RHR - April 2014

Issue 9
2013—2014 School Year
Red Hawk review
Cedar Springs Public Schools
School Calendar
Excellence & Innovation
Severe Weather Policy 3
Tech 21 Night
All Conference
Parks and Rec
204 E Muskegon Street
Cedar Springs, MI 49319
Laura VanDuyn, Ed.D., was selected as the next Superintendent of
the Cedar Springs Public Schools.
VanDuyn is executive director of the State SELPA, Contra Costa
Special Education Joint Powers Authority, a cooperative program
providing special education services for school districts within the
region. The Contra Costa Special Education Joint Powers Authority
is located in Concord, approximately 22 miles northeast of
Oakland, CA.
“I’d like to convey my appreciation to the many staff and community
members who took the time to come to the meetings and share their
thoughts,” said Board President Brook Nichols. “This was a very
difficult decision because … the candidates brought different things
to the interview and both were very qualified. Ultimately, the
majority of the board felt that Laura VanDuyn would be a great
leader for our district.”
“The leader always sets the trail
for others to follow”
VanDuyn was chosen among five candidates interviewed by the
Cedar Springs Public Schools Board as potential replacements for
retiring Superintendent Ron McDermed.
School Calendar
May 23 FULL
Instructional Day
The other candidates were Assistant Superintendent David Cairy, a
finalist in the interview process; Gibraltar/Shumate Middle School
Principal Brad Coon; Boyne Falls Public Schools Superintendent
Karen Sherwood; and Hudsonville Human Resources and Assessment Director Scott Smith. They were selected from a pool of 15
VanDuyn has served as executive director of the Contra Costa
Special Education Joint Powers Authority from 2010 to the present.
She held a variety of administrative and leadership positions at the
site, district and county levels from 2001-2010, and was an administrator in Minnesota from 1999 until moving to California.
Upcoming Events
She holds a doctor of education degree in organization and leadership from the University of San Francisco, a master’s in education
administration from Minnesota State University and a bachelor’s in
education from the University of Nevada.
She will begin July 1, 2014.
April 25
Early Release Day
April 28
Board of Ed Meeting
May 2
Early Release Day
May 2
High School Prom
CSHS 2014 Lip Dub
To check it out, scan this code
with your smartphone
Cedar Springs Public Schools
204 E Muskegon
Cedar Springs, MI 49319
Page 2
2013—2014 School Calendar
Need to update your child’s information?
April 25
Student Early Release Day
May 2
Student Early Release Day
May 16
Student Early Release Day
May 23
Full Instructional Day
May 26
June 4
June 5
June 6-12
Visit the Cedar Springs Student Information Update site
 www.csredhawks.org
 Select Parents at the top of the page
 Select Student Information Update; 1st option on the left side
Snow Day Make-up
For user name & password
information, contact your child’s
Memorial Day Break
Last Day of School
Last Day for Staff
For Central Enrollment questions:
Ph: 616-696-7317
Fax: 616-696-3755
[email protected]
Central Enrollment office is located on the 2nd Floor of
the Hilltop Community Building.
Snow Day Make-up
if needed
Kindergarten Hearing and Vision Screening
Schools of Choice for 2014 - 2015 School Year
Friday, May 2, 2014
Cedar Springs Public Schools participates in both the Kent Intermediate
School District (ISD) and the 105c Schools of Choice plans. If you have any
questions, please contact Pam Kozicki at [email protected] OR
(616)696-1204 x1008.
8:45 - 3:45 @ Cedar Trails Elementary
Call 616-696-9884 OR 616-696-7317
Schedule your appointment today
Kent ISD Schools of Choice Plan
Families residing within the Kent ISD, but not a resident of the Cedar Springs School
District may apply for enrollment by requesting a Kent ISD Schools of Choice application from their resident district or choice district during the application period, April
14 - May 31.
105C Schools of Choice Plan
Families who reside in a district which borders the Kent ISD, may apply under the
Schools of Choice 105c plan during the application period, April 14 - May 16.
