Cómo afrontar los retos de los almacenes del futuro. Resultados del proyecto RAFUWARE Investigadores principales – Tecnun: Dra. Claudia Chackelson Dr. Javier Santos Colaboración - ITA : David Ciprés Miriam García Agenda • • • • • Contextualización Proyecto RAFUWARE Resultados Tecnun Resultados ITA (casos prácticos) Conclusiones Contextualización Aumento de la complejidad • La complejidad de los almacenes ha aumentado en los últimos años… • Parte de este aumento de la complejidad se debe a estrategias que ha adoptado las empresas para aumentar la tasa de mercado • diversificación • e-commerce •… Contextualización Aumento de la complejidad Preparar Más Más Más Más Pedidos Almacenar Referencias Servir Personalizado Añadir Valor Con Menos Menos Plazo de entrega Con Margen de error Contextualización Motivos para (re)diseñar un almacén Un nuevo almacén Bajos niveles de servicio y/o altos costes Redefinición de las funciones Cambio en la Complejidad de los procesos Contextualización Importancia del diseño El DISEÑO de almacenes es un problema complejo… el número de alternativas posibles 1 2 la fuerte interacción entre los factores involucrados Sin embargo, el DISEÑO resulta de vital importancia, ya que se toman las decisiones que determinan el éxito o fracaso del almacén. Contextualización Selección del diseño • La solución de diseño final se selecciona en base a la intuición, al juicio, y principalmente a la experiencia de cada diseñador (Gu et al. 2010). • El proceso que finaliza con la identificación de una solución específica no es claro. Agenda • • • • • Contextualización Proyecto RAFUWARE Resultados Tecnun Resultados ITA (casos prácticos) Conclusiones Proyecto RAFUWARE Presentación Proyecto RAFUWARE : the Robust and Adaptive FUture WAREhouse. Desarrollado por Tecnun en colaboración con el ITA, financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (DPI2011-26653). Proyecto RAFUWARE Objetivos • Objetivo general: Generar y validar un nuevo marco/modelo de análisis, diseño y planificación de almacenes y sus operaciones, basado en los conceptos de robustez, flexibilidad y adaptabilidad, buscando la creación de almacenes de referencia mundial, perfectamente integrados en Cadenas de Suministro ágiles y robustas. Proyecto RAFUWARE Objetivos O1. Crear un marco/modelo para el análisis y diseño de almacenes robustos, flexibles y adaptativos soportado en técnicas avanzadas de modelado y optimización. O2. Crear metodologías/herramientas para gestionar y planificar almacenes robustos, flexibles y adaptativos. O3. Validar mediante simulación en un laboratorio de pruebas el prototipo para ajustar y mejorar el marco/modelo y las herramientas asociadas. O4.Validar el marco/modelo y las herramientas asociadas mediante experimentación industrial. Agenda • • • • • Contextualización Proyecto RAFUWARE Resultados Tecnun Resultados ITA (casos prácticos) Conclusiones Resultados del proyecto RAFUWARE Elementos a diseñar • Los productos que llegan a un almacén pasan por una serie de pasos llamados procesos. Estos procesos necesitan recursos como medios, equipos y personal para poder operar. Finalmente, estos recursos se organizan de diferentes formas para poder hacer la operativa lo más eficiente posible (Rouwenhorst et al. 2000) 1. 2. 3. Procesos Recursos Organización Storage systems Stockholding level CROSS-DOCKING by order (NO STOCK AND NO MANIPULATION) AUTOMATIC Resultados del proyecto RAFUWARE Worker zone assignment Modelo RAFUWARE Reception Storage STORAGE Material handling equipment (Packing MANUAL list) CROSS-DOCKING by order (NO STOCK AND NO MANIPULATION) Stockholding level Worker zone assignment RIDING VEHICLES INFORMATIC (electronic– EDI) (Packing MANUAL PRE-RECEPTIONlist) Storage systems WALKING VEHICLES RECEPTIONPersonnel and INDEPENDENT equipment INTERNAL WORKER outsourcing EXTERNAL WORKER Auxiliaries RECEPTION INDEPENDENT Storage systems PALLET CONTAINER AUTOMATIC Docks and zones scheduling Docks and zones scheduling Material handling equipment RANDOM EXTERNAL WORKER Personnel and CROSS-DOCKING by order (NO equipment STOCK ANDoutsourcing NO MANIPULATION) Auxiliaries CLASS-BASED Zoning UNIQUE ZONE FEFO, LIFO, FIFO criterion CLASS-BASED NO SOFTWARE Stock-holding level FAMILY GROUPING