Si certifica che | This is to certify that BINSIT COMPONENTES AUTOMOTIVOS LTDA Av. Mauà, 2612 Setor 1 - Morro do Espelho | CEP 93.020-190 SÃO LEOPOLDO, RS Brazil Ubicazioni Remote | Remote locations INSIT INDUSTRIA S.P.A. | G. Govone, 18 | 10129 TORINO (TO) Italy Commerciale, acquisti, risorse umane | Sales, purchasing, human resource INSIT INDUSTRIA S.P.A. | Corso Manzoni, 69 | 12046 MONTA' D'ALBA (CN) Italy Progettazione, qualità, strategie aziendali | Design, policy making, strategic planning, corporate quality. ha organizzato un SISTEMA DI GESTIONE PER LA QUALITÀ operates a QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM in conformità alla specifica tecnica ISO/TS 16949:2009 which complies with the requirements of ISO TS 16949:2009 per il seguente scopo | for the following scope Progettazione e produzione di cuffie e soffietti in elastomero termoplastico mediante inietto estrusione e soffiaggio. Design and manufacturing of boots and bellows in thermoplastic elastomer by injection/extrusion blowing moulding. Attestato | Certificate TS 79-1 IATF Database No 0153164 Emissione | Issued 14/12/2012 Scadenza | Expires 13/12/2015 Prima emissione | Originally certified William Smith Certification Manager Registered by: SAI Global Certification Services Pty Ltd (ACN 108 716 669) 19-25 Raglan Street South Melbourne VIC 3205 Australia with SAI Global Limited (“SAI Global”) and subject to the SAI Global Terms and Conditions for Certification. While all due care and skill was exercised in carrying out this assessment, SAI Global accepts responsibility only for proven negligence. This certificate remains the property of SAI Global and must be returned to SAI Global upon its request. To verify that this certificate is current please refer to IATF Oversight website at and enter the IATF database number from this certificate in the certificate validity check section. 14/12/2012 Alessandro Ferracino Local authorized signatory
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