EUROPEAN PROPERTY STRATEGY NV SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014 FUND STRUCTURE EUROPEAN PROPERTY STRATEGY NV Clients > EUR 2 million Clients < EUR 2 million RFM Regulated Fund Management BV Manager (Dutch Financial Markets Supervision Act Section 2:65) Stichting EPS Board of management RFM Regulated Fund Management BV European Property Strategy NV Board of management RFM Regulated Fund Management BV Advisory Board EPS investment I BV EPS investment II BV CBRE Retail Property Fund France Belgium CBRE Nordic Property Fund CBRE Dutch Retail Fund DRET Development Fund DRES Development Fund CBRE UK Property Fund CBRE European Industrial Fund CBRE Dutch Residential Fund CBRE European Shopping Centre Fund CBRE Retail Property Fund Ibérica CBRE Property Fund Central Europe CBRE Property Fund Central and Eastern Europe CBRE European Office Fund RFM Regulated Fund Management BV WTC Schiphol G-Tower, 7th Floor Schiphol Boulevard 281 1118 BH Schiphol The Netherlands Ownership Management agreement P.O. Box 75620 1118 ZR Schiphol The Netherlands T +31 (0) 20 202 2200 F +31 (0) 20 202 2201 E [email protected] I An initiative of CBRE Global Investors Cover Prague, Czech Republic TABLE OF CONTENTS SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014 EUROPEAN PROPERTY STRATEGY NV REPORT OF THE MANAGER .............................................................................................................................. 5 FUND FACT SHEET ................................................................................................................................................. 5 MANAGEMENT REPORT ......................................................................................................................................... 6 INREV ................................................................................................................................................................... 13 HISTORICAL PERFORMANCE ................................................................................................................................ 14 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH IFRS-EU .................................................... 15 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES EPS .......... 24 APPENDIX 1: GUIDELINES AND REGULATIONS................................................................................................ 29 APPENDIX 2: ADMINISTRATION ...................................................................................................................... 31 This report consists of the consolidated financial statements in accordance with IFRS-EU and the consolidated financial statements in accordance with the Accounting Principles EPS. The figures in these reports have not been audited by an external auditor. IMPORTANT INFORMATION This report has been produced by RFM Regulated Fund Management BV and has been prepared solely for information purposes and is intended for the use and the assistance of existing investors in European Property Strategy NV only. This report does not purport to be a complete description of the markets, developments or securities referred to in this report. The value of an investment can go down as well as up. Past performance is not a guide or guarantee to future performance. Acceptance and/or use of any of the information contained in this report indicate the recipient’s agreement not to disclose any of the information contained herein. CBRE Global Investors and its affiliates accept no liability whatsoever for any direct, consequential or indirect loss of any kind arising out of the use of this report or any part of its contents. This report does not constitute any form of representation or warranty on the part of CBRE Global Investors, an investment advice, or a recommendation, or an offer or solicitation, and is not the basis for any contract to purchase or sell any security, property or other instrument, or for CBRE Global Investors to enter or arrange any type of transaction. RFM Regulated Fund Management BV (“The Manager”) is licensed as an alternative investment fund manager in the Netherlands, pursuant to section 2:65 et seq. of the Dutch Financial Markets Supervision Act (Wet op het financieel toezicht). The Manager is therefore subject to conduct supervision (gedragstoezicht) by the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (Autoriteit Financiële Markten) and to prudential supervision (prudentieel toezicht) by the Dutch Central Bank (De Nederlandsche Bank). This report should not be regarded as a substitute for the exercise by the recipient of its, his or her own judgment. EUROPEAN PROPERTY STRATEGY NV | SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 3 FIGURE 1 LOCATION OF INVESTMENTS 4 | SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | EUROPEAN PROPERTY STRATEGY NV REPORT OF THE MANAGER FUND FACT SHEET 30 JUNE 2014 The following figures are based on the Financial Statements in accordance with the Accounting Principles EPS 1. (Amounts in € ‘000, unless otherwise indicated and based on the Accounting Principles EPS)2 General fund information Structure Investment strategy Fund domicile Fund inception date Fund maturity date Size Number of shareholders Countries of investment Property types Key portfolio metric s Limited Liability Company (NV) Open-end The Netherlands 21 June 2010 Indefinite Uncapped 11 Pan-European All sectors Portfolio ac tivity Number of Amount of Number of Amount of Income distributions received Changes in fair value investments Occupancy rate portfolio target funds acquisitions acquisitions dispositions / capital repayments dispositions / capital repayments 4 12,196 2 2,055 1 2,251 Shareholders c apital % Loan-to-value ratio (EPS level) Loan-to-value ratio (including debt at target fund level) Maximum leverage (including debt at target fund level) Ongoing charges ratio Ongoing charges ratio (including management costs) Payout ratio of distributable result NAV per share 11 206,476 3,004 4,058 93.3% Financ ial ratios Number of commitments to target funds Commitments to target funds 0.0 38.2 50.0 0.03 0.57 76.34 2 Capital committed 271,675 EPS Share Price 567.11 Capital contributed Capital undrawn Dividend distributions Capital distributions Total distributions Net asset value 238,325 33,350 13,831 13,831 236,176 IFRS-EU NAV Repurchase Price EPS NAV based upon INREV NAV target funds 570.26 549.89 568.35 Five largest investments CBRE CBRE CBRE CBRE CBRE 1 Number of target funds invested in Fair value investments in target funds on balance European Shopping Centre Fund European Industrial Fund Dutch Residential Fund Dutch Retail Fund Retail Property Fund France Belgium Alloc ated c apital 29,147 26,923 26,489 24,126 22,446 129,131 Ca sh a nd c a sh e quiva le nts Alloc ated c apital Cash to adhere minimum liquidity of 10% Cash earmarked for dividend distrbution Cash earmarked for investments 25,896 1,949 2,000 29,845 % 14.0 13.0 12.7 11.6 10.8 62.1 % 11.0 0.8 0.8 12.6 Number of shares as at the end of the period Average number of shares during the period Fund alloc ation Convenant 416,452 416,452 Ac tual % A sset t yp e a l l oca t i on Retail Logistics Residential Office Other G eog ra p h i ca l a l l oca t i on max 75% max 30% max 30% max 40% max 5% 61 17 14 7 1 Western Europe Central & Eastern Europe Southern Europe Nordics United Kingdom Germany & Austria max 75% max 30% max 25% max 30% max 25% max 25% 49 13 12 11 10 5 The Accounting Principles EPS are based on IFRS-EU and adjusted with discounts received / premiums paid on investments in target funds and/or acquisition costs in order to better reflect the fair value of the investments of the Fund. For more