Owner L & L Development, LLC 7200 West 13th, Suite 5 Wichita, KS 67212 E Engineer: Parson’s Engineering, Inc. Anthony Pezzi, PE 4751 Trousdale Drive, Suite 202 Nashville, TN 37220 Structural Engineer UBSE Chris Meyers 405 International Parkway Suite 209 Richardson TX 75081 IBC Code Requirements Occupancy Classification: M (Mercantile) Type of Construction: Type II-B/unsprinklered Building Area Phase One: Allowable Project 12,500 SF 5,000 sf 3,000 sf Building Area Phase Two: Building Area Total: 12,500 sf 8,000 sf Building Height in Stories: 2 1 Building Height in Feet: 40 ft na No. of Exits Required per Tenant: 2 2 Tenant Separation: 0 HR 0 HR Building Separation: 3 HR na Geotech Engineer Professional Service Industries, Inc. 724 Central Avenue Jefferson, LA 70121 under separate contract to previous Owner Dollar Tree Representative Kenny King Architectural Project Manager DollarTree Stores, Inc (757) 321-5517 [email protected] Construction Document Index A0.01 A2.01 A2.02 A2.03 A3.01 A3.02 Contractor shall have on desk in job site a copy of the City/County approved A4.01 plans. A4.02 A4.03 Contractor shall have on desk in job site a copy of the Fire Marshall approved A4.04 plans (if separate from City documents). A5.01 Cover Sheet Floor Plan Roof Plan Reflected Ceiling Plan Elevations & Storefront Elevation & Roof Rehab Building Section Wall Sections Wall Sections Wall Details Plan Details Submit all ALL written comments issued by the City jurisdiction to the Architect and the Civil. Accessibility Details Accessibility Details Accessibility Details Accessibility Details Dollar Tree expansion Project Aerial Contractor's Required Check List Contractor Responsibilities project documents Contractor shall remove any Drawings not sealed by the Architect or Engineers of record from the site. ADA1 ADA2 ADA3 ADA4 S1.01 Contractor shall ceate a Construction Documents (CD) log listing each document and posting the effective date. Include Addendae, Change Orders S2.01 and Clarification Drawings. Send copy monthly or as it changes for review by Architect. E1.00 tenant documents Tenant Lease Exhibits are contained in the Project Manual, become familiar with these documents to understand the required level of finish for each Tenant. Notify Architect immediately of any discrepancies noted between Lease Exhibit, Architectural Plans and Tenant Finish Plans E2.00 E3.00 E4.00 Power Plan Lighting Plan Schedules E Specifications keep CD Log of all pertinent Tenant Finish Drawings, send copy to Architect for verification M1.0 M2.0 M3.0 MP1.0 Mech Plan Mech Roof Plan Mech Schedules Mech Specifications P1.0 Plumbing Plan DO NOT initiate construction on any Tenant space until you have a set of checked Tenant Finish Drawings distributed from Architect's Office. geotechnical The Geotechnical Report is contained in the Project Manual, become familiar with it to understand the required level of subgrade preparation required for this project. Notify Architect, Civil Engineer & Geotechnical Engineer immediately of any discrepancies or subgrade issues at the site that are different than noted in the report. DO NOT vary from Subgrade Preparation as documented in the Geotechnical Report, Structural Drawings, Civil Drawings and Specifications w/o written authorization from the Architect, Civil Engineer and Structural Engineer General Contractor to provide testing per Specifications. Submit copies of all Construction Testing Reports to Architect, Structural and Civil Engineer immediately upon their publication. DO NOT submit duplicate reports. changes Submit RFI's in writing to the Archtect or Civil. Maintain a log of RFI's indicating their status. Submit all Change Requests in writing to Architect and/or Civil for evaluation. DO NOT proceed with any changes to the Work until written authorization has been granted by the Architect and/or Civil and the Owner. pay applications Submit a Schedule of Values to the Architect and Civil Engineer prior to Construction per Specifications DO NOT front load Pay Applications. G703 shall be consistent with Subcontractors/Suppliers Contracts and Lien Waivers Submit accurate Pay Applications of Work exectued, inaccurate Pay Applications will be rejected, not adjusted subcontractors Submit a list, including all contact information, of Subcontractors and Suppliers to be used on the project. If Subs or Suppliers change during the course of the Work notify the Architect of the change. submittals Submit a minimum of 4 Shop Drawings or Submittals for each category of Work. Review and stamp the Shop Drawings or Submittals with your comments before submitting them to the Architect for review. DO NOT proceed with any phase of construction without approved Shop Drawings or Submittals. Submit substitutions for approval if work components vary from those items specified. Provide a 4' x 8' mock up of exterior wall for approval by Owner and Architect. Architect will prepare a color board for the approval of the Owner from the color samples submitted by the Contractor. DO NOT proceed with color selections without the written approval of the Architect. project management Foundation Details Foundation Plan 560 PR 2422 Uncertain, TX 75661 903.484.4040 [email protected] MP Engineer: Scepter Engineering, PC Steve Dunn, PE 7110 Town Center Way, Suite 203 Brentwood TN 37027 2003 International Building Code 2003 International Electrical Code 2003 International Plumbing Code 2003 International Mechanical Code 2003 International Fuel and Gas Code 2005 National Electric Code Wiggins, MS Architect City Of Wiggins Building Codes Duane Meyers AIA Dollar Tree Addition Architect Duane Meyers Architect 560 Private Road 2422 Uncertain, TX 75661 903.484.4040 [email protected] Wiggins, MS Misha Parker, CFM Planning and Building Department 117 North First Street Wiggins, Mississippi 39577 (601) 928-4060 office (601) 528-0911 moblile [email protected] Wiggins Plaza Dollar Tree Addition Wiggins Plaza Project Directory GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES Provide and maintain an experienced and qualified Project Superintendent on site throughout the duration of construction. Provide and maintain an experienced and qualified Project Manger in the office throughout the duration of construction. Revisions Follow the procedures set up in the Project Manual. Submit electronic project photos with captions and progress summary reports weekly to the Owner, the Architect and the Civil. Dollar Tree expansion 14 Y 20 9 MA A0.01 Project Map 9 May 2014 10.0' 15.0' 5'R 10.0' 20.0' 120.0' 'R 15 .0' 43.0' 27 23.0' 5'R 28.0' 31'R The Owner of Wiggins Plaza is adding a 3,000 SF addition to the existing 5,000 SF Building A in order to make an 8,000 SF Dollar Tree Store. Area/Parking Synopsis 43.1' 10.0' 2.5'R 25.0' 15 111** 'R R 4 F.F. = 226.50 (12,375 SF) BLDG "B" 6 103.0' 2.0' 25.0' * includes 4 accessible spaces 7 25.0' 18.0' 19.9' 10.0' 5.0' 10.0' 2.5'R 135.0' H 11.0' F.F. = 226.50 17.5' 131.5' 10.0' (5,000 SF) BLDG "A" 9 2.5'R 91.6' 36.0' 12 3,000 SF Dollar Tree Addition 2.5'R 12 28.1' EXISTING 10' WALK 4.0' (4,350 SF) AREA ORIGINALLY PLANNED FUTURE BLDG. 15 5' R 25.0' 108.0' 5' EXISTING 10' WALK º 60 8.7 105.2' 5.0' 18.0' 80.0' 15.0' 'R 25 10.0' / F/L Out = 211.50 F/L In = 211.48 Rim = 223.98 Exist. M.H. 10.0' PYLON SIGN restripe all parking spaces adjacent to Building A & new addition 8 ' 25.0' R R 2.0' remove temporary slab in this area 6.8' 29.0' 15' 33' 17.0' 20.0' 30.0' 12 topsoil and sod this area 10.0' provide ADA inboard ramp if existing is noncompliant w/ signage H R 25.0' 'R 10.7' 15 S58ï'39"E 290.00' 18.0' H 14 25.0' 24' ASPHALT AD SERVICE RO N58ï'39"W 290.00' 10' WALK H 111* 5' 2.5'R 2.5'R 106 R 111 5' 20,375 SF 5' WALK Parking Provided 21,725 SF 10.7' Required Parking Ex. + New Addition 25.0' 20.0' Building Area Planned 19.9' 30.0' Ex. + Planned Addition 12.0' S31Ì'21"W 346.00' Wiggins, MS .0' 31.0' Wiggins Plaza Dollar Tree Addition 18 3 Project Description: 6 560 PR 2422 Uncertain, TX 75661 903.484.4040 [email protected] Architect Duane Meyers AIA N31Ì'21"E 346.00' Revisions WA ENT L-MA RAN RT CE TO Existing Site Plan 01 14 Y 20 9 MA Wiggins Site Plan SCALE: 1" = 20' A1.01 9 May 2014 85'-0" 3 21'-3" Terminate and cap all abandoned utility services per MEP and as required by local Code. All utilities not under slab to be removed back to point of origin. Mark on slab utilities being capped under slab. TYPICAL throughout space. 04 08 01 TYPICAL 05 02 05 Remove existing door, cover opening exterior and interior in "like new" condition. 06 Salvage all air handlers and condensing units. Clean service and return to Owner. Remove and dispose of all HVAC duct and control systems to prepare for new equipment, distribution and controls. Remove any ductwork in space that originate from existing units. B 01 Remove all interior base, wainscot and wall trim around existing doors and storefront scheduled to remain. Repair existing gypsum board as required to provide "like new" finishes as scheduled. 09 Cut and prep R.O. for new door. 10 Remove existing electrical panels that are not to be reused, terminate and removed back to point of origin. 02 08 10 07 TYPICAL 04 04 05 06 04 C C 03 Remove all existing floor tile and prep existing slab for new finishes as scheduled. All existing floor drains that are not to be reused to be terminated and removed back to point of origin. 08 04 03 04 01 18'-6" 07 B D 04 06 10 07 TYPICAL 04 04 08 TYPICAL 02 existing endwall to be removed existing door, conform correct location for reuse at Dollar Tree space, re-hardware as required D Demolition Plan SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" HEAD vinyl back insulation (ASTM 136 non-combustible) GWB ceiling as scheduled top track tight to deck assembly ACT ceiling as scheduled HEAD vinyl back insulation (ASTM 136 non-combustible) Metal Stud Span Chart top track tight to deck assembly ceiling as scheduled Interior Applications GWB prepped existing fixture(s) to be removed 01 6" min. existing door to be removed 16'-4" existing partition to be removed Stud Depth 1 5/8" 2 1/2" 5/8" "x" gyp brd on 3.625" x 20 ga.mtl studs @ 16" o.c. JAMB 5/8" "x" gyp brd on 6" x 20 ga.mtl studs @ 16" o.c. 3 5/8" JAMB 6" acoustic batt insulation acoustic batt insulation track on 2 cont. beads of sealant SILL a Partition Type track on 2 cont. beads of sealant SILL b Partition Type Wiggins, MS 04 Remove existing partitions in space as noted. Prior to removal field verify they are non-load bearing, report any discrepancy to Architect prior to demolition. 