Applications available at www.csredhawks.org/schoolsofchoice
Class of 2014 New Beginnings
High School Graduation
May 22, 2014
Red Hawk Elementary Gymnasium
Cedar Springs Public Schools
204 E Muskegon
Cedar Springs, MI 49319
Page 3
Kelly Spahr was awarded the Congressional Medal of Merit
Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.) recognized the service academy appointees and student
Congressional Medal of Merit recipients from Michigan’s Third District at the Gerald R. Ford
Presidential Museum on Saturday. “I am honored to recognize these deserving students for
their outstanding achievements. I wish them great success in their future endeavors,” said
Amash. Applicants to the service academies require a nomination by a Member of
Congress. To assist with the nomination process, Amash assembled a committee of military
and civic leaders who interviewed potential nominees, reviewed their applications, and made
In addition to the 10 service academy appointees recognized, Amash honored 39 students with the Congressional
Medal of Merit. The Congressional Medal of Merit recognizes high school seniors who have demonstrated exemplary
citizenship and academic excellence. Recipients were nominated by their principals or guidance counselors.
Cedar Springs Public Schools would like to thank the following area businesses for the support they provided the students of our
district through Community Based Instruction. You have provided these students with realistic work opportunities which promotes
student growth and achievement. We thank you for your time and effort in making this program successful.
Rite Aid, Burger King, Max Fitness, Cedar Rock Café, Subway, Tractor Supply Company,
Cedar Springs Tire, Kellys Restaurant, Weingartz
Severe Weather Procedures
School may be delayed two hours or closed whenever a “watch” or “warning” is in effect PRIOR to the starting time of
Tornado Watch: If a Tornado Watch is in effect at regular dismissal times, students will be
dismissed to their normal bus runs. Weather conditions will be evaluated for walkers and, if
unsafe, these students will be held at school and their parents notified. Students who drive
will be released.
Tornado Warning: If a Tornado Warning is in effect, or if a tornado appears, during regular
school hours, children will be kept at school in predetermined shelter areas until the warning
is lifted. All students including those who walk and drive will be held in school until the
warning is lifted or parents pick them up.
After Hours School Activities: If a Tornado Watch or Tornado Warning is
announced during school hours, all after-school and evening activities will be CANCELLED.
announced TWO Hours prior to the starting time of an activity, it shall meet as scheduled.
If an “ALL CLEAR” is
When school evening activities are canceled, this cancellation also includes all clubs, organizations and extra-curricular
events held on campus and scheduled for that evening.
If you are concerned you may pick up your children at any time during a tornado “watch” or “warning” and must sign them
out in the appropriate office. Parents may NOT pick up children other than their own unless written permission is on file at
the school office.
Do NOT call the school building inquiring about tornado procedures during the period of a tornado “watch” or “warning”
because telephone lines are needed for emergency communication.
Please have a plan for your children when no one will be at home upon arrival from school.
Cedar Springs Public Schools
204 E Muskegon
Cedar Springs, MI 49319
Page 4
Summer Athletic Physicals
6/11/14 & 8/6/14
9:00am to Noon
Location: cedar springs high school
cost: $20.00
6th Grade Band Concert
Adam Borst, Band Director
Spring can bring some challenging weather for athletic events.
Decisions on athletic events will not be made until after 1:00pm.
Check the web site @ www.csredhawks.org /athletics for the most
current information on athletic events.
Follow us on Facebook - Cedar Springs Bands
Check out the outstanding 6th Grade Band in
concert by visiting http://youtu.be/2GzARkp3zqE.
OR by scanning this code with your smartphone.
Thank You Glen Hill Post 287
Tech 21 Academy Awards and Information Night
Ken See, Beach Elementary Principal
Erica Beaton, High School Teacher
Beach Elementary would like to thank the Glen Hill
Post 287 of the Cedar Springs American Legion for
their donation of a student dictionary for EVERY third
grade student. A special thanks to Post Commander,
William Gregones, Unit Auxiliary President, Lora
Nauta, National Executive Committee Woman, Nary
Yuncker and Children and Youth Chairman, Keith A.
Tyler for making a special trip to Beach Elementary to
present the dictionaries to a group of third grade
On Thursday, March 20, the families and students of the Tech 21
Academy of Cedar Springs High School were invited to the annual
Academy Awards & Information Night, where students were
recognized for academic excellence and strength of character.
