2014/15 Harlan County Public Schools Summer Professional Development Offerings Date Title Location Details Various Professional Learning for Peer Observers On-line This training is required for ALL Harlan County certified teachers and must be completed prior to the first day of school. All teachers will be asked to submit their certificate of completion to their principal on August 4th . This training may be completed by navigating to the EDS section of CIITS. Click on “PD Search” and then enter the term “Professional learning for Peer Observers” - you will then be offered the option to register for the training which will in turn send you an e-mail confirming your registration with specific directions on how to proceed to the PBS.org site. An alternate route for accessing the training is to go directly to pbs.org , click on “teacher” and then search under “self paced professional learning” -- “Professional Learning for Peer Observers”. You will be able to enroll in the class for free. The class begins with a pre-assessment and takes three hours to complete. This course MUST be included in your annual 24 hours of required PD – NO other training will be accepted in its place. Multiple Developing a SGG CO This training is required for ALL Harlan County certified teachers. The training will consist of two consecutive 3 hour sessions. The first session will focus on orientation to student growth goals with the second portion focusing on the actual development of a SGG. The training will be offered on six different dates in two separate months to accommodate everyone’s schedule. This training MUST be included in your annual 24 hours of required PD- No other training will be accepted in its place. The six optional dates are: June 24, 25, or 26 and July 8, 9, or 10. The training begin at 9:00 AM and lasts until 3:00. E-mail Jeanne Lee to register for the training of your choice. Multiple Maximizing Technology Use JACES lab Morning Session: 8:30 -11:30 Maximizing Technology Use will cover many aspects of the use of Technology in the classroom. Meeting requirements for the Utilization of CIITS, IC, & various other programs. Mid-day Session: 12:30 -3:30 Utilizing CIITS in monitoring student growth and your PGP & Self-reflection. This training will equip participants with the knowledge to transfer required documents into CIITS. E-mail Mike Scott to register. July 22, 24, 29, 30, and 31 THIS TRAINING WILL ENSURE THAT ALL STAFF UNDERSTAND HOW TO ENTER THEIR PGP & SGG IN EDS/CIITS. THIS MUST BE DONE BY EVERY TEACHER IN ORDER FOR THEM TO COMPLY WITH 704 KAR 3:370 July 29, 30 & 31 Reading for ACT/EPAS Success HCHS July 22, 23& 24 Math Benchmark Assessment Revision of pacing guides/assessments CO This training is intended for anyone interested in improving student performance on the EPAS exams. This training will be beneficial for science, social studies, special education, and reading teachers. Length of passages, type of passages, and types of questions will be addressed. Please register by e-mailing Gina Stewart EXPLORE: July 29th English/reading 9-12, math/science 1-4 *any 6/7/8th grade teacher may attend PLAN: July 30th English/reading 9-12, math/science 1-4 ACT: July 31st English/reading 9-12, math/science 1-4 *any HCHS teacher may attend the PLAN or ACT portion K-8 math benchmark assessments and pacing guides will be revised . This is your opportunity to have input on these assessments. Trainings will begin at 9:00 AM – end time will be dictated by the attendees. K-2 July 22nd 3-5 July 23rd 6-8 July 24th No registration is necessary. Multiple Reading Strategies for K-PREP HCHS This training will explore how K-PREP questions are Structured and how they align to the standards. Grade 3-5 July 22nd 9:00 – 4:00 ( bring your Mentoring Minds Materials) Grade 6-8 July 23rd 9:00 – 4:00 Register w/ Gina Stewart via E-mail. July 28th RTI 2014 CO A complete review of forms and folder requirements. Principals, ARC members, and especially teachers who work on the RTI folders are encouraged to attend. 9:00 -12:00 Register via e-mail w/ Jeanne Lee. July 24th 72 Minute Period HCHS Making full utilization of the 72 minute period HCHS staff who have not attended the training in Prior years and NEW HCHS staff. 9:00 -12:00. Register via e-mail w/ Jeanne Lee July15th Substitute Teacher Training Classroom Management CO Required for all new substitute teachers and returning substitute teachers who didn’t sign the training waiver 9:00 AM *A major component of this training will focus on basic classroom management. Teachers may attend only at principal request and if the training is included in their PGP. Teachers must register w/ B. Roark if they wish to attend. July 21st Re-evaluation Training The New CEP! C/O Required for all Administrators 8:30 -2:30. Shall include job responsibilities, evaluation assignments as well as district policies & procedures. This training is mandatory for all district administrators/supervisors. EILA approved. July 31st STAR Enterprise Updates July 17th Program Review- Strategies For Improved Scores CO Strategies for improving your schools program review scores. Appropriate for administrators and teachers who assist with program reviews. 