Tl.1 - Medizinische Hochschule Hannover

World Lead
10-12 March 2015
Radisson Blu Hotel, Milan
Confirmed speakers include:
l Paul White, Head of Forecasting & Statistics, ILZSG, Portugal
Register before
9 January 2015
l Jose Hansen, VP Sales & Marketing, The Doe Run Company, USA
lYosuke Ohmori, Recycling Business Group Manager, Mitsui Mining & Smelting Co., Japan
l Vivienne Lloyd, Senior Analyst – Base Metals, Macquarie Bank, UK
l Senior Representative, Nyrstar, Switzerland
l Noriyuki Tanaka, Lead Recycling Section Manager, Kamioka Mining & Smelting Co., Japan
l Jay Hemenway, Trader, Ocean Partners USA Inc., USA
l Robert Fig, Senior Business Development Executive, LME, UK
l Dr Heinz-Jürgen Büchner, Managing Director – Industrials, Automotive, IKB Deutsche
Industriebank, Germany
l Raino Erlich, Commercial Director, EcoRusMetal, Russia
l Peter Willis, Senior Economist, Oakdene Hollins Research & Consulting, UK
l Massimo Maccagni, R&D Manager, Engitec Technologies, Italy
l Norbert Maleschitz, Vice President of R&D, Exide Europe, France
l Paolo Cabrejos, Commercial Manager, Volcan Compania Minera, Peru
l Wang Ye, Deputy Director of Information Centre, Beijing General Research Institute of
Mining & Metallurgy (BGRIMM), China
Lead sponsor:
to meet the
world market
in one spot”
Daniel Suter,
Business Unit Director,
Research partner:
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7779 7222 Email: [email protected] Web:
World Lead
10-12 March 2015 • Radisson Blu Hotel, Milan
Metal Bulletin Events is hosting its World
Lead Conference in Milan in March 2015. Now
in its seventh year, the event has established
itself as the flagship event dedicated to the
lead industry.
need to increase imports into China? Will new
battery technologies provide a headache for
lead producers and recyclers? How will a
shifting supply and demand balance affect
prices going forward?
Topics to be discussed:
The beautiful hub city of Milan is an excellent
location for the event, which provides a forum
for industry leaders from throughout the supply
chain to discuss important challenges and
opportunities that the market is facing.
The two-day conference has an expert panel of
speakers and a great mix of delegates from
every segment of the supply chain, which
provides outstanding educational and
networking opportunities. If you are a miner,
producer, trader or buyer of lead you cannot
afford to miss it.
l Developments in battery
technology and its implications for
the lead market
With environmental regulations tightening in
China, will this lead to mine closures and the
l Environmental regulations
tightening in China – what does
this mean for lead producers?
l Pricing insight amid dynamic
market conditions
l Challenges and opportunities for
primary and secondary producers
Reasons for attending:
Gain early insight into lead pricing and market trends
Network with key players throughout the lead supply chain
Discuss the impact of Chinese environmental regulation changes on
l Impact of zinc and silver
performance on the lead market
the industry
Discover what new battery technologies are being targeted and
how this affects the lead market
Hear from industry experts about mine closures and new projects
2014 attendees by job title
CEO / Chairman / Director
/ President / Managing
Director / Vice President
Head of Department
/ Region
Sales & Marketing
/ Business Development
/ Commercial
Analyst / Consultant
/ Advisor / Researcher
Purchasing / Procurement
“It is one of the very
few opportunities
to meet people who
are directly involved
in manufacturing,
use and trading
of lead.”
Sayeed Hassan, COO, Rahimafrooz
Storage Power Division
Tuesday 10 March 2015
10:45 What are the major risks affecting the development
of lead mining and refining projects?
Optional pre-conference
field trip to:
• How important are political, social and financing risks?
• Are energy, water risks and ore grades rising up the agenda?
• How do the risks affecting lead projects compare to other base metals?
• Is commodity price volatility affecting projects?
• Do sales of by-product metals improve production economics?
Peter Willis, Senior Economist, Oakdene Hollins
Research & Consulting, UK
Engitec Technologies provides complete design and OEM plants for
the recovery and recycling of lead-acid batteries and of other wastes
from non-ferrous metallurgy.
Based north of Milan, Engitec operates from a proprietary building
covering 3500 m2. Within this facility is the R&D laboratory, where a
pilot plant can test different systems of desulphurization of battery
paste and the direct production of pure metallic lead through an
innovative electro-winning process.
Networking refreshment break
Session II: Developments in
secondary production:
recyclers’ perspectives
For more information email [email protected]
12:00 Analysis of varying waste management and scrap
collection systems in different countries
• What are the fundamental differences in these systems?
• In what ways do these varying techniques affect the market?
