BAIS TORAH BULLETIN פרשת בשלח 2314 הדלקת נרות י' שבט תשע"ה January 30, 2015 ערב שבת פרשת בשלח Candlelighting 4:52 WHAT’S NEW Mincha 5:00 Shkiah 01:5 שבת פרשת בשלח Hashkama 03:7 Daf Yomi 8:00 Shacharis 8:45 This week’s Kiddush is sponsored by the Yeger family in honor of Parshas Beshalach Sof Zman K”S 9:39 Avos U’Banim Motzaei Shabbos at 7:15PM- Learning, pizza and prizes!!! This week is sponsored by David and Carol Abramczik. Sponsorships are available for $50 per week, email [email protected]. Halacha Shiur 3:55 Mincha :1:5 Shkiah 01:: Maariv 0105 Weekday Schedule: Week of 2/1-2/6 Shacharis סעודה שלישיתis sponsored by Dr. Avi and Nechama Becker for the yartzheits of their fathers- her father Menachem Yehoshua ben Maier and his father Sholom ben Yaakov Yitzchok BNOS every Shabbos from 2:30-3:30 for girls grades Kindergarten through 7th grade. We are looking for sponsors for our end of the season Mad Scientist show! Motzaei Shabbos February 21st. Help us end the season with a BANG! Rabbi Frand’s Thursday shiur via the TCN network is Thursday nights at 9pm, and Rabbi Reisman’s shiur is Motzaei Shabbos at 7:30PM. Matzoh baking will be taking place Sunday Feb 15th, 3 pm at the Shatzer matzoh factory. To order please e-mail Sandy Lieder [email protected] or call 352-0122. The Jewish Leadership Seminar Shabbaton is looking for families to host participants 7:45, 8:30 February 20-22nd. The Shabbaton will take place at Bais Torah, if you would like to help provide sleeping accommodations for the young adult participants please contact. Shira Zamore. 845 893 4337 or [email protected] Sunday Mon,Thurs 6:20,7:45,8:30 SAVE THE DATE!!! Annual Siyum Mishnayos take place Sunday, March 1. Details to follow. Tues, Weds.,Fri 6:30, 7:45,8:30 BAIS TORAH SPECIAL REUNION SHABBOS PARSHAS Ki Sisa, MARCH 67...Welcoming back our Bais Torah family, with a special Carlebach Friday night, communal meal, the Traveling Chassidim, and special Havdala. Please inform your children, more details are coming! Mincha Maariv Sunday-Thurs 5:00 Second Maariv Mon-Thurs 8:00 NEXT SHABBOS פרשת יתרו Candlelighting 1375 Mincha 5:10 Shkiah 01:5 MAZAL TOV Mr. Manny Mayerfeld on the birth of a great - granddaughter, born to his grandchldren, Avraham and Nechama Mayerfeld of Yerushalayim, children of Tzvi and Dina Mayerfeld of Passaic David and Ruth Lehmann on the birth of a great-granddaughter born to Elisheva and Yosef Perlowitz of Yerushalayim. Proud grandparents are Shira and Ariel Benmergui of Ramat Shlomo. Mazel tov to the great-great grandfather, Felix Lehmann. Dr. Moshe and Eveline Kranzler on the engagement of their granddaughter, Talia Dennis, daughter of Chani and Jay Dennis of Florida, to Dr. Jacob Freiman of Miami. Rabbi Yaakov and Penina Hauer on the birth of their granddaughter,Leah born to their children Faigy and Mordechai Loebenstein Congregation Bais Torah 89 West Carlton Rd Suffern, NY 10901 (845)352-1343 Refuah Shelaimah Refuah Shelaimah KatieTannenbaum’s Tannenbaum’sgrandgrandKatie sonson- יהונתן משה בן דבורה טובה יהונתן משה בן דבורה טובה Rosalie Kallner Teddy Kallner- טודרוס בן הינדא שיינה רחל בת שרה הודל Henry Shapiroחיים מאיר יחיאל בן מלכה לאה Henry Shapiro- בן מלכה- פרידא יחיאל חיים מאיר Mannyלאה London מנחם מונש בן חנה Bob Schore - Bob Schore - יהודית חיים ראובן בן הענדל יהודית הענדל חיים ראובן בן Suzie Larry Kirshenbaum’s Seligson בן רבקהfatherאריה לייב יוסף בן שרה