Dr. Nico Pestel – Curriculum Vitae - IZA

Dr. Nico Pestel – Curriculum Vitae
Updated: October 30, 2014
Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Schaumburg-Lippe-Str. 5–9, 53113 Bonn, Germany
Phone: +49 228 3894–160, Email: [email protected]
Personal Details
28 July 1983 in Goch
Marital Status
Married, one child (born 2013)
German and Dutch (native), English (fluent), French (basic)
Professional Career
Research Associate, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Bonn
Resident Research Affiliate, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Bonn
Research Fellow, Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), Mannheim
Research Visits
Short visits to: Free University of Berlin, ZEW Mannheim
Visiting Scholar, Catholic University of Leuven
Ph.D. in Economics, University of Cologne, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Clemens Fuest
Diplom-Volkswirt (equiv. M.Sc. Economics), University of Cologne
Vordiplom (equiv. B.Sc. Economics), University of Cologne
Publications & Research
Refereed International Journals
Tax Policy and Income Inequality in the U.S., 1979–2007, forthcoming in: Economic Inquiry (with
O. Bargain, M. Dolls, H. Immervoll, D. Neumann, A. Peichl and S. Siegloch)
Labor Demand Effects of Rising Electricity Prices: Evidence for Germany, forthcoming in: Energy
Policy, DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2014.10.021 (with M. Cox, A. Peichl and S. Siegloch)
The Politicians’ Wage Gap: Insights from German Members of Parliament, Public Choice 156(3–
4), 653–676 (with A. Peichl and S. Siegloch)
Fiscal union in Europe? Redistributive and stabilizing effects of a European tax-benefit system
and fiscal equalization mechanism, Economic Policy 28(75), 375–422 (with O. Bargain, M. Dolls,
C. Fuest, D. Neumann, A. Peichl and S. Siegloch)
Multidimensional Affluence: Theory and Applications to Germany and the US, Applied Economics
45(32), 4591–4601 (with A. Peichl)
Multidimensional Well-Being at the Top: Evidence for Germany, Fiscal Studies 34(3), 355–371
(with A. Peichl)
Does Size Matter? The Impact of Changes in Household Structure on Income Distribution in
Germany, Review of Income and Wealth 58(1), 118–141 (with A. Peichl and H. Schneider)
Refereed German Journals
Der gesetzliche Mindestlohn in Deutschland: Einsichten und Handlungsempfehlungen aus der
Evaluationsforschung, forthcoming in: Schmollers Jahrbuch–Journal of Applied Social Science
Studies (with P. Arni, W. Eichhorst, A. Spermann and K.F. Zimmermann)
Bundestagswahlkampf 2013: Klientelpolitik durch Steuerreform?, Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 15(2), 182–194 (with A. Peichl, S. Siegloch and E. Sommer)
Ist Deutschland wirklich so progressiv? Einkommensumverteilung im europ¨
aischen Vergleich, DIW
Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung 82(1), 111–127 (with A. Peichl and S. Siegloch)
Effizient, einfach und gerecht: Ein integriertes System zur Reform von Einkommensteuer und
Sozialabgaben, Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 13(3), 196–213 (with M. L¨
offler, A. Peichl,
H. Schneider and S. Siegloch)
Einfach ist nicht immer gerecht: Eine Mikrosimulationsstudie der Kirchhof-Reform f¨
ur die Einkommensteuer, DIW Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung 80(4), 147–160 (with M. L¨
A. Peichl, H. Schneider and S. Siegloch)
Mehr Ungleichheit durch kleinere Haushalte? Der Zusammenhang zwischen Ver¨
anderungen der
Haushaltsstruktur und der Einkommensverteilung in Deutschland, Zeitschrift f¨
ur ArbeitsmarktForschung–
Journal for Labour Market Research 43(4), 327–338 (with A. Peichl and H. Schneider)
Reform der Hartz IV-Hinzuverdienstregelungen: Ein verfehlter Ansatz, Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 12(1), 12–26 (with A. Peichl, H. Schneider and S. Siegloch)
Working Papers
Under review
Beyond Inequality Accounting: Marital Sorting and Labor Supply of Couples, IZA Discussion
Paper No. 8482 / SOEPpaper No. 698–2014
Shifting Taxes from Labor to Consumption: More Employment and more Inequality? (with
E. Sommer), IZA Discussion Paper No. 7804
Close to submission Incumbency Advantage in a Mixed Electoral System: The Case of Germany (with A. Peichl and
S. Siegloch)
Work in progress
Marriage Markets on the Campus: University Education and Assortative Mating in Germany
Performance Effects of Air Pollution: Evidence from Professional Soccer (with M. Cox, A. Lichter
and E. Sommer)
Air Quality Effects of Green Energy Policies (with O. Deschenes and M. Kahn)
Labor Supply Effects of Wealth Shocks: Evidence for Germany (with K. Doorley)
The Impact of Participation Tax Rates on Labor Supply Decisions (with C. Bartels)
Labor Demand and Energy Prices: Evidence from Firm Microdata (with A. Lichter)
