T.e. MUS VALiLiGi it Milli Egitim MiidiirlUgii Sayl :47339225/30011158416 Konu: Uiusiararasl Gene; Mucitler Sergisi 02/02/2015 ................................ KA YMAKAMLIGINA ilye Milli Egitim MiidtirlOgii .................................. LisESi MOOORLOGONE ilgi: MEB Avrupa Birligi ve DI~ ili~kiler Genel MiidtirlUgO'nUn 30101/2015 tarih ve 1111553 sayJlI yazisi. Ol~i~leri BakanlJgl taradmdan Kaslm 2015'te Tayvan'da Uluslararasl Gene; Mucitler Sergisi (lEYI) diizenlenecegi ve katJllmll1 Ulke bazll1da olmasl gerektigi sergiye, 14 ya~tndan kOyOk ortaokul ogrencilerinin ve 14 ya~tndan biiyUk lise ogrencilerinin. 3'er ki~i!ik taklmJar halinde katliabilecegi sergide ingilizce'nin ortak dil olarak kullamlacagl ile ilgili Avrupa Birligi ve DI~ ili~kiler Genel MUdiirlOgOnUn yazlsl ekte gonderiJmi~tir. Ekte gOllderiJen yazmln ile;eniz/okulunuz ogrencilerine duyurularak, ad! gec;en yart~maya katlllmin olmaSI durumunda katllacak ogrencilerin saydannll1 Milli Egitim Bakanitgma bildirmek Uzere MUdUrlUgUmUze gonderilmesi hususunda; Geregini rica ederim. Cevdet ARSLAN Vali a. il Milli Egitim MiidUrU Ek: I Yall (8 Sayfa) Dagltlm: iIye Kaymakamhklan Ortaogretim Okul MOd. T.e. MiLLi EGiTiM BAKANLIGI Avrupa Birligi ve DI~ ili~kiler Genel Miidiirliigii SaYI : 43145072/821.0211111553 30101/2015 Konu: UluslararasJ Geny Mucitler Sergisi ................. vALiLiGiNE 01 Milli Egitim MildilrlUgil) ilgi: Dl~i~leri Bakanllgmm 23/01/2015 tarih ve 7424627 saytll yaZlSI. DI~i~leri Bakanllgmdan alll1an yaZlda; Taipei Ticaret Ofisin in yaZlsma atltla; KaSIlTI 2015'te Tayvan'da Uluslararasl Geny Mucitler Sergisi (lEYI) dilzenlenecegi belirtilerek. katllimm Dike bazmda olmasl gerektigi sergiye, 14 ya~mdan kilyDk ortaokul ogrencilerinin ve 14 ya~mdan bilyilk lise ogrencilerinin, 3'er ki~il ik taklmlar halinde katdabi lecegi sergide ingilizce'nin ortak dil olarak kullallliacagi bildirilmektedir. Soz konusu yart~maya ili~kin bilgiler iIi~ikte gonderilmektedir. Antlan etkinlige ili~kin duyurunun ilinizdeki tUm resl11i-ozel okullara yapdmaslill. katlilm olmasl halinde sonucundan BakanlIgllTIlza bilgi verilmesini arz/rica ederim. Y. Ziya YEDiYILDIZ Bakan a. Genel MUdUr EK: Yafl~maya ili~kin bilgiler (7 sayfa) DAGITIM: Geregi B Plan! MEB Be~evler KampUsU/ANKARA Elektronik Ag: www.meb.gov.[r e-posta: scaglal·((i~imeb.gov .tr Bilgi: Temel Egitim Genel MDdilrlUgOne Ortaogretim Genel MUdilrlilgUne Meslekl ve Teknik Egitim Genel MUdDrlilgUne Din Ogretimi Genel MUdUrlLigUne Ozel Ogretim KurLlmlan Genel Mi..idUrli..igi..ine Ayrmtlli hilgi il;in: S.c,:A(jLAR-~EF T.:I:(O 312) 41882 88f1091 Faks: (0 312).j 18 8289 Bu evrak gLl\enll elektHlI11k irnza ile imzalal1rnl~tlr hnp.//evraksorgu.ll1eb.gov Ir adre'lIlden81 a5-6037-398d-9524-f42fkoJu de levil ~Jilebdlr lEY! Taiwan November 1:5-20, 201:5 Z01:5 1. Origin of IEYI 2. Purpose & Goals of IEYI 3. Main Organizers of 20151EYI Taiwan 4. Regulations for Participation 5. IEYI Invention Categories 6. Judging Criteria 7. Proposed Key Dates & Venue 8. Proposed Schedule 9. Proposed Awards 10. Why Participate in IEYI Taiwan? 11. 20141EYlindonesia (short video clip) 1 " 2004: Japan Institute of Invention & Innovation celebrated its lOOth anniversary & initiated International Forum of Youth Invention (IFYI) (h'ri'p:/ IW\NW.jiij.or·..