• Where are secondary producers sourcing their scrap from?
• Additional competition in the market from new recycling licence holders
• How can uniform waste management and scrap collection systems
be attained?
Raino Erlich, Commercial Director,
EcoRusMetal, Russia
Pre-conference networking drinks
at the Radisson Blu Hotel
Challenges facing secondary producers in a
constrained global economic climate
• Where is new secondary capacity coming online?
• How is scrap availability at the moment, is it in line with pricing? Are margins
under pressure?
• What other revenue streams are being targeted? Which other materials are
being recovered?
• How can secondary production processes become more efficient?
• Are consumers equally happy with secondary lead for all applications?
Day one:
Wednesday 11 March 2015
08:00 Registration desk opens
Session III: Lead metal
demand: how are traditional
end-markets changing?
09:00 Chairperson’s opening remarks
Session I: Global primary
production, market dynamics
and new supply
Analysing global lead market performance
David Willis, Director, Interstate Batteries Recycling,
Norbert Maleschitz, Vice President of R&D,
Exide Europe, France
Paul White, Head of Forecasting & Statistics,
ILZSG, Portugal
Vivienne Lloyd, Senior Analyst – Base Metals,
Macquarie Bank, UK
Port Pirie and other primary smelting developments
• How will the business model at Port Pirie change?
• What does this mean for lead smelting activity and supply from the plant?
• What sort of high-margin materials are being targeted?
• Advantages and disadvantages of processing technology available
• How does this fit in with other expansions in the region?
• Which other primary smelting developments are of interest?
Senior Representative, Nyrstar, Switzerland
Panel discussion: What does the future hold for
lead-acid batteries?
• Lead-acid battery consumption going forward
• Competing technologies: how are these being taken up by consumers?
• The cost factor: will this always be the ultimate determinant of uptake?
• What developments have been made in lead-acid battery chemistry?
• How does this affect lead demand?
• Performance advantages and storage ability
• Will other automotive companies follow Kia’s example with lead-carbon
batteries in hybrid models? How well tried and tested is this technology?
• Is there enough supply of concentrate and metal to meet market demand?
• The ongoing issue of lead scrap price relative to LME price
• Challenges and opportunities for primary producers
• What does the continued struggling global economy mean for expansions?
• What are stockpiles looking like around the world?
• How are producers overcoming feed supply issues?
• What does the future hold for miners and smelters around the world?
Networking lunch break
More panellists to be announced
Addressing changes in the global e-bike industry
• How strong is the e-bike market in China?
• Why have e-bikes never taken off in other major emerging markets like
India and South East Asia?
• What is the e-bike market like in other regions like USA and Europe? Are
lead-acid batteries the most cost-effective option?
• How are competing technologies like Li-ion batteries performing?
*Subject to final confirmation
16:00 Networking refreshment break
10:00 Lead production in South America: the silver factor
• Mine output: has concentrate production recovered significantly?
• Where is the majority of supply being taken up?
• How has a sharp fall in silver prices affected primary lead producers?
• Is this a dampener on enthusiasm for investment and expansion?
• Will we see further primary production come back online in the
near future?
Global automotive market trends and the impact
on the lead industry
• Macro perspective of automotive production in the major global
economies and emerging markets
• What factors influence the choice of battery in various vehicle types?
• How well are other battery technologies gaining traction in
regional markets?
• Automotive industry innovations: how will advancements in vehicle
technology, such as self-drive cars, affect battery systems?
• How can lead producers ensure they continue to meet battery
manufacturer demand?
• In turn, will battery producers have to adapt to meet OEM demand?
Paolo Cabrejos, Commercial Manager,
Volcan Compania Minera, Peru
Session V: Pressure rising:
environmental and logistical
regulations for producers
Dr Heinz-Jürgen Büchner, Managing Director –
Industrials, Automotive, IKB Deutsche Industriebank,
The growth of storage batteries in the telecoms
industry as an important application for lead
• How are energy storage requirements changing for the
telecoms sector?
• Which regions are seeing the greatest demand and demand growth?
• What is the current energy storage potential for lead-acid
standby batteries?
• Innovations and technological advances: what opportunities do these
bring for lead producers?
• Where is 4G coverage increasing quickest and how can lead industry
players capitalise on this growth?
Assessing the impact of continued regulatory
pressure on secondary producers
• What changes to regulation have been seen in the major regional markets?
• In what ways do these changes affect lead-acid battery recyclers and
end users?
• What changes have been introduced in the design of a modern battery
recycling plant?
• Is there a need for uniform global regulation for the lead industry?
• How can better practice be established and enforced?
• Are there concerns regarding future regulations and
environmental directives?
