The ultimate CSR Professional Training with internationally recognized certificate ■ Learn the best practises of CSR for your organisation from leading international CSR professionals. ■ Understand CSR as tool to make money and a management approach that will not only change your way of thinking but also change the perception of your company by stakeholders. ■ By the end of the training you will understand the innovation power of CSR, you will be able to analyse the situation of your organisation and to develop a tailor made, world class CSR strategy. You will understand the tools and actions you can undertake to change the world around you and position your company and yourself as front runners in the field of Social Responsibility. ■ To enhance your qualification you will pass an exam and receive an internationally recognized certificate of professional excellence. ■ Your trainers will be thought leaders on a global level coming from different backgrounds such as the chair of the global development of ISO 26000 or for our Arab speaking clients the Forbes Front Page Social Entrepreneur of the Year, or in Africa the Chair of the African CEO Round Table on Social Responsibility and many more with outstanding backgrounds and expertise in CSR. ■ Our training locations are breathtaking: The beautiful historical city of Vienna/ Austria in the heart of Europe with a rich cultural background and environmental highlights. An idyllic Irish Castle from the 15th century, location for the BBC TV series “The Tudors” or the Carpathian mountains of Romania, providing a lodge with pool and all the comforts of civilization with a touch of Dracula. We also offer In-House trainings at your location upon request. ■ This is the ultimate level in terms of quality, trainers, content and location, unrivalled globally. Have a look at the modules and see the difference: This 5 day training course gives you a complete insight in CSR Management and how to improve the CSR performance of your organization ■ Modul 1 - CSR – getting it right covers the following areas The CSR Concept – CSR as a management tool to make money, CSR is an investment, not a money spending exercise. CSR is about „HOW“ you do your business. It is not about WHAT you do with your profits but rather HOW do you make them. ■ Modul 2 – The social responsible organization covers the following areas How do you make your organization a sustainable one. What is your vision – are you ready to be the change you want to see in the world? How do you use CSR to achieve the company goals of being economically and societal viable. In short, how to achieve the „Social Licence to Operate“. ■ Modul 3 – Gap analysis covers the following areas First step is to find out, where are we now? Without knowing the real starting point, companies miss their goals, because they start from the wrong place. Therefore participants learn the steps, methodology and tools to do a serious, realistic gap analysis of their own organisation. ■ Modul 4 – CSR Stakeholders covers the following areas Stakeholders mapping and engagement: Without knowing your stakeholders, without knowing their interests and motives organisations cannot engage properly. You have two ears but only one mouth, but most organisations seem to have several mouths but only one small ear. Here you learn the tools of identifying your key stakeholders and then most importantly, how do we engage with them, also with those that do not want to. And finally, what do we draw out of the stakeholder engagement process and how do we make that part of our way of doing our core business. ■ Modul 5 – Integrated CSR Strategy covers the following areas CSR strategy and policy development. Without a goal we can move fast but we never reach our destination. You might do already a lot of things related to or part of CSR, such as Diversity Management or Work-LifeManagement. These activities often are fragmented and need to be integrated in one clear strategy. A strategy guides us what steps are necessary to implement CSR into the organisations core business strategy and business processes. For planning, for budgeting, for human resources companies need a plan. Also to measure and evaluate you need a strategy and an implementing policy. Here you learn how to develop a world class CSR strategy including diversity management and what policies are helpful to implement it successfully. ■ Modul 6 – Action plans for CSR covers the following areas short term, mid term and long term action plans for CSR: Following the strategies, which steps do we do now and how? The Actions to move CSR from a peripheric activity to core business of the company. How to determine good actions, how to implement them and how to measure their output. A lot of money is put into actions without measuring its output or KPIs that are purely quantitative and actually give no information on the real impact. ■ Modul 7 –The CSR Tools covers the following areas CSR Tools like CSR Toolkit, Label, Verification : Here you learn the day to day tools. Software based, reporting based or management skills , labels to show clients, certification and audits to check and proof. There are many tools out there, we show you the most practical for your specific purpose. ■ Modul 8 – External communication and CSR Reporting covers the following areas CSR Communication - CSR reporting tool including CO2 measurement and reporting – integrated reporting and G4. Do good and talk about it. But CSR communication is more, it is about transparency, about listening more than talking, about understanding the needs and expectations of stakeholders and of course also reporting