Organization INFORMATIC WITH BASIC SOFTWARE SOFTWARE (loading sequence and unloading time) Shipping Storage strategy (electronic– EDI) PRE-RECEPTION Auxiliaries Resources Auxiliaries PICKING INDEPENDENT (single command) Routing OPTIMAL Storage systems HEURISTICS PICKER TO PARTS ONE ZONE INTERNAL WORKER EXTERNAL WORKER SAME SKU FOR STORAGE AND SHIPPING BY ARTICLE Batching and sor ting REPACKAGING NEEDED Repackaging AUTOMATIC WALKING VEHICLES BY ORDER RIDING VEHICLES BY ZONE Shared Decisions Put-away Storage - Picking Shared Decisions Reception Shipping JOINT PUT-AWAY AND PICKING (dual or multiple command) Zoning MULTI-ZONE Personnel and equipment outsourcing TECHNOLOGY AIDED principles PARTS TO PICKER FEFO, LIFO, FIFO criterion CLASS-BASED (volume and loading pattern ) Stock-holding level WITH ADVANCE Loading Pattern DEDICATED FORWARD PICK Storage systems AREA CLASS-BASED AUTOMATIC CLOSEST OPEN LOCATION Worker zone RANDOM assignment Storage strategy Material handling equipment DIRECTED Order release Put-away mode Order release mode FAMILY GROUPING (Packing list) MANUAL LESS-THANCONTAINER LOAD INTERNAL WORKER CROSS-DOCKING by article (NO STOCK BUT WITH MANIPULATION) DEDICATED STORAGE FULL TRACK NO TECHNOLOGY PUT-AWAY AIDED INDEPENDENT (single TECHNOLOGY command) AIDED CONTINUOUS PICK UNITFORWARD AREA PICKER TO PARTS CLOSEST OPEN LOCATION CONTINUOUS DISCRETE CONTAINER NO TECHN AIDED AUTOMATED VEHICLES DIRECT KIT UNIT DISCRETE RIDING VEHICLES UNIQUE ZONE CROSS-DOCKING by order (NO STOCK AND NO MANIPULATION) WALKING VEHICLES KIT PICKER TO PARTS COMBINED DOCK AND ZONES CROSS-DOCKING by article (NO STOCK BUT WITH MANIPULATION) RIDING VEHICLES SHIPPING INDEPENDENT PARTS TO PICKER SHIPPING INDEPENDENT AUTOMATED VEHICLES Track load type PARTS TO PICKER EXTERNAL WORKER WALKING VEHICLES EXTERNAL WORKER PALLET BOX BOX COMBINED DOCK AND ZONES INTERNAL WORKER SKUs AUTOMATIC Auxiliaries Repackaging INTERNAL SAME SKU FOR RECEPTION ANDWORKER STORAGE ONE ZONE SKUs Personnel and equipment outsourcing INFORMATIC (electronic– EDI) PRE-RECEPTION REPACKAGING NEEDED MULTI-ZONE Storage STORAGE ONE ZONE OPTIMAL Personnel and PARTS TO PICKER equipment HEURISTICS outsourcing PICKER TO PARTS Almacenaje MULTI-ZONE Routing AUTOMATIC CROSS-DOCKING by article (NO STOCK BUT WITH MANIPULATION) AUTOMATED VEHICLES PICKER TO PARTS Put-away Storage systems Commands CROSS-DOCKING by article (NO STOCK BUT WITH MANIPULATION) PARTS TO PICKER NO TECHNOLOGY DISCRETE AIDED UNIQUE STORAGE AND PICKING ZONE AUTOMATED VEHICLES Worker zoneFORWARD PICK CONTINUOUS TECHNOLOGY assignment AREA AIDED Auxiliaries Order release mode PARTS TO PICKER Material handling equipment Picking zoning Order Picking PICKER TO PARTS MULTI-ZONE ONE ZONE Resultados del proyecto RAFUWARE Medición de la complejidad La complejidad de los procesos de flujo de material - derivada de una combinación de factores - es la que condiciona la gestión. El diseño de un almacén debería comenzar por analizar… factores que aumentan la complejidad La complejidad del almacén se calcula mediante el Warehouse activity profiling (Frazelle. 2002b) Líneas por orden Cantidad por línea Unidades de manipulación Número de referencias Resultados del proyecto RAFUWARE Rendimiento del almacén El rendimiento es el resultado de las actividades llevadas acabo en el almacén y se mide en términos de: 1 Productividad 2 Calidad de los pedios El rendimiento de un almacén puede mejorarse si se definen las operativas y los métodos correctos (Aminoff et al. 2002, Tompkins et al. 2010). Resultados del proyecto RAFUWARE Mejores prácticas de diseño físico y operativo Zonificar Estrategia de almacenaje Preparación agrupada Ambiente Inflamable Regular Alto valor Frío Basado en temperatura Peligroso Basado en composición química Valor regular o bajo Picking por pedido Picking list 1 = Pedido 1 Picking list 2 = Pedido 2 Picking list 3 = Pedido 3 ……. = ….. Picking list n = Pedido m Basado en valor Cliente 1 Cliente 2 … Cliente n Basado en clientes Familia 1 Familia 2 … Familia n Basado en familias Golden zone Silver zone Bronze zone Pedido 1 0 ----- X 0------- Y 0---- Z 0 --- Y 0 ------ Extracción agrupada Picking list 1 = Pedido 1 + Pedido 2 + ….. Picking list 2 = Pedido 3 + Pedido 4 + ….. Picking list 3 = Pedido 5 + Pedido 6 + ….. …….. = …… + ……. + …. Picking list n = Pedido n + Pedido m + … Basado en rotaciones Mecanizar o automatizar Ciclos combinados Ubicación 1 En carga Entrada En vacío Cross-docking A1 A B Ubicación 2 Salida C En carga A A2 B1 B2 B C1 C C2 C3 A1 A3 A2 B3 A3 Playas de expedición Congelado Playas de recepción Zonificación basada en rendimiento Zonificación basada en las características del producto Artículos C1 B1 A1 C2 B2 A2 C3 B3 A3 Resultados del proyecto RAFUWARE Recopilatorio de soluciones de diseño Complexity Lines per order: 100-1000; Volume per order (items per line): less than 10; Storage unit inventory (items): level 100-1000; Storage unit: unit. Lines per order: 100-1000; Volume per order (items per line): less than 10; Storage unit inventory (items): Complexity Complexity level 100-1000; Storage unit: unit. Lines per order: 100-1000; Volume per order (items per line): less than 10; Storage unit inventory (items): Reception level 100-1000; Storage unit: unit. Put-away Storage systems Reception Material handling equipment CROSS-DOCKING by order (NO STOCK AND NO MANIPULATION) Put-away Stock-holding level Storage systems Reception Material handling equipment CROSS-DOCKING by order (NO STOCK AND NO MANIPULATION) Material handling equipment CROSS-DOCKING by order (NO STOCK AND NO MANIPULATION) Stock-holding level RIDING VEHICLES STORAGE CROSS-DOCKING by article (NO STOCK BUT WITH MANIPULATION) solution Material handling equipment AUTOMATED VEHICLES RIDING VEHICLES Track load type WALKING VEHICLES FULL TRACK •Mono-destination •Multi-destination LESS-THANCONTAINER LOAD EXTERNAL WORKER Personnel and equipment outsourcing INTERNAL WORKER •Own handling equipment •Rented handling equipment (electronic– EDI) PRE-RECEPTION Personnel and equipment outsourcing Auxiliaries INTERNAL WORKER •Own handling equipment •Rented handling equipment PICKER TO PARTS •Conventional •Narrow aisle •Push-back •Dynamic ONE ZONE •One worker systems Storage •Various Personnel and equipment outsourcing MULTI-ZONE •Progressive •Synchronized INTERNAL WORKER •Own handling equipment •Rented handling equipment •Pallet truck •Hand truck •ReachStorage trucks •Pallet jack •Counterbalanced lift trucks units •Waking stacker •Order picker PALLET WALKING VEHICLES •Compact shuttle •AGVs CONTAINER RIDING VEHICLES •Conveyors •Cranes DIRECT O rder release BOX AUTOMATED VEHICLES EXTERNAL WORKER AUTOMATIC ONE ZONE •One worker •Various •Hand truck •Pallet jack •Waking stacker WALKING VEHICLES EXTERNAL WORKER CONTINUOUS DIRECT DISCRETE NO TECHNOLOGY AIDED DIRECTED PUT-AWAY INDEPENDENT (single command) INTERNAL WORKER •Own handling equipment •Rented handling equipment INFORMATIC Design- solution Commands Personnel and equipment outsourcing Shipping Loading Pattern Shipping Performance Performance REPACKAGING NEEDED INFORMATIC SAME SKU FOR RECEPTION RECEPTION AND INDEPENDENT STORAGE MULTI-ZONE •Progressive •Synchronized Repackaging REPACKAGING NEEDED SAME SKU FOR RECEPTION AND STORAGE Repackaging REPACKAGING NEEDED SAME SKU FOR RECEPTION AND STORAGE Commands Design- solution Design- Storage Repackaging Docks and zones scheduling EXTERNAL WORKER Docks and zones scheduling INTERNAL WORKER •Own handling equipment •Rented handling equipment (Packing list) MANUAL •S-shape •Return •Mid-point •Largest-gap •Combined HEURISTICS Storage PICKER TO PARTS •Conventional •Narrow aisle •Push-back •Dynamic Commands WALKING VEHICLES EXTERNAL WORKER Storage •S-shape EXTERNAL •Return WORKER •Mid-point •Largest-gap •Combined HEURISTICS Worker zone assignment •S-shape •Return •Mid-point •Largest-gap •Combined HEURISTICS •Pallet truck •Reach trucks •Counterbalanced lift trucks •Order picker •Compact shuttle •AGVs RIDING VEHICLES •Conveyors •Cranes AUTOMATED VEHICLES Material handling equipment TECHNOLOGY AIDED •Put-to-light mode •Pallet truck •Bar code Put-away DISCRETE PARTS TO PICKER •Hand truck KIT •ReachStorage trucks • RFID Material handling NO principles PRE-RECEPTION •Pallet jack •Various units •Counterbalanced lift trucks Personnel and RECEPTION •Families TECHNOLOGY equipment Auxiliaries •Waking stacker PALLET•Order picker UNIT DIRECTED JOINT PUT-AWAY AND (Packing list) INDEPENDENT •Turnovers AIDED