MEETING OF THE NETWORK RAIL NATIONAL MAINTENANCE COUNCIL: 23rd May 2014 Kings Place, London LIST OF ATTENDEES Management Team Neal Lawson, Director, Maintenance and Operations Services Lindsey Worton, Lead HR Business Partner Faye Edwards, Employee Relations Specialist Stephen Barbour, Employee Relations Specialist Ken Lambert , Senior Programme Manager Ian Boardman, Head of S&SD Engagement (Business Critical Rules) Christine Scott-Gordon, HR Business Partner Support (Note taker) Representing RMT members Pete Skelly, Acting Senior Assistant General Secretary Dane Smith Stan Hershel Kent Knight Representing TSSA members Elly Baker, Senior Regional Organiser, TSSA Charlie Daniels Owen Forrest Steve Weston Representing UNITE members Andy Fielding Don Seaman Apologies Alan Brookes, Head of Infrastructure Maintenance Safety & Compliance Ray Marney (RMT) Steve Bond (RMT) Management Representatives Introductions Neal Lawson welcomed Pete Skelly, deputising for Mick Cash. RMT confirmed that after a few small changes to the previous minutes that they were now correct. RMT asked that number 9 on the closed actions represent Stan Hershal and not Steve Bond as a nominee for the Corporate Rostering trials Reviewed outstanding actions from previous meetings (refer to NMC Actions Update 21 05 14.xls) Employee Representatives Actions 1. Business Update NL gave an update on ORBIS and explained they were in the process of validating with the routes the requirements and would roll out mobile devices to support UNITE said they wanted a paperless version of the manual, to which NL said there would be, however there would also be a backup paper copy available. 2. Safety Update NL presented the Safety Vision and clarified that safety went hand in hand with performance.. He asked for the TU’s support to cascade this down the business. 2.1. RMT said that they wanted to have a debate on the impact of employees choosing not to carry out a piece of work due to safety concerns. 2.2. FE said she would arrange a meeting with the TU’s to address this 3. Depot Project Corporate Rostering FE SB gave an overview of the CR project and explained that they were looking to arrange a meeting in June to brief the TU’s, with further consultation suggested for July. SB said they intended to roll out in Scotland in August / September 3.1. 3.2. RMT said that they believed that it had already rolled out SB said they would start trialling shortly, however there would be no change to roster commitments and that it would be a like for like replacement of the tool currently in place. He clarified that they would meet in June to discuss. 3.3. TSSA said it seemed that they were further along than expected. 3.4. SB explained that maintenance was not as far advanced as Operations who were looking to implement Operations sooner. 3.5. Depot Project Section Manager Workload SB gave an overview of the Section Manager Workload Project and explained that hey would arrange for a survey to be carried out. 3.6. TSSA asked what questions would be asked and what the baseline for response was 3.7. SB said Stuart Smith was looking at the questions and would refer to the previous survey questions. He was unsure about the stats for the last survey but said that there was a good representation last time. 3.8. Depot Project Control Centre Project SB showed a video showing the Control Room in Rugby (Bletchley) and suggested that the TU’s take the opportunity to visit the site. 3.9. 3.10. UNITE asked on what criteria / matrix they would set up each control centre. SB explained that each DU would decide their own criteria based on their own priorities. 3.11. 3.12. RMT said the project seemed similar to what Phil Verster was doing SB said it was similar, however this project was focussed on what was happening “today”. 3.13. 3.14. UNITE asked who would maintain the boards SB said each board would have its own owner. 4. Planning and Delivering Safe Work FE In AB’s absence NL updated TU’s on PDSW team. FE said she would forward on the “introduction to the PDSW team” that NL referred to during the meeting. 4.1. RMT and TSSA expressed concern over additional responsibility of the Safe Working team Leader and that there should be a “second man” to support the SWTL. They also noted that there were questions asked at the last briefing which have not been answered yet and that they were briefing on something which was changing all the time. 4.2. NL assured the TU’s that these changes were being implemented to ensure a safer way to work and that there was still work to be done to ensure that there is no additional workload put onto any person. He suggested this be discussed at the current Safety forum and will discuss at next NMC meeting whether these concerns have been alleviated. 5. RMT Issues 5.1. 5.2. RMT expressed concerns over staff working Out of Grade and displaced staff being told they are required to attend interviews for the same graded jobs which become vacant in there areas instead of being slotted into the post. Management advertising the posts and giving the jobs to external persons. Why are nationally agreed protocols not being actioned? FE confirmed this was a specific issue in Scotland route. FE confirmed that following discussions with the local HR Business Partners the Management team has stopped advertising these roles until they have offered to anyone who is working out of grade, has an outstanding 28 day option form or is UBA in juniority order. 5.3. 5.4. RMT asked whether there was an updated on the Works Delivery Structure and whether a meeting had been arranged. FE confirmed that Wessex had already consulted and other than LNE , the other routes were not looking to make any other changes. 5.5. 5.6. RMT said that they had been made aware that Scotland were trying to make changes 5.7. 5.8. RMT expressed concerns over on call excessive hours not being monitored. They asked what can be done to ensure visibility RMT asked for a national meeting to be arranged to discuss points of clarification required relating to the 2bc Work Practise Changes and Competency Matrix RMT / SB SB asked RMT to provide the points they would like clarification on, after which SB would arrange a meeting 5.11. 