information please refer to the Financial Statements in accordance with the Accounting Principles EPS. 2 Amounts expressed in whole €. EUROPEAN PROPERTY STRATEGY NV | SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 5 REPORT OF THE MANAGER MANAGEMENT REPORT INTRODUCTION We are pleased to provide you with the semi-annual report 2014 of European Property Strategy NV (‘the Fund’). Following the improving confidence in the European property market, the Fund yielded a return of 3.1% based on the Accounting Principles EPS1 in the first half of 2014. The regained confidence in European property that picked in the second half of 2013 continued into 2014. In addition to the north western parts of Europe, a sentiment improvement towards southern Europe could be seen. Due to the fact that macro-economic fundamentals seem to have stabilised in large parts of Europe, capital flows find their way to Europe again. The recovery however is fragile. Current geo-political tensions in eastern Europe and the Middle East may lead to renewed uncertainty in the market. INVESTMENTS The portfolio as at 30 June 2014 consisted of investments in eleven target funds amounting to EUR 206.5 million. The regional allocation is focused on northern and western Europe (including the United Kingdom). Retail is the dominant property sector. These markets have proven to be the most resilient. However, in southern Europe the current market developments created momentum for reinvesting in this region. During the first half of 2014 the Fund made investments in CBRE Retail Property Fund Ibérica and CBRE Property Fund Central Europe totalling EUR 12.2 million. Furthermore the Fund paid the remaining commitment amounting to EUR 7.7 million to CBRE European Shopping Centre Fund and received a EUR 2.1 million capital repayment from CBRE European Office Fund. In addition the Fund committed itself to an EUR 2.3 million investment in CBRE European Industrial Fund reinvesting the repayment of CBRE European Office Fund. RETURNS AND CAPITAL In the first half of 2014, the Fund realised a total return of 3.1% based on the Accounting Principles EPS. The Fund distributed 1.0% as dividend to the investors and capital increased by 2.1% mainly as a result of positive revaluations within the target funds. Seven out of eleven target funds distributed income. Four target funds saw a decrease in value in the first two quarters of 2014, which was fully offset by capital growth in the seven other funds. The total distributed dividend of the Fund amounted to EUR 2.3 million during the first half of 2014. This equals EUR 5.55 per share. The Fund‘s NAV grew to EUR 236.2 million. In the reporting period the Fund raised EUR 33.4 million of additional capital commitments from existing and new investors, which will lead to an issue of shares in the third quarter. 1 The Accounting Principles EPS are based on IFRS-EU, adjusted with discounts received / premiums paid on investments in target funds and/or acquisition costs in order to better reflect the fair value of the investments of the Fund. For more information please be referred to the Financial Statements in accordance with the Accounting Principles EPS. 6 | SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | EUROPEAN PROPERTY STRATEGY NV REPORT OF THE MANAGER PERFORMANCE The following figures are based on the Financial Statements in accordance with the Accounting Principles EPS. RETURN AND CAPITAL The net result of the Fund amounted to EUR 7.1 million in the first half of 2014 (first half of 2013: EUR 0.8 million) representing a total return on equity of 3.1% (first half of 2013: 0.4%) and corresponding to a net result per share of EUR 16.99 (first half of 2013: EUR 2.26). The breakdown of the individual return components is set out in the figure below. FIGURE 2 BREAK DOWN OF TOTAL RETURN The distributed dividends to the shareholders of the Fund amounted to EUR 2.3 million (first half of 2013: EUR 2.0 million). This is equal to EUR 5.55 per share (first half of 2013: EUR 5.59). In line with the dividend policy of the Fund the distributable result of the second quarter amounting to EUR 1.9 million (EUR 4.68 per share) was distributed in August 2014. The NAV of the Fund increased to EUR 236.2 million as at 30 June 2014 (31 December 2013: EUR 231.4 million), mainly as a consequence of received income distributions, dividend distributions and capital growth of the investment portfolio. The net asset value per share (EPS Share Price) increased to EUR 567.11 as at 30 June 2014 (31 December 2013: EUR 555.68). The IRR since inception of the Fund was 2.7% as at 30 June 2014 (as at 31 December 2013: 2.3%). For a total performance overview please refer to the historical performance overview. INCOME DISTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED The Fund received income distribution from investments in target funds amounting to EUR 3.0 million (first half of 2013: EUR 1.7 million) or 1.3% (first half of 2013: 0.8%). Seven out of eleven funds made income distributions to the Fund during the first two quarters of 2014. It is expected that more target funds will make income distributions during the second half of 2014. FAIR VALUE CHANGES INVESTMENTS During the first half of 2014 the fair value changes net of income distributions (1.8%) of the investments amounted to EUR 4.0 million (first half of 2013: EUR -1.1 million). The fair value changes are composed of the following elements: capital increase investments (net of income distributions) of EUR 2.7 million (first half of 2013: EUR -1.2 million); and discounts received on acquisitions of EUR 1.3 million (first half of 2013: EUR 0.1 million). The remaining discounts received at the end of June 2014 amounted to EUR 1.4 million. These discounts received will be amortised during 2014-2015. EUROPEAN PROPERTY STRATEGY NV | SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 7 REPORT OF THE MANAGER FINANCE RESULT The total finance result in the financial reporting period amounted to EUR 0.1 million (first half of 2013: EUR 0.3 million). The finance result relates to the interest income on savings and cash deposits and the FX-result on cash in foreign currency. The Fund has spread its deposits and savings over several banks (ABN AMRO, Barclays, Handelsbanken and ING). OPERATING EXPENSES The operational expenses (0.04%) amounted to EUR 91,000 (first half of 2013: EUR 82,000) and consist of direct fund expenses of EUR 60,000 (first half of 2013: EUR 51,000) and acquisition expenses of EUR 31,000 (first half of 2013: EUR 31,000). The direct fund expenses are composed of professional services provided by auditors, legal and tax advisors, costs for supervision and reporting costs. The acquisition expenses consist of establishment fees and expenses for professional services provided by legal, tax and other advisors and are amortised over a five year period. TAXES The Fund itself is tax exempt and has a zero tax burden. Two entities in the Fund structure (EPS Investment I BV and EPS Investment II BV) are subject to corporate income tax charges. The (minimum) tax rate for these entities is 20%. PORTFOLIO HIGHLIGHTS The first half of 2014 continued the positive trend that set in after the summer of 2013. Regained confidence in capital markets drove a recovery of prime property values and created liquidity in the market. The Fund benefitted from the improved market sentiment. On the investment side the Manager selected and successfully added four investments in two target funds to the portfolio with the aim to improve the Fund’s regional diversification, distribution potential and future value growth. Additionally, the Fund committed itself to one investment and is assessing two further investments. TABLE 1 