OHS Spirit of the South Parent/Student Information Guide 2014-2015 www.spiritofthesouth.org 1 Band Directors Mr. Jason Smith [email protected] Opelika High School 745-9717 Mr. Rick Holland [email protected] Opelika Middle School 745-9728 Mr. Mike McGlynn [email protected] Opelika High School 745-9717 Note from Mr. Smith The Opelika “Spirit of the South” Band is an inspiration to students, the school, and the entire community. My strong desire as your director is to continue the traditions of the program as well as lead us into new territories. With your tenacious work ethic, dedication, and positive attitudes, this program will be unstoppable! Thanks for being in the band as I look forward to working with the best students at Opelika High School! Jason Smith, Band Director, Opelika High School Note from Mr. McGlynn I would personally like to welcome each and every one of you to the Opelika High School “Spirit of the South” band. I assure you that being part of this organization will be a life changing experience that will bring many wonderful memories for you to cherish. I will work hard to maintain and build upon the tradition that has been started here in our Opelika Bands, but it is you that makes the band what it is. Hard work and dedication is what will make the “Spirit of the South” the best organization. Always remember to work hard, practice, and HAVE FUN!!! I look forward to meeting and working with each and every one of you this year. Mike McGlynn, Associate Band Director, Opelika High School Note from Mr. Holland As we near the beginning of another school year, we eagerly anticipate this being one of the finest years for the OMS Bands. There are many outstanding students returning from our 7th grade Beginning Bands who are awaiting “their turn” to leave “their mark” on the OMS Band program. As you all know, the middle school bands are entirely “new” each year. This provides a challenge to each of us - students, teachers, and parents - to make this another great year at OMS. With this in mind, I would like to take the opportunity to welcome you to the Opelika Bands both Middle and High School. We are really one vary large band from 7th grade to 12th grade. We, the directors, are dedicated to making your son’s/daughter’s band experience the best that it can be. With your support and encouragement, we will continue to have truly outstanding bands - a reputation for which Opelika, Alabama can be extremely proud. Rick Holland, Band Director, Opelika Middle School 2 Spirit of the South Guidelines and Regulations 1. Directors and instructors reserve the right to restrict performance opportunities for the following reasons: ● ● Excessive tardies or missed rehearsals ● ● ● ● ● ISS or OSS (band or non-band infractions) Refusal to follow instructions of directors, staff, drum majors, or section leaders (disrespect will not be tolerated) Low grades Parental Request (based on discipline) Uniform or equipment damage Any reason not identified above that hinders the reputation of the “Spirit of the South” Band Program or the safety of the students involved. 2. Every band member must be prepared. You must be on time and attend every rehearsal. If you are not on time or miss practice, an alternate may perform in your place. Appointments should be scheduled on days that do not conflict with band practice or performances. Jobs are never an excuse to miss practice or performances. Unexcused or excessive absences will result in removal from the band program. Directors and staff reserve the right to restrict performance opportunities based on missed rehearsals for any reason. 3. Your class grade is based on your performance every day. Demerits will be given for lack of preparation, weak or below standard performance or practice etiquette, poor attitude and disrespect. Each demerit received will lower your 9 week grade by one point. 4. You must be involved with ALL “Spirit of the South” performances including games, parades, pep rallies, competitions and contests. Performances are required! Missed performances will result in lower grades or possible failure, loss of performance opportunities, and possible removal from the band program. 5. You are responsible for all uniforms and equipment. You are responsible for mistreatment and accidental and avoidable damage to uniforms and instruments in you care. 6. As a band member, you are in a leadership position. Superior behavior is expected in all of your classes and throughout the community. You are expected to follow the Opelika City Schools code of conduct and the applicable dress codes at all times. If you have behavior issues, you cannot be considered a member in good standing of the band program. 7. If you receive In School Suspension (ISS) or Out of School Suspension (OSS) from Opelika High School or Opelika Middle School you will automatically lose performance opportunities. Multiple infractions (3 ISS, 2 OSS, or any combination totaling 4) may result in the removal from the band program. Students who are sent to the Opelika Learning Center (OLC) are removed from band until admitted back to Opelika High School The above guidelines must be adhered to in order to remain a member in good standing in the band program. Although encompassing, these guidelines do not cover all situations that occur over the course of a season. Therefore, membership and performance of each student is at the discretion of the directors of the OHS “Spirit of the South.” If you choose to exhibit behavior unbecoming of a member of the “Spirit of the South” Band Program, you may receive demerits, lose performance opportunities, or be removed from the program. Remember, being in band is a privilege! Basic Expectations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. All members are expected to be at all rehearsals and performances 6. All members are expected to adhere to the NO USE POLICY of drugs, alcohol, or illegal substances. Illicit use of illegal substances will result in the removal from the band program. 