FEB South Granville Seniors Centre Connecting Adults 55+ to Your Community February 19th 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Give your feedback about the Centre and help plan programs and services for 2015 - 2017! Members of South Granville Seniors Centre and volunteers are all welcome to attend. Topics that will be addressed at the meeting include: Health and Wellness Programs Recreational Programs Social Programs Information and Referral Services Administration Enjoy a delicious lunch at the luncheonette before the meeting! If you cannot attend the meeting and would like to contribute to the discussion, please email: [email protected] Or mail your thoughts to: South Granville Seniors Centre 1420 W 12th Ave Vancouver, BC, V6H 1M8 Connec ng Adults 55+ to Your Community Planning Meeting JOINOURWINTERPROGRAMS January-MarchSchedule Seepg.10-15formoredetails. VolunteerAppreciationTea Fri,Feb13,1-3pm Joinusforarockin`goodtimeaswerecognizeourwonderfulvolunteersanddanceto somegreattunes!(Seepg.7fordetails) SGSCPlanningMeeting Thurs.,Feb19(1-3pm) GiveyourfeedbackabouttheCentreandhelp planprogramsfor2015.(Seebackpagefor details) South Granville Seniors Centre 1420 West 12th Avenue | 604.732.0812 southgranvilleseniors.ca Feb 2015 | page 19 South Granville Seniors Friendship Centre 1420 West 12th Avenue | Vancouver, BC, V6H 1M8 T. 604.732.0812 | www.southgranvilleseniors.ca Open 9am-4pm, Monday-Friday Annual Membership Fee: $20 Grupo de Personas Mayores de Habla Hispana Our Mission We work together with adults 55+ to support their well-being in ways that promote friendship, diversity, and individual worth. Staff A Very Big Thank You To: Todos los Miércoles de 10:00 a 17:00 hrs Execu ve Director: Clemencia Gomez [email protected] Program & Volunteer Coordinator: Tina Leung [email protected] Office Administrator & Program Assistant: Tania Ehret [email protected] Board of Directors President: Steve McMinn Vice– President: ————— Treasurer: Mar3n Ma Business Secretary: Linda Darbey Directors-at-large: Beatrice Davis Dolores O’Leary-Shafik Dennis Ragauskas Sheila Resels Miriam Maurer Horario/Schedule And also to our community partners and all other donors for their support. SGSC is funded through generous grants and private donors. Editorial Informa on Our Times is published monthly and is available at South Granville Seniors Centre and throughout the Fairview district. Mailings of Our Times are available at a cost of $12 per year. Please pay at recep3on or send cheques (payable to South Granville Seniors Centre, see mailing address above). For current adver3sing rates, contact [email protected] For comments, ques3ons, or to make a submission to Our Times contact Tina at [email protected] or 604 -732-0812. 10-11hr: 11-12 hr: 12:15-13 hr: 13:10-14 hr: 14:10-17 hr: Clases de computador Clases de inglés Ejercicios Almuerzo Rifa, juegos, charlas Valor/Cost Almuerzo: $7 Membresia: $20/ano Lunch+Activities: $7 Membership: $20/yr Para Mayor Información Llamar a Sandra (Coordinadora del programa) : [email protected] 604-362-5355 (Martes, Miercoles) Spanish Seniors Program Every Wednesday from 10am—5pm meet with Spanishspeakers ages 55+ and take part in a 3-course lunch, computer class, ESL class, gentle exercises, and afternoon activities (musical performances, lectures, sing-alongs, games, etc). Everyone is welcome to participate Spanish and non-Spanish speakers alike! For more information, call Sandra at 604-362-5355 New Services: Spanish Information and Referral Program Every Wednesday from 9:30—12pm Translation service available. Nuevo Servicio: Información y ayuda en Español Todos los Martes en la manana desde las 9:30am hasta las 12pm. Un voluntario de South Granville Seniors Centre lo atendera en Espanol para que pueda conocer y acceder a los servicios de vivienda, salud, pensiones y