Eli Malon, Leah Ramsey, Aricin Thompson,
Brady Mason, Darin Kolk, Molly Bentley,
Makalah Cazier, Hailie Castle, Taylee Self,
and Brice Skelonc.
Forty freshmen and sophomores received As during first and/or
second trimester; they were each highlighted for this exceptional
work in their core classes.
Additionally, the following students were individually nominated by
their T21 teachers for showing strong character during this school
year. Thank you to the families and friends that were able to join
us in celebrating these students.
Kathy Dancer
Jaspar Garcia
Rocio Ramos
Anissa Bisard
Corey Fisher
Alexis Whitney
Holly Holmquist
Hailey Wysocki
Social Intelligence
Kaitlin Rounds
Logan Gunneson
Bailey Hendges
Gage Heyboer
Self-Control: Academic
Katelyn Clock
Jacob Bourassa
Krissy Niewiadomski
Jon Baculy
Abdullahi Ciise
Stephanie Ramos
Gabby Brown
Jacob Hess
Douglas Kurylowicz
Paul Armstrong
Alexandra Colley
Alex Jordan
Maranda Kulesza
Mike Shellito
Brandon Meester
Susan Magoon
Seth Holtrop
Stephanie Hay
Devin Cole
Jeremy Wildfong
Cedar Springs Public Schools
204 E Muskegon
Cedar Springs, MI 49319
Page 5
Cedar Springs Public Schools
204 E Muskegon
Cedar Springs, MI 49319
Page 6
Middle School Student Leadership Team Helps To Support All Students
Jodi West, KSSN Middle School Community School Coordinator
The Student Leadership Team’s mission is dedicated to tackling different needs in the building and community.
These dedicated students work hard to reach out to all students and to make everyone feel welcomed and
supported. From the experiences students had from the Rachel’s Challenge Assembly and Family Event, students
agreed to form an Outreach Committee.
Noticing students who seemed isolated during the lunch hour, the Outreach Committee “wanted a safe place for
them to go where they could feel comfortable” reports Emma Fraam. Under the direction of Ms. Heidi Schuitema
students have started a Lunch Getaway. The Outreach Committee worked hard to promote the Lunch Getaway idea,
to get staff to buy in, to find the space, and to invite students. Posters were created and daily announcements were
made by the students to promote the concept. Dane Conely states, “We offer games for the kids to play while they
eat, we have movie days, too. I always invite people to come, and then they invite more. We usually have around 25
students.” Mady Titus says it has really been neat to see the growth. “Students who hadn’t previously talked are
sitting at the same tables, playing cards, spoons, board games, anything fun.” Reagan King adds “When you look
around, everyone really seems to be having fun.”
Language Arts Teacher, Mr. Weiler, is always in attendance. The students recognize that he gives up his lunch hour
to teach the students how to play new games, such as chess. Mr. Weiler reports “You can really learn a lot about a
student just by sharing in a game together. These kids have a
lot going on, it’s nice for them to have a chance to relax, play
some games and be with others.”
Special Education Teacher, Mrs. Schuitema, also spends her
lunch hour in the room and is pleased to see her group of
special education students inclusively playing with the others.
“It really has picked up momentum and is quite amazing to
see. I’m very proud of these students.”
The Outreach Committee is hoping to keep this going next
school year, and is looking to recruit some new students to
help promote the Lunch Getaway idea in both grades. The
Lunch Getaway is currently housed in the Life Skills Room
during 7th grade lunch. If you would like more information
about the program, please contact Jodi West @ 616-696-9100
x 6278.
