd vFkZO;oLFksr fodluf”ky ns”k*] ;koj ,d fVdkRed fuca/k fygk1 Make a critical assessment of Colonialism & anti - colonial struggle. OR 2 Write a critical essay on ‘Developing Countries in World Economy’. XV. Development administration in Urban India 1 “kgjh fodklkP;k egRokP;k /kksj.kaph fVdkRed ppkZ djkfdaok 2 “kgjh fodklke/;s egkuxjikfydk vkf.k uxj ifj’knk ;kaP;k Hkqfedsph ppkZ djk1 Critically discuss major Urban Development Policies. OR 2 Discuss the role played by Muncipal Corporations & Muncipal Councils in urban development. M.A. Part I Political Science Sem II XVI. State Politics in India 1 vk?kkM;kP;k jktdkj.kkps cnyrs Lo:i Li’V djkfdaok 2 if”pe caxkyps cnyrs jktdkj.k Li’V djk1 Explain the Changing Nature of Coalition Politics. OR 2 Explain the Changing Politics of West Bengal. XVII. Women & Politics 1 Hkkjrkrhy L=hoknh pGoGhph foLrkjkus ekaM.kh djkfdaok 2 jktdkj.kkrhy fL=;kaps izfrfuf/kRo ;k iz”ukph fVdkRed ppkZ djk1 Elaborate the feminist movement in India. OR 2 Critically assess the issue of women’s representation in Politics. XVIII. Political Economy 1 jktdh; vFkZO;oLFkspk vFkZ lkaxuw ] Lo:i o O;kIrh Li’V djkfdaok 2 Hkkjr vkf.k tkxfrd O;kikj la?kVuk e/khy & jktdh; vFkZdkj.kkP;k n`’Vhdks.kkrwu lac/a k Li’V djk1 Explain the meaning, nature and scope of Political economy. OR 2 Explain the relation between India and W.T.O from the perspective of Political economy. XIX. Public Policy ( I D S) 1 lkoZtfud /kksj.kps vFkZ lkaxuw R;kps Lo:i o egRo Li’V djkfdaok 2 lkoZtfud /kksj.kkP;k veayctko.khps ewY;ekiukph ppkZ djk1 Explain what is ‘Public Policy’ its nature and its importance. OR 2 Discuss the evaluation of ‘‘Implementation’’ of Public Policy. M.A. Part I Economics Sem II Assignment Question ,e,e- ,- Hkkx 1 vFkZ”kkL= Lok/;k; iz”u l= 2 ¼izR;sd iz”ukl 20 xq.k ½ EC-3 Public Economics 1 feJ vFkZO;oLFksrhy ljdkjP;k Hkwfedsps o.kZu djkqH$dm 2 yksd”kkghP;k vkfFkZd fl/nkarkps o.kZu djk1 Elucidate the role of the government in a mixed economy. OR 2 Describe the economic theory of democracy. EC-4 Ecological and Resource Economics (*) 1 uqruhdj.k{ke uSlfxZd lk/kus Eg.kts dk; rs lkaxuw R;kaps L=ksr lkaxkqH$dm 2 “kk”or fodkl Eg.kts dk; \ R;kP;k fun”kZdkaps o.kZu djk1 Elucidate the meaning of the Renewable natural resources and their sources OR 2 What is sustainable development ? Describe it’s indicators EO-8 Agricultural Development in India 1 Hkkjrh; vFkZO;oLFksr “ksrh {ks=kph Hkwfedk Li’V djkqH$dm 2 xzkeh.k nkfjnz; Eg.kts dk; \ rs nwj dj.;klkBhP;k fofo/k dk;ZØekaPkk vk<kok ?;k1 Explain the role of Agriculture in Indian Economy. OR 2 What is the meant by Rural Poverty ? Explain its Programmes. Eradication M.A. Part I Economics Sem II EO-9 Industrial Economics 1 is<hph mfn’Vs lkaxk qH$dm 2 oscjpk LFkku fuf”prhpk fl/nkar Li’V djk1 State the objective of the firm. OR 2 Explain the Weber’s Theory of Location. EO-10 Economics and Law 1 jksukYM dkst ;kapk fl/nkar Li’V djkqH$dm 2 vFkZ”kkL= vkf.k dk;nk ¼fo/kh½ lac/k Li’V djk1 Explain Ronald Coase theory OR 2 Explain Economics and law are Inter related EO-11 Human Resource Development 1 ekuoh HkkMoay fufeZrh Eg.kts dk; \ ekuoh HkkaMoy fuferhZps vkfFkZd o jktfd; fu/kkZjd lkaxk- qH$dm 2 ekuoh lalk/ku fodkl o ekuoh fodkl ;krhy Qjd Li’V djk1 What do you mean by Human Capital? State the economic and political determents of Human Capital formation OR 2 Distinguish between Human Resource Development