PUBLICATIONS CONTENTS DIGEST #IEEECOMSOC AUGUST 2014 IEEE Communications Society periodicals tables of content: August 2014 Direct links to magazine and journal abstracts and full paper pdfs via IEEE Xplore ComSoc Vice President - Publications – Katie Wilson Director - Journals – Len Cimini Director - Magazines – Steve Gorshe Magazine Editors EIC, IEEE Communications Magazine – Sean Moore AEIC, IEEE Communications Magazine – Osman Gebizlioglu EIC, IEEE Network Magazine – Sherman Shen EIC, IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine - Hsiao-Hwa Chen AEIC, IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine - Dilip Krishnaswamy Editor, The Global Communications Newsletter - Stefano Bregni Editors, Design and Implementation Series -- Vijay K. Gurbani | Salvatore Loreto Area Co-Editors, Optical Communications Series – Osman Gebizlioglu | Vijay Jain Area Editor, Radio Communications - Thomas Alexander | Amitabh Mishra Journal Editors EIC, IEEE Transactions on Communications – Robert Schober EIC, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas In Communications (J-SAC) - Muriel Medard Co-EICs, IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications & Networking (JOCN) - Ori Gerstel | Keren Bergman EIC, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking - R. Srikant EIC, IEEE Communications Letters - George Karagiannidis EIC, Wireless Communications Letters - Dong In Kim EIC, IEEE Transactions on Network & Service Management (TNSM) - Rolf Stadler EIC, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications - Jeff Andrews EIC, IEEE Journal of Communications & Networks (JCN) – Vince Poor Co-EIC, IEEE/KICS Journal of Communications & Networks (JCN) - Jong-Seon No Editor, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials - Ekram Hossain Members of Steering Committees for Co-Sponsored Journals IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology - Karen Liu | Pat Trischitta IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications & Networking – Vincent Chan | Nim Cheung | Hideo Kuwahara | Jane Simmons IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking - Marco Ajmone Marsan | Anurag Kumar | Jennifer Yates IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing – Prasant Mohapata | Chiara Petrioli IEEE Transactions on Multimedia – Vijay Bhargava | Vivek Goyal | Jianwei Huang IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications - Gerhard Fettweis |Hamid Jafarkhani | Chengshan Xiao IEEE Wireless Communications Letters – Costas Georghiades | Gerhard Fettweis | George Ginis | Sennur Ulukus Submission and editorial instructions can be found on each publication’s home page. For IEEE Communications Society membership and subscription information, please visit IEEE Communications Society 3 Park Avenue New York, NY 10016 USA 212 705 8900 IEEE Communications Magazine - Cover PDF (985 KB) Context-aware networking and communications: part 2 [Guest Editorial] Wu, J. ; Bisio, I. ; Gniady, C. ; Hossain, E. ; Valla, M. ; Li, H. PDF (606 KB) Table of contents PDF (185 KB) The IEEE future directions committee [The President's Page] Benedetto, S. ; Saracco, R. PDF (544 KB) IEEE ICC 2014 explores next wave digital communications in wondrous Sydney, Australia [Conference Report] PDF (1077 KB) IEEE CCNC 2015 to host 12th annual technological forum dedicated to next wave consumer communications advancements [Conference Preview] PDF (96 KB) Book reviews [2 books reviewed] Mehic, M. ; Rusek, K. PDF (41 KB) Conference calendar PDF (42 KB) Distinguished Lecturer Tour of Norman C. Beaulieu in Skopje, Florence, Podgorica, and Belgrade in March 2014 [Global Communications Newsletter] Bartoli, G. ; Marabissi, D. ; Fantacci, R. ; Hadzi-Velkov, Z. ; Pejanovic-Djurisic, M. ; Paunovic, G. PDF (1634 KB) Mobile crowd sensing: Part 1 [Guest Editorial] Guo, B. ; Calabrese, F. ; Miluzzo, E. ; Musolesi, M. PDF (327 KB) Mobile crowd sensing in space weather monitoring: the mahali project Pankratius, V. ; Lind, F. ; Coster, A. ; Erickson, P. ; Semeter, J. PDF (1038 KB) Opportunities in mobile crowd sensing Ma, H. ; Zhao, D. ; Yuan, P. PDF (621 KB) Large-scale immersive video conferencing by altering video quality and distribution based on