09 07 TYPICAL 18'-10" Existing aluminum storefront glass to be replaced with new insulated glazing, match existing finishes. opening for new door 06 10 04 03 Duane Meyers AIA 03 20'-10" 02 Remove all existing acoustic ceiling & grid, gyp board ceiling furr downs, floor & base finishes, non-load bearing partitions, millwork, shelving, display fixtures, equipment, light fixtures, floor outlets, HVAC duct systems, HVAC air handlers, branch electrical circuits, speakers, telecommunications systems, security systems, plumbing fixtures and all associated and miscellaneous items not scheduled to remain. 21'-3" Wiggins Plaza Dollar Tree Addition Demolition Material Keys: 01 21'-3" A 1'-4" 1. Prior to the start of demolition the Contractor is to familiarize himself completely with the requirements of the drawings, notes and attached specifications. 2. Demolition that would affect the existing structural system or elements are not permitted without prior approval, all structural components are to be protected during demolition. 3. If existing, the fire alarm system and devices are to be removed as permitted by the building code and approved by the Fire Marshall. 4. Unless noted otherwise, all existing floor finishes and wall base in the entire leased space are to be removed and remaining subsurfaces are to be cleaned and prepared to receive the new specified finishes. 5. Unless noted otherwise, all existing light fixtures in the entire leased space are to be removed and disposed of, including any fluorescent fixtures, strip lights, track lights, cove lights, exit and emergency devices and down lights. 6. Unless noted otherwise, all existing ceiling systems are to be removed disposed of, including any drop ceilings, soffits, and suspended systems except as noted on Demolition Plan. 7. All un-used existing electrical and phone/data outlets in the leased space are to be removed and remaining openings in the wall patched with materials matching adjacent surfaces. Prepare for the installation of new scheduled finishes. 8. Do not abandon any utilities, service lines, or extensions within the leased space. Remove back to their source or logical termination point. 9. Coordinate all demolition work and disposal of debris with Property Manager and/or Landlord if required. 10. All existing wall surfaces within the lease space scheduled to remain are to be prepared to receive the new specified finish. Work to include the patching and repair of all wall surfaces and the removal of all existing finishes that would prohibit the installation of the new scheduled finish. 11. Existing Floor Plan was field surveyed, and augmented by field photographs. It may not represent the entirety of elements within the space to be removed and demolished. The Contractor will be responsible for removal of all items whether documented or not to achieve a clean shell for the Tenant improvements. 12. Return all HVAC and plumbing fixtures to Owner in a clean and manageable state. 21'-3" 5 4" Keyed Demolition Notes: Demolition General Notes A 4 560 PR 2422 Uncertain, TX 75661 903.484.4040 [email protected] 2 Architect 1 Stud Spacing Height 16" OC 10'-7" 24" OC 9'-7" 16" OC 14'-4" 24" OC 13'-0" 16" OC 18'-1" 24" OC 16'-2" 16" OC 27'-0" 24" OC 23'-10" Stud Gauge Revisions 20 20 20 20 Notes: 01. Horizontal loading is limited to 7.5 psf. 02. Deflection is limited to L/120. 03. All walls shall be properly braced and constructed in accordance with applicable codes and standards. 04. 5/8" is minimum thickness of gypsum wall board. 05. ALL components of fire rated assemblies to comply with UL Specifications 14 Y 20 9 MA Partiton Type General Notes: 1. Refer A2.01 Floor Plan for stud width (i.e. 3 5/8", 6", etc.) 2. Acoustic batt to be NC R-11 for 3.625" stud partitions. 3. Acoustic batt to be NC R-19 for 6.000" stud partitions. 4. Moisture Resistant (MR) gypsum board @ ALL wet locations. (i.e. restrooms) 5. Provide NC 2x6 blocking in all walls scheduled to receive wall mounted accessories A1.02 9 May 2014 85'-0" 36" 20'-10" 8" 8'-4 3/4" 7 1/4" 6'-9" HWH (above) 3'-0" 4 7/8" 3'-0" 8'-5 1/2" 3'-0" B 4" B 6" x 20 ga. metal studs @ 16" o.c. to deck new sconce lights to replace existing @ 6'-8" AFF min. 7 1/4" 7'-6" 4 7/8" 5'-0" 2 4 7/8" 7'-6" b a WMN b 5 EWC MEN 6 4'-9 3/4" 4 7/8" 4'-4 7/8" 4 4 7/8" 20'-1" Office walls by Tenant 2'-2" 7'-0" 5 1/2" 3'-0" 1'-6 1/2" walls by Tenant by Dollar Tree C Tenant Tenant GC B293 SS 40” Max. to Bottom of Reflective Surface Toilet Tissue Dispenser E Bobrick B76867 Satin Steel Outlet 15”- 48” AFF, Centerline 7”- 9” from Front of W C GC GC Grab Bar F Bobrick B6806.99 SS Top of Grab Bar: 33”-36” AFF GC GC F FRP to 48" AFF Men 8'-0" AFF FRP to 48" AFF EWC 8'-0" AFF FRP to 48" AFF 01 1. FRP to be Kemlite Glassboard, white or equal 2. Acoustic Ceiling One to be Armstrong, Cortega Square Lay-In 769, 24" x 48", white with Prelude 15/16" metal grid, white or equal 3. Vinyl Base to be Johnsonite, 4" coved vinyl base, black or equal 4. Vinyl Composition Tile to be 12" x 12" Armstrong, 51911 Excelon Classic White or equal 5. Utilize Moisture Resistant (MR) drywall at all wet areas. 6. Paint ALL exposed structure Dryfall, Ceiling White. 7. "Prepped GWB" is defined as Gypsum Wall Board that has been caulked, taped, mudded and sanded smooth, ready for Dollar Tree's finishes C flush control to open side of room B 8'-0" 8'-0" B A A pipe protection 03 Toilet Sidewall SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" 04 Plumbing wall SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" 3'-4" 2'-10" 3'-4" 2'-10" 1'-5" 1'-5" D 3'-4" E 36" 3'-4" to reflective surface D 3'-0" E 01 1.0 A5 4 1 1/2" 5 General Plan Notes: 3'-1/4" 1. Install Gypsum Wall Boards in Area Shown in Construction Documents. Contractor shall ensure that Blocking is Installed in Walls as shown on Construction Documents or as Required to Support Wall Attached Items. 2.Contractor shall Install New Doors, Door Frames & Hardware According to Door Schedule, at Locations shown in Drawings. 3. See Sheet Room Finish Schedule for Dollar Tree, Sheet A2.01 for finishes. 4. BLOCKING NOTES: 1. “ ” Indicates 2x6 Blocking Required in Wall for Plumbing and Restroom Accessories. 2. Blocking shall be Fire Retardant where Required by Code. Contractor is Responsible for Obtaining Manufacturers’ Cut Sheets and Locating Blocking as Required. This Includes Equipment and Items Furnished and Installed by Others. 5. Interior dimensions Shown in these Plans are to Finish Face Of Wall at the sheathing plane Unless Noted Otherwise. 6. It is the General Contractors responsibility to complete All Roof Penetrations and Installation of All Roof Top Equipment in Such a Manner as to Maintain the Existing Roof System in a Water Tight Manner that Complies with All Written Requirements of the Roofing System Manufacturer for Water Tightness and to Maintain Any Roof Warranty. 7. It is the General Contractors Responsibility to Verify the Compatibility of All Work or Intended Use of Such Work with the Existing Roof System. 8. Contractor Shall Prepare All Walls as Shown for Installation of New FRP. 9. Contractor Shall Ensure that the Existing Rear Service Door has Panic Hardware Properly Installed and be Painted on the Interior per Finish Schedule. 10. Refer A1.02 for Partition Types FRP C 4'-8" FRP 42" 3 21'-3" Revisions General Construction Notes: FRP 8" Wiggins Dollar Tree Shell Plan SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 2 21'-3" 1. Relative Finish Floor Elevation (FFE) 100'-0", refer to Civil Drawings for Datum FFE. In all cases in Dollar Tree addition match existing. 2. Exterior overall dimensions are to exterior face of stud or framing at grade unless noted otherwise. 3. Refer Plan Section Details (A5.01) for Stud Face to Ext Finish Material Dimensions. 4. Interior dimensions are face of finish (or sheathing) to face of finish (or sheathing) unless noted otherwise. 5. Contractor to coordinate ALL front and rear door entrance locations with Tenant prior to installation. 6. ALL future Tenant restrooms are to be constructed as accessible in accordance with the current federal ADA specifications. Refer to sheets ADA1 through ADA4 for specifics. 7. All Interior Partitions are to be provided by Landlord's Contractor unless noted/keyed otherwise. 8. Refer to Civil Drawings for all paving and flatwork conditions. 9. Denotes "Sidewalk Expansion Joint", Note that all other sidewalk joints shown to be Sidewalk Control Joints 10. Tenants will be responsible for providing: a. Demising Partitions ! ! b. Gypsum Board at exterior perimeter walls U.N.O. (insulation to be furnished and installed by Landlord's Contractor) 11. Lease Lines go to exterior face of steel framing and to centerline of demising partitions unless noted otherwise. Room Finish Notes 42" 15'-0" Ptd GWB Exposed Structure Acoustic Ceiling Semi-Gloss Paint FRP 8'-0" AFF 21'-3" 06 Wmn 1 1- 10'-0" AFF .0 Office 21'-3" pt. exp structure w/ white Dryfall, FRP to 96" AFF in mop sink alcove A5 exposed str 05 Stockroom D 1- 10'-0" AFF 36" .0 Sales D G A5 Prepped MR GWB G 8" x 14 ga. metal studs @ 12" o.c. this sidewall 6" x 14 ga. metal studs @ 12" o.c. this front wall 03 Prepped GWB Remarks 1- 4" Vinyl CLG HT .0 12" x 12" VCT CEILING A5 Sealed Concrete WALL BASE 07 FLOOR 1- Room Finish Schedule for Dollar Tree ROOM NAME F .0 17'-7 1/2" Bobrick A5 D 9'-0" 02 1.0 hd A5 pp o Mirror GC portal frame Dispenser 48" AFF Max 9'-0" C portal frame Tenant 6'-0" Tenant 6'-8" Back of Restroom Door Hook 15” to 48” AFF E 3'-0" B 1 13'-5 1/2" INST. Tenant 3'-0" Paper Towel Dispenser 48" AFF Max. SUPP Tenant 16'-4" Coat Hook Remarks 35'-3 1/2" NEW ADDITION A COLOR new frame required adjacent to existing frame, furr around with light gage metal framing & 5/8" GWB tight to columns 08 Wall Mounted Soap Dispenser MODEL MANUFACTURER 9'-0" x 9'-0" entry carpet tile (by Tenant) 1- KEY D .0 DESCRIPTION SALES A5 E Toilet Accessory Schedule for Dollar Tree Dollar Tree 8,000 SF 6'-2" D 1'-4" new sconce lights @ 6'-8" AFF min. Restroom Plan Enlarged SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" 3 T2.1 4" 02 18'-6" 94'-1 1/2" 3'-6" C B Pre-Wired Checkout Stations 3'-6" 6 3'-0" 5 10'-0" 14'-6" 34" spout 6'-0" by Dollar Tree Mop Sink w/ HWH (above) OFFICE B 