Office 902 Cell 902 Fax 902 Toll Free Dave’s Collision Works Ltd. Val Connell 765 3505 840 1600 765 2438 Broker / Owner FRAME & COLLISION REPAIR SPECIALISTS 902-765-8161 1 866 514 3948 EXIT 18, HWY 101 MIDDLETON, N.S. Email [email protected] EXIT Realty Town and Country 902 825-3471 Aurora CERTIFIED Independently Owned & Operated Your Choice for Collision Repairs 14 WING • ESCADRE 14 GREENWOOD, NS the Vol. 35 No. 42 NOVEMBER 3, 2014 NO CHARGE Thanks for 14 Wing focussed effort Colonel Iain Huddleston, Commander, 14 Wing Greenwood Two CP140 Auroras and personnel from 14 Wing Greenwood deploy in support of Operation Impact October 24. 14 Wing Imaging Deploying crews get Canadian send-off Sara Keddy, Managing editor It was a dark and rainy night on the airfield at 14 Wing Greenwood October 24, as 34 personnel departed in support of Operation Impact. Security remained high around the base, with sev- eral guards at the single base gate open into the evening and flags remaining at half staff following the deaths earlier in the week of two Canadian Armed Forces soldiers in independent attacks in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec, and Ottawa. Media invited to cover the departure were under strict instructions regarding imagery, and access was limited across the open floor of 11 Hangar, the home of 405 Squadron and from where departing members and their families were greeted by Wing Commander Colonel Iain Huddleston, and visiting guests Commander of the Royal Canadian Air Force Lieutenant-General Yvon Blondin, Minister of Justice Peter MacKay and West Nova Member of Parliament Greg Kerr. “We wouldn’t miss this,” Kerr said. “There is a lot on Canadians’ minds, and we are blessed to Our Defence Team of 14 Wing Greenwood military members, civilian support staff and families has been challenged this fall – and I want to let all of you know how proud I am of the efforts you’ve put forward to “Operate as One.” In September, our focus turned towards the potential requirement, recently confirmed, to deploy up to 80 personnel in short order on a very demanding mission. We are all aware of the threat posed by the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant within its immediate region of operations. Furthermore, recent events in Canada, with the deaths of Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu and Corporal Nathan Cirillo in Ottawa, highlight the wider international extremist threat and serve to reinforce the importance of the commitment Canada has made through this mission. Here at 14 Wing, responding to the requirements of Operation Impact has meant a busy schedule for the com- mand team, and I thank my immediate advisors and senior leaders for their determination and mission focus. Of course, these efforts quickly encompassed the Wing, with the requirement to respond either to deployment messages, or to ensuring those deploying were 100 per cent ready and supported in all areas. The logistics of organizing a successful short-notice deployment are many and complicated: seeing the professionalism and the personal touches of each and every individual involved in these preparations has been incredibly inspiring. There were always treats on the window ledge of the cashiers’ office. A full complement of floor hockey equipment was gathered and shipped with our first planeload of supplies. All of our sections and supporting elements – Readiness Training Flight, Replenishment, 26 Health Services, Wing Administration, the Fitness Centre staff, 14 Air Maintenance Squadron, 404 Squadron, Maritime Proving and Evaluation Unit, 14 Software Engineering Squadron and more – have stepped up and more than fulfilled the expectations I had, and that the Canadian Continued on page 2... Mimie’s PIZZA AJPN=H RA $NAAJSKK@ 16” Pizza 3 Toppings plus 12” Garlic Fingers 902-765-6888 902-765-2232 $ 22 .99 plus tax !A>EP=P6KQN!KKN!AHERANUEJ)K?=HNA=0AAQOKJ#=?A>KKG • Light Roadside • Heavy Towing • Wheel Lift & Flatbed • 24 HOUR TOWING SPECIALISTS IN: • Accidents • Lock Outs • Boosts • Breakdowns • • Cars • Heavy Haulage • Tractors • Trucks • • Buses • Baby Barns • RV’s • Motor Homes • Middleton Cell (902): 825-7026 Continued on page 2... 2007 Buick Allure CXL 3.8 L, V-6, FWD, A/C, CD, ABS, Cruise, 113,000 kms Info at | Bruce Auto Group, Largest Auto Dealer in Western Nova Scotia $ STOCK # 7,997 G14331A Paul Tidman Garth Rafuse 765-0806 (h) 765-4960 (h) 994 Central Ave., Greenwood 902-765-1305 [email protected] or [email protected] Page 2 the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS November 3, 2014 Deploying crews... ...cover have the quality of people here defending us,” MacKay said. “Government and Canada are behind them.” The RCAF contingent included an earlier send-off October 21 of 14 Wing personnel and equipment on a CC177 Globemaster III from the Greenwood airfield, and six CF188 Hornets from 4 Wing Cold Lake; and the October 23 departure of a CC150 Polaris from 8 Wing Trenton, which also stopped in Greenwood to collect personnel. The two CP140M Auroras will conduct surveillance and reconnaissance. Approximately 600 personnel – including air crew support elements – have deployed on the mission. About 80 members will come from 14 Wing Greenwood. Operation Impact is the Canadian contribution to coalition assistance to security forces in the Republic of Iraq, fighting against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (known as ISIL). “The connectivity of the aircraft we are sending – with our own and allies’ aircraft – is what you will hear our personnel and others talk about first. It is interoperability,” MacKay said, acknowledging the enhanced capabilities in the remodelled Block III Auroras coming from 14 Wing. “This is key.” Wing Commander Colonel Iain Huddleston hosted visiting guests Commander of the Royal Canadian Air Force Lieutenant-General Yvon Blondin, Minister of Justice Peter MacKay and West Nova Member of Parliament Greg Kerr October 24, as departing aircrews left in two of 14 Wing Greenwood’s CP140M Auroras. Submitted Thanks... ...cover Armed Forces demands. Our 14 Wing families have been just as involved in this deployment, whether their military member has simply been involved in the higher operational tempo required to ensure that the deployment is fully supported, or if their husband, wife, father or mother is one of those actually deploying. The 14 Wing team that directly looks after our families – our chaplains, the Personnel Support Program staff and the employees and volunteers at the Greenwood Military Family Resource Centre – have shown their strength and excellence in recent weeks. The family briefing in October was well-presented and wellreceived, and the array of support programs and services available for our families is a reassurance for me, my command team and to each and every deploying and working member at 14 Wing. As we move from the preparation phase into the sustainment phase, we will be required to maintain much of the focus that has made us successful over the past weeks. There is little room to relax or take a break; 14 Wing operations must remain flexible and resilient, now with two goals: that of maintaining our domestic mandate of surveillance, search and rescue and NORAD support while also effectively supporting our deployment. Recent events underline the parallel requirement for increased vigilance on the wing and in our immediate community. This requirement involves each member of our Defence Team, as well as our families and the wider community. Raised awareness can mean many different things, but I ask you to focus on the people around you and how they are reacting to your presence, Commander of the Royal Canadian Air Force Lieutenant-General Yvon Blondin was on hand to send off deploying 14 Wing Greenwood personnel October 24. 14 Wing Imaging whether you are in uniform or us is a valuable contributor to In closing, I would simply not. Watch for anything that our collective security. This is like to say thank you for your doesn’t fit, both on the wing not a time to overreact, but it commitment and for the many and in the wider community, is certainly a time to be cogni- sacrifices that each of you and bring any concerns to zant of the risks and to protect make on behalf of our misthe Military Police or to the ourselves, our families and our sion at 14 Wing in service to RCMP. Each and every one of team members. Canada and Canadians. Aurora the Managing Editor | Directrice de rédaction Sara Keddy • 902-765-1494 local/poste 5441 [email protected] Business & Advertising | Affaires commerciales et publicité Anne Kempton • 902-765-1494 local/poste 5833 [email protected] Circulation | Circulation: 5,900 Mondays | Lundis Agreement No. | Numéro de contrat : 462268 Fax: 902-765-1717 Website | Site Web : CFNA AJFC Canadian Forces Newspaper Association Association des journaux des Forces canadiennes A program of CFMWS Un programme des SBMFC The Aurora, PO Box 99, Greenwood NS B0P 1N0 L’Aurora, C.P. 99, Greenwood (N.