Labor Supply Elasticities in the U.S. and Germany (with O. Bargain, M. Dolls, D. Neumann,
A. Peichl and S. Siegloch)
Other Publications
Earnings Inequality, IZA Policy Paper No. 89, forthcoming in: International Encyclopedia of the
Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition (with A. Peichl)
Employment Effects of Green Energy Policies, IZA World of Labor, DOI: 10.15185/izawol.76
Documentation IZAΨMOD v3.0: The IZA Policy Simulation Model, IZA Discussion Paper No. 8553
(with M. L¨
offler, A. Peichl, S. Siegloch and E. Sommer)
Economic Inequality in Germany and the Role of Household Context, Bonn Journal of Economics
2(2), 91–105
Green Jobs: Erlebt Deutschland sein gr¨
unes Besch¨
aftigungswunder?, IZA Standpunkte No. 58
Inequality in Germany: The Role of Household Context and the Concept of Economic Resources,
Dissertation, University of Cologne
ugige Besch¨
aftigung: Situation und Gestaltungsoptionen, Studie im Auftrag der Bertelsmann Stiftung, IZA Research Report No. 47 (with W. Eichhorst, T. Hinz, P. Marx, A. Peichl,
S. Siegloch, E. Thode and V. Tobsch)
Finanzielle und Besch¨
aftigungswirkungen unterschiedlicher Tarifverl¨
aufe alternativer Hinzuverdienstregelungen, Studie f¨
ur das Bundesministerium f¨
ur Wirtschaft und Technologie, IZA Research
Report No. 46 (with M. L¨
offler, A. Peichl, H. Schneider and S. Siegloch)
Bemessungsgrundlage kontra F¨
unf-Stufen-Tarif: Eine Simulationsanalyse des Reformvorschlags
nach Rose, Wirtschaftsdienst 91(5), 328–332 (with A. Peichl, H. Schneider and S. Siegloch)
Aktivierung von Fachkr¨
aftepotenzialen: Frauen und M¨
utter, Kurzexpertise im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums f¨
ur Arbeit und Soziales, IZA Research Report No. 39 (with W. Eichhorst, M.
Kendzia, A. Peichl, S. Siegloch and V. Tobsch)
Gutachten zur Berechnung von Vorschl¨
agen zur Neuregelung der Erwerbst¨
age im
Auftrag des Bundesministeriums f¨
ur Arbeit und Soziales, IZA Research Report No. 32 (with
A. Peichl, H. Schneider and S. Siegloch)
Alter Wein in neuen Schl¨
auchen: Der F¨
unf-Stufen-Steuertarif der FDP auf dem Pr¨
ufstein, IZA
Standpunkte No. 27 (with A. Peichl, H. Schneider and S. Siegloch)
International Conferences
European Meeting of the International Microsimulation Association (IMA), Maastricht; 33rd
General Conference of the International Association for Research in Income and Wealth (IARIW),
Rotterdam; Nineteenth Annual Meetings of the Society of Labor Economists (SOLE), Arlington
69th Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance (IIPF), Taormina; Fifth Meeting
of the Society for the Study of Economic Inequality (ECINEQ), Bari; 12th Journ´ees Louis-Andr´e
G´erard-Varet (LAGV), Aix-en-Provence; Eighteenth Annual Meetings of the Society of Labor
Economists (SOLE), Boston
32nd General Conference of the International Association for Research in Income and Wealth
(IARIW), Boston; European Meeting of the International Microsimulation Association (IMA),
Annual Meeting of the German Economic Association, Frankfurt am Main; 67th Congress of the
International Institute of Public Finance (IIPF), Ann Arbor; Fourth Meeting of the Society for the
Study of Economic Inequality (ECINEQ), Catania; New Directions in Welfare II, OECD Paris; 3rd
General Conference of the International Microsimulation Association (IMA), Stockholm; Sixteenth
Annual Meetings of the Society of Labor Economists (SOLE), Vancouver
Annual Meeting of the German Statistical Society, Nuremberg; Annual Meeting of the German
Economic Association, Kiel; 31st General Conference of the International Association for Research
in Income and Wealth (IARIW), St. Gallen; 10th International Meeting of the Society for Social
Choice and Welfare, Moscow; 24th Annual Conference of the European Society for Population
Economics (ESPE), Essen
Invited Seminar Presentations
scheduled: CEPS/INSTEAD, Luxembourg ; ZEW Mannheim; University of Cologne
University of Antwerp; University of Kiel; Catholic University of Leuven; Leuphana University of
uneburg; University of Hohenheim
scheduled: Eighth Microcensus User Conference, Mannheim; 2nd IZA Workshop on Labor Market
Effects of Environmental Policies, Bonn; 5th IZA Workshop on Entrepreneurship Research, Potsdam; Evaluation of Family Policy Measures, ZEW Mannheim; Ninth Winter School on Inequality
and Social Welfare Theory (IT9), Alba di Canazei
1st IZA Workshop on Labor Market Effects of Environmental Policies, Bonn; Eighth Winter
School on Inequality and Social Welfare Theory (IT8), Alba di Canazei
15th IZA European Summer School in Labor Economics, Buch am Ammersee; Seventh Winter
School on Inequality and Social Welfare Theory (IT7), Alba di Canazei
Reformoptionen: Minijobs und Ehegattenbesteuerung, Bertelsmann Stiftung, Berlin; Wirksame