3'-6" 4" wing wall by Tenant Freezer 2'-0" 42" FD 3'-6" 7 1/4" STOCKROOM F FD b 3'-0" 42" E provide protruding object skirt for high EWC FRP to 48" AFF F FRP to 48" AFF 18'-10" TYP. 1'-3" min. 58'-10" EXISTING SHELL E A2.01-05 A2.01-03 FRP to 96" AFF 8'-0" 40" spout 8" 3'-6" 4'-0" A2.01-04 6" x 20 ga. metal studs @ 16" o.c. to deck walls by Tenant 560 PR 2422 Uncertain, TX 75661 903.484.4040 [email protected] F Wiggins, MS A Architect D Duane Meyers AIA 36" C Wiggins Plaza Dollar Tree Addition C A by Dollar Tree D A F 5'-7" 1'-0" 7 1/4" A 21'-3" 7 1/4" 5" 21'-3" 8'-0" 3'-0" 21'-3" 2'-3" 7 1/4" 3'-0" 21'-3" line of awning (above) 5 eq. 1'-5" 4 eq. 4'-5" 3 8'-0" 1'-8" 2 Freezer/Coolers eq. 1 Cooler eq. 7'-6" by Dollar Tree 5" 1'-8" 4 7/8" 17'-0" 4'-5" 5'-0" 2'-0" 1'-5" 4 7/8" 4" 7'-6" pipe protection 05 Lav Sidewall SCALE: 1/2" = 14 Y 20 9 MA A2.01 1'-0" 9 May 2014 21'-3" 21'-3" ex ds A 4" 20'-10" existing continuous gutter 118'-10 1/2" parapet B B ex ds 1/2" per 12" SLOPE C 118'-10 1/2" parapet remove standard rake facia @ existing roof, peel back to clean existing roof panel and then install new roof panels of same conifguration w/ cont. sealant at lapped joint refer A4.03-03 ex ds D new ds 16'-4" 122'-10 1/2" to 125'-7"+ parapet new R Panel Roof 10'-0" 11'-3" 13'-8" 11'-0" 19'-3" roof access ladder equal to FS Industries M17(+/- field verify)WC for the 14'-2" +/- (field verify) high rear wall, with the LG8 security guard, OSHA cage and walk thru top options. www.fsindustries.com new ds RTU 2 1,100 lbs 12'-2" 4'-0" 117'-6 1/2" low eave ht. 17'-7 1/2" RTU 1 1,100 lbs RTU 3 1,100 lbs RTU 4 1,100 lbs RTU 5 1,100 lbs RTU service clearance TYPICAL 4" 120'-10 1/2" parapet new ds 120'-10 1/2" parapet metal coping on rake 21'-3" 1 21'-3" 2 General Notes Roof Plan : 21'-3" 3 1. Metal Roof Panels: ! Equal to MBCI PBR (confirm, match existing), 26 ga. ! COLOR: Polar White 2. Gutters & Downspouts: ! COLOR: Polar White 3. RTU's to be mounted on LMCurbs (800.284.1412) refer specifications. Coordinate locations, weights and details with Pre-Engineered Metal Building supplier and erector 4. Roof Insulation: cont. 3" NC insulation (ASTM 136) over vinyl backed 6" NC R-19 insulation in the purlin plane equal to JM Formaldahyde Free with a WMP VRR Plus perforated vinyl back held in place with the White Ultra Grid Banding System 5. Metal Wall Panels:! ! Equal to MBCI PBR, exposed fastener, 36" wide x 26 ga. ! COLOR: Signature 300, match existing 01 new continuous gutter 4'-0" 4'-0" Roof Plan SCALE: 1/8" = 21'-3" 4 1 1/2" 5 F 114'-0" low eave ht. F G E 1/2" per 12" SLOPE new EIFS coping 120'-10 1/2" parapet 4'-0" E NEW CONSTRUCTION existing EIFS coping 18'-6" D C ex ds 1'-4" EXISTING CONSTRUCTION 18'-10" existing R Panel Roof prep & coat with specified roof coating G Wiggins Plaza Dollar Tree Addition A 21'-3" 5 560 PR 2422 Uncertain, TX 75661 903.484.4040 [email protected] 21'-3" 4 Wiggins, MS 3 Architect 2 Duane Meyers AIA 1 Revisions 1'-0" 14 Y 20 9 MA A2.02 9 May 2014 NL/EM EM No Finished Ceiling Reflected Ceiling Legend: EM walls below 2x4 Acoustical Ceiling Tile & Grid, see Room Finish Schedule on A2.01 S NL/EM Ceiling Occupancy Sensor EM S EM Gyp Brd Ceiling 8'-0" AFF Landlord GC Note: Toilet Room light and exhaust fan fixtures shall be 120V SCD frzr/cooler below Exit Light S SCD Security Camera Dome SCD GWB - Semi-Gloss Paint unless otherwise noted SCD extend HVAC to Office, refer to General Mechanical Note #3 on Dollar Tree Tenant FInish Plan CS1 Security Camera Dome mounted on wall @ 10'-0" AFF Ventilation Fan 8'-0" strip fluorescent light fixture. Surface mount to GWB & ACT ceiling. 4 - 4' fluorescent T8 lamps, Lamps to be F028/841/SSECO series, 841-4100 Kelvin color temp NL EM 8'-0" strip fluorescent light fixture with lamps on Night Light Circuit.. Surface mount to GWB & ACT ceiling. Lamps per strip spec. 8'-0" strip fluorescent light fixture with lamps on Emergency Light Circuit with Battery Pack. Surface mount to GWB & ACT ceiling. For light fixtures with 4 lamps, the battery pack will only operate 2 of the lamps. Lamps per strip spec. Mirror Panel EM 4'-0" strip fluorescent light fixture with lamps on Emergency Light Circuit with Battery Pack. Surface mount to GWB & ACT ceiling. Lamps per 4' strip spec. NL/EM SCD EM EM NL/EM frzr/cooler below Diffuser SCD checkouts below Mirrored Panels Power Pole Duplex Receptacle for Security Camera (SC) mounted in Ceiling Tile SCD Power Poles for checkout counters, verify exec location with Tenant prior to installation SCD SCD EM EM NL/EM EM Acoustic Ceiling 10'-0" AFF NL/EM SCD EM SCD EM NL/EM SCD 4'-0" NL SCD SCD walls below 4'-0" strip fluorescent light fixture. Surface mount to GWB & ACT ceiling. 2 - 4' fluorescent T8 lamps, Lamps to be F028/841/SSECO series, 841-4100 Kelvin color temp. 4'-0" strip fluorescent light fixture with lamps on Night Light Circuit.. Surface mount to GWB & ACT ceiling. Lamps per 4' strip spec. SCD Critical Dimensions VERIFY w/ TENANT PRIOR to INSTALLATION eq. Reflected Ceiling Plan General Notes: 80'-0" 1. ALL light fixtures to have T-8 bulbs and electronic ballasts. Refer to Reflected Ceiling Schedule & Tenants Lease Exhibit 2. Security Cameras Domes, Mirror Panels, Occupancy Sensors & Power Poles (UON) are Tenant Supplied & Installed. 3. Stockroom Lights mounted @ 10'-0" AFF. 01 Reflected Ceiling Plan SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" eq. 560 PR 2422 Uncertain, TX 75661 903.484.4040 [email protected] Architect NL/EM Wiggins Plaza Dollar Tree Addition 1. ALL light fixtures to have T-8 bulbs and electronic ballasts. Refer to Reflected Ceiling Schedule & Tenants Lease Exhibit 2. Security Cameras Domes, Mirror Panels, Occupancy Sensors & Power Poles (UON) are Tenant Supplied & Installed. 3. Stockroom Lights mounted @ 10'-0" AFF. Wiggins, MS Reflected Ceiling Plan General Notes: Duane Meyers AIA Acoustic Ceiling 8'-0" AFF Revisions 14 Y 20 9 MA A2.03 9 May 2014 94'-1 1/2" Existing Construction New Construction new elastomeric coating on existing EIFS to match new colors 18'-10" 18'-6" 1'-4" 16'-4" G 17'-7 1/2" R 41'-8" EIFS Color 1/Color 2 remove all existing signage and patch EIFS EIFS Color No. 1 25'-7" +/22'-10 1/2" EIFS Color 1 20'-10 1/2" EIFS Color 1/Color 2 EIFS Color No. 3 DOLLAR TREE EIFS Color No. 2 EIFS Color 2 ex. metal awning, paint to match new new insulated aluminum storefront in existing openings 12" 117'-6 1/2" hi eave ht 1/2" 114'-0" lo eave ht EIFS Color 2 new metal awning metal awning new sconce lights new aluminum storefront 6'-8" EIFS Color No. 2 EIFS Color 1 ±0" 0'-0" FFE 1 Story EIFS Color No. 1 EIFS Color 1 EIFS Color No. 1, match Sherwin Williams Virtual Taupe EIFS Color No. 2, match Sherwin Williams Balanced Beige EIFS Color No. 3, match Sherwin Williams Aesthetic White Front Elevation Rev2 SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" Right Endcap Rev2 SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 02 94'-1 1/2" G F E C D B 5 A 4 3 21'-3" 17'-7 1/2" 16'-4" 1'-4" 18'-6" 18'-10" 2 21'-3" 1 21'-3" 21'-3" 20'-10" RTU's new addition ONLY refer Roof Plan A2.02 metal roof roof access ladder refer Roof Plan metal roof prep & coating on existing metal roof cont. gutter cont. gutter metal awning downspouts downspouts HM frames/doors R panel siding R panel siding 03 ±0" 1 Story Rear Elevation Rev2 SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 04 18'-4" existing opening w/ new glazing 14'-6" existing opening w/ new glazing 15'-0" exsiting opening w/ new glazing 6 eq. spaces 5 eq. spaces 5 eq. spaces 12'-9 3/4" new 6'-3 1/2" Left Endcap Rev2 SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 13'-5 1/2" existing opening w/ new glazing 2 eq. spaces 3 eq. spaces 6'-0" 6'-4" 3'-4" 6'-4" 3'-4" A B C D E Aluminum Storefront General Notes: 2 3070 PR ALUMNIUM bronze anodized finish w/ 1/4" tempered glazing, Clear Tint. refer Storefront Elevations for door frame 1. Framing System at glass to be equal to US Aluminum #451 Insulated Center Glazing System, reinforced as required by glass area, wind load and code, bronze anodized finish w/ PPG Solarban 60 Low E Insulated Glass w/ Clear Tint on second panel or equal. 2. Entry Door System equal to US Aluminum #250 Narrow Style doors w/ 10" bottom rail, top and bottom offset pivot hinges, single acting "Dorma" concealed overhead closure, Adams-Rite Max Security Lock and Lock Cylinder for active leaf, one pair Flush Bolt Locks with finger guard for inactive leaf, pile cloth weatherstripping and 1" dia. radius pulls and 1" dia. radius push bar. Aluminum Storefront Elevations scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" 0 2' 3070 HM 18 ga. pair insulated door w/ 3 pr 4.5" hvy duty, nonremovable hinges, door sweep, rain drip above door, 1/2" max. alum threshold. closer, weather stripping & locking device 6070 2" x 5 3/4" frame galv. w/ 2" h. head Building Site is located in Wind Zone as classified by ASCE 7 - 10 which is the controlling code. Reinforce as required. 