FUND INVESTMENT OVERVIEW Fund CBRE CBRE CBRE CBRE CBRE CBRE CBRE CBRE CBRE CBRE CBRE Retail Property Fund France Belgium Nordic Property Fund Dutch Retail Fund UK Property Fund European Industrial Fund Dutch Residential Fund European Shopping Centre Fund Retail Property Fund Ibérica Property Fund Central Europe Property Fund Central and Eastern Europe European Office Fund Value as at 30 June 2014 € million 22.5 16.0 24.1 21.8 26.9 26.5 29.2 14.6 10.5 12.4 3.4 Share in Fund portfolio % 10.8 7.7 11.6 10.5 13.0 12.7 14.0 7.0 5.1 6.0 1.6 Stake in target fund % 3.7 5.4 2.3 3.5 10.4 2.5 9.0 2.7 2.5 5.0 5.4 Sector Region Retail Balanced Retail Balanced Logistics Residential Retail Retail Retail Retail Office Western Europe Nordics Western Europe United Kingdom Balanced Western Europe Balanced Southern Europe Central & Eastern Europe Central & Eastern Europe Balanced The investment portfolio of target funds gives the Fund access to a total property portfolio of EUR 9.3 billion. All eleven target funds have invested in property, where the Fund has minority shares (ranging from 2.3% to 10.4%) in these funds. The CBRE Dutch Retail Fund has the largest portfolio with a size of EUR 1.61 billion. CBRE European Shopping Centre Fund represents the largest investment in the portfolio. Through its equity investments the Fund has gained EUR 365.1 million of property exposure. PORTFOLIO PERFORMANCE OCCUPANCY Despite last year’s positive developments on capital markets, occupier markets do not show strong improvements yet. This translates into a fairly stable occupancy rate of 93.3% at the end of June 2014 (as at 31 December 2013: 93.4%). In the underlying target funds incremental changes, upside or downside, can be seen. The most notable change in occupancy is the CBRE European Office Fund, where a disposal of some well let office buildings led to a decrease of occupancy to 80% at fund level. 8 | SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | EUROPEAN PROPERTY STRATEGY NV REPORT OF THE MANAGER DIVERSIFICATION The Fund aims to offer its clients a diversified pan-European exposure. To realise an optimised exposure, the Fund pursues an allocation strategy over sectors and regions. The Fund has a balanced exposure to the four main property sectors: retail, offices, residential and logistics. In terms of weight, the Fund remains primarily exposed to the retail sector. In addition to retail the Fund also strives for a strong exposure to logistics because of its high income component. For 2014, the Manager will maintain the Fund’s current sector profile provided that the Manager will explore the possibilities to add some office investments based on an improved sentiment. The sector allocation of the investments at the end of June 2014 is set out below. FIGURE 3 SECTOR ALLOCATION The Fund’s portfolio is located in fifteen countries in Europe, covering all major European property markets. Within Europe the portfolio is concentrated in “the core area” of Europe: western Europe, the Nordics and the United Kingdom. As in the sector approach, the Fund aims at exposure to countries with a stable risk profile and solid outlook. In the second quarter of 2014 the Fund increased its exposure to southern and central Europe through investments in the CBRE Retail Property Fund Ibérica and CBRE Property Fund Central Europe. The country allocation of the investments at the end of June 2014 is set out below. FIGURE 4 COUNTRY ALLOCATION EUROPEAN PROPERTY STRATEGY NV | SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 9 REPORT OF THE MANAGER LEVERAGE The loan-to-value (’LTV’) ratio including debt at target fund level was 38.2% (as at 31 December 2013: 37.4%). The LTV ratio increased following the investments of cash assets into target funds. When adding new investments the impact on the Fund’s LTV ratio will be closely monitored and the Fund will in principal select target funds with healthy capital structures, including LTV ratios below 50%. The Fund had no external debt at Fund level. Most target funds have attracted external debt for return enhancing purposes. PORTFOLIO ADDITIONS / CHANGES ACQUISITIONS In the first half of 2014 the Fund made five investments in target funds of which the investment in CBRE European Shopping Centre Fund was the last capital call of an outstanding commitment. The investment in the CBRE Retail Property Fund Ibérica was done through a series of pre-emptions on proposed transfers between other Limited Partners. The investment in CBRE Property Fund Central Europe was a secondary trade with a liquidity discount. All acquisitions fit within the key parameters of the Fund’s investment strategy in terms of distribution potential, solid capital structure and stabilised values. The investments, except for CBRE Retail Property Fund Ibérica, were in line with the Fund’s investment strategy and the Investment Plan. CBRE Retail Property Fund Ibérica was added to the portfolio anticipating the improving fundamentals for the Iberian peninsula. TABLE 2 ACQUISITIONS Fund Admission CBRE Property Fund Central Europe CBRE European Shopping Centre Fund CBRE Retail Property Fund Iberica CBRE Retail Property Fund Iberica CBRE Retail Property Fund Iberica June 2014 May 2014 April 2014 May 2014 May 2014 Type Original invested amount € million Transfer 5.0 Capital call 7.7 Transfer 0.4 Transfer 6.2 Transfer 0.6 COMMITMENTS At the beginning of the third quarter, the Fund committed itself to an additional investment in CBRE European Industrial Fund for EUR 2.3 million. With this commitment the Fund was fully invested during the second quarter. This commitment is expected to materialise during the third quarter of this year. In addition the Fund is negotiating further investments to invest new inflow and to stay optimally exposed to the European property market. The Fund earmarked CBRE Pan European Core Fund as a pipeline target fund, which materialisation is still subject to the approval of the Funds’ investors. The commitments are presented in the table below. TABLE 3 COMMITMENTS Fund Commitment € million 2.3 CBRE European Industrial Fund (TARGETED) DISPOSITIONS / CAPITAL REPAYMENTS No disposals were made in the first half of 2014. The investors in CBRE European Office Fund and CBRE Nordic Property Fund have approved their respective exit strategies by means of an orderly disposal of the target fund’s assets. Backed by the increased liquidity in the European property market, CBRE European Office Fund is successfully selling its properties at or above foreseen sales values which resulted in two consecutive capital repayments. The proceeds of divestment proceeds of CBRE European Office Fund have been recommitted to CBRE European Industrial Fund. CBRE Nordic Property has just started preparation of certain disposals. Discussions on the future of CBRE Retail Property Fund Ibérica and CBRE Retail Property Fund France Belgium are ongoing. The capital repayments are shown in the table below. TABLE 4 CAPITAL REPAYMENTS Fund Date Type CBRE European Office Fund CBRE European Office Fund April 2014 June 2014 Capital repayment Capital repayment 10 | SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | EUROPEAN PROPERTY STRATEGY NV Original invested amount € million 1.0 1.1 REPORT OF THE MANAGER TARGET FUND PERFORMANCE TOTAL RETURN The target funds’ return figures are generally positive and are significantly better than the 2013 return figures (a total return of 3.7% in the first half of 2014, compared to 0.5% in the first half of 2013). Target funds that generated the best performance were CBRE European Industrial Fund, CBRE Retail Property Fund Ibérica and CBRE UK Property Fund, with total returns to the Fund ranging from 8.8% to 15.1%. These return figures where