-É.) B0P 1N0 CANADIAN COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER AWARD 2013 Production Coordinator | Coordonnateur de production Brian Graves • 902-765-1494 local/poste 5699 [email protected] Location | Emplacement : 83A School Road, Morfee Annex | Annexe Morfee Administrative Clerk | Commis à l’administration Sandi LeBlanc • 902-765-1494 local/poste 5440 [email protected] The Editorial Board reserves the right to edit, condense or reject copy or advertising to suit the aims of a service newspaper as specified in the Interim Canadian Forces Newspapers Policy and/or by the Editorial Board. Opinions and advertisements appearing in The Aurora Newspaper are those of the individual contributor or advertiser and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of 14 Wing, Greenwood or the printers. Published each Monday by 14 Wing under the authority of Colonel I.S. Huddleston, CD, Wing Commander. Editorial Advisor | Conseiller à la rédaction Lieutenant (Navy) Sylvain Rousseau • 902-765-1494 local/poste 5101 [email protected] Le comité de rédaction se réserve le droit de réviser, de condenser ou de rejeter tout article ou message publicitaire afin de satisfaire aux exigences relatives aux journaux militaires figurant dans la Politique temporaire des journaux des Forces canadiennes. Les opinions exprimées dans ce journal sont celles des collaborateurs et ne reflètent pas nécessairement les points de vue des Forces armées canadiennes ou de la 14e Escadre. Publié chaque lundi par la 14e Escadre sous les auspices du Colonel I.S. Huddleston, CD, commandant de l’Escadre. Mail subscriptions: annual $90 plus tax, weekly $1.85 plus tax. Abonnements par correspondance: 90$ par année plus taxes , 1,85$ par semaine plus taxes. Useful links | Liens utiles Canadian Air Force website Site Web de l’Aviation royale canadienne Community Gateway Site Site du portail communautaire des Forces canadiennes 14 Wing Greenwood Site Site de la 14e Escadre Greenwood Personnel Family Support Services Services de soutien au personnel et aux familles des Forces canadiennes National Defence and the Canadian Forces Défense nationale et Forces canadiennes Combat Camera | Caméra de combat Recruiting | Recrutement Military Family Resource Centre Centre des ressources pour les familles des militaires VPI | VPI the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS Page 3 November 3 2014 Merci au personnel de la 14e Escadre pour ses efforts concertés Colonel Iain Huddleston, Commandant, 14e Escadre Greenwood Notre équipe de la Défense à la 14e Escadre Greenwood, formée des militaires, des employés de soutien civils et des familles, a fait face à divers défis cet automne et je tiens à vous dire que je suis très fier des efforts que vous avez déployés pour incarner la devise de l’Escadre, « Unis dans l’action ». En septembre, notre attention s’est dirigée vers le besoin potentiel, et récemment confirmé, de déployer jusqu’à 80 membres sans délai dans le cadre d’une mission très difficile. Nous sommes tous très conscients de la menace que présente l’État islamique en Iraq et au Levant dans la zone immédiate d’opérations. De plus, les récents événements qui se sont produits au Canada et qui ont causé la mort de l’adjudant Patrice Vincent à SaintJean-sur-Richelieu et du caporal Nathan Cirillo à Ottawa mettent en évidence la menace élargie que posent les groupes extrémistes partout dans le monde et renforcent l’importance de l’engagement du Canada dans le cadre de la mission. Ici, à la 14e Escadre, l’équipe de commandement a dû se soumettre à un horaire très chargé pour être en mesure de répondre aux exigences de l’opération impact, et je tiens à remercier mes proches conseillers et hauts dirigeants de leur détermination et de leur engagement envers la mission. Il est entendu qu’un effort tout aussi important fut déployé l’échelle de l’Escadre, alors que le personnel devait réagir aux messages de déploiement ou veiller à ce que les militaires déployés soient tout à fait prêts et bien soutenus, et ce, à tous les niveaux. La logistique s’appliquant à l’organisation d’un déploiement réussi avec un court préavis est importante et compli- quée. Le professionnalisme des membres qui ont participé aux préparatifs ainsi que leurs petites touches personnelles furent une grande source de motivation. On trouvait toujours des gâteries près de la fenêtre du bureau du caissier. De l’équipement complet de hockey en salle a également été rassemblé et envoyé par avion avec le premier chargement de matériel. Toutes nos sections et tous nos éléments de soutien (Escadrille d’instruction en disponibilité opérationnelle, Réapprovisionnement, 26e Centre des services de santé, Administration de l’escadre, personnel du Centre de conditionnement physique, 14e Escadron de maintenance (Air), 404e Escadron, Unité maritime d’essais et d’évaluation, 14e Escadron de génie logiciel, etc.) ont apporté leur contribution et ont largement dépassé mes attentes ainsi que celles des Forces armées canadiennes. Les familles de la 14e Escadre ont elles aussi participé au processus de déploiement, en soutenant les militaires qui devaient suivre le rythme opérationnel élevé nécessaire en appui au déploiement, ou en offrant leur appui à leur être cher (conjoint, conjointe, époux, épouse, père, mère) qui serait déployé. Les membres de l’équipe de la 14e Escadre qui s’occupent directement de nos familles, soit nos aumôniers, les membres du Programme de soutien du personnel et les employés et les bénévoles du Centre de ressources pour les familles des militaires Greenwood, ont prouvé leur force et leur excellence au cours des dernières semaines. La séance d’information à l’intention des familles qui a eu lieu en octobre a été bien présentée et bien reçue. La vaste gamme de programmes et de services de soutien offerts à nos familles est un facteur rassurant pour moi, pour mon équipe de commandement ainsi que pour tous les militaires déployés et les membres de la 14e Escadre. Pendant la transition de la phase de préparation à la phase de maintien, nous devrons continuer à nous concentrer sur les éléments qui nous ont permis de connaître du succès au cours des dernières semaines. Nous avons peu de temps pour nous arrêter et nous reposer : à la 14e Escadre, il faut maintenir la force et la flexibilité des opérations qui répondent maintenant à deux objectifs : remplir notre mandat national de surveillance, de recherche et sauvetage et de soutien du NORAD, tout en soutenant avec efficacité notre déploiement. Les récents événements soulignent l’exigence parallèle de faire preuve d’une vigilance accrue à l’escadre ainsi que dans notre communauté immédiate. Cette exigence nécessite la participation de tous les membres de l’équipe de la Défense, de nos familles et des membres de la collectivité élargie. Une sensibilisation accrue peut prendre diverses formes, mais je vous demande de porter votre attention sur les gens qui vous entourent et sur la façon dont ils réagissent à votre présence, que vous portiez l’uniforme ou non. Si vous sentez que quelque chose ne tourne pas rond, que ce soit à l’escadre ou dans la collectivité, veuillez faire part de vos préoccupations à la police militaire ou à la GRC. Chacun d’entre nous joue un rôle important pour assurer notre sécurité collective. Ce n’est pas le moment de réagir de façon exagérée, mais c’est certainement le temps de prendre conscience des risques et de nous protéger et de protéger nos familles et les membres de notre équipe. Pour conclure, je tiens simplement à vous remercier de votre engagement et des nombreux sacrifices que vous faites tous pour réaliser la mission de la 14e Escadre et pour servir le Canada et les Canadiens. Royal Canadian Legion Branch 098 Kingston service officer Don MacCoy, left, and branch treasurer Art LeDuc attended a 14 Wing briefing October 22 to share some of what the Legion offers serving and veteran Canadian Armed Forces members. Legion a link for current, former CAF members Sara Keddy, Managing editor What awaits retired members of the Canadian Armed Forces? The same thing