PROGRAM OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 18, 19 and 20 June 2014 DAY 1 - Wednesday, June 18th : Ferme du Buisson and Cité Descartes 9:00 am - 12:00 pm : Ferme du Buisson 9:00 am Registration 9:30 am - 10:00 am Welcome and introduction 10:00 am - 11:00 am First keynote speaker : Dr. Aisa Kirabo Kacyira, Assistant Secretary General and Deputy Executive Director, United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UNHabitat) : "The challenges and opportunities of urbanization for sustainable development 11:00 am - 11:20 am Coffee break 11:20 am - 12:20 pm Second keynote speaker : Stephen Graham, Professor of Cities and Society, Newcastle University : "Life-Support: The Political Ecology of Urban Air " 12:20 pm - 2:00 pm Lunch : la Ferme du Buisson 2:00 pm – 6.30 pm : Cité Descartes 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm PROGRAM PARALLEL SESSIONS (1) SESSIONS Chairman : Robert Chaskin Edward Goetz, University of Minnesota, “Social Housing Redevelopment in France and the U.S.: A Comparative Analysis” SPATIAL JUSTICE AND THE CITY » (SJC) 1: ACTION AND POLICIES TO TACKLE INEQUALITIES: POVERTY CHALLENGES ROOM B03 Nathan Marom, University of California, Berkeley, “Urban Strategies in India and South Africa: Inequality, Integration, Redistribution, Resistance” Robert Chaskin, The University of Chicago, “Contested space: Design principles and regulatory regimes in mixed-income communities replacing public housing complexes in Chicago” Narimah Samat, Suriati Ghazali and Khoo Suet Leng, Universiti Sains Malaysia, “Spatial inequality to urban amenities: investigating accessibility of low-income population in Penang island, Malaysia” Chairman : Ludovic Halbert, Université Paris-Est PRODUCTIVE CITIES, CREATIVE CITIES (PCC) 1 : URBAN REDEVELOPMENT AND URBAN IDENTITIES : INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCES ROOM B04 Giuliani Ilaria, Politecnico di Milano, “Towards the formation of new urban identities within creative areas. The cases of Long Island City in New York and of Zona Tortona in Milan”. Massimo Bricocoli, Paola Savoldi, Politecnico di Milano, “City making after the factory.Outcomes of a comparative research in Milan, Copenhagen and Hamburg” Carl Grodach, University of Texas Arlington, “Gentrification and the Artistic Dividend: The Role of the Arts in Neighborhood Change” Qicong He, Vanke, Huiwei Chen, University of Hong-Kong, “The role of Private Sector in Socio-spatial Re-structuring in Urban China: Practices of Urban Renewal in Guangzhou” Chairman : Jonathan Rutherford, Université Paris-Est CITIES AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY (CES) 1 : GOVERNING URBAN ENERGY AND CARBON ROOM B101 Arian Mahzouni, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, ”Discourses of transitions to low-carbon housing: Lessons from Stockholm and Freiburg” Anne Tauffen Wessels, University of Washington, “Carbon Routines: Examining GHG inventories and Climate Action Plans (CAPs) as actors in municipal governance” Laurence Rocher, Institut d’Urbanisme de Lyon, “Governing climate and energy at a metropolitan level. The case of Lyon (France)” Bruno Zanon, University of Trento, “Energy planning vs. urban planning. The recent Italian experience” Chairman : Christian Lefèvre, Université Paris-Est CITIES AND DEMOCRACY » (CAD 1): URBAN CHALLENGES, INSTITUTIONS, COOPERATION Heywood Sanders, University of Texas at San Antonio, “Plus ça change… continuity and change in Downtown development” James Smith, Indiana University South Bend, and Annika M. Hinze, Fordham University, “Policy success at the local level : multi institutional approaches to Governing contemporary US cities” 2 ROOM B102 Alessandro Balducci, Valeria Fedeli, Antonella Bruzzese, Politecnico di Milano, and Ivan Tosics, Metropolitan Institute Budapest, “Milan and Budapest : the contemporary city, spaces and questions of urban democracy and spatial justice” Federico Savini and Sebastian Dembski, University of Amsterdam, “What is political about institutions? The symbolic political dimension of the redevelopment of Amsterdam’s Northern IJ bank” Rob Atkinson, University of the West of England, and Cristiana Rossignolo, Politecnico and University of Turin: "The EU and Uurban development : time for a more ‘explicit’ EU urban Policy?" Chairman : Marta Lackowska, University of Warsaw Richard Morin, Université du Québec à Montréal, “Cities and spatial justice: the case of homelessness in public space” SPATIAL JUSTICE AND THE CITY (SJC) 2 ROOM B104 Pavel Pospech, Masaryk University, “Spatial justice at the mall: deviance and exclusion in the semi-public space of Czech shopping malls” Giovanni Laino, University of Naples, “The social division of space and the contemporary city: Immigrants in Naples between segregation and ambivalence. What is the relationship between housing and scholastic concentration?” SPECIAL SESSIONS Convened by Susanna Rosenbaum, Susanna Schaller and Alessandra Benedicty City University of New York S1 : A MULTI-FOCAL LENS ON CITIES AND BELONGING, LOS ANGELES, PORT AU PRINCE, WASHINGTON DC Susanna Rosenbaum, Susanna Schaller and Alessandra Benedicty, “The City College of New York, “Producing In/visibility in Los Angeles” ROOM B105 Susanna F. Schaller, The City College of New York, “Repossessing Washington, DC: Urban Restructuring, Citizenship, and Planning in the Capital City” Alessandra Benedicty, The City College of New York, “‘Leaving’ or ‘Staying’: The Flight of the Non-Citizen in Contemporary Haiti in Kettly Mars” Convened by Mustafa Bayirbag, Middle East Technical University S2 : CONTESTING AND REMAKING CITIES IN THE AGE OF AUSTERITYERITY ROOM B106 Mustafa Kemal Bayırbağ and Mehmet Penpecioğlu, Middle East Technical University, “Urban Geography of Alienation and Contestation: Dispossession of the middle class in the East” Mariona Tomàs and Marc Martí-Costa, Universitat de Barcelona, “Challenging Austerity Urbanism in Spanish cities” Monia Cappuccini, University La Sapienza (Rome, Italy), “Austerity and democracy: a local perspective from Exarcheia neighborhood in Athens (Greece)” Athina Arampatzi, University of Leeds, “From austerity neoliberalism to urban solidarity: exploring possibilities and constraints through the case of Athens, Greece” Convened by Gideon Bolt, Utrecht University S3 : URBAN DIVERSITY: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES (1) Sonia Arbaci, University Pompeu Fabra and University College London, “Area-based programmes and urban inequalities: challenging the early Barcelona model” 3 ROOM B06 Donya Ahmadi and Tuna Tasan-Kok, TUDelft, “Cosmopolitanism and perceptions of integration in Toronto: Exploring creative ways to welcome newcomers” Christine Barwick, Humboldt University and Research Institute for Urban and Regional Development Dortmund, “The networks of the ‘others’ - Influence of the neighborhood on the actual translation of ethnic minorities’ taste for diversity into diverse networks” Michele Lancione, UTS-CMOS and Cambridge University, “The micro-politics and micro-engineering of diversity among homeless people” Ronald van Kempen and Gideon Bolt, Utrecht University, Tuna Tasan-Kok, TUDelft/UCR, and