7. All members are expected to follow all rules and guidelines governing students in the OHS Student Handbook. This includes dress codes, attendance, grades, etc. 8. All members are expected to remember that BAND IS A PRIVILEGE, NOT A RIGHT! All members are expected to be early to be on time All members are expected to respect the NO USE POLICY of cell phones, mp3 players or any device that distracts them . All members are expected to respect all directors, staff, instructors, student leaders and Chaperones. All members are expected to take proper care of ALL instruments, uniforms. Students are financially responsible for damage to items that belong to the band. “BE WHERE YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE, WHEN YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE THERE, DOING WHAT YOU SHOULD BE DOING, THE WAY IT SHOULD BE DONE.” 3 The Band Program Spirit of the South Marching Band All members of the Opelika High School Band Program are members of the Spirit of the South Marching Band. This band will perform and travel with to every football game as well as perform at pep rallies, Homecoming events, and other performances as requested. Members are often referred to as winds, percussion, or visual ensemble members. Each segment has its own responsibilities but combine to complete the the largest ensemble in the school. The Spirit of the South rehearses after school. Symphonic Band and Concert Band All wind instrumentalists are placed into an appropriate level class based on musicianship. Symphonic Band members are placed by audition and are often upperclassmen or experienced musicians. Concert Band members are less experienced and sometimes beginning musicians. Band classes meet every other day all year. Both bands give scheduled performances that include Christmas and Music Performance Assessment as well as other requested performances as needed. Jazz Ensemble The OHS Jazz Band is a group of auditioned musicians who perform regularly scheduled and special community performances. The class meets every other day all year. Students in the Jazz Ensemble must also be in Symphonic Band or Concert Band. Percussion Class (Concert Percussion and Indoor Percussion Ensemble) All Percussion students are enrolled in Percussion Class. This class meets every other day and involves preparation for the Spirit of the South Marching Band as well as Concert Percussion and Indoor Percussion programs. Each student is also assigned to Concert or Symphonic Band for performances with each group. The class meets every other day all year. Visual Ensemble The Visual Ensemble is a supplemental group to the Spirit of the South. The group is comprised of the “Showstoppers” Kickline, the Color Guard, and the Majorettes. Each individual is auditioned and placed into the appropriate class during first term only. Auditions occur each spring and new members are selected each year. The Winter Guard is an auditioned group comprised of auditioned visual ensemble members and rehearses/performs during the winter and spring months. All Band Members are eligible for band activities that are designed to maximize their musical careers. Students may chose to be involved in All-State Band, University Honor Bands, Solo and Ensemble Festivals, as well as other performance settings that are promoted by our District and State. Classes that enable the students to participate in private lessons and preparation for these events are Band Techniques and Solo and Ensemble Class (these classes meet in the spring semester every other day). 4 Band Camps and Rehearsals detailed calendar on the band website www.spiritofsouth.org ALL REHEARSALS and CAMPS are MANDATORY! Students must commit to making non-emergency appointments (doctors, counselors, travel, vacations, family events, etc.) at times that do not conflict with band rehearsals. The calendar on the website is updated regularly and rehearsals are scheduled months in advance. When an emergency situation does occur, please be sure to contact us at the band room (745-9717) and leave a message. Please understand that students who miss rehearsals also miss information. Directors will be responsible for determining whether or not a student is prepared for performance. Please understand that jobs and non-emergency related appointments are NOT excused. Leadership Camp July 17 and 18th July 19th 9:30am - 11:30am Homewood Alabama ($60) Rookie Camp July 21st-25th 8am – 11:30am Visual Ensemble Camp July 21st-25th TBD (check website) July 21st-25th TBD (check website) ALL Color Guard, Kickline, Majorettes Percussion Camps These are important camps! Rookie band students will learn basic marching and playing techniques. Visual Ensemble and Percussion members will begin to learn their music and drill for the half-time performance. Summer Music Rehearsals for ALL Band Members These required rehearsals are held in the OHS band room. July 17th, 21st, 22nd 6pm - 8pm DCI Alabama Sounds of Summer July 24th Tickets available online @ dci.org. FULL BAND CAMP July 28th - Aug 1st Aug 4th - 5th July 31st 8am – 11am / 1pm – 4pm / 6pm – 9pm 8am – 11am / 1pm – 4pm / 6pm – 9pm 8am - 11am Band Shoe Orders Students return to classes on August 7th Band Camp is required for ALL band members. Band Camp and all rehearsals require preparation! All students MUST bring a cooler of