THE PACE 8 Classified A d : Board Seeks More Use Of Youth Center ROOFING A METAL WORK — 'continued I rem page 1) Rex Roofing Company, Inc. HAstings 5-4265. i t completion of the building. He •aid authority as to the use of the ROOFING Reliable. Guaranteed. building retted with the village H a s t i n g s Roofing & Home Supply and the Hoard of Trustees but Co. H A s t i n g s 5-3096 for Esti- that decision WOUld only be reachmates, flt. ed by the latter a iter close examination Of the problems collwith the Recreational TYPING — Neatly and quickly ect Tied done to your order. Manuscripts r-.mir.i-isioii. Trustee Victor Zabriskie was by the page. Other work. $1.50 per hour. H A s t i n g s 5-2851. i2-8. j authorized to make a r r a n g e m e n t s for such a meeting. Trustee Za L A D I E S — A r e you preparing your j hriskie said he had made prewardroba for fall? \f alterations! Uminary study of t h e question ajid are "in order call Mary Montal- that Recreational Director Matbano, 16 Main St. HA 5-4271-R. thew Dolan had prepared a chart showing that youth and recreaSIGNS A TRUCK LETTERING tional activities would need all HAstings &-SM7-S available facilities. W e r n e r — Sign A r t i s t Village Manager Sidney S. FrisFOH SNT— One or two l a r g e ! «*» said t n a t completion of the sunny rooms, adjoining bath. Con-1 remaining unfinished space in the venient to station and village. building would cost the village be Gentleman commutor or commit- tween $6,000 and $8,000. Trustee Zabriskie said he believed the figtors. H A - 5-0809-W. ure would run over $10,000. FOR SALE—Modern 6-room Cape Tn the meantime plans have Cod house - large lot. Ravensdale. been made to cover the outside of H A s t i n g s 5-5536. the building to prevent deterioration of the structure. LOST— On Sunday - Gold Broach (Arrow) containing diamond. Reward. HAstings 5-5292. FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1951 HASTINGS NEWS Co-Chairman Inc., T a r r y t o w n , N. Y., Captain Roy Delanoy, American L a F r a n e e I (550 Gallon Pumper, Lnrchmont I < ' J Jk Drum Corp. Second Division •- Assemble on J a m e s Street. chief Pari Prows, Marshall; Captain T h o m a s Coyle, Aide; Captain Donald Wat emus, Aide. Willard H. Mase Hook & Dad dor Co. No. 1. Beacon. N. Y., Capl Vincent Ronianelll, Mack Truck. Chanler Drum, Pife & Bugle Corp, NO GAMBLING HERE Mayor John P. Thilly ft&l been reading the paper* of late and he notes that nmyors are being investigated in connection with gambling in the area in which they setve. Said he in effect to Police Chief John E. Donegan a' the regular meeting; of the P.uard Of Trustees, at Municipal Building, Tuesday evening. "I have no information or belief thai organized gambling is going on in Hastings. B u t If il is and you need help from thli Board In curbing it I want to know about it from you and I a m depending upon you to gi/« me such information. Chief Donegan said he had no knowledge of any gambling in the community. Peekskill Fire Police Patrol, Peekskill, N. Y., Chief Louis Cole or Asst. Chief C. Olah. Mack Emergency Truck, V. P. W. Drum & Bugle Corps of Peekskill. Riverside Hose Co. No. 4, Tarrytown, N. Y., Capt. Robert Brown, 750 Gallon Seagrave P u m per. Veterans Corps of Artillery. Columbia Hose Co. No. 2, Village of Mamaroneck, Chief G. (Continued from P a g e 1 . Perschke, Mack Pumper. Macio C A P T A I N S TEAM west on Washington Avenue to Bacon American Legion Post. the Station Plaza. Miss B a r b a r a J e a n Howe, dauNorth T a r r y t o w n Pi re Patrol, 1 The committee in charge oi the N. Y. Captain I g h t e r of Mr. and Mrs. A. Howe, anniversary celebration is Judge No. T a r r y t o w n fc'rank Lang. Chiefs Car, Ahrens j 100 E d g a r s Lane, was captain of Adolph W. Bevers, honorary Pox P a t r o l Engine, Ossining Pife the winning team, Los Gascons, chairman; P r a n k Teasdal". generDrum and Bugle Corp No. 506. while attending the Summer George Kieral chairman and Third Division — Assemble on School of French, maintained by nan, co-chairman, J a m e s Street. the N o r t h a m p t o n School for There will be five divisions in Chief William Wright. Marshall Girls, Northampton, Mass. the parade. Fire Chief P r a n c i s E. Captain Louis Ciardullo, Aide, Teasdale will be grand marshall j Captain Michael Youkon, Aide. ROYS IN CAMP with ex-Chiefs Reuben L i m e k i l - ' Rescue Hose Co. No. 1, North ler and Frederick H. Charles as A group of Hastings boys, memTarrytown, N . Y., Chief H. J. his aides. Judge Adolph W. RovFOR SALK 1937 Buick 4 door Martin Jr., 7000 GPM Ahrens box i of Scout Troop No. 32, are ers, lone surviving c h a r t e r memSedan good running condition Fox P u m p e r , T a r r y t o w n Post now a t C a m p Reid in the AdironSiarny Howard's "They Knew j ber of Protection Engine ComS275.00 Sundays. 