attributable to improvement of market and financing conditions, but also to realised discounts on recent secondary trades and the FX-result on the investment in CBRE UK Property Fund. The two negative exceptions to the general positive trend were CBRE Dutch Retail Fund and CBRE Nordic Property Fund. CBRE Dutch Retail Fund is subject to the effects of a delayed correction of the Dutch retail market. The poorest return was from CBRE Nordic Property Fund, which also had a significant negative impact on the Fund’s return. Despite attractive conditions in the local markets, the Fund continues to be affected by underperforming properties and high LTV ratios. INCOME DISTRIBUTIONS Seven out of the eleven target funds invested in made income distributions during the first half of 2014. CBRE European Office Fund, CBRE Property Fund Central and Eastern Europe, CBRE Retail Property Fund Ibérica and CBRE Nordic Property Fund did not distribute income in the first two quarters of 2014. The total income distributions received from the target funds amounted to EUR 3.0 million (EUR 1.7 million over the same period in 2013) resulting in an income distribution received by target funds of 1.3% (compared to the first half of 2013: 0.8%). All income distributions received were passed on to the shareholders. ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENT FUND MANAGERS DIRECTIVE) On 22 July 2013, the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (“AIFMD”) had to be implemented into the national laws across the EU. As a result, both CBRE Global Investors as a manager (“the company”) and its AIFMD regulated funds in EMEA will be supervised by financial regulators. The company has applied for an AIFMD license in three jurisdictions: the Netherlands, the UK and Luxembourg. The Fund is domiciled in the Netherlands and in scope of AIFMD and will be managed by the Dutch AIFM. In the Shareholders’meeting on 26 May 2014 the Shareholders approved the related amendments to the Shareholders Agreement and the appointment of CBRE Global Investors EMEA AIFM BV as AIFMD manager and Nothern Trust as depositary Until the Dutch license is granted the Fund is still being management by RFM Regulated Fund Management BV (“RFM”). RFM has an AIFMD license granted per 22 July 2014 through the transfer of the existing AFM-license granted in 2004. Following the implementation of the AIFMD the Manager intends to terminate its current license when the AIFMD license is obtained by CBRE Global Investors. As of 1 July 2014 the Fund appointed Nothern Trust as depositary for the Fund. Nothern Trust will act as a depositary in accordance with the AIFMD. ADVISORY BOARD ACTIVITIES During the first half year the Advisory Board approved on the proposal of the Manager in writing: The additional investment in CBRE Retail Property Fund Ibérica. During the reporting period the Advisory Board had the following meetings: On 28 April 2014 at which occasion the Advisory Board unanimously approved the annual report for the year ending 31 December 2013; On 26 May 2014 an Advisory Board meeting was held to discuss the annual update of the Investment Plan. In this meeting the Advisory Board approved: The appointment of the AIFM; The amendments to the Management Agreement between RFM BV and the AIFM; The entering into the agreement between RFM BV and the AIFM; The appointment of Northern Trust as the depositary for the Fund; The amendments to the Prospectus. After 30 June 2014, the Advisory Board further approved in writing: The Investment Plan 2014-2015 as was presented by the Management Board in the Advisory Board meeting in May. EUROPEAN PROPERTY STRATEGY NV | SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 11 REPORT OF THE MANAGER MANAGEMENT OF THE FUND The Fund is managed by RFM Regulated Fund Management BV. Mr Knoester is the financial manager and Mr Jansen is the portfolio manager of the Fund. OUTLOOK The outlook for Europe is one of a slow recovery with a smaller chance of a macro-political shock than at any time in the past four years, although the current geo-political tensions in eastern Europe and the Middle East bring increased uncertainties to European economies. The Economist Intelligence Unit is forecasting annual average GDP growth of 1.3% per annum between 2014 and 2018, compared to a long-term average of 1.8%. Accordingly, this is an environment where labour markets and consumer demand will be weak and growth driven by the external sector. Against the backdrop of ongoing fiscal austerity, the region’s central banks forecast to keep monetary policy loose. The European Central Bank may well introduce a negative policy rate or quantitative easing. Other things being equal, looser monetary policy would be helpful to real estate capital markets, feeding through into easier financing conditions. That said, if the motivation for looser monetary policy is to counter the risk of deflation, there would be a potential downside risk to economic growth. For the remainder of 2014 the Manager expects the outlook to remain positive. New peaks (downside or upside) do not seem very likely at the moment, but the real impact of the increased uncertainty is not yet clear. The Manager will therefore continue to uphold its investment policy, with limited room to add investments with a higher risk profile. When adding new investments to the portfolio the Manager will select target funds with a sound cash flow profile combined with a low to moderate LTV level. From a sector perspective the Fund will remain focused on retail and simultaneously will aim at rebalancing the currently underweight residential and logistics sectors. In southern Europe current market developments and pricing created momentum for reinvesting in the region. Schiphol, the Netherlands, 28 August 2014 On behalf of European Property Strategy NV Signed by RFM Regulated Fund Management BV M. Knoester, Financial Manager T.M.R.A. Jansen, Portfolio Manager 12 | SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | EUROPEAN PROPERTY STRATEGY NV REPORT OF THE MANAGER INREV Although the Fund does not have direct real estate assets, the Fund implemented the INREV financial reporting guidelines as far as possible and reports an NAV based upon INREV NAV’s of the target funds and a TER based upon the INREV TER’s of the target funds as described below. EPS NAV BASED UPON INREV NAV TARGET FUNDS The Manager presents a net asset value of the Fund, the EPS share price, which is based upon the Accounting Principles EPS. To comply with the INREV guidelines the Fund makes adjustments to the EPS share price. In the table below the adjustments to the EPS share price are shown, based upon the INREV NAV's reported by the target funds. (Amounts in € ‘000, unless otherwise indicated) 30 June 2014 31 Dec ember 2013 NAV according to Accounting Principles EPS - Adjustment NAV specified price target funds to INREV NAV target funds - Adjustment discounts received on investments - Adjustment premiums paid on investments EPS NAV BASED ON INREV NAV INVESTMENTS 236,176 (886) 1,401 236,691 231,412 (692) 2,185 232,905 Number of shares issued 416,452 416,452 567.11 568.35 555.68 559.26 EPS share price according to Accounting Principles EPS EPS NAV based upon INREV NAV target funds per share INREV TER BASED UPON INREV TER TARGET FUNDS (Amounts in € ‘000, unless otherwise indicated) Six months ended 30 June 2014 Total management fee1 Total fund expenses2 Subtotal fund expenses and management fee 2013 C=A+B 1,278 406 1,684 976 450 1,426 Total property specific costs3 D 2,969 2,145 TOTAL EXPENSES E=C+D 4,653 3,571 Total exempt Performance fee F Average NAV4 Average GAV TER NAV TER GAV 1 Total management fee excluding the acquisition and disposal fee. 2 These are the professional services including the bank charges. 