the virtual context Safaei, F. ; Pourashraf, P. ; Franklin, D. PDF (1040 KB) Smart health: A context-aware health paradigm within smart cities Solanas, A. ; Patsakis, C. ; Conti, M. ; Vlachos, I.S. ; Ramos, V. ; Falcone, F. ; Postolache, O. ; Perez-Martinez, P.A. ; Di Pietro, R. ; Perrea, D.N. ; Martinez-Balleste, A. PDF (386 KB) Living on the edge: The role of proactive caching in 5G wireless networks Bastug, E. ; Bennis, M. ; Debbah, M. PDF (544 KB) Precise: Privacy-aware recommender based on context information for cloud service environments Celdran, A.H. ; Perez, M.G. ; Garcia Clemente, F.J. ; Martinez Perez, G. PDF (1040 KB) Context-aware service composition and delivery in NGSONs over SDN Paganelli, F. ; Ulema, M. ; Martini, B. PDF (229 KB) Context-aware vehicular cyber-physical systems with cloud support: architecture, challenges, and solutions Wan, J. ; Zhang, D. ; Zhao, S. ; Yang, L.T. ; Lloret, J. PDF (294 KB) Optical multi-service core and access networks [Series Editorial] Gebizlioglu, O.S. ; Jain, V. PDF (164 KB) Application of optical multilevel transmission technique in WDM/OCDM-based core networks Beyranvand, H. ; Salehi, J.A. PDF (343 KB) Surrogate mobile sensing Wang, D. ; Abdelzaher, T. ; Kaplan, L. PDF (161 KB) Cost analysis of network sharing in FTTH/PONs Schneir, J.R. ; Xiong, Y. PDF (238 KB) 4W1H in mobile crowd sensing Zhang, D. ; Wang, L. ; Xiong, H. ; Guo, B. A case for assisted partial timing support using precision timing protocol packet synchronization for LTE-A Pearson, T. ; Shenoi, K. PDF (242 KB) PDF (129 KB) Trust and privacy in mobile experience sharing: future challenges and avenues for research Krontiris, I. ; Langheinrich, M. ; Shilton, K. PDF (120 KB) Recommending travel packages based on mobile crowdsourced data Yu, Z. ; Feng, Y. ; Xu, H. ; Zhou, X. PDF (936 KB) Cross-community sensing and mining Guo, B. ; Yu, Z. ; Zhang, D. ; Zhou, X. PDF (626 KB) Media network as a service Cicic, T. ; Elmokashfi, A. PDF (217 KB) Advertisers' index PDF (39 KB) IEEE Wireless Communications - Front cover PDF (430 KB) Table of contents PDF (117 KB) Impact factor and open call articles [Message From The Editor In-Chief] Chen, H.-H. PDF (331 KB) The opportunity of private sector sharing of governmen spectrum [Spectrum Policy and Regulatory Issues] Obuchowski, J. ; Greczyn, M. PDF (58 KB) Book reviews [1 book reviewed] Misra, S. PDF (40 KB) Scanning the literature PDF (39 KB) Green media: the future of wireless multimedia networks [Guest Editorial] Elkashlan, M. ; Ma, Z. ; Wang, Y. ; Guizani, M. ; Shu, L. ; Karagiannidis, G.K. ; Duong, T.Q. PDF (624 KB) A green data transmission mechanism for wireless multimedia sensor networks using information fusion Zhang, Z.-J. ; Lai, C.-F. ; Chao, H.-C. PDF (180 KB) Green multimedia wireless sensor networks: distributed intelligent data fusion, in-network processing, and optimized resource management Baccarelli, E. ; Chiti, F. ; Cordeschi, N. ; Fantacci, R. ; Marabissi, D. ; Parisi, R. ; Uncini, A. PDF (229 KB) Location-aware visual radios Nguyen, T.V. ; Jeong, Y. ; Trinh, D.P. ; Shin, H. PDF (687 KB) Toward green media delivery: location-aware opportunities and approaches Abou-Zeid, H. ; Hassanein, H.S. PDF (278 KB) Sustainable communication and networking in two-tier green cellular networks Zheng, Z. ; Zhang, X. ; Cai, L.X. ; Zhang, R. ; Shen, X. PDF (341 KB) Energy-efficient multimedia transmissions through base station cooperation over heterogeneous cellular networks exploiting user behavior Zhang, X. ; Yu, R. ; Zhang, Y. ; Gao, Y. ; Im, M. ; Cuthbert, L.G. ; Wang, W. PDF (337 KB) Cross-layer design for delay- and energy-constrained multimedia delivery in mobile terminals Ye, Y. ; Ci, S. ; Lin, N. ; Qian, Y. PDF (470 KB) An efficient method for minimizing energy consumption of user equipment in storage-embedded heterogeneous networks Arai, S. ; Fadlullah, Z.M. ; Ngo, T. ; Nishiyama, H. ; Kato, N. PDF (442 KB) Cloud gaming: a green solution to massive multiplayer online games Chiuah, S-P. ; Yuen, C. ; Cheung, N-M. PDF (578 KB) Multi-hop point-to-point FDD wireless backhaul for mobile small cells Ni, W. ; Collings, I.B. ; Wang, X. ; Liu, R.P. PDF (770 KB) Device-to-device communications and small cells: enabling