PARKSON HOLDINGS BERHAD (“Parkson Holdings” or the “Company”) 1) Proposed Acquisition of Dimensi Andaman; and 2) Proposed Acquisition of AKR Land collectively, the “Proposals” 1. INTRODUCTION The Board of Directors of the Company wishes to announce that Megan Mastika Sdn Bhd (“Megan Mastika”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, had on 24 December 2014 entered into two (2) separate sale and purchase agreements with Ayer Keroh Resort Sdn Bhd (“AKR” or the “Vendor”) for the following proposals (“Proposals”): a) a sale and purchase agreement (“Dimensi Andaman SPA”) for the proposed acquisition by Megan Mastika of 300,000 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each fully paid representing 100% equity interest in Dimensi Andaman Sdn Bhd (“Dimensi Andaman”) from the Vendor for a cash consideration of RM1.00 and the assignment of the proforma amount due to AKR by Dimensi Andaman of RM53.72 million to Megan Mastika for a cash consideration of RM53.72 million (“Dimensi Andaman Purchase Consideration”) (“Proposed Acquisition of Dimensi Andaman”); and b) a sale and purchase agreement (“AKR Land SPA”) for the proposed acquisition by Megan Mastika of 6 acres of land located in Kawasan Bandar XLII, Daerah Melaka Tengah, Negeri Melaka (“AKR Land”) from the Vendor for a cash consideration of RM39.24 million (“AKR Land Purchase Consideration”) (“Proposed Acquisition of AKR Land”). The Dimensi Andaman Purchase Consideration and the AKR Land Purchase Consideration shall collectively be referred to as the “Total Purchase Consideration”. 2. DETAILS OF THE PROPOSALS 2.1 Background information The State Government of Malacca has granted AKR the sole and exclusive right to carry out reclamation and development works on the following: a) 23.22 acres of land located in Kawasan Bandar XLII, Daerah Melaka Tengah, Negeri Melaka (“DA Land”); and b) AKR Land, which is adjoining the DA Land. The DA Land and the AKR Land (totalling 29.22 acres) shall collectively be referred to as the “Lion City Land”. In December 2012, Megan Mastika had completed the acquisition of 15 acres out of the undivided interest of the DA Land from Dimensi Andaman for a cash consideration of 1 RM93 million and Dimensi Andaman owns the balance 8.22 acres out of the undivided interest of the DA Land. To-date, the reclamation work on the DA Land had been completed while the reclamation work on the AKR Land has not commenced. The State Government of Malacca had issued titles for the DA Land and the AKR Land, with leasehold term of 99 years ending 28 November 2111 and 25 May 2113 respectively, with “Bangunan Perniagaan” as category of land use pursuant to the reclamation. The Lion City Land of 29.22 acres is intended for mixed development purposes (“Lion City”). Messrs Henry Butcher Malaysia (Malacca) Sdn Bhd (“Henry Butcher”), an independent valuer, had on 18 December 2014 certified the market value for the Lion City Land at RM190.96 million. 2.2 Information on Dimensi Andaman Dimensi Andaman was incorporated in Malaysia under the Companies Act, 1965 as a private limited liability company on 15 May 2012. To-date, Dimensi Andaman has an authorised share capital of RM400,000 comprising 400,000 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each of which 300,000 ordinary shares have been issued and fully paid up. The principal activities of Dimensi Andaman are investment holding and property development. Dimensi Andaman is a wholly-owned subsidiary of AKR and the directors of Dimensi Andaman are Mr Cheng Yong Liang and Ms Cheng Hui Ya, Serena. Dimensi Andaman is the beneficial owner of the 8.22 acres of the DA Land. The unaudited net loss of Dimensi Andaman for the financial year ended 30 June 2014 was approximately RM0.9 million whilst the net liabilities of Dimensi Andaman as at 30 June 2014 was approximately RM1.2 million. 2.3 Information on the Vendor AKR was incorporated in Malaysia under the Companies Act, 1965 as a private limited liability company on 25 August 1983. To-date, AKR has an authorised share capital of RM23,500,000 divided into 20,000,000 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each and 3,500 preference shares of RM1,000 each, with an issued and paid-up capital of RM20,000,000, comprising 20,000,000 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each fully paid. AKR is a company wherein Tan Sri William H.J. Cheng (“TSWC”) is deemed to have a substantial interest. The directors of AKR are Mr Cheng Yong Liang, Ms Cheng Hui Ya, Serena and Mr Yeo Keng Leong. 