3 These are the operating costs, including the acquisition and disposal fees. 4 This is calculated over the average NAV based on Accounting Principles EPS. A B G H I C/H C/I 29 (32) 233,393 233,517 0.72% 0.72% 92 (120) 195,263 204,341 0.73% 0.70% EUROPEAN PROPERTY STRATEGY NV | SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 13 1234 REPORT OF THE MANAGER HISTORICAL PERFORMANCE 30 JUNE 2014 The following figures1 are based on the Financial Statements in accordance with the Accounting Principles EPS 2. (Amounts in €, unless otherwise indicated) Shareholders capital Period 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 LTV Net Asset Value % € '000 36.1 44.5 37.8 37.4 38.2 64,346 134,923 191,258 231,412 236,176 Number of shares 110,646 228,116 339,495 416,452 416,452 Cumulative committed capital Cumulative paid in capital Cumulative dividend distributions € € '000 € '000 € '000 581.55 591.47 563.36 555.68 567.11 62,000 131,009 195,331 238,285 271,635 62,000 131,009 195,331 238,285 238,285 3,106 7,583 11,520 13,831 Income return % 2.8 2.9 1.9 1.0 Shareholders capital Period 2014 Q1 Q2 YTD Net returns EPS Share Price LTV Net Asset Value % € '000 36.4 38.2 Movement in number of shares 232,991 236,176 - Capital growth Total return % % 4.6 1.7 (4.8) (1.4) 2.1 4.6 4.5 (1.9) 0.5 3.1 Net returns IRR Since inception % 8.7 6.0 2.9 2.3 2.7 EPS Share Price Movement in capital Dividend distributions Dividend distributions per share Income return Capital growth Total return IRR Since inception € € '000 € '000 € % % % % 559.47 567.11 - 1,232 1,079 2,311 2.96 2.59 5.55 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.7 1.4 2.1 1.2 1.9 3.1 1.9 2.4 2.2 1.3 (1.7) 0.6 3.2 0.7 2.8 2.4 2.7 Annualised performance 3 Rolling one year Rolling three years Since inception 3 1 In June 2010 the first investors entered the Fund. 2 The Accounting Principles EPS are based on IFRS-EU, adjusted with discounts received / premiums paid on investments in target funds and/or acquisition costs in order to better reflect the fair value of the investments of the Fund. For more information please refer to the Financial Statements in accordance with the Accounting Principles EPS. 3 Annualised performance figures are time weighted returns. EUROPEAN PROPERTY STRATEGY NV | SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 14 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH IFRS-EU CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION (Amounts in € ‘000, unless otherwise indicated) Notes ASSETS Non-current assets Investments at fair value through profit and loss Total non-current assets Current assets Prepayments and accrued income Cash and cash equivalents Total current assets 31 Dec ember 2014 2013 1 207,877 207,877 186,775 186,775 2 3 35 29,845 29,880 50 46,729 46,779 237,757 233,554 TOTAL ASSETS EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity Issued capital Retained earnings Total equity 4 Current liabilities Other current liabilities Total current liabilities 5 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 30 June 238,325 (838) 237,487 238,325 (4,848) 233,477 270 270 77 77 237,757 233,554 Notes 1-5 see page 20-21 EUROPEAN PROPERTY STRATEGY NV | SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 15 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH IFRS-EU CONSOLIDATED COMPREHENSIVE INCOME STATEMENT (Amounts in € ‘000, unless otherwise indicated) Notes Six months ended 30 June 2014 Income Interest income Income distribution received from investments Net foreign currency gains or losses on cash and cash equivalents Net changes in fair value of investments at fair value through profit or loss Total net income/(loss) Expenses Interest expenses Professional services Other expenses Total operating expenses OPERATING PROFIT/(LOSS) BEFORE TAX Corporate income tax PROFIT/(LOSS) AFTER TAX Basic and diluted net result per share (in €) Number of shares (entitled to profit) Notes 1-9 see page 20-22 16 | SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | EUROPEAN PROPERTY STRATEGY NV 6 1 1 7 8 9 80 3,004 23 3,274 6,381 2013 245 1,669 32 (685) 1,261 46 14 60 16 42 9 67 6,321 1,194 - - 6,321 1,194 15.18 416,452 3.40 371,517 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH IFRS-EU CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY (Amounts in € ‘000, unless otherwise indicated) 30 June 2014 Capital Balance as at the beginning of the period 416 - Net result for the period - Other comprehensive income Total consolidated comprehensive income - Movements - Capital contribution - Dividend distribution Balance as at the end of the period 416 Additional paid- in c apital 237,909 - 237,909 Retained earnings Retained earnings Cumulative realised gains / losses Cumulative unrealised gains / losses 1,226 (6,074) 3,047 3,047 3,274 3,274 (2,311) 1,962 (2,800) Basic and diluted equity per share Dividend distribution per share 30 June 2013 233,477 6,321 6,321 (2,311) 237,487 570.26 5.55 Capital Balance as at the beginning of the period 340 - Net result for the period - Other comprehensive income Total consolidated comprehensive income - Movements - Capital contribution - Dividend distribution Balance as at the end of the period 32 372 Basic and diluted equity per share Dividend distribution per share Total Additional paid- in c apital 194,991 - 17,971 212,962 Retained earnings Retained earnings Total Cumulative realised gains / losses Cumulative unrealised gains / losses 971 (5,230) 191,072 1,879 1,879 (685) (685) 1,194 1,194 (1,985) 865 (5,915) 18,003 (1,985) 208,284 560.63 5.59 The total declared dividend distribution for the first half of 2014 amounts to EUR 2.3 million (first half of 2013: EUR 2.0 million). This is equal to EUR 5.55 per participation (first half of 2013: EUR 5.59). The whole amount was already distributed as dividend distribution. EUROPEAN PROPERTY STRATEGY NV | SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 17 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH IFRS-EU CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT (Amounts in € ‘000, unless otherwise indicated) Six months ended 30 June Cash flow from operating activities Acquisition of investments at fair value through profit and loss Income distribution received from investments Interest income received Operating expenses paid Net cash used in operating activities Cash flow from financing activities Capital contribution Dividend distribution Net cash used in financing activities NET MOVEMENT IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS Cash and cash equivalents as at the beginning of the period Exchange gains/(losses) on cash and cash equivalents CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AS AT THE END OF THE PERIOD 18 | SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | EUROPEAN PROPERTY STRATEGY NV 2014 2013 (17,828) 3,004 95 133 (14,596) (20,252) 1,669 301 (87) (18,369) (2,311) (2,311) 18,003 (1,985) 16,018 (16,907) (2,351) 46,729 23 29,845 64,262 32 61,943 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH IFRS-EU BASIS OF PREPARATION The interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 on interim financial reporting. ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES FOR THE CONSOLIDATED INTERIM FINANCIAL REPORTING The accounting principles adopted in the preparation of the interim consolidated financial statements are consistent with those followed in the preparation of the annual consolidated financial statements of the Fund for the year ended 31 December 2013, except for the adoption of new standards and interpretations as of 1 January 2014. ADOPTION OF NEW AND REVISED STANDARDS STANDARDS AND INTERPRETATIONS EFFECTIVE IN THE CURRENT PERIOD Various standards issued and amended by the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee, and endorsed by the EU, are effective for the current period. The adoption of these standards had no impact on the equity and results of the Fund for the period. The adoption of the following Standards issued and amended has not led to changes in the Fund’s accounting policies and has no impact on equity or results for the period: IFRS 2 Share-base Payment (amended), IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements (original issue), IFRS 11 Joint Arrangements (original issue), IFRS 12 Disclosure of interests in Other Entities (original issue), IAS 27 Separate Financial Statements (amended), IAS 32 Financial Instruments: Presentation (amended), IAS 36 Impairment of Assets (amended), IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement (amended). All standards issued and amended effective for the current period have not led to changes in the Fund’s accounting policies and have no impact on equity or results for the period. EARLY ADOPTION OF STANDARDS AND INTERPRETATIONS No other new Standards became effective in 2014 and recently issued Standards that become effective after 1 July 2014 are not expected to have a material effect on equity or profit for the period. The Fund has not early adopted any new International Financial Reporting Standard or Interpretation. STANDARDS AND INTERPRETATIONS IN ISSUE NOT YET ADOPTED The Standards in issue and not yet adopted and recently issued Standards that become effective after 1 July 2014 are not expected to have a material effect on equity or profit for the period. EUROPEAN PROPERTY STRATEGY NV | SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 19 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH IFRS-EU NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION (Amounts in € ‘000, unless otherwise indicated) NON-CURRENT ASSETS 1 INVESTMENTS AT FAIR VALUE THROUGH PROFIT AND LOSS 30 June 31 Dec ember 2014 2013 Balance as at the beginning of the period Movements - Acquisitions - Changes in fair value of investments (net of income distributions) Balance as at the end of the period 186,775 126,621 17,828 3,274 207,877 60,998 (844) 186,775 - Historical cost - Cumulated changes in fair value Balance as at the end of the period 210,677 (2,800) 207,877 192,849 (6,074) 186,775 Balanc e as at the end of the period Inc ome distribution investments INVESTMENTS IN TARGET FUNDS CBRE Retail Property Fund France Belgium CBRE Nordic Property Fund CBRE Dutch Retail Fund II CBRE Dutch Retail Fund III - DRET Development Fund CBRE UK Property Fund CBRE European Industrial Fund CBRE Dutch Residential Fund I CBRE Dutch Residential Fund II CBRE Dutch Residential Fund IV - DRES Development Fund CBRE European Shopping Centre Fund CBRE Retail Property Fund Ibérica CBRE Property Fund Central Europe CBRE Property Fund Central and Eastern Europe CBRE European Office Fund Total Balanc e as at the beginning of the period Ac quisitions Changes in fair value of investments 21,850 16,847 21,319 3,664 80 19,923 26,146 6,772 9,938 10,129 23 21,642 5,679 5,132 12,267 5,364 186,775 7,687 7,212 4,984 (2,055) 17,828 596 (823) (801) (136) 1,918 777 (97) (140) (136) (182) 1,695 377 177 49 3,274 22,446 16,024 20,518 3,528 80 21,841 26,923 6,675 9,798 9,993 23 29,147 14,586 10,493 12,444 3,358 207,877 185 442 74 360 871 88 129 131 580 144 3,004 The changes in fair value of CBRE UK Property Fund consist of a change in fair value of EUR 1.1 million and a FX-result of EUR 0.8 million. CURRENT ASSETS 2 PREPAYMENTS AND ACCRUED INCOME Accrued interest Other Total 20 | SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | EUROPEAN PROPERTY STRATEGY NV 30 June 31 Dec ember 2014 2013 27 8 35 34 16 50 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH IFRS-EU 3 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS Current account ING Bank Current GBP-account ING Bank Current account Barclays Current account Handelsbanken Savings account ING Bank Savings account SNS Bank GBP-deposit ING Deposit ING Deposit ABN AMRO Deposit Barclays Deposit Handelsbanken Total 30 June 31 Dec ember 2014 2013 439 22 29 6,076 2,500 20 759 5,000 7,500 7,500 29,845 792 401 15 4,001 2,500 20 14,700 7,500 8,000 8,800 46,729 The liquid assets are freely available to the Fund. The Manager will target a minimum liquidity basis of 10% of the total assets of the Fund in cash or cash equivalents. EQUITY 4 ISSUED CAPITAL The authorised capital of EUR 1 million is divided into 1 million shares with a nominal amount of EUR 1. Of the shares, 416,452 have been issued and fully paid. A breakdown of the issued capital is shown in the statement of changes in equity. MOVEMENT IN NUMBER OF SHARES 30 June 31 Dec ember 2014 2013 Number of shares as at the beginning of the period Issuance of new shares 1 April 2013 Repurchase of shares 1 July 2013 Issuance of new shares 1 July 2013 Issuance of new shares 1 October 2013 Number of shares as at the end of the period 416,452 416,452 339,495 32,022 (9,000) 14,280 39,655 416,452 Average number of shares 416,452 376,065 CURRENT LIABILITIES 5 OTHER CURRENT LIABILITIES Corporate income tax Other liabilities Total 30 June 31 Dec ember 2014 2013 5 265 270 4 73 77 EUROPEAN PROPERTY STRATEGY NV | SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 21 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH IFRS-EU NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED COMPREHENSIVE INCOME STATEMENT (Amounts in € ‘000, unless otherwise indicated) 6 INTEREST INCOME 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 80 80 245 245 Interest credit institutions Total 7 INTEREST EXPENSES Interest compensation Total 8 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 12 (6) 33 7 46 18 14 3 7 42 30 June 30 June 2014 2013 Audit fees Tax fees Legal fees Non-reclaimable VAT Total 9 16 16 OTHER EXPENSES Non-reclaimable VAT Supervisory costs Other (including supervisory costs) Total 22 | SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | EUROPEAN PROPERTY STRATEGY NV 10 4 14 1 11 8 20 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH IFRS-EU OTHER NOTES 10 TRANSACTIONS WITH RELATED PARTIES All the investments of the Fund are investments in target funds managed by CBRE Global Investors. Therefore, these investments can be considered as transactions with related parties. MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT The Fund entered into a management agreement with RFM Regulated Fund Management BV, the Manager of the Fund, for managing the Fund. The Manager does not charge a management fee to the Fund to avoid accumulation of fees. SUBSEQUENT EVENTS COMMITED INVESTMENTS In July 2014 the Fund committed itself to a target fund. This commitment consists of: CBRE European Industrial Fund (EUR 2.3 million) CAPITAL COMMITMENTS AND CAPITAL CALLS In June 2014 the Fund attracted EUR 33.4 million of new capital commitments. At the beginning of July 2014 the Fund received EUR 14.9 million. Following the receipt of the remaining EUR 18.5 million, the issue of new shares relating to these commitments will take place at the beginning of September 2014. Schiphol, the Netherlands, 28 August 2014 On behalf of European Property Strategy NV Signed by RFM Regulated Fund Management BV M. Knoester, Financial Manager T.M.R.A. Jansen, Portfolio Manager EUROPEAN PROPERTY STRATEGY NV | SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 23 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES EPS In line with the Prospectus the consolidated Financial Statements in accordance with the Accounting Principles EPS are also included in this report. The Accounting Principles EPS and the subsequent calculated share price of