05 4' 8' 06 Door & Frame Elevations scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" 3 3070 HM 18 ga. insulated door w/ 1 & 1/2 - pair hinges, non-removable hinges, door sweep, rain drip above door, 1/2" max. alum threshold. closer, weather stripping & locking device 3070 2" x 5 3/4" frame galv. w/ 2" h. head 2" 7'-0" 2" 7'-0" 2" 7'-0" 1 7'-0" 2" Revisions 7'-0" 01 Wiggins Plaza Dollar Tree Addition 2'-0" 2'-0" 18'-10 1/2" 17'-6 1/2" RTU's new addition ONLY refer Roof Plan A2.02 560 PR 2422 Uncertain, TX 75661 903.484.4040 [email protected] 20'-10" F E D Wiggins, MS C Architect B Duane Meyers AIA A 4 5 6 3070 HM 18 ga. pair insulated door w/ 3 pr 4.5" hvy duty, ball beg pins, hvy duty hinges, closers both doors, push/pull latch set 3070 SCWD 1 3/4" w/ 1 & 1/2 - pair hinges, closer, door/wall stop & ADA lever handle with privacy lock 14 Y 20 9 MA 3070 2" x 5 3/4" frame w/ 2" h. head 6070 2" x 5 3/4" frame galv. w/ 2" h. head provide panic device at exit locations 0 2' 4' 8' A3.01 9 May 2014 1/2" per 12" SLOPE Wiggins, MS clean & prep existing EIFS for application of new compatible elastomeric coating, 2 colors as selected by Architect to match Sherwin Williams color 560 PR 2422 Uncertain, TX 75661 903.484.4040 [email protected] Architect Duane Meyers AIA existing R Panel Roof prep & coat with specified roof coating Wiggins Plaza Dollar Tree Addition 1/2" per 12" SLOPE existing R Panel Roof prep & coat with specified roof coating Revisions clean & prep existing EIFS for application of new compatible elastomeric coating, 2 colors as selected by Architect to match Sherwin Williams color 14 Y 20 9 MA A3.02 9 May 2014 21'-3" 5 21'-3" 21'-3" cont. 3" NC insulation (ASTM 136) over vinyl backed 6" NC R-19 insulation in the purlin plane equal to JM Formalahyde Free with a WMP VRR Plus perforated vinyl back held in place with the Ultra Grid Banding System 12" 117'-6 1/2" hi eave ht 1/2" 114'-0" lo eave ht ±0" 1 Story 100'-0" FFE 01 Building Section SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" center column pre-engineered metal bldg frames, straight legs front & rear 11'-1 3/4" clr pre-engineered metal bldg frames, straight legs front & rear 12'-10 1/8" clr 14'-7 3/4" +/- clr ceiling as scheduled 10'-0" AFF Wiggins, MS 21'-3" 4 560 PR 2422 Uncertain, TX 75661 903.484.4040 [email protected] Architect 3 Duane Meyers AIA 2 Wiggins Plaza Dollar Tree Addition 1 Revisions 14 Y 20 9 MA A4.01 9 May 2014 A4.04-08 6" "z" purlins MTL BLDG MFG: dbl. "c" purlins at eave w/ horizontal "c" connected @ web, securely anchor to metal stud design dbl "c" to carry load of parapet wall MTL BLDG MFG to design metal roof panel structure to endure 110 MPH wind loads as defined by ASCE 7 10 (typical) blocking @ 8'-0" o.c. vertically (typical) blocking @ 8'-0" o.c. vertically (typical) mfg's standard roof closure details metal roof (color match existing) rigid frame width not to exceed 8" in width @ side wall metal roof (color match existing) A4.04-04 12" 3" 1" eifs over 1/2" sheathing (provide 1/2" Dri Con Trtd plywd at sidewall sign locations, refer bldg elevations) 3" R-19 batt insulation A4.04-05 A4.04-05 acoustic clg as scheduled 9'-4" AFF sealant backer rod and sealant backer rod and sealant structural C's and red iron as per Pre-Engineered Bldg Mfg FLAT PROFILE FlexLoc Soffit Panel on 1.625" x 14 ga. channels @ 20" o.c on 3.635" x 14 ga. studs @ 32" o.c. (ribbed pattern soffit panels will be rejected, match existing) 1" eifs on 1/2" Dri-Con trtd plywd (beyond) flatwork refer Civil Drawings A4.04-02/03 blocking @ 8'-0" o.c. vertically (typical) sconce light fixture (match existing) provide hi impact mesh to 9'-4" aff at ALL eifs walls (typical) pre-engineered steel frame (beyond) 1" eifs on 1/2" Dens Glass Gold sheathing 1" eifs on 1/2" Dri-Con trtd plywd on 6" x 14 ga. mtl studs @ 12" o.c. at front elevation 1" 5/8" gyp brd on 8" x 14 ga. mtl studs @ 12" o.c., locate exp. jts. @ 30' o.c. typical bevel top @ 45 degrees 5" 5/8" gyp brd on 3 5/8" x 18 ga. mtl studs @ 16" o.c. @ interior side of frame furring provide hi impact mesh to 9'-4" aff at ALL eifs walls (typical) 1" R-19 batt insulation 2'-0" reinforced aluminum storefront entry door acoustic ceiling (where shown on plan) blocking @ 8'-0" o.c. vertically (typical) 6'-8" min. 7'-0" AFF facia retainer MTL BLDG MFG to design metal roof panel structure to endure 110 MPH wind loads as defined by ASCE 7 10 (typical) A4.04-04 12" line of storefront head rake facia MTL BLDG MFG High Wind Condition detail wall cap MTL BLDG MFG to design metal roof panel structure to endure 110 MPH wind loads as defined by ASCE 7 10 (typical) 3 5/8" x 18 ga. mtl stud brace to "z" purlin @ 4'-0" o.c. acoustic clg as scheduled 9'-4" AFF panel rib closure varies 6" x 14 ga. mtl studs @ 12" o.c. cont. from top of storefront to top of parapet 3 5/8" x 18 ga. mtl stud brace to "z" purlin @ 4'-0" o.c. 4" 1" eifs over 1/2" Dri-Con FR trtd plywd on front elevation (mechanically attached at plywd TYPICAL) line of rigid frame (beyond) 1" eifs over 1/2" Dri-Con FR trtd plywd on front elevation (mechanically attached at plywd TYPICAL) 6" x 14 ga. mtl studs @ 12" o.c. cont. from top of storefront to top of parapet 117'-6 1/2" eave ht. (match existing) MTL BLDG MFG: dbl. "c" purlins at eave w/ horizontal "c" connected @ web, securely anchor to metal stud design dbl "c" to carry load of parapet wall exposed structure painted with WHITE "dry fall" paint TYPICAL line of rigid frame (beyond) base as scheduled R-19 batt insulation A4.04-01 100'-0" FFE Architect A4.04-08 COLOR 2 117'-6 1/2" eave ht. (match existing) "z" purlins C - 22'-10 1/2" to 25'-7"+/-TOP @ parapet arch B - 20'-10 1/2" +/-TOP @ pilasters A - 18'-10 1/2" +/-TOP (match existing) 1 1/2" 560 PR 2422 Uncertain, TX 75661 903.484.4040 [email protected] cont. 3" NC insulation (ASTM 136) over vinyl backed 6" NC R-19 insulation in the purlin plane equal to JM Formalahyde Free with a WMP VRR Plus perforated vinyl back held in place with the Ultra Grid Banding System A4.1-06 sim. 100'-0" FFE 1/2" x 12" anchor bolts @ 16" o.c. (typical) backer rod/sealant flatwork/paving as per Civil Drawings Wiggins, MS C - 22'-10 1/2" to 25'-7"+/-TOP @ parapet arch B - 20'-10 1/2" +/-TOP @ pilasters A - 18'-10 1/2" +/-TOP (match existing) Duane Meyers AIA 1 1/2" Wiggins Plaza Dollar Tree Addition 6" refer A4.02-01 for Typical Notes Face of Frame cont. 3" NC insulation (ASTM 136) over vinyl backed 6" NC R-19 insulation in the purlin plane equal to JM Formalahyde Free with a WMP VRR Plus perforated vinyl back held in place with the Ultra Grid Banding System metal roof over 3" vinyl backed insulation, provide coating over existing metal roof TYPICAL COLOR 1 metal roof over 3" vinyl backed insulation, provide coating over existing metal roof TYPICAL refer A4.02-01 for Typical Notes Revisions 100'-0" FFE 1/2" x 12" anchor bolts @ 16" o.c. (typical) #3 dowels @ 16" o.c. x 2'-0" refer structural drawing for foundation details & conditions 01 ABC Typical Section Front Wall @ Entry Contractor to match existing EIFS profiles, textures and dimensions. Refer A3.01 Elevations for new colors (TYPICAL) refer structural drawing for foundation details & conditions refer structural drawing for foundation details & conditions 3/4" = 1'-0" 02 Typical Section Front Wall @ Bldg Frame Contractor to match existing EIFS profiles, textures and dimensions. Refer A3.01 Elevations for new colors (TYPICAL) 3/4" = 1'-0" 03 #3 dowels @ 16" o.c. x 2'-0" Section Side Wall @ EIFS Rake Contractor to match existing EIFS profiles, textures and dimensions. Refer A3.01 Elevations for new colors (TYPICAL) 3/4" = 1'-0" 14 Y 20 9 MA A4.02 9 May 2014 varies ex. metal roof over 3" vinyl backed insulation as req'd 3'-8" max panel closure angle eave gutter "c" section MTL BLDG MFG to design metal roof and wall panel structure to endure 110 MPH wind loads as defined by ASCE 7 - 10 (typical) R-19 batt insulation cont. in girt space remove existing rake cap, retainer clips and EIFS as required to postion new roof over existing endwall NEW 3'-8" EXISTING acoustic ceiling (where shown on plan) new acoustic clg as scheduled 3'-8" 11'-8" vinyl back insulation NOTE: absolute min. dimension from FFE to bottom of frame NO EXCEPTIONS 14'-0" A4.04-09 7'-0" insulated HM door and frame by Pre-Eng Metal Bldg Mfg ex. 1" eifs on 1/2" sheathing TBR wall girt spacing as required by Wind Load Code, but not more than 3'-8" o.c. MAX. 3'-8" grind down and smooth any anchor bolts at existing wall demolition 1 1/2" R-19 batt insulation cont. in girt space 8" #3 dowels @ 16" o.c. x 2'-0" @ flatwork only, not @ asphalt condition 01 ex. 5/8" gyp brd on 6" x 14 ga. mtl studs @ 12" o.c. TBR 5/8" gyp brd on 1 5/8" x 20 ga. furring channels @ 12" o.c. securely attached to wall girts metal wall panel paving as per Civil Drawings 100'-0" FFE MTL BLDG MFG to design metal roof panel structure to endure 110 MPH wind loads as defined by ASCE 7 10 (typical) "C" channel on base sealant tape 1/2" x 12" anchor bolts @ 16" o.c. (typical) refer structural drawing for foundation details & conditions Rearwall Section w/ Metal Panel 3/4" = 1'-0" Contractor to match existing metal panel profiles colors and dimensions (TYPICAL) ADA accessible threshold set in mastic bed and mechanically attached, MAX HT 1/2". MAX slope 1:50 new foundation refer structural drawing for foundation details & conditions A4.04-09 560 PR 2422 Uncertain, TX 75661 903.484.4040 [email protected] Architect Duane Meyers AIA Revisions 100'-0" FFE #3 dowels @ 16" o.c. x 2'-0" @ flatwork only, not @ asphalt condition refer structural drawing for foundation details & conditions 02 remove existing sheathing and EIFS below existing FFE line in order to place new slab abutting exsting slab/grade beam Wiggins, MS 114'-0" eave ht. (match existing) 1'-4" Wiggins Plaza Dollar Tree Addition remove standard rake facia, peel back to clean existing roof panel and then install new roof panels of same conifguration w/ cont. sealant at lapped joint MTL BLDG MFG to design metal roof and wall panel structure to endure 110 MPH wind loads as defined by ASCE 7 - 10 (typical) mfg's standard roof/wall closure details refer A4.02-01 for Typical Notes CL of New Frame metal roof panel over 3" vinyl backed insulation continuous "C"'s @ termination of wall refer A4.03-01 for Typical Notes CL of Ex. Frame refer A4.02-01 for Typical Notes Rearwall Section w/ Metal Panel @ Door 3/4" = 1'-0" refer structural drawing for foundation details & conditions 03 Common Side Wall @ Addition 3/4" = 1'-0" 14 Y 20 9 MA A4.03 9 May 2014 EIFS backwrap @ EIFS termination (typical) metal stud track set in base sealant tape (typical) slope walk away from bldg 1:50 max. 1:50 max. slope 100'-0" FFE compressible filler with self leveling filler @ all pedestrian locations backer rod and sealant (typical) 1/2" x 12" anchor bolts @ 16" o.c. (typical) 01 EIFS Sill Detail SCALE 1 1/2" = 1'-0" Metal Panel Schedule R-19 batt insulation Soffit Panel 26 ga. FlexLoc Wall Panel PBR 24 ga. match adjacent component utilize "waterproof" basecoat on parapet top TYPICAL NOTES: 1. Field verify and match all elevation parapet dimensions & profiles. 2. Field verify and match all EIFS and Exterior Finish colors. 