spectrum reuse for dense networks Laya, A. ; Wang, K. ; Widaa, A.A. ; Alonzo-Zarate, J. ; Markendahl, J. ; Alonso, L. PDF (208 KB) Analysis and status quo of smartphone-based indoor localization systems Subbu, K.P. ; Zhang, C. ; Luo, J. ; Vasilakos, A.V. PDF (521 KB) A network architecture solution for efficient IOT WSN backhauling: challenges and opportunities Fantacci, R. ; Pecorella, T. ; Viti, R. ; Carlini, C. PDF (296 KB) Over-the-air signaling in cellular communication systems Yang, C. ; Wang, J. ; Wang, M. ; Zou, K.J. ; Yang, K.W. ; Hua, M. PDF (281 KB) TeraNets: ultra-broadband communication networks in the terahertz band Akyildiz, I.F. ; Jornet, J.M. ; Han, C. PDF (155 KB) Communicating in the real world: 3D MIMO Cheng, X. ; Yu, B. ; Yang, L. ; Zhang, J. ; Liu, G. ; Wu, Y. ; Wan, L. PDF (374 KB) Table of Contents PDF (95 KB) IEEE Transactions on Communications publication information PDF (151 KB) Sequentially-Constructible Reversible Variable Length Codes Zahabi, S.J. ; Aghajan, A. ; Khosravifard, M. PDF (993 KB) On Decoding of the (73, 37, 13) Quadratic Residue Code Li, Y. ; Liu, H. ; Chen, Q. ; Truong, T. PDF (1717 KB) Algebraic Quasi-Cyclic LDPC Codes: Construction, Low ErrorFloor, Large Girth and a Reduced-Complexity Decoding Scheme Li, J. ; Liu, K. ; Lin, S. ; Abdel-Ghaffar, K. PDF (1297 KB) Polar Coding for Fading Channels: Binary and Exponential Channel Cases Si, H. ; Koyluoglu, O.O. ; Vishwanath, S. PDF (1151 KB) Cooperative Spectrum Sharing in Cognitive Radio Networks: A Distributed Matching Approach Feng, X. ; Sun, G. ; Gan, X. ; Yang, F. ; Tian, X. ; Wang, X. ; Guizani, M. PDF (1386 KB) Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radios in Time-Variant Flat-Fading Channels: A Joint Estimation Approach Li, B. ; Zhao, C. ; Sun, M. ; Zhou, Z. ; Nallanathan, A. PDF (1440 KB) Optimized Spoofing and Jamming a Cognitive Radio Soysa, M. ; Cosman, P.C. ; Milstein, L.B. PDF (1076 KB) Optimal Sequential Channel Estimation and Probing for Multiband Cognitive Radio Systems Caromi, R. ; Mohan, S. ; Lai, L. PDF (930 KB) Interference-Constrained Optimal Power-Adaptive Amplify-andForward Relaying and Selection for Underlay Cognitive Radios Sainath, B. ; Mehta, N.B. PDF (798 KB) Asymptotic Analysis on Throughput and Delay in Cognitive Social Networks Jia, R. ; Zheng, K. ; Zhang, J. ; Fu, L. ; Du, P. ; Wang, X. ; Xu, J. PDF (1130 KB) Performance Analysis of Relay-Based Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks Over Non-Identical Nakagami- $m$ Channels Hussain, S. ; Fernando, X.N. PDF (1026 KB) Outage Performance Analysis of Imperfect-CSI-Based Selection Cooperation in Random Networks Tukmanov, A. ; Boussakta, S. ; Ding, Z. ; Jamalipour, A. PDF (1021 KB) An Optimal Full-Duplex AF Relay for Joint Analog and Digital Domain Self-Interference Cancellation Kang, Y.Y. ; Kwak, B. ; Cho, J.H. PDF (583 KB) Two Time-Scale Cross-Layer Scheduling for Cellular/WLAN Interworking Tharaperiya Gamage, A. ; Liang, H. ; Shen, X. PDF (1352 KB) Robust Linear Video Transmission Over Rayleigh Fading Channel Cui, H. ; Luo, C. ; Chen, C.W. ; Wu, F. PDF (873 KB) A Spectral Approach to Inter-Carrier Interference Mitigation in OFDM Systems Septimus, A. ; Keller, Y. ; Bergel, I. PDF (1295 KB) Characterization of the Pareto Boundary for the Two-User Symmetric Gaussian InterferenceChannel Song, H. ; Ryu, J.Y. ; Choi, W. PDF (1117 KB) Performance of Multiantenna Linear MMSE Receivers in Doubly Stochastic Networks Zhu, J. ; Govindasamy, S. ; Hwang, J. PDF (988 KB) Expectation Propagation Detection for High-Order HighDimensional MIMO Systems Cespedes, J. ; Olmos, P.M. ; Sanchez-Fernandez, M. ; Perez-Cruz, F. PDF (1475 KB) Blind Interference Alignment With Diversity in $K$-User Interference Channels Lu, Y. ; Zhang, W. ; Letaief, K.B. PDF (1138 KB) A Mathematical Framework to the Computation of the Error Probability of Downlink MIMO Cellular Networks by Using Stochastic Geometry Di Renzo, M. ; Guan, P. PDF (2173 KB) On the Achievable Degrees of Freedom of Two-Cell Multiuser MIMO Interference Networks Chou, H. ; Chou, C. ; Wu, J. ; Chang, R.Y. PDF (1398 KB) Degrees of Freedom for the Constant MIMO Interference Channel With CoMP Transmission Wilson, C. ; Veeravalli, V.V. PDF (1158 