Mission accomplished! - Friends of The National Archives

Mission accomplished!
We comfortably reached our target by the time of our AGM on 10 June, with 1008 members. It is a fine
achievement and a big 'thank you' to all who joined in the effort to reach the target. We are pleased to welcome
Stanley Soffa from Cardiff who is our one thousandth member.
To mark reaching the one thousand membership the Council members met the Press Gang recently to thank
them and celebrate over tea and cake in our lounge. The membership marches on and is now over 1030. The
next thousand won't take us twenty-five years!
We are still looking for volunteers to join our friendly and happy team to help us make a difference by
increasing our membership and networking with our members at Kew. If you would like to join us and get more
involved, or would like more information, please contact:
[email protected]
A Successful AGM
Over sixty members gathered for the AGM in June. It was a very
successful and productive meeting with changes approved for new
membership rates and arrangements, and the adoption of a revised
constitution. Steve Cable, photographic specialist from The National
Archives, began the meeting with a short presentation about COPY 1
and the work of the Friends on this series. Simon Gregor concluded
the event with an excellent illustrated talk about the Remembrance
Image Project and highlighted how he will mark the centenary of key
anniversaries with photographs. Many members commented
afterwards that it was the best AGM they had attended.
New Members Joining in 2014
Contact Us
We have introduced a new arrangement for our email traffic. We no longer use The
National Archives gsi.gov addresses or the variety of other personal addresses that
were used to help us respond more quickly to queries and requests. The new system is
supported by a new single page website: www.friendsofthenationalarchives.org.uk All
our addresses have the suffix: @friendsofthenationalarchives.org.uk
The following addresses are currently available: chairman, secretary, editor,
membership, projects, visits_events, enquiries, and recruiting. Other addresses will
become available in due course.
Please ensure you have these addresses in your address book (particularly membership
and editor) to ensure you avoid the spam filter and are kept up to date with membership
matters and receive the electronic version of Outreach (and Magna if requested). If you
have an email address and do not receive Outreach please contact:
[email protected]
The Online Community
and Blog
Please join us on The National
Archives Online Community at
the link here.
opportunity to share ideas and
information about the records and
issues in the archive sector. Our online
group (together with the Railways
Studies Group) can help to keep the
Friends more connected and share
The latest Blog can be found here
Archives and Chapter Library of St. George's
Chapel, Windsor Castle
On 12 July the Friends were represented at the Adopt-a-Book open day to
view selected items from the historic collection (dating back over 800
years) and to view one of our adopted books - Speeches and passages of
this great and happy Parliament.
In October 2002 the Friends of the Public Record Office donated £213.50
to the Archives and Chapter Library to adopt four books to assist with their
conservation. The four books adopted were:
All Change Behind the Scenes
Our co-ordinator Juliette Johnstone is handing over the
reins to Kelly Kimpton after three years in the role. Our
co-ordinator is a TNA staff member assigned to look
after the various Friends' admin arrangements and
being a point of contact for staff. It involves a wide-range
of chores and Juliette helped to ensure the Friends'
activities ran smoothly behind the scenes. Juliette
remains in ARK and the Keeper's Gallery co-ordinator.
We are grateful for her support and wish her well. We
are looking forward to working with Kelly at a time of
change and increasing membership. Juliette is pictured
on the left of the picture with Tony Wakeford, and Kelly
Kimpton on the right in our lounge.
RBK E.49: England; Parliament, An exact collection of all remonstrances,
declarations, votes...and other...passages betweene the Kings...Majesty,
and his...Parliament (London, 1643)
RBK E.55: England; Parliament, A true copy of the journal-book of the last
Parliament, begun...the sixth...of March 1678/9...Wherein is...a
fuller...discovery of the Popish plot... (London, 1680)
RBK E.50: England; Parliament, Speeches and passages of this great
and happy Parliament (London, 1641)
RBK N.5: Nalson; John, An impartial collection of the great affairs of state,
from the beginning of the Scotch rebellion in...MDCXXXIX. to the murther
of...Charles I... (London, 1682-3)
At our recent Council meeting is was agreed to
donate £50 to adopt another book from the
seventeenth century to mark our twenty-fifth
anniversary. The Archive and Chapter Library has a
wealth of treasures and the open day prompted us
to organise a group visit for early September. See
back page of this newsletter.