that is available now: camaraderie, support and a feeling of service to community and country. Representatives of the Royal Canadian Legion are regularly a part of the two-day presentations that make up 14 Wing Greenwood’s SCAN seminar (Second Career Assistance Network), designed to guide CAF members in their future choices after a military career. From Branch 098 Kingston, Legion service officer Don MacCoy and branch treasurer Art LeDuc admitted they “try and recruit” retiring CAF members - but that is not all they do. “We are continuously re- Marion Hill, L.L.B. Law Office & Mediation Services Marion Hill L.L.B. Phone: 902 679-3200 Offering COST effective out of court legal solutions to family law problems. Family Law Lawyer, Mediator & Collaborative Lawyer General Practice of Law [email protected] Suite 6, 21 Webster Street, Kentville Over 70 varieties of juice containing nicotine cruiting, but joining the Legion is not something you have to wait to do until you retire – that is false,” Le Duc said. Anyone with a military affiliation or interest may join at any age, under different membership classifications. Once a member, individuals may take advantage of the range of social and entertainment activities regularly scheduled at a Legion branch, from cards and pool to exercise classes and luncheons. Legions are community hubs for seniors’ groups, craft organizations, public events and meetings and family celebrations. And, members are active supporting national and local initiatives which aid veterans, military mem- S.Keddy bers, Cadet units, youth and health organizations, student scholarship funds, athletic and leadership development programs and more. MacCoy said the Legion is also focussed on helping its own; as service officer, it’s his role to “help you, with anything we can do: medical equipment for loan, the veterans’ independence program for you or your spouse or widow.” LeDuc, a retired chief warrant officer with 47 years in the military; and MacCoy, a retired master corporal with 32 years of military service; both agree on one of the Legion’s strengths: “After you leave the armed forces, you have a place to go.” Halloween coloring Holly Dyer contest Peyton Rodgers winners Shea Ferdinand ~ BROUGHT TO YOU BY Aurora the ~ Page 4 the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS November 3, 2014 Canadians’ support of Military Families Fund adds up Wrapping up Christmas Volunteers are needed to help wrap Christmas gifts for the Annapolis Mess’ children’s Christmas party. This is one of the biggest events for families at 14 Wing Greenwood, with food, entertainment and a special visit from you-know-who. All Mess members’ children who register to attend the party will receive a gift. A wrapping party will be held in the Mess December 2 at 1 p.m. Contact Captain Armstrong, 902-7651494 local 3126 if you would like to help out. With enough volunteers, this will not take too long. Flying aid HSC Greenwood Housing Open to Priority 3 Applicants Due to the increased availability of Residential Housing Units (RHU), the Canadian Forces Housing Agency (CFHA), Housing Services Centre (HSC) Greenwood is currently accepting applications for Priority 3 opportunity occupants. A Cormorant helicopter and search and rescue technicians from 413 (Transport and Rescue) Squadron based at 14 Wing Greenwood flew to the aid of an injured man on Scaterie Island, off Cape Breton, October 28. The Cormorant crew provided medical assistance, then transported the man to Sydney, where an ambulance was prepared to take care of the casualty. Master Corporal J.Maheu, 14 Wing Imaging The following is a list of eligible opportunity occupants: RCMP members Indeterminate Public Service employees working in support of DND Full-time CFMWS employees, working a minimum of 27.5 hours per week Indeterminate employees of other GC departments DND contractors on contracts over 6 months If you meet the above requirements and wish to apply for an RHU, please contact the HSC at 902-765-1294 or stop in to the HSC located at Bldg 83, School Rd, Greenwood, NS. Wanda Munro Manager, Housing Services Centre Greenwood Des logements du CSL Greenwood sont disponibles pour les demandeurs Priorité 3 En raison de la disponibilité accrue des unités de logement résidentiel (ULR), le Centre de services de logement (CSL) Greenwood de l’Agence de logement des Forces canadiennes (ALFC) accepte présentement les demandes Priorité 3 (occupants occasionnels). Ce qui suit est une liste des occupants occasionnels admissibles : Les membres de la GRC Les employés de la fonction publique qui ont été nommés pour une période indéterminée qui soutiennent le MDN dans le cadre de leurs travaux les employés des SSPFC qui travaillent à temps plein et pour un minimum de 27,5 heures par semaine Les employés des autres ministères du GC qui ont été nommés pour une période indéterminée Les personnes détenant un contrat de plus de six mois avec le MDN. Si vous répondez aux exigences ci-dessus et que vous souhaitez faire une demande pour une ULR, veuillez communiquer avec le CSL au 902-765-1294, ou visiter le CSL situé dans l’immeuble 83, School Rd, Greenwood, Nouvelle-Écosse. Wanda Munro Gestionnaire, Centre de services de logement Greenwood New Hope Wesleyan Church, Kentville recently held a charity golf tournament called, The Hunger Game at the Island Green Golf Club in Kentville and raised over $4200.00 that will be split locally and globally in an effort to drive out hunger around the world. Half the proceeds will go to the Alpha Program in Sierra Leone and the remainder will be donated to the Aldershot School breakfast program. Platinum sponsors: Val Connell of EXIT Realty, Doug Morgan of H&R Block, Sharon Simoneau of Investors Group, Marty and Sherri of the Island Green Golf Club and the combined donation of the Annapolis Valley Investors Group Consultants. Silver Sponsors: Lorraine Landscaping and Wetmore Appraisals. We would also like to thank the various business in the area that made monetary and prize donations. Future Shop, Boston Pizza, Inside Story Bookstore, Sobeys, Walmart, Swiss Chalet, Aquatight Basements, D.R.Y. Roofing and Global Pet Foods. EXIT Realty Town and Country Independently Owned & Operated Annapolis Valley Investors Group Consultants ART SHOW Apple Pie Pottery & Gallery Middleton, across from Avery’s Opening Reception November 11 • 12 to 4 pm Join us for tea and art Show runs November 11 - 19 902-825-4935 BMO Financial Group announced October 27 it has opened an account for donations to the Military Families Fund. All Canadians are welcome to visit any BMO branch across the country to donate to the fund. The Military Families Fund was established in 2007 in response to the generous support by Canadians for the members of the Canadian Armed Forces and their families. Managed by Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services, the Military Families Fund provides financial support to the unique, unforeseen and often immediate needs of our men and women in uniform and their families. “I remain humbled and thankful for the continued support of Canadians to the members and families of the Canadian Armed Forces,” says Commodore Mark Watson, Director General, Morale and Welfare Services. “The tragedies in Ottawa and Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu have affected all Canadians, and the outpouring of support for our fallen soldiers has been truly heartwarming,” said Hugh McKee, Vice-President, Personal Customer Segment Management, BMO Bank of Montreal. “The fund is a great way of providing assistance to military families in need.” Donations may be made to the following account: Transit 0389, Account # 8929-898. the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS Page 5 November 3 2014 Youth Happenings Rebecca Dillman, Recreation youth worker, 14 Wing Greenwood Community Centre Read with me Polar bears learning to swim and moose who come crashing in looking for more jam for their biscuits were the topics covered at the October 21 Under the Story Tree gathering at the 14 Wing Greenwood Library. Special guest readers included Wing Administration Officer Lieutenant-Colonel Ted Cosstick, seated, and Chief Warrant Officer Denis Flamand. The weekly story session is a great chance for pre-schoolers to get together, share stories and crafts and meet new friends. S.Keddy Get set for fun with friends at the 14 Wing Greenwood Community Centre. Youth, please pre-register for all events. If you have any questions, and to register, contact 902-765-8165 or [email protected]. A notice to pre-teen and teen members of the community centre: drop-in hours have changed. Due to low enrolment within the teen program, drop- in times for teens will no longer Pre-teens gather for craft be held. Please check monthly night: hand wreaths. calendars for scheduled teen events. As for pre-teens (ages Monday, November 10 nine to 13), drop-in hours have 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. slightly changed: Monday to Boys Club members – get Friday, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.; Satur- set for Nerf wars! Participants day, 2 p.m. to 7 p.m.; Sunday, must wear eye protection. 