20 oz. high impact mesh@ top of parapet 1'-4" above eave ht. @ A 6" 2 1/2" 1:50 max. slope FFE 100'-0" color 2" color 4" 1/2" 2 2 color 4" MTL BLDG MFG: dbl. "c" purlins at eave w/ horizontal "c" connected @ web, securely anchor to metal stud 1" 3" ADA threshold set in mastic bed and mechanically attached 1/2" max. outside closure strip on tape sealer slope walk away from bldg 1:50 max. 1" trtd 1x4 w/ bevelled edge securely anchored to studs equal to Fry "ST" Reglet w/ 26 ga. G.I. counterflashing over parapet high side eave flashing alum. storefront door as scheduled 1 reinforcing mesh @ front face, top & rear face of parapet 4" 1 1/2" 1'-0" line of EIFS storefront (beyond) 3 color eave ht 2 6" x 14 ga. mtl studs @ 12" o.c. cont. from top of storefront to top of parapet design dbl "c" purlins to carry load of parapet wall 2 compressible filler with self leveling filler @ all pedestrian locations or 3 color, refer to Elevations 1" eifs over 1/2" Dri-Con FR trtd plywd on front elevation 6" 02 Aluminum Storefront @ Threshold SCALE 1 1/2" = 1'-0" 5/8" 4 1/2" 08 High EIFS Parapet Detail vinyl back insulation SCALE 1 1/2" = 1'-0" 5/8" "x" gyp brd on 1 5/8" mtl furring channels cont. wall girt above door cont. 1 5/8" channel scetion @ door head 1/2" head trim/flashing 560 PR 2422 Uncertain, TX 75661 903.484.4040 [email protected] Architect Duane Meyers AIA 3'-4" #3's @ 18" o.c. each way 1'-6" dia. 3,000 psi concrete footing Sidewalk Control Joint # 6's each way compressible filler with self leveling filler (every 5th joint or as noted on plan) #3's @ 18" o.c. each way DO NOT extend through joint #3's x 12" @ 18" o.c. slip dowel @ joint Polar White Misc. Trim EIFS backwrap @ EIFS termination 3/8" w. tooled joint @ 5'-0" max. 10.5" x 24 ga.Polar White 5/8" 4 1/2" line of alum. storefront system concrete paving refer Civil Drawings compacted subgrade as per Geotechnical Report Colony Green MTL BLDG MFG to design metal roof and wall panel structure to endure 110 MPH wind loads as defined by ASCE 7 - 10 (typical) line of drywall finish (beyond) cushion snad SCALE 1 1/2" = 1'-0" match existing components where they vary from schedule, obtain approval from Architect USE PROFILE GAGE COLOR Main Roof Panel PBR 26 ga. Polar White Canopy Roof Panel PBR #3's @ 18" o.c. each way 1" EIFS on 1/2" CDX Dri-Con trtd plywd shthg Canopy Detail 05 SCALE 1 1/2" = 1'-0" 4" Typicay Sidewalk Section trtd 2x securely anchored to steel painted, 4" dia. galvanized pipe bollard, fill with 3,000 psi concrete 2" trtd 2x4/1x4 securely anchored to steel sealant 26 ga. pre-finished "L", wrap 2x to shthg wrap EIFS finish all the way back to shthg Roof/Wall Detail 26 ga. pre-finished eave trim cont. cleat w/ fastener @ 12" o.c. backer rod and sealant 2" Sidewalk Expansion Joint 06 Flatwork Details SCALE 1 1/2" = 1'-0" 07 1'-2" 1'-6" 2" Bollard Detail Wiggins, MS 04 2'-0" EIFS on high density impact mesh to 9'-4' AFF (typical) trtd cont. blocking trtd 2x/1x blocking securely anchored to steel FLAT PROFILE soffit panel Wiggins Plaza Dollar Tree Addition cont. moisture barrier moisture barrier 1:50 max. cross slope away from bldg 4" min. 5/8" "X" gyp brd cont. sealant between t/b closure angles & closure angles/roof panels w/ rivots @ 12" o.c. max. 26 ga. pre-finished drip flashing - provide sealant between eave trim & drip flashing concrete cone 3'-0" canopy roof structure by Metal Bldg Mfg 2" 1'-0" 4" line of metal stud as scheduled 1" 1" EIFS on 1/2" Dri-Con trtd plywd on 6" x 14 ga." metal studs @ 12" o.c 26 ga. pre-finished tie-in flashing to match roof color notched top & bottom closure angles Refer Arch/Civil Plans roof panel 3" COLOR 2 trtd 1x6 securely anchored to shthg/structure COLOR 1 5" 1" bevel top @ 45 degrees equal to Fry "ST" Reglet w/ 26 ga. pre-finished counterflashing to match roof color 1" 1" EIFS on 1/2" CDX Dri-Con trtd plywd shthg mtl. studs as scheduled line of drywall finish (beyond) 1 1/2" reinforced alum. storefront as scheduled line of metal panel/trim (beyond) line of EIFS storefront (beyond) grout block ledge @ doorway locations storefront sill set on 3/8" shim with backer rod and sealant both sides Revisions MTL BLD G MFG to design metal roof and wall panel structure to endure 110 MPH wind loads as defined by ASCE 7 - 10 (typical) ADA accessible threshold set in mastic bed and mechanically attached, MAX HT 1/2". FFE 100'-0" slope walk away from bldg 1:50 max. 1:50 max. slope FFE 100'-0" compressible filler with self leveling filler @ all pedestrian locations 1:50 max. slope Aluminum Storefront @ Sill 14 Y 20 9 MA sill flashing dam set in mastic bed #3 dowels @ 16" o.c. x 2'-0" top of flatwork flush with FFE @ pedestrian entry/exit points ALUMINUM STOREFRONT MFG to supply storefront system to comply with ASCE 7 - 10 and identified 110 MPH wind loads (typical) 03 4" 7'-0" insulated HM door and frame by Pre-Eng Metal Bldg Mfg line of alum. storefront system compressible filler with self leveling filler @ all pedestrian locations 4" SCALE 1 1/2" = 1'-0" max. threshold 1/2" to comply with ADA 09 Rear Exit Sill & Head Detail SCALE 1 1/2" = 1'-0" A4.04 9 May 2014 5/8" existing 1" eifs on 1/2" sheathing TBR 8" mfg's standard trim & detail vinyl back insul ex. metal wall panel R-19 batt insul face of slab face of slab vinyl back insul face of frame ext. face of frame existing 1" eifs on 1/2" sheathing TBR 5/8" R-19 batt insul R-19 batt insul 5/8" gyp brd on 1.5" x 16 ga. furring channels run vertically @ 16" o.c. (secure to wall girts) as req'd 1 5/8" wall girts @ 3'-8" o.c. max. 1" eifs on 1/2" sheathing 2 1/2" x 14 ga. mtl studs @ col. wrap wall girts @ 3'-8" o.c. max. 8" mfg's standard corner trim & detail w/ cont. sealant R-19 batt insul existing 5/8" gyp brd on 6" x 14 ga. mtl studs @ 12" o.c. TBR 2 1/2"" mtl studs @ col. wrap 5/8" gyp brd on 8" x 14 ga. mtl studs @ 12" o.c. 5/8" gyp brd on 3.625" x 20 ga. mtl studs @ 16" o.c. @ furring backer rod and sealant 5/8" "X" gyp brd on 1.625" x 20 ga. furring channels @ 12" o.c. 5/8" 05 Sidewall Column 1 1/2" = 1'-0" 06 8" 1 1/2" Rear Corner Col MTL BLDG MFG to design metal wall panel structure to endure 110 MPH wind loads as defined by ASCE 7 10 (typical) 1 1/2" = 1'-0" 07 Typical Back Col MTL BLDG MFG to design metal wall panel structure to endure 110 MPH wind loads as defined by ASCE 7 10 (typical) 1 1/2" = 1'-0" 08 Common Back Corner Col @ Addition MTL BLDG MFG to design metal wall panel structure to endure 110 MPH wind loads as defined by ASCE 7 10 (typical) 1 1/2" = 1'-0" Wiggins, MS backer rod and sealant steel bldg frame wall girts @ 3'-8" o.c. max. 4" 04 ex. steel bldg frame metal wall panel CL of frame 4" 1 1/2" = 1'-0" face of eifs 03 Wiggins Plaza Dollar Tree Addition Front Corner Col face of slab 1 1/2" = 1'-0" CL of frame (verify) CL of frame (verify) 1 1/2" face of frame 5/8" gyp brd on 8" x 14 ga. mtl studs @ 12" o.c. 1 1/2" steel bldg frame MAX WIDTH 8" @ Endwalls CL of frame face of eifs face of slab ext. face of stud 3" vinyl back insul 1 1/2" 5/8" 1 1/2" Wind Bent Col (opp hd) 02 4" 1" eifs on 1/2" Dri-Con trtd plywd at front elevation (mech fasten eifs @ plywd) CL of frame (verify) 1 1/2" = 1'-0" metal wall panel R-19 batt insul refer plan R-19 batt insulation steel bldg frame steel bldg frame refer plan refer A5.0-01 for typical notes 4" steel bldg frame MAX WIDTH 8" trtd wd shim, backer rod and sealant verify w/ mtl bldg mfg 560 PR 2422 Uncertain, TX 75661 903.484.4040 [email protected] 1'-0" refer plan face eifs face of eifs 1" eifs on 1/2" DriCon trtd plywd at front elevation (mech fasten eifs @ plywd) CL of new frame face of ex. eifs verify face of frame face of stud 2'-0 1/4" +/- Common Front Col @ Addition CL of frame face eifs alum storefront trtd wd shim, backer rod and sealant NEW face of ex. stud CL of ex. frame EXISTING face of frame CL of frame 1'-4" 4 1/2" 4 1/2" 5/8" 1/2" 2 1/2" mtl studs alum storefront 1'-0" as req'd as req'd 5/8" gyp brd on 6" x 14 ga. mtl studs @ 12" o.c. (refer Typical Section Front Wall for stud gage) trtd 1x4 blocking backer rod and sealant NOTE: column and base plate must fit within 8" wall cavity 1" eifs on 1/2" sheathing trtd 1x4 blocking existing studs, rework furring around existing furring 01 wind bent frame refer plan for location 5/8" gyp brd on 3.625" x 20 ga. mtl studs @ 16" o.c. @ furring new 5/8" gyp brd on 3.625" x 20 ga. mtl studs @ 16" o.c. @ furring 5/8" gyp brd on 8" x 14 ga. mtl studs @ 12" o.c. (refer Typical Section Side Wall for stud gage) Duane Meyers AIA backer rod and sealant Architect R-19 batt insulation existing 5/8" gyp brd on 8" x 14 ga. mtl studs @ 12" o.c. TBR Revisions 14 Y 20 9 MA A5.01 9 May 2014 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design for Public Accommodations and Commercial Facilities: Title III Wiggins Plaza Dollar Tree Addition 560 PR 2422 Uncertain, TX 75661 903.484.4040 [email protected] CHAPTER 4: ACCESSIBLE ROUTES Wiggins, MS Duane Meyers AIA Architect CHAPTER 3: BUILDING BLOCKS 2010 ADA - SHEET 1 Revisions 14 Y 20 9 MA ADA-1 ADA1 9 May 2014 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design for Public Accommodations and Commercial Facilities: Title III CHAPTER 5: GENERAL SITE AND BUILDING ELEMENTS CHAPTER 6: PLUMBING ELEMENTS & FACILITIES 560 PR 2422 Uncertain, TX 75661 903.484.4040 [email protected] Wiggins, MS Wiggins Plaza Dollar Tree Addition Duane Meyers AIA Architect CHAPTER 4: ACCESSIBLE ROUTES (cont.) 2010 ADA - SHEET 2 Revisions 14 Y 20 9 MA ADA2 ADA-2 9 May 2014 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design for Public Accommodations and Commercial Facilities: Title III 560 PR 2422 Uncertain, TX 75661 903.484.4040 [email protected] Wiggins, MS Wiggins Plaza Dollar Tree Addition Duane Meyers AIA Architect CHAPTER 6: PLUMBING ELEMENTS & FACILITIES (CONT.) 2010 ADA - SHEET 3 Revisions 14 Y 20 9 MA ADA3 ADA-3 9 May 2014 CHAPTER 8: SPECIAL ROOMS, SPACES AND ELEMENTS Wiggins Plaza Dollar Tree Addition 560 PR 2422 Uncertain, TX 75661 903.484.4040 [email protected] Duane Meyers AIA Architect CHAPTER 7: COMMUNICATION ELEMENTS AND FEATURES Wiggins, MS 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design for Public Accommodations and Commercial Facilities: Title III 2010 ADA - SHEET 4 Revisions 14 Y 20 9 MA ADA4 ADA-4 9 May 2014 T2.1 Dollar Tree 8,000 SF T2.1 Dollar Tree 8,000 SF Revisions E1.00 25 Apr 2014 T2.1 Dollar Tree 8,000 SF Revisions E2.00 25 Apr 2014 Revisions E3.00 25 Apr 2014 Revisions E4.00 25 Apr 2014 MECHANICAL KEYED NOTES (Designated Note M1, M2, etc.): 1. Provide a 30" wide by 20" flanged high screened RA inlet on the stock room wall. The bottom of the RA screened inlet shall be located immediately above the top of the SA duct. 2. The ductwork in the stock room shall be no higher than 12 feet above the finished floor. Coordinate the SA ductwork elevation with the light fixtures to prevent the fixtures from be affected by SA flow. 3. Offset the RA duct to be located above the SA duct in the stockroom. See Notes M1 & M2. 