water, extra water will be provided. Cokes, Powerade, crackers, etc. will be available for purchase at the band concession stand during FULL band camp/practices. Students need to get plenty of rest and eat a good breakfast (no greasy food or milk) before arrival. Wear light colored clothing, sunscreen, hats, etc. to protect yourself from the sun. Your students will be safe, but it will be HOT! Regular Marching Band Rehearsals Thursday 3:45 – 5:30 Full Band Rehearsal Thursday 3:45 – 5:30 Full Band Rehearsal ** Some Monday and Wednesday Rehearsals will be required, be sure to check website calendar! Band Pictures The band group picture (made in the football stadium) TBD. Pictures for the football program will also be made on this date. The students will be in full uniform, which they will pick up from the uniform room. Individual pictures will be made on the same day as the group photo. 5 Performances Band-O-Rama The Spirit of the South Marching Band usually performs in one pre-season show each year. This year, our pre-season performance is Band-O-Rama, which is tentatively scheduled to be held in AUBURN, Thursday AUGUST 21st at 630 pm. Attire is Khaki shorts and band t-shirt. Football Games All Football events are required performances. The band will perform at all football games (home and away) as well as several pep rallies (before and after school). Jamboree and Playoff games may be necessary, so be sure to monitor the calendar throughout the entire football season. Competitions (October 11th) The marching band (including alternates and band runners) will attend a band contest in Dothan, Alabama or a location TBD. Homecoming Activities (October 3rd) & Christmas Parade (December 6th tentative) All band members (including alternates) will participate in these events. For Homecoming, the band plays for the Homecoming Pep Rally/Parade (usually held downtown). Attire is jeans and band t-shirt. The Christmas Parade is scheduled on the first Saturday after Thanksgiving in downtown Opelika. The attire for the parade is their marching uniform (weather permitting). Other Performance Ensembles Band members also have the opportunity to participate in several other performance ensembles such as Jazz Band, Concert and Indoor Percussion Ensemble, Improv (show choir), Winter Guard and the Theatre Orchestra, which performs for the Opelika Theatre Society’s Spring musical. Some events are additional costs, so please see Mr. Smith if you are interested in these ensembles. Symphonic Band and Concert Band REHEARSALS! Before symphonic and concert band performances it will be necessary for both bands and percussionists to rehearse. These rehearsals are in addition to Marching Band Rehearsals and are scheduled before the Auburn University/OHS Band Symphonic Concert (November), Christmas Concert (December), MPA Concerts (February), and Spring Concert (April). Students who have activities (sports or club meetings) must notify Mr. Smith at least 2 weeks in advance of the rehearsal or performance so that preparations can be made. As a rule, students who participate in spring sports are excused for games only. Students are expected to meet with coaches and discuss rehearsals and practice times. 6 Band Fees Band Fees Unfortunately, band is not free! In order to maintain the quality programs we enjoy, we must ask for your financial help. Students are asked to pay dues in the proper time allotted or make arrangements through Mr. Smith. Please do not make a decision not to participate in band due to finances. We have many fundraising opportunities for students to raise funds for their band fees and trips. The Band Fees are primarily used to clean uniforms and pay for transportation costs. Some funds may be used for instrument repair and other expenses. All band fees are due on August 1st. Students will be held from performances until payment is received or arrangements have been made with the Band Director. ■ ■ ■ ■ Band Fees Band Fees Band Fees Band Fees for NEW MARCHING MEMBERS $220 (includes garment bags and poncho) for RETURNING MEMBERS $205 for ALTERNATES $185 for BAND RUNNERS $75 (fees and uniform) New marching members (and returning members that need new shoes) are required to buy the marching shoe provided by the band. Shoe orders will be taken JULY 31st between 8am and 10am. Cash, credit or debit only (no checks). Shoes will be $30. Visual Ensemble Fees Members of the Visual Ensemble are required to cover some additional costs. Fees and dues are detailed in the Visual Ensemble Handbook available on the website or from Mr. Smith. Visual Ensemble fees are estimated to be $400-$450 annually. The estimated total includes band fees, but not Spring Trip costs. Percussion Fees All percussion students will be responsible for the costs and expenses of the percussion ensemble. Although all of the instruments are provided, many “expendables” are needed to maintain and properly perform. It is the responsibility of the student to be prepared with the proper equipment at each rehearsal. Students will be given detailed information as to which equipment they will be responsible for. Sticks, mallets, and other needed items will be made available in the following manner: Snares and Tenors – will purchase sticks and mallets through band office. Sticks are $10 a pair. Other implements will be determined on a need to purchase basis. Bass Drums – One set of practice mallets will be provided. Students will contribute $25 to the bass drum mallet fund in order to purchase performance mallets. Misuse will result in student replacement of damaged implements. Front Ensemble – Due to the use of multiple implements, the band will provide all mallets and implements to be used throughout the season. All front ensemble members will contribute $25 to the mallet fund in order to maintain and replace mallets. Misuse will result in student replacement of damaged implements. Students found misusing, abusing, or damaging instruments, drumheads, sticks, mallets, or other items will be held financially responsible and may be dismissed from band. Indoor Percussion Ensemble and Winter Guard will begin rehearsing at the end of marching band season (December). Students are required to audition throughout the year. Costs for each ensemble are estimated to be $450 and include WGI Regional in Nashville, Tennessee in March/April 2015. 