Mike Raco, University College London, “The age of hyperdiversity” Convened by Nicola Headlam, University of Liverpool, and Camille Gardesse, Université Paris-Est S4 : RULES, ROLES AND REALITIES OF INTEGRATED URBAN DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS ROOM B07 Anoeska Buijze and Willem Salet, Marleen Van Risjswick, “How central interventions enable contextualized practices of sustainable development” Sebastian Dembski, Erik Louw and Bas Waterhout, “Multi-level coordination as an enabling condition for contextualisation : sustainable area development in Haarlemmermeer Westflank and Amsterdam IJburg” Camille Gardesse and Nicola Headlam, “Rules, roles and realities of Urban Development Projects , a UK-French comparison : "Europa City Project" in Triangle de Gonesse area (Pairs, France) and the "Airport Enterprise Zone" (Manchester, UK)” Wil Zonneveld and Erik Louw, “Bringing central regulation and local governance interaction together : the case of Markermeer-IJmeer Natura 2000 area” S5 : SHRINKING CITIES AS INCUBATORS FOR GREENING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY (1) ROOM C02 Convened by Sylvie Fol, Université Paris 1 and Helen Mulligan, Cambridge Architectural Research Ltd Florentin Daniel, “Super Downsize Me: shrinkage issues and the transformation of large urban technical systems in the Eastern part Germany” Mulligan Helen, “Renewables and regeneration in NW England” Paddeu Flaminia, “Encouraging planning innovations in Detroit” urban agriculture: land-use Schilling Joe, “Emerging Networks of Urban Greening NGOs in Shrinking Cities” Convened by Evert Meijers, Delft University of Technology S6 : SMALL AND MEDIUM SIZED CITIES AS DRIVERS OF GROWTH (1) ROOM C06 David Burgalassi and Sabrina Iommi, “Assessing the role of small and medium-sized urban systems in regional growth in Italy, 20012011” Rodrigo Cardoso, “Comparing the emergence of metropolitan regions around European second-tier cities” Michiel van Meeteren, Kobe Boussauw, Ben Derudder and Frank Witlox, “Flemish Diamond or ABC axis? The spatial structure of the Belgian metropolitan area” 4 Teodora Dogaru, “Structural funds in second tier cities as facilitators of local and regional development” Convened by Jeffrey Hou, University of Washington S7 : TRANSCULTURAL CITIES, PLACE MAKING AS A VEHICLE FOR UNDERSTANDING Felicity Chan, Max Planck Institute, "Spaces of Negotiation and Engagement in Multi-ethnic Ethnoscapes: the "Cambodian Town" Neighborhood in Central Long Beach, California" ROOM C07 Lorenzo Rinelli, University of California Education Abroad Program Rome Study Center, "Peripheralization and Other Roman Stories" Kimberly Schmit, the University of Utah, "Creating Political and Social Spaces for Transnational Community Integration" Vera Zambonelli, University of Hawaii, "Brazilian Restaurants and the Transcultural Making of Place in Tokyo, Japan" Convened by Oliver Dlabac, University of Zurich Discussant: Karsten Zimmermann, TU Dortmund S8 : THE DEMOCRATIC FOUNDATIONS OF THE JUST CITY (1) ROOM C104 Margaret Kohn, University of Toronto, “Enclosure or Exposure : The Right to Shelter in Informal Settlements” Daniel Weinstock, McGill University, “The Right to Housing as a Democratic Right” Danielle Gluns, University of Münster, “Urban Housing Policy and Social Inequality” Daniel Kübler and Philippe Rochat, University of Zurich, “New Regionalism and Territorial Inequalities: An Empirical Assessment in Swiss Metropolitan Areas” Presentation by: Darren Robinson, University of Nottingham, Scientific Advisory Board of JPI Urban Europe Panel Chair: Jonas Bylund, Management Board JPI Urban Europe S9 : JPI URBAN EUROPE 1 : EUROPEAN URBAN CHALLENGES Discussants: Professor Robin Hambleton, University of the West of England, Bristol Jens Dangschat, Technische Universitaet Wien ROOM C01 Darren Robinson, University of Notthingham Rob Kitchin, National University of Ireland, Maynooth; Advisory Board of JPI Urban Europe Scientific Cristina Pronello, Politecnico di Torino; Scientific Advisory Board of JPI Urban Europe 4:00 pm – 4 :20 pm Coffe break 5 4:20 pm - 6:20 pm PROGRAM PARALLEL SESSIONS (2) SESSIONS Chairman : Ana Fernandes, Federal University of Bahia SPATIAL JUSTICE AND THE CITY (SJC) 3 : ACTION AND POLICIES TO TACKLE INEQUALITIES : SEGREGATION CHALLENGES ROOM B03 Liliane Ferreira Mariano da Silva, Ana Almeida, Raphael Cloux, Silvia Carreira de Meneses Andrade, UNIFACS, “Overview of the urban space of Salvador city from the perspective of the transcon application” Lars A. Engberg, Jesper Rohr Hansen, Aalborg University Copenhagen, “Wicked problems and organizational learning strategies – the case of Copenhagen City Council” David Dewar, University of Cape Town, “Confronting urban inequalities : the case of South African cities” Jakob Hurrle, Charles University, Prague, “Poverty driven de-urbanization in the Czech Republic” Chairman : Ludovic Halbert, Université Paris-Est Yi Wen Wang and Xiangyi Wang, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, “Reindustrialising Shanghai with Culture and Creativity: Industrial Heritage Valorisation vis-à-vis Creative Industry Clusters Development” PRODUCTIVE CITIES, CREATIVE CITIES (PCC) 2 : BUILDING THE CITY : ASIAN EXPERIENCES ROOM B04 U-Seok Seo, University of Seoul, and Miree Byun, The Seoul Institute, “Policy Failure of Creative City Making in Seoul Metropolitan Government” Yu Min Joo, National University of Singapore, and Yeekuang Heng, National University of Singapore, “Mixed Blessings from Megaprojects in Building Creative Cities” Jie li, University of Hong-Kong, and L.H.Rebecca Chiu, University of HongKong, “From Utopian concept plan to mega-project-based planning: the changing planning strategies in Lingang New Town under local state entrepreneurialism” Chairman : Karsten Zimmermann, Technical University of Dortmund CITIES AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY (CES) 2 : CLIMATE AND CAPACITY: LOCAL ADAPTATION AND COORDINATION ROOM B101 Anna Lucia Britto and Paula Barbosa, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, “Climate change, urban and planning in Rio de Janeiro: discussing city’s adaptive capacity” Jasmin Boghrat and Meike Weber, Technische Universität, “Climate protection as coordinative challenge for local administrations” Jorg Kemmertzel and Anne Tews, Technische Universität, “Trans-local action and local climate-policy. Bridging the gap between globall aspiration and local implementation” Julia Nevarez, Kean University, “Resilient landscapes: facing changing climate in urban environments” Chairman : Camille Gardesse, Université Paris-Est Pawel Swianiewicz, University of Warsaw “Neighbourhood council as a path of political career development in Poland” CITIES AND DEMOCRACY (CAD) 2 : URBAN CHALLENGES : NEIGHBORHOODS, REGIONS Marjolein Spaans and Wil Zonneveld, Delft University of Technology, “Evolving regional spaces in the southern Randstad” David McGuiness, Northumbria University, “The demise of Regional planning in England : will the turn to localism and downscaling of planning disadvantage English cities ?” 