and Human Development EO-12 Financial Markets and Institutions 1 foRrh; {ks=kph jpuk vkf.k dk;sZ fo”kn djkqH$dm 2 vkfFkZd fodklkrhy foRrh; {ks=kph Hkwfedk Li’V djk1 State the structure and functions of financial sector OR 2 Explain the role of financial sector in economic development M.A. Part I Economics Sem II EO-13 Regional Economics 1 izknsf”kd vFkZ”kkL=kps Lo#i vkf.k O;kIrh fo”kn djkqH$dm 2 HkkSxksfydn`’V;k Lora= vkf.k vkarj lacf/kr cktkjisBkae/khy fdaer larqyu Li’V djk1 State the nature and scope of Regional Economics OR 2 Explain the Price equilibrium in geographically separated and inter linked markets. EO-14 Economics of Social Sector and Environment 1 lkoZtfud oLrw Eg.kts dk; \ fodlsyps lkoZtfud oLrw rjrqnhps izfreku fo”kn djk- qH$dm 2 i;kZoj.k eqY;kps fofo/k izdkj Li’V djk1 What is the Public goods ? State the Wicksell’s model of provision of Public good. OR 2 Explain the different types of Environment values. M.A. Part I Sociology Sem II Assignment Question ,e,e- ,- Hkkx 1 letk”kkL= Lok/;k; iz”u l= 2 ¼izR;sd iz”ukl 20 xq.k ½ SOC -003 Classical Sociological Traditions: Pareto, Cooley and Mead 1 foYQsMks iWjVs ks ;kapk Js’Btukaps vfHklj.kkpk fl/nkar Li’V djkfdaok 2 lh- ,p- dqys ;kaP;k izkFkfed lewgkP;k ladYiusoj lfoLrji.ks fygk1 Explain Vilfredo Pareto’s theory of Circulation of elites. OR 2 Write in detail about Primary Group concept of C. H. Cooley. SOC – 004 Perspectives on Indian Society 1 Hkkjrkrhy lekt”kkL=kP;k ok<hlac/a kh vl.kkÚ;k voLFkkaps fo”ys’k.k djkfdaok s dj ;kaP;k ;ksxnkukoj ppkZ 2 Hkkjrh; lektkP;k vH;klklkBhps MkW- ch- vkj- vkacM djk1 Explain the various phases of growth of Sociology in India. OR 2 Discuss on the Contribution of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar towards understanding of Indian Society. SOE – 011 Sociology of Change and Development 1 ,e- ,u- Jhfuokl ;kauh lkafxrysY;k laLd`rhdj.kkP;k ladYiusoj lfoLrji.ks fygkfdaok 2 lkekftd ifjorZukP;k vkfFkZd ?kVdkaoj ppkZ djk1 Write in detail about Sanskritization concept introduced by M. N. Srinivas. OR 2 Discuss on Economic Factors of Social Change. M.A. Part I Sociology Sem II SOE – 012 Resources, Development and Environment in India 1 uSlfxZd lalk/kukaph ladYiuk vkf.k izdkj Li’V djkfdaok 2 fodklkP;k HkkaMoy”kkgh ekxkZoj lfoLrji.ks fygk1 Explain concept and types of natural resources. OR 2 Write in detail about capitalist path of development. SOE – 013 Urban Society in India 1 ukxjh fodklkP;k fl/nkarkph ppkZ djkfdaok 2 Hkkjrkrhy “kgjkaP;k oxhZdj.kkps ijh{k.k djk1 Discuss the theories of urban development. OR 2 Examine the classification of cities in India. SOE – 014 Sociology of Tribal Society 1 vkfne lektkph O;k[;k vkf.k oSf”k’V;s Li’V djkfdaok 2 vkfne tekrhe/khy@lektke/khy tfeuhiklwu Qkjdrrk@vyxrk ;k leL;soj lfoLrji.ks fygk1 Explain definition and characteristics of Tribal Society. OR 2 Write in detail about Land alienation problem of Tribal Society. SOE 015 Sociology of Marginalized Communities 1 tkr O;oLFkk vkf.k vLi`”;rk ;kae/khy lglac/a k Li’V djkfdaok 2 Vhik fygk % 1½ lhekafrd leqgkP;k leL;k 2½ vkj{k.k /kksj.k vkf.k lhekafrd leqg1 Explain the Corelation between Caste System and Untouchability . OR 2 Write Short Notes : 1) Problems of Marginalized Community. 