4. Provide 10” diameter externally insulated snap‐lock duct with a balancing damper through the roof to the terminal cap. See mechanical details for terminal requirements. Exhaust ducts shall not be combined with other exhaust ducts. See specifications for sealing and insulation requirements. 5. Coordinate the location of the thermostats with the tenant, considering store fixtures and the proper location to accurately detect the space temperature or. As a default, locate the thermostats as shown, approximately 72” AFF. 6. Seal‐Tite Stick‐On Saddle w/Scoop and Damper, Typical All Locations. 7. Provide new 2" schedule 40 PVC insulated condensate header beneath the roof and route to the mop sink. All condensate lines located below the roof shall be insulated and have an exterior vapor barrier. Support on 4 foot centers. Provide cleanouts every change in direction and every 25 feet. MECHANICAL GENERAL NOTES: 1. See Demolition Notes Sheet MP1. 2. Verify the location of all utilities prior to bid submission. 3. All roof mounted equipment, including gas piping, sanitary vents, combustion air vents, condensate lines, etc., shall have the outermost extremity set back a minimum of eleven feet from the roof edge. 4. See associated Mechanical, Plumping and Sprinkler drawings for specifications and additional requirements. Additional Energy Conservation Code Requirements: The Duct pressure classification for this project is Low pressure duct and shall comply with the following: Duct Construction [2006/2009 IECC, 503.2.7] (Applies to all supply, return, outdoor air and exhaust duct systems.) Low‐Pressure Duct Systems: All longitudinal and transverse joints, seams and connections of supply and return ducts operating at a static pressure less than or equal to 2 inches w.g. shall be securely fastened and sealed with welds, gaskets, mastics (adhesives), mastic‐plus‐embedded‐fabric systems or tapes installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s installation instructions. Tapes and mastics used to seal ductwork shall be listed and labeled in accordance with UL 181A and shall be marked “181A‐P” for pressure‐sensitive tape, “181A‐M” for mastic or “181A‐H” for heat‐sensitive tape. Tapes and mastics used to seal flexible air ducts and flexible air connectors shall comply withUL181B and shall be marked “181B‐FX” for pressure‐sensitive tape or “181B‐ M” for mastic. Duct connections to flanges of air distribution system equipment shall be sealed and mechanically fastened. Mechanical fasteners for use with flexible nonmetallic air ducts shall comply with UL 181B and shall be marked 181B‐C. Unlisted duct tape is not permitted as a sealant on any duct. Submittals of duct sealing materials and techniques shall be submitted to the mechanical engineer of record prior to purchase or installation of the materials. HVAC Equipment Manuals Required: Operating and maintenance manuals shall be provided to Scepter Engineering and to the building owner by the mechanical contractor. The manual shall include, at least, the following: 1. Equipment capacity (input and output) and required maintenance actions. 2. Equipment operation and maintenance manuals. 3. HVAC system control maintenance and calibration information, including wiring diagrams, schematics, and control sequence descriptions. Desired or field‐determined set points shall be permanently recorded on control drawings, at control devices or, for digital control systems, in programming comments. 4. A complete written narrative of how each system is intended to operate. GRILL, REGISTER & DIFFUSER SCHEDULE MARK DESCRIPTION MFGR RUNOUT MODEL DAMPER A SUPPLY ‐ TO 100 CFM TITUS 6"ø TMS, 12"x12", 6" NECK, 4‐WAY, U.O.N. YES B SUPPLY ‐ TO 200 CFM TITUS 8"ø TMS, 24"x24", 8" NECK, 4‐WAY, U.O.N. YES C SUPPLY ‐ TO 400 CFM TITUS 10"ø TMS, 24"x24", 10" NECK, 4‐WAY, U.O.N. YES D SUPPLY ‐ TO 500 TITUS N/A RETURN TITUS N/A RETURN TITUS N/A NOTES: 1. 2. 3. 4. AEROBLADE, 112‐RL, 18x8, w/EXTRACTOR DOUBLE DEFLECTION 50F, 12"x12", 1/2"x1/2"x1/2" ALUMINUM CORE 50F, 24"x24", 1/2"x1/2"x1/2" ALUMINUM CORE YES NO NO FINISH COMMENTS & NOTES NOTE REFS: WHITE 1, 2, 3, 4 NOTE REFS: WHITE 1, 2, 3, 4 NOTE REFS: WHITE 1, 2, 3, 4 PAINT NOTE REFS: GRIP NOTE REFS: WHITE . NOTE REFS: WHITE . PROVIDE A SITCK‐ON SCOOP AND DAMPER AT ALL BRANCHES. DAMPERS AT DIFFUSERS SHALL BE OPPOSED BLADE. NO RADIAL BLADE DAMPERS ARE PERMITTED. INSULATE THE BACK SIDE OF ALL DIFFUSERS THAT ARE NOT IN A RETURN AIR PLENUM. DUCT RUN‐OUT SHALL BE THE SAME SIZE AS DIFFUSER NECK, U.O.N. EXHAUST FAN SCHEDULE EQUIP. No. SERVICE MANUFACTURER / MODEL CFM / SP HP VOLTS/ PHASE EF‐1 SEE DRAWING COOK MN: GN‐720, INLINE TO 600 @ .5"WC 323 WATTS 120 NOTES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. BACKDRAFT DAMPER SHUTTER & SCREEN WEIGHT 30 COMMENTS & NOTES NOTE REFS: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 ∙ SUPPORT FROM BUILDING STEEL ABOVE. DO NOT SUPOPORT FROM CEILING TILE OR CEILING TILE GRID. SEE INSTALLATION DETAIL ON DRAWINGS. PROVIDE FLEX CONNECTIONS ON THE INLET AND DISCHARGE SIDE OF THE FAN. ALL EXHAUST DUCT SHALL BE EXTERNALLY INSULATED WITH DUCT WRAP AND VAPOR BARRIER. BALANCE TO CFM SHOWN ON THE DRAWING. PROVIDE A ROOF CURB AND TERMINATE AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWING DETAIL. COORDINATE WITH DOLLAR TREE ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM UNLESS DIRECTED TO SWITCH WITH LIGHTS. RTU SCHEDULE ‐ HEAT PUMPS COOLING COIL PERFORMANCE EQUIP. No. RTU‐1 Heat Pump RTU‐2 Heat Pump RTU‐3 Heat Pump RTU‐4 Heat Pump RTU‐5 Heat Pump NOTES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. NOM TONS SERVICE UNIT CFM OA CFM ESP (IN WC) FAN HP COIL TOTAL MBH COIL ENTERING OUTDOOR SENSIBLE EVAP AIR AIR DB °F MBH DB/WB °F 6 AS SHOWN 2,400 275 1.0 2 72 54.9 80/67 6 AS SHOWN 2,400 275 1.0 2 72 54.9 6 AS SHOWN 2,400 275 1.0 2 72 6 AS SHOWN 2,400 275 1.0 2 6 AS SHOWN 2,400 275 1.0 2 ELECTRIC HEAT ELECTRICAL Min EER KW IN KW OUT MCA MOCP VOLTS/ PHASE WEIGHT DESIGN BASIS MINIMUM & NOTES (LBS) 97 12 12.0 12.0 85 90 208/3 1,100 80/67 97 12 12.0 12.0 85 90 208/3 1,100 54.9 80/67 97 12 12.0 12.0 85 90 208/3 1,100 72 54.9 80/67 97 12 12.0 12.0 85 90 208/3 1,100 72 54.9 80/67 97 12 12.0 12.0 85 90 208/3 1,100 Carrier: 50HCQA07 High Efficiency Heat Pump NOTES: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 Carrier: 50HCQA07 High Efficiency Heat Pump NOTES: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 Carrier: 50HCQA07 High Efficiency Heat Pump NOTES: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 Carrier: 50HCQA07 High Efficiency Heat Pump NOTES: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 Carrier: 50HCQA07 High Efficiency Heat Pump NOTES: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 PROVIDE HONEYWELL T7300 T'STAT WITH CONTACT TO CLOSE THE OA DAMPER ON UNOCCUPIED MODE. PROVIDE MOTORIZED OA DAMPER AND INTERLOCK WITH THE T'STAT TO CLOSE ON UNOCCUPIED MODE. PROVIDE SUPPLY AND RETURN SMOKE DETECTORS. PROVIDE 14" FACTORY ROOF CURB. PROVIDE CURB TO MATCH ROOF SLOPE. ALL ROOFTOP UNITS SHALL BE BY CARRIER. PROVIDE CARRIER ECONOMIZER IV WITH DIFFERENTIAL ENTHALPY SENSORS CAPABLE 100% OA AND RAIN HOOD AND GRAVITY BACK DRAFT DAMPERS. ECONOMIZER DAMPERS SHALL CLOSE ON UNOCCUPTED MODE. PROVIDE NEW 2" PLEATED FILTERS WHEN RTU IS PLACED ON ROOF AND REPLACE WITH NEW 2" PLEATED FILTERS AT RECEIPT OF USE & OCCUPANCY PERMIT. PROVIDE NEW 2" SCHEDULE 40 PVC INSULATED CONDENSATE HEADER BENEATH THE ROOF AND ROUTE TO THE MOP SINK. ALL CONDENSATE LINES LOCATED BELOW THE ROOF SHALL BE INSULATED AND HAVE AN EXTERIOR VAPOR BARRIER. SUPPORT ON 4 FOOT CENTERS. PROVIDE CLEANOUTS EVERY CHANGE IN DIRECTION AND EVERY 25 FEET. PROVIDE LOUVERED HAIL GUARDS. PROVIDE HINGED ACCESS DOORS. 14. THE CARRIER DISTRIBUTOR SHALL CONTACT TERRIE TRULL WITH CARRIER NATIONAL ACCOUNTS FOR AGREEMENT PRICING: PROVIDE A SEPARATELY WIRED CONVENIENCE OUTLET. TERRIE TRULL | INSIDE ENGINEER SUPPORT | CARRIER STRATEGIC ACCOUNTS | CARRIER CORPORATION PROVIDE A NONFUSED DISCONNECT SWITCH. PHONE: 877‐501‐4432 PROVIDE A THRU‐THE‐BASE KIT. FAX: 860‐998‐4301 [email protected] SECTION 15000 MECHANICAL (HVAC AND PLUMBING) GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS 1. All work shall comply with applicable codes and laws, including referenced regulations. The requirements of the authority having jurisdiction shall prevail unless the requirements of the architect/engineer and these design documents are more stringent. The governing codes for this project are: • International Building Code, 2003 and Appendices B, F • International Residential Codes, 2003, and Appendices A, B, C, E, J • International Mechanical Codes, 2003, and Appendix A • International Plumbing Codes, 2003, and Appendices E, F • International Fuel Gas Code, 2003, and Appendix A • NFPA 70 National Electric Code, 2005 (Published by National Fire Protection Assoc.) 2. Additional applicable standards are: Sheet Metal and Air-conditioning Contractors National Association (SMACNA) American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). 3. The contractor shall obtain and pay for all permits, connection fees, licenses, documents and services related to installation of work. The contractor shall review all plans and specifications for all trades and shall visit the site to become familiar with site conditions prior to submitting a bid. The contractor shall coordinate bid preparation with other trades to assure the intent of this project is maintained and interferences in work and schedule are minimized. 4. The mechanical and plumbing contractors shall coordinate electrical characteristics with the electrical drawings and electrical contractor to assure equipment matches building power and wiring. 5. The location of ducts, piping, fixtures and equipment on the drawings are schematic and diagrammatic. The contractor shall field verify all locations and potential interferences and coordinate work with other crafts and trades. Verify existing building and site conditions prior to bid or fabrication. All work shall be located to avoid conflicts with other trades. Provide adequate clearance and access for equipment service. Make no cuts or holes in the structure without first gaining written approval of the general contractor. 6. The contractor shall provide a complete and operational system meeting the intent and requirements of the owner. Completion of the work shall include all required labor, materials, subcontractors, coordination, and supervision necessary to provide properly functioning systems in accordance with these specifications, drawings, and schedule. 