F O U N D A T I O N S C A Photos © Foundation SCA 2010 The Foundation for Social and Cultural Advancement SUMMER 2014 NEWSLETTER KABATAAN - GIRLS ATTEND HOME ACADEMY IN THE PHILIPPINES ! Thanks to your generosity at the 2013 Annual Benefit, SCA sent off a check last December in the amount of $1,500 to the Kabataan Public High School Girls Club. The funds were immediately used to enable more high school girls to attend a course offered through Kabataan’s Home Academy. ! KABATAAN is a project of PEOPLE ENGAGED IN PEOPLE PROJECT INC. (PEPPI), a non-profit organization, which was established in 1990. ! The Academy provided the girls with professional training for work in the home thereby opening good possibilities for summer jobs for the high school graduates and work opportunities for those who may not be able to pursue college education for financial reasons. SAVE THE DATE!! ! Friday, ! October 17th,2014! 7:00 – 9:30 p.m.! Building Bridges to Opportunity! ! SCA’s 6th ! Annual Benefit! ! Focus on Kabataan! ! ! At the Washington, D.C. Residence of ! His Excellency, the Philippine Ambassador to the United States and Mrs. Jose L. Cuisia, Jr.! www.foundationsca.org In This Issue - Kabataan Girls Attend Home Academy - Why I Give…………………………….…Helena B. Metzger - Kabataan Girls - Philippines…………….…..Brenda Royden - The Kabataan Program………………………….Agnes Dao Why I Give: by Helena Metzger Arlington, VA The Foundation is a treasure for women and young girls in underprivileged areas of the United States and the world. ! Educating them to be capable of sustaining themselves is one of the goals. They are in environments where they can grow spiritually also. ! I like knowing where my donation goes to and how it is used. The PALS program here in DC mentors girls so they can finish high school and go on to a higher education. WOW! ! Trade schools in foreign countries are the diamonds to raise these girls to a higher standard of living. "1 F O U N D A T I O N S C A Kabataan Girls - Philippines ! by Brenda Royden We are honored that His Excellency, the Philippine Ambassador to the United States and Mrs. Jose L. Cuisia, Jr. have offered to host the Foundation SCA’s 6th Annual Benefit at their lovely Embassy residence in Washington, D.C.! ! Through their generosity, we are able to tell some of the stories of the nearly 300 girls and their families that Kabataan has directly assisted in the poorest of Manila communities. ! ! Kabataan’s emphasis on character development and the opportunity for one-on-one coaching has enabled girls like Natasha D. to “carry on” in the face of tremendous hardships. Her story impressed me so much that I want to share just a part of it with you.! ! Natasha D. Tells Her Story! ! I have a very difficult life. Often I go to school hungry because there is no food in the house. My mother is jobless; my father is an Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) who is still too deep in debt for the fees he had to pay to get his job. Often I just look forward to my friends treating me in school since they know how my life is. Some months I am so troubled by the situation in our family – financial and emotional, that my class standing is affected. Thanks to my “Titas” in Kabataan I am able to carry on in spite of the big problems I have. The lessons on perseverance, fortitude, faith and hope have helped me face situations with a strong heart. Natasha’s “Tita” (counselor) wrote, “Natasha is shows great faith and virtues … cheerful in the face of challenges, mature beyond her age. 16 years old, the eldest of three and already the pillar of strength in her family. Truly an exemplary KABATAAN.” “Thanks to my “Titas” in Kabataan I am able to carry on in spite of the big problems I have. The lessons of perseverance, fortitude, faith and hope have helped me face situations with a strong heart.” — Natasha D., Kabataan Girl in the top ten of her class, a student leader, ! ! " 2 www.foundationsca.org F O U The Story of Kabataan N D A ! It is often said that instead of “giving fish to the poor, we should help by giving them what they need so that they could fish.” Thus, the initiators of the KABATAAN PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS CLUB pursued a dream – that of helping the poor not to give them their needs but rather to help them help