9:00 -12:00 Register via e-mail w/ Jeanne Lee July 16th Reasonable Suspicion Training CO This training is geared toward helping principals, teachers and coaches have a better understanding of the indicators associated with drug/alcohol use and the steps that should be taken if you believe an employee or student is under the influence. Register via e-mail w/ Jim Middleton 9:00 -12:00. The date will be set very soon, if you are interested go ahead and register w/ Mr. Middleton and he will contact you w/ the date – you Can then decide if it meets your schedule. July 25 Bully & Suicide Prevention HCHS This training will provide teachers w/ bullying & suicide prevention tools and activities designed for classroom use. Presented by Stephanie Chitwood, Jill Harris, & Jennifer Smallwood. Please register w/ Jennifer Smallwood 9:00 -12:00 EILA will be Requested. We need everyone to register in order to print the correct amount of materials. CO July 10th – Experienced Members 9:00 -12:00 July 11th - New Members 9:00 – 4:00 July 10/11 SBDM Training JACES Lab Utilizing STAR Enterprise to its fullest potential, accessing reports, & using STAR to inform classroom instruction. 9:00 -12:00 Register with Jeanne Lee via e-mail. ???? Reading Textbook Orientation and Resources HCHS This training will be scheduled as soon as books are purchased. June 26th Barton Reading and Spelling System WES The Barton Reading and Spelling System was developed for dyslexic students but can be used w/ any child who has any disability in reading including LD students. Register with Jennifer Brock via e-mail at [email protected] 9:00 -12:00 at Wallins Elem. Open to all district teachers. June 30th Understanding and Applying Common Core Literacy Standards CO Carol Mullins for KVEC will be presenting this training which will include an overview of reading and writing standards, text complexity, close reading, & text dependent questions. The session will also cover the three modes of writing. 9:00 -3:00 register via e-mail with Jeanne Lee Appropriate for all content teachers grade 6-12. *Aug. 28th POVERTY – The Educational Impact Book Review TBA This is a unique training opportunity which involves the reading of two books over the course of the summer. The two books are Teaching w/ Poverty In Mind & Engaging Students w/ Poverty In Mind. Participants will purchase the books (school PD funds can be used to cover the cost of the books) and then read the books at their leisure during the summer. On August 28th participants will meet after work with Mr. Emmanuel Anama to discuss the books and review strategies for implementing the concepts from these books in their classrooms. Mr. Anama is the facilitator for this training. Please register with Mr. Anama (he is our HCHS Spanish instructor) via e-mail at: [email protected] Mr. Anama will provide specific details on ordering the books. 9 hours of PD credit will be awarded to participants. July 1st CO Materials, processes, and procedures for writing. Please Register via e-mail w/ Jeanne Lee. 9:00 -12:00. Writing RtI The following Additional PD opportunities are also available to Harlan County staff members: * Free LDC workshops for ELA, science, and SS teachers – Info was sent to everyone via e-mail on May 20, 2014. * Free summer science trainings in Hazard ( Carol Mullins) -- Info was sent to everyone via e-mail on May 19, 2014. *e-learning PD opportunities are available to all staff through PD 360. Please note that all hours must be completed outside the school day. Additionally, refection questions are required for all PD 360 trainings. Instructions have been sent to all Harlan County teachers regarding procedures for documenting these hours. * South East/South Central Educational Cooperative – The complete listing can be viewed at www.sesccoop.org * PD specific to overall district needs will also be scheduled on each flexible PD day in the calendar year * All schools should provide site specific PD that meets the needs identified in their staff members PGPs and in their SIP. We urge everyone to take advantage of these summer PD opportunities Additional professional development opportunities may be added in the coming weeks. All trainings must be approved by your immediate supervisor prior to your attendance. It is the participant’s responsibility to see that your individual attendance sheets are returned to your home school for supervisor/principal approval and signatures.
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