The Yorkshire Thoroughbred Car Club Establish 1966 January 2015 Magazine & News Letter of The Yorkshire Thoroughbred Car Club YTCC are kindly Supported & Sponsored by Mr Allan Binns & Income Systems Ltd What’s in this edition…. Happy New Year Victorian Event - report inside Everyone!! Christmas Party….. club night Inter club Quiz ...results FBHVC ….Report ….Ethanol free petrol ??? Don’t forget Tabletop Sale on club night Club Night is held on the 3rd Monday of the Month at Horbury WMC Cluntergate From 7.30pm Website West Riding Small Locomotive Society Rear of Freedom House Bradford Road Tingley Wakefield WF3 1SD Miniature Steam Passenger Railway Open Sundays 2pm to 4pm We are at Tingley on the A650 Wakefield To Bradford Rd 1 mile east from M62 Exit 28 just past traffic lights A654 Junction on the left Home/small business phone and network services Do you experience broadband problems such as slow connection or poor Wi-Fi reception Do you have a fault in your premises or is it on the service provider’s line Do you need a an extra phone socket Do you need a phone connection for your Sky box CCTV and dummy versions supplied/fitted Network drives 2TB for PC/photo backups If you are experiencing problems with your phone or broadband, your service provider will very often deny that there is a fault on your line. We can determine where the fault lies and if necessary liaise with your service provider on your behalf proving if the problem is external on the public network or in your premises, maybe saving you a service provider callout fee of over £135. We repair home service faults and carry out new installations at a fraction of the cost that major service providers charge 42 years BT comms experience 24/7 Response Competitive prices Call Stuart on 07710399611 or 01924 444847 email me on [email protected] To Advertise your Company in our magazine contact the magazine editor on .. Tel 01924 825866 The rates quoted are £100. full page … £60 . Half page... £35. Quarter page All per annum CAR TYRES Classic to modern day tyres Darren Flynn 07814 995095 Scrap cars removed also cars transported Contact Glyn on 01977 780949 Chairman’s CHAIRMAN’S CHAT HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all! Chat The shortest day is behind us so we can start to look forward to the beginning of the season – OK it’s still a while away, but time flies…unfortunately! And I hope you all enjoyed the festive season. Sorry I couldn’t make the Christmas Party – that must be the second year I’ve missed it. Need to earn a crust and all that. And as it’s the season of good cheer, I can’t find anything to rant about – which makes writing the chat all the more difficult. I was reading something on t’internet earlier that explains how it is that even though 21st December is the shortest day, the mornings don’t start to get lighter earlier until the 2nd of January – all to do with technical stuff like the fact that a day isn’t actually exactly 24 hours long. Confused? I was until I thought about it. So I’ve worked out that we need to do the prize-giving at our shows 15 seconds earlier than we actually do, and that should stop everyone getting wet at the critical moment. Those of you that know that I spend far too much time in London will understand that I have now totally lost it and should be committed at the earliest opportunity… Looks like there could be one or two interesting developments in the coming year, but I can’t say too much yet (as I don’t actually know what they are myself!) – but keep a look out for new stuff as and when we organise it. And all the best for 2015 Cheers Malcolm Chairman - Howard Mills Tel: 01274 973927 Email: [email protected] Treasurer - Michelle Green Tel: 01924 657345 Email:[email protected] Events Secretary—David Lloyd Tel 01924 251541 Email: [email protected] Social Secretary—Keith Parker Tel: 01226 790699 Email: [email protected] Trophy Secretary—Terry Moore Tel: 01226 287240 Magazine Editor—Roland Crosby Tel : 01924 825866 Email: [email protected] M E E T Y O U R N E W C O M M I T T E E Vice Chairman / Membership Secretary & Webmaster. Malcolm Stewart Tel 01924 871156 Email:[email protected] Minutes Secretary & Regalia Jan Stewart Tel: 01924 871156 Email:- As Malcolm Committee Members Tony Green Tel 01924 657345 John Kaddish Tel 01924 216434 Email: [email protected] Rick Hirst Tel 01924 364504 Email: [email protected] Stuart Avison Tel 01924 444847 Email: [email protected] Events & Social Diary Please check any event is on before setting off Proposed Events, Rallies,& Runs.. The dates for 2015. April 19th. . Tadcaster event {Pending} May 4th .. Crow Nest Park June 14th Locke Park August 8th. Locke Park Sept 6th Wilton Park ?? Oct 24th Crow Nest Park . Other events , rallies and Club stands etc to be announced Club Nights and social events Diary January….Table Top Sale February ….Railway Walks & Talks March ….Wood Turning Demonstration April …..Subs Night & Popular Cheese & wine evening. May….Auction night June….Nogging & Natter evening Inter Club Quiz...November Results In Fifth Place & Wooden Spoon Yorkshire Rovers Total 20 Points