6 ROOM B102 Getimis Panagiotis and Mario Reimer, ILS, “Rescaling Planning Power in European City-Regions : A comparative Perspective” Marta Lackowska, University of Warsaw, and Donald Norris, University of Maryland, “So near though so far? Factors impeding metropolitan reform in Poland and the US” Chairman : Paula Russel, University College Dublin SPATIAL JUSTICE AND THE CITY (SJC) 4 : RESIDENTIAL DYNAMICS ROOM B104 Yiguan Ma and Rebecca L.H. Chiu, The University of Hong Kong, “Understanding Spatial Injustice between Rural and Urban Sectors in SemiUrban Areas of China: Case study in Tianjin” Mandy Lau, University of Hong Kong, “Opposition to public housing in Hong Kong: why?” Joe Darden, Michigan State University, “Providing Spatial Justice to Residents of Detroit: America’s Largest Bankrupt City” Miree Byun, Joo Hun Lee, The Seoul Institute, “Social Integration and Community Rebuilding Project in Seoul Metropolitan Government” SPECIAL SESSIONS S10 : JPI URBAN EUROPE 2 : RESEARCH PRIORITIES Moderation: Margit Noll, Management Board JPI Urban Europe ROOM B105 Convened by Gideon Bolt, Utrecht University S11 : URBAN DIVERSITY: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES (2) ROOM B106 Thomas Maloutas, Nicos Souliotis, Giorgos Kandylis, Georgia Alexandri and Michalis Petrou, “Diversity-related urban policies in Athens during the crisis: between social order and solidarity” Mike Raco, Jamie Kesten and Claire Colomb, University College London, “‘The world in one city’ in an anxious nation: The divergence between national and city-wide policy discourses on ethnic and cultural diversity in the UK and London.” Alice Rossi, University of Milan, “Different social effects and perceptions of ethnic segregation in the governance of urban diversity: comparative analysis of case studies in Turin (Northern Italy ) and Amsterdam New West (the Netherlands)” Kadri Leetmaa, Adam Bierzyñski, Ewa Karolina Korcelli-Olejniczak, Szabolcs Fabula, Dániel Horváth, Katrin Grossmann, Annegret Haase and Anneli Kährik “Approaches in governing emerging urban diversities: the experiences of four post-socialist cities (Leipzig, Warsaw, Budapest and Tallinn)” Jan Vranken, University of Antwerp, “In which ways do the poor contribute to urban (super/hyper) diversity?” S12 : SHRINKING CITIES AS INCUBATORS FOR GREENING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY (2) ROOM B06 Convened by Sylvie Fol, Université Paris 1, and Helen Mulligan, Cambridge Architectural Research Ltd Buhnik Sophie, “How can Japan's shrinking suburbs remain sustainable? » Moraes Sergio, “Promoting demographic density reduction in urban flood risk areas in Brasil” Pallagst Karina, “From manufacturing to ’eds and meds’: What roles do place based substitute industries play in preventing the city of Kaiserslautern from shrinking?” 7 Convened by Evert Meijers, Delft University of Technology S13 : SMALL AND MEDIUM SIZED CITIES AS DRIVERS OF GROWTH (2) ROOM B07 Roberta Capello and Andrea Caragliu, “Agglomeration economies and urban dynamics: A macro-territorial approach to second-rank city performance” Frank van Oort, Stefan de Geus and Teodora Dogaru, “Related variety, unrelated variety and economic growth in medium-sized European urban regions” Martijn Burger, Marloes Hoogerbrugge and Evert Meijers, “Small and medium-sized cities borrowing size and function” Convened by Oliver Dlabac, University of Zurich Discussant: Robin Hambleton, University of the West of England S14 : THE DEMOCRATIC FOUNDATIONS OF THE JUST CITY (2) ROOM C02 Alexander Hamedinger, TU Wien, “The Limits to Metropolitan Governance Concerning Democracy: Relations between Different Forms of Metropolitan Governance and Social Exclusion” Oliver Dlabac, University of Zurich, “The Democratic Foundations of the Just City: Towards a Comparative Framework” Patrick Turmel, Université Laval, “A Democratic Assessment of Urban Public Spaces” Loren King, Wilfrid Laurier University, and Michael Blake, University of Washington, “Pluralism about Global Justice: Democratic Lessons for (and from) the Global City” Convened by Sabine Weck, Research Institute for Regional and Urban Development, Dortmund, and Christine Barwick, Sciences Po Paris S15 : ROLE AND RELEVANCE OF MIDDLE CLASSES IN MIXED NEIGHBORHOOD ROOM C06 Christine Barwick, Sciences Po, Paris, “The neighborhood as a safe space? Processes of place (dis)identification of upwardly mobile migrants” Magda Bolzoni, University of Turin, “The diversity that we love. Some reflections on the unstable balance between social inclusion, commodification and control of diversity in an upgrading neighborhood of Turin, Italy” Susanne Frank, University of Dortmund, “Middle-class families in German cities – paradoxes and ambivalences” Penelope Vergou, University of Thessaly, “Middle class (dis)affiliation processes and social diversity in Athenian mixed neighbourhoods” Sabine Weck and Heike Hanhoerster, Research Institute for Regional and Urban Development, Dortmund, “Middle Class Households in Mixed Neighbourhoods in Germany: Boundaries and Boundary Crossing” Convened by Sonia Guelton, Université Paris Est S16 : BUILDING THE CITIES FUTURES THROUGH URBAN REGENERATION Nikos Karadimitriou and Claudio De Magalhaes, University College London, and Roelof Verhage, Institut d’Urbanisme de Lyon, “Risk, Urban Regeneration and Public Policy Delivery in England, France and the Netherlands” ROOM C07 Jean-Marie Halleux, Université de Liège, “Urban regeneration and the limitation of transaction costs in Wallonia : the “urban remembrement” Alex Lord, University of Liverpool, “Cantos ciesta? Wieviel kostet es? Combien ça coûte? Quanto costa? How much is that? Navigating national differences using some (blind) behavioural economics” 8 Roelof Verhage, Institut d’Urbanisme de Lyon, and Sonia Guelton, University of Paris Est, “Land policy and urban regeneration: the effects of different public-private arrangements in France” S17: THE GLOBAL ALPHA TERRITORY: THE SUPER RICH AND THEIR PLACE IN CONTEMPORARY URBANISM Convened by Rowland Atkinson, University of York Rowland Atkinson, David Rhodes (University of York) and Richard Webber (King’s College London), “A profile of London’s alpha neighbourhoods” Bart Wissink and Ray Forrest, City University of Hong Kong, “The Alpha Territory in Hong Kong : An Inventory” Roger Burrows, Caroline Knowles and Luna Glucksberg, Goldsmiths University, “Public life in super-rich neighbourdhoods” ROOM C104 Rowland Atkinson and Tim Butler, University of York, “The plutocratic cloud : Super affluence and non-cosmopolitanism” 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm Cocktail in Paris : Pavillon de l’Arsenal DAY 2 - Thursday, June 19th : Cité Descartes 9:00 am - 1:00 pm : Cité Descartes Thursday June 19 – Morning 1 9:00 am – 10:50 am - Program Parallel Sessions (3) SESSIONS Chairman : Lauren Andres, University of Birmingham SPATIAL JUSTICE AND THE CITY (SJC) 5 : ENVIRONMENT AND POLLUTION ISSUES ROOM B03 Paulo Anciaes, University College London, “Using locally weighted regressions to model social inequalities in exposure to urban road traffic noise” Christian Binette, McGill University, Missing title Katrin Grossmann, Carsten Buchmann and Nina Schwarz, HelmholtzCentre for Environmental Research, “Energy