School Of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences. Fire Policy and Procedures The School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences is based in several buildings on different sites across the city, with different fire procedures and policies affecting them. This document intends to highlight the procedures we have in place for each of the buildings/areas concerned. RHH/Medical School: This building is covered by the Sheffield Teaching hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (STH NHS FT) fire officer and the following fire procedure: A CONTINUOUS ALARM will sound in the ZONE of ORIGIN ONLY (electronic sounders) At the same time: An INTERMITTENT ALARM (2 seconds’ on-5 seconds off) will sound in WARDS/DEPARTMENTS DIRECTLY ABOVE, DIRECTLY BELOW and ADJACENT ON THE SAME FLOOR LEVEL only. ACTION TO BE TAKEN ON HEARING A CONTINUOUS ALARM (The Zone of Origin) Unless it is obvious, establish the location of the incident from the information displayed on the bottom line of the nearest “fire alarm repeater panel”, or by a visual inspection. Then as quickly as possible inform switchboard using only 22222 (RHH site) or 4444 (University Building) of what has caused the alarm, i.e. there is a fire, or it’s smoke from burnt toast, a cigarette, particles from an aerosol spray, steam, dust etc. Doing this may prevent the Fire Service attending for an “Unwanted Fire Signal” (false alarm), or if they are already mobile, allow them to return any fire appliances not required at the incident. Update staff and patients Staff providing direct patient care should: Remain with the patients. Reassure them the incident is being dealt with. If necessary, move them from immediate danger and/or tackle the fire if safe to do so. Await further instructions from the senior person in charge and, Be prepared to evacuate if necessary into the nearest safe zone on the same floor level i.e. an adjacent Ward, or the Lift Lobby (main Hospital), or an adjacent Department. (O.P,D.) Staff not directly involved in patient care, who are not engaged in fire-fighting, and who do not have a specific responsibility in the event of fire, should proceed to their designated assembly point. ACTION TO BE TAKEN ON HEARING AN INTERMITTENT ALARM (above/below/adjacent) All staff. Establish the location of the incident, from the information displayed on the bottom line of the nearest “fire alarm repeater panel”. Continue working -remain alert listen for any changes in the fire alarm signal, or to any instructions from a senior member of staff. Consideration should be given to preparing patients for evacuation in departments where this would take some time to achieve. NB. The decision to evacuate a Ward/Department for whatever reason can obviously be made irrespective of the fire alarm sounder sequence. Some common sense is required in applying these principles. In the case of a very minor fire, prompt action with the appropriate type of extinguisher may quickly control the outbreak without disturbing the patients unduly, however, the fire alarm should always be sounded first, and switchboard informed on 22222 (RHH site) or 4444 (University Building), as your fire-fighting actions may prove to be ineffective, and any delay in following the correct fire procedure could have fatal consequences At a School level the ‘facilities team leader’ or deputy is a member of the Trust fire response team and carries a ‘fire bleep’ and will attend a fire in a University area. We have also instigated a fire marshal policy that, in the event of a continuous alarm, will: Go to repeater panel to find out location of activation Go to relevant room or fire call point to safely assess the cause of activation. (use back of hand to test temperature of door handles before entering; do not enter a room if door handle is hot or if there is smoke coming from around the door). Dial 22222 (RHH site) or 4444 (University Building) and give operator all relevant details-name, designation, location, cause of activation. It is just as important to report false alarms to avoid the £1000 fine imposed by the emergency services. If there is a fire then fire marshals should start to evacuate all staff and students to the designated meeting point outside St Mark’s Church, Beech Hill Road, for the Medical School buildings or Barber House car park/Dorset Road playground for SITraN. Staff with responsibilities for patients should evacuate the patients to the adjacent fire zone. Staff and students with disabilities should do likewise if they cannot leave quickly down the fire exit stairs. Fire marshals are to indicate a room has been checked with the use of post it notes on the doors. In addition to directing everyone to the designated meeting point marshals should ensure that evacuating staff and students are making laboratory equipment in use safe as they leave (i.e. Gas cylinders are turned off etc) and that doors are closed behind them!). A fire marshal is to remain on floor in the adjacent fire zone to liaise with the fire officer and emergency services. When the fire marshals have collected everyone at the designated muster points they should check that everyone