5.12. AB NL said he would pick this up with AB and respond. He also assured the TU’s that the Rostering Tool would help to monitor excessive hours. 5.9. 5.10. FE FE said she would check with routes the changes they would like to make to Works Delivery, send a consultation paper to TU's and arrange a date for consultation. RMT expressed concerns over travel Tickets post re –organisation changes and how this affects PTR&R. This relates specifically to the tax implication. FE to clarify how employees are taxed as there is a concern they are taxed twice via pay and benefit in kind FE 5.13. 5.14. RMT asked for an updated on the Mobile Maintenance Train going forward. FE RMT & UNITE have confirmed names of those who will be involved on work stream. Project team will meeting with RMT on 6th June. TSSA to confirm who they would like to nominate to join the work stream. It was agreed all TU co-ordinators and full time reps would be invited to meeting on 6th June to receive a briefing on the project and discuss the next steps. 5.15. 5.16. RMT asked for updated on Amey Pension Rates being incorrect on the differentials. 5.17. 5.18. RMT said there were concerns that On Line applications had questions which include if employees were prepared to work on-call which is not necessarily part of Terms and Conditions and not a requirements of post? FE FE explained that this was the case and that it asked if the applicant would be willing to carry out on call and if they say no they are automatically sifted. FE to check with Resourcing and arrange for the question to be taken out. Agreed that this could be discussed at interview stage 5.19. 5.20. SB SB confirmed they were involved in project team working on a proposal expected to go to HR Leadership team in June for approval. SB confirmed he would update the TU’s after this meeting is held. RMT said that TU representatives were not being released to attend RMT annual conferences. FE clarified this was a specific issue for employee in RLNW who was unable to take unpaid leave to attend two meetings due to others being on annual leave however has attended many other TU meetings. The employee has now been released to attend. 5.21. 5.22. RMT said that within Western, newly promoted staff were being put on incorrect rates of pay. 5.23. 6. RMT confirmed they wished to withdraw staff side points 9, 10, 13, 14, 15 and 16 TSSA Issues 6.1. 6.2. TSSA expressed concerns over the consultation processes and changes to national template. They have sent a proposal of how the business should manage national template changes TSSA said that there was an instance in Anglia (Ipswich), where the change should have gone through national consultation as this was a change to the national template, however this was tabled and considered consulted at Area consultation. 6.7. TSSA NL said that the business had agreed to honour commitments and asked for TSSA to send consultation paperwork over to FE for review and respond. 6.5. 6.6. FE FE said she would review and respond to TSSA asap 6.3. 6.4. FE FE said she would liaise with HR team to investigate and will respond TSSA said there were instances were Bands 5 – 8’s were affected by MEP (specifically relating to reporting line changes). They believed there would be consultation to tidy this up, however nothing has been arranged. FE FE said she would look into this and respond TSSA said there were alterations being made to IMC terms and conditions without agreement. TU’s confirmed they had provided a list of issues / comments on current contract bank following two meetings held earlier in the year. 6.8. 6.9. 6.10. FE FE is working through queries however slow progress so far. TSSA said some DU’s were making it compulsory for staff in band 5-8 roles to have personal development plans. Concern from TU as this will be a large amount of work from the employee. Also that if it’s something agreed nationally why we haven’t told the TU. FE LW said that it was good practice to encourage PDP’s however this was not mandatory in the company. FE would review and respond 6.11. TSSA asked for an update on Mouchel TUPEd staff in Rochdale and the review of their pay award 6.12. LW confirmed it was agreed the company would offer those employees who joined the opportunity via a ballot to be represented by collective bargaining . We would then resolve the outstanding pay issue.. 7. UNITE Issues 7.1. LW UNITE asked about the pay deal connected to productivity 7.2. SB explained that this year the business had not met their productivity targets. He believed that things such as the MWM’s would help, however this was not in place yet. He said that they would set up a meeting of the working group to discuss. 8. Business Critical Rules Ian Boardman provided an update on BCR and explained The BCR programme will deliver safety and performance improvement through SB implementing a systematic control framework to understand and manage risk across our business 8.1. TSSA said they were under the impression the trial was paused 8.2. IB said that the trial started in October 2013 and was paused roughly two weeks later. He said they had met at the AiTL Room in January to advise they would be starting the trial again in February. He said they were currently trialling in Kent, Sussex and Anglia. IB said he would send a list of Routes and DU’s were they are currently trialling, the timeline for rollout and a copy of the presentation. 9. People Update 9.1. LW confirmed that it was now NR policy that all new external starters within a 75 or 90 minute travel distance (one way) between their home and work location. She confirmed that this did not affect travelling during working hours 9.2. LW confirmed the General Bonus was announced today and will be £577.50 payable on 4th / 18th July. IB / FE The AIP bonus results will also be published on Connect today. 9.3. NL confirmed that as of September we would focus on using internal resources rather than contractors. 10. AOB 10.1. RMT asked for briefing slides to be made available to the TU’s prior to each NMC meeting. FE said she would make this available. 10.2. UNITE confirmed that Tony Murphy will be joining UNITE in early July from Rail, Docs and Ferries. Meeting closed. FE
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