7 Student Accounts A separate account is kept for each student. All money paid for the student will be deposited into the student’s account unless it is noted in writing what the payment is to be credited to (such as a check for $205 with a note that says that it is for band fees). All profits made by the student in fundraising events will go directly to the student’s account unless it is a fundraiser for the general fund. The students will be notified which fundraisers will go directly to their account. The funds in the students’ accounts may be used for any expenses incurred by the student and payable to the band only, such as band fees, bus fees, trip payments, band booster dues, etc. All transfers from the student’s account to pay expenses require a request in writing from the parent. No cash or profit will be refunded or distributed to any other organizations. Students, with written approval of a parent, may transfer funds to a sibling or another band student. Any remaining money in the students’ account from fundraising will be deposited into the general fund upon the student's’ graduation or otherwise ending your band career. ALL MONIES raised through fundraisers and applied to Band Fees are NON-refundable. Students should be careful to avoid overpayment of trips so that all monies can be applied appropriately. Payments Students/parents will be notified of total amounts due and due dates. All payments should be made to Opelika High School Band and mailed to: Opelika High School Band Boosters P. O. Box 2295 Opelika, AL 36803-2295 Receipts will be made available in the band director’s office. For a major trip, statements will be provided advising you of your balance due. At the beginning of the year, if your student has a balance in their student account, a statement will be mailed to you. Also, prior to a major band trip, a poster is available for viewing in the band room with totals for each student. A written request must be made by the parent to transfer money from the student’s account to pay for band fees, bus fees, trip payments, etc. ALL MONIES raised through fundraisers and applied to Band Fees are NON-refundable. 8 Fund Raising Fundraisers are a necessary part of the success of the “Spirit of the South.” Fundraisers provide additional funds for the band expenses, allow us to meet and have fun working together, and provide an easy opportunity for the community to provide assistance to the band program. All fundraisers provide the students and/or their parents with an opportunity to raise money to assist with the cost of participating in the band program. WE NEED EVERYONE TO HELP! Your efforts to assist with these events are greatly appreciated. Below is a list of some of the fundraisers that are being planned. We are always open to new ideas. Concessions for Band Camp/Practice - A concession stand is provided for the students while they are at band camp and after school practices. Drinks and snacks are sold. The proceeds from this concession stand are used to purchase the drinks that are given to the band students after each half-time show. Volunteers are needed to work the concession stand. Summer Swing - The band boosters cook and serve sack suppers at the Summer Swing Concerts sponsored by the Opelika Parks and Recreation Department in the Municipal Park. Volunteers are needed to work during the concerts to cook and/or sell the suppers. Fish Fry or BBQ (Fall and Spring) - Each student will be asked to sell tickets for both events. Each student selling tickets will have a percentage of each ticket sold deposited into their individual account. Volunteers are needed to work the day of the event to cook and serve the food. Pecan Sales - Students will have the opportunity to sell bags of pecans (plain, chocolate covered, etc.). This has become a very popular fundraiser each year before the holidays. A percentage of each bag sold will be deposited into the student’s individual account. Starbucks Coffee - Students will have the opportunity to sell 1lb. bags of Starbucks Coffee. A percentage of each bag sold will be deposited into the student’s individual account. This fundraiser is held in April and is a great way to get money in the student’s account to help with the next year’s band fees. Doughnut Sales - Opelika Middle School students have the opportunity to sell Golden Donuts. The profit from the sale goes into each student’s account to help with the expense of spring trips and prepare for band fees when moving up to the marching band. Football Concessions - We are proud to also maintain the concession stands at all Opelika home football games. For a portion of the proceeds, the Lions Club of Opelika generously provides the labor for each event. From time to time, the OHS Band Boosters may be asked to assist. Auburn University Team Shop – We will need 68-72 people per AU home football games to sell merchandise and novelty items. Days are grueling, but the money is AWESOME! Other Events - We also have a concession