in work that day has been accounted for i.e. They are in the group of assembled people or someone can verify that they have left the floor for some reason. The Fire Marshalls are D Floor E Floor F Floor G Floor K floor Sue Smith Yvonne Stephenson Jennie Senior Sarah Bottomley Carmel Nichols Susan Newton Linda Goodwin Andy Platts Robin Farr L floor M Floor N & O Floor SITraN Mark Ariaans Stephen Parkin Secretarial team Andrea King Britta Moers Technical team CANCER RESEARCH CENTRE (Academic Unit of Clinical Oncology) The procedure for the Cancer Research Centre (CRC) varies slightly from the main Weston Park Hospital (WPH). Staff should follow instructions regards reporting of fires, false alarms and checking rooms as per the Medical School/RHH instructions above. Inform the switchboard on 2222 (CRC site). In the CRC all Floor levels are in the same “Fire Zone”. There is no system of lights as in the main hospital – bells only installed. When a detector or break glass call point is activated, the fire alarm will sound in the following sequence: Bells ring for 15 seconds this indicates FIRE/incident somewhere in the Hospital (WPH), CRC or the Broomcross building (WPH). Bells ring INTERMITTENTLY (for 3 seconds in every 15 seconds) OR Bells ring CONTINUOUSLY following the initial 15 seconds signal. this indicates EVACUATE via the nearest available escape route and proceed to your designated assembly point DESIGNATED ASSEMBLY POINT COURTYARD AREA – ADJACENT TO THE CANCER APPEAL OFFICES CRC ROTA, VISITORS BOOK & PATIENT DIARY TO BE USED AS A REGISTER Heads of departments/Appointed staff should carry out a roll call to ensure all persons are accounted for. On arrival of the first fire appliance all relevant details should be given to the Officer-in-Charge. Do not go back into the premises until the senior Fire Officer at the incident tells you it is safe to do so. IN WESTFIELD TREATMENT SUITE (CRC), IF YOU HAVE NON-AMBULANT PATIENTS TO EVACUATE YOU MUST TAKE THE FOLLOWING ACTION: One member of staff to call Ward 1 to ask them to open the level access fire door. Make it clear this is to allow evacuation. Second member of staff to accompany the patient(s) onto the landing between both fire doors. This is a 30 minute secure zone. All other patients should be guided down to the fire exit via the stairs. Staff should accompany patients where possible and ensure area is clear. The Fire Marshalls are 3rd floor Michelle Cooper-Dore Rosie Wasti 2nd floor 1st floor Ground floor Stefano Mori Wendy Wilson Julie Vickers Brenda Smith Lesley Bruce Anne Cockhill Clinical Oncology staffs who work in the Broomcross building or the main Hospital (WPH) should follow the procedure laid down for those areas. WESTON PARK HOSPITAL: CANCER CLINICAL TRIALS CENTRE (CCTC)/BROOMCROSS ADMIN BLOCK/CLINICAL RESEARCH UNIT (Academic Unit of Clinical Oncology) All University staff based at Weston Park Hospital should follow Trust procedures for fire. Inform the switchboard on 2222 (CCTC/ BROOMCROSS ADMIN BLOCK/CLINICAL RESEARCH UNIT site). Fire marshals are designated by the Trust. There are no University marshals on site. In the CCTC all Floor levels are in the same “Fire Zone”. There is no system of lights as in the main hospital – bells only installed. When a detector or break glass call point is activated, the fire alarm will sound in the following sequence: Bells ring INTERMITTENTLY (2 seconds on 2 seconds off) this indicates FIRE/incident adjacent to area Bells ring CONTINUOUSLY this indicates EVACUTE via nearest available escape route and proceed to your designated assembly point DESIGNATED ASSEMBLY POINT COURTYARD AREA – ADJCENT TO THE CANCEL APPEAL OFFICES CCTC ROTA, VISITORS BOOK & CLINIC LISTS TO BE USED AS A REGISTER STH designated fire marshals will carry out a roll call to ensure all persons are accounted for. On arrival of the first fire appliance all relevant details will be given to the Officer-in-Charge. Do not go back into the premises until the senior Fire Officer at the incident tells you it is safe to do so. THE LONGLEY CENTRE (Academic Unit of Clinical Psychiatry) Fire Procedures The area occupied by Academic Clinical Psychiatry is categorised as Zone G by the Fire Brigade and The Sheffield Care Trust, who are responsible for the building. IN THE EVENT OF A FIRE ALARM: An Intermittent Tone will sound This is a warning alarm indicating that there is a fire in a nearby area close to Academic Clinical Psychiatry : Zone G. This is a warning alarm : (NO ACTION REQUIRED) : UNLESS A Long Continuous Tone sounds: This indicates there is a fire – ACTION REQUIRED Dial 2222 and give Operator all relevant details, name, designation, location and cause of activation. Tackle fire, only if safe to do so. The Evacuation Procedure should be taken upon on hearing the Long Continuous Tone. All members of staff, students and visitors within Academic Clinical Psychiatry : Zone G, should evacuate by the nearest designated fire escapes. The Designated Assembly Point for all staff, students and visitors is in the Longley Centre Car Park. Fire Marshall – Beverley Nesbitt appointed to carry out a roll call to ensure all persons are accounted for. Do not go back into the premises until the Senior Fire Officer states it is safe to do so. STEPHENSON WING, SHEFFIELD CHILDREN’S NHS FOUNDATION TRUST (Academic Unit of Child Health) In case of fire or suspicion of fire: 1. Break the glass on the nearest fire alarm call point (situated at each end of C floor, Stephenson Wing, and on the stairs on C floor) 2. Dial 2222 on the nearest telephone and tell the operator the location of the fire and, if possible, the type or cause. The switchboard operator will contact the fire brigade. 