Great War biscuits recreated for
the Press Gang
The Press Gang had a real treat in June when members Simon Fowler and
Sylvia Levi brought along some WW1 biscuits to the recruitment stall at Kew.
Sylvia had reviewed The Great War Cook Book for TNA Bookshop’s webpages
and was inspired to make some chocolate and potato biscuits. Riced potato
replacing much of the flour which would have been in short supply in the dark
days of 1917 and 1918. Simon suggested that they took some along so the
Friends could try them out.
Both volunteers at the stall, and readers who were tempted to try the biscuits,
agreed that they turned out rather well. They were more savoury than expected:
rather like cream crackers. Sylvia says that this would have been normal: even
sweet biscuits in general would have been less sweet than we are used to.
If you want to try the Potato and Chocolate Biscuits for yourself here’s the
Mix three ounces ground rice with two ounces of ground rice flour (Sylvia used a
mixture of half plain white and half wholemeal), rub in one and a half ounces of
fat (cocoa butter can also be used), add a pinch of salt, four ounces of cooked
riced potatoes, and a teaspoon of cocoa. Blend well and add a teaspoon of
treacle and half a dried egg (half a medium egg). Beat until the ingredients are
thoroughly incorporated, then add vanilla essence to taste, and a half-teaspoon
of baking powder. Mix, roll out half an inch thick, cut into desired shapes; bake
about twenty minutes on a greased baking tray in a quick oven (at 180C or so).
Busy recruiting – Bronwyn enjoys a biscuit whilst John (sitting
behind) is busy checking the day's tally of new members.
Meg Byron, The
Great War Cook
Book (Amberley) is
on sale in the
bookshop price
£9.99. Don’t forget
the Friends'
It has been hot out in the park. Your intrepid
editor spotted an optimist and watched some
Tufted Duck ducklings on speed trials.
A growing bow wave as this Tufted Duck
duckling 'goes for it'. The ducklings are
remarkably quick and agile.
A tranquil scene with mother and
two of her cygnets
Meanwhile, something has caught
the attention of a Grey Squirrel.
As the season progresses so the
identity of the Black Headed Gull
becomes more obvious.
Not quite airworthy – this Mute Swan cygnet
optimistically flaps its wings but remains
firmly grounded.
One of the Herons, still watching
and waiting
Please contact the editor if you would like to share your wildlife photos from Pocket Park in Outreach or Magna.
For the benefit of those reading the print version of this electronic
newsletter the hyperlinks in the electronic version are shown in full
BLOG: http://blog.nationalarchives.gov.uk/blog/can-1000-friends/
ONLINE COMMUNITY: https://community.nationalarchives.gov.uk/
We have raised over £780!
Please join the 39 members using easyfundraising to
help us raise even more funds.
Mrs Ivy Raper
5 April 1917 - 25 June 2014
It is with much sadness that we record the passing of
one of our members, Mrs Ivy Raper of Ruislip. She
was a member of the Friends for a number of years
and a dedicated family historian. She devoted so
much time trying to trace 'elusive ancestors' that her
family joked with her that her epitaph should perhaps
be 'I couldn't beat them so I joined them'! We send
our condolences to her daughter Mary and family.
Napoleon's Hundred Days: An experiment in co-operative historical enquiry
Prof. Peter Clark writes: Next year sees the 200th Anniversary of Napoleon’s return to France from his exile on the
Island of Elba. It was a turbulent and eventful historical period that would lead to Napoleon’s final defeat at the
Battle of Waterloo. Napoleon’s attempt to re-establish himself as the Emperor of the French and once again make
himself the dominant force in Europe is well known, but in many aspects it has only been scantily researched. His
return to France lasted a little over One Hundred Days.