KB) Bit Allocation and Pairing Methods for Multi-User Distributed Antenna Systems With Limited Feedback Lee, H. ; Park, E. ; Park, H. ; Lee, I. PDF (1191 KB) Iterative Predistortion of the Nonlinear Satellite Channel Deleu, T. ; Dervin, M. ; Kasai, K. ; Horlin, F. PDF (1463 KB) Differential Amplitude/Phase Modulation for Correlated Rayleigh Fading Channels: Performance Analysis and Labeling Design Chen, Y. ; Ueng, Y. PDF (817 KB) Block-Processing Soft-Input Soft-Output Demodulator for Coded PSK Using DCT-Based Phase Noise Estimation Noels, N. ; Bhatti, J. ; Bruneel, H. ; Moeneclaey, M. PDF (1069 KB) Predicting the Performance of Cooperative Wireless Networking Schemes With Random Network Coding Seong, J. ; Lee, H. PDF (977 KB) Network Coding Decisions for Wireless Transmissions With Delay Consideration Mohapatra, A. ; Gautam, N. ; Shakkottai, S. ; Sprintson, A. PDF (580 KB) Time-Frequency Packing for High-Capacity Coherent Optical Links Colavolpe, G. ; Foggi, T. PDF (591 KB) Source–Channel Communication Over Phase-Incoherent Multiuser Channels Saffar, H.E. ; Alian, E.H.M. ; Mitran, P. PDF (368 KB) Long Term Channel Characterization for Energy Efficient Transmission in Industrial Environments Agrawal, P. ; Ahlen, A. ; Olofsson, T. ; Gidlund, M. PDF (985 KB) On the Outage Capacity of Opportunistic Beamforming With Random User Locations Samarasinghe, T. ; Inaltekin, H. ; Evans, J.S. PDF (813 KB) Distributed User Association and Femtocell Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks Bayat, S. ; Louie, R.H.Y. ; Han, Z. ; Vucetic, B. ; Li, Y. PDF (1711 KB) Two ways to Access the IEEE Member Digital Library PDF (1442 KB) IEEE Communications Society Information PDF (123 KB) Table of Contents PDF (111 KB) IEEE Communications Letters publication information PDF (135 KB) Guest Editorial for the Special Series on Smart Grid Communications Golmie, N. ; Smith, S. ; Tong, L. ; Dominguez-Garcia, A. ; Roy, S. ; Misic, J. ; Rajagopal, R. PDF (278 KB) Network Coordinated Power Point Tracking for Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems Wang, X. ; Pi, Y. ; Mao, W. ; Huang, H. PDF (1717 KB) Optimal Residential Demand Response in Distribution Networks Shi, W. ; Li, N. ; Xie, X. ; Chu, C. ; Gadh, R. PDF (1616 KB) Network Theory and Smart Grid Distribution Automation Bush, S.F. PDF (1005 KB) Empirical Characterization, Modeling, and Analysis of Smart Meter Data Barker, S. ; Kalra, S. ; Irwin, D. ; Shenoy, P. PDF (2255 KB) Data Framing Attack on State Estimation Kim, J. ; Tong, L. ; Thomas, R.J. PDF (892 KB) Grouping-Based MAC Protocols for EV Charging Data Transmission in Smart Metering Network Yang, Y. ; Roy, S. PDF (3116 KB) Using Covert Topological Information for Defense Against Malicious Attacks on DC State Estimation Bi, S. ; Zhang, Y.J. PDF (1370 KB) Mobility-Aware Coordinated Charging for Electric Vehicles in VANET-Enhanced Smart Grid Wang, M. ; Liang, H. ; Zhang, R. ; Deng, R. ; Shen, X. PDF (1573 KB) A Game Theoretical Analysis of Data Confidentiality Attacks on Smart-Grid AMI Ismail, Z. ; Leneutre, J. ; Bateman, D. ; Chen, L. PDF (675 KB) On Optimally Reducing Power Loss in Micro-grids With Power Storage Devices Wei, C. ; Fadlullah, Z.M. ; Kato, N. ; Stojmenovic, I. PDF (1400 KB) Security of Fully Distributed Power System State Estimation: Detection and Mitigation of Data Integrity Attacks Vukovic, O. ; Dan, G. PDF (773 KB) Optimization Decomposition of Resistive Power Networks With Energy Storage Lou, X. ; Tan, C.W. PDF (1980 KB) Cooperation and Storage Tradeoffs in Power Grids With Renewable Energy Resources Lakshminarayana, S. ; Quek, T.Q.S. ; Poor, H.V. PDF (747 KB) Demand Side Management in Smart Grids Using a Repeated Game Framework Song, L. ; Xiao, Y. ; van der Schaar, M. PDF (1071 KB) Cyber–Physical Device Authentication for the Smart Grid Electric Vehicle Ecosystem Chan, A.C. ; Zhou, J. PDF (966 KB) Information for Authors PDF (436 KB) Open Access PDF (1156 KB) Together, we are advancing technology PDF (398 KB) IEEE Communications Society Information PDF (123 KB) Table of Contents PDF (107 KB) Single-Tap Equalization for Fast OFDM Signals Under Generic Linear Channels Ouyang, X. ; Zhao, J. PDF (443 KB) IEEE Communications Letters publication