2 The original cost and date of investment of Dimensi Andaman and the AKR Land by AKR are set out below: (a) Dimensi Andaman Date of investment 1 August 2012 No. of shares acquired/subscribed 2 Type of shares Ordinary shares 299,998 Ordinary shares 20 November 2013 300,000 (b) Cost of investment (RM) 2 299,998 300,000 AKR Land The State Government of Malacca had on 5 December 2012 granted AKR the sole and exclusive right to carry out reclamation and development work on the AKR Land. To-date, the reclamation work on the AKR Land has not commenced and the estimated cost for the reclamation works is approximately RM9 million. 2.4 Basis and justification for the Total Purchase Consideration The Total Purchase Consideration was arrived at on a willing buyer-willing seller basis after taking into consideration the size of land to be acquired by Megan Mastika based on the market valuation as certified by Henry Butcher (i.e. 14.22/29.22 acres x RM190.96 million) (“Market Valuation”). Total Purchase Consideration based on Market Valuation 2.5 Proposed Acquisition of Dimensi Andaman (a) Proposed Acquisition of AKR Land (b) Total Purchase Consideration (a+b) RM53.72 million (8.22 acres) RM39.24 million (6 acres) RM92.96 million (14.22 acres) Salient terms of the Proposals The salient terms of the Proposals are as follows: (a) Megan Mastika shall acquire Dimensi Andaman and the AKR Land free from charges, liens, pledges or any other encumbrances. (b) Upon completion of the Proposed Acquisition of Dimensi Andaman, Megan Mastika shall own the entire equity interest in Dimensi Andaman which in turn owns the only asset of 8.22 acres of the DA Land. All other assets and liabilities of Dimensi Andaman shall be assigned or novated to AKR upon completion of the Proposed Acquisition of Dimensi Andaman. 3 2.6 (c) AKR undertakes that it shall, at its own costs and expenses, complete or procure the completion of the reclamation work on the AKR Land within three (3) years from the completion date of the AKR Land SPA in relation to the Proposed Acquisition of AKR Land, failing which, Megan Mastika shall be entitled to the remedy of specific performance and damages against AKR. For information purposes, the cost for the reclamation works is estimated to be approximately RM9 million. (d) Each of the Dimensi Andaman Purchase Consideration and the AKR Land Purchase Consideration shall be paid by Megan Mastika to AKR within a period of one (1) month from the date of the respective Dimensi Andaman SPA and AKR Land SPA, with an automatic extension of one (1) month upon the expiry of the aforesaid period or by such later date as mutually agreed by both parties, subject to payment of interest at the rate of 8% per annum on the outstanding amount calculated on daily basis from the first day of the extended period until the date of full payment. Source of funds The Total Purchase Consideration will be funded by internally generated funds of the Parkson Holdings Group. 2.7 Liabilities to be assumed by the Parkson Holdings Group There is no liability, including contingent liabilities and guarantees to be assumed by the Parkson Holdings Group arising from the Proposals. 3. RATIONALE FOR THE PROPOSALS In line with the Parkson Holdings Group’s objective of owning key shopping malls, the Proposals will complement the Parkson Holdings Group in developing a shopping mall in Melaka (“Melaka Parkson Mall”) as the Lion City Land is strategically located in a prime area designated for mixed development purposes. The Lion City is an integrated mixed development including the Melaka Parkson Mall and is expected to contribute positively to the future earnings of the Parkson Holdings Group. With the complementary income stream derived from the aforesaid mixed development, the eventual total development cost of the Melaka Parkson Mall is expected to reduce and this will further boost the investment yield for the Melaka Parkson Mall. 4. EFFECTS OF THE PROPOSALS 4.1 Share capital and substantial shareholders’ shareholdings The Proposals will not have any effect on the issued and paid-up capital and the substantial shareholders’ shareholdings in Parkson Holdings as the Proposals do not involve the issuance of new shares by Parkson Holdings. 