Sporting volunteers? Why no action?

Gulf Daily News Monday, 2nd February 2015
If you have a hunch today, it may be because subconsciously you’re putting together the side of
you which is very open minded, with another part of your nature which is utterly down-to-earth.
Innovation is certainly to the fore, and you could find yourself taking an active lead. Some kind of
new start is very possible.
You might find yourself quite sociable for the first day of the week, or at least enjoy some heart
warming conversations. Generally, this is your time of the year when you cocoon yourself away.
But with Venus combining with Neptune, your sex appeal can have a quiet, but shimmering and
alluring dimension.
The Sun’s continuing and fantastic link to Uranus can give you a futuristic outlook. In fact, even
if you are usually more conservative in your approach, anything new and novel can capture your
imagination more than usual. You may also find yourself being attracted to the more quirky kind
of friends in your circle.
The Moon starts today in the chattiest part of your horoscope. However, later on you can find yourself feeling more reflective. Within this you might find yourself digging deep into your memory,
and an old idea which you previously discounted could come back into play much more prominently. This may be work-related.
An earthy instinct around money blends with the potential to use your imagination or originality
in terms of how you improve your lot. Being both realistic yet futuristic may seem to be very different things, but truly they can complement one another perfectly. For example, if you’re too airy
fairy, others might switch off from you.
Your instincts can be spot-on early today, so if your sixth sense gives you the steer on something,
or you have woken up holding a vivid dream from last night, do be guided by it. Though changes
at work may have left you unsettled of late, now you could start to see the benefits of altering your
own approach radically.
You might find yourself doubting a situation or person, perhaps because it or they are so different
from what you’re used to. It’s going to be important therefore not to let any inner prejudices inform your moves. The very fact that something is so different could, if you give it a chance, be like
a breath of fresh air.
A friend could be particularly helpful in terms of their insight into a professional financial issue. You
may even find yourself talking to a formal adviser. Yet, whatever you discover early in the day, the
chances are later on that you might want to draw into yourself to reflect and consider on exactly
what this all means.
Your mind can whirl with possibilities, and this may lead to some exciting and fascinating conversations. If you find yourself on a fact-finding mission all sorts of interesting information could be
uncovered. Generally, you can be keen to gravitate towards anyone who’s switched on, knowledgeable and fun to be with.
You may be restless early today and even if you are a dedicated follower of routine, this might be
one of those times when a change can be as good as a rest. For example, at home you could find
yourself moving the furniture around, reorganising more practical elements or buying yourself
some kind of energy-saving gizmo.
You definitely need a higher level of stimulation today. Everyday chores and workaday matters can
seem rather dull. Your appreciation of all that is new, technology and even sparkly repartee will
all be heightened. Later today you can find yourself making plans for a trip or checking out a new
hobby or interest area.
Be mindful of what other people say to you today. And I don’t just mean in a verbal way, for someone could drop you a hint through their body language, or their attitude in general. At home a
decluttering session may prove to be quite therapeutic, as well as create extra physical space.
Simplifying things can appeal.
Why no action?
NE day last week I saw loads of paper just
thrown on to the street and I can tell you
by the look of it, it was more than 100 pages.
The problem with us humans is that we
know about disasters that could happen in
the future and don’t take action now, but
delay it for the future.
But it might be too late then, so to make
this article more truthful, I have researched
some facts to let you know how the world can
end if we don’t take action now.
Pollution: We are all aware of it, then why
no action? We get things made in factories,
which release toxic fumes into the air that
result in diseases such as asthma or breathing
difficulties. Scientists have found that toxic
chemicals are killing mammals and water
Human beings and animals need to stay
hydrated but that’s going to be quite hard in
the future.
Tokyo Electric Power Company has made
the “painful decision” to begin purposely
dumping massive amounts of radioactive
water, currently being stored at the destroyed
Fukushima nuclear facility, directly into the
Pacific. So don’t expect the big news networks
to make a big deal out of the fact that Japan
is choosing to use the Pacific Ocean as a toilet
for their nuclear waste.
Soil, water, air and animals are getting
affected and as we are living on the same
planet, we get affected too.
We have no idea till now if we are the only
living things in this huge universe.
Now this brings us to the next topic –
extinction. Some of us know about
the five mass extinctions: 1. Ordoviket. Only 20,000 rhinoceros are left
Published letters are not
cian-Silurian 2. Late Devonian 3. End necessarily the views of the as you read this.