information PDF (132 KB) A Novel Symbol Mapping Method for BICM-ID Systems for Higher Order Signal Constellations Navazi, H.M. ; Hossain, M.J. PDF (430 KB) Fast and Accurate Error Floor Estimation of Quantized Iterative Decoders for Variable-Regular LDPC Codes Tolouei, S. ; Banihashemi, A.H. PDF (537 KB) Balanced Quaternary Sequences Pairs of Odd Period With (Almost) Optimal Autocorrelation and Cross-Correlation Yang, Y. ; Tang, X. PDF (215 KB) An Efficient Binary Locally Repairable Code for Hadoop Distributed File System Shahabinejad, M. ; Khabbazian, M. ; Ardakani, M. PDF (166 KB) An Objection-Based Collaborative Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio Networks Althunibat, S. ; Granelli, F. PDF (292 KB) MIMO Gaussian X Channel: Noisy Interference Regime Kumar V., P. ; Bhashyam, S. PDF (210 KB) On Transmission Secrecy Outage of a Multi-Antenna System With Randomly Located Eavesdroppers Zheng, T. ; Wang, H. ; Yin, Q. PDF (468 KB) To Code or Not to Code: Maximizing the Achievable Rate Region of Two-Way Decode-and-Forward Multiantenna Relay Channel Zhao, S. ; Chen, W. PDF (192 KB) Inter-Chunk Popularity-Based Edge-First Caching in ContentCentric Networking Lim, S. ; Ko, Y. ; Jung, G. ; Kim, J. ; Jang, M. PDF (631 KB) Power Law Behavior of Queue Size: Maximum Entropy Principle with Shifted Geometric Mean Constraint Singh, A.K. ; Karmeshu,. PDF (169 KB) On the Capacitated Controller Placement Problem in Software Defined Networks Yao, G. ; Bi, J. ; Li, Y. ; Guo, L. PDF (475 KB) Synchronization-Free Delay Tomography Based on Compressed Sensing Nakanishi, K. ; Hara, S. ; Matsuda, T. ; Takizawa, K. ; Ono, F. ; Miura, R. PDF (365 KB) Optimal Network-Based Intervention in the Presence of Undetectable Viruses Youssef, M. ; Scoglio, C. PDF (302 KB) Millimeter Wave Communications With Symmetric Uniform Circular Antenna Arrays Wang, P. ; Li, Y. ; Vucetic, B. PDF (305 KB) Improved Constant Envelope Multiuser Precoding for Massive MIMO Systems Chen, J. ; Wen, C. ; Wong, K. PDF (291 KB) An Optimum DC-Biasing for DCO-OFDM System Zhang, M. ; Zhang, Z. PDF (699 KB) A Variational Approach for Assessing the Capacity of a Memoryless Nonlinear MIMO Channel Wang, X. ; Serpedin, E. ; Qaraqe, K. PDF (121 KB) Compressed Receiver for Multipath DSSS Signals Wang, S. ; An, J. ; Ren, Y. ; Wang, T. ; Bu, X. PDF (396 KB) New Results on Location-Aware Channel Estimation for Multibeam Satellite Links Gappmair, W. ; Bergmann, M. ; Suesser-Rechberger, B. PDF (304 KB) Generalized Inverse Aided PAPR-Aware Linear Precoder Design for MIMO-OFDM System Cha, H. ; Chae, H. ; Kim, K. ; Jang, J. ; Yang, J. ; Kim, D.K. PDF (750 KB) Approximate Closed-Form Energy Efficient PA for MIMO Relaying Systems in the High SNR Regime Li, C. ; Yang, H.J. ; Sun, F. ; Cioffi, J.M. ; Yang, L. PDF (351 KB) A Low Complexity Energy Efficiency Maximization Method for Multiuser Amplify-and-Forward MIMO Relay Systems With a Holistic Power Model Zhou, X. ; Bai, B. ; Chen, W. PDF (132 KB) A Low-Complexity ML Detection Algorithm for Spatial Modulation Systems With $M$PSK Constellation Men, H. ; Jin, M. PDF (490 KB) Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing in a Gabor Transform Setting Matthe, M. ; Mendes, L.L. ; Fettweis, G. PDF (300 KB) Transmit Power Minimization for Outage-Constrained Relay Selection over Rayleigh-Fading Channels Qian, L.P. ; Wu, Y. ; Chen, Q. PDF (157 KB) Two-way Compress-and-forward Relaying With Multiple MIMO Relay Nodes Rong, Y. PDF (234 KB) Bounds on Eigenvalues of a Spatial Correlation Matrix Choi, J. ; Love, D.J. PDF (542 KB) Coalition Formation Game for Green Resource Management in D2D Communications Chen, H. ; Wu, D. ; Cai, Y. PDF (479 KB) An Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation Scheme for RLNCBased Heterogeneous Multicast Communications Tassi, A. ; Chiti, F. ; Fantacci, R. ; Schoen, F. PDF (508 KB) RAPS: Reliable Anchor Pair Selection for Range-Free Localization in Anisotropic Networks Lee, S. ; Koo, B. ; Kim, S. PDF (943 KB) Localization of Access Points Based on Signal Strength Measured by a Mobile User Node Nam, S.Y. PDF (257 KB) On the Optimal Link Adaptation in Linear Relay Networks With Incremental Redundancy HARQ Kim, S.H. ; Jung, B.C. PDF (378 KB) Power