Massimo Maccagni, R&D Manager,
Engitec Technologies, Italy
Close of day one and networking
drinks reception, hosted by
Engitec Technologies
Day two:
Networking refreshment break
Session VI: Pricing
What is next for lead on the LME?
• What are LME ambitions for building in Asia? Will warehouses be opening
in the near future? How will they compete with SHFE & DCE?
• How can the lead market use the LME?
• What are the benefits of hedging?
• Lead activity through LME Clear
• Has market volatility fallen as prices have levelled out?
Thursday 12 March 2015
08:45 Chairperson’s opening remarks
Robert Fig, Senior Business Development Executive,
Session IV: Regional focus:
addressing the main issues
and opportunities within
important markets
Session VII: Focus on smelter
processing challenges and
09:00 North America: a regional market in transition
• What are the key drivers in the North American lead market?
• What impact have changes in supply and demand had in recent times?
• How are legislative and regulatory changes threatening the industry?
• Moving forward: what does the future hold for North American
lead production?
• What are smelters seeing in terms of feed content? How is this changing?
• How do they adapt to more complex concentrates?
• How are prices affecting smelting activity? Is their exposure to
price increasing?
• How do smelters monetise lead feeds as much as possible?
• What is process best practice?
• Are there significant issues when dealing with wastes and residues?
Jose Hansen, VP Sales & Marketing,
The Doe Run Company, USA
09:30 Interpreting the Chinese market: is major
change afoot?
Yosuke Ohmori, Recycling Business Group Manager,
Mitsui Mining & Smelting Co., Japan
Noriyuki Tanaka, Lead Recycling Section Manager,
Kamioka Mining & Smelting Co., Japan
Jay Hemenway, Trader, Ocean Partners USA Inc., USA
• To what degree are we seeing consolidation of production in China?
• Will China be looking to increase imports of lead concentrate and metal?
• What is scrap availability like?
• Pressure on the mining side: tightening environmental regulations and
impact on miners
• What are Chinese smelters looking for in the concentrates they buy? Is
silver attractive?
Wang Ye, Deputy Director of Information Centre,
Beijing General Research Institute of Mining &
Metallurgy (BGRIMM), China
Panel discussion:
More panellists to be announced
Networking lunch break and close of conference
Metal Bulletin Events reserve the right to alter the venue, timings and/or speakers. ©Metal Bulletin Events, part of Euromoney Global Limited
Sponsorship & exhibition opportunities
Use this unique opportunity to:
Generate new business many international and local prospects face-to-face
Promote your products/services
...raise your company’s profile
Enhance your presence
...stand out from the crowd
What’s available?
Cocktail sponsor
Network and welcome potential clients with your branding prominent
Wi-Fi sponsor
Metal Bulletin Events’ 7th World Lead Conference is
THE meeting place for senior executives in the lead
market. This is where the community meets and
provides a unique opportunity to showcase your
company and services to individuals who make the
decisions in the sector.
Sponsorship gets your brand in front of a senior
audience. It associates your company with the premier
event of its kind, right through our pre and post event
marketing campaigns. We have an unparalleled
international reach and attract large audiences of high
level executives. This is a unique chance to raise your
company’s profile, stay ahead of the competition and to
be seen as a leading player in the industry with
maximum exposure both prior to and at the event.
There are also opportunities for exhibition stands in the
refreshment area alongside the conference. This gives
you the platform to meet face to face with key industry
figures and discuss the products and services your
company has to offer. Stands are located in a prominent
position visible to all attendees.
High visibility branding throughout the conference with your logo seen by all delegates
accessing Wi-Fi in the conference area
Lunch sponsor
Entertain a large number of existing and potential clients over lunch
Delegate bag
Delegates will keep these after the event giving your sponsorship greater longevity
For sponsorship & exhibition
opportunities, please contact:
Book early to guarantee your place and ensure the best location
Charles Osborne
Maximise your presence and showcase your company’s products and services with a booth in
the busy refreshments / exhibition area of the conference. Space is limited so book early to
confirm your spot.