otros. For more information, call Sandra at 604-362-5355. Featured Program of the Month: Osteo-Arthritis Fit This class, taught by an accredited instructor, is a BC Women’s Hospital cer3fied exercise educa3on and falls preven3on program for individuals with osteoporosis, low bone density or who are at risk of fractures. It provides safe, gentle exercises to improve your strength, balance, and coordina3on to reduce your risk of falls and increase your confidence and independence. Wednesdays 11am-12pm, Jan 14—Apr 1 $60/12 weeks, or drop-in $6/class OSTEOFIT is medically endorsed and based on published research. It is designed and updated by clinical specialists from BC Women’s Hospital & Health Centre’s Osteoporosis program. Feb 2015 | page 3 Thank you to everyone in the community who contributed to the great success of our Christmas Raffle—to the businesses that donated prizes and provided venues for 3cket sales (logos below); to the volunteers who sold 3ckets at these venues; and to everyone who bought 3ckets and sold them to friends and family. Also, thank you to our Board of Directors who organized dona3ons and sales venues. Christmas Raffle Thank You ! Proceeds of the raffle will help fund the Centre’s programs and services which help keep seniors in our community healthy and ac3ve. Thank you all for your generous support! Congratula3ons to the lucky winner, Jennifer Anderson (recently re3red), of the grand prize— travel voucher from Travel Best Bets plus one piece of luggage— $600: courtesy of Prospera Credit Union, Canadian Western Bank ( W. Broadway), Claire Newell , and SGSC. OSTEOFIT aims to provide safe and gentle exercises for individuals with minimal previous exercise experience. • Exercise can modify some fall risk factors and thus reduce falls in older adults. • A physically ac3ve lifestyle is associated with a reduced risk of osteoporo3c fracture. The goals of OSTEOFIT are to: • Reduce an individual’s risk of falls and fractures, • Improve an individual’s ability to do day-to-day ac3vi3es, • Increase an individual’s confidence and independence, • Improve an individual’s quality of life. Happy February Birthday! Marta A. Sonia A. Ken A. Gladys B. Joseph B. Julia C. Rae C. Maria C. Shelora D. Frankie F. Flora H. Zofia J. Katherine J. Marie K. PierreLe L. Gilda M. Evelyn M. Margaret M. Lillian N. Paula O. Lucy P. Pauline R. Zoila S. Beverly S. Krishan S. Bill S. Silvia T. Linda W. Feb 2015 | page 17 SOCIAL Appreciation from Holly Bazaar 2014 Beatrice D. and her team, Jeannie M., Patricia M., and Raymonde J. who spent countless hours in the cramped and dust-filled Chalmers Room, cleaning, sor3ng and pricing an enormous quan3ty of items. Alice A., Jane U., and Maureen M. who spent months peering at jewellery pieces with a magnifying glass in order to determine their value, before sor3ng, repairing, polishing and pricing them. Dolores O.L.S. who sorted through thousands of books and bargained with book dealers to sell to them at the best prices. Tealia F. and Teppei O. who never succumbed to frustra3on as they regularly braved the cold and rain to put up posters in the neighbourhood which were torn down almost as quickly as they were put up. Louise A., Sonia A., Medi T., Grace T., Liz B., Claudia W., and Peggy R. who, aNer filling their homes with heavenly smells of shortbread, brownies, buLer tarts, lemon loaves to name a few, refrained from devouring their baking and instead, brought them to the Centre beau3fully packaged. The members of the Mustard Seeds Group who spent every Wednesday aNernoon for a year, and more 3me at home, kniOng the most beau3ful baby sweaters, scarves, toques and other woollies to sell. Adriana T. who carved 3me out of her busy schedule to manage the kitchen and make delicious soups and sandwiches on bazaar day and set-up day. Volunteers from Japanese