\p/"i'ech/yol.!n~JDve.ni'or's,hi'111) The 1st annual International Exhibition for Young Inventors (IEYI) was held in August 2004 in Tokyo , Japan " " " • " • • .. II 2005: 2006: 2007: 2008: 2009: 2010: 2012: 2014: Malaysia India Indonesia Taiwan Nigeria Vietnam Thailand Indonesia The young generation's creativity and imagination is limitless ~ lEYI allows creativity, imagination and innovation to be put into practice. II Different cultures may have different creativity and ideas ~ lEYI allows the youth to exchange ideas. 2 3", Main Organizers o§ 2015 lEn 4. Regulations ior Participation (1) Each invention must be created by the youth 2 categories: (i) Under 14 years old (ii) Over 14 years old The youth must be enrolled in elementary schoQL middle school, high schools or voca·tional high school and NOT in college or university. The participant must be currently registered as a school student. (2) Enrollment of one project team is limited to 3 members. Teams must be country repl'esentative teams (i.e. individually registered teams are not accepted). (3) Inventions are NOT for the purpose of artistic beauty display or basic science research. Each invention submitted should meet the following two basic criteria: (i) Invention should have creativity and Originality from a technological perspective. (ii) Invention should display an advantage or benefit to human living. 3 • Inventions that are useful in detecting, preventing natural disasters or accidents. 2. EDUCATION & RECREATION • Inventions that are useful in classrooms and elsewhere, • Inventions that improve activities for recreational purposes (e.g. sports, entertainment). :3. FOOD & AGRICULTURE • Inventions that improve the quality of agricultural practices or solves contemporary food problems. 4. GREEN TECHNOLOGY • InventIons that reduce pollution, promote energy efficiency or environmental sustalnobility . 5. SAFETY & HEALTH • Inventions for the benefit of safety and health. 6. TECHNOLOGY FOR SPECIAL NEEDS Inventions that contribute to the convenience of minorities or people with special needs (e.g. elderly, young children, the disabled, pregnant women). -Theme • Innovative function • Innovative materials - Operation - Stability • Reusability • Patent - Environmental impact • Look • Details • Paper • Oral presentation • Integration of invention 4 • 15 - 20 November 2015 • Auditorium of New Taipei City Government " 300 youth from Taiwan and around the world 8. Proposed Key Dates • Registration period • Deadline for submitting two page summary about invention • Confirmation of international delegation 5 15 November • Registration • Booth set-up • Opening ceremony • Exhibition & judging • Welcome dinnerfor young inventors • Exhibition & judging • Exhibition open to public • Closing ceremony • Cultural tour (one day free, one day optional) 6 • Participants are not required to pay booth fee to display their invention • Organizers are proposing to subsidize each participating country between NTD$20,OOO to NTD$40,OOO for accommodation •.!!2!.!!.: The final amount of this subsidy will dopend on the number of countries participating • Students can enjoy a one day free cultural trip Thank you for listening Q&A 7
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