Multi-population Mean Field Games systems with aversion Marco Cirant ` Degli Studi di Milano Universita 7 October 2014 joint work with M. Bardi and Y. Achdou Marco Cirant (Universit` a di Milano) Multi-population MFG with aversion 7/10/2014 1 / 26 Statement of the problem Two-populations Mean Field Games: describe rational behavior of populations with a very large number of players, such that Players of have distribution move according to pay a cost Population 1 m1 Population 2 m2 dXt = αt dt + νdBt in Ω ⊆ Rd , 1 γ∗ γ ∗ |α| , γ∗ > 1 V 1 (m1 , m2 ) V 2 (m1 , m2 ) decreasing w.r.t m1 decreasing w.r.t m2 increasing w.r.t m2 increasing w.r.t m1 Every player aim at minimizing his own cost. Marco Cirant (Universit` a di Milano) Multi-population MFG with aversion 7/10/2014 2 / 26 If the overall cost of every player has the long-time average form Z T ∗ 1 |αt |γ i i J (α) = lim E + V (m1 (Xt ), m2 (Xt )) dt, i = 1, 2 T →∞ T γ∗ 0 Nash equilibria of the game with large number of players can be approximated by the Mean Field Games system 1 γ i −ν∆ui + γ |Dui | + λi = V (m1 , m2 ), in Ω, −ν∆mi − div(|Dui |γ−2 Dui mi ) = 0, R i = 1, 2. Ω mi = 1, (MFG) where (m1 , m2 ) is the vector of equilibrium distributions and −|Dui |γ−2 Dui provides the ()-Nash strategy for players of the i-th population ([Lasry, Lions] and [Huang, Caines, Malhame], 2005 ). Marco Cirant (Universit` a di Milano) Multi-population MFG with aversion 7/10/2014 3 / 26 Two Models LINEAR model: VL1 (m1 (x), m2 (x)) = m2 (x), VL2 (m1 (x), m2 (x)) = m1 (x). SCHELLING model: − m1 (x) V 1 (m1 (x), m2 (x)) = − a , S m1 (x)+m2 (x) − m2 (x) V 2 (m (x), m (x)) = , 1 2 S m1 (x)+m2 (x) − a a ∈ (0, 1]. V i (m1 , m2 ) are decreasing w.r.t mi and increasing w.r.t m−i . Marco Cirant (Universit` a di Milano) Multi-population MFG with aversion 7/10/2014 4 / 26 Schelling’s model In the late ’60 Schelling proposed a simple model of two populations that interact. Blue people and red people live in a chessboard: Each individual wants to make sure that he lives near someone of his own population. He is happy if the percentage of same-color individuals among his neighbors is above some happines threshold a. If he’s not happy, he moves to another free house. Marco Cirant (Universit` a di Milano) Multi-population MFG with aversion 7/10/2014 5 / 26 If we run a simulation starting from a random initial distribution of individuals (so, some of them are unhappy), after some time we always notice that ethnic clusters form. a = 35% a = 70% Segregation shows up (even from mild ethnocentric attitude). [Schelling, 1969] Marco Cirant (Universit` a di Milano) Multi-population MFG with aversion 7/10/2014 6 / 26 What happens if we add a random noise? i.e. a small percentage of individuals moves in any case at every time step. a = 35% a = 70% Interfaces become more regular. If the noise is increased the two populations remain mixed. Marco Cirant (Universit` a di Milano) Multi-population MFG with aversion 7/10/2014 7 / 26 Existence & Uniqueness Theorem (C., 2014) For all ν > 0, γ > 1, there exists a solution (u, m, λ) ∈ [C 2 (Ω)]2 × [W 1,p (Ω)]2 × R2 of (MFG). Schelling model (bounded costs V i ), standard arguments. Linear model (unbounded costs V i ), trickier. Uniqueness: forget it! (in both cases). Marco Cirant (Universit` a di Milano) Multi-population MFG with aversion 7/10/2014 8 / 26 Questions (unsolved by the previous thm.) What kind of behavior do we expect? SEGREGATION, namely m1 and m2 concentrating in different parts of Ω. In both models. What happens if ν is close to zero (small noise regime)? Marco Cirant (Universit` a di Milano) Multi-population MFG with aversion 7/10/2014 9 / 26 Another interpretation of the MFG system... Consider now the linear case. We may think of our MFG as a differential game with two players: the two populations. The state of each population is his own distribution mi . Given two controls (α1 , α2 ), the two states satisfy the Kolmogorov equations −ν∆mi − div(αi mi ) = 0, and the costs paid by the two populations are Z Z 1 γ∗ 1 J (α1 , α2 ) = ∗ m1 |α1 | + m1 m2 γ Z Z 1 ∗ J 2 (α1 , α2 ) = ∗ m2 |α2 |γ + m1 m2 γ Nash equilibria of this game provide solutions of (MFG). Marco Cirant (Universit` a di Milano) Multi-population MFG with aversion 7/10/2014 10 / 26 ...which leads to a control problem! If we set J TOT 1 (α1 , α2 ) = ∗ γ Z m1 |α1 | γ∗ 1 + ∗ γ Z m2 |α2 | γ∗ Z + m1 m2 , i.e. J TOT is some overall cost paid by the “world” population, then its global minima (α1∗ , α2∗ ) J TOT (α1∗ , α2∗ ) ≤ J TOT (α1 , α2 ) ∀α1 , α2 are Nash equilibria for the MFG (and local minima are local Nash equilibria for the MFG). Marco Cirant (Universit` a di Milano) Multi-population MFG with aversion 7/10/2014 11 / 26 Some numerical experiments. In collaboration with Y. Achdou, we look for approximate solutions of our (MFG). How? By a long time approximation method: consider a finite-difference version of the forward-forward system Ω × (0, T ) ∂t ui − νi ∆ui + H i (x, Dui ) = V i [m], ∂t mi − νi ∆mi − div(Dp H i (x, Dui )mi ) = 0, ui = 0, m = mi0 Ω × {0}. and let T → ∞. Remarks: Switch to a time-dependent problem to remove the unknowns λi . backward-forward system is more natural but computationally harder. Mimic the strategy used for homogenization of HJB eq. Expect: u(x, T ) − λT → U(x) and m(x, T ) → M(x). Marco Cirant (Universit` a di Milano) Multi-population MFG with aversion 7/10/2014 12 / 26 The two models compared. From a qualitative point of view, solutions do not change “so much”: Schelling (a = 0.4) Linear ν=1 ν = 0.1 ν = 0.01 Marco Cirant (Universit` a di Milano) Multi-population MFG with aversion 7/10/2014 13 / 26 Some solutions in 1D Ω = (0, 1), γ = 2, T ≈ 1000. Using the long-time approximation (works for both models) ν large (≈ 1) mixing ν small (<< 1) segregation Other solutions?? Marco Cirant (Universit` a di Milano) Multi-population MFG with aversion 7/10/2014 14 / 26 Some other solutions Minimizing J TOT associated to the linear model (using MATLAB’s fmincon on its finite difference version): ν large (≈ 1) mixing ν small (<< 1) segregation ... Marco Cirant (Universit` a di Milano) Multi-population MFG with aversion 7/10/2014 15 / 26 A bifurcation diagram (we are still focusing on the linear model) Every solid line corresponds to a branch of solutions. Marco Cirant (Universit` a di Milano) Multi-population MFG with aversion 7/10/2014 16 / 26 A bifurcation diagram (we are still focusing on the linear model) Every solid line corresponds to a branch of solutions. Marco Cirant (Universit` a di Milano) Multi-population MFG with aversion 7/10/2014 16 / 26 The answer is NO. In the following sense: Theorem Suppose that (α1∗ , α2∗ ) is (one of) the best possible strategy, i.e. J TOT (α1∗ , α2∗ ) ≤ J TOT (α1 , α2 ) Then, Z m1∗ m2∗ → 0 ∀α1 , α2 . as ν → 0. Moreover, m1∗ and m2∗ are nonincreasing or nondecreasing. Marco Cirant (Universit` a di Milano) Multi-population MFG with aversion 7/10/2014 17 / 26 Given m1 , m2 we consider the decreasing and increasing rearrangements m1,& , m2,% : Rearranging preserves the total mass of m1 , m2 , and J TOT (m1,& , m2,% ) ≤ J TOT (m1 , m2 ), so a global minimizer of J TOT is such that J TOT (m1,& , m2,% ) = J TOT (m1 , m2 ). Marco Cirant (Universit` a di Milano) Multi-population MFG with aversion 7/10/2014 18 / 26 Given m1 , m2 we consider the decreasing and increasing rearrangements m1,& , m2,% : Rearranging preserves the total mass of m1 , m2 , and J TOT (m1,& , m2,% ) ≤ J TOT (m1 , m2 ), so a global minimizer of J TOT is such that J TOT (m1,& , m2,% ) = J TOT (m1 , m2 ). Marco Cirant (Universit` a di Milano) Multi-population MFG with aversion 7/10/2014 18 / 26 Outside Lineland... What happens in space dimension two? Exploiting the control problem point of view (the functional J TOT ), it is possible to prove the existence of solutions of (MFG) that segregate: Z m1 m2 → 0 as ν → 0, Yet no proof of monotonicity properties (or other qualitative result) of optimal distributions is available. Nor, analogous results are available for the Schelling model. Marco Cirant (Universit` a di Milano) Multi-population MFG with aversion 7/10/2014 19 / 26 Numerically (finite elements approximation), we observe that if the domain has an axis of symmetry, then there exist solutions (m1 , m2 ) that “segregate” along that axis. Marco Cirant (Universit` a di Milano) Multi-population MFG with aversion 7/10/2014 20 / 26 Numerically (finite elements approximation), we observe that if the domain has an axis of symmetry, then there exist solutions (m1 , m2 ) that “segregate” along that axis. But there might be others Conjecture: “best solutions” minimize the perimeter of the free boundary Marco Cirant (Universit` a di Milano) Multi-population MFG with aversion 7/10/2014 20 / 26 The non-stationary case. So far we considered the infinite-time horizon case. How about finite-time problems? Namely, when players’ cost has the form J i (α) = E Z T 0 ∗ |αt |γ + V i (m1 (Xt ), m2 (Xt )), γ∗ i = 1, 2, T > 0 Nash equilibria of the game with large number of players can be approximated by the Mean Field Games system −∂t ui − ν∆ui + γ1 |Dui |γ = V i (m1 , m2 ), in Ω × (0, T ), γ−2 ∂ R t mi − ν∆mi − div(|Dui | Dui mi ) = 0, m = 1, Ω i mi |t=0 = m0 , ui |t=T = 0, i = 1, 2. Marco Cirant (Universit` a di Milano) Multi-population MFG with aversion (MFGe) 7/10/2014 21 / 26 Existence of smooth solutions for (MFGe) in general (γ 6= 2) is an open problem. How to deal numerically with the backward-forward time structure? Define the (usual) fixed point operator mi 7→ ui solution of HJB 7→ µi solution of FKP (1) Approximate solutions of discrete mi via Newton’s method. Positivity of m is preserved; ν ≥ 0.01 is ok. Initial guess m0 (x, t) for fixed point of (1) is extremely important. Marco Cirant (Universit` a di Milano) Multi-population MFG with aversion 7/10/2014 22 / 26 Schelling model, a = 0.4, (x, t) ∈ [0, 1] × [0, 4] ν = 0.15 ν = 0.05 Marco Cirant (Universit` a di Milano) Multi-population MFG with aversion 7/10/2014 23 / 26 a = 0.4 ν = 0.05 a = 0.7 same behavior as a = 0.4, PLUS... ν = 0.01 Marco Cirant (Universit` a di Milano) Multi-population MFG with aversion 7/10/2014 24 / 26 Final Remarks Stationary case. What happens in 1-D is quite well understood. Numerical methods work well for small ν. 2-D is still ok from the numerical viewpoint, theoretical results on the shape of free boundary are still missing. Non-stationary case. Convergence if ν ≥ 0.01. “Crossing” phenomena to be studied. What if ν = 0? Marco Cirant (Universit` a di Milano) Multi-population MFG with aversion 7/10/2014 25 / 26 Thanks for your attention ! Marco Cirant (Universit` a di Milano) Multi-population MFG with aversion 7/10/2014 26 / 26
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