Allocation and Dimensioning for Interweaved Primary and Secondary Multicast Networks With Outage Constraints Choi, Y. ; Kim, D. PDF (440 KB) Adaptive Resource Allocation With Proportional Rate Constraints for Uplink SC-FDMA Systems Cicalo, S. ; Tralli, V. PDF (293 KB) Joint TOA and DOA Localization in Indoor Environment Using Virtual Stations Liu, D. ; Liu, K. ; Ma, Y. ; Yu, J. PDF (248 KB) Personal Mobility Map Construction for Crowd-Sourced Wi-Fi Based Indoor Mapping Zhou, M. ; Wong, A.K. ; Tian, Z. ; Luo, X. ; Xu, K. ; Shi, R. PDF (694 KB) Joint Interference Alignment and Avoidance for Downlink Heterogeneous Networks Liu, G. ; Sheng, M. ; Wang, X. ; Li, Y. ; Li, J. PDF (310 KB) Target Tracking Using Sensor-Cloud: Sensor-Target Mapping in Presence of Overlapping Coverage Chatterjee, S. ; Misra, S. PDF (746 KB) Closed-Loop Beam Alignment for Massive MIMO Channel Estimation Duly, A.J. ; Kim, T. ; Love, D.J. ; Krogmeier, J.V. PDF (262 KB) C-Curve: A Finite Alphabet Based Parameter Choice Rule for Elastic-Net in Sporadic Communication Schepker, H.F. ; Bockelmann, C. ; Dekorsy, A. ; Bartels, A. ; Trede, D. ; Kazimierski, K.S. PDF (451 KB) OFDM With Interleaved Subcarrier-Index Modulation Xiao, Y. ; Wang, S. ; Dan, L. ; Lei, X. ; Yang, P. ; Xiang, W. PDF (643 KB) Improved Least Median of Squares Localization for Non-Lineof-Sight Mitigation Qiao, T. ; Liu, H. PDF (844 KB) Quickest Spectrum Sensing With Multiple Antennas in Rician and Correlated Rayleigh Channels Hanafi, E. ; Martin, P.A. ; Smith, P.J. ; Coulson, A.J. PDF (298 KB) Optimum Combining With Joint Relay and Antenna Selection for Multiple-Antenna Relays in the Presence of Co-Channel Interference Suraweera, N. ; Beaulieu, N.C. PDF (486 KB) Minimum Codebook Size to Achieve Maximal Diversity Order for RVQ-Based MIMO Systems Castanheira, D. ; Silva, A. ; Gameiro, A. PDF (237 KB) Packet Error Rate Analysis and Power Allocation for CC-HARQ Over Rayleigh Fading Channels Ge, S. ; Xi, Y. ; Huang, S. ; Wei, J. PDF (431 KB) Operating Region Boundary for Coordinated Two-Point Joint Diversity Transmission Under an Outage Rate Requirement Lee, M. ; Oh, S.K. PDF (439 KB) 2014 IEEE membership form PDF (1555 KB) IEEE Communications Society Information PDF (123 KB) Blank page PDF (5 KB) Table of Contents PDF (127 KB) IEEE wireless communications publication information PDF (141 KB) Energy-Efficient Power Allocation Over Nakagami- $m$ Fading Channels Under Delay-Outage Constraints Musavian, L. ; Le-Ngoc, T. PDF (382 KB) On the Capacity of Downlink Multi-Hop Heterogeneous Cellular Networks Wen, J. ; Sheng, M. ; Wang, X. ; Li, J. ; Sun, H. PDF (697 KB) On Precoding for Constant $K$-User MIMO Gaussian Interference Channel With Finite Constellation Inputs Ganesan, A. ; Rajan, B.S. PDF (862 KB) NLOS Error Mitigation for TOA-Based Localization via Convex Relaxation Wang, G. ; Chen, H. ; Li, Y. ; Ansari, N. PDF (1017 KB) Performance Analysis of Relay-Assisted Network-Coding ARQ with Space-Time Cooperation in Wireless Relay Networks Kao, J. PDF (1061 KB) Stochastic Modeling of Cooperative Multi-Hop Strip Networks With Fixed Hop Boundaries Afzal, A. ; Hassan, S.A. PDF (1216 KB) Adaptive Distributed Beamforming for Amplify-and-Forward Relay Networks: Convergence Analysis Chen, C. ; Tseng, C. ; Denis, J. ; Lin, C. PDF (971 KB) Degrees of Freedom of the Three-User Rank-Deficient MIMO Interference Channel Zeng, Y. ; Xu, X. ; Guan, Y.L. ; Gunawan, E. ; Wang, C. PDF (605 KB) Adaptive HARQ With Non-Binary Repetition Coding Pfletschinger, S. ; Declercq, D. ; Navarro, M. PDF (1106 KB) Performance Analysis and Optimization of TDMA Network With Wireless Energy Transfer Niyato, D. ; Wang, P. ; Kim, D.I. PDF (1238 KB) Distributed Fountain Codes With Adaptive Unequal Error Protection in Wireless Relay Networks Yue, J. ; Lin, Z. ; Vucetic, B. PDF (1068 KB) Border Effect Analysis for Reliability Assurance and Continuous Connectivity of Wireless Sensor Networks in the Presence of Sensor Failures Laranjeira, L.A. ; Rodrigues, G.N. PDF (2323 KB) Device-to-Device Underlaid Cellular Networks under Rician Fading Channels Peng, M. ; Li, Y. ; Quek, T.Q.S. ; Wang, C. PDF (851 KB) FW-DAS: Fast Wireless Data Access Scheme in Mobile Networks