I am proposing that at The National Archives we set up a small co-operative research group of between 6 to 10
people to pull out of the myriad of documents in the collection some of the original papers that record British
actions and perspectives on the dramatic events of February 1815 to July 1815. I imagine that the research group
would meet on six or so occasions in October and November of 2014 (ideally we would meet one day a week). We
would collectively select and examine what we as a group regard as interesting areas of enquiry. I see it as
essentially a group effort making group decisions, quite unlike so much of the individual research that takes place
at The National Archives. We would need to examine, for example, diplomatic papers, Parliamentary records,
espionage documents, naval and military records, and contemporary newspapers. The Group would collectively
decide where best to look, and co-operatively agree who was to do what. I am certain that in the limited time
available for us to work together we would be ‘cherry-picking’ the most interesting and useful records that
illuminate this period in our history. I see three outcomes to our work:
1. To produce a printed list of the most useful
sources within the collection and place it on record
so that others, at any future date, could use to follow
in our footsteps;
2. To produce a paper for publication explaining how
we set about collective research, and being honest
about the ups and downs of working in this way;
3. To present an illustrated lecture on our findings,
and for individuals in the group to present some
choice discoveries from their own searches to show
how these discoveries fit into the overall picture.
Oh!, and after that we would
organise a collective dinner
for the group at some point
during the 200th Anniversary
of the Hundred Days itself, to
celebrate the history, and to
applaud ourselves on what
we have achieved in that new
and exciting way of working,
that many people are now
calling ‘Collective Enquiry’.
Wood carving of Napoleon surrendering his sword to Captain
MAITLAND, RN, on board HMS BELLEROPHON, 15 July 1815
If this appeals and you would like to become involved or seek further information from Peter, then please get in
touch with the editor and include 'Napoleon' in the header: [email protected]
Volunteer opportunity: Migration records
For the past five years The National Archives has led an ambitious project to develop a database containing information from
surviving records of British Naturalisation and Registration for Citizenship in the series HO 334. We are looking for
volunteers, working at Kew, who are interested in immigration histories after WWII to help us further enhance the database.
Using original documents you will be inputting information which will make searching the database more accurate and
If you would like to take part or require more information, then please contact:
Karim Hussain, Modern Domestic Records Specialist, The National Archives, 02088 76444 ext 2345
[email protected]
Dates for the diary
Four visits have been planned for the remainder of the year.
Arrangements for an event in November has also been finalised.
Full details of the visits, with a booking form, are included with
this edition and in the August edition of Magna for those not
5 September – The Archives and Chapter Library of St George's
Chapel, Windsor Castle.
27 September – The London Museum of Water & Steam, near
Kew Bridge.
11 October – The National Computing Museum at Bletchley (part
of the former Bletchley Park site).
12 November – The British Postal Archive and Museum, Phoenix
Place, London.
Magna - paper or pdf?
Can you collect?
Every pdf or collection will save us over
£1 in postage costs
Magna is now available to be emailed to you as a pdf.
Over 100 members have now opted to receive their
copy in this way. Over 40 members have also opted
to pick up their magazine from TNA rather than have
it posted to them. If you are regularly at TNA then this
option might suit you and help us to further reduce
postage. The collection point will be the bookcase
in our members' lounge.
On 4 November Paddy Ashdown will be returning to TNA to give
another talk to the Friends on his latest book about the Battle of
Vercors in 1944: The Cruel Victory.
If you would prefer to switch to a pdf version, or are
able to collect from TNA, then please contact me at:
Following feedback we have included a couple of Saturdays.
However, not all venues are able to take group visits at
weekends, hence the archive related visits are on a weekday.
Please include your name if your email address does not
adequately identify you.
[email protected]