2) Reservation Policy and Marginalized Community. M.A. Part I Sociology Sem II SOE 016 Sociology of Religion 1 laiznk; Eg.kts dk; \ Hkkjrkrhy lkaiznkf;d r.kkokph dkj.ks Li’V djkfdaok 2 ckS/n /kekZpk lkekftd bfrgkl vkf.k lkekftd rRoKku Li’V djk1 What is Communalism? Explain the causes of communal tension in India. OR 2 Explain the social history and social Philosophy of Buddhism. SOE 017 Political Sociology 1 jktdh; lekt”kkL=kps Lo:i o O;kIrh Li’V djkfdaok 2 jktdh; lekt”kkL=krhy fofo/k izdkjps lSn~/kkafrd n`’Vhdksu Li’V djk1 Explain the nature and Scope of Political Sociology. OR 2 Explain the different types of theoretical approaches in Political Sociology. SOE 018 Sociology of Communication 1 laKkiu o tulaKkiu ;kaP;krhy Qjd] ekfgrh lektkP;k oSf”k’V;kaph ppkZ djkfdaok 2 yksd ek/;e o tulaidZ ek/;es ;kaP;krhy Qjd Li’V djk1 Explain the difference between Communication and Mass Communication Discuss the Characteristics of Information Society. OR 2 Explain the difference between folk media and mass media. SOE 019 Criminology 1 xqUg;kaP;k dkj.kakps Li’Vhdj.k ns.kkjk lekt”kkL=h; n`’Vhdksu Li’V djkfdaok 2 ika<jis”kh; xqUgsxkjhoj lfoLrji.ks fygk1 Explain sociological perspective on crime causation. OR 2 Write in detail about white collar crime. M.A. Part I Sociology Sem II SOE 020 Social Marketing 1 Lkekftd foi.ku ladYiuk FkksMD;kr Li’V djk- O;kolkf;d foi.ku vkf.k lkekftd foi.ku Qjd Li’V djk- fdaok 2 vkjksX; dkGth foi.ku lanHkkZr ‘4C’ foi.ku feJ.k FkksMD;kr o.kZu djk1 Explain the concept of Social Marketing. Discuss the difference between commercial marketing and social marketing. OR 2 Describe the marketing mix i. e. 4 Cs in the context of healthcare marketing. M.A. Part I Philosophy Sem II Assignment Question ,e,e- ,- Hkkx 1 rRoKku Lok/;k; iz”u l= 2 ¼izR;sd iz”ukl 20 xq.k ½ Paper II Metaphysics ( Indian) 1 oS”ksf’kd erkuqlkj inkFkkZps oxhZdj.k Li’V djkqH$dm 2 izfrR;&leqRikn fl/nkrkaps Li’Vhdj.k djk1 Explain the classification of Padarthas according to Vaisesika. OR 2 Explain the Doctrine of Pratitya Samutpada Paper IV Moral Philosophy Part II 1 LVhOgUlpk Hkkofudrkoknh fl/nkar lkaxuw R;kps ijh{k.k djkqH$dm 2 gsvjP;k vf/kfurh”kkL=h; vkns”koknkps ijh{k.k djk 1 State and examine Stevenson’s Emotive theory OR 2 Explain Hare’s Meta ethical Theory of Prescriptivism Paper VI Basic Concepts in Political Philosophy Part II 1 yksd”kkghpk vFkZ] Lo#i vkf.k vk/kkjrRos lfoLrj Li’V djkqH$dm 2 gDd vkf.k drZO;s ;kaps vFkZ lkaxk] Hkkjrh; lafo/kkukuwlkj ewyHkwr gDdklac/kh ppkZ djk1 Explain fully the meaning, nature and foundation of Democracy. OR 2 What is the meaning of Rights and Duties ? Discuss the Fundamental Rights according to the Constitution of India M.A. Part I Philosophy Sem II Modern Indian Philosophers Part II 1 jfoanzukFk Vkxksjkpas fulxZ vkf.k dyk fo’k;d fopkj lkaxkqH$dm a djkaP;k rRoKkukrhy lerk vkf.k ca/kqHkko ;kaps LFkku fo”kn 2 MkW ckcklkgsc vkcsM djk1 Give Ravindranath Tagore’s views on Nature and Art. OR 2 Explain the role of Equality and Fraternity in the Philosophy of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. Paper VIII Yoga Darshan 1 fpRrHkweh Eg.kts dk; \ fpRrHkwehps fofo/k Hkkx Li’V djkqH$dm 2 ;ksx n”kZukrhy bZ”ojkps LFkku Li’V djk1 What is Chittabhumi ? Explain Various Parts of Chittabhumi. OR 2 Discuss the role of god in Yoga Philosophy. Vedant Darshan Part II 1 fuckadkZpk;kZph tho ladYiuk Li’V djkqH$dm 2 jkekuqtkpk;kZph Kku miiRrh Li’V djk1 Explain Nimbarkacharyas concept of Jiva OR 2 Explain the Ramanuja’s Theory of Knowledge
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