agencies, JP Canada and Jan-Links, who moved furniture and boxes to and fro as they set up the sales and lunch spaces and cleaned up aNer the event. They also ran around to do endless errands for staff and did much of the food prepara3on, service and cleanup. To Steve M. and Dennis K. who oNen fell prey to confusing roads and direc3ons as they went back and forth, picking up dona3ons from people’s homes and bringing unsold goods to other organiza3ons. To Sonia A. and Claudia W. who made jars of delicious marmalade, blackberry jam and apple buLer. Harumi M. who stayed at the centre late into the night on a couple of occasions to price piles of baking and sor3ng through shopping bags. Linda D., Kathleen F., and Sharon E. who helped price piles of baking and organized giN baskets. To the 50 volunteers who helped setup, merchandise and decorate the day before and the 80 who came to sell, greet, serve lunch, check coats, wash dishes, poster, count money, act as security and clean-up on bazaar day. To the community who walked/drove over to bring us donated goods; helped spread the word about the event to their friends and neighbours; came to the bazaar to buy items and enjoy lunch and con3nue to be a huge support of the Centre! To anyone who had anything to do with the bazaar! This incredible accomplishment is shared by all of us as we came together and proved yet again, how amazing we are as a community. Thank you! Bingo Try your luck at Bingo and enjoy an aNernoon tea with this jovial and friendly group. Tue. (ongoing) 1-3pm $3 drop-in TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Join our low-cost weight loss support group. A great way to s3ck to your goals! Annual membership fee $30. Thu. (ongoing) 1:45-2:45pm $6/month NEW! Mahjong Book Club Drop-in to play Mahjong! Players Join us for a discussion of this from advanced, intermediate, and month’s book selec3on. New beginner levels are welcome! Tea members are always encouraged service is included. and welcomed! Fri. (ongoing) 1pm-3pm Last Thu. (monthly) 10:30-11:30am By dona7on $1 drop-in NEW! French Conversa on Group Bridge Club Want to prac3ce your French? Meet Drop-in to play bridge! Gregory is up with others who are also the instructor for anyone who is a interested in the French language, beginner. Tea service is included. culture, and literature. All levels of Mon. (ongoing) 1-3pm proficiency are welcome! $3 or drop in voucher Thu. (ongoing) 11am-12pm, Session is canceled on Feb. 9 By dona7on Mustard Seeds Kni;ng Group Spontaneous Art Studio Join this friendly group to knit, Share in the relaxing and healing share conversa3on and have tea. KniOng sold for Centre fundraising. experience of spontaneous art making. A wide variety of materials is Wed. (ongoing) 1-3pm, Free supplied. Tea service is included. Community Kitchen Fri. (ongoing) 10-12pm Join this FREE community kitchen to $5 drop-in learn new recipes and make delicious meals together using fresh ingredients. Dates for February: Feb 2, Feb 16 Mon.: 10am-1pm Free (meals included) Feb 2015 | page 5 Programs PEER SUPPORT SERVICESSERVICES INFORMATION & REFERRAL Informa on & Referrals / Peer Support Program Do you need help with filling out applica3ons or need informa3on on government and community resources available to seniors? Book an appointment to see an informa3on and referral volunteer. Get informa3on on BC Bus Pass Program, disability pension, CPP, OAS, GIS, Handydart, SAFER, meal programs and more. Tue. (ongoing) 10am-12pm (1hr appts.) Free, Registra7on required Legal Clinics with Access Pro-Bono Receive free legal advice from licensed lawyers. This service is for low-income individuals of any age. Please call to find out if you meet the requirements. Select Thu.: Feb 12, Feb 26 1-3pm (½hr appts.) Free, Registra7on required Appreciation Luncheon 2014 Snapshots from Christmas Income Tax Clinics If you need help preparing your Canadian Income Tax return, and have low income with a straighTorward return, take advantage of this FREE clinic. Unfortunately we cannot help with income tax returns for: ∗ Deceased individuals ∗ Bankruptcies ∗ Capital gains or losses ∗ Employment expenses, business or rental income and expenses Clinic volunteers are experienced tax preparers and have received training from Canada Revenue Agency. 