Grade: 1 The Big Question: How do teams work together? / ¿Cómo

Grade: 1
Unit 4: Let’s Team Up/
¡En Equipo!
Language Arts/
Artes de lenguaje
Word Study/
Estudio de palabras
Oral Language/ Lenguaje oral
 Focus questions/
Preguntas de enfoque
[Establecer el próposito de
 Oral Vocabulary/
Vocabulario oral
 Listening Comprehension/
Comprensión auditiva
The Big Question: How do teams work together? /
¿Cómo se trabaja en equipo?
Day/ Día 1
Day/ Día 2
Day/ Día 3
What is a team?
What kinds of teams do you know
about? (6D)
¿Qué es un equipo? ¿Qué tipos de
equipos conoces? (10J)
What happens when Drakes Tail
goes to see the king?(6D)
¿Dónde viven cada uno de los siete
niños? (14/15)
What lesson did you learn about
friendship and teamwork from the
animal characters in Drakes Tail?
*none stated in TE
encourage, friendship, relationship,
rely, suggest (6L)
amistar, animar, depender,
relación, sugerir (10J)
encourage, friendship, relationship,
rely, suggest (9E)
amistar, animar, depender,
relación, sugerir (13C)
encourage, friendship, relationship,
rely, suggest (29D)
amistar, animar, depender,
relación, sugerir (13D)
Read Aloud: The Rooster and the
Fox (7A)
Genre: Fable
En voz alta: Antología interactiva
El gallo y el zorro (11A)
Género: fábula
Oral Vocabulary Cards: Drakes Tail
FLUENCY: Intonation (9F)
Tarjetas de vocabulario oral:
Drakestail (13C)
FLUIDEZ: Entonación (13D)
Wonders Content Big Book: Votes
Genre : Nonfiction
Superlibro A explorar:
¡Los votos cuentan! (33D)
Género: no ficción
Cuaderno de práctica, 177 y 178
Generate Questions
Hacer preguntas
Make Predictions
Phoneme Categorization (9G) [NT]
Hacer predicciones
Combinar con vocal + /n/ o /r/
(13E) [NT]
Phoneme Blending (29E) [NT]
Combinar con vocal +/r/ (33F) [NT]
 Strategy/ Estrategia
 Skill/Destreza
•Phonemic Awareness/
Conciencia fonémica
 Phonics/Fonética
Week 1: Teammates/ Compañeros
Identify and Generate Rhyme (7B)
Presentar vocales + /n/ y /r/ (11B)
Introduce Long a (ai, ay)
(7C) [NT]
FLUENCY: Sound/Spellings (7C)
Blend Words with Long a (ai, ay)
Practice Book, 174
Presentar vocales + /n/n y /r/r
(11C) [T]
FLUIDEZ: Sonidos/Ortografía, (11C)
Combinar vocales + /n/n y /r/r
(11D) [NT]
Cuaderno de práctica, 174
FLUENCY: Sound/Spellings (9G)
Blend words with Long a (ai, ay)
(9G) [NT]
Build words with Long a (ai, ay)
(9H) [NT]
FLUENCY: Word Automaticity,
Connected Text (9H)
Combinar con vocal + /n/n o /r/r
(13E) [NT]
Review Long a (ai, ay) (29F) [NT]
FLUENCY: Sound/Spellings
Blend Words with Long a (ai, ay)
(29F) [NT]
Practice Book, 180
Combinar con vocal + /r/r (33F)
FLUIDEZ: Reconocimiento
automático (33G)
 Spelling/ Ortografía
Words with Long a (ai, ay) (7E)
mail, chain, play, rain, way, day,
string, split, walked, eight
Teachers Resource Book, SP31
Dictado: Prueba preliminar
Verbos + n y r (11E) [NT]
ardilla, entero, ordena, unta, once,
Cuaderno de práctica, 175
Teacher-Modeled Word Sort
Word Sort with Long a (ai, ay) (9I)
Practice Book, 175
Formar palabras con la ayuda de la
Palabras con vocal + n o r (13F)
Recursos del maestro (con
respuestas), 35
Student Word Sort
Word Sort with Long a (ai, ay)
(29H) [NT]
Teacher’s Resource Book, SP32
Formar palabras de manera
Palabras con vocal + r y vocal + n
(33G) [NT]
Cuaderno de práctica, 180
 High Frequency words/
Palabras de uso frecuente
Decodable Reader: Too Much Rain
Today (7F)
across, carry, eight, once, saw,
upon, walked (7G)
Vocabulary: borrow, trip (7G)
Libro descodificable: La ardilla
Angelina (11F)
padre, vivía, siete(11G)
Cuaderno de práctica, 182
Vocabulario: siempre, mismo (11G)
across, carry, eight, once, saw,
upon, walked (9J)
Practice Book, 176
Vocabulary: borrow, trip (9K)
padre, vivía, siete (13F)[NT]
Vocabulario: siempre, mismo (13F)
Decodable Reader: Play It
across, carry, eight, once, saw,
upon, walked, borrow, trip (29J)
Vocabulary: borrow, trip (29J)