costs, residential mobility, and segregation in a shrinking city” Jacob Norgiv Larsen and Jesper Ole Jensen, Aalborg University, “Urban shrinkage, an exploration into the relationship between structural versus cyclical movements” Chairman : Laurent Terral, Université Paris-Est PRODUCTIVE CITIES, CREATIVE CITIES (PCC) 3 : THE NEW ECONOMY : LOCATION AND ACTORS ROOM B04 Charles Ambrosino and Gilles Novarina, Université Pierre-Mendès-France, Rachel Linossier, Université Lyon 2, and Magali Talandier, Université Joseph Fourier, “After the technopolis, the creative metropolis? Grenoble, facing the XXIst century ” Simonetta Armondi and Matteo Bolocan Goldstein, Politecnico di Milano, “Urban space and geography of production in the 21st century: notes from Milan” Isabel Breda-Vazquez, Carlos Oliveira and Diana Silva, University of Porto, “Diversity and specificity: the spatial contexts of creativity of Porto Metropolitan Region, Portugal” 9 Sharifah Dawood and Khoo Suet Leng, Universiti Sains Malaysia, “Knowledge Intensive Business Services (KIBS) and Knowledge Workers in NCER Region of Malaysia: Mechanisms for the Corridor’s Economic Strength” Chairman : Daniel Florentin, Université Paris-Est CITIES AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY (CES) 3 : ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN FOR SUSTAINABLE CITIES ROOM B101 Luis de Castro Caturla, Universidad Camilo José Cela, Madrid, “Desurbanization a sustainable option for urban crisis” Joao Rafael Santos, Universidade de Lisboa, “Beyond the networked metropolis: tracing changes in urban infrastructure, public space and landscape in Lisbon and Tokyo” Soe Won Hwang, Seoul National University, “Utilizing Urban Void Spaces as Strategic Places for Sustainable Design” Matthew Bradbury, Unitec Institute of Technology Auckland New Zealand, “Waterfronts: Globalist development vs. localist ecology” Laura Reese, Michigan State University, and Erin Kracatovich, Indiana University South Bend, “Urban Deindustrialization and Eco-system Change: Comparative Policy Narratives of Roaming Dogs” Chairman : « CITIES, COSMOPOLITANISM, MULTICULTURALISM » (CMM) 1 : DEFYING ETHNIC SPACE : NEIGHBORHOODS, LABOR AND HOUSING MARKETS Derek Hyra, Virginia Tech, “Black Branding as an Urban Redevelopment Strategy: Reducing or Reinforcing Racial Stereotypes?” ROOM C07 Thibaud de Fortescu, Université Paris 8, “Socio-spatial segregation in the agro-industrial cities of El Ejido and Roquetas de Mar (Almería, Spain)” Sarah Feldman, Universidade de São Paulo, “Cosmopolitan Bom Retiro, São Paulo: mutant and selective ethnic Identity” Yohann Le Moigne, University of Paris 8, “Compton, A black city with a Latino majority: ethnic succession and race relations in a Los Angeles suburb” Chairman : Hubert Heinelt, University of Darmstadt Alanna Felt, McGill University, “Axis or allies ? The question of civic engagement in an ever-changing urban landscape” CITIES AND DEMOCRACY (CAD) 3 : MULTI-ACTORS ROOM B102 Burçu Ozdirlik, N. Arab and E. Vivant, Université Paris-Est, "Inhabitants, artists and urban planners: an unlikely encounter?" Bas Denters, University of Cape Town, “Left to their own devices : citizens initiatives and the viability of community self-governance” Peter Andreas Norn, Copenhagen Business School, “Urban Governance revisited : A theoritical framework for studying political leadership in the network society” Jesper Hansen and Lars Engleberg, Danish Building Research Institute, “Mediating the tension between control and self-organisation in the urban fringe : Danish planning interventions in post-industrial and suburban areas” Chairman : Lin Ye, Sun Yat Sen University SPATIAL JUSTICE AND THE CITY (SJC) 6: LOCAL POPULATION, LIVABILITY AND URBAN CHANGE Chiao Yen Yang, University of Washington, “Cultural resilience in Asian heritage sites: a study of Lijiang, China” Shammi Akter Satu and Rebecca L.H.Chiu, The University of Hong Kong, “Livalibility in the dense urban neighborhoods from residents’ perspective: a case study of Dhaka, Bangladesh” 10 ROOM B104 Civelek Cansu, University of Vienna, “An ethnographic inquiry into the branding strategies of Eskisehir, Turkey, and new social and economic inequalities” Silvia Aru, Francesca Governa and Marco Santangelo, Politecnico di Torino, “Smart cities, just cities?” SPECIAL SESSIONS S18 : POST METROPOLITAN CITIES, PROCESSES OF URBANREGIONALIZATION AND THE CONTEMPORARY URBAN QUESTION (1) ROOM B105 Convened by Valeria Fedeli, Politecnico di Milano Alessandro Balducci, Politecnico di Milano, “Building an Atlas of postmetropolis: methodological and critical challenges” Paolo Perulli, postmetropolis” Università del Piemonte Orientale, “Governing Giancarlo Paba, University of Florence, “Polynucleated city networks and geo-historical ‘textures’ in the post-metropolitan landscapes of Tuscany” Giovanni Laino, Federico II University, “Which post-metropolis from the South?” S19 : COMPARING LOCAL CITIZENSHIP IN CITY REGIONS, THE CITIZENS’ PERSPECTIVE (1) ROOM B106 Convened by Anders Lidström, Umea University Chair: Frank Hendriks, Tilburg University Commentator: Melanie Walter-Rogg, University of Regensburg Linze Schaap, Tilburg University, “Enhancing city region democracy” Daniel Kübler, University of Zürich, “Citizenship in the fragmented metropolis – an individual level analysis from Switzerland” Joan-Josep Vallbé, Mariona Tomàs and Jaume Magre, University of Barcelona, “Being metropolitan: the effects of individual and contextual factors on shaping metropolitan identity” Anders Lidström, Umeå University, “Territorial political orientations in two Swedish city-regions” Marta Lackowska, University of Warsaw, Lukasz Mikula, University in Poznan, “How metropolitan can you go? Citizenship in Polish metropolitan regions” S20 : SHRINKING CITIES AS NEW SPACES FOR CREATIVITY AND PRODUCTIVITY (1) ROOM B06 Convened by Karina Pallagst, University of Kaiserslautern and Emmanuèle Cunningham-Sabot, ENS, Paris Chair: Frank Hendriks, Tilburg University Commentator: Melanie Walter-Rogg, University of Regensburg Marie-Fleur Albecker, “Globalization and urban policies in Paris’ and New York’s first suburbs. From decline to revival?” Laura Schatz, “The influence of neoliberalism in the context of population decline: An analysis of planning strategies in Broken Hill, Australia” Ivonne Audirac, “Urban shrinkage in Latin America” Convened by A. Walliser, New York University S21 : COLLABORATIVE GOVERNANCE UNDER AUSTERITY (1) ROOM B07 Jonathan Davies, De Monfort University, “Collaborative Governance Under Austerity: The Case of Leicester” Ismael Blanco and Marc Parés, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, “Collaborative Governance Under Austerity: The Case of Barcelona” Ramón Canal, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, “Collaborative Governance Under Austerity: The Case of Lleida” 11 Rafa Ajandiz and Imanol Tellería, Universidad del País Vasco, “Collaborative Governance Under Austerity: The Case of Bilbao and San Sebastián” Madeleine Pill and Valeria Guarneros-Meza, University of Cardiff, “Collaborative Governance Under Austerity: The Case of Cardiff” Convened by E. d’Albergo, University La Sapienza