2015 Dates: Mondays (Feb 23-Apr 27) 1pm-4pm with Wendy (½ hr appts) Wednesdays (Feb 25-Apr 29) 9am-12pm with Albert (½ hr appts) Fridays (Feb 27-Apr 24) except Mar 6 9:30am-1pm with Mengqiao (½ hr appts) Free, Registra7on required SOCIAL Check out our new website! southgranvilleseniors.ca Also, check out our Facebook page which will be a hopping place of ac3vi3es as we share stories, pictures and videos. There, you can leave us comments and sugges3ons. Check out our TwiFer page (@sgseniors)! There, we will connect with other organiza3ons and businesses in the community! Musical Apprecia on Join us on select Thursdays each month to watch a musical. This Month’s Musicals: Feb 5—Fiddler on the Roof Select Thu. (monthly) 1-3pm; $1 drop-in Opera Apprecia on Join us one Thursday of every month to watch a world famous opera. This Month’s Opera: Feb 19—Il Trovatore (by Verdi) Select Thu. (monthly) SGSC Amaryllis Singing Group 1:00-4:10pm An informal choir meets each Monday to sing song favorites. No training necessary! This is a fun group to join! Mon. (ongoing) 11am-12pm By dona7on Session is canceled on Feb. 9 We are now collecting photos of our seniors taken during their teenage years. We plan to make a mix & match poster, in which you’ll have to pair up the teenager photo with the correct senior member. There will be an answer sheet available at the reception desk. Please submit your photos to Tina Leung. Feb 2015| page 15 FRIDAY AFTERNOONS WEACCEPT: ACWE SELF-CARE Gentle Hand & Foot Care Our cer3fied Aesthe3cian is available to pamper your hands or feet. 3rd Tue. (monthly) 9:30am-4pm (½hr appointments) $20 members, $24 non-members Registra7on required Facial Spa Our cer3fied Aesthe3cian is available to provide personalized skin care treatments designed for your skin's needs. All of our facials will leave you feeling rested, revitalized and your skin will be simply glowing. 3rd Mon. (monthly) 9:30am-2pm (½hr appointments) $20 members, $24 non-members Registra7on required NEW! UNFORTUNATELY, WE CANNOT AC- NEW! Wellness Clinic Come to our monthly Pharmasave Health and Wellness Clinic to learn about the most common health topics asked about by seniors and take control of your own health. We are pharmacists collabora3ng closely with other healthcare professionals like doctors, den3sts, nutri3onists, naturopathic doctors, physiotherapists! It's a fun and interac3ve way to learn about different health topics. Last Thu. (monthly) 11am-12pm February Date: Feb 26 Free, drop-in Massage Therapy (ages 45+) Get a relaxing and therapeu3c massage from students of West Coast College of Massage Therapy in their Hair Care final prac3cum. This service receives Have your hair cut and styled by rave reviews and has helped many our long-term, friendly hairdresserAnneLe. Please wash your hair before- clients relieve their pain, tension and stress. hand. Mon. (ongoing) Thu. (ongoing) 1:15pm-5pm (45 min appts.) 