Gesetze durch Nachhaltigkeitspr¨
ufungen, Bertelsmann Stiftung, Deutscher Bundestag, Berlin;
Sixth Winter School on Inequality and Social Welfare Theory (IT6), Alba di Canazei
GINI – Growing Inequalities’ Impact, Amsterdam; Sixth International Young Scholars SOEP Symposium, Delmenhorst; 3rd RGS Doctoral Conference in Economics, Bochum; Fifth Winter School
on Inequality and Social Welfare Theory (IT5), Alba di Canazei
Organizer of IZA’s internal research seminar
Since 2010
Supervision of Diploma and Master theses in Public Economics, Universities of Cologne and Bonn
Undergraduate level tutorials in Microeconomics and Macroeconomics, University of Cologne
Other Professional and Research Activities
Head of IZA’s microsimulation unit (IZAΨMOD)
Deputy Program Director of the IZA Research Area “Environment and Employment”
(Program Director: Prof. Olivier Deschenes, PhD, University of California, Santa Barbara)
European Journal of Political Economy, IZA Journal of Labor Policy, Journal of Economic Inequality, Journal of Economics, National Tax Journal, Review of Income and Wealth, Social Indicators
International Association for Research in Income and Wealth (IARIW), Verein f¨
ur Socialpolitik
(German Economic Association), International Institute for Public Finance (IIPF), Society for the
Study of Economic Inequality (ECINEQ), Society of Labor Economists (SOLE)
Research Projects
(Co-)Project leader
Analyse der Verteilung von Einkommen und Verm¨
ogen in Deutschland (with IAW T¨
at T¨
ubingen and ZEW Mannheim, on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Labour and
Social Affairs)
Verteilungswirkungen umweltpolitischer Maßnahmen und Instrumente (with FU Berlin, on behalf
of the Federal Environment Agency)
Member of the project team
Employment 2025: How will multiple transitions affect the European labour market (NEUJOBS,
on behalf of the European Commission)
The CSB Minimum Income Protection Indicators database (CSB-MIPI): 2012 update for Germany
(on behalf of Herman Deleeck Centre for Social Policy, University of Antwerp)
Finanzielle und Besch¨
aftigungswirkungen unterschiedlicher Tarifverl¨
aufe alternativer Hinzuverdienstregelungen gegen¨
uber dem Status Quo (on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology); Minijobs: Situation und Gestaltungsoptionen (on behalf of Bertelsmann
Stiftung); Aktivierung von Fachkr¨
aftepotenzialen: Frauen und M¨
utter (on behalf of the German
Federal Ministry for Labour and Social Affairs)
Changes in the redistributive capacity of tax-benefit systems: Simulation-based indicators (on
behalf of OECD); Gutachten zur Berechnung von Vorschl¨
agen zur Neuregelung der Erwerbst¨
age (on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Labour and Social Affairs)
Workshop Organization
2nd IZA Workshop “Labor Market Effects of Environmental Policies”, Bonn
1st IZA Workshop“Labor Market Effects of Environmental Policies”, Bonn; IZA/VEF Workshop: A
European Labor Market with Full Employment, More Income Security and Less Income Inequality
in 2020, Bonn
Influencing Factors on the Income Distribution in Germany, Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF)
and Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Berlin
Courses and Workshops
15th IZA European Summer School in Labor Economics, Buch am Ammersee
EUROMOD training course, University of Essex, Colchester; Topics in Econometrics and Statistics: Microeconometric Analysis, Prof. Francis Vella, Ph.D. (Georgetown University), Bonn
Communicating Research in Economics, Prof. Christian Hellwig, Ph.D. (Toulouse School of Economics), Cologne; LIS Annual Summer Workshop, Luxembourg Income Study; SOEPcampus,
University of Mannheim; Training Course Microsimulation, Institute for Fiscal Studies/University
College of London
Introduction to the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP), DIW Berlin
Training in Academic Didactics, University of Cologne
Media Appearance
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Handelsblatt, Welt am Sonntag, Wirtschaftswoche,
MDR Info, Campus radio Cologne
Prof. Dr. Clemens Fuest
President, Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW)
P.O. Box 103443
68034 Mannheim, Germany
[email protected]
Phone: +49 621 1235-100
Prof. Dr. Klaus F. Zimmermann
Director, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA)
P.O. Box 7240
53072 Bonn, Germany
[email protected]
Phone: +49 228 3894-200
Prof. Dr. Andreas Peichl
Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW)
P.O. Box 103443
68034 Mannheim, Germany
[email protected]
Phone: +49 621 1235-389
PD Dr. Hilmar Schneider
3, avenue de la Fonte
4364 Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
[email protected]
Phone: +352 58 58 55-611