Larry Seligson’s son- Tova Eizik’s grandson - שלמה פריעדל רפאל אפרים רייזל סימאבן חנה יעקבבןיונתן Manny Mayerfeld Leni Loebenstein - הילני בת רחל מנחם בן קילה Ben and Fran Horwitz’s son in ליאן בן ריזל פנחס law – חיים יששכר בן חיה משקט Ruth Malinowitz Ben Zauderer - פריידא בנימיןבתבן בילה רבקה Chana Furman Mayerfeld-תמרה פרומה בת Helen חנהחנה בת יהודית גיטל Andy Yurowitz אליהו זבי בן חנה Joel Rosenwasser’s mother Fran and Ben Horwitz’s פשע לאה בת שפרינצאson inlaw משה צבי בן פריידא שמחה Larry Seligson- קילארבקה אריה לייב בן Allen Nussbaum אשר בן Laurence and Gloria Larry Seligson’s son-Gorרפאל אפרים בן סימא don’sפריעדל daughter in law Felise Katz’s fatherשלמיתחיים בן בתחנהמיריל Shira Steinberg שירה רות בת שרה SHIURIM BIKUR CHOLIM- Please Call Before VisitWomen’s Tehilim, l’zecher nishmas Feigel bas Mening achem Mendel, meets Shab- bos afternoon Rosalie Kallner 45 minutes before Mincha Fountainview 356-2506 Sunday: Tova Eizik 356-7981 Bob Schore 356-2512 6:30 AM Daf YomiRabbi Avromy Rebecca Tilson Fein 369-9789 Helen Furman 357-1365 8:30 AM Miseches Pesachim Hilde 357 2556 RabbiZauderer Yisroel Gottlieb SHIURIM Sun-Thurs: Women’s Tehilim, l’zecher nishmas Feigel bas Menachem Men10:00 AM Shabbos Daf Yomiafternoon 30 del, meets Rabbi Fischer minutesYosef before the halacha shiur Sunday: Mon-Friday 6:25 AM Daf Yomi Rabbi Avromy Fein 5:25 AM Daf Yomi I – 8:30 AMAvromy GemaraFein Miseches PeRabbi sachim Rabbi Yisroel 7:00 AM Daf Gottlieb Yomi II– Rabbi Yisroel Gottlieb Sun-Thurs: 10:00 AM Daf Yomi RabbiAM Yosef Fischer 8:25 Navi ShiurRabbi Yosef Fischer Mon-Friday 5:25 AM Daf Yomi I 9:45 Gemara RabbiAM Avromy Fein ShiurRabbi Leibel Reznick 7:00 AM Daf Yomi II Rabbi Yisroel Gottlieb Wednesday 8:25 AM Chumash Shiur Rabbi Yosef Fischer Beis8:15 PM Melochim 9:45 AMYisroel Gemara Shiur Rabbi Gottlieb Rabbi Leibel Reznick Tuesday Thursday ON HIATUS Chumash Shiur 8:00PM Women’s Dr. Yehuda Eliezri Mishnayos class-Tumah and TaharaWednesday Dr. Debbie Raice Fox 8:15PM Shmuel Aleph Rabbi Yisroel Gottlieb Thursday 8:15 Women’s Mishnayos Dr. Debbie Raice Fox Parashas Beshalach "The Day that the Depths Turned to Dry Land" Rabbi Yehudah HaLevi is rightly considered the "Poet Laureate" of the Jewish People and of Jewish History. This is one of his great poems that has found its way into the liturgy of the Jewish People. It is sung on the Seventh Day of Pesach, the Day on which HaShem performed the great miracle of splitting the Red Sea for the Jewish People, which we read about in this week's Parashah, and the day that a Jewish baby boy is circumcised, the Day of his "Brit-Milah." The following is a translation of the immortal poem: The day the depths turned to dry land, the redeemed ones sang a new song. (The "new song" refers to the "Shirah," the song in which Moshe led the Jewish men and Miriam led the Jewish women, following the Splitting of the Sea, but also, according to Jewish Tradition, refers to the future, when a "new song" will be sung upon the arrival of the "Mashiach.") Because of her deceitfulness, You caused the Anamite (Egypt is called the Anamite because Anamim was a son of Mitzrayim, the ancestor of Egypt) daughter's feet to sink; but the footsteps of the wholesome one were beautiful in shoes All who see Yeshurun (a title representing Israel in its state of righteousness and spiritual exaltation, based on "yashar," upright) will sing in My Majestic