equipment outsourcing WALKING VEHICLES CONTINUOUS •Compact shuttle INTERNAL PICKER TO PARTS PICKING (dual or EXTERNAL MANUAL •Safety PUT-AWAY •AGVs Auxiliaries WORKER CONTAINER COMBINED AUTOMATIC multiple command) WORKER RIDING VEHICLES UNIQUE ZONE INDEPENDENT •Clients FORWARD •Conveyors TECHNOLOGY AIDED DOCK AND •Own handling O rder release (single command) PICK AREA •Cranes DIRECT CLASS-BASED ZONES •Put-to-light BOX INFORMATIC equipment DEDICATED modeVEHICLES AUTOMATED •Balanced docks and •Bar code Put-away •Rented handling PARTS TO PICKER KIT (electronic– EDI) zones DISCRETE Storage systems • RFID Storage equipment CLOSEST OPEN LOCATION principles Material handling NO •Balanced PRE-RECEPTION Zoning •Families units Auxiliaries UNIT RECEPTION TECHNOLOGY RANDOM JOINT PUT-AWAY AND equipment equipment and DIRECTED PICKING •Turnovers PALLET Storage systems INDEPENDENT workers PICKER AIDED TO PARTS PICKING (dual or INDEPENDENT •Safety CONTINUOUS COMBINED FAMILY GROUPING PUT-AWAY Auxiliaries multiple command) CONTAINER UNIQUE ZONE FORWARD (single command) •Clients AUTOMATIC DOCK AND INDEPENDENT TECHNOLOGY AIDED PICK AREA FEFO, LIFO, FIFO criterion CLASS-BASED ZONES AUTOMATIC O rder release (single command) •Put-to-light BOX DEDICATED •Balanced docks and mode •Bar code Material handling Put-away CLASS-BASED zones PARTS TO PICKER PARTS TO PICKER KIT CLOSEST OPEN LOCATION • RFID SHIPPING Routing •Balanced equipment principles Zoning •AS/RS Storage strategy INDEPENDENT •Families RANDOM equipment and Auxiliaries UNIT •Miniload •S-shape PICKING OPTIMAL Storage systems JOINT PUT-AWAY AND •Turnovers workers •VLM •Return INDEPENDENT PICKER TO PARTS PICKING (dual or FAMILY GROUPING Stock-holding •Safety COMBINED •Mid-point •Carrousel (single command) Worker zone multiple command) AUTOMATED VEHICLES UNIQUE ZONE FORWARD •Clients CROSS-DOCKING by level DOCK AND •Shuttles •Largest-gap FEFO, LIFO, FIFO criterion assignment AUTOMATIC PICK AREA order (NO STOCK AND CLASS-BASED ZONES •Combined PICKER TO PARTS DEDICATED NO MANIPULATION) •Balanced docks and Material handling HEURISTICS CLASS-BASED Repackaging •Conventional PARTS TO PICKER MULTI-ZONE REPACKAGING zones SHIPPING CROSS-DOCKING by Routing RIDING VEHICLES equipment CLOSEST OPEN LOCATION •Narrow aisle •AS/RS •Progressive NEEDED •Balanced Storage strategy Zoning INDEPENDENT article (NO STOCK BUT •Push-back SAME SKU FOR •Miniload •Synchronized •S-shape RANDOM OPTIMAL equipment and WITH MANIPULATION) PICKING ONE ZONE Storage systems •Dynamic STORAGE AND •VLM •Return workers •One worker Stock-holding INDEPENDENT Track load SHIPPING FAMILY GROUPING •Mid-point •Carrousel Worker zone AUTOMATED VEHICLES •Various (single command) WALKING VEHICLES CROSS-DOCKING by level type •Shuttles •Largest-gap assignment STORAGE •Hand truck order (NO STOCK AND FEFO, LIFO, FIFO criterion AUTOMATIC •Combined FULL TRACK •Pallet truck Personnel and •Pallet jack PICKER TO PARTS NO MANIPULATION) Organization HEURISTICS Repackaging INTERNAL •Reach trucks (Packing list) EXTERNAL •Waking stacker •Mono-destination •Conventional equipment outsourcing MULTI-ZONE REPACKAGING CLASS-BASED PARTS TO PICKER LESS-THANWORKER CROSS-DOCKING by RIDING VEHICLES WORKER •Multi-destination WALKING VEHICLES •Counterbalanced lift trucks •Narrow aisle MANUAL •Progressive SHIPPING NEEDED Routing CONTAINER LOAD •AS/RS article (NO STOCK BUT •Own handling Storage strategy •Order picker Resources •Push-back SAME SKU FOR •Synchronized INDEPENDENT •Miniload WITH MANIPULATION) •S-shape BY ORDER UNIQUE ONE ZONE equipment OPTIMAL •Compact shuttle INFORMATIC •Dynamic STORAGE AND NO •VLM •Return •One worker STORAGE AND Track load •Rented handling (electronic– EDI) RIDING VEHICLES •AGVs EXTERNAL SHIPPING Stock-holding Shared Decisions Put-away BY ZONE SOFTWARE •Mid-point •Various PICKING ZONE •Carrousel WALKING VEHICLES Worker zone equipment type WORKER PRE-RECEPTION •Conveyors CROSS-DOCKING by level Storage - Picking STORAGE •Hand truck •Shuttles •Largest-gap assignment BY ARTICLE •Cranes INTERNAL order (NO STOCK AND FULL TRACK •Pallet truck Personnel and •Pallet jack •Combined WITH BASIC SOFTWARE Discrete replenishment •Pick-and-pass NO Organization AUTOMATED VEHICLES PICKER TO PARTS INTERNAL NO