7. All contractors work as well as equipment furnished and installed shall be warranted for at least one year including labor and materials. The start date shall be the date of official turnover to the owner. 8. All equipment and apprentices required to complete the intent of these specifications and drawings shall be furnished new and in the original packaging. Air-conditioning units must have been manufactured within the past twelve months and stored under cover since manufacture. All work deemed unacceptable to the engineer of record or the architect of record shall be replaced, repaired or reworked until acceptable to the engineer and architect. 9. All utility piping, natural gas, water, sprinkler, sanitary, grease, etc., penetrating rated walls, footings, foundation walls and exterior walls must be sleeved and sealed. Sleeving shall be schedule 40 steel pipe, two whole pipes sizes larger than the service pipe. The annular space between the sleeve and service pipe shall be sealed with rigid foam or insulation meeting the fire and smoke limiting criteria of NFPA 90a. 10. Submittals shall be provided for all materials. Submittal data shall be arranged in a binder. Binders shall have a description of equipment including sizes, capacities, operation characteristics, brand names, motor horsepowers, accessories, materials, gauges, manufacturer's maintenance instructions and other pertinent information required to establish the quality of the product and construction method. 11. After all testing and adjustments have been made and all systems pronounced satisfactory for permanent operation by the architect, the contractor shall clean exposed piping, ductwork, equipment and fixtures installed under this contract. He shall refinish any damaged finish and leave everything in proper working order and of intended appearance for final completion of the building. 12. Upon completion of installation and approval by the architect, furnish a "red line" set of record drawings to the architect clearly marked in red with the changes authorized during construction. Also, provide three complete sets of operating manuals including all equipment provided or installed by the mechanical and plumbing contractors to the architect. 13. Refer to additional specifications on these drawings specific to HVAC, plumbing and fire protection. HVAC SPECIFICATIONS PLUMBING SPECIFICATIONS 1. Verify adequate duct clearances exist for placement and routing of duct prior to duct fabrication. Verify finish ceiling height and bottom of steel elevations and if adequate clearance does not exist, notify Scepter Engineering prior to bid or fabrication. 2. Furnish and install all sheet metal and ductwork as shown on the drawings as well as all grills, diffusers and registers. All sheet metal and ductwork shall be manufactured, fabricated and installed in accordance with SMACNA HVAC construction standards for both metal and flexible duct. All ductwork shall be galvanized sheet metal gauged in accordance with SMACNA standards. All duct elbows and bends shall have turning vanes in accordance with SMACNA. 3. Hangers and supports: Plastic condensate piping shall be supported on 4 foot centers and copper piping shall be supported on 6 foot centers. All duct shall be supported in accordance with SMACNA standards and guidelines. Duct hangers for horizontal ductwork shall not be over 8 feet on center. Hangers shall be 24 gauge, 1" galvanized continuous beneath the duct bottom. Hangers shall be installed prior to insulating the duct. 4. Insulation: All internally insulated ductwork shall be insulated with Knauf 'Greenguard' certified insulation or approved equal, except as noted elsewhere on drawings. Insulation material submittals shall be provided and approved prior to purchase or fabrication of ductwork. All diffusers and return air grills shall be insulated on their upper surfaces and shall include a vapor barrier. (side above the ceiling tile). All externally insulated ductwork shall be insulated with 2" thick minimum duct wrap and maintain an installed 'R' value of no less than 8. Duct sizes shown are clear inside dimensions. All insulation shall comply with NFPA 90a and 90b.. All insulation materials shall be fire resistant, they shall have a flame spread rating no higher than 25 without evidence of continued progressive combustion and a smoke developed rating no higher than 50. 5. Fire and smoke dampers: Fire and smoke dampers shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer’s installation instructions. Fire dampers shall be installed in all ducts penetrating walls or partitions having a fire resistance rating equal to or greater than the wall rating as specified on the architectural drawings. Fire and smoke dampers shall bear the UL 555 testing agency label. 6. Flexible duct shall have a minimum installed 'R' value of 8.0. Both duct wrap and flex duct shall incorporate a factory installed reinforced foil vapor barrier. Flex duct lengths are limited to 6 feet. Duct and piping insulation shall be Owens-Corning fiberglass or approved equal. All insulation materials and methods shall be according to manufacturer's recommendations. Flexible duct shall be Thermaflex be UL 181 listed, and comply with NFPA 90a. 7. Smoke detectors: Listed smoke detectors shall be installed in an accessible location in the supply air duct and the return air duct prior to any exhausting from the building or mixing with fresh air makeup. The air handling unit shall shut down upon activation of the smoke detector and shall not restart until the fire / smoke safety control has been manually reset. 8. Air handling unit fresh air intakes shall not be located closer than ten feet from any chimney or vent outlet, or sanitary sewer outlet, or within ten feet of any other potentially unpleasant or objectionable odors or vapors or environmentally detrimental substances. 9. Flexible connectors: All equipment, machinery, and appliances containing any rotating, vibrating or moving parts shall be isolated from connecting piping, duct, structural supports, conduit, etc., by flexible connectors located as near as practicable to the equipment. Piping and ducts outboard of connectors shall be anchored securely to adjacent structures. Flexible connectors shall be UL 181 listed, and comply with NFPA 90a. 10. Energy Code Requirements: All aspects of the HVAC systems, including equipment, dampers, controls, duct, duct sealing, duct leakage, submittals, reports, equipment manuals, etc., shall be provided, installed, tested and reported in accordance with the International Energy Conservation Code Requirements. The specific Energy Conservation Code is noted in these Mechanical General Specifications. 11. Condensate piping: If not otherwise shown on the design documents, condensate from all cooling coils shall be routed to a sanitary sewer drain through an indirect waste, storm sewer drain or an approved french drain. The secondary (emergency) condensate line shall be routed to a conspicuous location where damage will not occur should it be used. Provide a trap at each cooling coil and support drain piping on 4 foot centers and slope 1/4 inch in 1 foot. Provide 'Y' type cleanouts at each branch, change in direction, and at every 30 feet. 12. All sheet metal joints and seams, both circumferential and longitudinal, from the package unit supply to the package unit return shall be sealed with water proof mastic rated for use from 0 to 160 degrees Fahrenheit. 13. Each duct branch and take-off shall be equipped with a seal-tite saddle with scoop and damper. The air distribution system shall be balanced from the seal-tight dampers. 14. Balancing: The mechanical contractor shall contract with an independent Nationally Certified Test and Balance Contractor to perform HVAC system testing and balancing. Balance the system to volumetric flow rates shown on the drawings, provide HVAC equipment technical performance data, and provide 5 copies of the report to Scepter Engineering prior to request for final payment. 1. Excavation and backfilling: Trenches for underground piping shall be excavated to the required depths. Bottom of trenches shall be undisturbed earth or compacted soil, graded to obtain required slope. Rocks trash and debris shall be removed prior to laying and covering pipe. No trenches shall be cut near or under any footings without first consulting the architect. Backfilling in those areas shall be conducted in accordance with his instructions. Backfill shall be free from wood, concrete, blocks, brick, pipe and any other debris. Piping shall be laid on a 6 inch bed of sand, backfilled with 6 inches of sand, and then backfilled to grade with number 3/4 inch crushed stone. Waste piping 3 inches and smaller shall be sloped 1/4 inch per foot run. Waste piping 4 inches and larger shall be sloped 1/8 inch per foot run. Contractor shall verify invert elevations of sewers to which new waste lines are to be connected before fabrication and installation of new water and waste lines. 2. All utility piping, natural gas, water, sprinkler, sanitary, grease, etc., penetrating rated walls, footings, foundation walls and exterior walls must be sleeved and sealed. Sleeving shall be schedule 40 steel pipe, two whole pipes sizes larger than the service pipe. The annular space between the sleeve and service pipe shall be sealed with rigid foam or insulation meeting the fire and smoke limiting criteria of NFPA 90a. 3. Domestic water pipe and fittings: Domestic hot and cold water piping inside the building shall be hard drawn copper type "L" with wrought copper fittings and solder joints. Water piping below grade shall be type "L" soft annealed tempered copper tubing. Soldered connections shall be made with no lead solder. Underground piping crossing other utilities, large stones, rocks or foundations shall be protected from deformation by schedule 40 steel sleeving two whole pipe sizes larger than the service pipe. 4. PVC Sanitary waste drain, vent pipe and fittings: waste lines and fittings shall schedule 40 PVC piping, unless indicated otherwise. Cleanouts shall be provided in all bends and in all main turns and every 80 feet, unless codes, laws or conditions require otherwise. All fittings shall be long sweep or sanitary "Y" fittings. Plugs shall be heavy cast bronze located and installed so they are readily accessible. PVC materials shall not be used in return air plenums. All floor drains and clean-outs shall be cast iron as specified unless otherwise noted. 