stand at All-State auditions and concert admission to the Christmas Concert to help the general fund. Please let us know if you have an idea for something new 9 Uniforms Marching Band Uniforms A “Spirit of the South” marching uniform consists of the following: jacket, pants, sash, hat/plume, white marching shoes, white gloves, black socks and a band t-shirt. You will be provided the jacket, pants, sash, hat/plume and a band t-shirt. You are responsible for providing your black socks (no-shows and ankle socks are not acceptable), thin dark shorts to be worn under your uniform pants, gloves, and shoes. Gloves are $2.00 per pair and can be purchased in the uniform room. Shoes will be ordered during rookie camp. Each band student receives one hat bag, garment bag, hat and poncho. You should be sure you have your shoes, socks, hat, poncho, garment bag and gloves in your hat bag each week. Garment bags are used for many of the away games, and you will need to hang your uniform in the garment bag before it can be loaded on the bus. You will keep these items the entire time you are in the band. The hat bag and poncho are yours to keep, but you will be required to turn in the garment bag and hat at the end of your band career. Please be sure to put your name on the nametag for your hat bag and garment bag. Also write you name in the neck of your poncho and in your hat. Be sure to keep up with your items because we do not have extras to loan out. If you lose, misplace or forget to bring an item, you will have to buy a replacement. We cannot “charge” items, so you have to pay with cash or check at the time you receive the replacement item. Symphonic and Concert Band Uniforms Each student will also be issued a symphonic or concert band uniform. Male performers will wear tuxedo pants and jackets with a bowtie and cummerbund or vest, and dress black shoes with black socks. Tuxedo pants and jackets are provided. Male students will need to purchase the following from the band: Bowtie $5 Cummerbund $10 Tuxedo shirt $25 Female performers will wear the black skirt and blouse tops that are provided. Females will need to provide dark hose and black flat shoes. General Uniform Care We ask that you please wear your uniform with pride and make a special effort to take care of them so they will remain in good condition for future “Spirit of the South” members to wear. This includes not letting your pants drag the ground, not stuffing your jacket in your hat, not dropping it on the floor, no eating or chewing gum while in uniform, etc. Your band fees cover the cost of cleaning your uniform weekly and general maintenance/repairs (lost buttons, etc.), but damages due to neglect are not covered. You will be responsible for replacing any items that are lost or damaged. Replacement costs are as follows: Jacket $200 Pants $80 Sash Hat $30 $75 Hat Bag Garment Bag $15 $10 Ponchos $10 Students will pick up their uniforms from the uniform room for each event. A schedule for handing out uniforms will be announced prior to each event. Please pick up your uniform on time. The uniform room will close ½ hour before students are to be in circle or on the bus, so the uniform workers can report to chaperone duty. If you are late you will have to go to your sponsor/director to get your uniform. You should turn in your uniform immediately after each game. Be sure to have it hung neatly on the original hanger, pants crease to crease and jacket zipped with the back to the curved edge of the hanger. Be sure to have your uniform ready before you get in line. For away games, you should hang it neatly 10 before placing it in your garment bag, and then remove it from the garment bag when you turn it in. If you are not planning to ride the bus home after a performance or event, you must turn in a Trip Permission Form signed by a parent/guardian to your director at least one day prior to the event. You will be responsible for turning in your uniform to your chaperone at your bus (do not give it to another student.) Students will be released to parents ONLY at Bus 1 by the head chaperone. Students will be released as soon as all responsibilities are complete. Band Alternates During marching season, auditioned 8th grade band students (alternates) are considered as much a part of the band as the high school students. Regular buses will bring OMS students to OHS for practice only. The parents will be notified of the bus number used to transport the students. For away games or competitions, the alternates and runners are assigned their own bus. Band Runners Band Runners are students who wish to aid the band moving equipment (visual and percussion) during football games and competitions. Band Runners are required to attend all assigned rehearsals and performances according to assigned duties and caption head. Band Runners will follow all band rules and are expected to dress appropriately. Band runners are chosen by Mr. Holland, Mr. Smith, and Ms. Meadows. Band Booster Meetings Opelika Band Booster meetings are scheduled for every third Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. in the band room at Opelika High School. The meetings are very informative and the band directors will be available for questions/comments. The band booster officers will present the latest information on fund raising, trips, events, financial information, and will address questions/comments. OMS and OHS Parents are strongly encouraged to attend. Band Booster Fees are $10.00 per family per year. “Spirit of the South” Chaperones Selection of chaperones for Spring Trips for the “Spirit of the South” will be based on a combined criterion of the student’s seniority and the parent’s level of participation in band fundraisers and other band events. Since students are not allowed to eat or drink while in uniform, chaperones are not allowed to eat and drink in front of the students while the students are in uniform. No alcoholic beverages will be allowed during any band event and there is no smoking while on duty or around the students. 