Creating an Honest Waitlist experience And generating a 1000% ROI

Creating an Honest Waitlist experience
And generating a 1000% ROI
Return on Investment acheived:
Since implementing Qudini Honest Burgers achieves a 1000%
Return on Investment on the service, now that they are able to seat
360 additional covers each month.
Whilst customer experience has significantly improved, staff time is saved
and the company has gained a great deal of fame and notoriety for their use
of the Qudini waitlist app.
This case study explains more…
Honest Burgers’ Initial Problem:
Honest Burgers’ old clipboard waiting list system
did not fit with the core values as an efficient,
trendy and highly customer service focussed
The process of calling each customer to ask them to
return was extremely time consuming, the
restaurant had no way of knowing which customers
may have found somewhere else to eat until calling
them. Whilst for customers, it was an uncertain
wait and they’d often complain they’d been waiting
longer than they had. So when Honest Burgers heard about Qudini they
were the first London restaurant to snap it up.
Qudini’s Solution:
Entering an Honest Burger’s restaurant on a
busy evening, customers are greeted by one
of the waiters with an iPad.
The waiter explains there’s a wait and so he takes their
details on a portable iPad mini, explaining that they will
get a text when their table is ready. He also explains
that they may text back at any time if they wish to
cancel their table.
After providing their details the customer receives a
confirmation text with a weblink showing their position
on the waitlist.
The waiter may now continue his work on the
restaurant floor whilst managing his waitlist customers
and calling them back at the click of a button when
their table becomes available.
After 1 year of Using Qudini….
A significant financial return is made:
The Qudini app allows Honest Burgers to seat 12
additional covers each night. A total 360 extra covers seated each month, which allows
a 1000% ROI on their monthly licensing of Qudini.
This is because:
•  70% of customers who no longer want their table will now
text the waiter on the app to let them know. So tables are not
held open for no-show customers and are turned faster.
Qudini saves them an average of 4 minutes per customer now
that they may tell them to return by text at the click of a
button. This saves staff a total of 2 hours a night. • 
Customers now return quicker for their table when texted
than they used to when called by phone; and because they can
track their queue position whilst waiting, they are able to time
their drinks better with when they’ll be seated.
Customer experience has improved:
10% of an evenings customers will go out of their way to
positively comment on the “cool” system.
Customers now return for their table in a more positive mood
than they used to with the clipboard system. This is because
the confirmation SMS and queue tracker weblink makes them
feel more secure and relexad that they wont be forgotten.
Staff explain that customers trust being added to the “simple
and trustworthy” app more than a cluttered clipboard.
With Qudini there are significantly less complaints about the
waits. With the clipboard customers would often return
before they were called, in order to complain and end up
waiting by the door. This was stressful for the waiters. Now
this doesn’t occur, staff are able to focus on the service to
customers inside the restaurant.
Customers are more engaged and informed:
The queue position weblink receives over
10,000 clicks a month in the Soho site
60% of customers added to the waitlist will visit
the weblink.
Customers will visit the page an average of 11
times each during their wait.…Some customers
will even refresh the page up to 80 times.
In this way Qudini is able to increase customer
engagement with Honest Burger’s brand.
The restaurants are now using the opportunity
to increase sign-ups to their mailing list.
New and repeat customers are attracted to visit:
Customers often come to Honest Burgers because
they have heard about the app and are keen to use it. The Soho restaurant often has customers come to them because
they have left the physical queue at another restaurant in the
area and would rather have the relaxed wait offered by Honest
Staff explain that the system has become part of the “Honest
Burgers experience” and that it definitely encourages customers
to choose their restaurant over others.
Over the months the restaurant’s loyal customer base has
increased, 70% of their nightly customers have visited an
Honest Burgers restaurant before.
Journalists write about it:
Customers tweet about it:
Customers mention it in reviews:
The founder loves it:
"Our customers love Qudini's system!
Logging in from the pub and seeing your
place in the queue update live seems to be
very addictive. They've made queuing easy, pain free and
- Philip Eeles, Founder, Honest Burgers
Imogen Wethered
CEO – Qudini
[email protected]