Home: "There is none like the G-d of Yeshurun, and our enemies are the judges” – May you raise our banners over the survivors; (this term, "survivors" has taken on new and special meaning in the era of the Holocaust; to Rabbi Yehudah HaLevi, it meant the survivors of Jewish History) and may You gather the scattered ones as one gathers sheaves Those who come with You into the covenant of your seal, and from the womb they are circumcised for Your Name's sake Display their signs to all who see them, and on the corners of their garments they will make fringes Whose is this Torah, inscribed with Commandments? - Please recognize the truth! Whose is the signet and whose are the threads? (The reference is to the account in Chapter 38 of Bereshit of the relationship between Tamar and her father-in-law, Yehudah, who saved her life when she was about to be burnt for the crime of living with a man outside the family of Yehudah, by admitting that he was the one by whom Tamar was pregnant. In this context, the song asks HaShem to recognize that it is His Torah for which the Jewish People has shed rivers of blood, and for which it has shown undying loyalty.) – Betroth her again, and drive her out no more; let her sunlight rise and let the shadows flee The beloved ones exalt You, with song they come and greet You; who is like You, HaShem, among the mighty ones For the sake of the forefathers may You save the offspring and bring redemption to their children's children. The redeemed ones sang a new song. In our time, we ask the Almighty to "betroth us once again," to "raise the banners" of our salvation, assist us as we try to unite our People, not drive us out of His Holy Land, but rather allow us to prove our loyalty, and restore the Temple to Yerushalayim, the Holy City, where we will sing a new song and "serve You in reverence, as in days of old, and ancient years." L’Illuy Nishmas beni, Aharon Baruch Mordechai ben Pinchas Menac hem How to Reach Us Rabbi Yisroel Gottlieb 357-3913, Daytime emergency 362-8362 [email protected] President Abe Frankel 845 425 8284, [email protected] Treasurer Michael Kronenberg 845 368 1064 [email protected] Facilities Yis Helprin 746-8065 Shul Secretary Aviva Schmutter 352-1343 [email protected] M-TH 9:00-3:00, To receive e-mail updates, write to [email protected] Simcha Room Reservations/Kiddushim Jack Gross 659-6590 Aviva Schmutter, 352-1343 Shalosh Seudas Reservations Jack Gross 659-6590 Bikur Cholim Eveline Kranzler, 352-8410 Sandy Lieder, 352-0122 Eiruv 362-4302 Mikvah 425-6101 Chesed Committee Charlie Grandovsky, 425-4683 Youth Jonathan Rosenstock 369-6349 Sisterhood Liaison Betty Schloss, 369 –1833 Hinda Kimmel 357-9571 Lost and Found Michael Loebenstein, 425-8895 Chevra Kadisha Steve Fessel, 425-1713, Ephraim Pessin, 914-420-6714 Gloria Gordon, 425-1276 Misaskim – 917-217-1545 Sisterhood Tribute Cards, Mona Selzer 356-0219 Bais Torah Bulletin Email: [email protected], All submissions are subject to review and must be submitted by 9pm Wednesday evening..Bulletin is downloadable from the web at In Case of Emergency The red Hatzoloh phone is in the hallway on the wall between the rear washing station and the Simcha Room. The defibrillator is in a cubby in the coat room opposite the Hatzoloh phone. Congregation Bais Torah 89 West Carlton Rd Suffern, NY 10901 (845)352-1343
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