Pre-conference training during the Uganda Evaluation Week 2014: Training on Impact-Oriented M&E May, 2014 Uganda Trainers: Dr. Felipe Isidor-Serrano Christina Stern 2 Results-Based Management Background - why more Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) and Results Based Management (RBM) in many countries? Improved planning Improved learning processes (“not reinventing the wheel”) Improved performance based decision making (“no blindfold policy making”) What has been done? Many conferences took place and many agreements have been made that led to more RBM and M&E Marrakesh 2004 (Managing for Development Results), Paris 2005 (Declaration on Development Effectiveness), Hanoi 2007 (Managing for Development Results), Accra 2008 (Accra Agenda for Action), Busan 2011 3 Results-Based Management RBM is a management strategy aimed at achieving important changes in the way institutions operate, with improving performance at different levels. RBM is …about planning Mark Twain: “After having lost our targets we doubled our efforts” ...implementation ...monitoring and evaluation Bill Gates: “Success depends on knowing what works.” 4 Results-Based Management Implementation (deadlines, efficiency and effectiveness through lessons learnt, team work, etc.) Planning (objectives & goals, resources) 5 Awareness, understanding, acceptance (leadership, ownership, motivation,…) Feedback (focus on performance and results) Monitoring & Evaluation M&E frameworks and tools, data/information management Results-Based Management What is results orientation?: Focus not only on what has been done (activities) or produced (outputs) but also on changes and benefits regarding attitudes, awareness, understanding and behaviour (outcomes and impacts) Example: ? Hiring a consultant Behavioural change Providing good services ? 6 ? Clients‘ performance improved Practical Exercise: 1-2-3 Monitoring vs. evaluation vs. impact evaluation • 7 Results-Based Management Definition of Monitoring: Monitoring is a continuing function of observing and assessing to provide management and the main stakeholders of an on-going intervention with indications of the extent of progress and achievement of objectives and progress in the use of allocated funds 8 Results-Based Management Components of a monitoring framework: Logic Model (Results) Monitoring Framework Data Management Specifications 9 Indicators and Targets Results-Based Management Definition of Evaluation: Evaluation is an assessment of on-going or completed projects, programmes or policies. Evaluations should be conducted as systematically and objectively as possible by applying certain principles and criteria. It refers to design, implementation and outcome. 10 Results-Based Management Definition of Impact-Evaluation: Impact evaluation is intended to determine whether the program had the desired effects on individuals, households, and institutions and whether those effects are attributable to the program intervention. To do so, it is necessary to net out the effect of the intervention from other factors. 11 12 Impact-Oriented Monitoring Why are different levels of results needed? … to avoid a black box scenario (where nobody knows why certain results have been achieved) … to be able to systematically track results that occur at different points in time …to align results of projects and programmes with higher level results 13 Impact-Oriented Monitoring 1 Goals/Impact Contribution at large 2 Objectives/Outcome Benefits, changes, behaviour… Use of the goods and/or services 3 Deliverables/Outputs Good and/or services . Impact-Oriented Monitoring How to formulate objectives and goals? Increased.... Improved... Advanced... Effective... Better... ... Objectives and goals are to be formulated in a way that it expresses an achievement (emphasis on results not processes) 15 Impact-Oriented Monitoring Different levels of results Impact 2 Impact Impact 1 Outcome 1 Outcome 3 Outcome Outcome 3 Output 4 Output 3 Output Output 2 Output 1 Impact-Oriented Monitoring Different stakeholders Impact A1 Impact B1 Outcome A3 Outcome B3 Output A1 Output B1 Output A2 Output B1 Stakeholder A Stakeholder B Practical Exercise: Theory of Change • Please formulate a possible results chain for an intervention in the education sector aiming at increasing youth employment. Impact Outcome Output A1 Output A2 Intervention/Stakeholder 18 19 Impact-Oriented Monitoring How can we measure our results? Operationalised descriptions of desired results Variables that provide a measure to what extent results are achieved at a certain point in time In simple words: Indicators make results measurable Important: Stakeholders should have a common understanding on how to interpret the results 20 Impact-Oriented Monitoring Indicators must be SMART... Specific The indicators identified should be a true reflection of the desired achievement. • Do the indicators really reflect the objective? • Are more indicators required to reflect the objective? • If the indicators are measured by different persons, would they probably come to the same result? Measurable The indicators identified must be measurable. • Are the indicators assessable? • Are data to measure the indicators accessible? • Is the measuring unit clear (e.g. USD or EUR)? 21 Impact-Oriented Monitoring SMART Achievable The specified quantitative and qualitative target must be achievable (realistic). However, too deeply set targets of the indicators might suggest evident results, but, are of low use for the success measurement of the considered intervention. • Are in general the targets associated with the indicators achievable? Are there any benchmarks? • Are the targets realistic given the capacities and financial and human resources to implement the project/programme? Relevant The information which is produced by the indicator must deliver important information for the decision-makers. • Does the measurement of the indicators deliver important information for decision makers? • Is the indicator really necessary or can information be provided by another indicator? Timely Information must be available in time and to allow the management to take corrective action in time. • Can the indicator’s information be collected within a realistic timeframe? 