themselves and their families to be self-sufficient and enable them to achieve a quality of life consistent with their sense of human dignity.! ! It was in this light that the “Kabataan” (for short), meaning the “youth”, was conceived by two groups of women volunteers, mostly mothers, and was born in September 2006. Out of the many years of unstinting support from benefactors and the selfless and unwavering dedication of the people and volunteers behind Kabataan, the Club today boasts of 280 active members and continues to reach greater heights.! Character education and life-coaching are the key elements that distinguish the KABATAAN GIRLS’ CLUB that prepares public high school girls for a productive and meaningful work life. ! ! I O N S C A by Agnes Dao, Philippine Chairperson, Manila THE PHILIPPINE KABATAAN -FROM PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS TO ABLE WOMEN OF CHARACTER ! T KABATAAN TODAY • • • • ! 130 alumnae! 40 members in fourth year high school! 50 members in second year high school! 60 members in first year high school! ! Number of Active Members/! Beneficiaries ! Schools Being Helped ! Scholarships Granted to Alumnae ! Number of Dedicated Volunteers ! 280! 2! 15! 55! HOW TO HELP! Kabataan is slowly but steadily moving towards the attainment of its goals and has influenced other groups to replicate the same in their areas. In order to sustain its progress and reach its goals, however, the following are needed:! ➢ More financial support to fund:! - The expansion of the project to more schools and locations;! - Training programs for mentors/ counselors, a key element in the project; ! - More educational/developmental activities like 4 to 5 day summer camps;! - The growing number of Kabataan graduating members now lined-up for scholarships – tuition plus stipend;! - Requirements of Kabataan graduates studying in technical vocational schools that provide only partial scholarship and nothing for textbooks, educational materials and transportation allowance; and! - Salaries for professionals now required by the project for more efficient management and controls.! ➢ Educational materials for high schoolers, similar to home schooling materials which are easier to follow and understand with minimal supervision.! Photo - Narra Outreach 2013 www.foundationsca.org "3 F O U N D A T I O N S C A SAVE THE DATE Foundation SCA 6th Annual Benefit ! On Friday, 17 October 2014 the Foundation for Social and Cultural Advancement will host its 6th Annual Benefit at the Residence of the Philippine Ambassador and Mrs. Jose L. Cuisia, Jr. from 7:00-9:30 p.m. ! Join us and help change a woman’s life forever. 2014 SPONSORED PROGRAMS 1. Las Gravileas, Entrepreneurial Training for Women Sacatepéquez, Guatemala 2. Protect Your Heart - Buenos Aires, Argentina 3. Sorawell, Professional Training Center for Women - Yaoundé, Cameroon 4. High School Scholarships for Girls in an Internally Displaced Persons Camp - Wanjohi Farm, Kenya 5. Slenis Cultural Center for Girls/Women - Kaunas, Lithuania 6. Vingtar University Student Residence - Ljubljana, Slovenia 7. Club Filary, a Leadership Center for Girls and Young Women Warsaw, Poland 8. Kabataan Girls Program - Manila, Philippines 9. Program for Academic and Leadership Skills (PALS) Washington, DC How to Donate to Foundation SCA Foundation SCA relies on your support. All operational funding comes from individuals and grants. Foundation SCA operates under a debt-free program and does not disperse funds for projects until they are fully secured. Foundation SCA appreciates your generosity that makes our programs possible. To make single or recurring donations: • Visit us at www.foundationsca.org • Mail a check to: Foundation SCA 1629 K Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20006 • Call us at 202.713.0910 ! For stock, bequests, legacies, in kind, other gifts or to volunteer please contact us at 202.713.0910. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Maria Sophia Aguirre – President Brenda K. Royden – Vice President Dorothy Maloney Franco Madan Helena B. Metzger Juan Enrique Yrausquin CFC #: 72574 " 4 Foundation SCA - 1629 K Street NW, Suite 300 - Washington, DC 20006 - [email protected] - 202.713.0910 - w w w . f o u n d a t i o n s c a . o r g
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