S22: METROPOLITAN GOVERNANCE OF METROPOLITAN DEVELOPMENT (1) ROOM C02 E. Gualini and C. Fricke, Berlin University of Technology, “Berlin as (implicit) metropolitan space: contradictions of the institutional construction of sca J. S. Gross and J. Nelles, Hunter College of the City University of New York, “Interrogating the Region through Transport Networks: The Case of Lower Manhattan” B. Bon and L. Kennedy, EHESS, “Scalar politics in the construction of metropolitan Delhi. Examining shifting patterns of state engagement in mass transport and economic development” C. Lefèvre, Université Paris Est, “The governance of metropolitan development: introductory paper” B. Pizzo and N. Inwinkl, University of Rome, “Which metropolitan area? Top-down and bottom-up restructuring processes in Rome” S23 : SPATIALITIES OF COLLABORATION, EMERGING PRACTICES IN CREATIVE URBAN ECONOMIES ROOM C06 Convened by Peter Meyer, The Energy and Environment Project Peter B. Meyer, University of Louisville, NO TITLE Francesco Musco, University of Venice, NO TITLE Paul Nathanail, University of Nottingham, NO TITLE Ulrich Reuter, Urban Climate Office, Stuttgart, NO TITLE Person to be designated, ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability, NO TITLE Daniela Luise, City of Padua, NO TITLE 10:50 am - 11:10 am Coffee break Thursday June 19 – Morning 2 11:10 am – 1:00 pm : Program Parallel Sessions (4) SESSIONS Chairman : Jens Dangshat, Vienna University of Technology Sandra Huning, Dortmund University of Technology, “Gender inequalities in the urban context – An issue for inclusive urban planning?” SPATIAL JUSTICE AND THE CITY (SJC) 7 : MINORITIES Maria Jesús Rodríguez-García, Pablo de Olavide University, « Towards more women inclusive cities? The role of local women participatory councils in Spain”. ROOM B03 Kathleen Coll, University of San Francisco and Ron Hayduk, City University of New York, “Steps towards realizing democracy’s promise : immigrants voting rights in the U.S” Ravi Perry, Mississippi State University, “Minority Representation as Inclusive Strategy” Chairman : PRODUCTIVE CITIES, CREATIVE CITIES (PCC) 4 : Antonella Bruzzese, Politecnico di Milano, “Creative industries, “effects of place” and the role of public actor” 12 CREATIVITY AND PROXIMITY IN THE CITY ROOM B04 Juliana Martins, University College London, “Silicon Roundabout as a neighbourhood of digital production: functionality, territorial identity, and the expectation of encounter” Juan Vidaechea and Montserrat Pareja-Eastaway, Universitat de Barcelona, “U+3(i), spaces for the emergence and fertilization of creativity: the case of audiovisual festivals in Barcelona” Chairman : Rob Atkinson, University of the West of England CITIES AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY (CES) 4 : STRATEGIC SPATIAL PLANNING AND TOOLS FOR SUSTAINABILITY ROOM B101 Christophe Demazières and José Serrano, University of Tours, Ian Smith and Stephen Hall, University of the West of England, “How does strategic spatial planning balance ecological viability and economic development? Lessons from England and France” Aurélien Delpirou, Université Paris-Est, “Models of sustainable urbanization in the face of territorial legacies: some thoughts based on the case of Rome” Susse Georg, Aalborg University, “Sustainable cities – Competition, contestation and the performative role of sustainable planning tools” Maj Britt Quitzau, Naja Poulsen and Stig Hirsbak, Aalborg University, Ted Gustavsson, City of Malmö, “Transformative dynamics in detailed planning - sustainable solutions through strategic navigation rather than impositions?” Manuel Wolff, Annegret Haase, Helmohltz Center for Environmental Research, Dagmar Haase and Nadja Kabisch Humbolt University, “The linkages between urban re-growth and land use change: impacts for social and environmental sustainability” Katrin Grossmann and Annegret Haase, “Shrinking Cities and their potentials and trade-offs for achieving long-term sustainability: the examples of land use changes and energy efficiency" Chairman : Armelle Choplin, Université Paris-Est CITIES, COSMOPOLITANISM, MULTICULTURALISM (CMM) 2: PLANNING MULTICULTURAL SPACE ROOM B102 Yasminah Beebeejaun, Bartlett School of Planning, “Provincialising planning: ethnicity, place and power” Dalia Mukhtar-Landgren, Lund University, “Planning the multicultural City – conflicting Ideals of homogeneity and heterogeneity in urban planning” Pedro Gomes, Université Paris-Est, “Differing approaches to public space and the multicultural in the (re)making of a strategic place: Mouraria in Lisbon, Portugal (2007-present)” Gaia Testore, Arianna Santero and Rebecca Feinberg, Université Libre de Bruxelles, “How many Porta Palazzos are there? Conflicting representations and the social production of urban multiculturalism in Italy” Lisa Bornstein, McGill University, “Planning in translation: public participation, language and space in the reconstruction of 'divided' Cities” Chairman : Bas Denters, University of Twente CITIES AND DEMOCRACY (CAD) 4: CITIZEN PARTICIPATION ROOM B104 Inga Hajdarowicz, Jagiellonian University, “Does participation empower ? Example of women involved in participatory budgeting in Medellin” Juliet Carpenter, ENS Lyon, “Listening for « unheard voices »? Urban regeneration governance in France and the UK” Arturo Flores, University of Mexico, and Jo Howard, University of Bristol, “Democratising the neighbourhood in Bristol and Mexico City ?” 13 Paula Russell, University College Dublin, “Neighbourhood Responses to Economic Crisis” Grazia Concilio, Francesco Molinari and Emma Puerari, Politecnico di Milano “Rethinking activism : living labs and urban participation” Chairman : Edward Goetz, University of Minnesota SPATIAL JUSTICE AND THE CITY (SJC) 8: SEGREGATION 1 : ECONOMIC PROCESSES ROOM B105 Ken Chilton, Owen Furuseth and Kimberly Triplett, Tennessee State University, “Who Benefits from European Investment in a Mid-sized US City? The Bad News from Chattanooga, TN” Bill Randolph and Andrew Tice, University of New South Wales, “The suburbanisation of disadvantage in Australian cites: Socio-spatial polarisation in an era of Neo-liberalism”. Dylan Simone and R. Alan Walks, University of Toronto, “Predatory Finance in Canada? A View from the Marginalized”. Chairman : Vanessa Watson, University of Cape Town URBAN PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT AND SPATIAL JUSTICE Lina Olsson, Malmö University, “Urban Planning by Real Estate Development – the privatization of Swedish municipal Land and its democratic consequences” Jose Manuel Rodriguez Alvarez and Enrique Fanta Ivanovich, World Bank, “Improving tax management and fiscal justice in cities : the STAT tool for assessing the property tax management in Latin America” ROOM B106 Johanna Lillius, Aalto University, “Will we be urban then? Urbanity as a vision for Helsinki 2050” SPATIAL JUSTICE AND THE CITY (SJC) 9: Rosie Tighe and Joanna Ganning, Appalachian State University, “Equity Planning Approaches for Shrinking Cities: Perspectives from the US” SPECIAL SESSIONS Convened by Valeria Fedeli, Politecnico di Milano S24 : POST METROPOLITAN CITIES, PROCESSES OF URBAN