to the interested public what you are doing and why. How to collect data, which data is relevant, how do you communicate complicated or scientific research. And how can stakeholders participate in your communication and carry your message. Learn how to utilize GRI-G4 and integrated reporting to comply with the most modern standards. ■ Modul 9 – How to sell CSR internally covers the following areas Ensuring management buy in and staff awareness for CSR. There is no CSR implementation without the buy in from top management and from your colleagues from other departments. Therefore it is crucial to get their buy in and support. We show you the best ways to convince, inform and influence decision makers in your organization and utilize them for your purposes. ■ Modul 10 – Measuring CSR covers the following areas Measuring impact - Setting KPI's for assessing the impact of your CSR program You need to measure things to be able to develop things further. Without KPIs many organisations cannot manage their strategic goals. But how do you measure CSR activities? How to integrate indicators into existing Quality Management Systems? We show you the state of the art measurement tools, the best ways to evaluate programs and evaluate and monitor the success of your activities. This allows for allocation of adequate budgets and resources so that you as CSR managers can achieve the goals by which you will be measured. Upcoming Training Course: 25-29 August 2014 Wiener Neustadt, Austria/ Europe Please register via Registration Fax REGISTRATION FAX If you need more detailed information, please contact CSR-Company International [email protected] T +43 (0)1 997 19 25 Vienna, Austria/ Europe About the CSR Company The CSR Company was founded in Austria 2007 and is led by Martin Neureiter and Christian Katholnigg. With branch offices and partners in 40 countries worldwide the company provides full-service sustainability consultancy. For more information please visit The CSR Company provides corporate consulting services and assistance for: ■ Consulting of governments in developing national CSR strategies ■ Implementation of ISO 14001, ISO 50001, OHSAS 18001, SA 8000, ONR 192500 ■ Implementation of ISO 26000 ■ Sustainability strategy and implementation ■ Sustainability measurements and evaluations ■ Sustainability audit ■ Stakeholder engagement and dialogue strategies ■ Sustainability reporting & communication strategies ■ Stakeholder engagement strategies ■ Responsible supply chain management ■ Sustainability staff training ■ Support of international and national development agencies in developing and implementing CSR programs For more information and selected references please go to REFERENCES Environmental Consulting Innsbruck Airport Austria EMAS/ISO 14001 Implementation and Reporting Award won for Best Environmental Reporting (2008) and Best Environmental Team (2013) Implementation of ISO 26000 In United Arab Emirates ■ National Bank of Abu Dhabi ■ ADNOC ■ Ministry of Social Affairs ■ UAE Exchange In Jordan ■ Jordan Water Authority ■ Jordan Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Co PLC ■ Nutridar (Babyfood) ■ The Speciality Hospital ■ Petra Ingeneering Industries ■ Hikma Pharmaceuticals PLC In Egypt ■ Mobica (Car parts) ■ Hashem Brothers (Perfums) ■ Farm Frites (French fries for Mc Donalds) ■ Electrolux - Olympic (Electrical Appliances) ■ Mass Food (Food) In Armenia ■ K-Telecom CJSC (VivaCell-MTS) CSR Report, ISO 26000 Confirmation In Austria ■ OOE Ferngas AG, 2nd Company worldwide to gain the ONR 192500 certification Awarded with “TRIGOS”, the Austrian CSR Award Sustainability consulting ■ Gabriel Resources, Mining, Canada/Romania Strategy/ Stakeholder Engagement/Reporting/KPI ■ MTC Telecom, Russia/Ukraine CSR Report/Strategy/KPI ■ ONE Telecom, Austria/Norway CSR Areas/ Implementation Activities ■ Petrom Oil Company, Romania/Community Development ■ VA-Tech Hydropowerplant, Turkey/Austria Export Credit Agency social audit ■ British Petrol Oil Company, Azerbaidjan/Anti Corruption measures/Report ■ Wienerberger, Brick Producer, India/New Market entrance with CSR Project ■ SCANA Wholesale, Switzerland/workflow analysis and improvement, work-life-balance ■ Naturbaudirekt Building Material, Germany/ Introducing new ecofriendly product line ■ Hypo Brugg Commercial Bank, Switzerland/workflow analysis and improvement, communication ■ SAP, Software, VAE and KSA/CSR Projects ■ Borealis, Chemical Industries, Austria/CSR Gap Analysis ■ Bayer, Chemical & Pharmaceutical Industry, Germany/ Sustainability Consulting ■ Dalradian, Mining Industry, Northern Ireland/ CSR Gap Analysis ■ Berlin Public Transport, Germany/Stakeholder Communication and CSR Trainings ■ National Bank of Abu Dhabi, Banking, UAE/ Implementation of ISO 26000 ■ SAB Waste Management, Austria/Stakeholder communication/OHSAS 18001 ■ RHV, Waste Water Treaty, Austria/OHSAS 18001 ■ Andritz, Plant Construction Industry, Austria/ CSR Gap analysis/Strategy development Governments & Institutions ■ Ministry for Economics Public Org., Austria/Guide for SMEs according to different industries ■ Sand in Taufers Township, Italy/development/ implementation good governance policy ■ Association of Industries., Austria/CSR Training activities ■ Austrian Standards Institute, Austria/ Government relations/Awareness program ■ Ministry of Social Affairs, UAE Federal/Social Responsibility Fund ■ Nigeria - Presidential Office – Advisor on introduction on new CSR legislative in Nigeria ■ Central European Initiative (CEI-KEP) ■ Cyprus – Advisor on National Strategy on CSR Our international faculty is made up of the thought leaders in the field of