Libro descodificable: Yo vivo aquí
padre, vivía, siete (33 H) [NT]
Vocabulario: siempre, mismo (33H)
Read: Frog and Snail’s Trip (8/9)
Cuento inicial: Siete vacas siete
Selección principal: Uno y siete(1431)
Género: Ficción realista
Generate Questions
Hacer preguntas
FLUENCY: Repeated Reading:
Prosody (29L)
Main Selection: Drakes Tail (1029A)
Compare and Contrast
Practice Book, 183
* none stated in TE
 Strategy/ Estrategia
Main Selection: Drakes Tails (1029A)
Genre: Folktale
Practice Book, 177
Generate Questions
 Skill/Destreza
Make Predictions
Hacer predicciones
Hacer predicciones
Was and Were (9C) [NT]
Practice Book, 179
Verbos ser y estar (13A) [NT]
Cuaderno de práctica, 179
Make Predictions
Practice Book, 178
Was and Were (29B) [NT]
Teachers Resource Book, GR46
Verbos ser y estar (33B) [NT]
Recursos del maestro (con
respuestas), 110
Was and Were (29O) [NT]
Mechanics: Capitalize Proper
Nouns [T]
Teacher’s Resource Book, GR47
Verbos ser y estar (33I) [NT]
Normas del lenguaje: Conjugación:
ser (33I) [NT]
Recursos del maestro(con
respuestas), 111
• Writing/Escritura
Shared Writing (9D)
Personal Narrative
Escritura compartida (13B)
Narrativa personal
Interactive Writing (29C)
Personal Narrative
Escritura interactiva (33C)
Narrativa personal
Independent Writing (29Q)
Personal Narrative
Prewrite and Draft
Writing Trait (29P)
Escritura independiente (33I)
Narrativa personal
Preparar y escribir el borrador
Características de la escritura:
[T] Transferable Skill/ [NT] Non-Transferable Skill
* Note: Teacher(s) should teach all of the highlighted sections of Treasures and Tesoros.
Hacer preguntas
APOLO/ DL Office
Treasures/ Tesoros Instructional Guide
Grade 1/Unit 4 Week 1
Grade: 1
Unit 4:
Let’s Team Up/¡En Equipo!
Word Study/
Estudio de palabras
Oral Language/ Lenguaje oral
Reading/ Lectura
Week 1: Teammates/ Compañeros
Notes/ Notas:
 In this unit, Oral Language and Reading will be
taught in the same language. Writing will be
taught in the opposite language of the reading.
 Focus questions/
Preguntas de enfoque
[Establecer el próposito de
How are the bees acting as a
team? How are they like Drakes
Tail and his friends? (6E)
¿En qué se parece el cuento La
vida en la colmena a Uno y siete?
¿En qué se diferencia? (37A)
How did generating questions help
you? How might it help you
understand another selection?
 Oral Vocabulary/
Vocabulario oral
encourage, friendship,
relationship, rely, suggest (29R)
amistar, animar, depender,
relación, sugerir (33K)
encourage, friendship,
relationship, rely, suggest (35A)
 Listening Comprehension/
Comprensión auditiva
Read-Aloud Anthology:
Aiken Drum (29R)
Genre: Song
FLUENCY: Intonation
En voz alta: Antología Interactiva
El nabo gigantesco (33J)
Género: Cuento folclórico
FLUIDEZ: Entonación
Main Selection: Drakes Tail (10-29A)
 Phonemic Awareness/
Conciencia fonémica
Phoneme Categorization (29T)
Dividir palabras con vocal + /n/ y
/r/ (33L) [NT]
Phoneme Blending/
Segmentation (35C) [NT]
Combinar y dividir palabras con
vocal + /n/ o /r/ (39C) [NT]
 Phonics/ Fonética
FLUENCY: Sound/ Spellings (29T)
Blend Words with Long a (ai, ay)
(29T) [NT]
Build Words with Long a (ai, ay)
(29U) [NT]
Practice Book, (174)
FLUENCY: Word Automaticity,
Connected Text (29U)
Test Practice
Words with Long a (ai, ay) (29V)
Practice Book, 181
Dividir palabras con vocal + /n/n
y /r/r (33L) [NT]
FLUIDEZ: Sonidos/Ortografía (33L)
Reconocimiento automático (33M)
Combinar palabras con vocal +
/n/n y /r/r (33M) [NT]
FLUIDEZ: Textos relacionados
Práctica para la prueba
Palabras con vocal + n y r (33N)
Cuaderno de práctica, 181
FLUENCY: Sound/Spellings (35C)
Blend Words with Long a (ai, ay)
(35D) [NT]
FLUENCY: Word Automaticity
Connected Text (35D)
Combinar y dividir palabras con
vocal + /n/n o /r/r (39C) [NT]
FLUIDEZ: Reconocimiento
automático (39C)
 Word Study needs to be taught explicitly.
