Cómo aceptar la muerte súbita e inesperada de un niño

Cómo aceptar la muerte
súbita e inesperada de un niño
Información y apoyo para familias en proceso de duelo y
para amigos y profesionales que desean ayudarlos
Tremendously powerful and moving, the English edition of this book
has already sold some 30,000 copies. The English title is SIDS &
Infant Death Survival Guide: Information & Comfort for Grieving
Family & Friends & Professionals Who Seek To Help Them
(formerly The SIDS Survival Guide).
Both the English and Spanish editions contain authoritative new
medical research information on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and
infant death and comforting articles and poems by parents who have
lost babies to SIDS and other deaths such as suffocation.
Joani Nelson Horc h l e r
and Robin Rice
ISBN: 0-9641218-4-0—Spanish
Paperback—320 pages
$16.95 plus $2.50 book-rate s/h
or $4.95 priority s/h.
Eight books for $100 includes s/h.
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Baker & Taylor, Amazon.com
Or order from Publisher:
SIDS Educational Services, Inc.
(a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization)
2905 64th Ave.
Cheverly, MD 20785
E-mail: [email protected]
877-We-Love-You (877–935–6839)
Fax: 301-322-9822
The most comprehensive book ever written on SIDS, its 19 chapters
cover everything from the particular grief of mothers, fathers, siblings,
grandparents, friends, and child-care providers to guilt, anger, dreams,
premonitions, peer and professional support, emergency response,
planning funerals, enduring anniversaries, and having and monitoring
subsequent children.
“Horchler and Rice have compiled an outstanding collection. The writing
is moving, helpful, and hopeful. This exceptional book will be useful in
every library.” —Library Journal ®
“Although this book is primarily for grief-stricken families … it’s also a primer
for all prospective parents … ” —Booklist
“The SIDS & INFANT DEATH SURVIVAL GUIDE is absolutely the most
comprehensive work ever written for SIDS parents. If only we’d had this book
in 1975 when our son, Rob, died of SIDS. What a blessing to finally have an
excellent, authoritative book to recommend to the SIDS community.”
—Marta Brown, 1996 Conference Chairman, SIDS International
“A godsend … It helps parents know that they are not alone and that it’s not their
fault. I’ll recommend it highly … ” —Richard Abrams, M.D., Denver, author of Will It Hurt
the Baby? The Safe Use of Medications During Pregnancy & Breastfeeding
“The feelings of SIDS parents are validated throughout every page.”
—Beverley De Bruyn, Executive Director, The Canadian Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths
“A lifesaver.” —Angie and Matt Miller, newly bereaved SIDS parents
“I keep this book at my bedside.” —Ann Fink, bereaved SIDS mother
“Beautifully written … A valuable and useful guide for all.” —Mary McClain, RN, MS,
Immediate Past President, Association of SIDS and Infant Mortality Programs
We also publish DANCING ON THE MOON, a picturebook
to help children through grief. (ISBN 0-9641218-6-7)
See order information on the left or visit www.dancingonthemoon.org