REGIONALIZATION AND THE CONTEMPORARY URBAN QUESTION (2) ROOM B06 Camilla Perrone, Universita’ di Firenze, and Francesca Gelli, IUAV, “Venezia Post-metropolis and the governance question: exploration in the new regional cities of Venezia and Firenze” Valeria Fedeli, Politecnico di Milano, and Cristiana Rossignolo, Politecnico di Torino, “Post-metropolis and the governance question: explorations in Milan and Turin urban regions” Daniela De Leo, Universita’ Roma La Sapienza, and Camilla Perrone, Universita’ di Firenze, “Social and spatial segregation: inclusion and exclusion in some Italian post-metropolis case studies” Annalisa Giampino, Marco Picone and Vincenzo Todaro, Universita’ di Palermo, “From South to North: interpretive analysis about the postmetropolitan phenomena in marginal contexts S25 : SHRINKING CITIES AS NEW SPACES FOR CREATIVITY AND PRODUCTIVITY (2) ROOM B07 Convened by Karina Pallagst, University of Kaiserslautern and Emmanuèle Cunningham-Sabot, ENS Paris Tong Wu and Hae-Un Rii, “Gambling for More: Casino as Development Strategy for a Korean Shrinking Region” Simon Sanchez Moral, “Talent attraction and retention within the Spanish urban system: an exploratory analysis of creative workers trajectories in shrinking cities Marco Bontje, Annegret Haase and Dieter Rink, “Leipzig: the comeback city? Leipzig’s trajectory from shrinkage to regrowth and its policy implications” 14 Maxwell Hartt and Joshua Warkentin, “‘Revitalizing’ Shrinking Cities: A Twin City Comparison” S26 : SPATIAL JUSTICE IN CITIES : DIFFERENCE, CITIZENSHIP AND THE RIGHTS TO THE CITY ROOM C02 Convened by Claire Hancock, Université Paris Est – LABEX Urban Futures, Working Group “Justice, Space, Discrimination, Inequality” C. Hancock, UPEC, “Deprived neighbourhoods as « ordinary », the poor as the « real creative » : rethinking target areas of the Politique de la Ville” M. Samers, University of Kentucky, “Survival in the city: How young immigrants in France make a living in the absence of formal work” C. Lelévrier and A. Escafré-Dublet, Université Paris-Est Créteil, “Urban Policies in Paris: a City Response to Diversity?” S. Fol, Université Paris-1, and C. Gallez, LVMT, “Social inequalities in urban access: shifting from mobility to accessibility policies?” M. Drozdz, Université Lyon-II, and B. Lipietz, University College London, “Spatial justice and the London Olympics: whose 'convergence'?” Convened by A. Walliser, New York University S27 : COLLABORATIVE GOVERNANCE UNDER AUSTERITY (2) Rosa de la Fuente, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Julio Alguacil and Pedro Chaves, Universidad Carlos III, “Collaborative Governance UndeAusterity: The Case of Madrid” ROOM C06 María Velasco, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, and Andres Walliser, New York University, “Collaborative Governance Under Austerity: Cultural Policy and participation in Madrid” Steve Griggs, De Montford University, and David Howard, University of Essex, “Collaborative Governance Under Austerity: The Case of Nantes” Eleni Triantafyllopoulou, John Sayas and Dimitris Poulos, National Technical University of Athens, “Social networks and the future of the city. Reclaiming Αthens in an era of economic crisis” Joao Seixas, Universidade de Lisboa, “Collaborative Governance Under Austerity: The Case of Lisbon” Convened by Ernesto D’Albergo, University La Sapienza S28 : METROPOLITAN GOVERNANCE OF METROPOLITAN DEVELOPMENT (2) ROOM C07 Ernesto d’Albergo and G. Moini, University of Rome, “The ambiguous «metropolitan» development of Rome: the role of political and economic factors” Camille Gardesse and Christian Lefèvre, Université Paris Est, “The Greater Paris project: State, economic actors and civil society” Lin Ye, Sun Yat-Sen University, “Constructing the new metropolitan center in Shenzhen, China: The Link between state and firms” Y. Demirkaya, Marmara University, “The Dynamics of Istanbul Metropolitan Development: The Role of Big Scale Projects and Private Sector” Luiz Cesar de Queiroz Ribeiro, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, and N. Rojas de Carvalho, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, “Rio de Janeiro ´s megaevents: a case of urban development at odds with the metropolis” 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm Lunch : Cité Descartes - Ecole des Ponts ParisTech 15 2:30 pm - 6:30 pm : Cité Descartes Thursday June 19 - Afternoon 1 2.30 pm – 4.20 pm : Program Parallel Sessions (5) SESSIONS Chairman : Ivan Tosics, Metropolitan Research Institute SPATIAL JUSTICE AND THE CITY (SJC) 10 – SEGREGATION 2 : Chihsin Chiu, Fu Jen Catholic University, “Building a Green Fortress? Rethinking planning and design strategies of New Jiancheng Circle in Taipei” SOCIAL PROCESSES Paul Jargowsky, Rutgers University, “Changes in Segregation by Race and Class: the Implications for Schools”. ROOM B03 Nadja Kabisch and Dagmar Haase, Humboldt-Universität, “Urban green space provisioning in Berlin, Germany – Challenges and opportunities of equal access to sustainable urban green spaces” Chairman : Lauren Andres, University of Birmingham PRODUCTIVE CITIES, CREATIVE CITIES (PCC) 5 : ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT POLICIES ROOM B04 Gilles Crague, Ecole des Ponts Paris Tech, “Economic spaces and the City : strategic places for which strategic players?” Carola Fricke, Technical University of Berlin, “The ‘city’ is the new ‘region’: Metropolitan areas in European urban policies” Karsten Zimmermann, Technical University of Dortmund, “Seeking the cooperative advantage of polycentric metropolitan regions?” Stefanie Dühr, Radboud University Nijmegen, “EU macro-regional strategies: the role of cities in complex multi-level governance arenas” Nabil Mehem, Politecnico di Milano, “Branded cities, global places, and sharing the cost of Globalization” Chairman : Olivier Coutard, Université Paris-Est CITIES AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY (CES) 5 : POLITICS AND PRACTICES OF URBAN SUSTAINABILITIES ROOM B101 Nufar Avni, Mc Gill University, “Sustainability contested- the tensions between global trends, resident choices and local politics: a case study of Beer Sheva, Israel” Cyria Emelianoff, Université du Maine, “Local governments in economic or ecological globalization? Revisiting "sustainable urban development"” Laura Fregolent and Carla Tedesco, University of Venice, “Sustainability in practice: insights from some Veneto region urban areas” Chiara Marchionni, University of Study of L'Aquila, “Sustainable networks in the rehabilitation of small towns. The case of Abruzzo Region, Italy” Josephine Gatti Schafer, Kansas State University, “City Capacity or Green Strategy: Explaining the adoption of green practices in cities?” Chairman : Angeline Escafré-Dublet, Sciences Po Paris CITIES, COSMOPOLITANISM, MULTICULTURALISM (CMM) 3: Paola Briata, University College London, “ “Diversity” in the London Plan: Rhetoric of cosmopolitan urban space in the face of everyday multiculturalism” IMPLEMENTING DIVERSITY Margaret Haderer, University of Toronto, “Canada From the Rights of the City to the Right to the City: Struggles for Visible Places of Worship as Struggles for