10-2pm (½hr appointments) $25 members | $30 non-members $10 members | $12 non-members Registra7on required + gratuity Session is canceled on Feb. 9 Registra7on required Hearing Clinic Have your hearing tested by an audiologist from Connect Hearing and/or have your ques3ons about ear health or devices answered. Select Tues. (every 2nd month) 1pm-3pm Winter Term Dates: Mar 17 Free, drop-in Programs Feb 2015 | page 7 FRIDAY AFTERNOONS EDUCATIONAL Brain Gym Give your brain a workout by solving head-scratching brain games in this fun and challenging class. Research has shown that brain games can help keep our minds sharp and boost our memory, focus and mul3-tasking abili3es. Computer & Tech Lessons Receive one-on-one instruc3on on how to use the computer—whether you’re a total newbie or want to increase your skills, our friendly instructors are flexible in helping you learn at your own pace. For those who don’t know where to begin, this program can take With this class’ open-ended format, you from learning how to turn on you can choose the level and types the computer to exploring the world and finding content about absolutely of games you want to tackle and work at your own pace. Games are anything through the internet; keeping in touch with loved ones through available in a variety of formats email, Facebook and video-chat; creincluding tac3le, computer, paper a3ng simple documents; and beand group ac3vi3es. Assistance to yond! get started or unstuck on puzzles is available! *Also: Want to learn more about your own gadget? You can sign up for Mon. (ongoing), 10-11am beginner to intermediate instruc3on $1, drop-in on how to use your cellphone, digital Class is canceled on Feb. 9 camera, ipad, laptop, eReader, etc. Introduc on to Spanish Expand your universe and learn the Thu. (ongoing) basics of Spanish, one of the fastest 2:00-4:00pm (1hr appt.) growing languages in the world! With Tasha L.E This class provides a posi3ve and $5 Registra7on required suppor3ve environment to learn prac3cal language that prepares you to interact in a daily life context and provides the founda3on for con3nued studies in Spanish. Wed. (ongoing), 3-4pm $5/class Registra7on required FEB Garden and Rake without the Ache 6 Fri, Feb 6, 1-2pm, FREE Come out to hear local chiropractor, Dr. Gaelan Connell speak about the benefits and hazards of geOng into the garden. This interac3ve presenta3on is aimed at helping gardeners to avoid the s3ff and sore joints, muscles, neck, and back pain that some3mes accompanies work in the yard. This program features 3ps that demonstrate proper warm up exercises, stretches, liNing techniques, and injury preven3on strategies in a simple, easy to follow format. Tea service will follow. FEB 13 Volunteer Appreciation Tea Fri, Feb 13, 1-3pm, FREE Join us for an awesome fun 3me as we hand out awards and say thank you to the dedicated volunteers of the Centre! The South Granville Seniors Centre Amaryllis Singing Group will also be performing! Tea service and cake will be provided. FEB 20 Polypharmacy Fri, Feb 20, 1-3pm, FREE As the incidence of chronic illness increases with age, seniors oNen find themselves taking several different prescrip3on and non-prescrip3on medica3ons. Polypharmacy, a term that describes the use of five or more medica3ons at the same 3me, is actually quite prevalent in Canada. This is why managing medica3ons well, apprecia3ng how they work, and understanding what you can expect from them can be very helpful. This presenta3on is on how you can make the most of your medica3on therapy! Tea service will follow. FEB 27 Popcorn & Movie: Hundred-Foot Journey Fri, Feb 27, 1-3pm, FREE The family of talented cook, Hassan Kadam, has a life filled with both culinary delights and profound loss. DriNing through Europe aNer fleeing poli3cal violence in India that killed the family restaurant business and their mother, the Kadams arrive in France. Once there, a chance auto accident and the kindness of a young woman, Marguerite, in the village of SaintAntonin-Noble-Val inspires Papa Kadam to set up an Indian restaurant there. Tea service will follow. Feb 2015 | page 13 Lunch Menu EXERCISE February Hot Lunches @ Noon Delicious, Nutritious, Home-cooked Style Please reserve your spot by calling us at least one day in advance. Please note