Permian 4. Triassic Jurassic 5. CretaNext time you go to school or
Editor. Readers wishing to
ceous-Paleocene. And guess what?
work or enjoy a day out during the
make a complaint through
We are the sixth mass extinction
weekend and you find someone litthe GDN should provide full tering, pick it up, give it to them and
and this time, we’re the asteroid.
In 70,000BC humans almost went
say: “The world can end if you don’t
together with their contact throw this in the dustbin ignoring
extinct. There were just 20,000 or
telephone numbers.
40,000 I suppose and look where
the fact that earth is in danger.”
we are now: More than seven billion
Give it to them and make them
human beings living on earth!
feel ashamed. Don’t write on paper ‘Save
Now read this list of extinction that haptrees’ because it would be stupid to cut down
pened because of us: Thylacine, Passenger
trees turn them into paper and then write on
Pigeon, Golden Toad, Pyrenean Ibex, Javan
it ‘Save trees’.
Tiger, Fakland Island wolf, Steller sea cows,
I hope this is enough for you all to underZanzabir Leopard have all become extinct
stand. If an 11-year-old can notice this, then
because of us.
I’m sure an adult can.
I bet you don’t even know most of these
Alaa Mohammed
animals. Yet our global warming and pollut11 years old
ed oceans affect them and we don’t know if
there’s a species that’s extinct but we haven’t
discovered it yet.
ANY competitive and recreational types
We turned from 20,000 to over 7bn or so,
of sport are played in Bahrain. Among
why can’t we do that to other animals?
them are football or soccer (we have a great
According to authorities, 1,215 rhinocernational women’s team), rugby, cricket, equesoses were found slaughtered in South Africa
trian sports like endurance dressage and
in 2014. The records are sadly broken every
jumping, bodybuilding, golf courses, a host
year: 1,004 rhinoceroses in 2013, 668 in 2012,
of different watersports, tennis, squash, Muay
448 in 2011, 333 in 2010, 122 in 2009, 83 in
Thai Boxing etc.
2008 and…13 in 2007. They are hunted for
However most sport activities are expensive
their horn which is sold for the price of gold,
– either the equipment is costly or a huge fee
among other illegal stuff in Asian black mar-
Sporting volunteers?
TODAY is Monday, February 2, the 33rd day of 2015.
There are 332 days left in the year. Highlights in history on this date:
1535 – Argentine city of Buenos Aires is founded.
1653 – New Amsterdam (now New York City), population 800, gains a city charter from the Dutch.
1797 – Mantua, Italy, surrenders to the French.
1808 – French force occupies Rome after Pope Pius
VII refuses to recognise Kingdom of Naples and join
alliance against Britain.
1848 – Mexico signs the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, ending a US invasion and ceding Texas, New
Mexico and California to the US.
1872 – Holland sells trading posts on African Gold
Coast to Britain.
1878 – Greece declares war on Turkey.
1905 – Insurrection breaks out in Welle District of
Belgian Congo.
1919 – Monarchy is proclaimed in Portugal.
1924 – Caliphate is abolished by Turkey’s National
1943 – German troops surrender to Russians in Stalingrad after losing 200,000 men.
1953 – The US announces that it no longer will block
Chinese Nationalist raids against mainland China.
1974 – Khmer Rouge bombard Phnom Penh, killing
17 people.
1975 – Ethiopia’s military government orders
bombers, armoured units and troops into operations against guerillas in Eritrea Province.
1979 – After 14 years of exile, Ayatollah Ruhollah
Khomeini returns from Paris and becomes the de
facto leader of Iran.
1990 – South African president FW de Klerk lifts ban
on African National Congress.
1991 – An earthquake jolts Afghanistan and Pakistan before dawn, killing at least 109 people and
injuring more than 350.
1992 – Serbian officials and a Serb leader agree to
support a UN peace plan for Croatia.
1993 – Rebels fire rockets on besieged Afghan capital of Kabul, killing 72 people.
1994 – The Clinton administration praises Sinn Fein
leader Gerry Adams for showing an inclination to
promote peace in Northern Ireland.
1995 – The leaders of Israel, Jordan, the PLO and
Egypt sit down together for the first time in Cairo
in an attempt to revive Israel’s troubled accord with
1996 – A rebel group in Zaire led by Laurent Kabi-