Emancipation? The case of Mosque Construction in Toronto and Vienna. » 16 ROOM B102 Jens S. Dangschat, Vienna University of Technology, “ ‘Integration of Diversity’ – Politically Nice to Have, but Difficult to Implement” Yun mi Lee, Politecnico Milano, “ “Ex-changing”: re-identification of urban slum and slum improvement project by case study of Kolkata in India” Samuel Obadiah, University of Jos, “Contested Cities in Northern Nigeria: A Reflection on the City of Jos” Chairman : Lin Ye, Sun Yat Sen University CITIES AND DEMOCRACY (CAD) 5 : PRIVATIZATION, NEO LIBERALISM AND DEMOCRACY ROOM B104 Burçu Ozdirlik, Université Paris-Est, “Civic society as regulating body : resistance as a means to power” Claudia Petrescu, Garland S. Doyle, “Can Democracy and Community Development Continue in Cities During a State Takeover ? Lessons Learned from two American Cities” Mike Raco, University College London, “Privatising Democracy ? The Transformation of Local State-Market Relations in Urban Governance” Clemente J. Navarro and Maria Jesús Rodríguez-García, Pablo de Olavide University, “The contextual character of urban democracy : the effects of local political culture on citizen participation” Declan Redmond, University College Dublin, “Re-Casting Planning in the Republic of Ireland after the Crash : Governance and Local Democracy in the Dublin Region” Chairman : Rob Atkinson SPACIAL JUSTICE AND THE CITY” (SJC) 11 : Aurélie Delage, Université Lyon 2 / Hunter College, “A River Runs Through It”. Community Organizations reclaiming Access to the Waterfront by Deconstructing an Expressway in the Bronx (NYC)” DEMOCRATIC CHALLENGES Anna Domaradzka, University of Warsaw, and Filip Wijkström, Stockholm University, “New Urban Movement as an Emerging Field: Case of Poland” ROOM B105 Sergio Franco, Barcelona University, “Participatory Budgeting: the global spread of a local inclusive practice?” Robin Hambleton, University of the West of England, “Leading the inclusive city – international lesson-drawing for future urban governance”. SPECIAL SESSIONS Convened by Joseph Schilling, Metropolitan Institute, Virginia Tech S29 : REMAKING FRENCH AND AMERICAN CITIES IN TRANSITION ROOM B106 Charles Kolb and Emma Archer, French American Foundation, “The Promise and Power of Professional Exchanges—Lessons from the French American Foundation’s Sustainable Cities Initiative” Joseph Schilling, Virginia Tech, “The Greening of Cities - Eco City Examples from French American Foundation’s Study Tour Year Two” Pierre Lefevre, Journalist, “Telling the Story of Sustainable Cities Reflections from the French American Foundation’s Study Tour Year One” 17 Convened by Lauren Andres, University of Birmingham S30 : CITY FUTURES AND REGENERATION ECONOMY ROOM B06 John Bryson, University of Birmingham, “Regeneration Transforming People, Place and Production” Economies: Lauren Andres, University of Birmingham, “Can we learn from the past or start from scratch? Rethinking cities’ futures in a regeneration context” Jennifer Clark, Georgia Institute of Technology, “Regeneration by Design: The Rise of Regional Intermediaries and the Reemergence of Collective Action” Chloe Billing, University of Birmingham, “Rockets, Satellites and Drones: The Emerging Economic Geographies of British Space Manufacturing Jacob Salder, University of Birmingham, “Firm connections on the urban edge: regional renaissance through the firm-based territorial and relational” Convened by Enrico Gualini, Berlin University of Technology S31 : URBAN CONTENTION AND CONFLICT: DEMOCRATIC, EMANCIPATORY – AND TRANSFORMATIVE? CONTRIBUTIONS TO A PROGRESSIVE RESEARCH AGENDA ROOM B07 Enrico Gualini, Berlin University of Technology, “Urban contention and conflict in urban policy and planning: democratic, emancipatory – and transformative?” Lia Vasconcelos and Helena Farrell, New University of Lisbon, João Mourato, University of Lisbon, “Framing conflict as an interpretative tool in policy analysis” Francesco Lo Piccolo, Annalisa Giampino and Vincenzo Todaro, University of Palermo, “Making the invisible conflicts visible: for a progressive planning research agenda in Palermo” Hendrik Wagenaar, University of Sheffield, and Marco Allegra, University of Lisbon, “Conflict and governance in urban settings” S32 : URBAN WATER MANAGEMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY COMPARATIVE APPROACH BETWEEN NORTH AND SOUTH COUNTRIES (1) Convened by Ana-Lucia Britto, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, and Bernard Barraqué, Cemagref Luisa Smith, Universidade de Lisboa, NO TITLE Davi Sauri and Hug Marc, Universitàt Autonoma de Barcelona, NO TITLE Rosa Formiga, Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro, NO TITLE ROOM C02 Convened by Jonathan Davies, De Montfort University S33 : URBAN GOVERNANCE UNDER AUSTERITY, COMPARATIVE INSIGHTS FROM AFRICA, EUROPE AND THE USA ROOM C06 Jill Simon Gross, Hunter College, CUNY, “Migrant Integration and the Urban Crisis: A New Rhetoric for A New Reality” Chris Thornhill, University of Pretoria, “African cities: Challenges and Prospects” Madeleine Pill, Cardiff University, “Embedding in the City: the Role of Philanthropic Foundations in Urban Governance” Beth Perry, University of Salford Manchester, “Governing Crisis or a Crisis of Governance? Practices in the Post-Industrial City” 18 Convened by Jan Erling Klausen, NIBR, Norway S34 : GOVERNANCE OF URBAN SUSTAINABILITY TRANSITIONS (1) ROOM C07 Nancy Holman, E. Pani and Hege Hofstad, “The governmentality of higher density development in England and Norway” Jan Erling Klausen, Ove Langeland and Marte Winsvold, “The role of knowledge and knowledge transfer for climate adaptation” Marit Ekne Ruud, “Social cohesion and social differentiation as strategy in sustainable urban development” Gro Sandkjær Hanssen and Hege Hofstad, “Balancing competing concerns in compact city development – what concerns are losing?” Convened by Anna-Lisa Muller, University of Bremen S35 : THE CREATIVE CLASS AS MOBILE URBAN WORKERS ROOM C104 Anna-Lisa Müller, University of Breme, “Introducing the session's topic” Shelly Ronen, New York University, “Redesigning Difference: Paradox, Displacement and Gender Renewal in Designer Subjectivities” Jinliao He, University of Heidelberg, “The rapid rise of creative workers in Shanghai” Jörg Plöger, Research Institute for Regional and Urban Development Dortmund, “Without a trace? Highly-mobile skilled migrants and urban development” S36 : COMPARING LOCAL CITIZENSHIP IN CITY REGIONS, THE CITIZENS PERSPECTIVE’ (2) ROOM C01 Convened by Anders Lidström, Umea University Commentator: Daniel Kübler, University of Zürich Frank Hendriks and Linze Schaap, Tilburg University, “Good urban governance: how about city regions?” Mariona Tomàs, Joan-Josep Vallbé and Jaume Magre, University of Barcelona, “Exploring metropolitan identity. The case of Barcelona” Christine Hudson, Umeå University, “Left holding the baby or bringing the bacon home jointly. The gendered consequences of regional enlargement and increased commuting” Niklas Eklund, Umeå University, “Governing city-regions: the citizens’ perspective” Melanie Walter-Rogg, University of Regensburg, “Political Legitimation