CSR and global sustainability Capabilities The CSR Company, being one of the worldwide leading CSR-consulting firms, is committed to add value to the businesses of clients by embedding the principles of sustainability and corporate social responsibility into their core business. By supporting and guiding the implementation into core strategies, policies, programs and actions we strengthen accountable, engaged and profitable businesses. Our team has broad expertise in numerous fields of sustainability such as energy management, responsible investment, social accountability, environmental management, fair labour practices, health & safety management, con- sumer responsibility, human rights, compliance & values, international laws & standards, leadership & governance. We collaborate and cooperate with numerous experts on the diverse matters and issues regarding to the individual needs of clients and projects. Abdulla Al Suwaidi Forbes Cover Story as Arab Social Entrepreneur John Aston Martin Neureiter ISO 26000 Chair of Implementation, internationally renowned CSR expert and thought leader, governmentment consultant Ini Onuk Africas CSR Entrepreneur of the Year, UN Business Women Ambassador, Chair of the African CEO Round Table on Social Responsibility, Think-tank member for the 2011, World Entrepreneurship Forum AA1000 -stakeholder engagement innovator CSR Company Approach Consistent responsibility-driven behaviour of companies g e n e r a t e s business wealth and profit for shareholders, employees and all stakeholders at large The comprehensive ISO 26000 CSR standard, launched in 2010, guides our work on developing CSR strategies, policies and action plans. By applying the ISO 26000 International CSR Standard we draw from the best available social responsibility practices for the public and private sector. We also ensure that the responsibility practices we develop on behalf of our clients are consistent with th e relevant declarations and conventions by the United Nations and its constituents, particularly the International Labour Organization (ILO), the United Nations Global Compact Office, OECD and GRI. The most important use of ISO 26000 is catalysing better socially responsible behaviour in practice. We support clients to use the guidance to improve their contribution to sustainable development by identifying non-financial risks and opportunities at an early stage in order to run business long-term successfully. CSR Consulting Services 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1. Gap Analysis Strategy Improvement Training Stakeholder Involvement and Engagement Development of Action Plan and Implementation of ISO 26000 ISO 26000 Verification CSR Reporting Marketing Strategy CSR Branding Gap Analysis The first step into CSR is the internal evaluation based on the ISO 26000 Standard matrix, covering the seven core subjects. It is supported by the ISO 26000 based CSR Toolkit (, allowing fast and comprehensive strategy building. Action: ■ Interviews with all relevant positions and functions 2. Strategy Improvement Evaluation of CSR opportunities to ensure addressing the most relevant stakeholders with activities in line with CSR strategy Action: ■ Evaluate CSR Strategy and supplement overall business strategy according to ISO 26000 guidelines (and gap analysis results) 3. Leadership Training The CSR process needs high level management vision and support, and buy-in at all levels of the company Action: ■ High level CEO & management coaching ■ Management level training in CSR understanding ■ Team training according to ISO 26000 based on the “CSR Practices and ISO 26000 CSR Standard Certified Program” 3 days course / 2 trainers/ in-house * Alternatively: 3 days course in Vienna ** * max. 10-14 participants per course ** max. 10 participants per course 4. Stakeholder Involvement and Engagement Involvement strategies and awareness raising of stakeholders Action: ■ Stakeholder Mapping & Analysis ■ Issue Management ■ Determining engagement levels and methods ■ Draft & implementation of engagement plan ■ Development of Action Plan ■ Set up monitoring and reviewing system 5. Development and implementation of action plan based on ISO 26000 ISO 26000 is “the” international Standard on Social Responsibility of Organizations. It contains a definition of social responsibility, defines the principles organizations need to follow and provides a section on stakeholder identification and engagement. Key parts are the seven core subjects, ranging from corporate governance to community development. Action: ■ Issue management ■ Priorization of core subjects ■ Action Plan Development ■ Implementation 6. ISO 26000 Verification To confirm that the organization is well acquainted with ISO 26000, its kind and content, and how it is used to prioritize and to work with Social Responsibility. Also that ISO 26000 is recognized as a reference document providing guidance on Social Responsibility and is used as a guide to integrate social responsibility into values and practices. Action: ■ Audit by certified 3rd party auditors 7. GRI G4 based CSR Reporting Action: ■ I n t r o d u c t i o n t o G4 ■ CSR Matrix ■ Improvement of KPIs and data management upon request ■ Storytelling and Stakeholder Interviews ■ Design and layout of your CSR Report 8. Marketing Strategy ■ Implementation guidelines of CSR measures in the marketing agenda 9. CSR Branding ■ CSR Branding ■ Cam paign ide a ■ Imple m e ntation The CSR Company International Headquarter CSR Company GmbH Hoehenstrasse 109 6020, Innsbruck, Austria P: +43 1 997 1925 E: [email protected]
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