COSMOS Data Management Tool Manual
Kyle Berney
DMT Overview
The Data Management Tool (DMT) is a GUI based collection of tools which allows the user to edit and view
various aspects of a COSMOS node. The current implemented tools are the DMT Manager, the Node.ini
Editor, the Events.dict Editor, the MED Preview, and the Draw Node Viewer.
DMT Tools
DMT Manager
The DMT Manager tool allows the user to select the current COSMOS node, create or delete a COSMOS
node, or launch other DMT tools.
Using the DMT Manager
The DMT Manager automatically starts once you run the DMT. In order to select the current COSMOS
node, use the combo box/drop down menu located at the center of the tool and simply select the desired
COSMOS node.
At the top of the tool, are two buttons ’Create Node’ and ’Delete Node’. Clicking on ’Create Node’ will
allow you to create a blank node or copy a currently existing node. Clicking on ’Delete Node’ will delete the
current COSMOS node. (Not yet implemented)
On the bottom of the tool, are buttons which launch their respective tools. For example, clicking on the
’Node.ini Editor’ button will launch the Node.ini Editor Tool.
Node.ini Editor
The Node.ini Editor provides a readable format for viewing and editing the current COSMOS node’s
’node.ini’ file. The ’node.ini’ file contains the static definition of the node.
Using the Node.ini Editor
A list of the current categories of parts with their counts are displayed to the top left in the list labeled
’Category (Count)’. Once one of these categories are selected, a list of the part names in that category will
be displayed in the list labeled ’Names’. In the ’Names’ list, you can select the individual part and the
details of that part will be displayed to the right.
’Piece Details’ displays all the JSON namespace name and value pairs tied to the piece aspect of the
part. Similarly, the ’Component Details’ displays the JSON namespace name and value pairs tied to the
component aspect of the part and the ’Device Details’ displays the JSON namespace name and value pairs
tied to the specific device aspect of the part.
In order to edit these values, simply click on the ’Edit’ button next to the value you wish to change and
the line edit becomes editable. This will also cause an ’Ok’ button and ’Cancel’ button to appear next to
the value. Once you have finished making your changes to the value, clicking on the ’Ok’ button will set the
new value or clicking on the ’Cancel’ button will cancel the changes and the original value will be displayed.
On the top left of the tool are three buttons. The ’Save’ button will save the current ’node.ini’ file, the
’Add New’ button allows you to add either just a piece or a piece, component, and specific device, and the
’Delete Selected’ will remove the current selected part.
Events.dict Editor
The Events.dict Editor provides a readable format for viewing and editing the current COSMOS node’s
’events.dict’ file. The ’event.dict’ file contains the event templates for the node.
Using the Events.dict Editor
A list of all the event names in the ’events.dict’ file is listed on the left. By selecting an event, all the JSON
namespace name and value pairs are shown to the right.
In order to edit these values, simply click on the ’Edit’ button next to the value you wish to change and
the line edit becomes editable. This will also cause an ’Ok’ button and ’Cancel’ button to appear next to
the value. Once you have finished making your changes to the value, clicking on the ’Ok’ button will set the
new value or clicking on the ’Cancel’ button will cancel the changes and the original value will be displayed.
By clicking on the ’Add to Preview’ button, you are able to add the currently selected event into the
Preview dictionary. If the current event is already in the Preview dictionary, the ’Add to Preview’ button
changes into a ’Remove from Preview’ button which will remove the event from the preview dictionary. The
preview dictionary contains the events which will be previewed in the MED Preview tool. In order to launch
the MED Preview, simply click on the ’MED Preview’ button.
On the top left of the tool are three buttons: ’Save’, ’Add New’, and ’Delete Selected’. (Save, Add New,
and Delete Selected not yet implemented for Events.dict Editor)
MED Preview
The MED Preview allows the user to preview how events will be displayed in the Mission Events Display
in the Mission Operations Support Tool (MOST).
Using the MED Preview
The MED Preview is basically an animation script which runs starting from the provided Start Time until
the End Time (set by the two Date/Time Line Edits on the bottom left). The speed at which the animation
runs at is set by the slider bar to the right.
On the bottom of the MED Preview is a list of the events currently in the preview dictionary. It is
important to set the Date/Time of the events as this is the Date/Time that the event will be ”executed”.
Once all the Date/Times have been set, simply click on the ’Start Animation’ button to start the MED
Preview. The ’Stop Animation’ button will stop the animation (if it is currently running) and the ’Reset
Animation’ button will reset the animation back to the Start Time.
Draw Node
The Draw Node Viewer provides a graphical view of the current COSMOS node. Controls (arrow keys
and/or mouse drags) to move the node around not yet implemented.