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. Youth centre drop in hours Wednesday, November 5 (ages nine to 13) 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Monday 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Active Chicks and Boys Club Tuesday 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. meet together for a movie Wednesday 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. night. Thursday 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Friday 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday, November 8 Saturday 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. business of the week Valley Drug Mart | Pharmasave | 902-765-2103 we’ll take care of it for you in our new Wine on Premise (U-Vint) area. You pitch the yeast and we will take care of the rest until bottling. We also carry full Kegging Systems, Craft Beer kits, Malts, Hops, Yeast’s and everything else needed to make that great beer you’ve always wanted. With over 50 types of Beer mixes and 150 different wine kits to choose from, there will be something to please everybody. We’ll help you on your way to great brewing. The Valley Drug Mart Pharmsaves located in Kingston and Middleton are more than your average Pharmacies. Besides dealing with all your prescription needs, we also have a Home Health Care center in both stores. Some of the services we offer are Diabetic foot care, Blood pressure testing, Mastectomy supplies, compression stockings and so much more. Fittings or consultations are available either in store or in the comfort of your own home. We carry an assortment of crutches, canes, wheelchairs, hospital beds, commodes, walkers, lift chairs. We can also provide various products for short or long term rentals. We are your local source for all your health care needs. Bob’s Brewtique has been serving customers in the Annapolis Valley and across the Province for all of their brewing products for over 30 years in our Kingston store. It started with 2 shelves of supplies to assist in making your own wine from scratch and some beer mixes to the over 500 sq. feet that is now in place. We have one of the largest assortments of brewing supplies in the Province ranging from additives to starter kits, bottles, closures and all the gadgets in-between to help get you on your way. If you don’t have the time or space to do it yourself, come see us and The Trophy-Engraving shop has been serving the community for over 20 years. Some of the items that are available include medals, plaques, name tags, signs, medical and Id bracelets, pet tags, and Giftware. You can also have traditional engraving done on most items. Custom work is available upon request. If you are a serious sports club or just putting together some fun teams, come check out the Engraving shop. Military Relocation Approved Agents WE ARE YOUR LOCAL DROP OFF FOR MAJOR HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES 902-765-8313 Email: [email protected] Don’t forget, we offer Air miles on most products (including the Brewtique) We carry a complete line of Quality Used Auto Parts with a 45 Day Replacement Warranty Purchase Vehicles for Parts and Vehicles for Scrap A SMALL FEE FOR PICK UP! Now carrying Ideal Protein Weight Loss Products The Pharmasave Brand Loyalty card, buy 10 get 1 free on Pharmasave products and everyday is Seniors day. Save 10% on most products including the Brewtique. (some exceptions apply, see in-store for details). 10th year Personal Training Services :HLJKW/RVV6WUHQJWK+HDOWK)LWQHVV Cathy Bruce-West [email protected] Personal Trainer Specialist (PTS), Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) 902-825-4544 Introductory rates. Expires November 30, 2014 Cathy & Company Hair Studio 1518 Bridge Street Kingston NS (902) 242-2887 Ph: 902-242-7355 Middleton 26 Commercial St., Middleton NS, B0S 1P0 Ph: (902) 825-4822 Fax: (902) 825-2336 Kingston 613 Main St., Kingston NS, B0P 1R0 Ph: (902) 765-2103 Fax: (902) 765-0001 Kingston N.S. “No Better Time to Buy” 1-855-242-7359 805 Central Ave Greenwood Valley Drug Mart Pamper Yourself Before the Holidays! clothing • footwear • jewellery • antiques • giftware “Like us on Facebook” 775 Central Ave., Greenwood • 902-765-3190 65 Commercial St., Middleton • 902-825-3608 Present this coupon to save! Eyebrow wax, Ɵnt and eyelash Ɵnt – $26.95 Hair cut & color – $69.95 Combine these discounts for a savings of $27! Page 6 the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS November 3, 2014 Churches choose inclusion in celebration service Kingston United Church in the Kingston Pastoral November 16. Anne Hebb, be on hand to present their and Torbrook Mines United Charge, will officially be- Affirming ministries coordi- charters. Church, two congregations come Affirming ministries nator of Affirm United, will Affirm United is working for the inclusion of people of all sexual orientations and gender identities within the Financial Le Mois de United Church of Canada, Literacy Month la littératie financière and in society. Affirm United/ A division of CFMWS Services financiers Financial Services 1-30 Nov. 2014 Une division des SBMFC 1er au 30 nov. 2014 S’affirmer Ensemble is a justice-oriented organization of people within the United Church of Canada, and membership is open to those who support its work, regardless of sexual orientation and gender * Enter our contest! Visit our Learning Centre * Participez à notre concours ! Advertise in The Aurora Newspaper Nov 24, Dec 2, 8, 15 issues Nov 19, 26, Dec 3, 10 ad content deadlines Multi-page spread featuring photos and features on all things seasonal: outdoor living, recipes, consumer trends. Captures Black Friday sale dates and four full weeks of the busiest retail season of the year. Save 10% per week. Save 20% if you commit to all four weeks! Visitez notre Centre info-ressources Any ad, any size welcome * In partnership with CDCB * Lancé en partenariat avec les SBCDC Contact Anne Kempton [email protected] [email protected] 902-765-1494 local 5833 identity. Members draw strength and hope from Biblical stories of liberation, from the prophetic call to live justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with God; and from Jesus’ witness to God’s inclusive love. Before declaring themselves to be Affirming, local congregations, colleges, church courts and other ministries study issues of sexual orientation and gender identity, make a statement of welcome and commit themselves to work for justice and inclusion of anyone marginalized in society, including persons of all racial, cultural and economic backgrounds, within their congregation, the wider church and their community. The program was launched in 1992. The United Church officially endorsed the program in 2000 and encouraged its ministries to participate. All are welcome to attend this celebration service November 16 at 11 a.m. at the Kingston United Church, 733 Main Street. TO OUR VETERANS, THANK YOU Commissionaires. Employing veterans since 1925. the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS Page 7 November 3 2014 The Canadian Armed Forces Atlantic swim team included 14 Wing athlete Captain John Bernardi, back row, left; Leading Seaman Vlad Charnine; Captain Kim Grimard, front row, left; 14 Wing athlete Master Corporal Laura Roy and Ordinary Seaman Marjolaine Plante. Captain John Bernardi, Private Shawn Clarke and Leading Seaman Shawn Miller, centre three, from left; defended their 2013 Craig Blake Fitness Challenge title again this fall. Submitted Submitted SHOP ONLINE 24 HOURS A DAY 7 DAYS A WEEK AT Sports success adds up for multi-sport club WE ARE NOVA SCOTIA’S NUMBER 1 CREDIT REPAIR SPECIALIST Captain John Bernardi, team repeated as team chamGreenwood Multi-sport Club pions at the Craig Blake Fitness Challenge. Bernardi led It has been a busy sport- off with the 300 metre swim ing summer for athletes and leg, and