In fourth place City of Leeds CC With a Total 23 points In third place Wetherby Car Club with a Total 25 points In Second place Triumph Stagg CC with 28 points And Joint First Place YTCC & Morris Minors with 30 points each Well done everyone a great night yet again Receipts from raffle were £63.08. {Please note Pie & Pea supper not available on January Quiz As the Steward is away on holiday} Next meeting :Tuesday January 27th 2015 8pm prompt start Any nick knack or novelties you may have, motoring nature or not we would be pleased to put members adverts in this for sale column. Or if your advert is commercial we would be pleased to quote you for 12 months insertion in the magazine .. Tel: the editor 01924 825866 Triple M Restorations Of Leeds Tel 07989 465266 Classic Car Specialists No job too small All work Photographed Call Gary… For a no obligation chat Only £25 per hour labour Free Quotes If your car is immobile we could come to you? Triple M Restorations Of Leeds Tel 07989 465266 “Keeping Automative History Alive” “ Classic Car sales, service, repair and restoration” Specialising in BMC & Morris models, Morris Minor parts. Fully refurbished Morris Travellers No Hassle purchase of your classic. Please call 01422 881 221 for details Unit 16 Brearley Lane Trading estate Brearley Lane Luddenden Foot Halifax HX2 6HU TEL: 01422 881 221 WEB: Services also include repair, service, restoration and show quality valeting Brighouse Victorian & Christmas Festival by The Brighouse Business Initiative We were kindly invited as our car club to join in with the above festive celebration at Brighouse on the last Sunday in November organised again by the associated Brighouse Business Initiative group. On this occasion we were allotted a full car parking area for our classic car display. The route into the site had been changed at the last minute so new direction signs were quickly re allocated for the new way in. Other than that all went well without any further technical hitch…. As each car arrived they were parked up and issued with the program of events for the day … is a small list of the attractions :Hot Street food, lantern parade, various choirs, Santa’s Grotto, Street entertainers, Victorian re enactment groups, Fair ground, Roast chestnuts & mulled wine, White Shire horses & white carriage on parade with of course Father Christmas ….and that’s not all ... Christmas market & Shops open. What a pleasant way to start Christmas and indeed finish our Rally Season off... About 20 odd cars attended, the gazebo providing a central social and meeting point. Mrs Crosby attending to the afore mentioned program distribution and issuing the club magazine to the general public who again showed great interest in our display, and on the strength of this one or two may have signed up and joined the club…… At half time we were able to enjoy some of the activities and catch a little lunch ….The street food was very enjoyable and street entertainers brilliant….Marie Lloyd and all that…. great day. We were informed that a program of Summer activities was being planned for 2015 such as a 1940’s weekend, The Canal Beer and Music Festival and others all of which we are cordially invited to join in as a club. I am sure we can bear some of this in mind for our next years calendar So as the light started to fail it was time to pack up and give our thanks to the organisers for the invitation to an exceptional great seasonal event. Hears hoping they had a Merry Christmas & looking forward to Prosperous New Year . R. Some street urchins found loitering about Who were you with last night under the pale moon light All lined up for a Christmas show p! U Tea t f Sof o e l p A cou here ... Tops What did Father Christmas bringing you then Tonto Staggs a Ney Ney I can’t remember t Bay! ing evv R R RR y awa et to g Show me the way home….. to go r Club e b m e Dec tmas s i r h C Night A Christmas Extravaganza By about 7.45pm most of party members and guests had arrived The stage already set for our musical entertainment and party games placed and ready for action…..The buffet tables already laid and prepared Howard gave us a warm welcome and wished everyone the compliments of the season . PLAY YOUR CARDS RIGHT…. Always a good warm up game to any party . So after half an hour with a number of games already played and some lucky winners to boot it was now time for us to enjoy the stage show cabaret The Group entertaining us with some 70’s Glam Rock Style music...this soon getting the audience feet tapping even one or two actually daring to get up and dance…. After this excellent entertainment, time to serve the wonderful buffet put on by Roy the Horbury WMC steward very very good…. The big raffle then got under way with loads of prizes for the lucky winners …. Followed by a final flurry of PLAY YOUR CARDS RIGHT again with more lucky winners The band then gave us an extended encore performance to which even more dances daring to have a go and after their final number and our applause Howard gave a vote of thanks at the end of their entertaining Performance. Another good game was ...I