that menu subs3tu3ons are some3mes necessary. Tuesday & Thursday 3-Course Meal: $7 members, $7.50 non-members Friday Soup & Sandwich: $6 members, $6.50 non-members Friday Cook: Cel We offer the best valued lunches in the neighbourhood! Feb 5 Salad Shepherd’s Pie Dessert Feb 6 Soup & Sandwich of the Day Join us for a meal and be amazed at how delicious they are! Feb 10 Salad Lasagna Dessert Feb 12 Salad |Chicken & Broccoli Alfredo Dessert Feb 13 Soup & Sandwich of the Day Feb 17 Salad Chicken Pot Pie Dessert Feb 19 Feb 20 On Tuesdays, explore new flavours with 3course lunches made by Claudia, a crea3ve and experienced cook from a downtown restaurant. Tuesday Cook: Claudia Thursday Cook: Medi Feb 3 Salad | Pork Ribs & Baked Beans Dessert Feb 24 Salad | Baked Fish and Potatoes| Dessert The Luncheonette Soup & Salad | S3r Fry Beef with Rice Dessert Sandwich of the Day Feb 26 Pos es Lunch Feb 27 Soup & Sandwich of the Day Please note: Spaces are limited! Please register early. There is a waitlist available when spaces are filled. We’ll try to accommodate everyone but there are no guarantees. One Thursday a month, the lobby transforms into The Luncheonette café style setup. We invite the public to have lunch with us on this day to help us connect with our community . On Thursdays, have hearty and classic 3-course meals made by Medi, a chef straight from Paris! On Fridays, we serve delicious soups and sandwiches made by Celes3na Osteo-Arthri s Fit This class, taught by an accredited instructor, is a BC Women’s Hospital cer3fied exercise educa3on and falls preven3on program for individuals with osteoporosis, low bone density or who are at risk of fractures. It provides safe and gentle exercises to improve your strength, balance, and coordina3on to reduce your risk of falls and increase your confidence and independence. Wed. 11am-12pm, Jan 14-Apr 1 $60/12 weeks, or drop-in $6/class Nordic Walking Let’s work together to get fit! Nordic/”pole walking” is a fantas3c cardiovascular exercise that works your en3re body. It is actually one of the best all-in-one workouts in the world for all ages-anywhere-any3me of the year! Various walks in the neighbourhood, rain or shine. Tai Chi Learn this ancient Chinese mar3al art form that uses slow, deliberate standing movements, medita3on and deep breathing to enhance your physical and mental well-being. Described as “medita3on in mo3on,” this prac3ce improves your flexibility, joint strength, circula3on, balance, and coordina3on and increases your mental focus and awareness - helping you achieve a sense of inner peace and tranquility. Wed. (ongoing), drop-in Intermediate - 9:15-10am ($5) Beginner - 10:05-10:50am ($5) No class on March 18 & 25th. Did you know? There are four main types of exercise. FEATURED! Nordic poles are supplied but are limited. Please register early! Fri. 10am-12pm (Free) Stretch and Strength This class focuses on gentle stretches that help with relaxa3on, relieving tension, and maintaining your range of mo3on. It also features gentle strength exercises that target the upper and lower body to increase strength and overall fitness. Mon. 10:30-11:30am, Jan 5-Mar 30 $60/12 weeks, or drop-in $6/class Class is canceled on Feb. 9 1. Endurance, or aerobic ac3vi3es increase your breathing and heart rate. Brisk walking or jogging, dancing, swimming, and biking are examples. 2. Strength exercises make your muscles stronger. LiNing weights or using a resistance band can build strength. 3. Balance exercises help prevent falls. 