Updated progressive lens design By Eric Tam, Registered Optometrist (Part 1) BSc (Hons) in Optometry 1 Introduction Optics related to eye anatomy Innovation on lens design Role play with your customers 2 You should know this book. Ophthalmic Lenses AND Dispensing Author: Mo Jalie 3 Courtesy of Butterworth Heinemann??? Book Recommendation Modelling the Eye on the Prescription b. Center of Rotation c. Retinal Curvature a. Eye length : +8.00 D. -12.00 D. Plano Axial Ametropia? 4 28 20.5mm 23 mm Eye Scan Analysis Hyperopia 5 Myopia A. Eye length varies up to 30% A 30,00 Axial length (mm) 28,00 26,00 24,00 Eye length measurement according to eye correction 22,00 20,00 -10,00 -8,00 MYOPE 6 -6,00 -4,00 -2,00 18,00 0,00 Amétropia (dpt) 2,00 4,00 6,00 HYPEROPE Modeling from Prescription B. The Center of Rotation B . 7 .. c. The retinal curvature Equatorial Radius mm C Scan and MRI allow also to analyse the retina curvature according to the prescription. Axial Length mm 8 The position of the centre of rotation influences fields of vision A longer eye (myope) sweeps a broader area 9 Myope Hyperope The position of the centre of rotation influences fields of vision Myope Hyperope 10 The length and the curvature of the eye influence Swim Effect A shorter eye (hyperope) needs a softer surface to compensate a higher density of aberrations in the peripheral area 11 The length and the curvature of the eye influence Swim Effect 12 Innovation on lens design You should know this lens manufacturer. 13 EVOLIS : accounting prismatic effect A dedicated design for each presbyope family Takes into account the Lp 10.4 mm prismatic effects Myopia Emmetropia Lp 11.5 mm Hyperopia Lp 12.2 mm EVOLIS 14 Ametropia EVOLIS Vertical Prismatic effect Base UP Hyperopes look further down 15 Base Down EVOLIS Horizontal Prismatic effect Base IN Hyperopes look further inwards 16 Base OUT EVOLIS RE Lp 10.4 mm Lp 11.5 mm Lp 12.2 mm Prismatic Effects 17 World Class Progressives PERSONALISATION SOPHISTICATION EVOLIS® UNIVERSAL iPAL Series 18 APTIVE® SHORT FIT® RANGE ENTRY-LEVEL MID-RANGE HIGH PREMIUM goes further on individualisation thanks to BBGR Biometric TechnologyTM The first lens that adapts to the Eye’s Anatomy 19 ANATEO vs EVOLIS 20 Anateo’s Success Factors ANATEO Lp 10.4 mm Lp 11.5 mm Lp 12.2 mm EVOLIS 21 ANATEO Ametropia EVOLIS Ametropia Eye Anatomy An individualised conception 22 Softer Surface Wider field of Sharp Vision For short eyes (hyperopes) For long eyes (myopes) Anateo : Proven performance with wearer test Wider Fields of Vision More Comfortable with reduced Swim Effect Faster adaptation due to quicker & more accessible discovery of Visual space 100% 80% 60% 23% 0% 23 Few hours 27% 40% 20% 22% 43% Traditional PALs 57% 66% Evolis Anateo Immediate Anateo : Proven performance in the market 2.4% 21.9% 75.8% 3.8% 20.0% 76.2% 4.0% 22.4% Far Vision Near vision 73.6% Mid-distance 77.9% 5.5% 19.9% Wearer moving 0% 20% 40% Worst 24 60% Identical 80% Better 100% PDM … WITH FRAME FITTING CUSTOMIZATON PDM 25 PDM PDM ANATEO PDM Lp 10.4 mm Lp 11.5 mm Frame Wear Parameters Lp 12.2 mm ANATEO PDM 26 Ametropia Eye Anatomy ANATEO Ametropia Eye Anatomy EVOLIS Ametropia Framization FRAMES HAVE DIFFERENT FITTING CHARATERISTICS FRAME CURVE ANGLE VERTEX FRAME TILT ANGLE 27 Product performance PDM: USE FOR NON-STANDARD DATA Anateo with PdM option AnateoTM with PdM option AnateoTM Standard progressive lens Non standard wearer data Standard wearer data Eye-Lens Distance = 11 to 13mm Frame Tilt = 4 to 10 degrees Frame Wrap = 0 to 8 degrees 28 Non standard wearer data WHEN TO USE ANATEO PDM 29 Tools/ Inclinometer adapted for PDM FRAME CURVE ANGLE EYE LENS DISTANCE 30 FRAME TILT ANGLE Tech Specifications 31 Future: ANATEO MIO ANATEO MIO Reading Dist Framization Ametropia Eye Anatomy Lp 10.4 mm Lp 11.5 mm Reading Distance 32 Frame Wear Parameters Lp 12.2 mm ANATEO MIO Ametropia Eye Anatomy Framization ANATEO PDM Ametropia Eye Anatomy Framization ANATEO Ametropia Eye Anatomy EVOLIS Ametropia Reading Dist The EYETAB – For ANATEO MIO ANATEO PDM + EYETAB = ANATEO MIO Measure Reading Distance Winner 2010 A pioneering measurement device EyeTab® automatically measures the distance between the reading surface and the lens, based on the wearer’s natural reading posture. 33 Availability EVOLIS NOW AVAILABLE PDM MIO 2010 Winner of the Silmo d’Or Europe’s Top Selling Progressive 34 Coming Soon! Summary Bibliography References: Atchison DA , Jones CE, Schmid KL, et al. Eye shape in emmetropia and myopia. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. 2004; 45: 3380-3386. Grosvenor T, Goss D, Clinical management of myopia, London: Butterworth Heineman, 1999. Mo Jalie, Ophthalmic Lenses & Dispensing, Butterworth Heinemann,3rd Edition, 2008. Gilmartin B ,Myopia: precedents for research in the twenty-first century Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology, 2004; 32: 305–324 35 Courtesy of Butterworth Heinemann??? Optics related eye anatomy Innovation on lens design THANK YOU 36 光學鏡片鍍膜技術 如何與時並進改善人類生活 Mr. Bryan Ng MBA, M(Optom). UNSW, Australia Copyright© Essilor 2012 現代鍍膜基本技術 鍍膜結構 易潔表層 防反光鍍膜 防花加硬鍍膜 Copyright© Essilor 2012 Copyright© Essilor 2012 Copyright© Essilor 2012 防污易潔功能 令眼鏡易於清潔 Super Oleophobic Coat 抗污表層 Easy clean & smudge resistant 油性箱頭筆形成水珠狀墨點 Copyright© Essilor 2012 Scratch resistance Copyright© Essilor 2012 Scratch Smudge ™ Dust Water - technologyTM Slide -Fx ons + ntelligence Step 2 : Molecule Densification With -technology TM : The intense increase in energy causes all molecules, including the new conductive molecules responsible for the dust-repellence efficiency, to create a compact and more uniform matrix for optimal efficiency. Without During the evaporation process, AR and topcoat molecules are energized by ions. With Without - technology TM regular anti-reflective lens actually attracts dust, and even more when cleaned. 1 2 3 4 When a lens is covered with dust, it needs to be cleaned. Wiping generates negative electrostatic charges on the surface of the lens. After wiping, the positive dust particles are attracted by the negative electrostatic charges. Consequently, the lens is never really free of dust or perfectly clean. The results are clear Thanks to -technologyTM, Crizal Forte UV lenses remain completely transparent by combining • the best dust-repellent efficiency with • a surface proven to be the most hydrophobic on the market Before wiping After wiping Measurement of Hydrophobic efficiency The contact angle measures the angle of drop of water on the lens surface. The higher the angle value, The higher the water repellence performance. Low contact angle High Contact angle HSD ProcessTM The ProcessTM (High Surface Density ProcessTM) of New Crizal Forte UV allows to increase the density of hydrophobic and oleophobic perfluorosilane molecules on the lens surface. Therefore, the surface is perfectly covered. Standard Top Coat Top Coat molecules are disconnected. The lens surface is not totally covered. Crizal Forte UV Top Coat ProcessTM Top Coat molecules are closely linked. The densification brings a perfect coverage of the surface of the lens . Thanks to the ProcessTM, Crizal Forte UV Top Coat molecules perfectly cover the surface of the lens. It increases the contact angle. Thus smudges and water droplets are much more repelled from the surface of the lens and smudge-resistance is improved. With Without HSD 106° Contact angle of a drop of water on a standard Top Coat ProcessTM 116° Contact angle of a drop of water on Crizal Forte UV Top Coat 鏡片鍍膜標準測試 Bayer Sand – 滾砂測試 (MC) 顯微鏡檢查鍍膜情況 鋼刷測試 (MC+HC) Copyright© Essilor 2012 易潔測試 (ECC) Glossary : Anti-reflective Efficiency The % of Global performances in AR Efficiency taking into account Reflection and Chroma Reflection Rv% Chroma (class) Hue (°) « Rv » value mean Reflection : The lower the value, the more efficiency the AR coating 5 classes : Higher the class, lower the Rv •Class 1 : Rv% > 4 •Class 2 : 2<Rv%<4 •Class 3 : 2<R%<1 •Class 4 : 1<Rv%<0.5 •Class 5 : Rv%<0.5 « C » Chroma : intensity of residual colour : the lower the value, the less visible the AR coating •Class 1 : C>30 •Class 2 : C between 15 & 30 •Class 3 : C between 7 & 15 •Class 4 : C between 4 & 7 •Class 5 : C < 4 « h » Hue : Colour angle on the L a*b* colorimetric graph No class, no evaluation, only informative value in degree Glossary : Scratch Resistance Efficiency The % of Global performances in Scratch Resistance Efficiency taking into account Sand Bayer test, ISTM Bayer test, and Steel Wool test Bayer tests Steel Wool test Bayer ISTM : Simulation of the thin superficial scratches tearing off the AR coating Bayer Sand : Simulation of scratches of medium depth tearing off the AR coating and part of hard coat 5 classes : higher the class, better the Scratch Resistance •Class 1 : Bad •Class 2 : Average •Class 3 : Good •Class 4 : Very good •Class 5 : Excellent Simulation of deep scratches tearing off the AR coating, the hard coat, and potentially part of the substrat 3 classes : Higher the class, better the Scratch Resistance •Class 1 : Bad •Class 3 : Good •Class 5 : Very Good Glossary : Cleaning Efficiency The % of Global performances in Cleaning Efficiency taking into account Cleanability, Anti-static and Contact Angle Evaluation of oleophobic efficiency (Cleanabili ty) Simulation of the number of wipings needed to get rid of a calibrated sebum on the surface of the lens correlated to oleophobic efficiency 5 classes : higher the class, less wiping are needed •Class 1 : Bad •Class 2 : Average •Class 3 : Good •Class 4 : Very good •Class 5 : Excellent Evaluation of Antistatic efficiency (JCI test) Charge applied on the surface of the lens, evaluation of the time necessary for the charge to desappear from the lens •Class 1 : Without Anti-static layer •Class 5 : With Anti-static layer Evaluation of hydrophob ic efficiency Measurement of the angle of a drop of water on the lens surface 5 classes : Higher the class, more water repellent •Class 1 : Angle < 30° •Class 2 : Angle between 30°& 105° •Class 3 : Angle between 105°& 110° •Class 4 : Angle between 110°& 115° •Class 5 : Angle > 115° Sliding Angle Measurement of the sliding angle of a drop of water on inclined plane No class, only the value in degree Lower the value, better the Water Repellence Glossary : UV Protection E-SPF category taking into account backside reflection : The higher the E-SPF, the better the UV Protection E-SPF (Category) The global protection factor integrates : UV passing through the lens , and UV reflected by the back side The higher the E-SPF, the better the UV Protection •Category 3* : E-SPF value 1 to 3 -> Ruv > 33% •Category 5* : E-SPF value 3 to 7 -> 33%>Ruv>14% •Category 10*: E-SPF value 7 to 15 -> 14%>Ruv>7% •Category 25*: E-SPF value 15 to 49 -> 7%>Ruv>2.5% *E-SPF could be different in 1.5 refractive index Copyright© Essilor 2012 The most advanced AR lens, Now with exclusive backside UV protector 最先進的AR鏡片 採用獨創的後方紫外線防護技術。 SCRATCH-RESISTANCE NEW AR EFFICIENCY BROAD SPECTRUM TECHNOLOGY DUST REPELLENCE SMUDGE & WATER REPELLENCE FRONT BACK SMUDGE & WATER REPELLENCE DUST REPELLENCE LENS AR EFFICIENCY SCRATCH-RESISTANCE Result: Front & back UV minimized 結果: 前及後表面紫外線消除 Front UV Transmission cut by Material 前方 鏡片物料阻擋紫外線透過鏡片前面入侵眼睛 + Back UV Reflection stopped by Crizal Forte UV 後方 Crizal Forte UV 同時阻擋來自鏡片後面和側面的紫外线反射 Introducing the “Eye- Sun Protection Factor” 鏡片全效防紫外線指標 E-SPF E-SPF Definition www.espf.com 現代城市人生活上會經常遇到….. 現代人的生活…. 現代城市人生活上會經常遇到….. 24 10 22 10 20 10 g rays Wavelength10-16 (nm) -14 10 18 10 X rays -12 10 -10 10 16 14 10 UV -8 10 12 10 IR -6 10 10 10 8 10 10 Microwave -4 -2 10 10 F M 6 10 4 10 A M Radio waves 0 2 10 10 2 0 10 10 Long radio waves 4 10 6 10 8 10 Visible light (380~780nm) 40 0 45 0 Blue light 380nm ~ 500nm 50 0 55 0 Wavelength/ nm 60 0 65 0 70 0 75 0 Environment Digital Eyestrain is a Common Symptom (U.S., Eye-strain and other visual problems associated with computer, all age grou Potential cause of eye-strain •Long hours on digital screens (Excess use of accommodation) Eye-Strain 90% •Blue lights from LED lights & compute (glare and flicker) Source: National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health in America Environment - LED device - Organic EL device - High energy - Easy to scatter LED device Organic EL device - Blue light emission Spectral radiance/ W/sr-m2-nm Blue light 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 380 430 480 530 580 630 680 730 780 wavelength/ nm Concept of SEECOAT BLUE Development 「Blue Light」: Increases to eyes 「Blue Light」= Easy to disperse 藍光容易散射 Why Blue Light disperse easily Long wavelength (Red) Low frequency of contact Short wavelength (Blue) High frequency of contact 4.4 times more 「Blue Light」 are easy to disperse, causing glare Blue Light Care How to reducing Blue light? Transmissivity distribution(%) Tinting vs Coating 100 分 90 光 透 過 率 ( - Standard AR Coating % ) - SEECOAT BLUE 80 - TINTING 70 400 450 500 550 波長(nm) 600 Wavelength (nm) 650 700 Reflects and cuts Blue light by 10% Reflection Reflects and cuts powerful blue light (380 ~ 500nm) which has higher tendency to disperse among the visible light
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