at the Regional Level - Knowledge and Feelings of Metropolitan Citizens in the Case of Stuttgart” 4:20 pm - 4:40 pm Coffee break 19 Thursday June 19 - Afternoon 2 4:40 pm - 6:30 pm - Parallel Sessions (6) SESSIONS Chairman : PRODUCTIVE CITIES, CREATIVE CITIES (PCC) 6 : Bart Sleutjes, University of Amsterdam, “Stated residential preferences of highly-skilled migrants in The Netherlands” RESIDENTIAL LOCATION OF HIGHLY SKILLED WORKERS Willem Boterman, University of Amsterdam, “Assessing the role of cultural capital in the differentiation of stated preferences of high skilled workers in Amsterdam and Eindhoven” ROOM B03 Cathy Yang Liu, Georgia State University, “The Geographic Location and Mobility of Immigrant Entrepreneurs in US Cities” Clément Barbier, Université Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis, “Negotiating through newspeak. Policies of attractiveness in stigmatized urban areas in the Northern France” Chairman : Florine Ballif, Université Paris-Est Créteil CITIES, COSMOPOLITANISM, MULTICULTURALISM (CMM) 4: REPRESENTATIONAL SPACE ROOM B04 Clifford D. Deaton, University of Illinois, “Public Art and Community Development in Albany Park, Chicago” Martin Power and Eoin Devereux, University of Limerick, “Diversity through Creativity: Making Soundscapes, Activating Critical Citizens (A Case Study from LimerickSoundscapes)” Gary Gumpert, Peter Haratonik and Susan Drucker Urban Communication Foundation, “Communicative Infrastructures of the Globalized City” Renata Inês Burlacchini Passos da Silva Pinto and Michele Meneses de Amorim, Universidade Federal da Bahia, “Urban Narratives: The place of the speech in the construction of the urban space” SPECIAL SESSIONS S37 : RETHINKING HIGH RISE GEOGRAPHIES ROOM B101 Convened by Igal Charney, University of Haifa and Gillad Rosen, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Maria Kaika, University of Manchester, “Architecture as radical imaginary: the fall of the icon and the rise of the serial object of architecture” Gillad Rosen, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, “Condo-builders and Toronto’s changing cityscape” Igal Charney, University of Haifa, “A Manhattan super-tall skyscraper went astray? How One World Trade Center eclipsed the Freedom Tower” S38 : URBAN WATER MANAGEMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY COMPARATIVE APPROACH BETWEEN NORTH AND SOUTH COUNTRIES (2) ROOM B102 Convened by Ana-Lucia Britto, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, and Bernard Barraqué, Cemagref France Franck Poupeau, CNRS-Université de l’Arizona, NO TITLE Jorge Gironas Leon, Universidad Católica de Chile, NO TITLE Mathilde Gralepois, Université de Tours, NO TITLE Jens Libbe, German Institute of Urban Affairs, NO TITLE 20 Convened by Jan Erling Klausen, NIBR, Norway S39 : GOVERNANCE OF URBAN SUSTAINABILITY TRANSITIONS (2) ROOM B104 Trond Vedeld, “Multi-level governance, climate change and flooding in urban Africa” Jørn Holm-Hansen, “Adaptation to climate change in Russian cities – overcoming hierarchy and sectoralism?” Roar Samuelsen, “Building the Future – The Norwegian FutureBuilt Programme as a Case of Urban Sustainability Transition” Hege Hofstad, Inger-Lise Saglie and Helge Renå, “What is the condition for creating sustainable transition through urban planning?” Convened by Nik Luka, Mc Gill University S40 : TAMING MEGA PROJECTS Gross, Mueller, “Strategies, tactics and outcomes in the struggle for community benefits agreements: U.S. and Canadian experiences” ROOM B105 Belanger, Bornstein, Gauthier, Panneton, Pearl, “Community benefits and collaborative processes: a comparative study of the participation of local actors in the design of two Montreal super hospotals” Felt, Valladares, “Development agreements in Montreal: cityplanners as negotiators of community benefits” Elsworthy, Felt, Kraemer, Lambton, Luka “Multi-stakeholder planning processes as a route to sustainable communities in Montreal : Ville St Marie, Marconi, Alexandra and Ville St Pierre” Vandermeulen, Zaki, Bornstein, “Planning contentious projects upstream (‘en amont”): the OCPM’s multi-stakeholder processes a conflict, conciliation or consensus”. Convened by Carol Camp Yeakey, Washington University S41 : AMERICA’S URBAN DIVIDE : STUDIES IN SOCIAL POLARIZATION AND INEQUALITY OR TALES FROM THREE CITIES ROOM B106 S42 : WHITHER LEFT COAST PROGRESSIVISM? ROOM B06 Carol Camp Yeakey, Washington University in Saint Louis, “Redevelopment and Gentrification in Two of America's Alpha Cities: Case Studies of Social Polarization and Inequality in Chicago and New York” Rodney K. Hopson, George Mason University, “The Steel City (Pittsburgh Pennsylvania): What Works and For Whom in 'America's Most Livable City?'” Judith Brooks Buck, Virginia State University, “Spatial Justice and Inequality in Washington, D.C.: Coexisting in the Parallel Contexts of Segregated Sectors” Submitted by Rachel Brahinsky and Keally McBride, University of San Francisco Rachel Brahinsky, Assistant Professor, Urban Affairs, University of San Francisco Keally McBride, Associate Professor, Politics, University of San Francisco Jon Zarobell, Assistant Professor, International Studies, University of San Francisco Tanu Sankalia, Associate Professor, Art and Architecture, University of San Francisco Richard Walker, Professor Emeritus, Geography, University of California, Berkeley 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm EURA General Assembly AUDITORIUM BEA (AISLE A) 21 DAY 3 - Friday, June 20th : Ferme du Buisson and Marne-la-Vallée 9:30 am 9:30 am - 11:30 am 1:30 pm : Ferme du Buisson Roundtable and discussion : International exchange of views on thinking, planning and living the city Discussant : Mustafa Dikeç, Université Paris-Est Participants : Vanessa Watson, School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics, African Centre for Cities, University of Cape Town, South Africa Aromar Revi, Director Indian Institute for Human Settlements, Bangalore, India Robin Hambleton, Professor, University of the West of England, United Kingdom Susan E. Clarke, Professor, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA 11:30 am - 12:00 pm Farewell : EURA UAA 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm Lunch : la Ferme du Buisson 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm Tours Marne-la-Vallée Environment and Landscape Urban innovations Urban planning and Tourism Architecture and history of the New Town 22 Address of the international conference La Ferme du Buisson Address : Scène nationale de Marne-laVallée Allée de la Ferme 77186 Noisiel Cité Descartes - Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée University Paris-Est Marne-laVallee Address : Bois de l'Etang - 5 Bd Descartes - Champs sur Marne - 77455 Marne-laVallée Cedex 2 Rooms : Aisle A : Auditorium BEA Aisle B : Ground Floor : B03 B04 B06 B07 First Floor: B101 B102 B104 B105 B106 Aisle C : Ground Floor: C01 C02 C06 C07 First Floor: C104 23 Ecole des Ponts ParisTech Address : Salle Le NADIR 6/8 av. Blaise Pascal Champs sur Marne - 77455 Marne-la-Vallée Cedex 2 Place for lunch June 18th 24
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