11 Chaperone Guidelines for Games ● ● Must be an active member of the band booster organization, which is a fee of $10 per family. Must participate as a volunteer worker for at least 2 of the following fundraisers each year: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Fish Fry (September and January) Pecan Sale (October) Summer Swing (2 Summer Swing dates constitute one fundraiser) All-State Concessions (April) Doughnut Sale (OMS) Transport water coolers and drinks in and out of the stadiums. Provide drinks to band students while seated during the games. Distribution of plumes before games and retrieval of plumes after half-time. Assist students with personal belongings. Cleaning and transporting of stadium cushions. Cleaning band section of stadium after each game. Taking roll call on road trips. Radio communications between buses, directors, and chaperone chairpersons. Cleaning our buses after road trips. Turning in uniforms for students not returning by bus. Helping store supplies in the band room after each game. Protection, assistance, and safety of all band students at all times. Assist with uniforms either Thursday preparing for game, Friday handing out before the game, or Friday taking up after the game. No alcoholic beverages will be allowed on the trip and no smoking while on duty or around the students. Chaperone Guidelines for Trips (Including Orlando, Spring 2015) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Must be an active member of the band booster organization, which is a fee of $10 per family and have no outstanding band fees due. Must attend all chaperone meetings related to trips to be chaperoned. Must have a good attitude and rapport with the band students. Will be required to volunteer and work at least 3 fundraisers and/or other specific event for spring trips and at least 4 fundraisers and/or specific events for all major trips each year your child is in band. Will be required to be on patrol duty while on trips, which includes one shift each night. All chaperones will be required to be appropriately dressed while on patrol duty (no sleeping attire). Will be required to wear name badges at all times, including while on patrol duty. A non-refundable deposit is required when signing up to be a chaperone. Will be required to assist with band equipment, uniforms, and instruments as needed and to assist with any other task that might be assigned by the band booster president or head chaperone of the trip. Alcohol and Tobacco of any form is prohibited at all times. Orlando Chaperone dues must be paid in full by February 15th, 2015 in order to travel. 12 Spring Trip 2015, ORLANDO The “Spirit of the South” has been invited to perform at Disney World in Orlando, Florida. This is an amazing opportunity to once again showcase the “Spirit of the South” Marching Band in a major parade in a fantastic, fun and safe environment. We want everyone in the band to travel and participate in this incredible opportunity. THIS IS A ONCE IN A LIFETIME EVENT! ● ● ● ● The total trip cost is estimated $775 (based on number of travelers). This includes: ALL Transportation, CHARTER BUSES ALL Lodging (Radisson Celebration) ALL Admissions to Theme Parks, Shows and Events, Performances and Clinics: o Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Animal Kingdom, Hollywood Studios o Disney Main Street Parade and Jazz Band Clinic Upon arrival to Orlando, ALL meals are provided: o All Breakfasts, Disney Dining Pass ($100) Medieval Times DInner Theatre PERFORMANCES: Disney Magic Kingdom Parade, Jazz Band Clinic and Recording, Symphonic Band Clinic and Recording, as well as performance in Downtown Disney. Students will be responsible for travel snacks, souvenirs, and spending money. Please remember that balances for outstanding band fees must be resolved before fundraising profits can be applied to trip accounts. Payments for the trip begin immediately and the following schedule is required to help budget the trip: Payment Details will be distributed via website and letter to parents. Chaperone Dues for the trip are $400 and must be paid in full by February 15, 2015. In order to travel, chaperones MUST have met the requirements detailed in the OHS Band Handbook. Questions concerning chaperones should be directed to Mr. Smith via email. Please make checks payable to “Opelika High School Band.” Payments may be sent to the following address: Opelika High School Band Boosters P. O. Box 2295 Opelika, AL 36803-2295 Students will be required to meet eligibility requirements set forth by the school and band. Student grades, participation, attitude, and behavior are subject to review. If a student chooses to act unbecoming of a “Spirit of the South” member, the privilege of travel will be revoked. TRIP INCLUDES ● ALL Transportation via Charter Bus ● Four nights lodging at the RADISSON CELEBRATION HOTEL (3/18-3/22, 2015) ● Two Full Buffet Breakfast at the hotel ● One Breakfast at Golden Corral ● One Dinner and Tournament at MEDIEVAL TIMES ● $100.00 Dining Card for use at the WALT DISNEY WORLD RESORT ● One Three Day “Disney Performing Arts OnStage” Park Hopper Admission Ticket to the WALT DISNEY WORLD RESORT including MAGIC KINGDOM, EPCOT, ANIMAL KINGDOM and DISNEY’S HOLLYWOOD STUDIOS ● Disney Performing Arts OnStage Souvenir for each