Africcan Cottton & Texxtile Induustries FFederatioon 3A, TRV Officce Plaza, Muthhithi Road, Wesstlands, Nairobbi, Kenya PO Boox 1249 – 006006, Sarit Centree, Nairobi, Kenyya ww ww.actifafrica.coom ~ PRESS R RELEASE: Origin Affrica Trade Exxpo Boosts A Africa’s Textile Industry On Novem mber 9, Nairobi, Kenya played host to o Origin Africca 2014, a maajor international textile event thaat was officiaally opened b by Kenya Pressident Uhuruu Kenyatta. M More than 40 00 participants from 11 ccountries parrticipated in tthis high‐pro ofile, internattional event, including 15 5 regional and internatio onal buyers, with strong rrepresentation from acrooss the cotto on, textile and d apparel vallue chain. The event was also grraced by Kenya First Ladyy Margaret Keenyatta and Ethiopia Firsst Lady Romaan Tesfaye. First Lady Kenyatta inauggurated the d designer show w case weariing a Kenyan n‐made dresss. African Cotton & Texttile Industries Federation [ACTIF] orgaanized Origin n Africa in conjunction with Trade Fairs Consultingg. The event raised the profile of Africca as a sourccing destinatiion for cotton, textile an nd apparel prroducts. It alsso encourage ed increased investment in Africa thro ough businesss to business meetings and informatio onal seminarss. The event was supportted by a widee range of partners including: Ministry of Ind dustrialization & Enterprisse Developm ment, Kenya; Export Processin ng Zones Authority [EPZA]; Trade & Faairs East Africca; Kenya Aggribusiness an nd Agroindusstry Alliance [[KAAA]; Association of Fashion Design ners Kenya; C Cotton Development Auth hority, Kenyaa [CODA]; SSandstorm Kenya; USAID East Africa TTrade and Invvestment Hu ub; DANIDA; COMPACI; W World Wide Ressponsible Acccredited Prod duction [WRA AP]; Africa W Women Enterrprise Prograam [AWEP]; TThe World Baank; and the High Commisssion of Indiaa. “As Origiin Africa dem monstrates, the future of Africa’s textiile industry iss bright. Origgin Africa was a great opp portunity for investors an nd buyers loo oking to capittalize on the emerging op pportunities and to develo op linkages w with export‐re eady compan nies, supplierrs, and goverrnment supp port agenciess, developm ment partnerrs, regional and internatio onal entrepreeneurs,” said d Mr. Jas Bed di, the Chairm man of ACTIF aand the Vice President off International Textile Maanufacturers Federation. The Nairo obi Trade Exp po was the fifth Origin Africa event. PPrevious Origin Africa eveents took placce in Ethiopia ((2012, 2013), Mauritius (2011), and N Nairobi (20100). Highlights of the 2014 Origin Africaa event included a trade expo, semiinar series, B B2B meetingss and a designer showcasse. Go to for more infformation or contact Mr. Rajeev Aroraa on arora.ra@ @actifafrica.ccom;
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