Lee, G. ; Jang, I. ; Pack, S. ; Shen, X. PDF (1303 KB) Full Diversity Physical-Layer Network Coding in Two-Way Relay Channels With Multiple Antennas Zhang, S. ; Zhou, Q.F. ; Kai, C. ; Zhang, W. PDF (1041 KB) Cooperative Communication Protocol Designs Based on Optimum Power and Time Allocation Mo, Z. ; Su, W. ; Batalama, S. ; Matyjas, J.D. PDF (1396 KB) Coordinated Multipoint Transmission in Dense Cellular Networks With User-Centric Adaptive Clustering Garcia, V. ; Zhou, Y. ; Shi, J. PDF (1720 KB) Power–Throughput Tradeoff in MIMO Heterogeneous Networks Manosha, K.B.S. ; Codreanu, M. ; Rajatheva, N. ; Latva-aho, M. PDF (1160 KB) Convolutional Network-Coded Cooperation in Multi-Source Networks With a Multi-Antenna Relay Karbalayghareh, A. ; Nasiri-Kenari, M. ; Hejazi, M. PDF (1533 KB) Equal Gain Combining for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks Hamza, D. ; Aissa, S. ; Aniba, G. PDF (891 KB) Modeling, Analysis, and Optimization of Multicast Device-toDevice Transmissions Lin, X. ; Ratasuk, R. ; Ghosh, A. ; Andrews, J.G. PDF (1696 KB) Achievable Degrees of Freedom for $K$-User MIMO Y Channels Using Signal Group Based Alignment Mu, H. ; Tugnait, J.K. 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PDF (2605 KB) DFL: Secure and Practical Fault Localization for Datacenter Networks Zhang, X. ; Zhou, F. ; Zhu, X. ; Sun, H. ; Perrig, A. ; Vasilakos, A.V. ; Guan, H. PDF (1921 KB) Maximizing Reliability in WDM Networks Through Lightpath Routing Lee, H.-W. ; Lee, K. ; Modiano, E. PDF (2577 KB) Non-Blind Watermarking of Network Flows Houmansadr, A. ; Kiyavash, N. ; Borisov, N. PDF (2388 KB) Maximizing System Throughput by Cooperative Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks Li, S. ; Zheng, Z. ; Ekici, E. ; Shroff, N. PDF (3150 KB) On Signaling-Free Failure Dependent Restoration in All-Optical Mesh Networks Tapolcai, J. ; Ho, P.-H. ; Babarczi, P. ; Ronyai, L. PDF (1939 KB) Insensitive Job Assignment With Throughput and Energy Criteria for Processor-Sharing Server Farms Rosberg, Z. ; Peng, Y. ; Fu, J. ; Guo, J. ; Wong, E.W.M. ; Zukerman, M. PDF (2661 KB) Missing-Tag Detection and Energy–Time Tradeoff in Large-Scale RFID Systems With Unreliable Channels Luo, W. ; Chen, S. ; Qiao, Y. ; Li, T. 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PDF (3633 KB) 2014 IEEE membership form PDF (1556 KB) IEEE Member digital library PDF (1637 KB) IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking information for authors PDF (98 KB) IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking society information PDF (129 KB) Front cover PDF (1919 KB) Contents PDF (62 KB) Multirate multiservice all-optical code switched GMPLS core network utilizing multicode variable-weight optical code-division multiplexing Farghal, Ahmed E. ; Shalaby, Hossam M.H. ; Kawasaki, Zen PDF (1002 KB) Security enhancement in free-space optics using acousto-optic deflectors Eghbal, Mina ; Abouei, Jamshid PDF (1008 KB) QoS enhancement of live IPTV using an extended real-time streaming protocol in Ethernet passive optical networks Hwang, I-Shyan ; Nikoukar, AliAkbar ; Chen, Ku-Chieh ; Liem, Andrew Tanny ; Lu, Ching-Hu PDF (1036 KB) Roll-out of reliable fiber to the cabinet: An interactive planning approach Phillipson, Frank PDF (958 KB) Impact of the electronic architecture of optical slot switching nodes on latency in ring networks Benzaoui, N. ; Pointurier, Y. ; Bonald, T. ; Antona, J.-C. 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PDF (1269 KB) A Dual Price-Based Congestion Control Mechanism for Optical Burst Switching Networks Tairan Zhang ; Wei Dai ; Guiling Wu ; Xinwan Li ; Jianping Chen ; Chunming Qiao PDF (810 KB) Open Access PDF (1155 KB) Blank page PDF (6 KB) IEEE xplore digital library PDF (1585 KB) Journal of Lightwave Technology information for authors PDF (103 KB) Blank page PDF (5 KB) Front Cover PDF (675 KB) Journal of Lightwave Technology publication information PDF (141 KB) Theoretical Considerations in Designing Ultra-High Speed AllOptical Clock Recovery Using Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifiers Damani, R. ; Salehi, J.A. PDF (462 KB) Nonlinearity Cancellation in Fiber Optic Links Based on Frequency Referenced Carriers Alic, N. ; Myslivets, E. ; Temprana, E. ; Kuo, B.P. ; Radic, S. 