Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) Coronavirus Vaccine and ELISA kits MERS is a viral respiratory infection caused by the newly identified MERS-coronavirus (MERS-CoV). MERS-CoV is a betacoronavirus derived from bats. Camels have been shown to have antibodies to MERS-CoV, but the exact source of infection in camels has not been identified. A strain of MERS-CoV known as HCoV-EMC/2012 found in the first patient in London in 2012 was found to have a 100% match to Egyptian tomb bats.Early reportscompared the virus to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), and it has been referred to as Saudi Arabia's SARS-like virus. ERS can range from asymptomatic disease to severe pneumonia leading to the acute respiratory distress syndrome. Renal failure, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) and pericarditis have also been reported. MERS have high fatality rate, 77 deaths in 187 confirmed cases. As of May 2014, MERS-CoV cases have been reported in several countries, including Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Jordan, Qatar, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Tunisia, Kuwait, Oman, Algeria, Bangladesh, the Philippines (still MERS-free), Indonesia (none was confirmed), the United Kingdom, and the United States.MERS-CoV has been reported or by direct or indirect contact withothers who have a travel history consistent with exposure in the Middle East.However, the origin of the infection in most cases remains unknown.Early research suggested the virus is related to one found in the bats and in dromedary camels, as 90-100% camels have antibodies to the MERS-CoV spike protein. Sera samples from European sheep, goats, cattle, and other camelids had no such antibodies. Countries like Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates produce and consume large amounts of camel meat. Human or animals diagnostic serology is based upon PCR or ELISA or antibody neutralization tests. Coronaviruses are a positive ssRNA genome of about 2732kb that codes for structural protein genes - namely the Spike (S), Envelope (E), Membrane (M), and Nucleocapsid (N) genes - as well as the Polymerase. The presence of MERS viral antibodies (N, E and S) have been used to detect the infected animal or humans. Unlike SARS-CoV, which uses human angiotensin-convertingenzyme 2 (ACE2) as its receptor for binding to ACE2-expressingcells, MERSCoV utilizes a different receptor, dipeptidylpeptidase 4 (DPP4), for binding to DPP4-expressing cells via the Spike protein. S1 subunit mediates virusbinding to cells expressing DPP4 through its receptorbindingdomain (RBD, 367-606 aa) region and an S2 subunit that mediates virus-cell membrane fusion. A truncated RBD domain (377588)-Fc protein binds efficiently to DPP4. Antibodies to the RBD domain also protected animals from MERS infection. Therefore, MERS-CoV S1 region or the RBD are potential vaccine candidates. The virus MERS-CoV is a new member of the beta group of coronavirus, Betacoronavirus, lineage C. MERS-CoV genomes are phylogenetically classified into two clades, clade A and B. The earliest cases of MERS were of clade A clusters (EMC/2012 and JordanN3/2012), and new cases are genetically distinct (clade B).MERS-CoV ADI has cloned and expressed various MERS recombinant proteins, made antibodies and develop various ELISA kits to detect antibodies in animals and humans. ADI is the first company to introduce commercial ELSIA kits to detect antibodies in camels, humans, or other species. is distinct from SARS and distinct from the common-cold coronavirus and known endemic human betacoronaviruses HCoV-OC43 and HCoV-HKU1. MERS-CoV is more closely related to the bat coronaviruses HKU4 and HKU5 (lineage 2C) than it is to SARS-CoV (lineage 2B) (2, 9), sharing more than 90% sequence identity with their closest relationships, bat coronaviruses HKU4 and HKU5. List of MERS ELISA Kits available from ADI. Product details, data sheets, and pricing available (http://4adi.com/commerce/catalog/spcategory.jsp?category_id=2795 Items Description RecombiVirus MERS Nucleoprotein NP IgG ELISA Kit RecombiVirus MERS Spike protein S1 IgG ELISA Kit RecombiVirus MERS Spike protein S2 IgG ELISA Kit Kit Type MERS NP antibody MERS S1 antibody MERS S2 antibody ELISA Type IgG Cat# Bat Pig Human Camel Cow Goat/sheep RV-402100-1 RV-402110-1 RV-402120-1 RV-402130-1 RV-402140-1 RV-402150-1 