4 4.2 Earnings and earnings per share (“EPS”) The Proposals are not expected to have a material impact on the earnings and EPS of the Parkson Holdings Group for the financial year ending 30 June 2015 and are expected to contribute positively to the future earnings of the Parkson Holdings Group. 4.3 Net assets (“NA”) and NA per share On a proforma basis, the Proposals are not expected to have a material impact on the NA and NA per share of the Parkson Holdings Group based on the audited consolidated statement of financial position as at 30 June 2014. 4.4 Gearing The Proposals are not expected to have a material impact on the gearing of the Parkson Holdings Group based on the audited consolidated statement of financial position as at 30 June 2014. 5. APPROVALS REQUIRED The Proposals are not subject to the approval of the shareholders of Parkson Holdings and any authorities. 6. INTER-CONDITIONALITY OF THE PROPOSALS The Proposed Acquisition of Dimensi Andaman and the Proposed Acquisition of AKR Land are not inter-conditional with each other. 7. DIRECTORS’ AND MAJOR SHAREHOLDERS’ INTERESTS 7.1 Directors’ Interests The following Directors of the Company do not consider themselves independent in respect of the Proposals (“Interested Directors”): (i) TSWC, the Chairman and Managing Director, and a major shareholder of Parkson Holdings, is deemed to have a substantial interest in AKR and its subsidiary, Dimensi Andaman; and (ii) Mr Ooi Kim Lai, is an employee of a company in which TSWC has a substantial interest. The Interested Directors have abstained and will continue to abstain from all Board deliberations and voting at meetings of the Board in relation to the Proposals. Save as disclosed above, none of the other Directors of the Company has any interest, direct or indirect, in the Proposals. 5 7.2 Major Shareholders’ Interests Other than TSWC, the following major shareholders of the Company do not consider themselves independent in respect of the Proposals: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) 8. Tan Sri Cheng Yong Kim; Dynamic Horizon Holdings Limited; Lion Industries Corporation Berhad; LLB Steel Industries Sdn Bhd; Steelcorp Sdn Bhd; and Amsteel Mills Sdn Bhd. TRANSACTION WITH THE SAME RELATED PARTY FOR THE PRECEDING 12 MONTHS The Company and its subsidiaries do not have any transaction with AKR for the past 12 months. 9. AUDIT COMMITTEE’S STATEMENT The Audit Committee of the Company, after having considered all aspects of the Proposals, is of the opinion that the Proposals are in the best interest of the Company, fair, reasonable and on normal commercial terms, and not detrimental to the interest of the minority shareholders of the Company. 10. STATEMENT BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS The Board (save for the Interested Directors), after having considered all aspects of the Proposals, is of the opinion that the Proposals are in the best interest of the Company. 11. THE PROSPECTS AND RISK FACTORS OF THE PROPOSALS The Lion City Land is intended for mixed integrated development which include a shopping mall and other property components. The Proposals will allow the Parkson Holdings Group to develop a shopping mall at a strategic location in Melaka amongst the famous tourist attractions and in an area planned for mixed integrated development with the advantage of the sea frontage. The Proposals are not expected to have any material risk factor associated with the Lion City Land except for the general economic risk, business risk and investment risk commonly associated with land acquisition. 12. ESTIMATED TIME FRAME FOR COMPLETION OF THE PROPOSALS The Proposals are expected to be completed by the first quarter of 2015. 6 13. HIGHEST PERCENTAGE RATIO APPLICABLE TO THE PROPOSALS PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH 10.02(g) OF THE MAIN MARKET LISTING REQUIREMENTS OF BURSA MALAYSIA SECURITIES BERHAD (“PERCENTAGE RATIO”) The highest Percentage Ratio is 3.59%. 14. DOCUMENTS FOR INSPECTION Copies of the Dimensi Andaman SPA dated 24 December 2014, the AKR Land SPA dated 24 December 2014 and the Valuation Certificate dated 18 December 2014 are available for inspection by the shareholders of the Company at the Registered Office of the Company at Level 14, Lion Office Tower, No. 1 Jalan Nagasari, 50200 Kuala Lumpur during normal business hours from Mondays to Fridays (except for public holidays) for a period of three months from the date of this announcement. 7
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