5. The contractor shall provide all necessary access panels for installation by the general contractor required for access and cosmetic purposes. Access panels for water shut off valves to each restroom shall be provided in walls, except where valves may be located above the ceiling and easily accessible from below. 6. The contractor my reroute code equivalent plumbing so as to reduce installed cost and/or avoid interferences, provided approval is first obtained from the Scepter Engineering (615) 373-8882. 7. Pipe flashing: Pipes passing through the roof shall be neatly flashed with flashing fitted snugly around the pipe, extended 8 inch minimum and clamped to the pipe with a no-hub clamp. Flashing base shall be at least 18 inches square. Vents shall be located a minimum of 10 feet from any opening window or outside air inlet. Obtain a licensed roofing contractor to repair roof at all new and modified roof penetrations. 8. Pipe insulation: Piping insulation shall be Owens-Corning fiberglass or approved equal. Insulation methods shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. All cold water piping, including that under lavatories shall be insulated with 1/2-inch thick heavy density sectional pipe insulation with a vapor barrier jacket. All hot water piping shall be insulated with 1-inch insulation having a conductivity not exceeding 0.27 BTU per in/h SF F. 9. Pipe hangers and supports: Suspended piping shall be securely supported from floor or ceiling at not more than 10 foot centers for 1-1/4 inch and larger, and 6 foot centers for 1 inch and smaller. Additional supports shall be installed as required for all special or unusual conditions. Provide weight-distributing pads at all hangers in contact with insulation. Provide seismic bracing as required. 10. Dielectric unions: Dielectric unions or couplings shall be installed whenever copper pipe is connected to steel pipe. 11. Floor drains: Exposed surfaces of floor drains and cleanouts shall be bronze with a polished chrome finish, unless specified otherwise on the Plumbing Fixtures Specifications. Floor waterproofing materials (where required) shall be securely anchored in the clamping ring of the floor drain. The top of all drains shall be set flush with finish floor elevation. All floor drains shall be equipped with, and have operational trap primers. 12. The entire potable water system shall be disinfected by a method approved by the plumbing official. 13. Plumbing fixtures: Plumbing fixtures shall be installed in strict accordance with manufacture's roughing-in measurements and other instructions. Porcelain, stainless steel or enameled iron surfaces, upon installation, shall be immediately protected with a paste-on blanket specifically designed for protection service. Scratched fixtures will be rejected at final inspection. A stop valve shall be installed in each hot and cold water supply line to each fixture. Stops and piping where exposed shall be chrome-plated brass with a tight fitting chrome plated brass escutcheon cover plate over each pipe penetrating a finished wall surface. Anchor wall mounted fixtures to reinforced (blocked) wood stud walls, or use in-wall supports where required by fixture specs. DOLLAR TREE Wiggins, Mississippi MECHANICAL AND PLUMBING DEMOLITION NOTES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Remove all heating ventilation and air‐conditioning equipment. Close the refrigerator line valves on all condensing units and seal against refrigerant loss and moisture contamination. Seal the evaporator refrigerant lines to prevent refrigerant loss and moisture contamination. Remove the air handlers and evaporator coils minimizing damage to the equipment, and turn the equipment over to the landlord. Similarly, remove the condensing units and turn them over to the landlord. Remove and discard all existing refrigerant piping. Remove and discard all sheet‐metal associated with the existing heating ventilation and air‐conditioning equipment. Remove and discard all existing exhaust fans and sheet‐metal associated with the heating ventilation and air‐ conditioning equipment. Remove all outdoor air and exhaust fan terminal caps. Patch and seal the roof and wall penetrations, including new insulation, to match the existing. Remove all existing heating ventilation and air‐conditioning equipment supports and hangers back to the existing buildings steel. Coordinate with the local water utility and request that they remove two of three water meters serving the existing complex. Maintain the one water meter that will serve the Dollar Tree build‐out. Provide a new three‐quarter inch ball valve approximately 18 inches above the finish floor on the domestic water line serving the new Dollar Tree build‐out. Remove and discard all domestic water piping and insulation in the existing building. Remove and discard all plumbing fixtures in the existing building. Cut all existing sanitary waste lines flush with the floor. Seal the lines with test plugs approximately 8 inches below the finished floor, and fill the balance of the sanitary sewer lines above the test plug with concrete. Finish the floor level and smooth. Remove all vent piping, including that stacks through the roof, patch and seal the roof penetrations, including new insulation, to match the existing. PLUMBING FIXTURE SPECIFICATIONS SUBMITTALS FOR ALL PLUMBING FIXTURES SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE TENANT AND APPROVED BY THE TENANT PRIOR TO PURCHASE OR INSTALLATION. W1 TLV L1 MS EWH EDF RPBP PRV TP FD1 WF1 WATER CLOSET, BARRIER FREE, PRESSURE‐ASSIST TANK: American Standard Cadet Pressure‐Assisted Right Height Elongated Toilet, 1.6 gallon per flush, ADA compliant. Toilet seat to be open front by Church to match toilet. TEMPERATURE LIMITING VALVE: Wilkins Aqua‐Gard Thermostatic Mixing Valve MN: ZW3870T, 3/8 inch size. Set discharge temperature not to exceed 110 degrees Fahrenheit. Each and all lavatories shall be equipped with TLV. BARRIER FREE LAVATORY (WALL HUNG): American Standard Declyn MN: 0321.075 vitreous china, wall hung white, including concealed wall carrier. Reliant chrome center set single lever handicap faucet MN: 7385.050. McGuire grid drain, offset tailpiece, McGuire MN: C8912 1‐1/2” cast body P‐trap with cleanout, McGuire MN: 2165CC brass stem chrome plated angle stops and 3/8” risers. Locate drain and water supplies to allow knee space, insulate all exposed waste and water piping with Handi‐Lav guard kit, or equal. Provide one TLV at each fixture MOP SINK: Mustee MN: Durastone 65M, 24"x36" mop basin one piece molded composite mop sink, 24 inch x 36 inch x 10 inch deep with center 3 inch drain and chrome strainer. Include two wall panels and two bumper guards, all by Mustee. Faucet to be Mustee MN. 63.600A. ELECTRIC WATER HEATER: AO Smith ProMax 10‐gallon lowboy electric water heater MN: EJC‐10, 208 volt, 1 phase (verify voltage and phase prior to ordering), 3.5 KW upper element, complete with a pressure and temperature relief valve (T&P valve). Provide a 22 gage 3 inch deep galvanized welded steel safety pan drained to the associated funnel neck floor drain or mop sink. ELECTRIC DRINKING FOUNTAIN, Hi‐Lo, BARRIER FREE: Elkay MN. EMABFTL8C (Low is Left‐Hand Side), MN. EMABFTLR8C (Low is Right‐Hand Side) surface mounted barrier‐free split‐level water cooler. 8.0‐gallon per hour drinking water at 80‐degree inlet water temperature, 50‐degree outlet water temperature, at 80‐ degree ambient air temperature. Install at ADA heights and accessibility in accordance with architectural drawings. REDUCED PRESSURE BACK FLOW PREVENTER: Watts 3/4 inch series 909 reduced pressure backflow preventer with quarter turn soft seat shut off valves and bronze clean and check strainer piped to integral Watts series 909AG air gap. PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE: Watts 3/4‐inch series U5B installed downstream of isolation valve. Adjust to 60 psig. [Install only the building static pressure is 80 PSIG or above.] TRAP PRIMER: Jay R. Smith figure 2699 with 3/4 inch NPT female connections. FLOOR DRAIN 1: Zurn MN: Z‐415 (3” or 4” in accordance with line size) cast iron body with type ‘B’, 6 inch polished brass round strainer with square openings and no‐hub connection. Acid resisting epoxy coated finish with trap primer connection All floor drains to be primed from a local trap primer. Feed each floor drain with a 1/2 inch copper line. WALL FAUCET: Woodford MN: 67, Freezeles, Double Check Backflow Preventer Wall Faucet. PLUMBING KEYED NOTES (Designated Note P1, P2, etc.): 1. Locate and connect to the existing 3/4" domestic water line. Provide a new 3/4" ball valve at approximately 18" above finish floor, and then route to a new 3/4" reduced pressure backflow preventer. 2. Provide two new 6" schedule 40 carbon steel concrete filled pipe bollards to protect the reduced pressure backflow preventer. 3. Locate the electric water heater above the mop sink. See details 4 & 5 this sheet. 4. Locate the existing underground 4" sanitary sewer line, or provide a new 4" sanitary sewer line, and connect to the existing sanitary sewer at the front of the building. Verify the existing sanitary sewer direction of flow prior to making new connections. PLUMBING GENERAL NOTES 1. See Demolition Notes Sheet MP1. 2. Verify the location of all utilities prior to bid submission. 3. All roof mounted equipment, including sanitary vents, condensate lines, etc., shall have the outermost extremity set back a minimum of eleven feet from the roof edge. 4. See associated Mechanical and Plumping drawings for additional requirements. 5. All hot and cold water lines shall be type ‘L’ copper insulated in accordance with the specifications. All piping insulation shall be in accordance with the plumbing specifications. 6. All hand sinks and lavatories shall be equipped with a Temperature Limiting Valve (TLV) (3‐way mixing valve) with a reference thermometer that limits the maximum delivered water temperature to no more than 110°F. See specifications and details for equipment installation requirements.
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