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PDF (1041 KB) Experimental and Numerical Analysis of p-Electrode Patterns on the Lateral GaN-Based LEDs Lee, Y. ; Hwu, F. ; Yang, M. ; Lin, C. PDF (639 KB) Performance Analysis of Multirate Multiservice Optical CDMA Networks Adopting Overlapping PPM Signaling Farghal, A.E. ; Shalaby, H.M.H. ; Kawasaki, Z. PDF (1258 KB) A Circuit Model for Analysis of Metal–Insulator–Metal Plasmonic Complementary Split-Ring Resonators Bahadori, M. ; Eshaghian, A. ; Mehrany, K. PDF (1964 KB) Relation of Refractive Index Change to Ti-Concentration in TiDiffused LiNbO3 Waveguide Doped With Sc3+ Zhang, D. ; Qiu, C. ; Wong, W. ; Yu, D. ; Pun, E.Y. PDF (392 KB) Bit Error Rate Measurements of All-Optical Flip-Flop Operations of a 1.55-μm Polarization Bistable VCSEL Hayashi, D. ; Takahashi, H. ; Katayama, T. ; Kawaguchi, H. PDF (837 KB) Open Access PDF (1156 KB) IEEE xplore digital library PDF (1585 KB) Journal of Lightwave Technology information for authors PDF (103 KB) Blank page PDF (5 KB) Front Cover PDF (675 KB) Journal of Lightwave Technology publication information PDF (141 KB) Table of Contents PDF (100 KB) Dynamic and Adaptive Control Plane Solutions for Flexi-Grid Optical Networks Based on Stateful PCE Munoz, R. ; Casellas, R. ; Vilalta, R. ; Martinez, R. PDF (1878 KB) Advanced DSP for 400 Gb/s and Beyond Optical Networks Zhou, X. ; Nelson, L. PDF (956 KB) High-Speed, Low Drive-Voltage Silicon-Organic Hybrid Modulator Based on a Binary-Chromophore Electro-Optic Material Palmer, R. ; Koeber, S. ; Elder, D.L. ; Woessner, M. ; Heni, W. ; Korn, D. ; Lauermann, M. ; Bogaerts, W. ; Dalton, L. ; Freude, W. ; Leuthold, J. ; Koos, C. PDF (838 KB) Status and Recent Advances on Forward Error Correction Technologies for Lightwave Systems Leven, A. ; Schmalen, L. 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PDF (1921 KB) Adaptive Learning for Celebrity Identification With Video Context Xiong, C. ; Gao, G. ; Zha, Z. ; Yan, S. ; Ma, H. ; Kim, T.-K. PDF (2313 KB) Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted JPEG Bitstream Qian, Z. ; Zhang, X. ; Wang, S. PDF (2067 KB) TMM Edics PDF (334 KB) IEEE Transactions on Multimedia information for authors PDF (132 KB) Special issue on advances in hyperspectral data processing and analysis PDF (236 KB) Open Access PDF (1156 KB) IEEE Transactions on Multimedia society information PDF (108 KB) Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Issue on Utility and Cloud Computing Science and Technology Bojanova, I. ; Hsu, C. PDF (99 KB) Decreasing Impact of SLA Violations:A Proactive Resource Allocation Approachfor Cloud Computing Environments Morshedlou, H. ; Meybodi, M. PDF (1797 KB) Universal Cross-Cloud Communication Jayalath, C. ; Stephen, J. ; Eugster, P. PDF (1284 KB) Real-Time Tasks Oriented Energy-Aware Scheduling in Virtualized Clouds Zhu, X. ; Yang, L.T. ; Chen, H. ; Wang, J. ; Yin, S. ; Liu, X. PDF (1509 KB) Virtualization Technology for TCP/IP Offload Engine Chang, E.-H. ; Wang, C.-C. ; Liu, C.-T. ; Chen, K.-C. ; Chen, C.-H. PDF (2081 KB) Workload-Aware Credit Scheduler for Improving Network I/O Performance in Virtualization Environment Guan, H. ; Ma, R. ; Li, J. PDF (1258 KB) Performance and Cost Evaluation of an Adaptive Encryption Architecture for Cloud Databases Ferretti, L. ; Pierazzi, F. ; Colajanni, M. ; Marchetti, M. PDF (1422 KB) QoS-Guaranteed Bandwidth Shifting and Redistribution in Mobile Cloud Environment Misra, S. ; Das, S. ; Khatua, M. ; Obaidat, M.S. PDF (1096 KB) Adaptive Algorithm for Minimizing Cloud Task Length with Prediction Errors Di, S. ; Wang, C-.L. ; Cappello, F. PDF (1424 KB) Analysis, Modeling and Simulation of Workload Patterns in a LargeScale Utility Cloud Moreno, I.S. ; Garraghan, P. ; Townend, P. ; Xu, J. PDF (2629 KB) Deadline Based Resource Provisioningand Scheduling Algorithm for Scientific Workflows on Clouds Rodriguez, M.A. ; Buyya, R. PDF (1560 KB) A Hyper-Heuristic Scheduling Algorithm for Cloud Tsai, C. ; Huang, W. ; Chiang, M. ; Chiang, M. ; Yang, C. PDF (1897 KB) PUBLICATIONS CONTENTS DIGEST DECEMBER 2013 #IEEECOMSOC PUBLICATIONS DIGEST // AUGUST 2014
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