the Fund are based on IFRS-EU and are adjusted for discounts received/premiums paid and/or acquisition costs to better reflect the fair value of the shares of the Fund. The Accounting Principles EPS form the basis for the calculation of the performance figures. The following paragraph gives an overview of the treatment of discounts, premiums, acquisition costs and valuation of target funds in which the Fund invests for more than 20%. DISCOUNTS AND PREMIUMS For the calculation of the share price, the investments in the target funds are valued at their reported net asset value (based on the specified price) adjusted for discounts received or premiums paid. Any discounts or premiums recognised are capitalised/amortised on a monthly basis over a period of one year. This means that ultimately one year after acquisition of shares in target funds, the valuation of an investment in a target fund is equal to the target fund’s reported net asset value (based on the specified price). ACQUISITION EXPENSES For the calculation of the share price the acquisition expenses that meet the minimum threshold are amortised on a monthly basis over a period of five years. The minimum threshold for capitalisation and amortisation are acquisition expenses that have a cumulative value of at least EUR 50,000 over a full year. This threshold is calculated on the basis of all the expenses together relating to realised acquisitions incurred during the year. If, in any year the minimum threshold is not met, no adjustments will be made for that year. TABLE 1 TREATMENT OF DISCOUNTS AND PREMIUMS AND ACQUISITION COSTS IFRS-EU Accounting Principles EPS Repurchase Price Discounts received Not recognised (price target fund) Recognised and amortised over one year Recognised and amortised over one year Premiums paid Not recognised (price target fund) Recognised and amortised over one year Not recognised (price target fund) Acquisition costs Not recognised (amortised at once) Recognised and amortised over five years Not recognised (amortised at once) VALUATION OF TARGET FUNDS IN WHICH THE FUND INVESTS FOR MORE THAN 20% Within the current investment restrictions the Fund will not acquire interests in one single target fund that exceed the 20% of the capital of that target fund. In the event that the position of the Fund will lead to a stake higher than 20% of the capital of that target fund, the valuation method of that target fund will not be changed. The valuation method of that target fund will be identical as if a position was held by the Fund of less than 20% of the capital in that target fund. 24 | SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | EUROPEAN PROPERTY STRATEGY NV CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES EPS CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION (Amounts in € ‘000, unless otherwise indicated) IFRS- EU 30 June 2014 Adjustments Notes 31 Dec ember 2013 Adjustments Ac c ounting Princ iples EPS IFRS- EU Ac c ounting Princ iples EPS 206,476 206,476 186,775 186,775 (2,185) (2,185) 184,590 184,590 125 29,845 29,970 50 46,729 46,779 120 120 170 46,729 46,899 233,554 (2,065) 231,489 ASSETS Non-current assets Investments at fair value through profit and loss Total non-current assets 1-2 Current assets Prepayments and accrued income Cash and cash equivalents Total current assets 3 TOTAL ASSETS EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity Issued capital Retained earnings Total equity 1-3 Current liabilities Debt from credit institutions Other current liabilities Total current liabilities TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 207,877 207,877 35 29,845 29,880 (1,401) (1,401) 90 90 237,757 (1,311) 236,446 238,325 (838) 237,487 (1,311) (1,311) 238,325 (2,149) 236,176 270 270 237,757 (1,311) 270 270 236,446 238,325 (4,848) 233,477 77 77 233,554 (2,065) (2,065) 238,325 (6,913) 231,412 (2,065) 77 77 231,489 Notes 1-3 see page 28 EUROPEAN PROPERTY STRATEGY NV | SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 25 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES EPS CONSOLIDATED COMPREHENSIVE INCOME STATEMENT (Amounts in € ‘000, unless otherwise indicated) Six months ended 30 June 2014 IFRS- EU Adjustments Notes Income Interest income Income distribution received from investments Net foreign currency gains or losses on cash and cash equivalents Net changes in fair value of investments at fair value Total net income/(loss) Expenses Interest expenses Professional services Other expenses Total operating expenses 1-2 PROFIT/(LOSS) AFTER TAX Basic and diluted net result per share (in €) Number of shares (entitled to profit) Adjustments Ac c ounting Princ iples EPS - 80 245 - 245 3,004 - 3,004 1,669 - 1,669 23 - 23 32 - 32 4,058 7,165 (685) 1,261 3,274 6,381 - Corporate income tax IFRS- EU 80 784 784 46 14 60 19 12 31 65 26 91 16 42 9 67 6,321 753 7,074 1,194 3 3 OPERATING PROFIT/(LOSS) BEFORE TAX Six months ended 30 June 2013 Ac c ounting Princ iples EPS - - - - - - (380) (380) (1,065) 881 19 12 31 16 61 21 98 (411) 783 - - 6,321 753 7,074 1,194 (411) 783 15.18 416,452 1.81 16.99 416,452 3.40 371,517 (1.14) 2.26 371,517 Notes 1-3 see page 28 DISTRIBUTABLE RESULT (Amounts in € ‘000, unless otherwise indicated) Six mo nths ended 30 June 2014 Interest income Income distribution received from investments Operational expenses Other Total result available for distribution 80 3,004 (60) 3 3,027 Distributed result previous quarters RESULT AVAILABLE FOR DISTRIBUTION 1,079 1,948 26 | SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | EUROPEAN PROPERTY STRATEGY NV CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES EPS RECONCILIATION OF EQUITY FROM IFRS-EU TO THE ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES EPS (Amounts in € ‘000, unless otherwise indicated) Equity according to IFRS-EU Adjustments: - Discounts received on investments - Premiums paid on investments - Acquistion expenses EQUITY ACCORDING TO ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES EPS Basic and diluted equity per share according to the Accounting Principles EPS (= EPS Share Price) 1 2 3 30 June 31 Dec ember 2014 2013 237,487 233,477 (1,401) 90 236,176 (2,185) 120 231,412 30 June 31 Dec ember 2014 2013 567.11 555.68 Notes 1-3 see page 28 EUROPEAN PROPERTY STRATEGY NV | SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 27 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES EPS NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES EPS (Amounts in € ‘000, unless otherwise indicated) 1 DISCOUNTS RECEIVED ON INVESTMENTS Amortised received discounts Balance as at the beginning of the period Movements - Discounts received on new investments - Amortisation Balance as at the end of the period 2 30 June 31 December 2014 2013 2,185 88 542 (1,326) (784) 2,860 (763) 2,097 1,401 2,185 30 June 31 Dec ember 2014 2013 PREMIUMS PAID ON INVESTMENTS In 2013 and 2014 the Fund did not pay premiums on investments. 