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7779 8109
Email: [email protected]
Some of the companies that attended in 2014:
l Advanced Lead Acid Battery Consortium
l Amalgamated Metal Trading Ltd
l Amekon SA
l Anglo Europe Minerals Ltd
l Antwerp Commodity Services
l AS Batteriretur
l Azor Ambiental
l Base Metals Services bvba
l Baterpol SA
l BCT Banner Commodities Trading AG
l Boliden
l Boliden Bergsoe AB
l Boliden Smelters
l Bolmet SA
l Britannia Refined Metals
l Campine Recycling NV
l CHR Metals
l Continuus Properzi SpA
l Ecometal AS
l El Bat JSCo
l Engitec Technologies
l Exide Europe
l Fenix Metals Sp zoo
l Geomet Limited ltd
l Glencore International AG
l GMH Stachow-Metall GmbH
l Gravita
l Hakurnas Lead Works Ltd
l Huta Cynku Miasteczko Slaskie SA
l IFCM Metals & Materials GmbH
l Impag AG
l Impexmetal SA - Oddziat Handlowy
l Impexmetal SA
l Inci AKU San VE TIC A S
l International Lead Association
l Johnson Controls Power Solutions Emea
l KCM 2000 AD
l KCM Technology
l KCM Trade
l KGHM Polska Miedz SA
l KoreaZinc
l Kovohute Pribram Nastupnicka AS
l London Metal Exchange
l LS-Nikko Copper
l Macquarie Bank
l Metafrique DMCC
l Metallo Chimique NV
l Mimeta SA
l Monbat Recycling Ead
l MPI Reciklaza doo
l MRI Trading AG
l National Lead Smelting Co
l Nizi International SA
l Nyrstar Sales & Marketing AG
l Orzel Bialy S.A.
l Pacorini Global Services Spain
l Scandinavian Steel AB
l Scheepvaartonderneming Euro-Rijn BV
l Schenck Process Group - Clyde Process
l Sharif Group
l Societe Generale CIB
l Star Metals Trading Dmcc
l The Starlit Group
l Traxys Europe SA
l Trepca Combine
l Umicore
l Volcan Compania Minera
l Yigit Aku
l ZM Silesia SA
Register before 19 December 2014
7th World Lead & SAVE €500
Conference • 10-12 March 2015 • Radisson Blu Hotel, Milan
Early bird offer until 9 January 2015
Full price after 9 January 2015
If your details above are incorrect please amend them here
q To make a payment by credit card, please call +44 (0) 20 7779 7222
or visit to book and pay online
q I would like to pay by bank transfer.
Option only available before 11 February 2015
Family Name:
First/Given Name:
Note: Full bank details will be emailed to you with your booking confirmation. When paying by
bank transfer, please ensure that you transfer enough funds to cover the full price of your
purchase, plus any bank charges you may incur.
IMPORTANT: Please make sure you quote your full invoice number, details can be found on
your invoice.
Metal Bulletin standard terms and conditions apply.
Visas are the responsibility of delegates
Fees: The conference fee includes attendance at all sessions, refreshments, welcome reception
and lunches.
Accommodation: The fee does not include accommodation. A limited allocation of rooms has
been reserved at the conference hotel. Delegates will be sent an accommodation booking form
along with confirmation of registration. This form should be completed and returned to the hotel.
*Delegate Email:
*Administrator Email:
Job Title:
Company Name:
VAT: If your organisation is tax registered within the European Union please provide your company
VAT number:
Postal/Zip Code:
Our VAT Number is GB 243 31 57 84
Please tick if you are not registered for sales tax.
Tel: +
Fax: +
Please indicate your metals interest in order of preference:
What is your company’s main business activity:
Credit Card Booking Hotline:
+44 (0) 20 7779 7222
Logistics enquiries:
+44 (0) 20 7779 8989
[email protected]
Metal Bulletin Events, Nestor House,
Playhouse Yard, London, EC4V 5EX, UK
*Delegates must provide their email address in order to receive booking confirmation and access to the
delegate messenger system.
The information you provide on this form will be used by Euromoney Global Ltd and its group companies (“we” or “us”) to process
your order and deliver the relevant products/services. We may also monitor your use of the website(s) relating to your order, including
information you post and actions you take, to improve our services and track compliance with our terms of use. Except to the extent
you indicate your objection below, we may also use your data (including data obtained from monitoring) (a) to keep you informed of
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If you object to contact by telephone , fax , or email , or post , please tick the relevant box. If you do not want us to share your
information with our journalists , or other companies please tick the relevant box.
Registrations can only be confirmed upon receipt of payment or proof of payment and discounted fees will only apply when payment
is received within the offer period. If you are not able to attend, a substitute delegate will be accepted. Cancellations must be received
in writing prior to 11 February 2015 to qualify for a full refund less €200 administration fee. It may be necessary for reasons beyond
the control of the organisers to alter the content, timing and venue. In the unlikely event of the conference being cancelled or curtailed
due to any reason beyond the control of Metal Bulletin Ltd., or it being necessary or advisable to relocate or change the date and/or
location of the event, neither Metal Bulletin Ltd., nor its employees will be held liable for refunds, damages and/or additional expenses
which may be incurred by delegates. We therefore recommend prospective delegates arrange appropriate insurance cover.
Booking your accommodation
Radisson Blu Hotel, Milan
Address: Via Villapizzone 24 l 20156
l Milan l Italy
Tel: +39 (02) 3631888
Upon registration, delegates will receive an accommodation booking form by email to be
completed and returned direct to the hotel.