22 Impact-Oriented Monitoring Formulation of indicators: Number of…(Number of training participants…) Percentage of… (20% drop out rate...) Yes/No (e.g. … is in place) Perception (e.g. 80% of interviewee indicate that…) Time/frequency (e.g. time to get a certification…) 23 Impact-Oriented Monitoring • • Compromise between accuracy and measurability Practical requirements • Political requirements • Sufficient resources for the measurement? Required measurement capacities? Same understanding of indicators among all stakeholders? Acceptance of the indicators among all stakeholders? Indirect indicators (proxies) 24 Proxies help to simplify complex indicators as they allow to draw conclusions regarding the fulfilment of indicators that are difficult to measure Practical Exercise: Indicators • Please formulate for each of your results in the results chain one indicator. Impact Outcome Impact Indicator Outcome Indicator Output Indicator Output A1 Output A2 Intervention/Stakeholder 25 Output Indicator 26 Impact-Oriented Monitoring Components of a data management process: Data Gathering Data Management Data Dissemination 27 Data Analysis Impact-Oriented Monitoring Data gathering - the main challenge Asking the right questions and applying appropriate tools (questionnaire, interview, use of secondary data, observation, etc.) Data analysis - the main challenge How to distinguish between “good” and “bad” data? Data dissemination - the main challenge How to make reporting effective and efficient? What other ways for data dissemination can be applied? Coordination is key… Impact-Oriented Monitoring Classical methods of data gathering, e.g. Questionnaires Interviews Document analysis (e.g. collection of quantitative information) Observation Tests Feedback reports from workshops, seminars, conferences, etc. Discussions at stakeholders’ and target groups’ meetings 29 Impact-Oriented Monitoring What is sampling? In the case of large target groups, representative results can be achieved via a representative sample: “A small quantity of something such as customers, data, people, products, or materials, whose characteristics represent (as accurately as possible) the entire batch, lot, population, or universe.” 30 Impact-Oriented Monitoring Biased results (survey design): Getting “good” survey results requires to ask the right questions Answers to the questions must really refer to the problem to be examined. Suggestive questions which push the interviewees in a certain direction have to be avoided. Selection bias: Undercoverage Nonresponse bias Voluntary response bias 31 Random sampling helps produce representative samples by eliminating voluntary response bias and guarding against undercoverage bias Impact-Oriented Monitoring Crucial questions when analysing data: What data should be analysed? What do you need to know for management decisions? How many people/sources were questioned? What is the denominator? 32 Impact-Oriented Monitoring What is data dissemination? Data dissemination means “making data available to the information users”. It is the process of extracting (and interpreting) information from a database for reporting! 33 Impact-Oriented Monitoring Dissemination tools: Mailing lists Newsletters Websites Briefings Conferences Reports Workshops One-to-one 34 Impact-Oriented Monitoring Different forms of dissemination Basic information dissemination, such as reports Analytical information dissemination in which the significance of data is analyzed through statistical techniques – these may have the form of papers or articles, either in printed or in electronic format on the website Methodological information dissemination 35 main purpose is to quickly, efficiently and effectively inform the users about the ‘main points of the news’ setting out methods and standards used to compile statistics – these may also be in printed format or as meta-data on the website Practical Exercise: Monitoring Plan Please develop a monitoring plan for three of your indicators. 36 Impact-Oriented Monitoring General monitoring approach : 1.- Developing monitoring systems and tools 37 2.- Developing Capacities (Monitoring Unit) 3.-Institutionalise M&E (Manual) 38 Evaluation Criteria Definition Relevance Are we doing the right things? Effectiveness Are the objectives of the intervention being achieved? Efficiency Are the objectives being achieved economically by the development intervention? Impact Does the development intervention contribute to reaching higher level development objectives? Sustainability Are the positive effects sustainable? 39 40 Evaluation Moving away from just “assuming“ Correlations vs. causalities Often misunderstanding of what is meant with impact evaluation Only measuring the impact of the results chain or logframe? Only benefits? Outputs, outcomes and impacts? Counterfactuals: The hypothetical situation that shows what would have happened without the intervention (no before and after comparison) 41 Evaluation With and without“ as leading principles of causality identification Therefore, the before-and-after approach overestimates the results of the intervention if a general positive trend has taken place, whereas it underestimates the effect if the indicator value has decreased in the absence of the intervention 42 43 Link between Monitoring and (Impact-)Evaluation Impact Impact Relevance Effectiveness Outcomes Allocation efficiency Outputs Production efficiency Activities Inputs 44 Sustainability Link between Monitoring and (Impact-)Evaluation Efficiency 40Impact A1 30 10 OutcomeA3 10 OutcomeB330 10 OutputA2 45 10 20 OutputA1 20 10 OutputB1 10 Link between Monitoring and (Impact-)Evaluation Efficiency Impact A1 40 25 15 Outcome A3 5 Output A2 46 10 15 Output A1 Outcome B3 5 10 10 20 25 10 Output B1 10 47 Link between Monitoring and (Impact-)Evaluation Impact A1 Impact B1 Outcome A3 Outcome B3 Output A1 Output B1 Output A2 Output B1 Stakeholder A 48 Stakeholder B 49
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