MANIPULATION) WORKER •Reach trucks (Packing list) EXTERNAL DISCRETE •Waking •Mono-destination (volume and loading equipment outsourcing Continuous replenishment Auxiliaries HEURISTICS Shared Decisions Reception - stacker Repackaging •Pick-and-sort LESS-THANTECHNOLOGY •Conventional WORKER MULTI-ZONE REPACKAGING Batching and WORKER •Own handling •Multi-destination WALKING VEHICLES •Counterbalanced lift trucks MANUAL pattern ) CROSS-DOCKING by •Sort-while-pick Shipping •Picking zone without storage CONTAINER LOAD AIDED •Narrow aisle •Progressive NEEDED •Own handling •Order picker equipment Resources sorting article (NO STOCK BUT •Navigation picking system •Picking zone with storage Material handling •Push-back SAME SKU FOR •Synchronized Personnel and BY ORDER UNIQUE equipment CONTINUOUS •Compact shuttle •Rented handling INFORMATIC WITH MANIPULATION) ONE ZONE WITH ADVANCE SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY AIDED •Dynamic equipment NO STORAGE AND STORAGE AND FORWARD PICK AREA equipment •Rented handling (electronic– EDI) RIDING VEHICLES •AGVs EXTERNAL •One worker equipment outsourcing Shared Decisions Put-away BY ZONE SOFTWARE SHIPPING (loading sequence and •Pick-to-light PICKING ZONE equipment WORKER PRE-RECEPTION •Various •Conveyors unloading time) Storage - Picking •Pick-to-voice BY ARTICLE STORAGE •Hand truck •Cranes INTERNAL WITH BASIC SOFTWARE Discrete replenishment Auxiliaries •Bar code •Pick-and-pass •Pallet truck Personnel and •Pallet jack NO AUTOMATED VEHICLES WORKER Picking zoning DISCRETE •RFID (volume and loading Continuous replenishment Organization Auxiliaries Shared Decisions Reception - stacker INTERNAL •Pick-and-sort •Reach trucks (Packing list) EXTERNAL •Waking TECHNOLOGY equipment outsourcing Batching and •Own handling pattern ) WORKER •Sort-while-pick Shipping WORKER •Picking zone without storage AIDED WALKING VEHICLES •Counterbalanced lift trucks MANUAL equipment sorting O rder release •Own handling •Navigation picking system •Picking zone with storage •Order picker Resources Material handling Loading CONTINUOUS •Rented handling Personnel and BY ORDER UNIQUE equipment WITH ADVANCE SOFTWARE •Compact shuttle mode TECHNOLOGY AIDED INFORMATIC FORWARD PICK AREA equipment Pattern NO STORAGE AND equipment outsourcing equipment •Rented handling (loading sequence and (electronic– EDI) RIDING VEHICLES •AGVs •Pick-to-light Shared Decisions Put-away BY ZONE SOFTWARE PICKING ZONE unloading time) equipment •Pick-to-voice PRE-RECEPTION •Conveyors Storage - Picking BY ARTICLE •Cranes Auxiliaries •Bar code WITH BASIC SOFTWARE Discrete replenishment •Pick-and-pass Picking zoning •RFID NO AUTOMATED VEHICLES DISCRETE (volume and loading Continuous replenishment Auxiliaries Shared Decisions Reception •Pick-and-sort TECHNOLOGY Batching and pattern ) •Sort-while-pick Shipping •Picking zone without storage AIDED O rder release sorting Loading •Navigation picking system •Picking zone with storage Material handling CONTINUOUS mode Pattern WITH ADVANCE SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY AIDED FORWARD PICK AREA equipment (loading sequence and •Pick-to-light unloading time) •Pick-to-voice Auxiliaries •Bar code Picking zoning •RFID STORAGE Personnel and equipment outsourcing (Packing list) MANUAL Docks and zones scheduling RIDING VEHICLES PARTS TO PICKER •AS/RS •Miniload Personnel and INTERNAL equipment outsourcing•VLM •Carrousel WORKER Worker zone •Shuttles •Own handling assignment equipment PICKER TO PARTS •Rented handling •Conventional equipment •Narrow aisle MULTI-ZONE •Push-back •Progressive •Dynamic •Synchronized ONE ZONE (electronic– EDI) Storage •One worker systems PARTS TO PICKER •AS/RS •Miniload •VLM •Carrousel •Shuttles Worker zone assignment PARTS TO PICKER •AS/RS •Miniload •VLM •Carrousel •Shuttles Routing OPTIMAL STORAGE Routing WALKING VEHICLES OPTIMAL WALKING VEHICLES AUTOMATED VEHICLES Put-away RIDING VEHICLES AUTOMATIC CROSS-DOCKING by article (NO STOCK BUT WITH MANIPULATION) CROSS-DOCKING by article (NO STOCK BUT WITH MANIPULATION) Storage systems AUTOMATED VEHICLES OPTIMAL AUTOMATIC AUTOMATED VEHICLES Stock-holding level Routing AUTOMATIC Shipping Performance Orderlines Picking Productivity: 100 lines/hour; Quality: 0,25%- 