also competed indimembers of the Greenwood vidually, finishing 10th overall Multi-sport Club. with a time of 46:40. Leading In early August, two local Seaman Shawn Miller did swimmers competed at the the 6.5 kilometre trail cycling 15th FINA World Master’s portion. Private Shawn Clarke Swimming Championships finished off the race with a two in Montreal. Captain John kilometre cross country run. Bernardi of MP&EU and Mas- The team finished in a total ter Corporal Laura Roy were time of 33:09, more than 35 joined by three fellow Cana- seconds faster than any of the dian Armed Forces Atlantic other team in the race. The swim team (CFAST) members Craig Blake Fitness Challenge from 12 Wing Shearwater. is named after a Fleet Diving Bernardi swam in the 400 Unit (Atlantic) member killed metre individual medley, the in action in Afghanistan and 3,000 metre open water race is one of the main Canadian and in both of the 4 x 50 metre Armed Forces sporting events mixed medley and freestyle held in the Halifax region. relays. Roy qualified in five Also linked to the Greenevents and achieved long wood Multisport Club is the course (50 metre pool) per- Boomer’s Legacy cycling sonal best times in the 100 event. This year, it was ormetre freestyle (1:19.64), 400 ganized by captains Daniel metre freestyle (6:06.16), 800 and Lisa Klco. The event was metre freestyle (12:37.11), a large success, and it was a 100 metre butterfly (1:34.41), great accomplishment for all and 200 metre IM (3:19.59). who attended. She also swam as part of the Several club members CFAST medley relay. For all competed in the Valley Harfive CFAST swimmers, this vest running events on the was the highest level of com- Thanksgiving weekend, and petition they had ever faced, there are a few remaining and it was a very impressive races before the competition event held over 10 days with season starts back up next three 50 metre pools set year. up on Ile Notre Dame, as For more information on well as the rowing basin for the GMSC and swimming the open water event. There events, contact club president were also diving, water polo Captain John Bernardi at 902and synchronized swimming 765-1494 local 3514, John. competitions going on. [email protected] or join September 12, the GMSC our page on Facebook. GOOD CREDIT • BAD CREDIT • NO CREDIT YOU’RE APPROVED! FAST, T, EASY APPROVALS AP ROVA ALS $0 down av available a ab able ble e • $500 500 military m ary discount milit discou discou We support upp p ort pport rt our ou ourr troops tro tr ops • Up to t $2000 $2000 cash c back Payments P Paym men from $79 9 bi-weekly Over 250 vehi O vehicles l in stock Annapolis napolis Valley’s Va largest selection of inventory ALL MAKES • ALL MODELS CONTACT Amanda Willmore 994 Central Avenue, Greenwood toll free 1-844-431-8274 2009 Pontiac G6 2010 GMC Terrain SLT 2012 Honda Civic 2014 Dodge Ram 1500 2013 Toyota Corolla EXTREMELY WELL EQUIPPED From $80 Bi-weekly O.A.C. “BLOWOUT” FULLY LOADED From $150 Bi-weekly O.A.C. “ALL WHEEL DRIVE” LOADED From $113 Bi-weekly O.A.C. “15 TO CHOOSE FROM” “LIKE NEW” “MUST SEE” Stock#F14355B Stock#G14378a Stock#H2818A Stock# G14504A Stock# G14399A 5.7L HEMI 4X4 From $197 Bi-weekly O.A.C. AUTOMATIC, LOADED From $120 Bi-weekly O.A.C. Page 8 fy The Aurora publishes items of interest to the community submitted by not-for-profit organizations. Submissions are limited to approximately 25 words. Items may be submitted to our office, 83A School Road (Morfee Annex), 14 Wing Greenwood; by fax, 902-765-1717; or email [email protected]. Dated announcements are published on a first-come, first-served basis, and on-going notices will be included as space allows. To guarantee your announcement, you may choose to place a paid advertisement. The deadline for submissions is Thursday, 9:30 a.m., previous to publication unless otherwise notified. Le commandant publie des avis d’intérêt public soumis par des organisations à but non lucratif. Ces avis doivent se limiter à environ 25 mots. Les avis peuvent être soumis à nos bureaux, au 83A, School Road, (annexe Morfee), 14e Escadre Greenwood, par fax au 902-7651717 ou par courriel à l’adresse auroraeditor@ Les annonces avec date sont publiées selon le principe du premier arrivé, premier servi, et les avis continus seront inclus si l’espace le permet. Si vous voulez être certain que votre avis soit publié, vous voudrez peut-être acheter de la publicité. La date de tombée des soumissions est à 9 h 30 du matin le jeudi précédent la publication, à moins d’avis contraire. metro crossword solution page 10 Jam sessions Wednesdays, 7 p.m., join in a community jam session at the Harmony community hall, 992 Harmony Road. Door prizes, refreshments, freewill offering. Everyone welcome. SPCA foster program Volunteer foster care homes are needed to support the rescue, care and adoption of Kings County SPCA cats and dogs. If you can provide a safe, happy temporary home for an animal and meet SPCA volunteer training and screening requirements, there are many animals who would appreciate your involvement. All costs (food, litter, medical care) are covered by the SPCA. For info, contact foster care coordinator Cynthia Gallagher, cmgalls1@; or the shelter at 1285 County Home Road, Waterville. Choir opportunity Wednesdays, the Middleton Choral Society meets at the Middleton Anglican Church, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Looking for soprano, alto, tenor and bass singers familiar with singing in parts. No audition required. For information: 902-825-3387. Kingston Legion Sunday, 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. ACROSS 1. Smooth music 7. Fails to explode 10. Voluted 12. Tear down 13. Propose for office 14. Yiddish expert 15. Great ape of Borneo 16. Arab outer garments 17. Hundredweight 18. The Muse of history 19. Neutralizes alkalis 21. Mortar trough 22. Lapsed into bad habits 27. Potato State 28. DeGeneres’ partner 33. Egyptian sun god 34. Makes more precise 36. Deafening noise 37. Expresses pleasure 38. __ Nui, Easter Island 39. Founder of Babism 40. Speed competition 41. Artist’s tripod the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS November 3, 2014 44. Records 45. A witty reply 48. The content of cognition 49. Mohs scale measure 50. __ student, learns healing 51. Put in advance DOWN 1. Peru’s capital 2. Emerald Isle 3. Group of criminals 4. Flat sweet pea petals 5. Vietnamese offensive 6. A lyric poem 7. Philippine seaport & gulf 8. Utilizes 9. Lair 10. Covering of snow 11. Covered walkway 12. Overzealous 14. Stench 17. Compartment 18. 2nd largest Costa Rican island 20. Danish Krone (abbr.) 23. Long narrow bands 24. Woody tropical vine 25. Farm state 26. Tooth caregiver 29. Popular Canadian word 30. Resort 31. Members of U.S. Navy 32. Smokes 35. Smiling so big (texting) 36. Capital of Bangladesh 38. Tore down 40. Travel in a car 41. American bridge engineer James B. 42. “Rule Britannia” composer 43. Let it stand 44. Not bright 45. Rated horsepower 46. Pinna 47. Prefix for before metro crossword brought to you compliments of 954 Central Avenue Greenwood 902-765-6381 Regular Games - $100 • 3 Specials - 60/40 • Letter H - 80/20 • Triple Jackpot - R-W-B • 1 Lucky 7 - Progressive • 1 Bonanza - Progressive • Jackpot - 3 Chances Consolation $300 • Double Action Lic.