High School Prom
Friday, May 2, 2014
Goei Center, Grand Rapids
May 15 @ High School Auditorium
Starting at 5:30pm
Performances by…
Middle School Choir
Concert Choir
Varsity Voices
Cedar Springs Public Schools
204 E Muskegon
Cedar Springs, MI 49319
Page 7
OK Bronze Cedar Springs All Conference Athletes
Front Row (L-R):
Katherine Krankall (Competitive Cheer),
Jenna Zoerman (Competitive Cheer),
Jordan Ringler (Wrestling),
Alyssa Alger (Competitive Cheer)
2nd Row (L-R):
Zachary Wamser (Wrestling),
Hannah Cederquist (Competitive Cheer),
Alexis Oliver (Competitive Cheer),
Liz DeBoe (Bowling), Emma Schut
(Bowling), Jacob Cartwright (Bowling)
3rd Row (L-R):
Trevor Ruark (Bowling),
Aubree Mouthaan (Basketball),
Brittany Todd (Bowling),
3rd Row (con’t): Allyson Marvel (Bowling), Rebecca Williams (Bowling)
Back Row (L-R): Joshua Austin (Bowling), Kyle Knarr (Bowling), Brad Brechting (Basketball), Cameron Link (Basketball),
Blake Fisk (Bowling)
Tech 21 Academy Sophomore Inquiry
Project Presentation
On Tuesday, March 25, the sophomore Tech 21 students presented
their Biology Inquiry Projects to Amway employees. Students were
given the assignment of designing an experiment of their choosing
and then, with guidance from their instructor, carrying it out. At Amway
Headquarters, students practiced their presentation skills and
professional demeanor. It was a great day for all involved.
A special thanks to Laura Davis and all of the Amway employees
for dedicating their time to helping our Cedar Springs students to
become their best!
Get the latest information about the
Springs Sports Season by visiting
www.csredhawks.org/athletics OR
by scanning this code with your
Tech 21 Students presenting their
Biology Inquiry Projects
Cedar Springs Public Schools
204 E Muskegon
Cedar Springs, MI 49319
The mission of the Cedar Springs Public School District is to develop all students to become educated, self-confident, responsible citizens in a changing world.
The Cedar Springs Public Schools does not discriminate against any person based on gender, race, color, national origin, genetic information (GINA), religion, height, weight, marital status,
handicap, age, or disability. A copy of the Non-Discrimination and Complaint Procedure can be found under Board Policies at www.csredhawks.org.
The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination process: Dave Cairy, Assistant Superintendent, 204 E Muskegon St, Cedar Springs, MI 49319,
(616) 696-1204.
Parks and Recreation
Visit www.csaparksandrec.com for more information.
Learning with Literacy
Reading and Writing Summer Camp for students who are
completing K-6th Grades in 2013-2014 school year.
When: Mondays, Tuesdays & Wednesdays—9:00am to 11:30am
July 14 through August 6
Where: Red Hawk Elementary
Cost: $75
Track and Field Camp
For grades 2nd through 8th in 2013-2014 school year
When: Monday, June 9 & Tuesday, June 10
Meet on Wednesday, June 11 6:30pm—8:30pm
Cost: $25
Spend two days learning how to run faster, jump higher
and throw farther by working with the Cedar Springs
High School Track and Field Coaches, Team Members,
and former Athletes. Meet serves as a qualifier for the
State Meet held on Friday, June 27 @ Hold High School.
Moving with Math
A Math focused Summer Camp for students who are completing
K-6th Grades in 2013-2014 school year.
When: Mondays, Tuesdays & Wednesdays—9:00am to 11:30am
July 14 through August 6
Where: Red Hawk Elementary
Cost: $75
CPR Certification
Class includes CPR Certification and AED training.
Great for nursery workers, big brothers/sisters, babysitters and community members. Spectrum Health United
Lifestyles of Greenville Instructors.
Deadline for Registration is May 21, 2014
When: Friday, May 16, 2014 ; 2:00 – 5:00pm
Where: Cedar View Elementary Media Center
Cost: $40
Board of Education
Board of Education meetings are
open to the public and will be
held at 6:45 p.m. in the Board
Room of the Hilltop Community
Resource Center (third floor)
unless otherwise specified.
2014 Board of Education Calendar
April 14
July 14
October 13
April 28—work session
August 11
October 27—work session
May 12
August 25—work session
November 10, 24
June 9, 23
September 8, 22
December 8
Brook Nichols—President
Todd Hanson—Vice President
Patricia Eary—Secretary
Matthew Shoffner—Treasurer
Jeff Gust—Trustee
Shannon Vanderhyde—Trustee
Joe Marckini—Trustee