3 ACQUISITION EXPENSES Amortised acquisition expenses Balance as at the beginning of the period Movements - Acquisition expenses current year - Amortisation Balance as at the end of the period 120 181 (30) (30) (61) (61) 90 120 Of the remaining acquisition expenses an amount of EUR 61,000 (2012: EUR 61,000) will be amortised within a period of one year. 4 ONGOING CHARGES RATIO The ongoing charges ratio relates to the total costs of the Fund, excluding acquisition expenses, finance income and finance expenses to the average net asset value of the Fund. The income distributions and other fair value changes of the investments are not taken into account. A second ongoing charges ratio is calculated including the management costs of the target funds in which the Fund invests. For the calculation of the ongoing charges ratio including the management costs of the investments in target funds, these costs are added to the costs of the Fund. Six months ended 30 June Total costs of the Fund Total costs of the Fund including management cost target funds Average net asset value Ongoing charges ratio of the Fund Ongoing charges ratio of the Fund including management costs target funds 28 | SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | EUROPEAN PROPERTY STRATEGY NV 2014 2013 60 1,338 233,393 0.03% 0.57% 51 1,027 195,263 0.03% 0.53% APPENDIX 1: GUIDELINES AND REGULATIONS ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENT FUND MANAGERS DIRECTIVE (AIFMD) On 22 July 2013, the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (“the AIFMD”) had to be implemented into the national laws across the EU member states. As a result, both CBRE Global Investors as a manager (“the Company”) and its AIFMD regulated funds in EMEA will be supervised by financial regulators. The Company applied for an AIFMD license in three jurisdictions: the Netherlands, the UK and Luxembourg to manage the funds in scope of the AIFMD domiciled in the respective jurisdictions. The Fund is domiciled in the Netherlands and in scope of AIFMD and will be managed by the Dutch AIFM. Until the Dutch license is granted the Fund is still being management by RFM Regulated Fund Management BV (“RFM”). RFM has an AIFMD license granted per 22 July 2014 through the transfer of the existing AFM-license granted in 2004. Following the implementation of the AIFMD the Manager intends to terminate its current license when the AIFMD license is obtained by CBRE Global Investors. RISK MANAGEMENT The principle risks and investment- and economic uncertainties that the Fund might face are included in the latest annual report, in the financial risk management paragraph of the accounting principles for the consolidated financial statements on pages 31-33, as well as in the fund documentation. During the reporting period no material changes to the fund documentation and governance have become effective. Risk management refers to the mitigating or corrective actions that follow from risk reports. Mitigating and corrective actions may differ in nature, and the AIFM defines two types of actions: managerial actions and risk management related actions. Managerial actions are the responsibility of the EMEA Executive Committee (EMEA EC) and refer to the management of the business lines. The risk-related actions are the responsibility of the Risk Management Committee (RMC) (or one of its members) and refer to amendments in processes or systems, or monitoring reports. Both actions follow from the regular risk reporting flows and actions are monitored frequently (but at least quarterly). Effective risk monitoring requires a reporting and review structure to ensure that risks are effectively identified and assessed. Risks are reported through three key information reporting flows. 1. 2. 3. Exposes: For all capital transactions, including new product approval, an expose is submitted to the EPS Investment Committee (EPS IC) which should cover mitigating controls for identified relevant risks; Portfolio Performance Review (PPR): On a quarterly basis, the portfolio performance, risk management issues and Challenged Asset Lists (CAL) are reviewed and assessed by the RMC and reported, including RMC advice, to the EMEA EC; Corporate risks: On a quarterly basis corporate risks are reported to the EMEA EC, through the RMC. To embed risk management within the organisation, it is structured along a three lines of defence model. Within this governance structure, it is essential that the three lines of defence work closely together in providing advice and support to the management in order to mitigate the risks which (may) have an impact on the organisational and business objectives of the company, while maintaining their independent roles and responsibilities. 1st line of defence responsibilities The business lines, the first line of defence, are responsible for the day-to-day management of the business. The business lines develop and carry out activities that reduce risk, such as ensuring the effectiveness of business processes and reporting business status, and are ultimately responsible. 2nd line of defence responsibilities Operational and Regulatory Compliance, Legal, Tax, Treasury, Control & Finance Departments collectively, the second line of defence, formulate and implement policies, and limit and monitor risk exposure. These departments are able to challenge the first line of defence in order to optimise the risk/reward trade-off. The departments assist the business lines to identify and manage its risks. They also help find ways to reduce risks, give advice, and provide objective challenges and support on the design and implementation of business procedures. EUROPEAN PROPERTY STRATEGY NV | SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 29 APPENDIX 1: GUIDELINES AND REGULATIONS 3rd line of defence responsibilities The third line of defence, Internal Audit, is responsible for the overall effectiveness of the internal controls of the organisation. Furthermore, Internal Audit provides assurance to the EMEA EC and senior management, on how effective the organisation assesses and manages its risks, including the manner in which the first and second lines of defence operate. This assurance task covers all elements of an organisation’s risk management cycle: i.e. including risk identification, measurement, monitoring and management, and communication of risk-related information. LIQUIDITY ARRANGEMENTS The investments made by the Fund in real estate funds are generally illiquid by nature. This illiquidity tends to limit the ability of the Manager to offer liquidity for the Investors. However, the Fund offers a liquidity possibility by the right of Investors to offer their shares for repurchase at specific times during the lifetime of the Fund. During the reporting period no changes have been made to the repurchase mechanism as laid down in the Prospectus. For more information we refer to the latest version of the (amended and restated) Prospectus, clause 5. LEVERAGE During the reporting period the maximum loan-to-value, calculated at Fund level including debt at target fund level, has not been adjusted and remains at the level of 50% as mentioned in the Prospectus dated 20 February 2014. 30 | SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | EUROPEAN PROPERTY STRATEGY NV APPENDIX 2: ADMINISTRATION MANAGER AUDITOR RFM Regulated Fund Management BV PO Box 75620 1118 ZR Schiphol Schiphol Boulevard 281 1118 BG Schiphol The Netherlands Ernst & Young Accountants LLP PO Box 7883 1008 AB Amsterdam Antonio Vivaldistraat 150 1083 HP Amsterdam The Netherlands BOARD OF DIRECTORS Marcel Knoester Tjeerd Jansen CONTACT Marcel Knoester [email protected] T: +31 20 202 2218 Tjeerd Jansen [email protected] T: +31 20 202 2217 Frederike Regenboog [email protected] T: +31 20 202 2247 DEPOSITARY Northern Trust World Trade Centre Zuidplein 36, H-Tower 1077 XV Amsterdam The Netherlands LEGAL ADVISOR De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek NV PO Box 75084 1070 AB Amsterdam Claude Debussylaan 80 1082 MD Amsterdam The Netherlands TAX ADVISOR Loyens & Loeff NV PO Box 71170 1008 BD Amsterdam Fred. Roeskestraat 100 1076 ED Amsterdam The Netherlands EUROPEAN PROPERTY STRATEGY NV | SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 31 32 | SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | EUROPEAN PROPERTY STRATEGY NV PHOTOGRAPHY I-Stock Photo (Cover) COVER CONCEPT AND DESIGN Cascade - visuele communicatie bv, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
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