# 115910-08 Three easy ways to enter. Lions membership drive The Middleton and District Lions Club is recruiting new members for 2014/ 2015. If you are interested in becoming a member of one of the largest organizations in the world, please call membership chair Terry Gaudet, 902-825-1736. Toastmasters November 4, 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., join Annapolis Valley Toastmasters. Develop fundamental communication, leadership, presentation and interviewing skills: learn by doing. Further information is available at http://8104.toastmastersclubs. org/ or by phoning Christine at 902-825-1061. Yard sale November 6, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.: indoor yard sale at the Three Rivers Community Centre, 41 Messenger Rd., Torbrook. Variety of items up for sale. Movie night November 7, 7 p.m., there is a movie night at New Beginnings Centre, Greenwood. Admission is free. Concert November 7, 8 p.m., The Evergreen Theatre presents Black Umfolosi at West Kings High School, Auburn. Tickets $25, reservations online or call 902-825-6834. Black Umfolosi formed in 1982 by school friends in Zimbabwe, who named themselves after the Umfolozi Omnyama River in South Africa, where their ancestors could be traced. Performances mix a great gentleness of spirit and song with an exuberance in dance. Supper November 7, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., at the Royal Canadian Legion Kingston: hot turkey burger, gravy, homemade cranberry sauce, coleslaw, French fries; $7 (take out $7.50). Bake sale November 7, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., the Valley WAAG Animal Shelter Birthday wish James Reinhart, right, made his now annual birthday visit to a local charity recently, meeting Pastor John Andrews of Open Arms in Kentville. For the past six years, James has asked birthday party guests to support a charity in lieu of personal gifts, letting them know which charity he’s suggesting with a printed pamphlet in each invitation. This year, as James learned more about the death of Harley Lawrence in Berwick, he wanted to help with homeless issues. Through his mom, Kelly’s, nursing work, they explored Open Arms and how the agency helps struggling people with comfort, friendship and support. James is learning everyone can make a difference, and hopes to see Open Arms, presently operating in Kentville and Berwick, expand someday soon to Kingston. Submitted will hold its annual bake sale at the Middleton Valley Drug Mart. All sorts of delicious, home-baked goodies! For info: Jennifer, 902765-6629. Cemetery clean-up November 8, participate in a community service project and help with fall leaf raking at the “new” Tremont Cemetery (on the S-turn), 9:30 a.m. Rain date November 15. Supper November 8, 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., there will be a turkey supper at the Kingston Baptist Church, Main Street. Enjoy a delicious turkey supper with all the trimmings, and homemade pies for dessert. $12 for adults, $6 for children. Ticket auction November 8, 10 a.m., the Middleton & Area Fireflies will host a ticket auction at the fire hall, with the draws beginning at 2 p.m. Great items and gift certificates, as well as special draws for a giant gift basket, find & win 1. Through our website: 2. Fax: 902-765-1717 3. Drop into our office located on 83A School Road (Morfee Annex) Entry deadline: Noon, November 6, 2014 Full name Phone number Complete the following questions from ads in this week’s issue and win a 14 inch 2-topping pizza from Mimie’s Pizza, Greenwood. Coupon valid for 30 days. 1. Who has heated storage units? ________________________________________________________ 2. When is Financial Literacy Month? ___________________________________________________ 3. Who has a 2009 Pontiac G6 for sale? __________________________________________________ 4. Whose phone number is 902-765-6381? _______________________________________________ 5. Whose office is as Suite 6, 21 Webster St. ? ____________________________________________ Limited to one win per family in a TWO MONTH PERIOD. The winner will be drawn randomly from all correct entries. Only one entry per family per week. Congratulations to last week’s winner: CHRISTA LEBLANC Mimie’s PIZZA 683 Central Ave., Greenwood 902-765-6888 902-765-2232 the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS a delicious white pound cake made by Cathy Mailman and a 50/ 50 draw. Hot dogs, hamburgers, and muffins (all made by our members). Dance November 8, dance to the music of Spare Parts in the lounge at the Kingston Legion, 9 p.m. until 12:30 a.m. Cover charge $5 per person, ages 19-plus. Kentville walk November 8, 10 a.m., Hike Nova Scotia and the Valley Trekkers Volkssport Club present a guided walk in Kentville. Participants qualify to win a trail prize. See for details. Gospel music November 9, 7 p.m., hear On Eagles Wings, a Canadian gospel duo, featuring Noel and Beverly Facey; at the Nictaux Baptist Church. A great evening of country, southern and old time gospel music. Refreshments and fellowship to follow. Church service November 9, 11 a.m., please join us at the Nictaux Baptist Church for a Remembrance Day Service. If you would like to participate by way of coming in uniform (Cadet, military, Scouts, Cubs, Beavers, Girl Guides or Brownie groups) and joining in our parade, we would love to have you attend. Contact Bill McLeod, 902 825-6720, for information. Reiki workshop November 10, 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., a “What is reiki?“ workshop will be presented by reiki master Dawn-Lea at the 14 Wing Teleah Muise weilds a rake community clean-up. Greenwood Library, School Road, Greenwood. Phone the library, 902765-1494 local 5430 or come in and sign up for this free workshop. Volunteerism is not dead, Meeting especially at the cemetery! November 12, 7 p.m., is the next A leaf raking fall work day monthly board of directors’ meet- was set for October 25 at ing for the Companion Animal the “Old” Tremont Cemetery Protection Society, at the Municipal and, despite the wet, cloudy Building in Lawrencetown. This weather, there was a turnout will be the final meeting of 2014. of over a dozen local folks, Regular meetings will resume young and old, volunteering January 14, 7 p.m. All members their Saturday morning. and friends are welcome. For info Since late last summer, the call 902-825-2277. small community of Tremont sudoku Page 9 November 3 2014 in the “Old” Tremont Cemetery during the October 25 Submitted Fall work carries on cemetery care solution page 10 has shown its big heart. Many of the local residents banded together to form the Tremont Community Cemetery Society, and then set out to acquire the assets of the cemeteries. These sacred grounds contain deceased loved ones, friends and neighbours as well as local history. Since the founding of the cemetery in 1851 by Deacon Calvin Baker, these patrick’s puzzle horoscopes ~NEW~ PRIME RIB MELT SANDWICH Middleton - 902-825-5525 • Greenwood - 902-765-2267 November 2 - November 8 solution page 10 ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Conflicting messages confuse you this week, Aries. Just don’t let this confusion keep you from doing what you think is right. Choose a course and stick with it. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Don’t be too hard on yourself this week, Taurus. You really do not need to push yourself unless you are feeling motivated to do so. If you feel like relaxing, so be it. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, stick to the outskirts of the room and be a quiet observer of what’s going on around you instead of being the center of attention. You may enjoy being a fly on the wall for a change. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, this week you may feel an unusual need to be noticed and appreciated by others. Embrace the spotlight and make the most of this opportunity to share your thoughts. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, you may find it hard to establish your priorities this week, but you have a good head on your shoulders and will figure out the path to take. Give yourself a chance to have fun. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, do the right thing even if it costs you something emotionally. Your actions may be carefully monitored, and someone is learning by your example. Fun By The Numbers Here’s How It Works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle! sudoku brought to you compliments of grounds were made up of the collaborated efforts of local residents of Tremont who donated land for the cemeteries, including the Baker, McGinnis, Banks and Neiley families. The society completed its first year of operation in maintaining the grounds of both the “New” and “Old” Tremont Cemeteries. The group has applied for charity status, is looking into having the “Old” Cemetery designated a heritage property, and is looking into many other options to help maintain these grounds. Signage has been installed at the “New” Cemetery and new gates have been purchased to replace the deteriorated ones at the “Old” Cemetery. A successful awareness campaign at the Tremont World Fair included a treasure hunt to encourage learning about the history that exists within the historic tiered “Old” Tremont Cemetery, and plans are underway for a future graveyard tour. There is also a Facebook page the public is welcome to check out. The next leaf raking work day is set for November 8 at the “New” Tremont Cemetery, located on the S-turn of Tremont Mountain Road (rain date of November 15). All are welcome to lend a hand. patrick’s puzzle brought to you compliments of Introducing Team Share plans. Now you can easily manage costs by sharing data and minutes across devices and between team members. Greenwood Mall | 902-765-2415 LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, try your hardest to make a tricky set of circumstances work to your advantage. Working with a partner is a great way to get things done. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, you are better at dealing with things when they’re out in the light of day. You don’t like to be secretive, nor do you like the idea of others keeping secrets. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, do not look at a current problem as something that will always block your success and happiness. Instead, use this obstacle as a way to get your bearings. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, though you may feel like lashing out at others, this week you show an impressive amount of selfrestraint. Get through the week, and things will turn around. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 The messages you are receiving from everyone around you seem mottled and mixed, Aquarius. Instead of socializing with others, maybe you just need some alone time. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, speak up if you do not feel you are receiving enough emotional support from your closest allies. Maybe they do not know how you’re feeling. horoscopes brought to you compliments of FRASER’S Home Centre BERWICK • 1-800-959-3727 KINGSTON • 1-902-765-3111 KENTVILLE • 1-902-678-8044 BRIDGETOWN • 1-902-665-4449 ANNAPOLIS ROYAL • 1-902-532-1500 Page 10 classifieds Classified advertisements, 35 words or less, are $8 tax included. Additional words are 10 cents each, plus tax. Bold text $9, tax included. Classified advertising must be booked and prepaid by 10 a.m. Thursday previous to publication. Payment methods include VISA, MasterCard, AMEX, debit or cash. The Aurora is not responsible for products and/ or services advertised. To place a classified, contact 902-765-1494 local 5440, visit the office, 83A School Road, Morfee Annex, Greenwood; email [email protected] or fax 902-765-1717. To place a boxed, display ad, contact 902-765-1494 local 5833; email [email protected]. Les annonces classées, 35 mots ou moins, sont vendues au prix de 8 $, taxes incluses. Chaque mot additionnel coûte 10 sous, plus taxes. Texte en caractères gras 9 $, taxes incluses. Les annoncées classées doivent être réservées et payées à l’avance avant 10 h, le jeudi précédant la publication. Les modes de paiement acceptés incluent VISA, MasterCard, AMEX, débit ou comptant. L’Aurora n’est pas responsable des produits et/ou services annoncés. Pour faire publier une annonce classée, vous pouvez nous appeler au 902-765-1494 poste 5440, visiter notre bureau au 83A, School Road, annexe Morfee à Greenwood, nous envoyer un courriel à [email protected] ou nous transmettre un fax au 902-765-1717. Pour faire paraître une publicité dans un encadré, appelez-nous au 902765-1494 poste 5833, ou un courriel à [email protected]. crossword solution sudoku solution APARTMENTS FOR RENT – Very clean Modern 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Apartments. Middleton to Cambridge. Well managed properties. Seniors units available. References required. Call Ross at 902-840-0534. (3539-ufnb) FOR RENT – Very clean, modern three bedroom apartment, quiet S/D in Nictaux. Fridge, stove and Dishwasher, washer/dryer hookups. $850.00 a month, heat & lights included. No dogs. References required. Call Ross 902-840-0534. (3530-ufn) FOR RENT – Wish you could move in 5 minutes? 900 sq ft. Includes Heat, Lights, Internet and cable. Kingston apt. $950.00 month. Furnished 2 bedroom, lr, kit, laundry, bath, large patio. References & Lease required. You’ll need bedding, towels, and renters insurance. No pets. Available Immediately. Phone 902-765-4320 or E-mail: [email protected] for full feature description, additional pictures or appointment. (3537-ufnb) FOR RENT – One bedroom apartment in Kingston. Fridge, stove, microwave inc. Heat & lights included. Non-Smoking. Close to all services. $700.00 a month. Phone 902-765-3664 or 902-825-7364 for more info. (3540-4tpb) FOR RENT – A spacious one bedroom apartment in a quiet, private location in Middleton ideal for one person. Steve Lake’s Light Trucking Moving & Deliveries patrick’s puzzle the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS November 3, 2014 16’ Cube Van New flooring and paint, utilities and FOR RENT – Beautiful 4 Bedroom wifi included. Non-smoking and no house with a spa/salon with private pets. Furnished / unfurnished as access. Walking distance to all ameneeded. Rent is $725.00/month. Call nities. Close to schools & on a bus 902-844-0331 or 902-825-4544 or route. Washer, dryer, fridge & stove [email protected] (3538-ufn) Inc. Utilities not included. Available immediately. $1100 a month. Call FOR RENT – Kingston Lincoln Shire 902-765-8881. (3542-2tp) Apartments - 2 Bedroom, 2 Appliance $600 Per month plus utilities. WORRY FREE LIVING Available November or December 1st. Call 902-765-6669. (3541- WORRY FREE – Newly constructed retirement living on one level. Ma2tpb) ture adult living. Two bedrooms, 4 FOR RENT – Aylesford, two bedroom appliances, kitchen, living room, apt - upstairs with own driveway bathroom, laundry hook-ups. 1000 and on Bus Route. Fridge, Stove, square feet of living space with Washer & Dryer, Hardwood floors. in floor heating and garage. Pet Pay your own utilities. Damage friendly & smoke free. Nictaux road Deposit required. $475 a month. just minutes from Middleton on bus Phone 902-538-1313 or 902-760route. Phone 902-765-0412. Call 0775. (3542-2tp) about Rental incentive! (3539-4tp) FOR RENT – Newly renovated 2 Bed- WORRY FREE – Middleton. Newly room apartment in Auburn with a with garage constructed retirement small den. Fridge & Stove included. living on one level. Two bedrooms, Coin operated Laundromat on main 3 appliances, kitchen, living room, level. Electric baseboard heaters. bathroom with large sit down showPartially heated by woodstove on er plus Jeg tub. Heated floors, heat lower level. Water, snow removal pumps for low electric bills. Front & yard care included. Available & back deck. Snow removal & lawn December 1st. $650 per month. Call Care. Mail on site. Pet friendly & 902-765-8881. (3542-2tp) close to Avery’s and bus route. Phone Darlene at 902-825-3424 or HOUSE FOR RENT 902-825-2606 or Cell 902-840-1780 FOR RENT – House for rent. 3 bedReady to rent. (3539-4tp) room with Dbl car garage located in Jefferson Pines Subdivision. FOR SALE 5 Appliances inc. Close to CFB FOR SALE – Large solid wood coffee Greenwood. $1100 per month. table and two end tables. Excellent plus utilities. Phone 902-670-1294 condition. $75.00. Phone: 902(3540-4tpb) 765-0277 (3540-1tpb) FOR SALE – Frigidaire Freezer, 60 inches x 28 inches x 32 inches. DAN’S FIREWOOD $60. White in colour. Good condi- Hardwood, $250 a cord Softwood, $210 a cord Cut, Split, Delivered Ph: 902-825-6424 902-844 0551 Gerard Burke Construction & Renovations ~ All aspects of carpentry ~ ~ Free estimates ~ ~ Journeyman and insured ~ Middleton Cell (902) 825-8251 Planesview S/D - Aldred Drive: Aldred Drive, Bridge Street (Three houses in between streets), Glengary Road, Neily Crescent, Whittington Drive. If you are interested contact: 902-765-1494 local 5440 Aurora the DeploymentDéploiement Auto-Truck Storage Stockage D’Automobile 902 ~~~ CALL ~~~ 847-0490 or 847-5074 902 Also Heated Storage Units Military Discounts 2 kms from Base STORAGE paper carrier needed STORAGE FOR RENT MELVERN SQUARE 672 Stronach Mtn Road, Melvern Square Modern 3 bedroom 2 bathroom single family dwelling. $1,400.00/MO. Utilities included. For more information call 902-824-0286 COMMERCIAL BUILDING FOR RENT – Approximately 900 Sq feet, plus Office Space. Located at 14749 Highway 1, Wilmot. Please call 902-765-0412. (3542-2tps) SERVICES SERVICE – Bilingual handyman carpenter available, 25 years of experience with finish work, flooring, stairs, tile work and more. Reasonable rates – flexible hours. Call Mike at 902-242-2465 or 902-840-0529. Greenwood/Kingston (3433-ufn) SERVICE – Holistic Health Services – Aromatherapy Massage is a scalp–to–toe relaxation massage using custom –blended essential oils, which may help relieve symptoms of depression, stress, anxiety, tension, mental or physical fatigue, headaches, migraines, muscle aches and pains, and more. 1-hour treatment, $50. Greenwood NS. Call Kim at 902-765-3203. Details at html (3538-8tps) SERVICE – Get Smart with your money; you could win $1,000. Contact Tracy Way, Loans Officer at Valley Credit