Kate Rea

Supported Decision Making
©ADACAS 2014
What is supported decision making?
Supported decision making happens when one person gives another person as much support as is needed for them to be engaged in the decisions that are important to them.
©ADACAS 2014
Principles for decision supporters
Principles that can be adopted by decision supporters can be found on the ADACAS SDM web site –
More general rights based decision making principles DHS Victoria, Supporting Decision Making.
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Supported decision making enables people with a disability to approach decision making with the same rights and responsibilities as those who do not have a disability.
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The right to decide
All people have rights.
You are born with them.
You have them regardless of your ability.
Or disability.
Some people need support to exercise their rights.
©ADACAS 2014
Supported Decision Making An access tool that enables people with a decision making impairment (or those whose right to make decisions is simply not recognised) to participate, to be equal and active citizens in the same way as those who do not have a disability.
SDM emerges from…
The United Nations Convention on the
Rights of Persons with Disability
Dignity, Equality and Inclusion
All people have the right to be active and equal
Disability is not of itself a reason to deny a
person their rights.
Article 5 Non Discrimination
Article 12 Equal Recognition before the law
©ADACAS 2014
• Spectrums of Support
• www.support‐my‐decisions.org.au
• SDM and Cultural Change: Exploring SDM for people experiencing psychosocial and intellectual disability
• SDM training
©ADACAS 2014
Common theme running through ADACAS SDM work
SDM is about building the capacity of the community as a whole to be engaged –as decision makers and decision supporters. Everyone has a role.
Everyone has something to learn.
©ADACAS 2014
Support for decision making
Support you give will depend on the relationship you have with the decision maker, and the decision that they are making.
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©ADACAS 2014
James’ Story
What possibilities does SDM offer to consumers, carers and service providers?
Respect for rights
Recognition for consumer to be active
Puts consumers at the centre of their decisions, even when their capacity might be impaired. Peer engagement as decision supporters
Advance planning
A framework for rights based, person centred support
More information Contact Kate Rea
02 6242 5060
[email protected]
What about capacity?
Supported decision making is about giving each person and each decision as much support as is needed to be engaged as far as possible in the decisions that effect to them.
In Supported Decision making
a person’s capacity is assumed.
What is measured is how much support the person needs to be engaged in decision making.
Michael Bach and Lana Kerzner, A New Paradigm for Protecting the Autonomy and the Right to Legal Capacity.http://www.access‐to‐justice.org/mediabin/Article‐
©ADACAS 2014
Spectrum of Support Spectrum of Engagement
With support, some people may be able engage decisions fully.
Others will be able to express their will & preference.
Support is decision and time specific.
The same person may need zero decision support for one decision, but need much support for another.
©ADACAS 2014
Most of us make supported decisions!
• People rarely make decisions on their own. • Most people talk to a person that they trust while we are making a decision
• Supported decision making builds on this process of relationship based support ©ADACAS 2014
• Everyone has the right to decide.
• Some people need support to exercise their capacity to decide.
• Everyone has capacity. What is measured is support.
• SDM is not disability specific. Everyone makes supported decisions.
• Support for decision making ensures people with a decision making impairment can approach decision making in the same ways as those who do not have an impairment.
©ADACAS 2014
5 Key Areas of decision support
Build a person’s expectation (and identity) to be a decision maker
Learn about decision making, including the right to decide
Make a decision
Fulfil a decision
Ensure those in the lives of decision makers understand their right to decide.
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Claire Access to and experience of decision making can have little to do with a person’s functional decision making capacity, and much more to do with the values and attitudes of those around them.
©ADACAS 2014
Creating a cultural change where people who share the lives of those whose decision making capacity is impaired, respect their right to decide and are able to recognise and support their decisions.
SDM is about building the capacity of the community as a whole.
©ADACAS 2014