97 Summit Drive No. 1939 Fife, Drum and Bugle dacks. Among the boys in c a m p jWhat They W a n t e d " with J. Ed- j p a n y j S honorary chairman of the are J a m e s E. Monahan, A r t h u r E. Corp. APT W A N T E D Business woman ; v v a r d Bromberg and Lee Grant I celebration and will head a moChelsea Hook & Ladder Co. No, | Schmidt, J a c k H. Schmidt, Willdesires 3 rooms. Convenient to will be presented a t the Westches- j torcade bearing veteran firemen, Stolz and Richard A. 2, Nyack, N. Y., Capt. Joseph Col- iam A. station. Box M. Hastings News tei Playhouse August 13 through Also in the lead unit will be As8-10 August 18. Although a comedy, I sistants Fire Chiefs Aresta letto, 75 foot American L a F r a n e e Stolz. Aerial. W e s t H a v e r s t r a w Fife & American litera- Aiuiaiu, Ciicti iy.s Chabot and oolui FOR SALE—Boy's 24" Schvvinn lias classic Drum Corp. Bicycle Good Condition $20.00 ture has more substance in chara- j Lynch and the Rev. George W. E. O a k h u r s t Independent Hose Co., SI LL LOT cterization, plot and structure Nicklesburg, Fire D e p a r t m e n t HA 5-4206 Oakhurst, New Jersey. Chief Approval of the sale of one than the usual summer theatre chaplain. Richard Wroncey, Mack Quad. town owned lot on Bouthgate F O R S A L E — 1 Hot w a t e r radia-! fare. The P a r a d e formation for the Monitor Hose Co. No. 4, Os^in- Avenue w a s voted by the Board of tor. 1 Show Case, 1 Carbonator. This play, first produced at the 75th Anniversary parade w a s anCall H A s t i n g s 5-5238. JGarriek Theatre in 1924, concerns nounced by Chief Francis E, Teas- ing. N. Y., Captain William Fitz- Trustees at the Municipal Build— ; — ; a sixty year old Italian immigrant, j dale, Sr.. Grand Marshall a s fol- gerald, 750 Gallon American La- j m g j Tuesday evening, to Fran'.* P. France, Edmund C. Genet, V.F.W. and Julia Eisinger, 31 Kent Ave., BE O F R CLUB S E C R E T A R Y - - j T o n V t ' w h o i s m a k i n g many Amer- lows: Drum Corp. No. 1041. earn $36 in valuable merchandise ^ ^ ^ ^ v i n e v a r d in for $210. from Escort Division - Assemble a v. E x e m p t F i r e m e n ' s Benevolent Asof your choice. Fun and add pro-1 N a p p a VaUey of California. High St. and Broadway sociation, Yonkers, N. Y., William fit for you, excellent valves Pl"^ j Y e s , it was in the davs of ProhPolice Escort. Guest Color free premiums for your members. b i U o n A l Q n g w R h ftis n e w l y a c . Guard V. F. W. Post No. 200. R a m a g e , H a n d Drawn P u m p e r . Our new giant c a t a l o g - j u s t off m).^(] , l e s i r c U) F o u r t h Divisino — Assemble on wp,,nh r o m e s a H a stings-on-Hudson. N. Y.. Post the p r e s s - s h o w s and desi ibes marry and his choice is Amy, a No. 93 American Legion Band, Rose Street. more t h a n 500 nationally adver- waitress in a San Franciaco spa- Portchcster, N. Y. Chief William Ramsey, Marshtised products. A wonderful, easy ghetti house. She consents to the F r a n c i s T. Teasdale Sr., Chief. all. Captain John Fredericks, Aide way to buy Christmas gifts for the j marriage under the impression I Grand Marshall; Chief Reuben Captain A d a m Straub, Aide. ; Croton-on-Hudson Fire DepartI T , , T . that Tony is a handsome young j Limekiller, and Cheif Frederick H. service, satisfaction absolutely fellow, for old Tony has sent her Charles, Marshall's Aides; A. W. ment, C' ,uon-on-Hud s on, N. Y.. guaranteed. Write today for your a picture of his overseer, Joe. Un- Severs, Honorary C h a i r m a n ; fol- Chief A n t h o n y Manzi. Hook and free catalog and full