Union to book an appointment for a financial checkup. (902)765-3342 opt 3 or t.way@ Contest ends November 30th. (3542-1tps) IN THE COMMUNITY CHURCH SERVICE – “The Peoples 25:40 Church” There will be a church service held every Sunday at the New Beginnings Centre 1151 Bridge Street Greenwood provided by Pastor Leon Langille. Pre Service music at 2:50 p.m. Service 3:00 p.m. Doors will open at 2:30 p.m. All are welcome. (3533-ufn) FOR SALE FIREWOOD Clear Hardwood Cut, Split and Delivered Quality Guaranteed Please Phone 902-825-3361 PARKER & RICHTER Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Chris Parker L.L.B Ronald D. Richter (B.A. Hon.), L.L.B. Southgate Court, Greenwood N.S. Phone: 902-765-4992 Fax: 902-765-4120 “Serving the Western Valley Since 1977” FUTURE GLASS and MIRROR LTD. 902-765-2105 WINDSHIELD SPECIALISTS replacements chip repairs Barrister * Solicitor * Notary Email: [email protected] Web: T: 902-765-3301 F: 902-765-6493 COMMERCIAL SPACE Sampson Dr., Greenwood David A. Proudfoot 811 Central Avenue, PO Box 100 Greenwood, NS B0P 1N0 tion. Phone 902-765-6274. (35402tpb) • Real Estate • Wills / Estates • Consultations / Referrals ALSO: plateglass, plexie & lexan, mirrors, vehicle accessories, window & screen repairs, replacement thermo pane windows and more... Insurance Claims are our Speciality. Mention this ad for $100 off your deductible. the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS Page 11 November 3 2014 Lions’ fall season reflects service, community success Lion Pat Nixon, Kingston Lions Club As fall passes, your hardworking Kingston Lions are busy with both the fall and Christmas seasons. Their schedule includes a recent supper fundraiser for Campaign for Kids, regular bingos, noon luncheons and variety music nights; serving and preparing the November 11 supper at the Legion, hosting Christmas parties, the Christmas Mommies & Daddies telethon and hamper program, the Christmas music show on behalf of the Upper Room Food Bank and the ever-popular Christmas Eve breakfast. Kingston Lions are all about service to the community. Lions have made recent donations to a number of organizations: the autism chapter received funding to help purchase sport and gym equipment for a program for children with autism; Camp Treasure Chest received a donation and the Upper Room Food Bank received $1,500. Lions also donated skates to local schools and skis to the Kingston Scouts. At the October 6 meeting, Lion Russell Maillet, chairman of the 2014 Kingston Steer BBQ & Village Fair, presented a cheque representing the Kingston Lions Club’s share of the proceeds from this year’s event. These funds will continue to be put back into the community as part of Lions’ projects and &Friends Come join Family celebrate the 80th Birthday of Kay Miles Open House Saturday, November 8 • 6-10 pm 1036 Whittington Drive, Greenwood charitable efforts. During our Wednesday night bingos, Lions will be accepting donations in support of the annual Coats for Kids program. This worthwhile program collects gently used winter coats and then distributes them to local children who might otherwise not be able to afford a winter coat. From now through November, you may drop off coats in the drop box at the Kingston Lions Hall. The Lions’ annual Peace Poster Contest was judged October 28 by a panel of five community judges. Local students, including home schoolers, were invited to depict the importance of peace, tolerance and international understanding. The winning poster from each school may now advance through various local, District, provincial and national level competitions to the international level. Planning your annual Christmas party? Give the Lions a call at 902-765-2128 to see what we have to offer. We have full, in-house catering, bar, a dance area and stage for your event. Available dates are filling up fast. We are always looking for new members to join our vibrant club. Give us a call! Ground Zero Rock Climbing THE COUNTY OF KINGS 87 Cornwallis Street PO Box 100 Kentville, NS B4N 3W3 APPLICATIONS FOR GRANTS TO ORGANIZATIONS Section 65 of the Municipal Government Act (MGA) empowers Municipalities to make grants to certain types of organizations. The Municipality of the County of Kings may issue grants to organizations which qualify under the MGA s.65(au) and which provide services that complement or enhance existing services of the Municipality. The application deadline for organizations to submit their requests is November 30th. For a copy of the policy or further information on the application process, please contact the undersigned. Meg Cuming [email protected] Tel: (902) 690-2214 Fax: (902) 679-0911 Toll Free 1 888 337-2999 services & trades Contact Anne at 902-765-1494 local 5833 for rates RALPH FREEMAN MOTORS LTD. YOUR LOCAL USED CAR DEALER Date: November 15, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Licensed Mechanic Available on Site U-Haul Dealer call (902) 765-0158 Location: 14 Wing Community Centre to Ground Zero, Dartmouth Cost: $5 per person 820 Main Street, Kingston • 902-765-2555 Ages: 12-17 To Register: Call 902-765-1494 local 5341 THE MUNICIPALITY OF Kingston Lion Russell Maillet, left, chairman of the 2014 Kingston Steer BBQ & Village Fair; presented a cheque to King Lion Ray Leblanc from the proceeds of the 2014 event. Submitted Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries A Special THANK YOU goes out to W. Bruce Gillis, Q.C. • Blaine G. Schumacher, CD ParticipACTION Teen Challenge for contributing to this event! Durland, Gillis & Schumacher Associates A division of CFMWS Une division des SBMFC (Also of the Alberta Bar) Counsel: Clare H. Durland, Q.C. (Non-Practicing) Phone (902) 825-3415 • Fax (902) 825-2522 spotlight of the week 74 Commercial Street P.O. Box 700, Middleton, NS B0S 1P0 Six businesses run a business card ad for six weeks Each week one of the businesses will be featured Feature may include ude an article & photos os Only $205 .00 plus tax per business Call Anne Kempton Marketing Consultant (902) 765-1494 local 5833 [email protected] 9594 South Farmington RR1 Wilmot, NS B0P 1W0 902-840-0552 BOOKING NOW November 10 S p e c i a l i z i n g i n R o o f i n g • Free Estimates Low Minimum Orders start date Aurora the & JASON BEZANSON ROOFING CONSTRUCTION Fuel for Less, 902-538-0677 Waterville, N.S. 1-888-338-0331 (Oil delivery 6 days a week) $10.00 off 450 Litres with card Page 12 November 3, 2014 Snow Ball was the special guest during children’s story time at The People’s 25:40 Church in Greenwood. The 10-day-old white shorthorn was brought in by Marven Armstrong. M.Rolph Snow Ball goes to church Murray Rolph The Sunday service October 19 at The People’s 25:40 Church in Greenwood included a special guest during the children’s story. A local and dedicated farm family, the Armstrongs, spoke with the children about being a Christian, using local pumpkins as props. Marven Armstrong also talked about and introduced a fourlegged guest from his farm, “Snow Ball.” Snow Ball is a very uncommon, pure white shorthorn heifer calf from Carole and Marven and Carole’s North Kingston farm. Marven said he has only seen two on his farm: Snow Ball, 10 days old on this visit, and a bull calf named “Snowball,” owned by Marven’s father some 50 years ago. In the past, Marven has occasionally brought in farm animals to explain how they are involved in the church’s world. All enjoyed the service and the guest(s). $500 Discount to Military Families* on New & Used Vehicles USED INVENTORY Stock Number 14-497B $ 2010 Ford Ranger Sport 11,950 + tax • $126 BIWEEKLY 4.0 L, 5 Spd, V-6, RWD Extended Cab Truck, 71,476 kms Stock Number 13-193A 13,950 + tax Sto Number Stock 14-517A 14 2010 Toyota Matrix H/B 20 • $147 BIWEEKLY Automatic, 1.8 L, I-4 cyl, A/C, Hatchback, 56,219 kms Stock Number 14-526A $ 17,950 + tax $ 2013 Dodge Avenger SE $110 BIWEEKLY! Automatic, 2.4 L, I-4 Cyl, 4 Door Sedan, A/C, Showroom condition, 38,526 kms 2010 Ford F-150 XLT XTR Stock Number U2002 Stock Number 14-370A $ 2010 Toyota Camry LE Touring 13,950 + tax $ 16,950 + tax • $187 BIWEEKLY! 4.6 L, Automatic, 4x4 Super Crew, A/C, 126,345 kms $ 27,950 + tax • $177 BIWEEKLY! 2013 Toyota Sienna LE • $219 BIWEEKLY! Automatic, 4 Cyl, 4 Door Sedan, A/C, plus Leather, 3.5L, 6 Cyl, 8 Passenger Minivan, 30,560 kms, Sunroof, Mint Condition, 55,068 kms Certified! 840 Park Street Kentville, NS • Toll-free 1-888-466-2702 • (902) 678-6000 the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
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