0,5% with errors O rder release mode Orderlines Picking Productivity: 100 lines/hour; Quality: 0,25%- 0,5% with errors Productivity: 100 lines/hour; Quality: 0,25%- 0,5% lines with errors Order Picking Resultados del proyecto RAFUWARE Ejemplo de solución de diseño Put-away Reception Storage systems Routing AUTOMATIC Material handling equipment CROSS-DOCKING by order (NO STOCK AND NO MANIPULATION) OPTIMAL Stock-holding level AUTOMATED VEHICLES Worker zone assignment CROSS-DOCKING by article (NO STOCK BUT WITH MANIPULATION) RIDING VEHICLES MULTI-ZONE •Progressive •Synchronized Storage STORAGE WALKING VEHICLES Personnel and equipment outsourcing (Packing list) MANUAL Personnel and equipment outsourcing • INFORMATIC (electronic– EDI) Storage systems Storage units PRE-RECEPTION RECEPTION INDEPENDENT Track load type KIT UNIT PICKER TO PARTS COMBINED DOCK AND ZONES •Balanced docks and zones •Balanced equipment and workers UNIQUE ZONE DEDICATED CLOSEST OPEN LOCATION RANDOM FORWARD PICK AREA MULTI-ZONE •Progressive •Synchronized STORAGE EXTERNAL WORKER Personnel and equipment outsourcing Organization (Packing list) MANUAL NO SOFTWARE Resources INFORMATIC WITH BASIC SOFTWARE (volume and loading pattern ) (electronic– EDI) PRE-RECEPTION Auxiliaries Shared Decisions Put-away Storage - Picking Shared Decisions Reception Shipping PICKER TO PARTS •Conventional •Narrow aisle •Push-back •Dynamic SAME SKU FOR STORAGE AND SHIPPING •Hand truck •Pallet jack •Waking stacker WALKING VEHICLES Personnel and equipment outsourcing INTERNAL EXTERNAL WORKER WORKER •Own handling equipment •Rented handling BY ZONE equipment BY ARTICLE •Pick-and-pass •Pick-and-sort Batching and •Sort-while-pick sorting •Navigation picking system Auxiliaries Shipping Routing •S-shape OPTIMAL •Return •Mid-point •Largest-gap •Combined HEURISTICS ONE ZONE •One worker •Various WITH ADVANCE SOFTWARE (loading sequence and unloading time) Loading Pattern Put-away principles JOINT PUT-AWAY AND PICKING (dual or multiple command) PICKING INDEPENDENT (single command) PARTS TO PICKER •AS/RS •Miniload •VLM •Carrousel •Shuttles Worker zone assignment CROSS-DOCKING by article (NO STOCK BUT WITH MANIPULATION) INTERNAL WORKER •Own handling equipment •Rented handling equipment TECHNOLOGY AIDED •Put-to-light •Bar code • RFID Material handling equipment DIRECTED PUT-AWAY INDEPENDENT (single command) AUTOMATIC CLASS-BASED CROSS-DOCKING by order (NO STOCK AND NO MANIPULATION) LESS-THANCONTAINER LOAD DIRECT NO TECHNOLOGY AIDED Storage systems Storage strategy Stock-holding level •Pallet truck •Reach trucks •Counterbalanced lift trucks •Order picker •Compact shuttle •AGVs RIDING VEHICLES •Conveyors •Cranes AUTOMATED VEHICLES Zoning FEFO, LIFO, FIFO criterion SHIPPING INDEPENDENT SAME SKU FOR RECEPTION AND STORAGE DISCRETE FAMILY GROUPING WALKING VEHICLES FULL TRACK •Mono-destination •Multi-destination EXTERNAL WORKER Auxiliaries •Families •Turnovers •Safety •Clients CLASS-BASED Repackaging REPACKAGING NEEDED •Hand truck •Pallet jack •Waking stacker WALKING VEHICLES O rder release mode BOX RIDING VEHICLES ONE ZONE •One worker •Various CONTINUOUS CONTAINER AUTOMATIC PARTS TO PICKER AUTOMATED VEHICLES PICKER TO PARTS •Conventional •Narrow aisle •Push-back •Dynamic PALLET Auxiliaries Material handling equipment INTERNAL WORKER •Own handling equipment •Rented handling equipment •S-shape •Return •Mid-point •Largest-gap •Combined HEURISTICS Commands Pocas líneas Mucha cantidad Muchas referencias Unidad de manipulación: Pallets EXTERNAL WORKER Docks and zones scheduling • • • INTERNAL WORKER •Own handling equipment •Rented handling equipment PARTS TO PICKER •AS/RS •Miniload •VLM •Carrousel •Shuttles UNIQUE STORAGE AND PICKING ZONE BY ORDER NO DISCRETE TECHNOLOGY AIDED TECHNOLOGY AIDED •Pick-to-light •Pick-to-voice •Bar code •RFID CONTINUOUS REPACKAGING NEEDED •Pallet truck •Reach trucks •Counterbalanced lift trucks •Order picker •Compact shuttle RIDING VEHICLES •AGVs Discrete replenishment Continuous replenishment •Picking zone without storage •Picking zone with storage FORWARD PICK AREA Picking zoning O rder release mode Order Picking Repackaging •Conveyors •Cranes AUTOMATED VEHICLES Material handling equipment Resultados del proyecto RAFUWARE Ejemplo de