3. Tackle the fire, If safe to do so, with the equipment provided. A water and a CO2 extinguisher are located next to room C31 and next to the entrance to the ward. Fire extinguishers: Water: for use on paper, plastics, textiles CO2: for use on electrics Foam: for use on all except electrics. 4. Exit the building via the stairs, if safe to do so, or alternatively through the ward or along the link corridor into the hospital. Lifts must not be used during a fire emergency. On hearing the alarm: Continuous bell/sounder: Everyone should leave the building by the nearest safe route and go to your assembly point which is: Damer Street Entrance. Close all windows and fire doors behind you. Last person check all rooms. Send one representative to the control point in Outpatient Reception for instructions. Personnel must not enter the area where the bells are ringing continuously. Intermittent bell/sounder: Send one representative to the control point in Outpatient Reception for instructions. Be prepared to evacuate as above if the sounder changes from intermittent to continuous. Hospital staff should ensure that parents and visitors leave the hospital when necessary and ensure no member of the public re-enters the building until it is safe to do so. Remember: Do not take risks. Do not stop to collect personal belongings. Do not re-enter building for any reason unless authorised to do so. Do not use lifts during a fire emergency. Fire Marshal: Firth House, Wilkinson Street (Academic Unit of Medical Education) In The Event Of Fire Detection: Break Glass of nearest fire alarm point (situated at various points around the building) Dial 4444 on the nearest telephone and tell control the location of the fire and, if possible, the type and cause Tackle the fire – ONLY IF SAFE TO DO SO Exit the building In The Event Of A Fire Alarm: A Long Continuous Tone sounds TEACHING ROOMS – Evacuate the building as indicated on their room information board. Teaching room doors must be closed behind you on exit to indicate the room is empty. STAFF OFFICES – Evacuate via the main entrance or most convenient route. All staff must ensure their office door is closed to indicate the room is empty. The Designated Assembly Point for all staff, students and visitors is in the Rear Car Park of 85 Wilkinson Street. Teaching Staff using the facilities must ensure they have their own register of people using their room and marshal their own evacuation. The Unit Fire Marshall will roll call the Unit staff only. Do not go back into the premises until the Senior Fire Officer states it is safe to do so. Fire Marshall – Gail Hible Clinical Skills Centre, NGH In The Event Of Fire Detection: Break Glass of nearest fire alarm point Dial 2222 on the nearest telephone and tell the operator the location of the fire and, if possible, the type and cause Tackle the fire – ONLY IF SAFE TO DO SO Exit the building In The Event Of A Fire Alarm: A intermittent tone Sounds The Evacuation Procedure should be taken upon on hearing this. Each room should evacuate via their designated escape route as indicated in that room. The Designated Assembly Point for all staff, students and visitors is Vickers Corridor Teaching Staff using the facilities must ensure they have their own register of people using their room and marshal their own evacuation. The Patient Educators Office will ensure they have a register of actors/patients using their facilities and marshal their own evacuation. The Centre Fire Marshall will roll call the Centre staff only. Do not go back into the premises until the Senior Fire Officer states it is safe to do so. Fire Marshall – CSC – Sue Brown Fire Marshall – PAE – Emma Hudson The Fire Marshall’s for the School are: C Floor RHH/Med School D Floor RHH/Med School E Floor RHH/Med School F Floor RHH/Med School G Floor RHH/Med School K floor RHH/Med School L floor RHH/Med School M Floor RHH/Med School N & O Floor RHH/Med School 3rd floor Cancer research Centre 2nd floor Cancer research Centre 1st floor Cancer research Centre Ground floor Cancer research Centre 3rd floor Cancer research Centre Longley Centre Stephenson Wing NGH site Wilkinson Street Clinical Skills Centre Kevin Corke Sue Smith Yvonne Stephenson Jennie Senior Sarah Bottomley Carmel Nichols Ian Palmer Irene Sobek Mark Ariaans Stephen Parkin Michelle Cooper-Dore Stefano Mori Wendy Wilson Julie Vickers Andrea King Britta Moers Rosie Wasti Brenda Smith Lesley Bruce Anne Cockhill Michelle Cooper-Dore Beverly Nesbitt Mary Hargan Rose Davies Gail Hible Sue Brown Rosie Wasti Linda Goodwin Andy Platts Robin Farr Cos Tingle Emma Hudson
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