information. fottunately, Tony breaks his legs towed by Motorcade; P o r t Ewen Ladder and E m e r g e n c y Relief Richard Williams, GOODWIN the day of the wedding. The "ere- p i Squad Truck, Peekskill American r o D e p t . Pife, Drum and Bugle CLUBS, INC.. 8 Catharine St.. lr.ony with all the music, wine and Corps; Kastings-on-Hudson Fire Legion Drum & Bugle Corp. Utica. N. Y. E m e r g e n c y Relief Squad, Ladies dancing proceeds while Tony Department Color Guard; Aresta ... . — Auxiliary. New Hyde P a r k , N. Y., watches from his bed. Tony is Aluisio, Assistant Chief; Charles R E T U R N HOME Louis Horwath, Rescue eventually faced with the prob- Chabot. Assistant Chief, John Chief Mr. and Mrs. William H. Switlem of deciding between losing his Lynch, Assistant Chief; Rev. Geo. Truck and Pumper. zer and son Barry of Cochrane Pearl River F i r e P e p t . Ladies Amy who has come to love him W. E. Niekelsburg, F i r e DepartAvenue have returned by plane Auxiliary, Pearl River, N. Y. o: accepting Joe's child as his ment Chaplain; from 3 weeks in Bermuda. own. Protection Engine Co. .No. 1; Chief George Bartels, Hook ft Uniontown Hose Co. No. 2; Riv- Ladder and ^hamper, Walden Fife erview Manor Hnse Co. No. 3; and Drum Corp. Goldens Bridge Fire DepartHook & Ladder Co. No. 1; Laelic s Auxiliary of Protection Engine ment, Golden? Bridge, N . Y.. AsCo. No. 1, followed by H a s t m g s - sistant Chief W. A. Hull. Fairview Engine Co., Ladles Charles R. Oliver, sixty-nine, on-Hudson Fire D e p a r t m e n t apLadies Auxiliary. Fnirview, N. Y., general credit m a n a g e r of West- paratus. ONE-PIECE Chief Thomas D'auria, Ahrens Inghouse Supply Company, a subFirs* Division — Assemble or, Pox Quad. Aerial, Valhalla Fire ,i Westinghouse Electric High Street. and 10-»lad« «• ipany" died Tuesday in his Chief George E; Dale, Marshall; Dent. Fife * Drum Corp. GILLETTE Fifth Division -- \ s s e m b l e on home at Rochester. Captain Joseph Bless, Aide; CapDISPENSE* Prince Street, Mr. Oliver lived at 27 Da-win tain Willard Oremus, Aide. Captain William J. Cattell MarThe visiting fire companies are Avenue. H a s t i n g ! for 20 years unshall. Captain F r a n k BankowitS, til November when he moved to j listed, followed by town. Chief ^ S L S O VAlUtj ; IBM Rochester. He liad previously hved of Company, type ot (equipment in A <!e, Captain Edward Rohrback. ir Boston, Mat*, He was a m^m-1 parade and Company's escort Aide. Dobbs P e r r y Fire Dept., Dot bs ber of Hastings Lodge, F r e e and band. Accepted Masons. Cortlandt , Hook ft Ladder Ferry, N. Y. Chief T. Buckley. Besides his wife he leaves a son, Peekskill. N. Y.. Captain Robert 100 foot American L a F r a n e e AerGeorge Oliver of Oklahoma City Brooks, 86 foot Seagrave Aerial, ial and 1000 GPM Pumper, Dobbs 0i F e r r y American Legion Fife and and two daughters, Mrs. Stephen St. Casimir Drum Corps. S. W. Johnson Engine Co. No. 2. Drum Corp. E. Dunn of Grand Rapids. Mich. B E A F T Y SALON North W h i ' e Plan-is Fire Co and Mrs. Muriel Bryans of R «ih- Wappinger Falls. N. Y.. Marshall No other charges! Specialists in No 1. Inc.. White Plains, N. V . Joseph Burnett, Mack Pumper, er. « Hair Tinting No insurance required! Capt. Nicholas Caruso, Ward LaDanbury H a t t c s Drum Corps. % Permanent Waving (For your own protection, you may Silver Beach Volunteer F i r e Co. F r a n e e Pumper. IN CAMP want Insurance. Place ft with your 373 WARIH RTON AVENI E Irvtngton Fire Dept., Irvtngton, Pronx. N. Y., Chief John J. SheeMichael Howard, son of Mr and own agent—ond well finance the v Mrs. Hartley Howard of EtferM rin, Combination Hose & Chemi- N. Y.. Chief W. A. Rogers. MadPremium.) Ladder Truck. Peekskill Drum cal Truck. No. 1 Trolley at Olenuood Avenue is a t Camp at FriendsCon-'.i'x'ated Engine Co. No. 1 Corp. ^ vllle, P a . Village Welcomes Visiting Firemen Bromberg Coming To Playhouse Why pay more ? NOW... Now S h a v i n g ' s I — [ Qvi{ker*„ Easier! I Charles R. Oliver if costs only $4 ffwf/effel * Pies In Rochester per $ 100 per year to finance a NEW CAR at COUNTY TRUST WE HAVE MOVED! ZITO'S Onkcrs 5 5930 Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
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