solución de diseño Put-away Reception Storage systems Routing AUTOMATIC Material handling equipment CROSS-DOCKING by order (NO STOCK AND NO MANIPULATION) OPTIMAL Stock-holding level AUTOMATED VEHICLES Worker zone assignment CROSS-DOCKING by article (NO STOCK BUT WITH MANIPULATION) RIDING VEHICLES MULTI-ZONE •Progressive •Synchronized Storage STORAGE WALKING VEHICLES Personnel and equipment outsourcing (Packing list) MANUAL Personnel and equipment outsourcing • • INFORMATIC (electronic– EDI) Storage systems Storage units PRE-RECEPTION RECEPTION INDEPENDENT Track load type KIT UNIT PICKER TO PARTS COMBINED DOCK AND ZONES •Balanced docks and zones •Balanced equipment and workers UNIQUE ZONE DEDICATED CLOSEST OPEN LOCATION RANDOM FORWARD PICK AREA MULTI-ZONE •Progressive •Synchronized STORAGE EXTERNAL WORKER Personnel and equipment outsourcing INTERNAL WORKER •Own handling equipment •Rented handling equipment Organization (Packing list) MANUAL NO SOFTWARE Resources INFORMATIC WITH BASIC SOFTWARE (volume and loading pattern ) (electronic– EDI) PRE-RECEPTION Auxiliaries Shared Decisions Put-away Storage - Picking Shared Decisions Reception Shipping PICKER TO PARTS •Conventional •Narrow aisle •Push-back •Dynamic SAME SKU FOR STORAGE AND SHIPPING •Hand truck •Pallet jack •Waking stacker WALKING VEHICLES Personnel and equipment outsourcing INTERNAL EXTERNAL WORKER WORKER •Own handling equipment •Rented handling BY ZONE equipment BY ARTICLE •Pick-and-pass •Pick-and-sort Batching and •Sort-while-pick sorting •Navigation picking system Auxiliaries Shipping Routing •S-shape OPTIMAL •Return •Mid-point •Largest-gap •Combined HEURISTICS ONE ZONE •One worker •Various WITH ADVANCE SOFTWARE (loading sequence and unloading time) Loading Pattern Put-away principles JOINT PUT-AWAY AND PICKING (dual or multiple command) PICKING INDEPENDENT (single command) PARTS TO PICKER •AS/RS •Miniload •VLM •Carrousel •Shuttles Worker zone assignment CROSS-DOCKING by article (NO STOCK BUT WITH MANIPULATION) LESS-THANCONTAINER LOAD TECHNOLOGY AIDED •Put-to-light •Bar code • RFID Material handling equipment DIRECTED PUT-AWAY INDEPENDENT (single command) AUTOMATIC CLASS-BASED CROSS-DOCKING by order (NO STOCK AND NO MANIPULATION) •Cranes AUTOMATED VEHICLES DIRECT NO TECHNOLOGY AIDED Storage systems Storage strategy Stock-holding level •Pallet truck •Reach trucks •Counterbalanced lift trucks •Order picker •Compact shuttle •AGVs RIDING VEHICLES •Conveyors Zoning FEFO, LIFO, FIFO criterion SHIPPING INDEPENDENT SAME SKU FOR RECEPTION AND STORAGE DISCRETE FAMILY GROUPING WALKING VEHICLES FULL TRACK •Mono-destination •Multi-destination EXTERNAL WORKER Auxiliaries •Families •Turnovers •Safety •Clients CLASS-BASED Repackaging REPACKAGING NEEDED •Hand truck •Pallet jack •Waking stacker WALKING VEHICLES O rder release mode BOX RIDING VEHICLES ONE ZONE •One worker •Various CONTINUOUS CONTAINER AUTOMATIC PARTS TO PICKER AUTOMATED VEHICLES PICKER TO PARTS •Conventional •Narrow aisle •Push-back •Dynamic PALLET Auxiliaries Material handling equipment INTERNAL WORKER •Own handling equipment •Rented handling equipment •S-shape •Return •Mid-point •Largest-gap •Combined HEURISTICS Commands Muchas líneas Poca cantidad por línea Muchas referencias Unidad de manipulación: Unidades EXTERNAL WORKER Docks and zones scheduling • • INTERNAL WORKER •Own handling equipment •Rented handling equipment PARTS TO PICKER •AS/RS •Miniload •VLM •Carrousel •Shuttles UNIQUE STORAGE AND PICKING ZONE BY ORDER NO DISCRETE TECHNOLOGY AIDED TECHNOLOGY AIDED •Pick-to-light •Pick-to-voice •Bar code •RFID CONTINUOUS REPACKAGING NEEDED •Pallet truck •Reach trucks •Counterbalanced lift trucks •Order picker •Compact shuttle RIDING VEHICLES •AGVs Discrete replenishment Continuous replenishment •Picking zone without storage •Picking zone with storage FORWARD PICK AREA Picking zoning O rder release mode Order Picking Repackaging •Conveyors •Cranes AUTOMATED VEHICLES Material handling equipment Agenda • • • • • Contextualización Proyecto RAFUWARE Resultados Tecnun Conclusiones Tecnun Resultados ITA (casos prácticos) • Caso1: Diseño de experimentos • Caso2: Combinación de algoritmos • Caso3: Equipos auto-organizados • Conclusiones ITA There is an enormous gap between