4. Flexibility exercises stretch your muscles and can help your body stay limber. Feb 2015| page 9 Programs WINTER PROGRAMS January to March 2015 See the calendar, pages 10-11 for this month’s schedule. EXERCISE NEW! Gentle Yoga A yoga prac3ce adapted for the beginner and those who are interested in a more gentle approach. The focus includes a combina3on of warm ups, chair yoga and yoga postures, and gentle breathing prac3ces. You will learn how to use this prac3ce to help you deal with stress, become a more relaxed, aware person and keep your body moving with elegance and ease. Modifica3ons will make this class aLrac3ve for those with restric3ons due to health or injury. Drop-ins are welcome. Tues. 10:30am-11:30am, Jan 6–Mar 31 $ 65/13 weeks, or drop-in $7/class NEW! La n Beat Dance Marcela has experience in a mix of La3n dance styles (Salsa, Merengue, Mambo, Cha-Cha, Rumba , etc) also Hip-Hop and Jazz! She will have everyone dancing and grooving to the hoLest upbeat music around. This high energy dance class focuses on dance technique, frame, and choreography. The lively rhythms will capture your spirit and move your body to the beat! Are you ready for this low impact and easy-tofollow party? Partner not required. Tues. 1:30-2:30pm, Jan 13-Mar 31 $ 60/12 weeks, or drop-in $6/class $1800 - $1975 Feb 2015 | page 11 FEBRUARY 2015 Calendar MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 3 2 Brain Gym Stretch & Strength Singing Group Community Kitchen Massage Therapy Bridge Club Yoga Info & Referrals Hot Lunch Bingo La3n Beat Dance 9 10 16 Facial Spa Brain Gym Stretch & Strength Singing Group Community Kitchen Massage Therapy Bridge Club 17 Hand & Foot Care Yoga Info & Referrals Hot Lunch Bingo La3n Beat Dance 24 23 Income Tax Clinic Brain Gym Stretch & Strength Singing Group Massage Therapy Bridge Club 27 Brain Gym Stretch & Strength Singing Group Massage Therapy Games Club 5 Tai-Chi Osteo-Arthri3s Fit Spanish Seniors AllDay Program/I&R Mustard Seeds Intro to Spanish French Conversa3on Musical Apprecia on Hair Care Hot Lunch TOPS Computer Lessons 11 18 Tai-Chi Osteo-Arthri3s Fit Spanish Seniors AllDay Program/I&R Mustard Seeds Intro to Spanish 25 Income Tax Clinic Tai-Chi Osteo-Arthri3s Fit Spanish Seniors AllDay Program/I&R Mustard Seeds Intro to Spanish Yoga Info & Referrals Hot Lunch Bingo La3n Beat Dance 28 Yoga Info & Referrals Blood Pressure Clinic Hot Lunch Bingo Dancing for Fun Computer Lessons FRIDAY 4 Tai-Chi Osteo-Arthri3s Fit Spanish Seniors AllDay Program/I&R Mustard Seeds Intro to Spanish Yoga Info & Referrals Hot Lunch Bingo La3n Beat Dance CENTRE CLOSED Family Day THURSDAY 29 Tai-Chi Osteo-Arthri3s Fit Spanish Seniors AllDay Program Mustard Seeds Intro to Spanish 6 French Conversa3on Legal Clinic Hair Care Hot Lunch TOPS Computer Lessons 13 Mahjong Nordic Walking Spontaneous Art Soup & Sandwich Volunteer Apprecia on Tea 19 French Conversa3on Planning Mee ng Opera Apprecia on Hair Care LuncheoneLe TOPS Computer Lessons 26 French Conversa3on Legal Clinic Wellness Clinic Book Club Pos es Lunch Hair Care TOPS Computer Lessons We are looking for dona3ons of YARN, NEEDLES, and kniOng and crochet BOOKS! Mahjong Nordic Walking Spontaneous Art Soup & Sandwich Garden and Rake without the Ache 12 Please Donate !!!! 20 Mahjong Nordic Walking Spontaneous Art Soup & Sandwich Polypharmacy Presenta on Our Mustard Seeds KniOng Group will take these resources and make beau3ful hand-kniLed items for sale at the South Granville Seniors Centre and Spring/Holly Bazaars. Proceeds from these fundraiser benefit the South Granville Seniors Centre’s programs and services. Please drop them off at our office located at 1420 West 12 Avenue, Vancouver (Corner of 12th Ave. and Hemlock St.) PLEASE NOTE! The Centre will be closed on Monday, February 9th for BC Family Day. 27 Income Tax Clinic Mahjong Nordic Walking Spontaneous Art Soup & Sandwich Movie & Popcorn 10 % OFF WITH COUPON LOONIE PLUS MART 1539 West Broadway (Between Granville & Fir St) T: 604-559-7587 Mon-Fri: 9am-7pm Sat & Sun: 10am-6pm Canadian Passport Photo Available $8.99/2pcs 100% Money Back Guaranteed
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