performer 13 ● Log on to www.charmsoffice.com, and click the “ENTER” link at upper right. ● Locate the “PARENT/STUDENT/MEMBERS LOGIN” section of the web page. ● Login to your child’s program account using the following InfoNow School Code (on label on ● ● ● ● ● ● ● front of handbook) This will bring up the main parent page. This will allow you to look at the “public” calendar for your organization, event list, handouts and other files. Clicking on an event on the calendar brings up the details for that event, such as times, attendance requirements and equipment/uniform necessities. Clicking on “event list” puts all of the calendar information in a list form for easy printing. Note that if a calendar event is specifically assigned to your child, it may NOT show up on this calendar – check the “Student” calendar after entering the student’s ID number (see below). When you enter your child’s ID NUMBER (provided by your Director) as a Student Area Password, another more detailed screen appears with even more options to view your student’s uniform assignments, music assignments, financial records, forms and inventory. Once you have first entered this ID number, you may create your own, unique password by clicking on the “keyhole” (Change Password) button. Two areas in which you can help the director maintain his/her records: ○ Update Personal Information – if the director has allowed it, you may help make changes to your child’s student information page (such as updating phone numbers and email addresses if they change) to help the teacher communicate with you more effectively. Click the Personal Info button. You will also see links to enter Practice Logs, view Grades, and use the Recording Studio if the teacher has enabled these options. Most importantly, the parent page assists both you and the teacher to communicate with each other. Stay up to date on what’s going on with your student!!! Student ID is on the front page label - this ID is used for your password the first time you login. 14 Spirit of the South Band Opelika High School Financial Worksheet BAND FEES Returning Members New Members Alternate Members _________ DUE AUGUST 1, 2014 $205 $220 $185 VISUAL ENSEMBLE FEES _________ COMPLETE AUGUST 1, 2014 Deposit $100 ½ Due July 21 ____ Balance Due August 1 ____ (fees are determined by years of membership and equipment needed – estimated $450) NEW MARCHING SHOES _________ ORDER ON JULY 31 8am, BAND FIELD $30 if necessary (Cash, Debit, Credit Cards ONLY) CONCERT BAND (November 1st) Tux shirt $25 Bowtie $5 _________ _________ required for NEW members required for NEW members SYMPHONIC BAND (November 1st) Tux shirt $25 Bowtie $5 Cummerbund $10 _________ _________ _________ required for NEW members required for NEW members required for NEW members Replacement Items Poncho Gloves Shako $10 $2 $60 _________ _________ _________ (Wind Instrumentalists only) Orlando Spring Trip Required Deposit Payments $775 $200 $200 $200 $175 _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ Indoor Percussion Fees $450 _________ January 15th, February 15th, March 15th Estimated ($150 each) Winter Guard Fees $450 _________ January 15th, February 15th, March 15th Estimated ($150 each) ______ DUE DUE DUE DUE October 1 (non refundable) November 1 December 1 (accounts must be current) January 15 (balance) TOTAL Band Expenses 2014 15 Spirit of the South Band Opelika High School Paperwork CHECKLIST Please turn in the following paperwork as soon as possible. ALL FORMS DUE BY GRADUATION DAY (May 29th, 2014) ❏ Student/Parent Contract ❏ Medical Release Form (2 pages) ❏ Fundraising Volunteer Form ❏ Student Information Sheet Spirit of the South Band Opelika High School Student/Parent Contract Please sign and return! “I have read and understand the Opelika ‘Spirit of the South’ Band Handbook. Furthermore, I understand the all guidelines are to be followed at all times so that the ‘Spirit of the South’ is represented to the best of my abilities. I am fully aware that membership into the band program is a privilege and that I will always behave in a positive and supportive manner. Students who fail in their commitments are subject to removal from the program.” Student Name ____________________________________________________ Student Signature ____________________________________ __________ (date) “My child has read and understands the Opelika ‘Spirit of the South’ Band Handbook. Furthermore, my child understands the all guidelines are to be followed at all times so that the ‘Spirit of the South’ is represented to the best of my child’s abilities.” Parent Name ____________________________________________________ Parent Signature ______________________________________ __________ (date) 16 Spirit of the South Band Opelika High School STUDENT Information Form Student Info Name:_____________________________ Graduation YR:_________ Date of Birth (M/D/Y):___/____/_____ Race:_________ Gender:_________ Street Address: _______________________________________________________________________ City:_________________________ State:________ Student Home Phone: (____)______________ Zip:________________ Student Cell Phone: (____)_________________ Student E-mail: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Parent or Guardian Info Please login to CHARMSoffice.com and update ALL INFORMATION! Father’s Name:__________________________Father’s E-mail:______________________________ Father’s Cell Phone: (____)______________ Mother’s Name:__________________________Mother’s E-mail:______________________________ Mother’s Cell Phone: (____)______________ Guardian INFORMATION (if different than above) Name:__________________________ E-mail:______________________________ Cell Phone: (____)______________ Street Address: _______________________________________________________________________ City:__________________ State:________ Zip:________________ 17 Spirit of the South Band Opelika High School PARENT Volunteer Information Form Student’s Name: Senior _____________________________________________________ Last, First Junior Sophomore Freshman Marching (Instrument___________________) Alternate Runner Flag Corp Kickline Majorette Parent/Guardian’s Name(s) _________________________________ Contact # _______________ Email _____________________ _________________________________ _______________ _____________________ _________________________________ _______________ _____________________ HOME Address ________________________________________________________ Street, City, State, Zip Please each area and check each box where you would be willing to help. Add any additional skills/talents or information related to your area of interest. ❏ Uniforms ❏ Concessions/Food ❏ Fundraising ❏ Public Relations/Communications ❏ Medical ❏ Chaperone ❏ Percussion/Front Ensemble ❏ Other Please Identify _____________________________________ 18 “Spirit of the South” Band Opelika High School TRAVELER Medical Information and Consent Form (Use Blue or Black Ink Only) Name: ________________________________________________________________________________ Last First Middle (TRAVEL CELL) Date of Birth___________________ Age __________ Grade______________ EMERGENCY CONTACT Name(s) ____________________________ ____________________________ Home Phone # ______________ ______________ Wk Phone # _______________ _______________ Cell Phone # ____________ ____________ Address_____________________________________________________________________________ Street City, State Zip Child lives with: Mother_____ Father_____ Both_____ Other_____ (Please list)_________________ Email Address________________________________________________________________________ In case of emergency and parent/guardian cannot be reached please contact: Name(s) RelationHome Phone # Work Phone # Cell # ______________ ___________ _______________ _____________ _____________ ______________ ___________ _______________ _____________ _____________ Medical History: List any of your child’s health problems or conditions. If they have none, write “N/A”. ● Medication Allergies _____________________________________________________________ ● Other Allergies _________________________________________________________________ ● Other specific health problems not otherwise noted________________________________________ ● My child takes medication on a routine or as needed basis (please list reason for medication beside each one.) (A separate “School Medication Prescriber/Parent Authorization” form must be completed for each medication.) I (we) the undersigned parent(s) or legal guardians(s) of ________________________________________ a minor, give permission for said minor to travel with the Opelika High School Band during the time period of July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015. I(we) also hereby authorize and consent to any needed emergency medical treatment (physical examination, x-ray, medication, emergency surgery, and/or anesthesia) by any member of the medical or emergency staff of a duly licensed hospital. I (we) further authorize Jason Smith, Band Director, or Mike McGlynn, Associate Band Director, to select a medical doctor and /or hospital of his choice for the purpose of diagnosis and emergency treatment of the above minor. If all of the above individuals are incapacitated, then the ranking officer of the Opelika Band Boosters, serving as a chaperone for the group, will make the selection. It is my (our) understanding that I (we) will be responsible for all costs incurred from any emergency medical treatment of the above minor. ______________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian ____________________ Date 19 Spirit of the South Band Opelika High School Medication Form In order to provide the best possible safety for you child, we must have accurate records of any and all medications that your child currently takes. In order for your child to receive the proper care, please complete this form in its entirety FOR EVERY MEDICATION, whether over the counter or prescribed, self-administered or given by medical personnel or parents. Common questions: ● Do I have to complete this form when a new medicine is administered or dose changed? YES - our staff needs to be aware of ALL medicines and dosages. ● Why do I have to complete for over the counter medicine? In order for a student to take medicine, permission must be granted to our on duty nurse. Nurses are the only persons allowed to administer medicine to students during band rehearsals or performances. ● Why do I have to complete another form when we travel to Orlando? In order for our records to be completely accurate, we require new and updated forms for travel. ● Do I have to have a physician sign the form? Only on prescribed medicine. ● Do I have to complete a form if medicine is only used for short term (antibiotics or otherwise)? YES - again, in case of emergency, our staff needs the most up-to-date information as possible. ● If my child has medicine that is self-administered do I complete the form? YES ● Can my child carry his/her inhaler? YES - in most performance situations, medicine will be given to nurse for safe-keeping. Students may have their devices on their person during rehearsals. ● Why do I have to give my medicine to the nurse during travel? It is required by law! 20
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