the published warehouse research and the practice of warehouse design and operations (Gu et al. 2010) Particularly, the areas of storage assignment and routing appear to have matured the last decade. Few authors address combinations of the decision problems. Yet, this is necessary as there is obvious interdependency in their impact on the order picking objectives (R. de Koster 2007) … indicates that a significant need to integrate both approaches (analytical and simulation models) to achieve a greater flexibility in analyzing problems warehouse (Gu et al.2010). Caso 1: Diseño de experimentos • Análisis de la información disponible • Caracterización de los flujos • Cálculo de alternativas • Políticas de almacenamiento • Estrategias de preparación de pedidos Datos históricos Diseño de alternativas • Simulación: Evaluación de los efectos dinámicos • Diseño de experimentos (DOE) • Evaluación de las variables mas influyentes Configuración incial Simulación DOE Caso 1: Diseño de experimentos Analizar datos históricos “escuchar a los procesos” Realizar experimentos “preguntar a los procesos” Caso 2: Combinación de decisiones Métodos híbridos de toma de decisiones considerando varios problemas interrelacionados y adaptados a las condiciones del proceso. URGENCIA vs. EFICIENCIA Minimizar y equilibrar la carga de trabajo Acuerdos de nivel de servicio con clientes Equilibrio Caso 2: Combinación de decisiones 2a) Integración de algoritmos de optimización (ubicación, picking, dockassignment) para reducir los tiempos de espera. Caso 2: Combinación de decisiones 2b) Integración de sistemas de previsión de la demanda con modelado de procesos para la planificación dinámica de recursos. Previsión de la demanda Flujo de procesos Planificación Caso 3: Equipos auto-organizados Modelo “Bucket brigades” • ¿Cómo divido el almacén para minimizar recorridos y tener un equipo de trabajo equilibrado? Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 “Zone picking” ¿Que hago si tengo que incluir un nuevo operario? Caso 3: Equipos auto-organizados Modelo “Bucket brigades” • Operarios organizados en equipos , secuenciado de mas lento a mas rápido. Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 • Cuando termina un pedido, retrocede hasta que encuentra a su compañero anterior. Caso 3: Equipos auto-organizados Modelo “Bucket brigades” Zone 1 Zone 2 • Facilidad de aumentar o disminuir los recursos utilizados en la preparación de pedidos. • Fomentar el trabajo en equipo con objetivo común. Agenda • • • • • Contextualización Proyecto RAFUWARE Resultados Tecnun Resultados ITA (casos prácticos) Conclusiones Conclusiones Utilidad del modelos RAFUWARE O1. Crear un marco/modelo para el análisis y diseño de almacenes robustos, flexibles y adaptativos soportado en técnicas avanzadas de modelado y optimización. O2. Crear metodologías/herramientas para gestionar y planificar almacenes robustos, flexibles y adaptativos. O3. Validar mediante simulación en un laboratorio de pruebas el prototipo para ajustar y mejorar el marco/modelo y las herramientas asociadas. O4.Validar el marco/modelo y las herramientas asociadas mediante experimentación industrial. Conclusiones Utilidad del modelos RAFUWARE • En un mercado de comercio electrónico, la competitividad depende en gran medida de la eficacia y eficiencia de los procesos logísticos. • Una empresa que decida apostar por una estrategia de ecommerce deberá evaluar la necesidad de modificar sus recursos y operativas, ya que lo que funciona correctamente en un escenario tradicional puede no hacerlo en esas nuevas condiciones. Conclusiones Utilidad del modelos RAFUWARE • El marco/modelo RAFUWARE asiste durante el proceso de (re) diseño físico de almacenes, siendo una guía para seleccionar los recursos y operativas adecuados para los procesos de flujo de materiales… • …permitiendo obtener flexibilidad y adaptabilidad, dos atributos clave en un mercado donde el índice de variabilidad de la demanda es elevado Cómo afrontar los retos de los almacenes del futuro. Resultados del proyecto RAFUWARE Investigadores principales – Tecnun: Dra. Claudia Chackelson Dr. Javier Santos Colaboración - ITA : David Ciprés Miriam García
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