RV-402200-1 RV-402210-1 RV-402220-1 RV-402230-1 RV-402240-1 RV-402250-1 RV-402300-1 RV-402310-1 RV-402320-1 RV-402330-1 RV-402340-1 RV-402350-1 Notes: All of the ELISA kits are coated with purified recombinant proteins expressed in HEK or E. coli. There is no virus or viral proteins used anywhere in the kit. So there is no risk of contamination in using these kits. Alpha Diagnostic Intl Inc, USA;www.4adi.com; (800) 786-5777;[email protected] List of MERS reagents available from ADI. Items MERS-NP (HCov-EMC) MERS-S1 (HCov-EMC MERS-S1-RBD (HCov-EMC MERS-S2 (HCov-EMC DPP4/CD26 Product Type Antibody (mab) Antibody (pab) Rec. Protein Antibody (pab) Rec. Protein Catalog# Product Description MERSNP11-M Mouse monoclonal Anti-MERS-NP1 protein (1-413aa) IgG MERSNP12-A Rabbit anti-MERS-NP1 protein (1-413aa) IgG MERSNP15-R-10 MERSS12-A Recombinant (Sf9) Purified MERS NP (1-413aa, His-tag, ~47 kda, low Endotoxin, >95%) Rabbit Anti-MERS-Spike protein S1 protein peptide, C-terminal IgG, aff pure MERSS15-R-10 Rec. Protein Rec. Protein MERSS16-R-10 MERS35-R-10 Rec. Protein MERS36-R-10 Rec. Protein MERS37-R-10 Rec. Protein MERS38-R-10 Antibody (pab) Antibody (mab) Rec. Protein MERSS22-A Recombinant (HEK) Purified MERS S1 (18-725 aa, His-tag, ~94 kda, low Endotoxin), active Recombinant (Sf9) Purified MERS S1 (18-725 aa, His-tag, ~94 kda, low Endotoxin), active Recombinant (Sf9) Purified MERS RBD (367-606aa, Rb Fc-tag, ~51 kda, low Endotoxin), active Recombinant (Sf9) Purified MERS RBD (383-502aa, Rb Fc-tag, ~42 kda, low Endotoxin), active Recombinant (Sf9) Purified MERS RBD (367-606aa, His-tag, ~28 kda, low Endotoxin), active Recombinant (Sf9) Purified MERS RBD (383-502aa, Mouse Fc-tag, ~44 kda, low Endotoxin), active Rabbit Anti-MERS-Spike protein S2 protein (726-1296) IgG, aff pure MERSS21-M Mouse monoclonal Anti-MERS-Spike protein S2 protein (726-1296) IgG, aff pure MERSS25-R-10 Recombinant (Sf9) Purified MERS S2 (726-1296 aa, His-tag, ~66 kda, low Endotoxin) Antibody (pab) Rec. Protein Rec. Protein MERS121-A Rabbit Anti-MERS-Spike protein (1-1297aa) IgG, aff pure MERSS126-R-10 DPP45-R-10 Rec. Protein DPP46-R-10 Rec. Protein DPP47-R-10 Native protein Antibody (pab) DPP48-N-1 Recombinant (Sf9) Purified MERS S protein (1-1297 aa, His-tag, ~157 kda, low Endotoxin) Recombinant (HEK) Purified Mouse DPP4 protein (29-760aa aa, hIgG1-Fc-tag, ~113 kda, low Endotoxin) Recombinant (HEK) Purified Human DPP4 protein (34-766aa aa, His-tag, ~87 kda, low Endotoxin) Recombinant (HEK) Purified Human DPP4 protein (29-766aa aa, hIgG-Fc-tag, ~125 kda, low Endotoxin) Purified Human PlacentaDipeptidyl Peptidase IV (DPP4), active DPP41-A Rabbit anti-human (mouse, rat) DPP4 peptide IgG, aff pure Secondary Antibodies and Reagents related to MERS research AntibodyType Poly-Goat Poly-Goat Catalog# Product Description Quantity/SIZE 30816-A Anti-Bat IgG (H+L chain) IgG, unconjugated, aff pure 30816-HP Anti-Bat IgG (H+L chain) IgG-HRP Conjugate Poly-Goat Poly-Goat Poly-Goat Poly-Goat Poly-Goat 30817-A 30817-APC 30817-B 30817-HP 30817-RPE Anti-Llama IgG (H+L chain) IgG, unconjugated, aff pure Anti-Llama IgG (H+L chain)-APC conjugate Anti-Llama IgG (H+L chain)-Biotin conjugate Anti-Llama IgG (H+L chain) IgG-HRP Conjugate Anti-Llama IgG (H+L chain)-RPE conjugate Rabbit-Poly Rabbit-Poly 30818-RAF-BLK 30818-RAS-BLK Llama IgG (H+L chain), Affinity Purified Llama IgG (H+L chain), Antisera Poly-Goat Poly-Goat Poly-Goat Poly-Goat Poly-Goat Rabbit-Poly Rabbit-Poly Rabbit-Poly Rabbit-Poly Rabbit-Poly Rabbit-Poly Rabbit-Poly Rabbit-Poly 30835-APC 30835-B 30835-HP 30835-RPE 30835-UL 30840-B 30840-F 30840-HP 30840-UL 30845-B 30845-F 30845-HP 30845-UL Anti-Camel IgG-APC conjugate Anti-Camel IgG-Biotin conjugate Anti-Camel IgG-HRP Conjugate Anti-Camel IgG-RPE conjugate Anti-Camel IgG, aff pure, unlabeled Anti-Llama IgG (heavy chain)-Biotin Conjugate Anti-Llama IgG (heavy chain)-HRP Conjugate Anti-Llama IgG (heavy chain), Affinity Purified Anti-Llama IgG (heavy chain), Affinity Purified Anti-Llama IgG (light chain)-Biotin Conjugate Anti-Llama IgG (light chain)-HRP Conjugate Anti-Llama IgG (light chain), Affinity Purified Anti-Llama IgG (light chain), Affinity Purified l Alpha Diagnostic Intl Inc, USA;www.4adi.com; (800) 786-5777;[email protected] MERS_Vaccine_ELISA-Flr 140728A Alpha Diagnostic Intl Inc, USA;www.4adi.com; (800) 786-5777;[email protected]
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