don't know what they call it but it includes two packs of cards loads of small presents . A great deal of running about and a lot of purloining of other peoples presents and loads of laughing and more running about.. good game .. good game. And finally a member of the committee had been requested about one of his party games and despite this insisted of doing one….Consisting of a team of ladies ..a team of gents { at this age frightening }a beach umbrella two beach balls one 3foot in diameter also some prizes with team members frantically running about to the Dick Barton theme tune … I’ll leave the rest to your imagination to the final outcome. This final game concluding a great party…. Howard thanking us all for coming and hoping we had enjoyed the fun, again wishing the club members and visitors compliments of the season and all looking forward to the next years classic motoring season …... Return of the Black Finger nail Here we are again folks with some dam good handy hints…. for 2015 How to drill rubber ??? Drilling a piece of rubber as you may know can be difficult especially when the piece winds itself round the drill bit and lashes out to anybody standing nearby… A recommended solution is to rub a little Vaseline on it and use a small diameter piece of copper pipe as a drill bit ... And according to the expert as stated it makes a lovely round hole… { Diagram for illustrative purposes only} { and if it was me I’d try it on summat that didn't matter first } Strike –A– Light Burst radiator ….a get you home remedy ...a box of matches.... First strike a match, this enables you to see were the leak is if it’s a dark night and also provides the repairing medium, by which...please follow these procedures… Firstly force the match into the hole in the radiator, whittling the match to a point if necessary. When wet the match should now begin to expand so making a tight fit in the offending hole ...thus stemming the flow...Top up radiator from wind screen washer bottle and you could safely say you are on your way home ?? On the button…. Now this has a slight chance of actually working ….. Starter motor teeth a bit worn? Try loosening the bolts holding it in place, draw them out and put thicker washers in place and then re fit … This makes the teeth engage the starter ring in a slightly different place and may postpone the replacement a little longer … That’s according to them who knows …..and a little wishful thinking . For Sale… Bradcote Caravan Awning size...895 to 915 cm Maroon/grey. As new - used only three times £100 Tel Mervyn on 01924 862838 For Sale ….. 1996 MG TF Full MOT Mileage Approx 70.000 With hard top Very reasonable condition £ 850. ono. Contact Andrew on Mobile 07976 883743 Reflections from the Hub Cap An open forum for news views, contributions & comments from our members….. FBHVC Below are various extracts from the current FBHVC news letter which stands for the Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs an organization that supports classis car clubs that we feel maybe of interest. Discontinuance of the Tax Disc: The tax disc is no more. We think it important also to remind everyone that a seller should never part with the V5C/2 tear off until the sale is complete and he has the buyer’s money. Another unsatisfactory aspect was that we were not able to see the online taxing process before it was introduced. Now it has appeared, our concern that the printable document resulting from online taxation would not satisfy overseas law enforcement officers as evidence that the vehicle is in fact taxed has proved correct. We will continue to press for a more convincing final output of the online process. FUEL NEWS by Matthew Vincent Ethanol-free petrol: what are the prospects? For those who aspire to an ethanol-free life (as far as their historic vehicles are concerned, that is) and wish to use exclusively petrol which does not contain ethanol in their historic vehicles, some recent developments may be of interest. Firstly, British Motor Heritage (BMH), a company more commonly associated with accurate replicas of 1960s British car body-shells, has launched a UK supply of petrol guaranteed to be ethanol-free. This initiative has been fairly widely publicized in the media in recent weeks, but to summarise: BMH will offer two grades of 100 octane quality petrol, i.e. with or without lead. The fuels will be offered in two different volume containers, the smaller of just under 19 litres, or just over four imperial gallons, while the larger container is the industry standard drum of 205 litres nominal volume (45 imperial gallons). This takes us on to the final issue: how much petrol can be stored at home? This used to be a bit of a thorny issue, with cases of people hoarding petrol during supply difficulties resulting in a successful prosecution on at least one occasion. Fortuitously however, new petrol regulations have just been published under the heading of ‘The Petroleum (Consolidation) Regulations 2014 (PCR)’. The PCR came into effect on 1 October 2014, which dovetails neatly with the announcement by BMH of their new offering. For