Words with Long a (ai, ay) (35E)
 The skill of word sorting is not considered a
transferable skill since it contains words, whose
sounds are not transferable.
across, carry, eight, once, saw,
upon, walked (29W)
Vocabulary: borrow, trip (29W)
FLUENCY: Choral Read (29W)
Paired Selection: Busy as a Bee
Genre: Nonfiction
Practice Book, 185
padre, vivía, siete (33O)
Cuaderno de práctica, 176
Vocabulario: siempre, mismo
Lectura compartida: La vida en la
colmena (34-39)
Género: No ficción
Elementos del texto: Leyendas
Cuaderno de práctica, 185
across, carry, eight, once, saw,
upon, walked (35F)
Vocabulary: borrow, trip (35F)
Después de la prueba
Palabras con vocal + n o r (39D)
Recursos del maestro, 36
(con respuestas)
padre, vivía, siete (39D)
Vocabulario: siempre, mismo
Review and Assess (35G)
Main Selection: Drakes Tail (1029A)
Repaso y evaluación (39E)
Selección principal: Uno y
Género: Ficción realista
 Reading strategies/skills are transferable.
Make Predictions
Was and Were (33B) [NT]
Practice Book, 184
Hacer Predicciones
Verbos ser y estar (37B) [NT]
Cuaderno de práctica, 184
Generate Questions
Make Predictions
Was and Were (35H) [NT]
Mechanics: Capitalize Proper
Nouns [NT]
Teachers Resource Book, GR48
Hacer preguntas (39E)
Hacer predicciones (39E)
Verbos ser y estar (39F)
Recursos del maestro (con
respuestas), 112
Normas del lenguaje (39F)
Conjugación: ser (39F) [NT]
Independent Writing (35I)
Personal Narrative
Publish and Present
Escritura independiente (39G)
Narrativa personal
Publicar y presentar
 Spelling/ Ortografía
 High-Frequency Words/
Palabras de uso frecuente
Language Arts/
Artes de lenguaje
The Big Question: How do teams work together? /
¿Cómo se trabaja en equipo?
Day/ Día 4
Day/ Día 5
 Comprehension/
 Strategy/ Estrategia:
 Skill/ Destreza:
• Writing/Escritura
Independent Writing (33B)
Personal Narrative
Revise and Edit
Escritura independiente (37B)
Narrativa personal
Revisar y editar
[T] Transferable Skill/ [NT] Non-Transferable Skill
* Note: Teacher(s) should teach all of the highlighted sections of Treasures and Tesoros.
FLUENCY: Intonation (35B)
¿Cómo les ayudó la estrategia de
hacer preguntas? ¿Cómo les
puede ayudar esta estrategia
mientras leen otra selección?
amistar, animar, depender,
relación, sugerir (39A)
 On Day 3, the decodable reader in Tesoros was
moved from Oral Language to Word Study on the
same day.
Selección principal: Uno y
Género: Ficción realista
Cuaderno de práctica, 183
FLUIDEZ: Entonación (39B)
 Blending was not considered a transferable skill
since all the words students are expected to
blend contain vowels, whose sounds are not
transferable, and need to be taught explicitly.
 All of spelling, high frequency words, and
decodables are [NT].
The workbook and activity pages can be
sent home as homework.
Grammar needs to be taught explicitly.
This week, writing will be taught in Spanish.
APOLO/ DL Office
Treasures/ Tesoros Instructional Guide
Grade 1/Unit 4 Week 1