December 2014 Newsletter Important Dates: Dec 1 – Market Day orders due to the office Dec 1 – BCMW Toy/Coat/Food Drive Begins Dec 1 – Cardinal Calendar Money/Orders Due Dec 3 – Market Day Internet orders due Dec 3 – Scrip Orders due to the office Dec 9 – BCMW Toy/Coat Food Drive Ends Dec 10 – Kdg – 4th Grade Christmas Program 1:30 & 6:30 Dec 10 – Market Day Pickup 5-6 Dec 11 – Band/Choir Christmas Concert 1:30 & 6:30 Dec 11 – Scrip orders due to the office Dec 17 – School Board Meeting – 7:00 pm Dec 17 – 5th Grade to Nursing Home for Jingo Dec 19 – End of 2nd Quarter Dec 19 – PreK Christmas Program – 9:00 am Dec 19 – Early Out – 1:45 Dec 20 – Jan 4 – NO SCHOOL Winter Break Jan 5 – School Resumes Tennis Shoes to School: As the colder weather approaches, students like to wear boots to school. Please remember that if they wear boots, they must have a pair of tennis shoes with them to change in to for PE. Boots are not safe to wear during PE class and tennis shoes are REQUIRED. BCMW Coat & Toy Drive: The BCMW food, toy and coat drive is December 1st – December 9th. We are accepting items such as canned goods (small, medium, & large), cereal, crackers, pasta or rice, canned meat, new coats, gently used coats, NEW toys, peanut butter, jelly, deodorant, paper towels, toilet paper, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, books, and ramen noodles. Each item donated will be given a point value. The classroom in each wing (Primary & Jr. High) with the most points will win a hot chocolate and cookie party. The school and the BCMW committee would appreciate your giving generosity. Thank you in advance. Christmas Program (K-4th grades): On Wednesday, December 10th, Aviston Elementary will be putting on a production of Santa’s Holiday Hoedown. Santa’s Toy Shop is going under because of an unexpected recession. They have refinanced and tried everything they can think of, but have run out of ideas! Suddenly, one of the elves hears there is a lot of money to be made in a place called Branson, Missouri. Everyone packs up and heads to Branson to put on a show and raise enough money to save Santa’s Toy Shop. Lots of fun characters for the elves…Blake Shelton, Carrie Underwood and master performer Shania Twain, as well as many more. The 4th graders will be performing the production. The Kindergarten – 3rd graders will need to dress like cowboys and cowgirls. If you have any questions, please contact our Band Director, Jenny Mondt at [email protected]. Performance Times: 1:30 pm & 6:30 pm Volunteers Needed: Mrs. Mondt is looking for some parent volunteers on Monday, December 8th at 6:00 pm (after the 5/6 grade boy’s basketball game) to help set up for the Christmas Program and Band/Choir concert. It should only take a couple of hours if we get enough help. If you can help, please meet at the AGS gym at 6:00pm. Mrs. Mondt is also looking for a Rudolph costume. If you have one, or know someone who has one, please contact Mrs. Mondt at [email protected]. Christmas Band/Choir Concert: The Aviston Elementary Band/Choir will perform their Christmas concert on Thursday, December 11th at 1:30pm and 6:30 pm. Concert will feature Choir, Concert Band, Beginning Band and Jazz Band. Songs are: Christmas Cheer, Good King Wenceslaus, I’ll Be Home for Christmas, Jingle Bell Rock, Angels in the Snow, African Bell Carol, Hay Man Christmas Rocks, Simple Gifts, Jingle Bells and Deckin the Halls. Market Day: Orders are due to the school office by Monday, December 1st and internet orders are due by 11:00 pm on Wednesday, December 3rd. Pickup is scheduled for Wednesday, December 10th from 5-6. Volunteers are needed for unloading the truck. If you can help, please meet in the cafeteria by 4:15. Technology Auction Dinner Tickets: AGS Technology Auction tickets are now on sale. The auction is Saturday, February 7, 2015. Tickets sold before January 17th will be $25 each and after January 17th they will be $30 each. Please support the kids and the school by making this a successful event. Don’t wait! Purchase your tickets as soon as possible, as there are only 600 tickets available. You can purchase tickets in the school office or by contacting one of the ticket reps listed below: 1. Laura Arnold – 618-593-5493 2. Amy Iiams – 501-256-3793 3. Andrea Utley – 618-670-0747 4. Kimberly Wolter – 618-228-7086 Tickets will also be sold at the Christmas Program & Band Concert on December 10 & 11. Technology Auction Reverse Drawing Tickets: In conjunction with the Mardi Gras with a Purpose live and silent auction, the PTCC will also be holding a reverse drawing on Saturday, February 7, 2015 to raise funds for a new computer lab at Aviston Elementary School. Each family in the school should have received 2 tickets (brought home from school) to sell. Hopefully 1 for the family to purchase and another one for them to sell. The cost of each ticket is $50 and checks should be made payable to “Aviston PTCC”. Ticket holders do NOT need to be present to win. All tickets and money need to be turned in to the school office by Friday, January 9th. Please send the tickets and money in a sealed envelope marked “PTCC Auction – Reverse Drawing”. If you are unable to sell your tickets, please return them to the office, since only a limited amount was printed and will be sold. If you are a great salesperson and can sell MORE than the 2 tickets that were sent home, please contact Anna Kuhn at 618-304-7725 or via email at [email protected] for extra tickets or you can contact Becky in the school office for more tickets. Payout for all the tickets sold will be $6,600.00. (1st place - $5000, 2nd place - $1000, 3rd place - $500, 100th & 300th tickets pulled will win $50.) Tickets will also be sold at the Christmas Program and Christmas Concert on December 10th & 11th. Technology Auction Class Baskets: The students of Aviston Elementary School will be creating class baskets for bid in the silent auction on Saturday, February 7, 2015. We are asking parents to donate money to support this special project. We are requesting a donation of $5.00 per student, but any amount is welcome (please make checks payable to Nancy Robke). Please send you donation in an envelope marked “PTCC Auction – Class Basket $$, Student Name, Grade & Teacher”. If you have more than one student, feel free to send one envelope. Just list each of your student’s on the front of the envelope (plus grade and teacher). All money needs to be returned to school by Tuesday, November 25 th. If you have any questions regarding this, please contact Nancy Robke at [email protected] or Tracy Hamon at [email protected]. Grab Bags for Technology Auction: At the auction, there will be 100 grab bags for sale. We are looking for anyone who is cleaning out their offices, rooms, etc. that could possibly donate items for the grab bags. It can be pens, notebooks, coolie cups, magnets, key chains, toothbrushes, gift cards, etc. Anything and everything is welcome. Even if you don’t have 100 items, anything that is donated would be great. If you have something you could donate, please send it to school in a bag or box with your name and address/phone number with the items. We appreciate anything that is donated! Thank you in advance! Donations for the Auction: Auction planning is in full swing! Our Mardi Gras with a Purpose is coming together. We have asked for a lot of help lately and appreciate all everyone has done so far! We have less than one month left to solicit for items for our auction. Maybe your workplace would like to donate a good or service that they perform? Or maybe a group of you and your friends or parents would be interested in donating some sort of event, like a party, dinner or BBQ? Or perhaps you would like to donate a basket or gift certificate to one of your favorite places? If so, please let us know! These items really help make our auction successful! Any questions regarding ideas of items to donate? Please email or call Angie Schlimme (910-1689) [email protected] or Julie Huelsmann (314-420-7610) [email protected]. 2015 Cardinal Calendars for Sale: The Aviston PTCC is again selling the St. Louis Cardinal Calendars. Order forms were sent home with the students last week and are due back to the office by December 1, 2014. Calendars are $15 each and all checks need to be made out to “Aviston PTCC”. All money must be turned in with the order forms. Calendars will be sent home with the students the week of December 8th. Just in time for Christmas! The top 5 sellers will get a voucher that is good for 2 for a 2015 Cardinal home game and the top seller will get ONE of the following: Tickets to a party room; Tickets and on-field visit during batting practice; Cardinal goodie bag filled with Cardinals memorabilia; an Autographed item. The top selling school will receive a visit from Fredbird! Scrip Orders: We will have 2 more scrip orders placed in December for the gift cards. December 3rd & December 11th are the order dates. If you would like to order scrip cards, please have your order form and money to the school office by these dates. All cards will be in 1 week after the order date. Order forms are on the website at or can be picked up in the school office. Don’t forget that we have cards in the school office that are available for purchase all year long. 5th Grade Holiday Jingo at Nursing Home: On Wednesday, December 17th the 5th grade will head to the Nursing Home in Aviston at 1:30 to play Holiday Jingo with the residents. Any students who want to bring a holiday hat along with them may do so. PreK Christmas Program: This year we are doing something a little different with our Christmas program. The PreK Christmas program will be separate from the Kdg – 4th grade program. The PreK program will be Friday, December 19th at 9:00 am in the gym. There will be refreshments after the performance. PreK students can then go home with their parents afterwards. Pep Club: To get more fans to the games, the AGS kids have formed a PEP CLUB! Every home game (boys or girls) there will be a theme in which students (and parents) can dress up to and pack the gym to cheer on the Eagles! Below is the schedule for the Pep Club: BOYS GAMES: 11/13 – vs. Bartelso – Throw Back Jersey Night 12/1 – vs. Centralia – Crazy Hair Night 12/2 – vs. Germantown – Toga Night 12/4 – vs. ASA – Camo Night 1/15 – vs. Wesclin – 80s Night (this is also 8th grade night) GIRLS GAMES: 11/18 – vs Albers – White Out! 11/20 – vs. Breese – Mardi Gras 11/24 – vs Woodlawn – PJ Night 11/25 – vs St. Rose – Opposite Night 12/17 – vs. Smithton – Tie-Dye Night 1/5 – Star Wars Night (May the force be with us!) Cold/Flu Season: We are now officially in the cold & flu season. We have had a few cases of Influenza A confirmed and a lot of stomach bugs and fever going around. Please remember the rules if your student becomes sick. Students must be fever free without medicine for 24 hours before returning to school. This also means that if a student leaves school with a fever, they should not be at school the following day. If a student has had diarrhea or was vomiting, they cannot return to school for 12 hours after the last episode. We understand that it becomes a hassle to take off work and keep your student home, especially if they are feeling well, but please be considerate of other students (and parents) and keep your sick student at home. LOOKING AHEAD: Jan 5 – School Resumes after Christmas Break Jan 7 – Freshman Orientation at Central HS – 6:00 Feb 7 – AGS Technology Auction – Aviston Legion Feb 11 – Science Fair Feb 12 – 20 – Book Fair HAPPY HOLIDAYS! 1.
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