full chapter and verse on the legal issues and requirements it is best to seek out details of the PCR on the internet. However, a brief inspection reveals an approach which might be regarded as surprisingly helpful to those desiring to avoid ethanol in their petrol. In brief, up to 30 litres of petrol may be stored in either suitable containers, or a demountable petrol tank, without the need to notify the authorities, provided the total volume of petrol stored does not exceed 30 litres. The reference to a 30 litre demountable petrol tank covers the limitation on the volume of additional fuel which may be carried on or in a historic vehicle, over and above the fuel contained in a full petrol tank, to increase its range. If it is desired to store a greater volume, up to 275 litres can be stored provided certain requirements are complied with. To store a drum (205 litres) of ethanol-free petrol for example, would require an Individual to notify the local Petroleum Enforcement Agency (PEA) in writing. Storage requirements do not appear to be unduly restrictive, but would need to be clarified formally with the PEA. It would appear therefore that in principle, the bare bones of a strategy which could allow owners of historic vehicles to run them on ethanol-free petrol, and to overcome the range-limiting difficulties which this might imply, are at hand. As ever though, the devil is in the detail, and all those wishing to store ethanol-free petrol at home should check out the relevant regulatory documents to ensure both compliance with the law, and commonsense safe practice. The new regulations may be found on the following link. fireandexplosion/petroleum-regulations-2014. YTCC Committee Meeting round up The December committee meeting had one apology and main topics were:- different venues for club stands will be confirmed, as far as possible, for the year at the January meeting. These will appear in the following months’ Hornblower. The possible Tadcaster Brewery show is looking more likely and we are talking to the organisers to firm up arrangements should this go ahead. This was the first meeting for our new Web Master Stuart Avison and you will hear more from him regarding the website in due course. The other change to the committee is Keith Parker who is now Social Secretary. The dates for our 2015 shows are: Crow Nest 04/05, Locke Park 14/06, Locke Park 09/08, Wilton Park 06/09, Crow Nest 24/10. Dates for your diary. There was a discussion on an alternative venue for the Wilton Park event which takes place in September and when details are confirmed we will let you know via the Hornblower. Please remember to give us feedback good or bad. Jan Stewart (Secretary) January table top y r a u n a J l a r annu bargain or Yes folks ou a p u k ic p ce to ted sale...A chan f some of those unwan oo s perhaps let g is year some of the club A new year special …………. th arrangements are in hand for the gifts….. And !!! So come r e f f o l ia c e p s n o availability of age related tax disc regalia is club night l ia c e p s is th t r o p p for your period classic car more and su details in the new year !! Tax Disc Holder……… £1.50 Super Key ring with trolley token £1.95 Sew on Badge ……….. £3.00 Car Badge ……... £8.50 Pin badge……… £1.50 Windscreen sticker …. £1.00 Club Regalia If you require any of these items please contact :Jan Stewart on:Tel 01924 871156 THE YORKSHIRE THOROUGHBRED CAR CLUB (WEST RIDING BRANCH) APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP THIS FORM IS FOR NEW MEMBERS ONLY PLEASE DO NOT USE FOR RENEWALS I WISH TO APPLY FOR MEMBERSHIP OF THE YTCC FOR THE YEAR 2014/2015 AND ENCLOSE THE ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION OF £12.00. PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO THE MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY AT THE ADDRESS BELOW. Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………... Address: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………Post Code:…………………………... Telephone: …………………………………...Mobile: …………………………………………... Email Address: …………………………………………………………………………………….. VEHICLE DETAILS MAKE______________________ MODEL______________________ YEAR______________________ REG NO_____________________ DUAL MEMBERSHIP FOR SELF & PARTNER INCLUDES FREE ENTRY TO ANNUAL CONCOURS RALLY, SOCIAL AND OTHER EVENTS AND MONTHLY MAGAZINE. I ENCLOSE PAYMENT OF £12.00 (CHEQUES PAYABLE TO YTCC (WR) LTD) FEE FOR FULL YEAR (APRIL 2014 – MARCH 2015). I UNDERTAKE TO ABIDE BY ALL CLUB RULES AND REGULATIONS. IF YOU WISH TO RECEIVE THE MONTHLY MAGAZINE VIA EMAIL AND NOT BY POST PLEASE TICK HERE INFORMATION SHARING: I WOULD BE HAPPY TO BE PLACED ON THE CLUB REGISTER AND BE WILLING TO SHARE MY VEHICLE AND CONTACT DETAILS WITH OTHER CLUB MEMBERS YES/NO (please delete as necessary) If you do not answer this question then we will assume the answer is NO. Signature: ………………………………………………………. Please return completed form to:- YTCC MEMBERSHIP, HELMS DEEP, 14 BRACKENWOOD ROAD, OUTWOOD, WAKEFIELD, WF1 3TH uk YTCC Office Use only Received Entered Memb No
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